Senior Research Award
Effective for Letters of Intent and Proposals due on or after May 5
, 2019
Letter of Intent November 5
, 5:00 pm EST May 5
, 5:00 pm EST
Full Proposal
January 28
5:00 pm EST
5:00 pm EST
Project Start
July January
*Should the deadline date fall on a weekend or national holiday, the deadline will be extended to
the following business day.
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation
To cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis,
and to improve the quality of life
of children and adults affected by these diseases.
General Submission Inquiries: grant@crohnscolitisfoundation.org
The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (Foundation) was established in 1967 to find the cause of and
cure for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD). Support for our research program is provided by members and concerned individuals,
corporations and philanthropic foundations.
The guiding mission of the Foundation is to stimulate and encourage innovative research in the
basic, translational and clinical biosciences, which is likely to increase our understanding of the
etiology, pathogenesis, therapy, and prevention of IBD. A focus on human mechanisms in IBD is
particularly important for preclinical research.
Each year, the Foundation receives approximately 300 requests for Senior Research, Training,
and Student support. All proposals are subjected to peer review to identify the most meritorious
and innovative projects for funding.
The goal of the Senior Research Award (SRA) is to provide established researchers with funds
to generate findings that have an impact on the field of IBD to advance the mission of the
Foundation. This impact could be evaluated by various measures, including follow-on funding
from other sources, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), publications with high impact,
and related patents or citations within patents.
At the time of application, the applicant must:
hold an MD, PhD, or equivalent terminal degree and must be employed by an institution
(public non-profit, private non-profit, or government) engaged in health care and/or health
related research
have attained independence in his/her research efforts
be corresponding author for publications in the investigator’s main area of research
Eligibility is not restricted by citizenship or geography.
The submitted research proposal must address IBD.
Only one proposal may be submitted for this award per submission date.
Applicants for an SRA may not simultaneously apply for a Training Award (Career
Development or Research Fellowship Award).
Applicants for an SRA may not simultaneously submit another application focused on the
same research topic for a Litwin IBD Pioneer award, Clinical Research Network Award or
Research Initiative.
Successful applicants may not hold concurrent Foundation SRAs; however, applications
for new projects may be submitted 6 months prior to the termination of awardees current
Each applicant must submit a letter of intent (LOI) prior to submitting a full proposal for
consideration. The LOI is reviewed seriously by the review committee and determines whether or
not a full application is recommended to be submitted. Each section of the LOI must be completed
fully to be eligible for funding consideration.
Resubmissions do not require an LOI. PIs intending to resubmit an application need to inform
the Foundation by the LOI submission deadline by sending an email to
loibypass@crohnscolitisfoundation.org with the following information:
Subject line: Resubmission – LOI Bypass Request
Body of email: PI name, project title, and original proposal number
Resubmissions are allowed within three years of the initial application submission. After three
years, a new LOI is required.
Components of Letter of Intent (LOI)
Please complete the LOI online in proposalCENTRAL, and adhere to the character
limitations of each section and the other requirements as outlined.
Type of Research
Select one of the following
Clinical (Please see section on Special Instructions for Clinical Trials, if applicable)
Challenges Priority
Please check one or more of the Challenges priority areas that is addressed by your project. You
may check other,but please be prepared to explain why the topic of your research proposal
should be considered a priority area for funding. Link to the Challenge priority areas are here.
Type of Disease
Select one of the following:
Crohn’s disease
Ulcerative colitis
Inflammatory Bowel Disease non-specified
Eligibility Determination
Answers to the questions determine your eligibility for an SRA to enable you to continue with the
application process.
Principal Investigator (PI)
PI is defined as the one person responsible to the Foundation for scientific and technical direction
of the project. While a project can have Co-PIs and senior collaborators, only one person and
awardee organization can be the point of contact responsible for technical and financial
management of the award scientific outcomes and reports.
Organization Information
This indicates where the PI is located and where the study will take place. The Foundation does
not make awards to individuals.
Key Personnel
Fill in key personnel, titles and affiliations
Project Title
Fill in the project title. Do not use abbreviations.
Scientific Summary of Project
The Scientific Summary should provide a clear overview of the proposed work, including
background (or hypothesis and its supporting rationale) and specific aims of the study. It should
be concise but allow the review committee to assess the scientific merit and recommend it for full
Relevance and Significance of the Project to IBD
Provide a description of how this project addresses unmet needs in IBD, is related to the
Foundation’s research priorities, outlined in Challenges in IBD, and how it will further both
research and the Foundation’s mission. The LOI must state how the research proposal is
related to an area outlined in Challenges in IBD (link:
https://academic.oup.com/ibdjournal/issue/25/Supplement_2), or if not related to areas outlined
in Challenges in IBD, the LOI must state why the research proposal is so compelling that it
should be considered a priority for funding. If it is a proposal for preclinical research, then
the project must demonstrate its relevance to human IBD mechanisms. Scoring will be
negatively impacted if the LOI does not address these areas.
Please upload the following to this section:
NIH Biosketch/CV for applicant
Up to three relevant publications (optional)
After review of LOIs, selected applicants will be informed whether their proposals have been
selected for full application submission. There is an approximate three-week turnaround on LOI
decisions after the LOI deadline has occurred.
Components of Full Application
Project Title
Fill in project title. If this is a resubmission, the title should be the same as the original application.
Type of Research
Select one of the following
Clinical (Please see section on Special Instructions for Clinical Trials, if applicable)
Challenges Priority
Please check one priority area that is addressed by your project, or if not related to Challenges in
IBD, why the research proposal is so compelling that it should be considered a priority for funding.
If it is a proposal for preclinical research, then the project must demonstrate its relevance
to human IBD mechanisms.
Type of Disease
Select one of the following:
Crohn’s disease
Ulcerative colitis
Inflammatory Bowel Disease non-specified
Principal Investigator
PI is defined as the one person responsible to the Foundation for scientific and technical direction
of the project. Although co-PIs are permitted, only one can be indicated as the main point of
Organization Information
This is where the lead PI is located and where the study will take place.
At the time of proposal submission, appropriate administrative officials will be required to sign off
and submit the application. Please provide the name and address of the person, at the grantee
institution, who will administer the grant. Please ensure that appropriate parties responsible to
upload financial reports, fully executed award letters, organization assurances, and other
institutional documents is given “Editor” or “Administrator” role for the proposal. Failure in
observing that aspect may result in administrative delays.
Please note any key members of this project such as collaborators, etc.
This summary for general audience should be a clear, concise overview in simplified language,
appropriate for non-scientific reviewers. The lay summary should include the following
What question will this project attempt to answer?
Why is this question important to IBD? How would the results significantly advance the
field of IBD research or impact patient care or quality of life?
How does the research address the Challenges in IBD? or if not related to Challenges in
IBD, why the research proposal is so compelling that it should be considered a priority for
What is the study design? How is it innovative?
How do the hypothesis and specific aims fit with the Foundation’s scientific priorities?
If the research is successful, what next steps are needed to advance to the Foundation’s
mission to find cures for IBD and/or to improve quality of life for IBD patients?
In addition, include a brief glossary of any scientific terms included in your lay summary.
The Scientific Summary should provide a clear overview of the proposed work, including
background, hypothesis and its supporting rationale, and specific aims of the study. It should be
concise but allow the review committee to effectively assess the scientific merit.
Relevance of the Project to IBD
Provide a description of how this project is explicitly related to IBD and how it will further research
to achieve the Foundation’s mission. If it is preclinical research, then the project must demonstrate
its relevance to human IBD mechanisms or explain why this should not be a priority for this
particular research.
The above three sections will be evaluated as part of the application as well as used to
inform the Foundation’s National Board of Trustees and the general public about the
funded project, therefore proprietary or confidential information should not be included.
Project Start Date
Date on which you expect to start this project. Funded applications for the Spring cycle would
begin on July 1
. Funded applications in the Fall cycle would begin on January 1
of the
following year.
Estimated Length of Project
SRA projects can range from 12 to 36 months duration.
Percentage Effort
Inform the effort (in percentages) you estimate that will be needed to complete the proposed
project. A minimum of 2 to 5% effort is required for the PI of an SRA. Describe how your time (in
percentages) is allocated in your current position at this institution. An institutional representative
will be required to confirm this information as part of the proposal submission process.
Percentage of Fringe Benefits Paid by Your Institution
Inform the applicable percentage of fringe benefits.
Detailed Budget
The total budget can be requested for up to three years. The request per year, including direct
and indirect costs, may not exceed $115,830. The Foundation indirect cost rate for the SRA is
10%. (So maximum request per year allowed is $105,300 in direct costs + $10,530 in indirect
The requested budget should reflect the personnel and other expenses to carry out the proposed
SRAs are not meant to be a major source of a PI’s salary. The award can support a portion of the
PI's salary commensurate with the time allotted to the project. The salary request for the PI should
be calculated as a percentage of the NIH salary cap, which is limited to the current Executive
Level II of the Federal Executive pay scale.
Requests for major equipment purchases (over $5,000) are generally not considered. Any
equipment purchased under a Foundation award is for the use of the PI, his/her collaborators
and/or other researchers or trainees involved in this research project. Title to equipment shall be
vested in the institution with which the PI is associated. In the event of an award transfer to another
institution, equipment necessary for continuation of the research project purchased with the grant
funds should be transferred to the new institution. Title to such equipment shall be vested in the
new institution.
Indirect costs over subcontracts:
The prime recipient institution may request up to a maximum of 10% of the first $25,000
of each subcontract.
Subcontracting institutions may request up to 10% of indirect costs.
The awardee institution is responsible for all oversight of the subcontract and must include
financial accountings for the subcontract(s) in the financial reports
Budget Justification
It is the applicant's responsibility to justify the budget. Items not adequately justified will
not be supported. Please provide a budget justification for the amount requested. Details should
be provided to allow reviewers to assess how the requested amounts for personnel and non-
personnel expenses will be spent to carry out the proposed activities.
Provide information on currently active projects and proposals pending review.
For pending applications, attach an abstract for each application you list in this section as an
appendix in the Attachments Section.
Important Note on Scientific and Funding Overlap
The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation reserves the right not to fund projects that are supported all or
in part by another agency. Projects are considered to overlap if there are any shared Specific
Aims or budgetary overlap or overlap of percent of effort dedicated to the other project. The review
committee will make the final decision regarding any questions of overlap.
Clinical trials requiring Foundation support in addition to outside support will be considered.
Please see section on Special Instructions for Clinical Trials, if applicable.
Additionally, there is an exception for institutional support (PI faculty package, discretionary funds,
etc.). If this is applicable to this proposal, a description of any institutional support provided by the
institution should be uploaded to the section “Evidential Enclosure”. The details should include
institutional commitment to the support of the applicant’s salary; and the current term of the
applicant’s appointment. Please note that the institutional support does not decrease the chances
of obtaining support from the Foundation, rather, such support is frequently considered by the
review committee as important evidence for institutional commitment to the proposed research
Human/Animal Studies Approval
All activities involving human subjects or vertebrate animals must be approved by an appropriate
institutional review board (IRB) or equivalent within two months of the award date and is
required for study activation and initial payment. Nevertheless, please indicate with “Yes” or
“No” response, and if yes indicate date of approval and upload approved protocol in the
Attachments Section.
Research Plan/Protocol
The description of the proposed research project must include the following items in sufficient
detail to permit evaluation of the scientific merit of the study.
This section is limited to 7 pages, single spaced (1/2 inch margins). The lengths indicated
below are included as a guideline and not required. HOWEVER, applications exceeding the
page limit will not be reviewed.
Please see section below on Special Instructions for Clinical Trials, if applicable.
Overall Objectives (one or two paragraphs)
General scientific objectives
Specific aims (1 page)
Describe concisely and realistically what the specific research described in this
application is intended to accomplish. Specifically outline Aims for year 1, year 2 or year
3, goals, deliverables and timelines. State any hypotheses to be tested.
Background -including preliminary data (2 pages)
Outline the previous work in the area by others, and the preliminary data or previous
studies by the investigator(s). Enough preliminary data should be included in the
application to demonstrate that the project is feasible, and that the investigator is likely to
complete the project successfully in the duration of the grant.
Methods and Materials to be used (3 pages)
Provide a detailed discussion of the experimental design, procedures, and materials to
be used to accomplish the Specific Aims.
Describe protocols, including methods for new techniques, and explain the advantages
over existing methodologies.
Discuss the kinds of data expected to be obtained and the means by which data will be
analyzed and interpreted.
Justify the use of any animal models (i.e., choice of species, number used, etc.).
Discuss potential difficulties and/or limitations of the proposed procedures and
alternative approaches to achieve aims.
Significance and Relevance of the proposed research to IBD (Crohn's disease and/or
ulcerative colitis) (1 page) Please note that Significance/Relevance to IBD is a separately
scored section of the proposal and is considered very seriously to determine whether the topic
of research addresses a research priority.
Justify the significance of the results of this project to the understanding of the etiology,
pathogenesis, therapy, and prevention of IBD. Specifically identify the gaps this project is
intended to fill as it relates to the priorities outlined in Challenges in IBD (add link) or if not
related to Challenges in IBD, why the research proposal is so compelling that it should be
considered a priority for funding.
For preclinical research, the project must demonstrate its relevance to human IBD
mechanisms or explain why this should not be a priority for this particular research.
Facilities Available for Proposed Studies (one or two paragraphs)
Describe the facilities available, including square footage, equipment, animal care
facilities, and other environmental factors. Pay attention to those items required for
successful completion of this proposal. Include a description for each facility to be
Sufficient information must be included to demonstrate the high quality of the PI’s
research, the co-investigators, available research resources and the applicant institution
and its support of the project. Should particular equipment or lab space be required for
the project and provided by the institution, include a letter of commitment of these
Bibliographic References (3 pages)
Literature citations should be listed in this section, at the end of the Research Plan.
These are not counted as part of the 12-page limit.
Reply to Previous Review (REQUIRED for Resubmission applications ONLY) (1 page)
For Resubmissions, upload a letter that clearly and succinctly addresses the points
raised in the previous review and direct the reviewer to the specific sections of the
Research Protocol where revisions have been made. Revised portions of the text
changed in response to the reviewers’ comments should be highlighted.
In this section, include copies of the following
o Budget pages of previous application
o Overall objectives and specific aims of previous application
Letters of Collaboration
o Attach letters of collaboration from all senior personnel cited in the proposal but not
included in the budget. The letter should be concise and confirm the participation of the
collaborator in the project and in what capacity (providing samples, reviewing protocols or
publications, etc.)
Applicants’ CV/NIH Biosketch
Attach the CV/NIH Biosketch for the applicant.
Human and/or Animal Approvals
Upload IRB approvals for human and animal research. If a protocol has not yet been approved,
one will be required prior to award execution.
New Vendor Form and W9
Complete so that, in the event of award, the institution is eligible to receive payment. This
document should include the name of institution as listed on the W9 as well as an attached W9
for reference. This is required even if institution has received prior funding from the Crohn's &
Colitis Foundation
Uploaded reference material may include:
Article references
Original Pictures
Other Letters of Support
PI name must be clearly identified on the header of each attachment (not applicable to
letters of collaboration and protocols).
12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial is the minimum font size for the text of the
application. A 10-point Times New Roman or 10-point Arial font type may be used for
figures, legends, and tables.
Single-spaced text is acceptable, and space between paragraphs is recommended.
Margins should be at least 1” inch all around, unless a form with different margins is
supplied in the Application Templates or Forms.
A signature page signed by the applicant AND Institutional Officer is required at the time of
proposal submission and must be uploaded.
Budget request must be in U.S. dollars. Awards will be made in U.S. dollars.
Please be aware that you should give more details than you might be accustomed, especially in
the areas of background material and preliminary data, experimental design, and available
facilities, budgetary items (particularly percent of effort and salary requests for key personnel).
Please contact the Foundation at grant@crohnscolitisfoundation.org with any questions or
seeking additional information.
All materials MUST be submitted in English.
The NIH considers a clinical trial to be any study in which one or more human subjects are
prospectively assigned to one or more interventions to evaluate the effects of those interventions
on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes. Should your proposal fall into this category
it is necessary that your Research Plan include the following sections in addition to those listed
Specific Aims:
These should include a delineation of the primary and secondary end points to be measured with
an appropriate explanation of the relative importance of the various end points.
The application should clearly state the need for the study and how the results would impact on
the prevailing practice in this area.
Experimental Design and Method:
The inclusion and exclusion criteria should be listed, and the procedure(s) to be utilized for
assignment of patients to experimental groups should be described. The study design for the
interventions to be used should be presented in detail including the rationale for the design chosen
and procedures to assure compliance with and implementation of the proposed protocol.
Potential biases in the proposed protocol and how they will be addressed should be presented.
Clinical, laboratory, and physiological tests should be described including methods of
randomization. Finally, assumptions and calculations to arrive at the proposed sample size
should be included.
The availability of patients for the proposed study, including the specific characteristics that are
required for the group should be presented. Approaches should be outlined that will be used for
the recruitment, retention, and follow-up of the required number of patients. Projected rates of
patient enrollment should be included in a targeted enrollment table. Data should be presented
supporting recruitment, enrollment and retention feasibility and power analyses to support the
number targeted for enrollment. If enrollment falls behind projected levels, funding may be
delayed or terminated.
Plans should be described for patient protection, including informed consent, monitoring of data
for safety, and early termination as required. At the time of acceptance of funding, appropriate
informed consent forms, certification of approval from the Human Studies Committee (or its
equivalent) for each participating institution, and GCP training certificates should be submitted to
the Foundation.
The organization of the study and how the trial will be managed should be described, including
the function of any internal or external advisory committees and any data and safety monitoring
groups. In multicenter trials, you should provide a description of the responsibility and role of a
data coordinating center, and policies and methods concerning blinding of study results.
Accordingly, a plan should be submitted describing the procedure for the coordination of all
participating centers. The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation does not assume responsibility for the
conduct of the activities that the grant supports or the acts of the grant recipient as both are under
the direction and control of the grantee institution and subject to the institution’s medical and
scientific policies. Grantee institutions must safeguard the rights and welfare of individuals who
participate as subjects in research activities by reviewing proposed activities through an
Institutional Review Board (IRB), as specified by the NIH Office for Human Research Protections,
US Department of Health and Human Services. These policies apply to applicants and applicant
institutions as well. Finally, a timetable for completion of the various phases of the trial should be
A procedure or plan for data management should be described, including data collection forms, if
available. Data analysis methodology linking the analyses to the hypotheses to be tested should
also be included. Primary and secondary end points should be clearly defined, justified, and
related to the power calculations.
Evidential Enclosures:
Enclose letters of commitment from each participating center, signed by the cooperating
investigator and business official. In addition, informed consent forms and evidence of Human
Studies approval from all participating centers should be included in this section.
Curriculum Vitae:
Biographical sketches of all key investigators, center directors, and multidisciplinary team
members should be included.
Clinical, data management, and laboratory facilities should be described in detail for all
participating institutions, where applicable.
A total overall budget and a complete justified budget for each year of support should be
presented. If the trial is designed for more than the three-year period, complete justified budgets
for the future years and a plan for securing funding for additional year(s) must be included. If the
study involves multiple centers, a composite matrix should be submitted, where applicable. If
parts of the costs of the total trial are to be provided by other sources, these contributions should
be presented in detail along with supporting letters from appropriate individuals and/or institutions.
Please add additional budget information into the online template.
Peer Review of Applications
SRA applications are reviewed by the review committees, which are composed of basic and
clinical IBD researchers in a variety of fields. These committees generally have between 15-20
members, including leaders in their areas of expertise and 2-3 lay reviewers. In addition, ad-hoc
members may be added in order to provide expertise in certain area(s), depending on the
composition of topics of the submissions. Each application is assigned a primary, secondary, and
lay reviewer.
Reviewers are required to prepare a written evaluation of the application, addressing the following
separately scored criteria:
Overall Impact: All research supported by the Foundation must examine research
questions that have a direct application to Crohn's disease and/or ulcerative colitis,
preferably with evidence that links the research question to mechanisms that are relevant
to patients with IBD. It is the applicant's responsibility to explain the relevance of the
proposal to human IBD or why the research should be prioritized without demonstrating
this relevance.
Significance and Challenges in IBD: The significance of the proposed studies in advancing
unmet needs in IBD and how the application addresses the Challenges in IBD will be
evaluated. If the application does not address at least one category of the Challenges in
IBD, the case for why the research proposal is so compelling that it should be considered
a priority for funding will be evaluated.
Research Plan: This includes excellence of hypothesis, experimental design, and the
likelihood of the proposed research to produce significant new information that will
enhance the understanding of IBD to enable the Foundation to achieve its mission of
finding cures for IBD and/or improving the quality of life of those living with these diseases.
Excellence of Investigator and Research Environment: Investigator qualifications to be
examined are scholastic background, research experience, achievements and
publications. Environmental criteria include availability of appropriate space and
equipment, consultants, etc.
Members of the review committees meet to discuss and select the most scientifically sound and
impactful proposals. Selected proposals are scored, using a 9-point rating scale (1 =
exceptional; 9 = poor) based on the above-mentioned criteria and then ranked against other
submitted proposals.
Review by Grants Council
Projects in the fundable range are examined and ranked by the Grants Council in respect to the
Foundation's goals, as outlined in the document, "Challenges in IBD". The link can be found
here: https://academic.oup.com/ibdjournal/issue/25/Supplement_2.
Board of Trustees Approval
The Grants Council recommends the proposals for funding to the Board of Trustees, which is then
responsible for making the final decision to approve funding.
To ensure that the peer review process undertaken by the Foundation’s review committees is fair
and unbiased, the following procedures are in place:
An Ad Hoc Review Committee is set up to review any of the following:
Application submitted or sponsored by a member of one of the review committees
Applicant mentored by a Fellowship Grant Review Committee member/chair in the last
five years.
A Senior or Clinical Research Grant Review Committee member is a key personnel with
5% or more effort listed in budget of the grant application
If a committee member answered "yes" to any of the following, that will be considered a conflict
and the reviewer will not participate in the evaluation of that application.
Are you a key personnel/collaborator on this proposal (<5% effort)?
Have you and the applicant worked at the same institution in the last three years?
Have you collaborated with the applicant in the last three years?
Have you co-authored/published a publication in the last three years?
Are you a former fellow/mentor for the applicant?
Are you and any key personnel on the application (> 5% effort) currently at the same
institution, collaborating, and/or in a fellow/mentor relationship?
Do you have any other conflicts reviewing this application?
Each committee reviewer must certify that to the best of his or her knowledge he/she has
disclosed all conflicts of interest that he or she may have with the applications; he or she fully
understands the confidential nature of the review process and agrees to the following:
To destroy or return all materials related to it;
Not to disclose or discuss the materials associated with the review, the evaluation, or the
review meeting with any other individual.
Not to disclose procurement information.
To refer all inquiries concerning the review to the chairperson or Foundation staff.
To review the Foundation’s “Guidelines for Maintaining Research and Peer Review
Taken together, these steps attempt to avoid conflicts of interest among members of the
An award or declination communication will be sent to the applicant informing about the
application outcome. A detailed critique summarizing the committee's deliberations will also be
provided to the applicant. Applications that are not funded may be revised and resubmitted within
a 3 year time period from the date of the initial submission. However, only two resubmissions are
allowed. Resubmitted applications will be reviewed in the same detail and compete on an equal
basis with all other new applications.
Progress Reports – Interim and Final
Awardees are required to submit one progress report per project year and one final scientific
report summarizing the progress made toward achieving the proposed goals and outcomes.
Second and third year funding is contingent upon the favorable evaluation of the first and second
years’ progress reports. The final scientific report is due 90 days after the end of the project.
Payments will not be processed while progress reports are delinquent.
Progress reports are due 10 months after the start date of the current year of the award. Reports
should follow the template provided in proposalCENTRAL and available for download on the
Foundation’s website. If the report lists any publication, please include an electronic copy at the
end of the report. If an electronic copy is not available, please briefly explain why.
Financial Reports
Annual financial reports are due 3 months after the end of the annual budget period. To allow for
year-to-year comparison, the report should be submitted on the template provided in
proposalCENTRAL and signed by a Financial Officer at the awardee institution. Failure in
observing these requirements may delay payment.
Final payments will not be made for awards with delinquent deliverables.
Policy on no-cost extension
In the event the research is delayed, an extension is required and a no-cost extension request
form and documentation must be e-mailed to grant@crohnscolitisfoundation.org no later than 60
days before the end of the project period. This request must be made on institutional letterhead
and signed by both the PI and the Institutional Official.
Multiple no-cost extensions may be considered based on the research involved.
Please ensure that annual progress and financial reports have been uploaded in
proposalCENTRAL before submitting a no-cost extension request, as requests will not be
considered for awards with outstanding required reports.
The no-cost extension request form and instructions are available on the Foundation’s website.
Policy on publications and award acknowledgment
Publications resulting from research activities supported by the Foundation should contain the
following acknowledgement:
Supported by the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, award number xxxxxx, project title xxxxx.
The Foundation’s support should also be acknowledged by the awardee and by the awardee
institution in all public communication of work resulting from this grant, including scientific
abstracts (where permitted), posters at scientific meetings, press releases or other media
communications, and Internet-based communications.
The Foundation shall receive timely and prior notice of any publications based upon the funded
research and a copy of the publication should be uploaded onto the award record in
Policy on patents and intellectual property
It is understood that submission of a proposal for funding consideration indicates that both PI and
Institution are informed of and agree with the Foundation’s Patent and Intellectual Property Policy,
available for download on the Foundation’s website.
Policy on award transfer
Recipients may transfer their grant from one institution to another. Projects that have been funded
for six months or longer will be reviewed by an administrative committee after full details of the
new environment and budget have been provided.
The change of institution request form and instructions are available on the Foundation’s website
or contact grant@crohnscolitisfoundation.org.
Policy on carryforward
Carryforward into the next budget year is allowed up to 30% of the annual budget.
Carryforward requests for amounts above this threshold will be considered on a case-by-case
basis and must be requested in writing to the Foundation staff no later than 60 days before the
end of the budget period. This request must be made on institutional letterhead and signed by
both the PI and the Institutional Official.
Policy on return of funds
Unspent balances at the end of the project of up to $100 (one hundred dollars) can remain at the
awardee institution and be allocated to support the PI’s research efforts.
Unspent balances at the end of the project of more than $100 (one hundred dollars) must be
returned in full to the Foundation.
Withdrawal of Application
Applicants are asked to notify the Foundation in writing should they decide to withdraw their
applications for any reason.
Change of Address
Applicants are responsible for notifying the Foundation in writing of any changes of address, email
or phone number, following the submission of an application.