OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
OpenStreetMap Data
Layered GIS Format
Free shapefiles – 2022-04-29
Frederik Ramm <[email protected]>
Table of Contents
1 Preface…..2
2 Introduction….2
2.1 Versions…2
2.2 Map datum……3
2.3 Character encoding……3
2.4 Aribute names…3
2.5 Common aributes…3
2.6 International Names….3
2.7 Layers…4
2.8 Points and Areas…..4
2.9 Spillover Shape Files….4
3 Feature Catalogue - Overview….4
4 Point Features…5
4.1 Places (“places”)……5
4.2 Points of Interest…..6
4.3 Places of Worship (“pofw”)…..11
4.4 Natural Features (“natural”)….11
4.5 Trac Related (“trac”)….12
4.6 Transport Infrastructure (“transport”)……13
5 Line Features……14
5.1 Roads and Paths (“roads”)….14
5.2 Railways, Subways, Trams, Lis, and Cable Cars (“railways”)….15
5.3 Waterways (“waterways”)….16
6 Polygon Features…..16
6.1 Building outlines (“buildings”)…..16
6.2 Land use and land cover (“landuse”)……17
6.3 Bodies of Water (“water”)…..17
7 Dierences to Commercial “0.7” Shape Files……18
7.1 Associated Area Layer….18
7.2 Additional Layers….18
7.3 Additional Feature Classes……18
7.4 Additional Fields…19
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
Version History and Copyright
Version Created At Changes
intial 2016-08-12 Revamped free shape les now based on the commercially produced “0.7.0”
shapes by Geofabrik.
2 2016-12-07 Updates in section 7 reecting some changes made to the commercial shapes.
3 2017-01-24 Use amenity=taxi instead of amenity=taxi_rank. See for details.
Add waterway=dock.
4 2017-03-02 Swap codes 5205 and 5208 (ford and speed camera). ey were swapped in the
produced shape les. Add Buddhist, Taoist, Shintoist, Sikh and Hindu places of
5 2017-10-06 Updates in chapter “Dierences to Commercial “0.7” Shape Files”. Split up
feature class “farm” into “farmyard” and “farmland”.
6 2019-01-17 Interprete OSM tags natural=water + water=river and natural=water +
water=reservoir for feature classes “river” and “reservoir” in addition to
waterway=riverbank and landuse=reservoir.
7 2019-05-21 Updates in chapter “Dierences to Commercial “0.7” Shape Files”.
8 2020-01-13 Updates in chapter “Dierences to Commercial “0.7” Shape Files”.
9 2021-07-08 Only add objects with amenity=place_of_worship to pofw layer. Add
recycling:glass_boles=yes to code 2031 (recycling_glass).
10 2021-08-12 Add code 2510 (general) for general stores to poi layer.
11 2022-03-31 Add code 5125 (busway).
12 2022-04-29 Add 2111 (clinic).
Copyright in this document is held by Geofabrik GmbH. Some denitions have been
extracted from the OpenStreetMap Wiki at hp:// Permission is
granted to re-use this document whole or in part under the terms of the Creative Commons
Aribution-Share Alike 2.0 license.
1 Preface
e OpenStreetMap (OSM) project ( has collected an enormous
amount of free spatial data and the database is growing every day. Many people want to use
this data for their own GIS projects but have been hindered by the use of a non-standard
data format in the OSM project. is document describes a mapping from OSM data formats
to the usual GIS formats to make the OSM data accessible to more people.
e mapping from OSM data to other formats is not an exact science. OSM rules on how to
map certain features are oen not well dened and there is no mandatory quality control.
is openness allows a lot of exibility and is part of the reason why OSM has been able to
collect so much data in such a short time frame, but it makes using the data more dicult.
When using or exporting the data, many decisions have to be made on how to extract the
dierent features into something usable for the task at hand.
e mapping described in this document is in no way the only mapping possible, in fact
there is an innite number of possible mappings. In this document we have specied a
general-use mapping of the basic features like roads, waterways, dierent land use types,
and points of interest. Other uses might need specialized mappings, but they are out of the
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
scope of this document.
e format described in this document is used by Geofabrik to create shapeles which are
oered for free download from
2 Introduction
2.1 Versions
e commercially available shape les from Geofabrik carry a version identier in each
layer name. e free shapes contain the name “free” in each layer name to distinguish them.
2.2 Map datum
All coordinates are unprojected WGS84 (EPSG:4326).
2.3 Character encoding
All strings are encoded in UTF-8.
2.4 Attribute names
All aribute names are lower case and are less than 11 characters long so that they are not
truncated in shapeles.
2.5 Common attributes
Most tables/shape les will have the following columns/aributes:
Attribute PostGIS Type Description
(4 Bytes)
Id of this feature. Unique in this layer.
osm_id VARCHAR
OSM Id taken from the Id of this feature (node_id, way_id, or relation_id) in the
OSM database. In case several features in the OSM database are joined into one
feature, this is one of the Ids. is Id is not necessarily unique because one OSM
object can result in several geometry objects.
Also note that when doing shape le exports, this will be exported as a
VARCHAR type since shape les don't support long integers.
(2 Bytes)
4 digit code (between 1000 and 9999) dening the feature class. e rst one or
two digits dene the layer, the last two or three digits the class inside a layer.
fclass VARCHAR(40) Class name of this feature. is does not add any information that is not already
in the “code eld but it is beer readable.
name VARCHAR(100) Name of this feature, like a street or place name. If the name in OSM contains
obviously wrong data such as “xme” or “none, it will be empty.
e code and the combination of layer name and fclass always contains the same
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
2.6 International Names
In OpenStreetMap, every feature can have many names. e standard name is always the
name used on the ground, locally, usually the name as it would be wrien on a sign. ere
may be any number of additional names in dierent languages, plus also a specic
“international name. In cases where the local script is not latin script, the international
name will oen contain a transcribed version of the standard name.
By default, Geofabrik shape les will always carry the standard name, the one that is given
in OSM's “name” tag. If you need additional name (e.g. international name or names in a
specic language), that can be arranged in the paid shape service – please contact us.
2.7 Layers
In OSM there are no layers in the traditional GIS sense. All features are in one big coherent
For the purpose of the mapping described in this document, the features stored in the OSM
database are extracted into dierent layers depending on their type.
All layers dened in this document use the “osm_” prex for their names.
2.8 Points and Areas
e availability of high-resolution aerial imagery has led to many POI features being
recorded as areas (building or site outlines), not points, in OpenStreetMap. You will, for
example, oen nd a restaurant or hotel drawn as an area. Features drawn as area in
OpenStreetMap will be wrien to the layer with an _a sux. Features drawn als line/point
in OpenStreetMap will be wrien to the layer without an _a sux.
2.9 Spillover Shape Files
When a certain layer becomes too large for one shape le (shape les are limited to 2 GB in
size), it will automatically spill over into additional shape les. A shape le named
osm_pois_v07_1.shp” will have spillover shape les names “osm_pois_v07_2.shp”,
osm_pois_v07_3.shp” and so on.
3 Feature Catalogue - Overview
e following layers are available:
Geometry Code Layer page Description
10xx places 5 Cities, towns, suburbs, villages,…
2xxx pois 6 Points of Interest, therein:
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
Geometry Code Layer page Description
20xx Public facilities such as government oces, post oce, police, …
21xx Hospitals, pharmacies, …
22xx Culture, Leisure, …
23xx Restaurants, pubs, cafes, …
24xx Hotel, motels, and other places to stay the night
25xx Supermarkets, bakeries, …
26xx Banks and atms
27xx Tourist information, sights, museums, …
29xx Miscellaneous points of interest
3xxx pofw 11 Places of worship such as churches, mosques, …
41xx natural 12 Natural features
52xx trac 12 Trac related
50xx transport 13 Parking lots, petrol (gas) stations, …
51xx roads 14 Roads, tracks, paths, …
61xx railway 16 Railway, subways, light rail, trams, …
81xx waterways 17 Rivers, canals, streams, …
15xx buildings 17 Building outlines
72xx landuse 17 Forests, residential areas, industrial areas,…
82xx water 18 Lakes, …
4 Point Features
4.1 Places (“places”)
Location for cities, towns, etc. Typically somewhere in the centre of the town.
Additional aributes:
Attribute PostGIS Type Description OSM Tags
population INTEGER Number of people living in this place population=*
Note that for many places the population is not available and will be set to 0. For islands the
population is always 0.
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code fclass Description OSM Tags
1000 place
1001 place city As dened by national/state/provincial
government. Oen over 100,000 people
place=city (but see 1005)
1002 place town As dened by national/state/provincial
government. Generally smaller than a city,
between 10,000 and 100,000 people
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code fclass Description OSM Tags
1003 place village As dened by national/state/provincial
government. Generally smaller than a town, below
10,000 people
1004 place hamlet As dened by national/state/provincial
government. Generally smaller than a village, just
a few houses
1005 place national_capital A national capital place=city with (a)
is_capital=country or (b)
admin_level=2 or (c)
capital=yes and no
admin_level set
1010 place suburb Named area of town or city place=suburb
1020 place island Identies an island place=island
1030 place farm Named farm place=farm
1031 place dwelling Isolated dwelling (1 or 2 houses, smaller than
1040 place region A region label (used in some areas only) place=region
1041 place county A county label (used in some areas only) place=county
1050 place locality Other kind of named place place=locality
4.2 Points of Interest
is layer has an associated area layer (see section 2.8).
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
20xx public
2001 police A police post or station. amenity=police
2002 re_station A re station. amenity=re_station
2004 post_box A post box (for leers). amenity=post_box
2005 post_oce A post oce. amenity=post_oce
2006 telephone A public telephone booth. amenity=telephone
2007 library A library. amenity=library
2008 town_hall A town hall. amenity=townhall
2009 courthouse A court house. amenity=courthouse
2010 prison A prison. amenity=prison
2011 embassy An embassy or consulate. amenity=embassy or
2012 community_centre A public facility which is mostly
used by local associations for
events and festivities.
2013 nursing_home A home for disabled or elderly
persons who need permanent
2014 arts_centre A venue at which a variety of arts
are performed or conducted, and
may well be involved with the
creation of those works, and run
occasional courses.
2015 graveyard A graveyard. amenity=grave_yard or
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
2016 market_place A place where markets are held. amenity=marketplace
2030 recycling A place (usually a container)
where you can drop waste for
amenity=recycling with
none of the specics below
2031 recycling_glass A place for recycling glass. … recycling:glass=yes or
2032 recycling_paper A place for recycling paper. … recycling:paper=yes
2033 recycling_clothes A place for recycling clothes. … recycling:clothes=yes
2034 recycling_metal A place for recycling metal.
208x Education
2081 university A university. amenity=university
2082 school A school. amenity=school
2083 kindergarten A kindergarten (nursery). amenity=kindergarten
2084 college A college. amenity=college
2099 public_building An unspecied public building. amenity=public_building
21xx health
2101 pharmacy A pharmacy. amenity=pharmacy
2110 hospital A hospital. amenity=hospital
2111 clinic A medical centre that does not
admit inpatients.
2120 doctors A medical practice. amenity=doctors
2121 dentist A dentist's practice. amenity=dentist
veterinary A veterinary (animal doctor) amenity=veterinary
22xx leisure
2201 theatre A theatre. amenity=theatre
2202 nightclub A night club, or disco. amenity=nightclub
2203 cinema A cinema. amenity=cinema
2204 park A park. leisure=park
2205 playground A playground for children. leisure=playground
2206 dog_park An area where dogs are allowed to
run free without a leash.
225x Sports
2251 sports_centre A facility where a range of sports
activities can be pursued.
2252 pitch An area set aside for a specic
2253 swimming_pool A swimming pool or water park. amenity=swimming_pool,
2254 tennis_court A tennis court. sport=tennis
2255 golf_course A golf course. leisure=golf_course
2256 stadium A stadium. e area of the
stadium may contain one or
several pitches.
2257 ice_rink An ice rink. leisure=ice_rink
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
23xx catering Catering services
2301 restaurant A normal restaurant. amenity=restaurant
2302 fast_food A fast-food restaurant. amenity=fast_food
2303 cafe A cafe. amenity=cafe
2304 pub A pub. amenity=pub
bar A bar. e dierence between a
pub and a bar is not clear but pubs
tend to oer food while bars do
food_court A common seating area with
various fast-food vendors.
biergarten An open-air area where food and
drinks are served.
24xx accommo-
2401 hotel A hotel. tourism=hotel
2402 motel A motel. tourism=motel
2403 bed_and_breakfast A facility oering bed and
2404 guesthouse A guesthouse. e dierence
between hotel, bed and breakfast,
and guest houses is not a strict
one and OSM tends to use
whatever the facility calls itself.
2405 hostel A hostel (oering cheap
accomodation, oen bunk beds in
2406 chalet A detached coage, usually self-
2420 (outdoor)
2421 shelter All sorts of small shelters to
protect against bad weather
2422 camp_site A camp site or camping ground. tourism=camp_site
2423 alpine_hut An alpine hut is a building
typically situated in mountains
providing shelter and oen food
and beverages to visitors.
2424 caravan_site A place where people with
caravans or motorhomes can stay
overnight or longer.
25xx shopping
2501 supermarket A supermarket. shop=supermarket
2502 bakery A bakery. shop=bakery
2503 kiosk A very small shop usually selling
cigarees, newspapers, sweets,
snacks and beverages.
2504 mall A shopping mall. shop=mall
2505 department_store A department store. shop=department_store
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
2510 general A general store, oering a broad
range of products on a small area.
Exists usually in rural and remote
2511 convenience A convenience store is a small
shop selling a subset of items you
might nd at a supermarket.
2512 clothes A clothes or fashion store. shop=clothes
2513 orist A store stelling owers. shop=orist
2514 chemist A shop selling articles of personal
hygiene, cosmetics, and household
cleaning products.
2515 bookshop A book shop. shop=books
2516 butcher A butcher. shop=butcher
2517 shoe_shop A shoe shop. shop=shoes
2518 beverages A place where you can buy
alcoholic and non-alcoholic
2519 optician A place where you can buy
2520 jeweller A jewelry shop. shop=jewelry
2521 gi_shop A gi shop. shop=gi
2522 sports_shop A shop selling sports equipment. shop=sports
2523 stationery A shop selling stationery for
private and oce use.
2524 outdoor_shop A shop selling outdoor equiment. shop=outdoor
2525 mobile_phone_shop A shop for mobile phones. shop=mobile_phone
2526 toy_shop A toy store. shop=toys
2527 newsagent A show selling mainly newspapers
and magazines.
2528 greengrocer A shop selling fruit and
2529 beauty_shop A shop that provides personal
beauty services like a nail salon or
tanning salon.
2530 video_shop A place where you can buy lms. shop=video
2541 car_dealership A car dealership. shop=car
2542 bicycle_shop A bicycle shop. shop=bicycle
2543 doityourself A do-it-yourself shop where you
can buy tools and building
shop=doityourself and
2544 furniture_shop A furniture store. shop=furniture
2546 computer_shop A computer shop. shop=computer
2547 garden_centre A place selling plants and
gardening goods.
2561 hairdresser A hair salon. shop=hairdresser
2562 car_repair A car garage. shop=car_repair
2563 car_rental A place where you can rent a car. amenity=car_rental
2564 car_wash A car wash. amenity=car_wash
2565 car_sharing A car sharing station. amenity=car_sharing
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
2566 bicycle_rental A place where you can rent
2567 travel_agent A travel agency. shop=travel_agency
2568 laundry A place where you can wash
clothes or have them cleaned.
2590 vending_machine An unspecied vending machine. amenity=vending_machine
with none of the specics
2591 vending_cigaree A cigaree vending machine. vending=cigarees
2592 vending_parking A vending machine for parking
2600 money
2601 bank A bank. amenity=bank
2602 atm A machine that lets you withdraw
cash from your bank account.
2700 tourism information
2701 tourist_info Something that provides
information to tourists; may or
many not be manned.
tourism=information with
none of the specics below
2704 tourist_map A map displayed to inform
tourism_information and
2705 tourist_board A board with explanations aimed
at tourists.
and information=board
2706 tourist_guidepost A guide post. and information=guidepost
2721 araction A tourist araction. tourism=araction
2722 museum A museum. tourism=museum
2723 monument A monument. historic=monument
2724 memorial A memorial. historic=memorial
2725 art A permanent work of art. tourism=artwork
2731 castle A castle. historic=castle
2732 ruins Ruins of historic signicance. historic=ruins
2733 archaeological An excavation site. historic=archaeological_site
2734 wayside_cross A wayside cross, not necessarily
2735 wayside_shrine A wayside shrine. historic=wayside_shrine
2736 baleeld A historic baleeld. historic=baleeld
2737 fort A fort. historic=fort
2741 picnic_site A picnic site. tourism=picnic_site
2742 viewpoint A viewpoint. tourism=viewpoint
2743 zoo A zoo. tourism=zoo
2744 theme_park A theme park. tourism=theme_park
2900 miscpoi
2901 toilet Public toilets. amenity=toilets
2902 bench A public bench. amenity=bench
2903 drinking_water A tap or other source of drinking
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
2904 fountain A fountain for cultural, decorative,
or recreational purposes.
2905 hunting_stand A hunting stand. amenity=hunting_stand
2906 waste_basket A waste basket. amenity=waste_basket
2907 camera_surveillance A surveillance camera. man_made=surveillance
2921 emergency_phone An emergency telephone. amenity=emergency_phone,
2922 re_hydrant A ry hydrant. amenity=re_hydrant,
2923 emergency_access An emergency access point
(signposted place in e.g. woods the
location of which is known to
emergency services).
2950 tower A tower of some kind. man_made=tower and none
of the specics below
2951 tower_comms A communications tower. man_made=tower and
2952 water_tower A water tower. man_made=water_tower
2953 tower_observation An observation tower. man_made=tower and
2954 windmill A windmill. man_made=windmill
2955 lighthouse A lighthouse. man_made=lighthouse
2961 wastewater_plant A wastewater treatment plant. man_made=wastewater_pla
2962 water_well A facility to access underground
2963 water_mill A mill driven by water. Oen
2964 water_works A place where drinking water is
4.3 Places of Worship (“pofw”)
is layer has an associated area layer (see section 2.8).
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
3000 pofw Places of worship
3100 pofw christian A christian place of worship
(usually a church) without one of
the denominations below.
amenity=place_of_worship +
3101 pofw christian_anglican A christian place of worship
where the denomination is
known. (Note to German users:
“protestant” is “evangelisch” in
German; “evangelical” is
“evangelikal” in German.)
+ denomination=anglican
3102 pofw christian_catholic + denomination=catholic
3103 pofw christian_evangelical + denomination=evangelical
3104 pofw christian_lutheran + denomination=lutheran
3105 pofw christian_methodist + denomination=methodist
3106 pofw christian_orthodox + denomination=orthodox
3107 pofw christian_protestant + denomination=protestant
3108 pofw christian_baptist + denomination=baptist
3109 pofw christian_mormon + denomination=mormon
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
3200 pofw jewish A jewish place of worship
(usually a synagogue).
amenity=place_of_worship +
3300 pofw muslim A muslim place of worhsip,
(usually a mosque) without one of
the denominations below.
amenity=place_of_worship +
3301 pofw muslim_sunni A Sunni muslim place of worship. + denomination=sunni
3302 pofw muslim_shia A Shia muslim place of worship. + denomination=shia
3400 pofw buddhist A Buddhist place of worship. amenity=place_of_worship +
3500 pofw hindu A Hindu place of worship. amenity=place_of_worship +
3600 pofw taoist A Taoist place of worship. amenity=place_of_worship +
3700 pofw shintoist A Shintoist place of worship. amenity=place_of_worship +
3800 pofw sikh A Sikh place of worship. amenity=place_of_worship +
4.4 Natural Features (“natural”)
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
4101 natural spring A spring, possibly source of a
4103 natural glacier A glacier. natural=glacier
4111 natural peak A mountain peak. natural=peak
4112 natural cli A cli. natural=cli
4113 natural volcano A volcano. natural=volcano
4121 natural tree A tree. natural=tree
4131 natural mine A mine. natural=mine
4132 natural cave_entrance A cave entrance. natural=cave_entrance
4141 natural beach A beach. (Note that beaches are
only rarely mapped as point
4.5 Traffic Related (“traffic”)
is layer exists both as area and as point layer (see section 2.8).
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
5201 trac trac_signals Trac lights. highway=trac_signals
5202 trac mini_roundabout A small roundabout without physical
strucutre, usually just painted onto the
road surface.
5203 trac stop A stop sign. highway=stop
5204 trac crossing A place where the street is crossed by
pedestrians or a railway.
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
5205 trac ford A place where the road runs through a
river or stream.
5206 trac motorway_junction e place where a slipway enters or leaves
a motorway.
5207 trac turning_circle An area at the end of a street where
vehicles can turn.
5208 trac speed_camera A camera that photographs speeding
5209 trac street_lamp A lamp illuminating the road. highway=street_lamp
Fuel and Parking
5250 trac fuel A gas station. amenity=fuel
5251 trac service A service area, usually along motorways. highway=services
5260 trac parking A car park of unknown type. amenity=parking with
none of the specics
5261 trac parking_site A surface car park. amenity=parking and…
… parking=site
5262 trac parking_multistorey A multi storey car park. … parking=multi-storey
5263 trac parking_undergroun
An underground car park. … parking=underground
5270 trac parking_bicycle A place to park your bicycle. amenity=bicycle_parking
Water Trac
5301 trac slipway A slipway. leisure=slipway
5302 trac marina A marina. leisure=marina
5303 trac pier A pier. man_made=pier
5311 trac dam A dam. waterway=dam
5321 trac waterfall A waterfall. waterway=waterfall
5331 trac lock_gate A lock gate. waterway=lock_gate
5332 trac weir A barrier built across a river or stream. waterway=weir
Note: Most of the 53xx type objects do sometimes appear as linear features in OSM as well but
those are not yet available in the shape les.
4.6 Transport Infrastructure (“transport”)
is layer exists both as area and as point layer (see section 2.8).
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
5601 transport railway_station A larger railway station of mainline
rail services.
5602 transport railway_halt A smaller, local railway station, or
subway station.
railway=halt, or
public_transport=stop_position +
5603 transport tram_stop A tram stop. railway=tram_stop, or
public_transport=stop_position +
5621 transport bus_stop A bus stop. highway=bus_stop, or
public_transport=stop_position +
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
5622 transport bus_station A large bus station with multiple
5641 transport taxi_rank A taxi rank. amenity=taxi
565x Air Trac
5651 transport airport A large airport. amenity=airport or
aeroway=aerodrome unless
5652 transport aireld A small airport or aireld. aeroway=aireld,
aeroway=aeroway with
5655 transport helipad A place for landing helicopters. aeroway=helipad
5656 transport apron A apron (area where aircra are
566x Water Trac
5661 transport ferry_terminal A ferry terminal. amenity=ferry_terminal
567x Other Trac
5671 transport aerialway_station A station where cable cars or lis
5 Line Features
5.1 Roads and Paths (“roads”)
All kinds of roads from motorways to gravel tracks as well as cycleways, footpaths, etc.
Additional aributes:
Attribute PostGIS Type Description OSM Tags
ref VARCHAR(20) Reference number of this road ('A 5', 'L 605', …) ref=*
oneway VARCHAR(1) Is this a oneway road? “F” means that only driving
in direction of the linestring is allowed. “T” means
that only the opposite direction is allowed. “B”
(default value) means that both directions are ok.
maxspeed SMALLINT Max allowed speed in km/h maxspeed=*
layer SMALLINT Relative layering of roads (-5, …, 0, …, 5) layer=*
bridge VARCHAR(1) Is this road on a bridge? (“T” = true, “F” = false) bridge=*
tunnel VARCHAR(1) Is this road in a tunnel? (“T” = true, “F” = false) tunnel=*
Roads of type 5111 (motorway) and 5112 (trunk) are always oneway.
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
511x roads Major roads
5111 roads motorway Motorway/freeway highway=motorway
5112 roads trunk Important roads, typically divided highway=trunk
5113 roads primary Primary roads, typically national. highway=primary
5114 roads secondary Secondary roads, typically regional. highway=secondary
5115 roads tertiary Tertiary roads, typically local. highway=tertiary
512x roads Minor Roads
5121 roads unclassied Smaller local roads highway=unclassied
5122 roads residential Roads in residential areas highway=residential
5123 roads living_street Streets where pedestrians have priority highway=living_street
5124 roads pedestrian Pedestrian only streets highway=pedestrian
5125 roads busway Dedicated roads for bus, usually closed for
any mode of transport except public
513x roads Highway links (sliproads/ramps)
5131 roads motorway_link Roads that connect from one road to another
of the same of lower category.
5132 roads trunk_link highway=trunk_link
5133 roads primary_link highway=primary_link
5134 roads secondary_link highway=secondary_link
5135 roads tertiary_link highway=tertiary_link
514x roads Very small roads
5141 roads service Service roads for access to buildings, parking
lots, etc.
5142 roads track For agricultural use, in forests, etc. Oen
gravel roads.
highway=track without
tracktype specication
5143 roads track_grade1 Tracks can be assigned a “tracktype” from 1
(asphalt or heavily compacted) to 5 (hardly
visible). A detailed description is here:
… with tracktype=grade1
5144 roads track_grade2 … with tracktype=grade2
5145 roads track_grade3 … with tracktype=grade3
5146 roads track_grade4 … with tracktype=grade4
5147 roads track_grade5 … with tracktype=grade5
515x roads Paths unsuitable for cars
5151 roads bridleway Paths for horse riding highway=bridleway or
highway=path with
5152 roads cycleway Paths for cycling highway=cycleway or
highway=path with
5153 roads footway Footpaths highway=footway or
highway=path with
5154 roads path Unspecied paths highway=path without
5155 roads steps Flights of steps on footpaths highway=steps
5199 roads unknown Unknown type of road or path highway=road
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
5.2 Railways, Subways, Trams, Lifts, and Cable Cars (“railways”)
Railways do not have a name aribute. Instead, they have the following additional
Attribute PostGIS Type Description OSM Tags
layer SMALLINT Relative layering of railways/roads (-5, …, 0, …, 5) layer=*
bridge VARCHAR(1) Is this road on a bridge? (“T” = true, “F” = false) bridge=*
tunnel VARCHAR(1) Is this road in a tunnel? (“T” = true, “F” = false) tunnel=*
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
6101 railways rail Regular railway tracks. railway=rail (unless
traction=* also set)
6102 railways light_rail Light railway tracks, oen commuter
6103 railways subway Underground railway tracks. railway=subway
6104 railways tram Tram tracks (may be incident with roads). railway=tram
6105 railways monorail A monorail track. railway=monorail
6106 railways narrow_gauge A narrow gauge railway track. railway=narrow_gauge
6107 railways miniature A miniature railway track. railway=miniature
6108 railways funicular A funicular, or cable railway usually on a
steep incline.
railway=funicular, or
railway=rail with
6109 railways rack A rack railway railway=rack, or
railway=rail with
traction=rack or
railway=rail with
6111 railways drag_li An overhead tow-line for skiers. aerialway=drag_li
6112 railways chair_li An open chairli run. aerialway=chair_li or
6113 railways cable_car A cabin cable car run. aerialway=cable_car
6114 railways gondola An aerialway where the cabins go around in
a circle,
6115 railways goods An aerialway for the transport of goods. aerialway=goods
6119 railways other_li Another type of li. aerialway=one of
plaer, t-bar, j-bar,
magic_carpet, zip_line,
rope_tow, or mixed_li
5.3 Waterways (“waterways”)
Additional aributes:
Attribute PostGIS Type Description OSM Tags
width SMALLINT Width of the waterway in metres. width=*
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
8101 waterways river A large river. waterway=river
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
8102 waterways stream A smaller river or stream. waterway=stream
8103 waterways canal An articial waterway. waterway=canal
8104 waterways drain A small drainage ditch or similar structure. waterway=drain
Note that in OSM larger rivers are oen available as polygon geometries and line geometries;
the line geometry will then run through the middle of the river in the direction of the water
6 Polygon Features
Polygon features are extracted from simple polygons and from multipolygons in OSM.
6.1 Building outlines (“buildings”)
Buildings don't have a name aribute.
Additional aributes:
Attribute PostGIS Type Description OSM Tags
type VARCHAR(20) e type of building, if specied in OSM; otherwise
other than yes)
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description
1500 buildings Building outlines building=*
6.2 Land use and land cover (“landuse”)
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
7201 landuse forest A forest or woodland. landuse=forest,
7202 landuse park A park. leisure=park,
7203 landuse residential A residential area. landuse=residential
7204 landuse industrial An industrial area. landuse=industrial
7206 landuse cemetery A cemetery or graveyard. landuse=cemetery
7207 landuse allotments An area with small private gardens. landuse=allotments
7208 landuse meadow A meadow, possibly used for grazing
7209 landuse commercial A commercial area. landuse=commercial
7210 landuse nature_reserve A nature reserve. leisure=nature_reserve
7211 landuse recreation_ground An open green space for general
leisure=recreation_ground or
7212 landuse retail An area mainly used by shops. landuse=retail
7213 landuse military Military landuse, usually no access for
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code layer fclass Description OSM Tags
7214 landuse quarry A quarry. landuse=quarry
7215 landuse orchard An area used for growing fruit-bearing
7216 landuse vineyard An area used for growing grapes. landuse=vineyard
7217 landuse scrub An area where scrub grows. landuse=scrub
7218 landuse grass An area where grass grows. landuse=grass
7219 landuse heath Heath areas. natural=heath
7220 landuse national_park A national park. boundary=national_park
7228 landuse farmland Agricultural land (areas where crops
are grown)
7229 landuse farmyard Area of land with farm buildings and
the shrubbery/trees around them.
6.3 Bodies of Water (“water”)
e following feature classes exist in this layer:
code layer fclass Description
8200 water water Unspecied bodies of water. Typically lakes,
but can also be larger rivers, harbours, etc.
natural=water + water!
8201 water reservoir Articial lakes, typically above a dam. landuse=reservoir,
natural=water +
8202 water river Polygons for larger rivers. waterway=riverbank,
natural=water +
8203 water dock Dock (to repair ships, don't confuse it with
the American term “dock”)
8211 water glacier Glaciers natural=glacier
8221 water wetland Wetland natural=wetland
Note that in OSM larger rivers are oen available as polygon geometries and line geometries;
the line geometry will then run through the middle of the river in the direction of the water
7 Differences to Commercial “0.7” Shape Files
Geofabrik oers an extended version of these shapes, for arbitrary areas, commercially.
ese 0.7 les contain the following extensions compared to the free les:
7.1 Associated Area Layer
As described in section 2.8, some features are drawn at OpenStreetMap sometimes as area
and sometimes as points. Geofabrik's paid shape les contain centroids of the areas if a
feature class exists both as area and as point.
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
7.2 Additional Layers
e following additional layers are available in the commercial shape les:
Geometry Code Layer Description
521x trac Barriers on roads and paths, e.g. li gates or bollards
64xx power Power generators, substations, …
11xx boundaries Borders between countries …
55xx barriers Natural or man-made barrier lines like fence, hedges or walls
66xx powerlines Power lines
67xx aeroways Runways and taxiways at airports
83xx coastline Coastline
53xx, 54xx,
55xx, 56xx,
62xx, 63xx,
64xx, 65xx
nonop Roads and railways planned, under construction, or disused
91xx cycle_route_segme
Roads which are part of cycle routes not provided by the
routes layer.
12xx adminareas Administrative areas (countries, states, counties, …)
90xx routes Routes for cycling, hiking, moutain bikes, nordic walking
and running
7.3 Additional Feature Classes
e following layers have additional features in the paid shape les:
code(s) layer fclass(es)/description
1005 places national_capital
1099 places named_place – something tagged area=yes in OpenStreetMap and carrying a
name but with no other meaningful information
565x transport airport, aireld, helipad
5671 transport aerialway_station
2524 pois outdoor_shop
2525 pois mobile_phone_shop
2529 pois beauty_shop
2530 pois video_shop
2541 pois car_dealership
2544 pois furniture_shop
2923 pois emergency_access_point
4103 natural glacier
4121 natural tree
5208 trac speed_camera
5209 trac street_lamp
5160 roads ferry
521x, 522x trac barriers on roads and paths, e.g. li gates and bollards
523x trac trac calming
7210 landuse nature_reserve
OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format // Free Shapefiles
code(s) layer fclass(es)/description
7220 landuse national_park
7221 landuse basin
7222 landuse village_green
7223 landuse plant_nursery
7224 landuse browneld
7225 landuse greeneld
7226 landuse construction
7227 landuse railway
8211 water glacier
611x railways drag_li, chair_li, cable_car, gondola, goods, other_li
7.4 Additional Fields
e following elds are additionally available in the paid shape les:
Layer Attribute PostGIS
Description OSM Tags
all layers lastchange TIMESTA
Last change of this feature. Comes from the
OSM last_changed aribute. Reects
changes in the aributes of a feature;
changes in the geometry will not necessarily
change this.
natural elevation INTEGER Height of the feature above mean sea level,
in metres.
roads maxspeed SMALLINT Max allowed speed in km/h maxspeed=*
roads surface VARCHAR(
e surface of the road surface=*
railways electr VARCHAR
Electrication electried=*
railways service VARCHAR
Type of minor track if it is any service=*
trac ref VARCHAR
Reference number (motorway junctions) ref=*
buildings height SMALLINT Height of the building. height=*
buildings levels SMALLINT Number of oors building:levels=*