Sample Grant Agreement
Adult Education & Vocational Schools
Zero-Emission Vehicle Technology
Training Project
[Project Name]
[Grantee Name]
Mobile Source Control Division
California Air Resources Board
August 2023
Grant Number: #######
This Sample Grant Agreement is provided as an illustration of terms that have been
historically included in Grant Agreements and is subject to change at CARB’s sole
Table of Contents
EXHIBIT A ............................................................................................................ 2
A. AGREEMENT ....................................................................................................... 2
B. GRANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... 2
C. GRANT SUMMARY AND AMENDMENTS .......................................................... 5
D. GRANT PARTIES AND CONTACT INFORMATION ........................................... 5
E. TERM; TERMINATION; AMENDMENTS ............................................................. 5
F. DUTIES AND REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 9
G. GRANT AMOUNT ............................................................................................. 10
H. FISCAL ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................. 10
I. PROJECT MONITORING AND MEETINGS ........................................................ 17
K. OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITY ............................................................... 23
L. PROJECT RECORDS .......................................................................................... 23
M. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY .............................................................................. 25
N. GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 26
EXHIBIT B .......................................................................................................... 51
WORK STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 51
Attachment I Budget Summary ........................................................................... 52
Attachment II Statement of Work ....................................................................... 53
Attachment III Timeline, Deliverables, and Budget Details ................................ 54
Attachment IV Key Project Personnel ................................................................. 55
EXHIBIT C .......................................................................................................... 56
EXHIBIT D .......................................................................................................... 57
EXHIBIT E .......................................................................................................... 58
Grant Agreement:
[This is a sample Grant Agreement. An actual Grant Agreement will align with a
project’s scope, timeline, budget, and other project-specific details. Note, however,
that much of the language in a Grant Agreement is not subject to change and not
negotiable, including but not limited to the language in Sections K. Oversight and
Accountability, L. Project Records, and N. General Provisions.]
This Grant Agreement (“Grant”, “Grant Agreement” or “Exhibit A”) is entered into by
and between the State of California acting by and through the California Air Resources
Board (hereinafter referred to as CARB”, the “Grantor”, the “State” or the “Board”)
and the [______] (hereinafter referred to as the “Grantee”). Grantor and Grantee are
each a “Party” and together the “Parties” to this Grant Agreement. The Parties agree
as follows:
The Parties agree to comply with the requirements and conditions herein as well as
all commitments identified in the Work Statement (Exhibit B), Grantee Application
Package (Appendix A) and the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 Grant Solicitation for the
Adult Education & Vocational School Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Technology
Training Project (Project).
Where applicable, the Grantee agrees to acknowledge the California Climate
Investments program and CARB as a funding source for the Project, as outlined in
the California Climate Investments (CCI) Messaging and Communications Guide.
Below are specific requirements for acknowledgement.
The Grantee agrees to include the California Climate Investments funding
boilerplate language and California Climate Investments and CARB logos on all
outreach and public facing materials whenever projects funded, in whole or in part
by this Agreement, are publicized in any news media, websites, brochures,
publications, audiovisuals, or other types of promotional material. Guidelines for
the usage of the California Climate Investments logo can be found at
The acknowledgement must read as follows: [PROJECT NAME] is part of California
California Climate Investments Communications Guide
Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade
dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy,
and improving public health and the environment particularly in disadvantaged
communities. And when applicable, the Spanish translation acknowledgement
must read as follows: ‘[NOMBRE DEL PROYECTO] forma parte de las Inversiones
del Clima de California, un iniciativa estatal que destina miles de millones de
dólares de Cap-and-Trade para la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero,
fortalecimiento de la economia y mejoramiento de la salud publica y el medio
ambiente especialmente en comunidades en desventaja.
The California Climate Investments logo and name serves to bring under a single
brand the many investments whose funding comes from the Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Fund (GGRF). The logo represents a consolidated and coordinated
initiative by the State to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gases,
while also investing in disadvantaged communities and achieving many other co-
The Grantee agrees to adhere to the Board’s logo usage requirements in a manner
directed by CARB. CARB logos shall be provided to the Grantee by CARB Project
Liaison. The CARB logo is a visual representation of our air environment. The arcs
represent: the different elements that make up the air we breathe, the protection
of our atmosphere and the efforts we take to protect the health of Californians, the
collaboration of multiple stakeholders all moving in the same direction together,
and innovation with the arcs all growing and changing.
Finally, when preparing flyers, brochures, or other handout material that will be
used to promote the Project as one of CARB’s Low Carbon Transportation
Investment projects, the Grantee will incorporate Moving California typeset and
branding, as appropriate. Moving California is the branding of CARB’s suite of Low
Carbon Transportation Investment projects, including both light- and heavy-duty
projects. The Moving California typeset is displayed below and branding materials
will be provided by the CARB Project Manager.
Project Title:
Authorized Official:
Project Description:
Total Grant Amount: $
Total Resource Contribution: $
1. The CARB Project Manager is _______________. Correspondence regarding this
project shall be directed to:
[CARB Staff]
Project Manager
Mobile Source Control Division
California Air Resources Board
1001 I Street
Sacramento, California 95814
2. The Grantee Liaison is ______________. Correspondence regarding this project
shall be directed to:
3. If the CARB Project Manager identified above changes, CARB will notify the
Grantee Liaison of said change and provide the new contact information. If the
Grantee Liaison identified above changes, the Grantee will notify the CARB
Project Manager of said change and provide the new contact information.
1. Term. The term of this Grant Agreement (“Term”) commences the date this
Grant Agreement is executed by authorized representatives of both Parties
(the “Effective Date”) and terminates on [DATE], unless terminated or
cancelled sooner per the terms of this Grant Agreement. Grantee’s
performance of work or other expenses billable to CARB under this Grant may
not commence until after full execution of this Grant by authorized
representatives of both Parties.
2. Project Deemed Complete. Upon completion of the Project, the Grantee
shall submit a draft final Status Report to the CARB Project Liaison no later
than [DATE] pursuant to Section J, Reporting & Documenting Expenditure of
State Funds, of this Grant Agreement. Grantee’s performance shall be
deemed complete on the date CARB approves the final Status Report. A final
request for payment and final Status Report must be received by CARB no
later than [DATE] (See Section H, Fiscal Administration, of this Grant
Agreement for additional details).
3. Termination
i. Termination Without Cause by Grantor. This Grant Agreement may
be terminated at any time for any or no reason by Grantor upon
providing thirty (30) days advance written notice.
ii. Termination for Cause by Grantee. Upon providing ninety (90) days
advance written notice to Grantor, this Grant Agreement may be
terminated by Grantee if Grantor has breached a material provision of
the Grant Agreement.
iii. Termination for Cause by Grantor. This Grant Agreement may be
terminated by CARB without advance notice at any time if CARB has
determined, in its sole discretion, that the Grantee, or any of the
Grantee partners, consultants, contractors, subcontractors,
employees, representatives, agents, officers, or affiliates have
breached any of the terms or conditions of this Grant Agreement or
has violated or are in violation of any of his, her, their, its respective
obligations or responsibilities under this Grant Agreement or any
other agreement where CARB is an intended third party beneficiary.
1) Non-performance (Breach) Provisions. The Grantee agrees that
the following is a non-exhaustive list of the circumstances that
constitute non-performance (breach) under this Grant. These
circumstances will be solely determined by CARB and include, but
are not limited to:
a) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of the Grant,
including Exhibits.
b) Failure to obligate or expend Grant Funds within established
timelines, or failure to show timely interim progress to meet
these timelines.
c) Insufficient performance or widespread deficiencies with Grant
Fund or Project oversight, enforcement, recordkeeping,
contracting, inspections, or any other duties.
d) Misuse of Grant Funds.
e) Funding of ineligible activities or other items.
f) Exceeding the allowable Grant Fund or Administrative Fee
g) Insufficient, incomplete, or faulty documentation.
h) Failure to provide required documentation or reports
requested from CARB, or other State agencies, in a timely
i) Poor performance as determined by a review or fiscal audit.
2) Additional Remedies. In addition to any other requirements and
remedies set out elsewhere in this Grant Agreement, upon
request by CARB, the Grantee will also perform as follows:
a) Within fourteen days of any request, timely develop and
implement a corrective action plan.
b) Immediately cease all work and spending, and notify all
contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and employees to
immediately cease all work and spending.
iv. Upon termination of this Grant Agreement or upon issuance of the
termination notice (whichever occurs sooner) by either Party, the
Grantee shall immediately turn over all remaining Grant Funds in its
possession or control and all records, personally identifiable
information (“PII”), intellectual property, documents, information and
data relating to performance, accounting, administration, contracting
and management of the Grant Funds, the Project and the Program, as
well as any other materials requested by CARB or as otherwise
required by any of the provisions of this Grant.
v. CARB, at its sole discretion, may elect to have any or all the funding,
documentation, intellectual property and other property transferred
to another CARB-selected third-party administrator or designee.
vi. Unless otherwise directed in writing by CARB, upon termination of
this Grant Agreement or upon issuance of the termination notice
(whichever occurs sooner) by either Party, Grantee shall immediately
cease all work, and cease all expenditure of Grant Funds and
Administrative Fees.
vii. Unless otherwise directed in writing by CARB, upon termination of
this Grant Agreement or upon issuance of the termination notice
(whichever occurs sooner), the Grantee shall submit a final Grant
Disbursement Request Form and a final Status Report covering
activities up to and including the termination date. The final Status
Report shall be subject to review and approval by CARB before any
final payments are disbursed. Upon receipt of the Grant
Disbursement Request Form, and final Status Report, and once all
intellectual property and requested data, information and property
have been transferred and assigned to CARB, CARB, at its sole
discretion, may make a final payment to the Grantee. This payment
shall be for all CARB-approved, actually incurred costs that in the
opinion of CARB are justified. However, the total amount paid shall
not exceed the total authorized amount for the Administrative Fee
and, where payments are being requested, then no payment shall
exceed the total authorized amount for the Grant Funds.
4. Contingency Provision. In the event this Grant Agreement is terminated for
whatever reason, the CARB Executive Officer or designee reserves the right in
his or her sole discretion to use or make the Grant Funds available in a manner
consistent with applicable laws, policies and the applicable Funding Plan(s),
which may include but is not limited to allocating the Grant Funds to other
projects or awarding the Grant to the next highest scored applicant and if an
agreement cannot be reached, to the next applicant(s) until an agreement is
5. CEQA. CARB retains full discretion to consider all available information relating
to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance before determining
whether to proceed with funding or authorization of any work under this Grant
Agreement. No work may be initiated by the Grantee, nor will any funding be
disbursed by CARB, until CARB has affirmatively notified the Grantee in writing
that this CEQA condition has been satisfied. If CARB decides not to proceed
with this Grant Agreement, the Grant Agreement will be terminated
immediately by CARB upon written notice to the Grantee.
6. Amendments. This Grant Agreement may only be amended by a written
amendment to this Grant Agreement which has been fully executed by
authorized representatives of both Parties.
7. Liquidated Damages. Grantee understands, acknowledges and agrees that
failure to comply in whole or in part with Exhibit B (Work Statement), with this
Grant Agreement or with applicable federal, state and local air quality rules,
regulations and laws, is, in each instance, a material breach of the Grant
Agreement and such breach will result in undue hardship and damages to the
State of California some or all of which is impossible to easily calculate. Grantee
understands, acknowledges, and agrees that Grantee’s said compliance is a
precondition to the award and distribution of Grant Funds (including
Administrative Fees) and a continuing obligation of Grantee during the Term of
the Grant Agreement and for the consecutive three (3) years following
expiration, cancellation or termination of the Grant Agreement, whichever
occurs later. If CARB determines, within its sole and absolute discretion, that
Grantee is in breach or has breached this Grant Agreement, then Grantee,
within 30 days from issuance of notice, upon demand, shall pay CARB, as
liquidated damages, the full amount of all Grant Funds previously paid to
Grantee to date. The Parties agree that quantifying the losses arising from
Grantee's breach is inherently difficult insofar as breach may cause Grantor
irreparable, serious, or substantial harm or damage to taxpayers or to the
environment. The Parties further stipulate that the agreed upon amount of
liquidated damages is not a penalty, but rather a reasonable measure of
damages based upon the Parties' experience and given the nature of the losses
that may result from said breach. The Parties hereto have computed, estimated,
and agreed upon the sum as an attempt to make a reasonable forecast of
probable actual loss because of the difficulty of estimating with exactness the
damages which will result. This provision shall apply even if there is a concurrent
noncompliance or violation of air quality rules, regulations or laws caused by
any third party.
8. The CARB Executive Officer retains the authority to terminate, or reduce the
grant amount of, this Grant Agreement for nonperformance. In the event of
such termination or reduction of the grant amount, Section H, Fiscal
Administration, 6. Suspension of Payments, of this Grant Agreement shall apply.
This section defines the respective duties and requirements of CARB and the
Grantee in implementing the Grant.
1. CARB’s Role
CARB is responsible for the following:
a. Reviewing and approving Grantee’s project plan and project schedule
b. Providing program oversight and accountability (in conjunction with the
c. Participating in regular meetings with the Grantee to discuss program
refinements and guide program implementation
d. Reviewing and approving or denying and returning all Grant Disbursement
Request Forms (MSCD/ISB-90)
e. Reviewing and approving Grantee’s Outreach and Awareness Plan, including
but not limited to:
i. Grantees proposed strategies of engagement; and
ii. Education and outreach materials provided by the Grantee, such as
outreach and education activities, timelines, materials, webpages,
participant surveys, etc.
f. Reviewing and approving or denying and returning Grantee’s data collection
plans, including but not limited to:
i. Project reporting
ii. Surveys and data collection
iii. Semi-annual CCI reports (June and December)
g. Reviewing and approving or denying and returning Grantee’s Quarterly
Status Reports
h. Reviewing and approving or denying and returning Grantee’s Final Project
2. The Grantee’s Tasks
The Grantee’s key project personnel will administer the various tasks of the project
a. Development and implementation of project plans and schedule
b. Participation in meetings with CARB staff
c. Development of Outreach and Awareness Plan
d. Development and implementation of data collection plans, project
reporting, and completing semi-annual CCI reporting requirements (June
and December)
e. Financial tracking and submitting disbursements requests
f. Responding to CARB and public requests in a timely manner
The Grantee’s responsibilities include all project development and implementation,
project administration, outreach and awareness, and project reporting. The Work
Statement (Exhibit B) contains the budget summary, task summary and detailed
task list, task and disbursement schedule, and list of project leads.
1. The total Grant fund amount (“Grant Funds”) is set out in the Grant Cover
Sheet to which this Exhibit A (Grant Agreement) is attached. The Grant Funds
are also set out in Exhibit B (Attachment I - Budget Summary).
2. The administration of Grant Funds is set out in Section H, Fiscal Administration.
1. Budget
a. The maximum amount of this Grant is $___________. Under no circumstance
will CARB reimburse the Grantee for more than this amount. A formal Grant
Agreement amendment is required whenever there is a change to the
amount of this grant.
b. The budget for this program is shown in Exhibit B, Attachment IBudget
Summary. Grant Disbursement Requests (Form MSCD/ISB-90) for funds shall
not exceed the grant amount.
c. No grant funds may be used to purchase equipment or computers that
would be required to be returned to the State at the completion of the
d. Under no circumstance will CARB reimburse a Grantee for vehicles or
equipment that exceeds the purchase price.
e. Line item shifts are not anticipated under this program. However, shifts of
up to 10 percent of the grant total may be made over the life of the grant,
subject to prior written approval from CARB. Line item shifts greater than 10
percent require a formal amendment to the grant. Line item shifts may be
proposed by either CARB or the Grantee and must not increase or decrease
the total grant amount. All line item shifts must be approved in writing by
CARB within 10 business days of approval for inclusion in the grant folder. If
the grant is formally amended, all line item shifts must be included in the
f. Funds not liquidated by the end of the grant term must be returned within
[number of days] of the end of the grant term. Expenditure of funds granted
may not be reduced due to any loss incurred in an insured bank or
investment account.
2. Eligible Project Costs
Allowable expenditures for costs associated with the grant are defined in Appendix
A, Application, Attachment 3: Proposed Budget.
3. Resource and In-Kind Contributions
Resource and in-kind contributions from the Grantee can be used to increase the
effectiveness and timeliness of the Project. Resource and in-kind contributions must
meet the following documentation criteria:
a. Documentation of resource and in-kind contributions must be retained for a
minimum of three years after the grant term has ended.
b. Funds expended on resource contributions must be documented in the
Project Final Report to CARB.
In-kind contributions are further defined in Appendix A, Application, Attachment 3:
Proposed Budget.
4. Advance Payment
Consistent with the Legislature’s direction to expeditiously disburse grants, and
pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 39603.1, CARB in its sole discretion
may provide advance payments of grant awards in a timely manner to support
program initiation and implementation with a focus on mitigating the constraints of
modest reserves and potential cash flow problems.
Grantee acknowledges that CARB has finalized Advance Payment regulations
effective January 1, 2021. Grantee agrees that this Agreement and all advance
payment requests will comply with Health and Safety Code Section 39603.1 and
these regulations, which can be found at: 17 California Code of Regulations
(C.C.R.) Sections 91040-91044.
CARB may provide advance payments to grantees of a grant program or project if
CARB determines all the following:
a. The advance payments are necessary to meet the purposes of the grant
b. The use of the advance funds is adequately regulated by grant or budgetary
c. The request for proposals contain the terms and conditions under which an
advance payment may be received consistent with this section.
d. The Grantee is either a small air district or the Grantee meets all the
following criteria:
i. Has no outstanding financial audit findings related to any of the moneys
eligible for advance payment and is in good standing with the Franchise
Tax Board and Internal Revenue Service
ii. Agrees to revert all unused moneys to CARB if they are not liquidated
within the timeline specified in the Grant Agreement
iii. Submits a spending plan to CARB for review prior to receiving the
advance payment
iv. The spending plan shall include project schedules, timelines, milestones,
and the Grantee’s fund balance for all State grant programs
v. CARB shall consider the available fund balance when determining the
amount of the advance payment
vi. Reports to CARB any material changes to the spending plan within 30
vii. Agrees to not provide advance payment to any other entity
e. In the event of the nonperformance of the Grantee, CARB shall require the
full recovery of, and Grantee agrees to return all the unspent moneys. A
Grantee shall provide a money transfer confirmation within 45 days upon the
receipt of a notice from CARB.
f. The Grantee must complete and submit to CARB for review and approval an
Advance Payment Request Form, along with each grant disbursement that is
requesting advance payment. The Advance Payment Request Form shall be
provided by CARB to the Grantee after the grant execution.
g. Grantee must also submit a certification to CARB pursuant to 17 C.C.R.
Section 91043 for each advance payment request.
h. CARB may provide an advance of the direct project costs of the grant if the
program has moderate reserves and potential cash flow issues. Advance
payments will not exceed the Grantee’s interim cash needs.
i. The Grantee assumes legal and financial risk of the advance payment.
j. The Grantee shall place funds advanced under this section in an interest-
bearing account. The Grantee shall track interest accrued on the advance
payment. Interest earned on the advance payment shall only be used for
eligible grant-related expenses as outlined in the Exhibit A or will be
returned to CARB.
k. Grantee shall report to CARB the value of any unused balance of the
advance payment and interest earned and submit quarterly fiscal accounting
reports consistent with Section J, Reporting & Documenting Expenditure of
State Funds, of this Grant Agreement.
l. The Grantee shall remit to CARB any unused portion of the advance
payment and interest earned within 90 days following the end date of this
Grant Agreement term on [Date] or the reversion date of the appropriation,
whichever comes first. If the Grant Agreement is terminated early for any
reason, Grantee shall remit any unused portion of the advance payment and
interest earned within 90 days of the termination date.
5. Grant Disbursements
With each disbursement request, the Grantee must provide documentation as
required in this section:
a. Requests for payment shall be made with the Grant Disbursement Request
Form (MSCD/ISB-90) and conform to the instructions identified in Section H,
Fiscal Administration and Section J, Reporting & Documenting Expenditure
of State Funds, of this Grant Agreement. Grant payments shall be made only
for reasonable costs incurred by the Grantee and only when the Grantee has
submitted a Grant Disbursement Request Form; has completed milestones
stipulated in Exhibit B, Attachment II - Statement of Work; the requirements
specified herein, including Section F, Duties and Requirements, Section H,
Fiscal Administration, Section I, Project Monitoring and Meetings, and
Section J, Reporting & Documenting Expenditure of State Funds, of this
Grant Agreement have been accomplished; documentation of
accomplishment has been provided to CARB in the form of the Status
Report; and any associated deliverables (if applicable) have been provided
to CARB. CARB will have sole discretion to accelerate the timeline for
allowable disbursements of funds identified in Exhibit B, Attachment II -
Statement of Work and Attachment III - Timeline, Deliverables, and Budget
Details (with the exception of the final disbursement of funds), necessary to
assure the goals of the program are met.
b. Grant payments are subject to CARB’s advance written approval of Status
Reports and any accompanying deliverables (see Section F, Duties and
Requirements, Section H, Fiscal Administration, Section I, Project Monitoring
and Meetings, and Section J Reporting & Documenting Expenditure of State
Funds, of this Grant Agreement). A payment will not be made if the CARB
Project Manager deems that a milestone has not been accomplished or
documented; that a deliverable that must meet specifications has not been
provided; that claimed expenses are not documented, not valid per the
budget, or not reasonable; or that the Grantee has not met other terms of
the grant.
c. Grantees cannot request project funds in advance of performing the work or
incurring the cost.
d. CARB will provide approval or disapproval of a Grant Disbursement
Request. No reimbursement will be made for expenses that, in the judgment
of CARB, are not reasonable or do not comply with the Grant Agreement.
e. The Grantee shall submit Grant Disbursement Requests to CARB Accounting
Section at: [email protected] with a CC to the CARB Project
Manager. The Grantee may submit this electronically, based on CARB’s
current electronic submission guidance at the time of request. Requests for
payment must be made with the Grant Disbursement Request Form and
contain all documentation required with the form.
f. CARB will withhold payment of up to 10 percent of the grant funds until
completion of the Final Report, intellectual property has been relinquished
to CARB in accordance with Section M, Intellectual Property, of these
provisions, CARB has received and approved the Grantee’s mechanism for
receiving annual activity reports and submission of the Final Report to CARB
by the Grantee. It is the Grantee’s responsibility to submit a Grant
Disbursement Request for this final disbursement of funds.
g. The Grantee will pay out CARB funds to other recipients (including
Subgrantees and subcontractors) on a reimbursement basis only.
h. Prior to submitting to the Accounts Payable Unit, the Grantee will submit
disbursement requests to the CARB Project Manager to allow for a pre-
review of the request. The Grantee agrees to modify, adjust, or provide
supporting documentation justifying disbursement requests, as identified by
the CARB Project Manager, or as needed.
6. Suspension of Payments
a. CARB reserves the right to issue a grant suspension order in the event that a
dispute should arise. The grant suspension order will be in effect until the
dispute has been resolved or the grant has been terminated. If the Grantee
chooses to continue work on the project after receiving a grant suspension
order, the Grantee will not be reimbursed for any expenditure incurred
during the suspension in the event CARB terminates the grant. If CARB
rescinds the suspension order and does not terminate the grant, CARB will
reimburse the Grantee for any expenses incurred during the suspension that
are reimbursable in accordance with the terms of the grant.
7. Contingency Provision
In the event this grant is terminated for any reason, the CARB Executive Officer or
designee reserves the right in his or her sole discretion to award a grant to the next
highest scored Applicant and if an agreement cannot be reached, to the next
Applicant(s) until an agreement is reached. If CARB is unable to award a grant
under these circumstances, CARB may award a grant in a manner consistent with
direction provided in the FY 2021-2022 Funding Plan for the Project.
Funding Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
8. Documentation of Expenditure of State Funds
a. Per the terms and conditions of this Grant as set out herein above and
below, the Grantee must provide CARB with documentation accounting for
the proper expenditure of Grant Funds. The documentation must be
provided upon CARB request, and in Status Reports, including in a final
Status Report submitted at the completion of the Project prior to the
Grantee receiving the disbursement of funding.
b. Personnel documentation must make use of timesheets or other labor
tracking software. Duty statements or other documentation may also be
used to verify the number of staff and actual hours or percent of time staff
devoted to the Project implementation and outreach.
c. Fees for external consultants must be documented with copies of the
consultant contract and invoices. All external consultant fees must be pre-
approved by CARB. Fees included in the budget as a part of the Grantee
Proposal Package (Exhibit C, Grantee Proposal Package) are considered pre-
approved by CARB.
d. Printing, mailing, records retention, and travel expenses must be
documented with receipts or invoices.
e. Any reimbursement for necessary supporting project costs need receipts or
f. Any reimbursement for necessary travel and per diem shall be at rates not to
exceed those amounts set by the California Department of Human
Resources (CalHR). No travel outside the State of California shall be
reimbursed unless prior written authorization is obtained from CARB. The
CalHR travel and per diem reimbursement amounts may be found online at:
Reimbursement will be at the State travel and per diem amounts that are
current as of the date costs are incurred by the Grantee.
g. The above documentation, records, and referenced materials must be made
available for review during monitoring visits and audits by CARB, or its
designee. These records must be retained for a minimum of three years after
submittal of the final Project grant disbursement request to CARB.
h. The above documentation must be provided to CARB in Quarterly Status
Reports and a Final Report.
9. Earned Interest
“Earned interest” means any interest generated from State funds provided to the
Grantee and held in an interest-bearing account.
a. Interest earned by the Grantee on Project funds must be reported to CARB.
All interest income on Project funds must be expended on eligible program
costs or returned to CARB. The Grantee is responsible for reporting to
CARB on all interest earned and reinvested into the Project or returned.
b. All interest income on advance payment at CARB’s discretion must be
reinvested into the program or returned to CARB. Interest earned that is
reinvested in the program is not included as part of the Total Grant Amount
from CARB. Grantee is responsible for reporting to CARB all project
expenditures funded with interest earned on advanced funds or returned.
c. The Grantee must maintain accounting records (e.g., general ledger) that
track interest earned and expended on Project funds, as follows:
i. The calculation of interest must be based on average daily balance or
some other reasonable and demonstrable method of allocating the
proceeds from the interest-generating account back into the program.
ii. The methodology for tracking earned interest must ensure that it is
separately identifiable from interest earned on non-Project funds.
iii. The methodology for calculating earned interest must be consistent with
how it is calculated for the Grantee’s other fiscal programs.
iv. Earned interest must be fully expended by March 31, 2026, or returned
to CARB.
d. Documentation of interest earned on Project funds must be retained for a
minimum of three years after it is generated. Documentation of interest
expended on the Project must be retained for a minimum of three years
after the funds have been reinvested into the project.
e. The above documentation must be provided to CARB in Quarterly Status
Reports and the Final Report.
1. Technical Monitoring
a. Any changes in the scope or schedule for the program shall require the prior
written approval of the CARB Project Manager and may require a written Grant
Agreement amendment.
b. The Grantee shall notify the CARB Project Manager in writing immediately if
any circumstances arise (technical, economic, or otherwise), which might place
completion of the project in jeopardy. The Grantee shall also make such
notification if there is a change in key project personnel (see Exhibit B,
Attachment IV - Key Project Personnel).
c. In addition to Quarterly Status Reports in Section J, Reporting & Documenting
Expenditure of State Funds, the Grantee shall provide information requested by
the CARB Project Manager that is needed to assess progress in completing
tasks and meeting the objectives of the program.
d. Any change in budget allocations, re-definition of deliverables, or extension of
the program schedule must be requested in writing to the CARB Project
Manager and approved by CARB, in its sole discretion, and may require a Grant
Agreement amendment.
2. Meetings
a. Kick-Off Meeting: A project kick-off meeting will be held between key Grantee
personnel and the CARB Project Manager before work on the program begins.
The purpose of the kick-off meeting is to discuss the Grantee’s overall approach
to the project, details about performing essential tasks, project schedule and
milestones, ongoing project team coordination and process, and any issues that
may need to be resolved prior to beginning work.
b. Monthly Meetings: After the kick-off meeting with CARB, monthly meetings will
be required to discuss project progress and challenges related to the project’s
implementation, project tasks, milestones and deadlines, and outreach
programs, etc. Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary at the sole
discretion of the CARB Project Manager. Such meetings may be conducted by
videoconference, if deemed appropriate by the CARB Project Manager. The
Grantee is responsible for developing the agenda in collaboration with the
CARB Project Manager, and for facilitating the meetings. Monthly meeting
agendas should include a brief restatement of the tasks to be discussed and a
report on the status of each, including a discussion if the project is progressing
according to schedule.
c. Site Visits: If applicable, site visits shall be established by CARB Project
Manager during the term of this grant.
The Grantee must collect and provide CARB with qualitative and quantitative data
and documentation that tracks the project’s progress of tasks and performance,
documentation accounting for the proper expenditure of funds, biannual reporting
CCI project reporting, and a Final Report submitted prior to the Grantee receiving
their last disbursement of project funds.
1. Quarterly Status Reports
a. The Grantee shall submit Quarterly Status Reports at minimum at the end of
every third month (August, November, February, and May), starting with the
first report submitted on [Date], but may be submitted more frequently, if
necessary, to justify more frequent disbursements with prior approval from
b. Quarterly Status Reports shall be provided using a CARB-developed
template for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)compliant Quarterly
Status Reports and should meet the requirements specified herein. The
Project and should be presented in monthly meetings occurring during the
project in a format compatible with CARB. CARB may specify an electronic
format for quarterly reporting. Each report must include all applicable items
from the template which may include:
i. Quarterly Status Report number, title of project, name of Grantee,
date of submission, and project grant number.
ii. Summary of work completed since the last Status Report, noting
progress toward completion of tasks identified in Exhibit B,
Attachment II - Statement of Work.
iii. Statement of work expected to be completed by the next Status
iv. Notification of problems encountered and an assessment of their
effects on the project’s outcomes.
v. Schedule of community engagement, outreach, and education
activities conducted, materials used, number of people contacted,
and number of participants, where applicable.
vi. Accounting records, including expenditure and income information,
and supporting documentation.
vii. Itemized invoices (invoices must include enough details to ensure that
only eligible costs are paid for) and any other appropriate
viii. Discussion of the project’s adherence to the project timeline.
ix. Data collected from participants since the last status report such as,
but not limited to, the information outlined below in Section 2,
Project Reporting. Data should be separated by reporting period but
should be collected and compiled in a way that facilitates reporting in
the Final Report.
x. Schedule of community engagement, outreach, and education
activities conducted, materials used, number of people contacted,
and number of participants, where applicable.
xi. Other data and analysis as mutually agreed upon between the
Grantee and CARB.
2. Project Reporting
Grantees shall collect and report to CARB project information about the
progress of the training and workforce program, program benefits, and
program participant information through Quarterly Status Reports, at a
minimum of every three months.
a. Program progress reporting shall include, but is not limited to:
· Census tracts of education and training(s), outreach, and partner
· Location of trainees/participants (low-income and/or disadvantaged
· Race/ethnicity of trainees/participants
· Number of trainees/participants in training program, and total hours of
training provided
· Number of trainees/participants completing training program (including
number of certifications received)
· Employment status, job titles, occupations, and salary wages of
· Level of trainee involvement in training and curriculum design
b. Program benefits reporting shall include, but is not limited to:
· Geographic distribution of workforce training, curriculum, and program
· Increased connections to ZEV technology employers and industries
· Number of job placements, including full- and part-time jobs, and paid
internships or apprenticeships
· Number of new full- and part-time jobs created and retained
· Development of new partnerships with local and regional workforce
entities, and economic/business development entities
· Connections between training and education programs and small,
women, minority, disadvantaged, and certified business employment or
support in priority communities
· Replication of concepts and program outcomes in other priority
· Community education events by type of event and attendance
· Direct address of community-specific workforce training and
development needs
c. Program participant reporting shall include, but is not limited to:
· Participant’s level of satisfaction in their preparation for ZEV industry jobs
and careers provided by the ZEV education and training program
· Participant’s current employment status (part- or full-time employment,
or unemployed)
· Participant’s level of satisfaction with services provided, including
increased access to potential economic opportunities. (For example:
improved outcomes over program expenses or investments, willingness
to recommend the program to others)
· Participant’s level of satisfaction with accessibility and ease of training
· Participant’s level of satisfaction with program workforce, career
development, and job placement support and opportunities
· Portal or other resources for existing trainees to provide their
experiences and feedback loops to ensure changes to programs are
made over time to best meet needs and boost new student recruitment
d. CCI Project Reporting
Accountability and transparency are essential elements for all CCI funded
projects. CCI reporting establishes public information requirements about
how specific CCI funds are investing GGRF appropriations and what benefits
are being achieved from the investments.
Grantees are responsible for collecting and submitting biannual CCI
reporting in coordination with the CARB Project Manager. The CARB Project
Manager will provide the Grantee the reporting templates necessary to
complete reporting requirements and submit biannual CCI project reports.
Grantees are required to submit reports in the format requested by CARB.
CCI reporting periods and deadlines:
· December 1
- May 31
; reporting due by June 30
· June 1
- November 30
; reporting due by December 31
Grantees are required to coordinate with the CARB Project Manager and
must submit required CCI reporting at a minimum of three (3) weeks before
June 30
and December 31
of each year through the term of the project,
or as requested by the CARB Project Manager.
3. Final Report
a. A draft Final Report is due to CARB within 90 days of project completion or
by December 31, 2025, whichever comes first. CARB will provide the
Grantee with a checklist or template for an ADA-compliant Final Report. The
draft Final Report must be submitted to CARB in a format agreed upon
between the CARB Project Manager and the Grantee. The Final Report must
meet the requirements specified herein.
b. The Grantee must provide a Final Report to CARB after all CARB funding
has been expended. The final report must be submitted within 90 days of
CARB receiving the draft Final Report or by March 31, 2026, whichever
comes first. The Final Report must include all applicable items from the
checklist or template, at a minimum:
i. Expenditures in detail to date and for the period between the last
Quarterly Status Report and the Final Report
ii. Overview of the project as a whole from inception through the end of
the grant term, including project and community background,
partnerships, and funding sources
iii. Table and narrative summary of all funded tasks
iv. Data collected from education and training programs, and participants
compiled from all Quarterly Status Reports and project data reports
v. Assessments of participant evaluations, including the results of any pre-
and post-surveys conducted
vi. Changes in participant knowledge and training of ZEV technologies and
pathways to jobs
vii. Description of community engagement and outreach efforts, including
materials used, schedule of events conducted, and an assessment of
effectiveness of the efforts
viii. Other co-benefits provided by the project as mutually agreed upon
between the Grantee and CARB
ix. Accounting records, including expenditure information, and supporting
documentation. Includes earned interest, if any, and how it was
expended or returned to CARB
x. Best practices and lessons learned, including suggestions for future
project considerations for wider scale implementation in other
xi. Implementation challenges and recommendations for potential program
xii. A consolidated list of subcontractors funded in whole or in part by the
Grantee, in-kind contributions, and partnerships. Include the name,
address, concise statement of work done, period, and value of each
xiii. Other data and analysis as mutually agreed upon between the Grantee
the CARB
1. The Grantee shall comply with all oversight responsibilities.
2. CARB or its designee may recoup grant funds that were received by the
Grantee based upon the Grantee’s misinformation or fraud, or which were
received by the Grantee while the Grantee was in non-compliance with the
terms of this Grant or State law. CARB also reserves the right to prohibit any
entity from participating in the program due to non-compliance with program
requirements or State law.
3. Grantee shall, for each occurrence, document and immediately report to CARB
any and all suspected or known substandard work; suspected or actual breach
of agreement, fraud, misrepresentations or abuse of funds; suspected or known
violations of any Grant terms or conditions, and all misrepresentations and fraud
carried out by any third parties including but not limited to Grantee’s
contractors, subcontractors, consultants, employees, agents, affiliates, officers,
directors or representatives. Grantee shall fully cooperate and work with CARB
to investigate, resolve and take appropriate action to enforce the terms and
conditions of this Grant Agreement, including appropriately prosecuting or
litigating any civil or criminal claims as determined necessary by CARB or its
As further described below, project records include but are not limited to Grantee,
financial, and participant records. All project records must be retained for a period
of three (3) years after final payment under this grant. All project records are
subject to audit pursuant to Section N, General Provisions, of this Grant
Agreement. Upon completion of the third year of record retention, the Grantee
shall submit all project records to CARB
. Hardcopy or electronic records are
Acceptable forms of electronic media include hard drives, CDs, and DVDs.
Other forms of electronic media may be allowed based on prior written approval
from CARB.
1. Grantee Records
The Grantee shall retain a project file containing:
a. Original executed copy of the Grant Agreement and Grant Agreement
Amendments (if applicable)
b. Copy of the Project Plan and all its parts
c. Copies of Grant Disbursement Request Forms, associated attachments, and
other expenditure tracking including timesheets
d. Copies of Status Reports
e. Copies of annual data reports
f. Documentation of earned interest generation and expenditure (see Section
H, Fiscal Administration)
g. Invoices from project participants for reimbursable items
h. All other information that documents all aspects of the project
2. Financial Records
Without limitation of the requirement to maintain program accounts in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, the Grantee must:
a. Establish an official file for the project, which shall adequately document all
significant actions relative to the project
b. Establish separate accounts which will adequately and accurately depict all
amounts received and expended on the project
c. Establish separate accounts which will adequately and accurately depict all
income received which is attributable to the project including cash and in-
kind donations, if any
d. Establish an accounting system which will adequately depict final total costs
of the project, including grant implementation costs
3. Project Participant Records
The Grantee is required to establish and maintain participant records, which must
include, at minimum:
a. Project participant proposals (denied, approved, and removed)
b. Initial participant surveys and survey updates
c. Unique identifier that links each project to its corresponding project and
associated cost
d. Documentation of any deviations from the normal processing of projects
(examples include enforcement action, CARB case-by-case approvals)
1. Any webpage(s), software, databases, project data, or other intellectual
property developed, licensed or purchased by the Grantee with any Grant
Funds (including any Administrative Fees) shall be transferred and permanently
assigned to CARB or, at CARB’s sole discretion, to a new third party
administrator/grantee selected by CARB if the Grant Agreement is terminated,
cancelled or expires, or if Grantee is replaced by a different grantee to manage
the Project. It will be the Grantee’s responsibility to immediately turn over this
property and information to CARB no later than 10 business days prior to the
termination, cancellation, or expiration of this Grant Agreement (whichever is
sooner) and provide all reasonable and necessary assistance needed to ensure a
smooth transition in accordance with the Project Transition Plan.
2. Where applicable, the Grantee agrees to acknowledge the California Climate
Investments Program and California Air Resources Board (CARB) as a funding
source for the Project.
i. The California Climate Investments logo and name serves to bring
under a single brand the many investments whose funding comes from
the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). The logo represents a
consolidated and coordinated initiative by the State of California to
address climate change by reducing greenhouse gases, while also
investing in disadvantaged communities and achieving many other co-
ii. Grantee shall acknowledge the California Air Resources Board as a
funding source for the Project when publicized in any news media,
websites, applications, brochures, publications, audiovisuals, or other
types of promotional material. The Grantee shall adhere to the Board’s
logo usage requirements in a manner directed by CARB. CARB logos
and any additional required materials shall be provided to the Grantee
by CARB staff.
iii. The Grantee shall acknowledge the California Climate Investments
Program as a funding source from CARB’s Low Carbon Transportation
Program whenever projects funded, in whole or in part by this
Agreement, are publicized in any news media, websites, brochures,
publications, audiovisuals, or other types of promotional material. The
acknowledgement must read as follows: “This Project is part of California
Climate Investments, a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-
Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening
the economy, and improving public health and the environment
particularly in disadvantaged communities.” Guidelines for the usage of
the CCI logo are incorporated by reference and may be changed at
CARB’s discretion at any time. A copy of the Guidelines applicable to this
Grant Agreement can be found at
1. Total Agreement; Entirety. This Grant Agreement constitutes the entire
agreement and understanding between the Parties and supersedes and
replaces any and all prior negotiations and agreements of any kind, whether
written or oral, between the Parties concerning this Grant Agreement.
2. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Language. Grantee must ensure that all
products and services submitted to, uploaded, or otherwise provided to or
funded by CARB or made available to the public by the Grantee and/or its
contractors, subcontractors, including but not limited to data, software, plans,
drawings, specifications, reports, operating manuals, notes and other written or
graphic work prepared in the course of performance of this Grant Agreement,
including Status Reports (collectively, the “Work”), comply with Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, levels A and AA, and otherwise meet the
accessibility requirements set forth in California Government Code Sections
7405 and 11135, Section 202 of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act
(42 U.S.C. § 12132), and Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act (29
U.S.C. § 794d) and the regulations promulgated thereunder (36 C.F.R. Parts
1193 and 1194) (collectively, the “Accessibility Requirements”). For any Work
provided to CARB or the public in PDF format, Grantee, along with its
contractors, and subcontractors, shall also provide an electronic version in the
original electronic format (for example, Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign).
CARB may request from the Grantee documentation of compliance with the
requirements described above and may perform testing to verify compliance.
Grantee agrees to respond to and resolve any complaint brought to its
attention regarding accessibility of materials provided under this Grant
i. Grantee must bring into compliance, at no cost to CARB, any Work
by Grantee, or its contractors, subcontractors, and subgrantees, not
meeting the Accessibility Requirements. If Grantee fails to bring the
Work into compliance with the Accessibility Requirements within five
(5) business days of issuance of written notice from CARB, or within
the time frame specified by CARB in its written notice, then Grantee
will be responsible for all costs incurred by CARB in bringing the
Work into compliance with the Accessibility Requirements. Grantee
agrees to respond to and resolve any complaint brought to its
attention regarding accessibility of deliverables provided under this
Grant Agreement for a period of one year following delivery of the
final deliverable under this Grant Agreement.
ii. Deviations from the Accessibility Requirements are permitted only by
advance written consent by CARB in each instance.
3. No Assignment. This Grant Agreement is not assignable, in whole or in part, by
the Grantee without the advance written consent of CARB in the form of a
formal written amendment signed by authorized representatives of both
4. Audit. Grantee agrees that CARB, the California Department of General
Services, California Department of Finance, the California State Auditor, the
California Bureau of State Audits, and any of their respective designated
representatives shall have the right to review and copy any records and
supporting documentation pertaining to the performance of this Grant
Agreement and all Grant Funds received or expended. Grantee agrees to
maintain such records for a possible audit for a minimum of five (5) years from
the date of termination, cancellation, or expiration of this Grant Agreement or
for 5 years after a funded incentive activity has concluded whichever is later.
The Parties may stipulate a longer records retention period. Grantee agrees to
allow such CARB and other state designated representatives (including
auditors) access to such records during normal business hours, and to allow
interviews of any and all employees, representatives, agents, officers,
consultants, contractors and subcontractors of Grantee who might reasonably
have information related to such records. Furthermore, Grantee agrees to
include in all agreements, contracts and subcontracts, language identical to or
similar to this paragraph to ensure CARB has the ability and right to audit
records and conduct interviews of any and all contractors, consultants and
subcontractors in relation to performance or use of the Grant Funds under this
Grant Agreement.
5. Availability of funds. Grantee acknowledges, agrees, and understands that
Grantor’s obligations under this Grant Agreement are contingent upon the
availability of funds. In the event funds are not available, Grantor shall have no
obligation and no liability to pay any funds whatsoever to the Grantee or to
furnish any other consideration under this Grant Agreement or for any other
6. Compliance with Law. The Grantee agrees that it will, at all times, comply
with, and require its employees, agents, representatives, officers, consultants,
contractors, and subcontractors to comply with, all applicable federal, state,
and local laws, rules, guidelines, regulations, and requirements during the Term.
7. Conflict of Interest. Conflict of Interest. Government Code Section 87104
prohibits public officials of CARB, which includes any member, officer,
employee, or consultant of a CARB advisory body, from making a formal or
informal appearance before, or oral or written communication to CARB for the
purpose of influencing a decision by CARB on a grant or other entitlement for
use, such as a contract, loan, license, or permit. Prohibited communications
include grant applications, letters, emails, phone calls, meetings, or any other
form of oral or written communication within or outside of a public committee
meeting with CARB, or CARB staff, for the purpose of influencing a CARB
decision on an application for funding submitted to CARB. A knowing or willful
violation of this section may result in a member being guilty of a misdemeanor
and fined up to the greater of $10,000 or three times the amount of an amount
unlawfully received. If a court determines a violation occurred and that the
official action might not otherwise have been taken or approved if not for the
prohibited communication, the grant may be voided. (See Gov. Code §§ 91000,
i. For this reason, CARB officials, including but not limited to advisory body
members, also may not be a signatory, or administrator on a grant
application, or on any resulting grant agreement. Such individuals should
not be listed on the grant application except as necessary to show their
role in the organization.
ii. Note that an advisory body member's organization may continue to be
eligible for a grant. However, the grant must not follow any
communications for purposes of influence by the advisory body member
on CARB's decision on that grant agreement. Additionally, that
organization would need to identify a different member of the
organization to sign or be the administrator for any applications and
awarded grants.
iii. Please also note that applications from organizations affiliated with CARB
Board members may require additional review and Board approval.
Although CARB will make every effort to obtain required review and
approval in a timely manner, this may delay grant execution and/or
distribution of funds.
iv. The Grantee certifies that it is, and shall remain, in compliance with all
applicable State and federal conflict of interest laws during the entire
Term of this Grant Agreement. The Grantee will have no interest, and
shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which will conflict with its
ability to impartially perform under, or complete the tasks described in,
this Grant. The Grantee must disclose any direct or indirect financial
interest or situation which may pose an actual, apparent, or potential
conflict of interest with its duties throughout the Grant Term. CARB may
consider the nature and extent of any actual, apparent, or potential
conflict of interest in the Grantee’s ability to perform the Grant. The
Grantee must immediately advise CARB in writing of any potential new
conflicts of interest throughout the Grant Term.
8. Disputes. The Grantee shall continue with the responsibilities under this Grant
Agreement during any dispute between Grantee and CARB, unless otherwise
directed by CARB. Grantee staff or management will work in good faith with
CARB staff and management to resolve any disagreements or conflicts arising
from implementation of this Grant Agreement. However, any disagreements
that cannot be resolved at the management level within 30 days of when the
issue is first raised with CARB staff shall be subject to final resolution by the
CARB Executive Officer, or the Executive Officer’s designated representative, in
the Executive Officer’s sole discretion. Nothing contained in this paragraph is
intended to limit any of the rights or remedies that the Parties may have under
9. Alternative Enforcement. The remedies set out in this Grant Agreement are
contractual in nature. Nothing stated in this Grant Agreement in any way limits,
prevents or precludes the State of California from taking any enforcement
action, exercising any police power, or prosecuting any violation of law.
10.Entitlements and Regulatory Compliance. The Grantee agrees to comply with
all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and standards in its performance
under this Grant Agreement, including obtaining, where needed or required by
law, any permits or approvals necessary to undertake the activities funded by
the Grant Funds, and complying with all environmental review requirements
associated with such activities.
11.Environmental Justice. In the performance of this Grant Agreement, the
Grantee shall conduct its programs, policies, and activities that substantially
affect human health or the environment in a manner that ensures the fair
treatment of people of all races, genders, cultures, and income levels, including
minority populations and low-income populations, of the State of California.
Equal access includes, but is not limited to, ensuring language barriers are fully
addressed to the satisfaction of CARB and as otherwise required by local, state
and federal law.
12.Force Majeure. Neither CARB nor the Grantee are liable for or deemed to be
in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Grant Agreement or
interruption of services resulting, directly or indirectly, from acts of God, civil
unrest, war, fire, flood, earthquakes, other physical natural disasters. If either
Party intends to invoke this clause to excuse or delay performance, the Party
invoking the clause must provide written notice to the other Party immediately
of the intent to invoke the clause and the reasons why the force majeure event
is preventing that Party from, or delaying that Party in, performing its
obligations under this Grant Agreement. CARB may terminate this Grant
Agreement immediately, in writing and without penalty, in the event Grantee
invokes this clause, in which case Grantee shall immediately return all remaining
Grant Funds to CARB or a CARB designee, cease all expenditure of Grant
Funds, and turn over all documents, records, deliverables, intellectual property
and other information in relation to this Grant Agreement.
i. If the Grant Agreement is not terminated by CARB pursuant to this
clause, upon completion of the force majeure event, the Grantee
must immediately re-commence the performance of its obligations
under this Grant Agreement. The Grantee must also provide to CARB
a written proposal to revise the Project Schedule, inclusive of
anticipated major milestones and timeframes for expending
remaining Grant Funds, while minimizing the effects of the delay
caused by the force majeure event.
ii. An event of force majeure does not relieve a Party from any of its
obligations which arose before the occurrence of the force majeure
event nor is any Party relieved from those obligations which survive
termination or cancellation of the Grant Agreement.
13.Governing Law and Venue. This Grant Agreement is governed by, and shall be
interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of California. CARB and
the Grantee hereby agree that any action arising out of this Grant Agreement
shall be filed and maintained in the Superior Court in and for the County of
Sacramento, California, or in the United States District Court in and for the
Eastern District of California. The Grantee hereby waives any existing sovereign
immunity for the purposes of this Grant Agreement.
14.Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure and Equipment. Prior to executing
sub-grant agreements, Grantee must ensure the following requirements are
included in all subgrantee agreements and or other agreements pursuant to this
i. Prior to authorizing work, a subgrantee that was awarded funds to
install electrical charging equipment for use by on-road transportation
vehicles, must require both of the following:
1) An AB 841 Certification that certifies the project will comply with
all AB 841 (2020) requirements or describes why the AB 841
requirements do not apply to the project. The certification shall be
signed by the sub-grantee’s authorized representative; and
2) EVITP Certification Numbers of each Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
Training Program-certified electrician that will install electric
vehicle charging infrastructure or equipment.
ii. Evidence, such as Certification Numbers, is not required to be
obtained by Grantee if AB 841 requirements do not apply to a
iii. Prior to remitting payment to a subgrantee, Grantee is responsible for
collecting all AB 841 Certifications, to ensure the project did comply
with all AB 841 (2020) requirements and shall retain Certification
Numbers in accordance with the Grantee’s records retention
iv. These electric vehicle requirements do not apply to any of the
1) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure installed by employees of
an electrical corporation or local publicly owned electric utility,
2) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure funded by moneys
derived from credits generated from the Low Carbon Fuel
Standard Program (Sub article 7 (commencing with Section
95480) of Article 4 of Subchapter 10 of Chapter 1 of Division 3 of
Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations), and
3) Single-family home residential electric vehicle chargers that can
use an existing 208/240-volt outlet.
15.Grantee’s Responsibility for Work. The Grantee shall be responsible for all
work performed pursuant to this Grant Agreement, including but not limited to
work performed by any of Grantee’s agents, employees, representatives,
affiliates, suppliers, contractors, and subcontractors. The Grantee shall be
responsible for any and all disputes arising out of its contract for work
performed in relation to, as a result of or as a consequence of this Grant
Agreement, including, but not limited to, payment disputes with contractors,
subcontractors, employees, agents, affiliates, suppliers, and providers of
services. CARB will not mediate disputes between the Grantee and any other
entity concerning responsibility for performance of work performed pursuant to
this Grant Agreement.
i. All subcontracts must be submitted to CARB upon request for review
prior to execution. CARB may also request them during or after the
Grant term and Grantee agrees to provide them within five (5) calendar
days. For subcontracts that are listed as “to be determined” in the
Budget, the Schedule or elsewhere in any attachment to this Grant
Agreement, the Grantee must submit a revised Budget to CARB,
identifying the subcontractor and specific items of cost expected to be
incurred by that subcontractor, which in each instance shall be subject to
advance approval by CARB. In addition, Grantee must have a fully
executed subcontract before the subcontractor can incur any costs for
which the Grantee will seek reimbursement.
ii. The Grantee is required, where feasible, to employ best contracting and
procurement practices that promote open competition for all goods and
services. Grantee shall obtain price quotes from an adequate number of
sources for all subcontracts.
iii. Upon request, Grantee will provide CARB a copy of all solicitations for
services or products used or needed to carry out the terms of this Grant
Agreement, including copies of the proposals or bids received.
iv. Grantee is responsible for handling all contractual and administrative
issues arising out of or related to any subcontracts it enters into under
this Grant Agreement. Nothing contained in this Grant Agreement or
otherwise creates any contractual relation between CARB and any
subcontractors, and no subcontract may relieve Grantee of its
responsibilities under this Grant Agreement. Grantee is solely liable and
responsible for the acts and omissions of its subcontractors or persons
directly or indirectly employed by any of them.
v. The Grantee’s obligation to pay its contractors, consultants, employees,
agents, representatives, and subcontractors is an independent obligation
from CARB’s obligation to make payments to the Grantee. As a result,
CARB has no obligation to pay or enforce the payment of any funds to
any such third parties. The Grantee is responsible for establishing and
maintaining contractual agreements with and reimbursing each such third
parties for work performed in accordance with the terms of this Grant
Agreement and the terms of any such third-party agreements.
vi. All third-party agreements must, at a minimum, incorporate all the
1) A clear and accurate description of the material, products, or
services to be procured as well as a detailed budget and
2) A detailed budget and timeline.
3) Provisions that allow for administrative, contractual, or legal
remedies in instances where subcontractors violate or breach
contract terms and provide for such sanctions and penalties as
may be appropriate.
4) Provisions for termination by the Grantee, including
termination procedures and the basis for settlement.
5) A statement that further assignments will not be made to any
third or subsequent tier subcontractor without additional
advance written consent of CARB.
6) Language conforming to all General Provisions of this Grant
vii. Without limiting any of CARB’s other remedies, failure to comply with
the above requirements is a material breach of this Grant Agreement
and grounds for immediate termination.
16. Indemnification. The Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless
the State of California, CARB, and CARB officers, Board members, employees,
agents, representatives, and successors-in-interest against, for and from any
and all liabilities, losses, damages, claims and expenses, including reasonable
attorneys’ fees, arising out of, resulting from or related to any actions or
inactions of the Grantee or any of its contractors, subcontractors, affiliates,
employees, officers, agents, and/or assigns, including but not limited to actions
or inactions relating to, arising out of or resulting from the operation, design or
manufacture of any equipment, vessels, vehicles or engines purchased,
acquired, developed, modified, or used with Grant Funds, in whole or in part.
17.Independent Actor. The Grantee, its agents, employees, affiliates, contractors,
subcontractors, suppliers, officers, and assigns, if any, in their, its, his or her
performance of this Grant Agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and
not as officers, employees or agents of the State of California or CARB.
18.Nondiscrimination. During the performance of this Grant Agreement, the
Grantee and its contractors, subcontractors, consultants and agents shall ensure
that no person is, on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national
origin, ethnic group identification, age (40 or over), mental disability, physical
disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, veteran or
military status, or sexual orientation, unlawfully denied full and equal access to
the benefits of, or unlawfully subjected to discrimination under, any program or
activity that is conducted, operated, or administered under this Grant
Agreement or funded with Grant Funds. In addition:
i. During the performance of this Grant Agreement, the Grantee and its
contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and agents shall not
unlawfully discriminate against, harass, or allow harassment against
any employee or applicant for employment, because of race, religious
creed, color, national origin, ethnic group identification, ancestry,
physical disability, mental disability, reproductive health decision
making (e.g. family-care leave, medical-care leave, or pregnancy-
disability leave), medical condition, genetic information, marital
status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age (40 or
over), sexual orientation, or veteran or military status, nor shall
Grantee or any of its contractors, subcontractors, consultants or
agents refuse to hire or employ any person or to refuse to select any
person for a training program leading to employment, or bar or
discharge any person from employment or from a training program
leading to employment, or discriminate against any person in
compensation or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment
because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ethnic group
identification, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability,
reproductive health decision making (e.g. family-care leave, medical-
care leave, or pregnancy-disability leave), medical condition, genetic
information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender
expression, age (40 or over), sexual orientation, or veteran or military
ii. The Grantee and its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and
agents shall ensure that the evaluation and treatment of all persons
receiving or applying for Grant Funds or participating in any Grant
programs, projects, or activities, along with all respective employees
and applicants for employment, are free of such discrimination and
iii. The Grantee and its contractors, subcontractors, consultants, and
agents shall comply with the provisions of the California Fair
Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code section 12900 et seq.) and
the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (California Code
of Regulations, title 2, section 10000 et seq.). The applicable
regulations (California Code of Regulations, title 2, section 11000 et
seq.) of the Civil Rights Council are incorporated into this Grant
Agreement by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full.
iv. The Grantee and its contractors, subcontractors, agents, and
consultants shall give written notice of their respective obligations
under this clause to labor organizations with which any may have a
collective bargaining or other agreement. The Grantee shall include
the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all
contracts, subcontracts, and agreements where work is performed to
fulfill any term or condition of this Grant Agreement.
19.Funding Prohibitions for Sectarian Purposes and Non-Public Schools. Grant
recipients may use or authorize the use of CARB-provided funds only in any
manner that is consistent with applicable laws, including California Constitution,
article XVI, section 5, article IX, section 8, and federal law. CARB reserves the
right to obtain additional information from Grantee and others to determine
compliance with California Constitution, article XVI, section 5 and article IX,
section 8. Failure to provide any requested information may result in denial of
Administrative Fees, Grant Funds, future or termination of this Grant
Agreement or any other agreements.
20.No Third-Party Rights. The existence of this Grant Agreement does not create,
and nothing stated in this Grant Agreement creates rights in, or grants
remedies to, any third party or third parties as a beneficiary or beneficiaries of
this Grant Agreement, or of any duty, covenant, obligation or undertaking
establish herein.
21.Third-Party Agreements, Required Terms. All grants, subgrants, technical
grants, contracts, vouchers, agreements, and subcontracts entered into by and
between Grantee and any third party using or applying Grant Funds (in whole
or in part) shall contain the following language (or similar language with the
same meaning and intent):
i. Conflict of interest. By entering into this grant, award, voucher,
contract, subcontract or agreement, said party is or may be a direct
or indirect recipient (“Recipient”) of funds received from or provided
by the California Air Resources Board (“CARB”), and as such certifies,
represents and warrants that he, she, it is in compliance with all
applicable state and federal conflict of interest laws on the date said
grant, award, contract, subcontract, agreement or voucher (as
applicable) is signed and shall remain in compliance with all such laws
for a period of five (5) consecutive years following receipt of any and
all funding amounts on a rolling continuous basis. Recipient further
certifies, represents, and warrants that he, she, it has no interest, and
shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which will conflict with
Recipient’s ability to impartially perform under, or complete the tasks
described in, any and all agreements, grants, awards, contracts,
subcontracts, vouchers or programs. The Recipient acknowledges,
understands, and accepts that Recipient must disclose any direct or
indirect financial interest or situation which may pose an actual,
apparent, or potential conflict of interest. The Recipient
acknowledges, understands, and accepts that the nature and extent
of any actual, apparent, or potential conflict of interest may be a basis
for disqualification from receiving any funds. The Recipient certifies,
represents, and warrants that Recipient will immediately advise the
Grantee in writing of any potential new conflicts of interest as they
ii. Cooperation with Audits. Recipient warrants, represents, and agrees
to cooperate fully, without delay, in all audits, inquiries and
investigations initiated by or on behalf of the Grantee and/or the
State of California concerning or relating to compliance with local,
state, or federal air quality laws, or this agreement, including but not
limited to timely submission of any and all records requested and full
cooperation with any on-site inspections.
iii. Payment on Demand. Recipient represents, warrants, and agrees that
upon notification by the Grantee or its authorized representative of
an overpayment, a wrongful payment, or a violation of or failure to
comply with any of the grant, agreement, contract, voucher or
program requirements or obligations, Recipient will, without
challenge or delay, remit to the Grantee or its authorized
representative the requested amount within 60 days from the date of
issuance of said notice.
iv. Separate Accounts. If Recipient has received any funds as a grant or
subgrant pursuant to a grant or subgrant agreement, then Recipient
shall not commingle said funds with any other accounts, revenues,
grants, donations, or resources except where expressly authorized in
the fully executed written agreement between Recipient and the
Grantee. Recipient will maintain all such grant or subgrant funds in a
separate bank account designated specifically for the purposes of
carrying out the intent and purpose for which said funds were
provided. The bank account must be held in the name of the
Recipient (the official legal entity’s name, and not a dba), and under
no other name, person, or entity. Funds received are NOT the assets
of the Recipient. Grant and subgrant funds shall not be used as
collateral for or an obligation to any debt, loan or other commitments
of Recipient, its officers, agents, assigns, contractors, subcontractors,
subgrantees or affiliates. Recipient shall ensure that the Grantee is
designated in writing as a third-party beneficiary of and to all such
bank accounts in which said funds are maintained or held.
v. Third Party Beneficiary. The Recipient acknowledges, accepts, and
agrees that the state of California, acting by and through the
California Air Resources Board (CARB), is an intended third-party
beneficiary to any and all Recipient agreements, vouchers, contracts,
subcontracts, awards and grants with the Grantee where any funds
provided by CARB are used or applied.
vi. Authorized Signature. The Recipient agrees and acknowledges that it
has signed or has authorized the signing of the grant, award,
contract, subcontract and/or agreement with the Grantee, and by
doing so hereby declares under penalty of perjury, under the laws of
the State of California, that all statements and responses made in said
grant, award, contract, subcontract and/or agreement are true and
correct, with full knowledge that all statements and responses are
subject to investigation and that any incomplete, unclear, false, or
dishonest response may be grounds for disqualification from
receiving any existing or further funding or participating in any
programs or projects using the CARB-provided or Grantee-provided
funds, or from doing business with the State of California or the
Grantee. The Recipient acknowledges, understands, and accepts that
by providing or making any false statements or providing false
information, the Recipient may be in a violation of the California False
Claims Act (Government Code Section 12650 et seq.). Recipient
certifies, represents, and warrants that the individual signing on its,
his or her behalf herein below is an authorized representative of
Recipient with full power and legal authority to sign below and by
said signature Recipient is bound to and will comply with all terms,
conditions and obligations set forth in this agreement, grant, voucher,
application and/or contract, as applicable.
vii. Compliance with Air Quality Laws. Recipient understands,
acknowledges, and agrees that compliance with all applicable federal,
state, and local air quality rules, regulations and statutes is a
precondition to the receipt or use of any state funds provided by or
through the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and is a
continuing obligation for the consecutive five (5) years following
receipt of any state funds on a rolling continuous basis. Recipient
understands, acknowledges and agrees that a failure to comply in
whole or in part with any local, state or federal air quality rules,
regulations or statutes, or a failure to comply, in whole or in part, with
any of the requirements or obligations under the project or program,
agreement, contract, subcontract, award, voucher, or grant (as
applicable) is, in each instance, a material breach of the conditions
under which state funds were provided or made available, and such
breach will result in undue hardship and damages to the Grantee and
the State of California some or all of which may be impossible to
easily calculate.
viii. Liquidated Damages. If the Grantee or the state of California
determines, within its or their sole and absolute discretion, that
Recipient is in breach or has breached any obligation to remain in
compliance with any applicable federal, state or local air quality rules,
regulations and statutes, then Recipient, immediately upon demand,
will pay the Grantee (or to CARB, as requested), as liquidated
damages, the full amount of all state funds received to date. The
Recipient agrees that quantifying the losses arising from any breach is
inherently difficult insofar as breach may cause the state of California
or the Grantee irreparable, serious, or substantial harm or damage,
including to taxpayers or to the environment. Recipient further
stipulates that the agreed upon amount of liquidated damages is not
a penalty, but rather a reasonable measure of damages based upon
experience and given the nature of the losses that may result from
said breach. The Recipient agrees that the liquidated damages have
been computed, estimated, and agreed upon by all parties and
represents an attempt to make a reasonable forecast of probable
actual loss because of the difficulty of estimating with exactness the
damages which will result. This obligation shall apply even if there is a
concurrent noncompliance or violation of air quality rules, regulations
or laws caused by a third party. The remedies set out in this
paragraph are contractual in nature.
ix. Nothing stated herein above in any way limits, prevents, or precludes
the State of California or the Grantee from taking any enforcement
action, exercising any police power, or prosecuting any violation of
law against Recipient, its employees, officers, agents, assigns,
representatives, contractors, subcontractors, affiliates, grantees,
subgrantees, or any third parties.
x. Survival. Recipient acknowledges, agrees and accepts that those
terms, conditions, provisions and exhibits which by their nature
should survive termination, cancellation or expiration of the grant,
award, contract, voucher, subcontract or agreement, shall so survive,
including but not limited to those sections and provisions pertaining
to indemnity, recordkeeping, audit, third party beneficiary status,
return of funds, data security, insurance, confidentiality, and the
general provisions.
22.Executive Order N-6-22Russia Sanctions. On March 4, 2022, Governor
Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-6-22 (the EO) regarding Economic
Sanctions against Russia and Russian entities and individuals. “Economic
Sanctions” refers to sanctions imposed by the U.S. government in response to
Russia’s actions in Ukraine, as well as any sanctions imposed under state law.
The EO directs state agencies to terminate contracts and grants with, and to
refrain from entering any new contracts and grants with, individuals or entities
that are determined to be a target of Economic Sanctions. Accordingly, should
the State determine Contractor or Grantee is a target of Economic Sanctions or
is conducting prohibited transactions with sanctioned individuals or entities,
that shall be grounds for termination of this agreement. The State shall provide
Contractor or Grantee advance written notice of such termination, allowing
Contractor or Grantee at least 30 calendar days to provide a written response.
Termination shall be at the sole discretion of the State.
23.Office of Foreign Asset Control. The Office of Foreign Assets Control
("OFAC") of the U.S. Department of the Treasury administers and enforces
economic and trade sanctions based on U.S. foreign policy and national security
goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international
narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign
policy, or economy of the United States. OFAC publishes lists of individuals and
companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted
countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and
narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country-specific.
These lists can be found at
foreign-assets-control-sanctions-programs-and-information. Grantee
represents, warrants and agrees that neither Grantee nor any of its contractors,
subcontractors, affiliates, agents, employees, officers, representatives or assigns
are in violation of any federal law or laws pertaining to any entity or individual
listed on any of the OFAC lists. Unless otherwise authorized or exempt,
transactions by U.S. persons or in the United States may be or are prohibited if
they involve transferring, paying, exporting, withdrawing, or otherwise dealing
in the property or interests in property of an entity or individual listed on the
Office of Foreign Asset Control’s (OFAC) SDN or other Lists. The property and
interests in property of an entity that is 50 percent or more owned, whether
individually or in the aggregate, directly or indirectly, by one or more persons
whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to any part of 31
C.F.R. chapter V are also blocked, regardless of whether the entity itself is
listed. Refer also to the U.S. Department of the Treasury website:
24.Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of the Parties to this Grant
Agreement, whether pursuant to this Grant Agreement or in accordance with
law, shall be construed as cumulative, and the exercise of any single right or
remedy shall constitute neither a bar to the exercise of nor the waiver of any
other available right or remedy.
25.Equipment/Vehicle Ownership. Equipment, acquired by Grantee or any of
Grantee’s employees, agents, affiliates, officers, contractors, subcontractors, or
representatives, is defined as having a useful life of at least one year from the
date of purchase, having an acquisition unit cost of at least $5,000, and
purchased with CARB funds. Equipment means any products, objects, vehicles,
computers, software, hardware, licenses, vessels, engines, machinery,
apparatus, implements, or tools purchased, used, or constructed within the
Term. CARB, within its discretion, may elect to determine the normal useful life
of such Equipment. All such Equipment is, upon acquisition, the exclusive
property of CARB, and shall be used solely for the purposes of carrying out the
obligations of this Grant Agreement during the Term. If requested by CARB,
the Equipment shall be returned to CARB upon cancellation, termination, or
expiration of this Grant Agreement, whichever occurs first, and CARB shall
solely determine the future use of all Equipment.
26.Paragraph Headings. The headings and captions of the various paragraphs,
subparagraphs and sections hereof are for convenience only, and they shall not
limit, expand, or otherwise affect the construction or interpretation of this Grant
27.Disadvantaged Communities. The Grantee, for the purposes of this Program,
will designate disadvantaged communities, as identified by CalEnviroScreen
4.0. The identified disadvantaged community census tracts are available at: .
28.Construction. This Grant Agreement shall not be construed more strongly
against either Party regardless of who is more responsible for its preparation.
29.Assurances. CARB reserves the right, but not the obligation, to seek further
written assurances from the Grantee and any of Grantee’s contractors,
subcontractors, employees, agents, officers, or affiliates, that the work
performed under this Grant Agreement will be performed consistent with the
terms and conditions of this Grant Agreement.
30.Prevailing Wage and Labor Compliance. Where applicable, the Grantee
agrees to be bound by and comply with all the provisions of California Labor
Code Section 1771 et seq. regarding prevailing wages. Grantee agrees to
monitor all agreements subject to reimbursement from this Grant Agreement to
ensure that the provisions of California Labor Code Sections 1720-1861 are
being met by Grantee and all Grant Recipients.
31.Professionals. Grantee agrees that only licensed professionals will be used to
perform services or conduct work under this Grant Agreement where such
services are called for and where licensed professionals are required for those
services under California law.
32.Authority. Each person executing this Grant Agreement on behalf of a Party
represents that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Grant
Agreement on that Party’s behalf.
33.Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this
Grant Agreement to be illegal, unenforceable, or invalid, in whole or in part, for
any reason, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions, or
portions of those provisions, will not be affected, and will remain in full force
and effect.
34.Timeliness. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Grant Agreement.
Grantee shall proceed with and complete all its obligations under this Grant
Agreement in a timely and expeditious manner.
35.Waiver of Rights. Any waiver of rights with respect to a default or other matter
arising under the Grant Agreement at any time by either Party shall not be
considered a waiver of rights with respect to any other default or matter. Any
rights and remedies of CARB provided for in this Grant Agreement are in
addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.
36.CARB as Third-Party Beneficiary. Grantee represents, warrants, and agrees
that Grantee shall name CARB and the State of California as third-party
beneficiaries in all contracts, subcontracts, grants, subgrants and other
agreements entered into using Grant Funds or for the purpose of carry out any
of the terms or conditions of this Grant Agreement during the Term.
37.Compliance with AB794. Grantee shall ensure that all contractors,
subcontractors, consultants, affiliates, or representatives who receive or use any
Grant Funds to support the purchase of new drayage or short-haul trucks (the
“fleet purchaser”) always comply with the requirements of AB794 as a condition
of Grant Fund receipt or use and as a condition of participation in the Program.
a. Grantee shall ensure that beginning with the 202223 fiscal year, and each
fiscal year thereafter, each fleet purchaser of a new drayage or short-haul
truck shall only be allowed to participate in this Grant Program or receive or
use Grant Funds if it can demonstrate that it does not have any applicable
law violation at the time of applying for Grant Funds, it is not on the list
maintained by the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement under
Section 2810.4 of the Labor Code, and it attests it will retain direct control
over the manner and means for performance of any individual using or
driving the vehicle. Grantee shall ensure that each fleet purchaser attest in
writing to all the following as a condition of eligibility and before receipt of
any Grant Funds:
1) That it does not have any applicable law violations at the time of
applying for the Grant Funds.
2) That it will maintain compliance with applicable laws for at least
three years from the date of application for Grant Funds or the
duration of the Grant Recipient agreement, whichever is longer.
3) That it will retain direct control over the manner and means for
performance of any individual using or driving the vehicle for at
least three years from the date of application for Grant Funds or
the duration of the Grant Recipient agreement, whichever is
b. Grantee shall also ensure that each fleet purchaser shall, on a yearly basis,
for the life of the Grant Recipient agreement, disclose or provide to CARB
all the following:
1) An attestation in writing that it has done both of the following:
a) Maintained compliance with applicable laws and does not have
any applicable law violations.
b) Maintained direct control of the individuals operating the
vehicle and maintained full ownership and operational control
of the vehicle.
2) A copy of any judgments, rulings, citations, decisions, orders, or
awards finding that the fleet purchaser or any parent company or
subsidiary or other commonly controlled entity has applicable law
violations as of the date of the disclosure made pursuant to this
Section 15.ll.
3) A list of all operating authorities under which the vehicle
purchased will be or was operated.
4) A certification that the fleet purchaser has completed all required
maintenance and upkeep on the vehicle purchased with the Grant
c. A failure of a fleet purchaser to always comply fully with all the provisions set
out in this Section 15.ll. and all applicable provisions of Sections 39680
through 39693 of the California Health and Safety Code, is a breach of this
Grant Agreement, a breach of the Grant Recipient Agreement and is cause
for immediate termination of this Grant Agreement and the Grant Recipient
Agreement without advance notice.
38.Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency between the exhibits,
attachments, specifications, or provisions which constitute this Grant
Agreement, the following order of precedence shall apply:
a. Grant Agreement Cover Sheet
b. Exhibit A – Grant Agreement Terms and Conditions
c. Exhibit B – Statement of Work
d. All other Exhibits incorporated into the Grant Agreement or as otherwise
listed on the Grant Agreement Cover Sheet.
39.Survival. Those terms, conditions, provisions, and exhibits which by their nature
should survive termination, cancellation, or expiration of this Grant Agreement,
shall so survive, including but not limited to those sections pertaining to
indemnity, insurance, recordkeeping, audit, return of funds, data security,
confidentiality, transition, ownership, and the general provisions.
40.Confidentiality and data security: Except as required by applicable law, or as
otherwise expressly authorized by this Grant Agreement, the Grantee shall not
disclose to any third party any record which CARB has designated as
confidential. If the Grantee believes disclosure of a confidential record may be
required under the California Public Records Act (California Government Code
Section 6250 et seq.) or other law, the Grantee shall give CARB at least 10
calendar days written notice prior to any planned disclosure and the Grantee
shall not object to CARB seeking a court order preventing disclosure. It is
expressly understood and agreed that information the Grantee collects on
behalf of the Grantor or from a third party in performing its obligations under
this Grant Agreement may be deemed confidential by the Grantor. Therefore:
a. All information or data gathered pursuant to this Grant shall be held
confidential accessible only to the Grantee’s employees, agents, or
contractors as needed to perform the Grantee’s obligations under this
Grant Agreement and released only to CARB or other entities as CARB
may specify in writing unless such disclosure is required by law or legal
b. The Grantee certifies that it has appropriate systems and controls in place
to ensure that Grant funds will not be used in the performance of this
Grant Agreement for the acquisition, operation, or maintenance of
computer software in violation of copyright or other intellectual property
c. Information or data, including but not limited to personally identifiable
information (PII) and all application records and supporting
documentation that personally identifies or describes an individual or
individuals is confidential in accordance with California Civil Code sections
1798, et seq. and other relevant state or federal statutes and regulations.
The Grantee shall safeguard all such information, records, applications,
and data which comes into its possession under this Grant Agreement in
perpetuity and shall not release or publish any such information without
first obtaining in each instance the advance written approval of an
authorized representative of CARB. The Grantee shall dispose of such
information in accordance with the Grantee’s data retention policy and
the requirements in this Grant Agreement.
d. The Grantee must observe complete confidentiality with respect to such
information or data collected pursuant to this Grant, including without
limitation, agreeing not to disclose or otherwise permit access to such
information or data by any person or entity in any manner whatsoever
unless such disclosure is required by law or legal process.
e. Subject to paragraph 1 above, the Grantee must acknowledge the
confidential nature of such information and ensure by agreement or
otherwise that the Grantee, its employees, contractors, subcontractors,
subgrantees, affiliates, officers, agents, and assigns are prohibited from
copying or revealing, for any purpose whatsoever, the contents of such
information or any part thereof, or from taking any action otherwise
prohibited under any provision or section of this Grant Agreement.
f. The Grantee must ensure that the Grantee’s employees, contractors,
subcontractors and subgrantees are informed of the confidential nature of
any shared information or data and ensure by written agreement that
such individuals and entities are prohibited from (i) copying, revealing, or
utilizing such information or data (or any parts thereof) for any purpose
other than fulfillment of this Grant and (ii) from taking any action
otherwise prohibited under any provision or section of this Grant
g. The Grantee shall limit access to information and data gathered pursuant
to this Grant only to necessary employees, agents, and contractors to
perform their job duties in fulfillment of the Grant Agreement provisions.
h. The Grantee must not use such information or any part thereof in the
performance of services to others or for the benefit of others in any form
whatsoever whether gratuitously or for valuable consideration.
i. The Grantee must notify the Grantor promptly and in writing of the
circumstances surrounding any possession, use or knowledge of such
information or any part thereof by any person other than those authorized
by this document.
j. The Grantee must adhere to all CARB confidentiality, disclosure, and
privacy policies.
k. The Grantee must treat all information, deliverables, and work products
developed or collected pursuant to this Grant as confidential. All
information, deliverables, and work products cannot be disclosed in any
form to any third party except for CARB and the Subgrantees designated
in Exhibit B, Attachment IV - Key Project Personnel, of this Agreement
without first obtaining the written consent of an authorized representative
of CARB or except as otherwise authorized by this Grant Agreement.
l. The Grantee must not use, without CARB written approval, any CARB
materials, data, information, PII, or documentation for any purpose other
than for the sole purpose of performing the Grantee’s duties and
obligations under this Grant Agreement.
m. At the conclusion of the engagement or upon termination of this Grant
Agreement, the Grantee shall surrender all information in any form
developed or collected pursuant to this Grant.
n. If the Grantee suspects loss or theft, the Grantee must report any lost or
stolen information, data, or equipment developed or collected pursuant
to this Grant to CARB immediately and to state or federal officials where
required by applicable laws.
o. The Grantee must provide CARB all pass phrases/passwords used for
private keys to encrypt data used, produced, or acquired in the course of
performing duties under this Grant Agreement.
p. The Grantee must sign all non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements
as provided by CARB shall require employees, contractors, and
subcontractors to do the same when requested by CARB.
q. The Grantee agrees to notify CARB immediately of any security incident
involving the information system, servers, data, or any other information
developed or collected pursuant to this Grant. The Grantee agrees that
CARB has the right to participate in the investigation of a security incident
involving its data or conduct its own independent investigation, and that
the Grantee shall cooperate fully in such investigations.
r. The Grantee agrees that it shall be responsible for all costs incurred by
CARB due to a security incident resulting from the acts or omissions of
the Grantee or any of its employees, agents, officers, contractors,
subcontractors, or subgrantees, including any acts or omissions resulting
in an unauthorized disclosure, release, access, review, or destruction of
data or information; or loss, theft, or misuse of information or data
developed or gathered pursuant to this Grant. If the Grantee experiences
a loss or breach of data, the Grantee shall immediately report the loss or
breach to CARB and, where required by applicable law, to state or federal
officials. If applicable law requires or if CARB determines that notice to
the individuals whose data has been lost or breached is needed, then the
Grantee shall provide all such notification and will bear any and all costs
associated with the notice or any mitigation selected by CARB. These
costs include, but are not limited to, staff time, material costs, postage,
media announcements, credit monitoring for impacted individuals, and
other identifiable costs associated with the breach or loss of data.
s. If the Grantee believes disclosure of a confidential record may be
required under the California Public Records Act, the Grantee shall first
give CARB at least 10 calendar days advance written notice prior to any
planned disclosure so that CARB can seek, solely at CARB’s discretion, an
order preventing disclosure from a court of competent jurisdiction. The
Grantee agrees that it shall immediately notify and work cooperatively
with CARB to respond timely and correctly to any and all public records
t. The Grantee shall ensure that confidential, sensitive, and/or PII
information shall be encrypted in accordance with California State
Administrative Manual 5350.1 and California Statewide Information
Management Manual 5305-A.
u. The Grantee assumes all responsibility and liability for the security and
confidentiality of the PII and confidential information under its control.
v. RIGHTS TO DATA: The Grantee acknowledges, accepts, and agrees that,
as between the Grantee and the Grantor, all rights, including all
intellectual property rights, in and to PII, data, information,
documentation, and materials shall remain the exclusive property of the
Grantor, and the Grantee has a limited, non-exclusive license to access
and use said information as provided to the Grantee solely for performing
its obligations under the Grant Agreement. Nothing herein shall be
construed to confer any license or right to said PII, data, documentations,
materials, or information, including user tracking and exception data, by
implication, estoppel, or otherwise, under copyright or other intellectual
property rights, to any third party. Unauthorized use of said information
by the Grantee or third parties is prohibited. For the purposes of this
requirement, the phrase “unauthorized use” means the data mining or
processing of data, stored or transmitted by any Grantee or third-party
service, for unrelated or commercial purposes, advertising or advertising-
related purposes, or for any other purpose other than security or service
delivery analysis that is not explicitly authorized by the Grantor.
w. The Grantee certifies, represents, and warrants that:
i. Its data and information security standards, tools,
technologies, and procedures are sufficient to protect such
information and data;
ii. The Grantee is in compliance and shall remain in
compliance at all times during the Grant Term with the following
requirements and obligations:
(1) The California Information Practices Act (Civil Code
Sections 1798 et seq.);
(2) Current NIST special publications 800-171 Protecting
Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal
Information Systems and Organizations. Third party audit
results and the Grantee’s plan to correct any negative
findings shall be made available to the Grantor upon
(3) Undergo an annual Statement on Standards for
Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 16 Service
Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type II audit. Third party
audit results and the Grantee’s plan to correct any negative
findings and implementation progress reports shall be
made available to the Grantor upon request; and
(4) Privacy provisions of the Federal Privacy Act of 1974;
iii. Compliance with industry standards and guidelines
applicable to the work performed under the Grant Agreement.
Relevant security provisions may include but are not limited to:
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, IRS
1075, Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical
(HITECH) Act, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Security
Policy, Social Security Administration (SSA) Electronic Information
Exchange Security Requirements, and the Payment Card Industry
(PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) as well as their associated
Cloud Computing Guidelines.
41.Fiscal management systems and accounting standards: The Grantee agrees
that, at a minimum, its fiscal control and accounting procedures will be
sufficient to permit tracing of Grant funds to a level of expenditure adequate to
establish that such funds have not been used in violation of California law or this
Grant Agreement. Unless otherwise prohibited by State or local law, the
Grantee further agrees that it will maintain separate Project accounts in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
a. Except where otherwise expressly prohibited by applicable law, the
Grantee shall not commingle Grant funds with any other accounts,
revenues, grants, donations, or funds. Except where otherwise expressly
prohibited by applicable law, Grantee shall maintain all Grant funds in a
separate bank account designated specifically for the purposes of
carrying out the obligations of this Grant Agreement. The bank account
be held in the name of the Grantee (the official non-profit
corporate name, and not a dba), and no other person or entity. Grant
funds are not the assets of the Grantee and shall not be used, obligated,
or relied upon for any purposes other than those purposes and uses set
out in this Grant Agreement. Grant funds shall not be used as collateral
for or an obligation to any debt, loan or other commitments of Grantee,
its officers, agents, assigns, contractors, subcontractors, subgrantees or
affiliates. The Grantee shall ensure that the Grantor is designated in
writing as a third-party beneficiary of all bank accounts in which Grant
funds are maintained.
42.Insurance requirements: The Grantee, including its contractors and
subcontractors who are performing work under this Grant, must comply with all
requirements outlined in the (1) General Provisions and (2) Insurance
Requirements outlined below. No payments will be made under the grant until
the Grantee fully complies with all insurance requirements.
1. General Provisions Applying to All Policies:
a. Coverage Term Coverage needs to be in force for the complete term
of the grant. If insurance is set to expire during the term of the grant, a
new certificate must be received by the State at least ten days prior to
the expiration of this insurance. Any new insurance must comply with the
original Grant terms.
b. Policy Cancellation or Termination & Notice of Non-Renewal The
Grantee is responsible to notify the State within five business days of any
cancellation, non-renewal, or material change that affects required
insurance coverage. New certificates of insurance are subject to the
approval of the Department of General Services and the Grantee agrees
no work or services will be performed prior to obtaining such approval. If
the Grantee fails to keep in effect at all times the specified insurance
coverage, the State may, in addition to any other remedies it may have,
terminate the Grant upon the occurrence of such event, subject to the
provisions of the Grant.
c. Premiums, Assessments, and Deductibles The Grantee is responsible
for any premiums, policy assessments, deductibles, or self-insured
retentions contained within their insurance program.
d. Primary Clause Any required insurance contained in the Grant shall be
primary, and not excess or contributory, to any other insurance carried by
the State.
e. Insurance Carrier Required Rating All insurance companies must carry
an AM Best rating of at least “A” with a financial category rating of no
lower than VI. If the Grantee is self-insured for a portion or all of its
insurance, review of financial information including a letter of credit may
be required.
f. Endorsements Any required endorsements requested by the State
must be physically attached to all requested certificates of insurance and
not substituted by referring to such coverage on the certificate of
g. Inadequate Insurance Inadequate or lack of insurance does not negate
the Grantee’s obligations under the Grant.
h. Satisfying a Self-Insured Retention (SIR) All policies with an SIR shall be
endorsed to allow the State to satisfy the SIR or Deductible at the State’s
discretion. The State may deduct from any amounts otherwise due to
Grantee to fund the SIR/deductible. Policies shall not contain any
provision that limits the satisfaction of the SIR / deductible to the Named
Insured. The Grantee’s insurer may also eliminate the SIR / deductible in
favor of the State’s interests.
i. Available Coverages/Limits All coverage and limits available to the
Grantee shall also be available and applicable to the State.
j. Use of Contractor or Subcontractor In the case of the Grantee’s
utilization of contractors or subcontractors to complete the Grant scope
of work, the Grantee shall include all subcontractors as insureds under
the Grantee’s insurance or supply evidence of the contractor’s and
subcontractor’s insurance to the State subject to all the insurance
requirements below.
2. Grant Insurance Requirements The Grantee (and its contractors and
subcontractors) shall display evidence of the following on a certificate of
insurance. Failure to provide the certificate upon request will result in the
termination of the Grant. The following coverages must be evidenced on the
certificate of insurance and all endorsements required must be attached:
a. Commercial General Liability The Grantee, its contractors, and
subcontractors, shall each obtain and maintain, during the Grant Term,
commercial general liability insurance covering bodily injury and property
damage in a form and with coverages that are satisfactory to the State.
This insurance shall include personal and advertising injury liability,
premises, independent contractor, operations, products, completed
operations, and contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provided
under this Grant. Coverage shall be written on an occurrence basis in an
amount not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence. Annual aggregate limit
shall not be less than $5,000,000. The State of California, the California
Air Resources Board and its/their officers, agents, and employees are to
be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of
work or operations performed or carried out in relation to or under the
Grant. A “per project aggregate” endorsement is required. This
insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is
made or suit is brought. Upon request, Grantee shall provide CARB with
proof of insurance coverage.
b. Automobile Liability If the Grantee, or its contractors or subcontractors,
will be using vehicles to complete the project or driving a vehicle onto
State property, then motor vehicle liability insurance is required.
Grantee, and its contractors and subcontractors, shall have motor vehicle
liability insurance that complies with these provisions upon procurement
of the vehicle. Grantee, and its contractors and subcontractors, shall each
obtain and maintain motor vehicle liability insurance with limits of not
less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident. Such insurance
shall cover liability arising out of a motor vehicle, including owned, hired,
and non-owned motor vehicles. At the request CARB, the Grantee must
show proof of motor vehicle liability insurance. Failure to provide proof
upon request will result in termination of the Grant. The policy must
name “The State of California, the California Air Resources Board, and
its/their officers, agents, and employees as additional insureds, but only
with respect to work or operations performed or carried out in relation to
or under the Grant.”
c. Workers Compensation and Employers Liability The Grantee shall
maintain statutory worker’s compensation and employer’s liability
coverage for all its employees who will be engaged in the performance
of the Grant. In addition, employer’s liability limits of $1,000,000 are
required. A Waiver of Subrogation or Right to Recover endorsement in
favor of the State of California must be attached to certificate. By signing
this Grant Agreement, Grantee acknowledges compliance with the State
of California Workers Compensation regulations.
d. Non-Profit Organization with Volunteers Only (if applicable): A Volunteer
Accident Insurance Policy with a limit not less than $1,000,000. The
policy shall contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the State of
California, if such endorsement is available in the open market. Said
policy shall be issued by an insurance company with a rating which is
acceptable to the Department of General Services, Office of Risk and
Insurance Management. CARB in consultation with DGS reserves the
right to review and adjust insurance requirements as necessary during
the Grant Term.
e. Cyber Liability coverage, with limits not less than $1,000,000 per
occurrence or claim. Coverage shall be sufficiently broad to respond to
the duties and obligations as is undertaken by the Grantee in the Grant
Agreement and shall include, but not be limited to, claims involving
infringement of intellectual property, including but not limited to
infringement of copyright, trademark, trade dress, invasion of privacy
violations, information theft, damage to or destruction of electronic
information, release of private information, alteration of electronic
information, extortion and network security. The policy shall provide
coverage for breach response costs as well as regulatory fines and
penalties as well.
f. Crime InsuranceCrime insurance requirements are negotiable at
CARB’s sole discretion. At a minimum, the maximum amount of funding
that the Grantee will have on hand at any time should be covered.
Coverage shall include but not be limited to employee dishonesty, theft,
forgery or alteration, and inside/outside money and securities coverages
including first and third-party theft for state-owned or leased property in
the care, custody, and/or control of the Grantee. The policy shall include
as loss payee, the State of California, California Air Resources Board.
Attachment I: Budget Summary
Attachment II: Statement of Work
Attachment III: Timeline, Deliverables and Budget Details
Attachment IV: Key Project Personnel
Attachment I Budget Summary
Grant Number:
Total Costs
Direct Grant Management Costs (Part of Task 1)
Indirect Grant Management Costs (Part of Task 1)
Project Costs (All other tasks)
Total Funding
CARB Funds
Resource & In-kind Contributions
Attachment II – Statement of Work
Grant Number:
CARB will include the scope from the Grantee’s full phase application in this section.
Task 1: Grant Management
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Attachment III Timeline, Deliverables, and Budget Details
Grant Number:
Task Description
Start Date
End Date
(If applicable)
CARB Funds
Attachment IV Key Project Personnel
Grant Number:
Role & Name
of Entity
Personnel Name
& Title
Expected Duties
This section will include selected portions of the Grantee’s full phase application in this
This section will include the grant solicitation package in this section.
This section will include the Grantee’s payee data record in this section.