CIC Cookbook
Release 4.64
SAP Utilities
SAP Media
Copyright ã 2001 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose
without the express permission of SAP AG.
SAP reserves the right to change the information contained in this document without prior notice.
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................5
2 Structure of the Customer Interaction Center (CIC)....................................................5
2.1 Framework...................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Components ................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Selecting Visible Components..................................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Selecting Invisible Components ...............................................................................................................8
2.3 Component Profiles....................................................................................................................................9
2.4 CIC Profile..................................................................................................................................................10
2.4.1 Defining CIC Profiles ..............................................................................................................................10
2.4.2 Assigning CIC Profiles............................................................................................................................10
3 Component Configuration...........................................................................................11
3.1 Data Search ...............................................................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Data Search in IS-U................................................................................................................................12
3.1.2 Data Search in IS-M ...............................................................................................................................12
3.2 Application Area and Navigation Area....................................................................................................13
3.2.1 Functions in the Application Area...........................................................................................................14
3.2.2 Functions in the Navigation Area ...........................................................................................................22
3.3 Action Box .................................................................................................................................................24
3.4 Toolbars (GUI Status, Active Functions)................................................................................................24
3.4.1 User-Defined GUI Status........................................................................................................................25
3.5 Selection Function in IS-U........................................................................................................................25
3.6 Autocall Component in IS-U.....................................................................................................................26
3.7 Configuring the CTI Component .............................................................................................................26
3.8 Maintaining the Call Center Profile .........................................................................................................27
3.9 Other Activities..........................................................................................................................................27
4 Front Office Processes in IS-U....................................................................................27
4.1 Defining Front Office Processes .............................................................................................................28
4.2 Defining Front Office Editor Steps..........................................................................................................29
5 Customer-Specific System Modifications for the CIC...............................................30
6 Administrative Settings ...............................................................................................30
7 HTML Templates ..........................................................................................................30
7.1 Prerequisites .............................................................................................................................................30
7.2 Setting Up Services ..................................................................................................................................31
7.2.1 Setting Up Services Using SAP@Web Studio.......................................................................................31
7.2.2 Setting Up Services Using the Object Navigator (SE80) .......................................................................31
7.3 Creating Your Own HTML Templates......................................................................................................32
7.4 URL Structure............................................................................................................................................32
7.5 Template Structure ...................................................................................................................................33
7.6 Debugging Functions ...............................................................................................................................33
7.7 ewhv_functions.........................................................................................................................................33
7.8 Sample Templates.....................................................................................................................................34
7.8.1 EXAMPLE1.html.....................................................................................................................................34
7.8.2 EXAMPLE2.html.....................................................................................................................................35
1 Introduction
The Customer Interaction Center (CIC) is the working interface used by agents who have direct
contact with customers. The CIC is fully integrated into the SAP System for the industry solutions SAP
Utilities and SAP Media. All standard and customer-specific business processes can be called up in
the CIC. The CIC interface can be customized to fit any company’s various business areas and
processes, and the components it uses.
The CIC can be connected to external telephone systems and subsequently used as a call center.
Callers can be identified by their telephone numbers (Automatic Number Identification: ANI). The CIC
provides the agents with call center functions such as telephone consulting, transfer, queue logins and
logouts, call processing for both ingoing and outgoing calls using a function bar or Quick Keys. The
customer’s call status is displayed, as is the number they dialed (Dialed Number Identification: DNIS).
The CIC can display information (all relevant customer data) in HTML-based format. You can access
the Internet, marketplaces, business-to-business scenarios, and the intranet and receive e-mails and
fax documents.
The CIC for the industry solutions SAP Utilities and SAP Media contains a number of functions
that are not not included in the R/3 standard CIC. This cookbook describes these additional
functions in detail. The R/3 standard functions are described in detail in the SAP Library under
Customer Service (CS)
CS – Customer Interaction
Customer Interaction
2 Structure of the Customer Interaction Center (CIC)
The structure of the Customer Interaction Center resembles an assembly system that enables every
enterprise to meet their particular requirements for the user interface. You can also configure the CIC
differently for different groups of agents.
This section explains the principles and elements of the assembly system. These are the starting point
for implementing a new Customer Interaction Center or adapting an existing one.
The CIC assembly system is based on a framework architecture. The most significant elements of this
assembly system, that is, of the framework architecture, are as follows:
The framework
You use the framework to define which components you want to use in the CIC and how they
should be structured. You can define several frameworks.
The components
Functions used in the CIC are provided as components.
The component profiles
The set of characteristics for each component is called the component profile. Here you can
specify, for example, which processes can be called in the action box. You can define several
component profiles for each component.
The CIC profiles
In the CIC profile you can assign component profiles to the components selected in the
framework. You then assign the CIC profiles to the appropriate employees.
You can use the CIC either with or without a telephony connection. The graphic shows the structure of
a system with a telephony connection.
Telephone system
CTI Middleware
(IS-U, CS, SD…)
Optional use
2.1 Framework
A framework serves as a placeholder for the screen structure. When you define a new framework, you
determine which functions (components) you need, and how they should be structured. You can
structure components in the framework without modifying anything in the system. Components that
have already been shipped can be changed or not included at all.
The framework provides a structure for all the components that you can use in the CIC. Defining a
framework (framework ID) is the same as providing a screen on which you can select various
functions for agents in various screen areas. One framework can provide several views of a screen,
only the components (screen areas) have the same structure. The framework enables interaction
between the selected components by dividing the system functions into visible (on-screen
presentation) and invisible (background processing) components and by using an event mechanism.
Use the followingis path to customize the front office framework:
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Front
Office Framework ID and Parameters
This activity summarizes the three R/3 standard activities under Customer service à
Customer Interaction Center à Defining the Front Office Framework (creating a framework,
selecting visible components, selecting invisible components) into one common interface.
SAP Media: Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Front Office Framework
First select a screen layout for the framework. Your selection of a layout determines the basic screen
layout for the CIC. You have various selection options:
Screen with six horizontal screen areas
Screen divided into L-shape (large), number 8101
Screen divided into L-shape (small), number 8100
Screen with two tab pages in a vertical relationship, number 7100 (IS-M only)
For the L-shape screens, the slots are structured as follows:
Slot 2 Telephone
Slot 4 Action box
Slot 1
Slot 5
Slot 6 Application area
Slot 7 not used
Slot 3 not used
Your choice of screen layouts will depend on the company’s requirements and which Release you are
SAP Utilities: The L-shaped screen structures are only available from Release 4.61; the screen
layout containing the slots displayed one above the other is available from Release
SAP Media: The Customer Interaction Center with the L-shaped screen structures is available
from Release 4.63. The classic screen structure (slots arranged vertically) and a
screen that is divided into two tab pages in a vertical relationship have been available
since Release 4.61.
2.2 Components
The functions that are used in the CIC and that can therefore be called in one of the screen areas
(slots) are called components. We differentiate between visible and invisible components. A visible
component is mapped as a subscreen in one of the seven screen areas or slots. An invisible
component provides background functionality that does not require its own screen area.
2.2.1 Selecting Visible Components
You can determine the content of some of the slots in the framework yourself by assigning
components. Some components can only be used in horizontal frameworks, while others can only be
used for L-shaped frameworks. The functions of the individual components complement each other
and the components themselves are sized specially for specific slots in the framework.
When you are assigning visible components to the slots in your framework, use the possible entries
help whenever possible to select components and variants. The choice of components that can be
selected depends on the screen layout you are using.
If you are using the framework with the six horizontal slots, then you can assign the following visible
components to any slot:
ACTION_BOX: Calls started, displayed as a table
ABOX_SLIM: Calls started, displayed as pushbutton bar with drop-down menus
BD_DISPLAY: object repository (for example, various documents)
CALL_STATE: Display of current business partner (if telephone integration is available)
CCONT: Component container to enable you to include more components
ISUFINDER: IS-U search criteria (IS-U only)
QUICK_KEYS: Function keys
SCRIPT_DISP: Reminder scripting display
SOL_SEARCH: Entry screen for solution database
APPL_AREA: Standard application area for HTML configuration calls that are started in the action
ISM_CCON: Component container (IS-M)
ISMAM_ORDERLIST: Order overview IS-M Advertising Management
ISMSD_ORDERLIST: Order overview IS-M Media Sales and Distribution
ISM_NOTE: Notes for forwarding in IS-M
ISM_SCRIPT: Scripting texts in IS-M
ISM_TEXTS: Business partner texts in IS-M
If you are using an L-shaped framework, you do not have a free choice of the components and their
arrangement. You can assign the components as follows:
Slot 1: ISUSDPART: Business partner identification in IS-U
CSEARCH_DISP: Business partner identification in IS-M
Slot 5: NAV_AREA: Navigation area
Slot 6: APPL_AREA_2: Application area
You can use several special components simultaneously in the navigation and application areas in
slots 5 and 6. You make these settings in Customizing under ‘Maintain Standard Settings for
Navigation and Application Areas’ (see section 3.2).
Slots 3 and 7 are not part of the standard. However, you can use one of these slots, for example, to
integrate the solution database. For more information on the solution database, look in the IMG under
Customer Service à Solution Database.
2.2.2 Selecting Invisible Components
There are three types of invisible components:
1. Independent components
AUTOCALL (automatic action)
CALLBACK (calls back)
CIC_TOOLBAR (tool and menu bar), mandatory if the CIC_TOOLBAR2 is not used.
CIC_TOOLBAR2 (tool and menu bar), only for use if you need your own functions and
function key settings
HLOG (logging)
2. Components without which certain visible components will not work
CTI (telephone integration) for CALL_STATE
ISM_HSCRIPT (scripting, IS-M only)
3. Components that can be used in combination with visible components
BD_MARK (selection function) with BD_DISPLAY
CALLCTR (Call Center) with CALL_STATE
If you are not using telephone integration, you do not need the components CALL_STATE ,
SAP Utilities: The components CSEARCH_DISP and CSEARCH_HIDE are not used in IS-U. We
also no longer recommend use of the component HTML-based customer overview
(CUST_OVIEW) because of its effect on system performance.
2.3 Component Profiles
The set of characteristics for a component is defined in the component profile.
For example, in the profile for the action box, ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION, you
determine which activities the action box contains. You define the availability of the action box
in the CIC by selecting the component ACTION_BOX.
You need profiles for most visible and invisible components. See the table below for a summary of the
most important assignments to standard profiles:
Visible component
(technical name)
Component profile required (profile types)
BD_DISPLAY No profile required
CALL_STATE No profile required
SOL_SEARCH No profile required
Invisible component
(technical name)
Component profile required (profile types)
HIDDEN_SCRPT No profile required
HIDDEN_ABOX No profile required
ISM_HSCRIPT No profile required
ISM_HSEARCH No profile required
Section 3 explains how to define individual component profiles.
2.4 CIC Profile
2.4.1 Defining CIC Profiles
The customer interaction profile (CIC profile) is the collective profile containing all the settings made
for individual components within a framework.
You can create a CIC profile using the customizing menu path Customer service
Interaction Center (CIC)
CIC Profile. Carry out the following steps:
1. First define the CIC profile ID. This ID is used to assign the CIC profile to an agent or group of
2. Then assign a valid framework ID to the CIC profile ID
3. Then select component profiles as attributes of the CIC profile. These component profiles
have been assigned in the framework as visible or invisible components
2.4.2 Assigning CIC Profiles
Once you have created the CIC profiles, assign them to groups of agents. In order to assign the CIC
profile to users, you need the HR-PD organizational structure. The HR-PD organizational structure
maps your company as a hierarchical structure with organizational units, positions, jobs and their
holders. You can assign user names or personnel numbers to positions. One user can hold several
positions in various organizations, for example, one user may be a member of both the sales and
service departments.
EMBEDYou can find the complete documentation for Organizational Management in the SAP
Library under Human Resources Personnel Management Organizational Management
This section describes how to assign a CIC profile to a user if you have already created an
organizational structure for your company. To get to the organizational structure, choose transaction
PPOMW or Logistics
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Organizational Structure
Change in the SAP Easy Access Menu.
You can assign a CIC profile on the following levels:
Organizational unit
To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Call up the organizational unit, job or position to which you would like to assign the CIC profile
2. Choose Goto
Detail object
Enhanced object description
3. Scroll down through the list of infotype names and choose CIC Profile.
You can use an infotype to describe or define various attributes or characteristics for objects.
4. Choose Create infotype or Change infotype.
5. In the next screen, click on the CIC profile ID field and press F4. A list of the CIC profiles
available in Customizing is displayed.
6. Select the CIC profile required from the F4 list and choose Save.
EMBEDProfile 00000001 is defined as the default profile. This ensures that users who are not
assigned to an organizational unit, position, or job, can still call up the CIC. If your user name
is assigned to several organizational units or positions with different CIC profiles, when you
call the CIC a window will appear for you to select one of these profiles.
If a CIC profile on a lower level does not contain component profiles for all components in the
framework, then the system will search higher levels of the organizational structure for another CIC
profile with the same framework and take the additional profiles from there. This is useful if you are
assigning specific components to new employees or if you want to get standard default settings if
Customizing on the lower levels is not comprehensive.
EMBEDFor example, a new agent does not need so many calls in the action box, whereas
another agent requires change functionality as well as the information display. In this situation,
you can use the same framework for both, with the same components, but with different
component profiles stored in the CIC profile. The requirements can easily be met by creating
an additional component profile that only contains the profile of the relevant component and
assigning this profile to a lower level (for example, position).
EMBEDYou cannot use several identical components with different component profiles within
one framework. In other words, each component can only be used once within any one
EMBEDIn the CIC, you can display the framework used through the CIC profile with Agent
Framework status.
3 Component Configuration
This unit describes in detail the individual components and their component profiles, and the
customizing settings that you need to make for these components.
3.1 Data Search
Working in the CIC generally requires you to first identify business partners (as well as other data
objects in IS-U) using data such as name, address, and so on.
3.1.1 Data Search in IS-U
Two visible components are available for data searches in IS-U, that is, for identifying data objects.
Neither of these components requires a profile.
ISUFINDER (IS-U Datafinder)
The ISUFINDER component can only be used in conjunction with a framework with horizontal
slots. This is because the data search is always related to the other components used and is
integrated into the flow logic.
The ISUFINDER is a general search function that can search for different kinds of data objects
within IS-U (for example, contract accounts, contracts, devices, and so on). The data objects
found can then be passed to the other components. When defining the action box, you can
therefore access data found by the ISUFINDER (see section 3.3).
ISUSDPART (Business partner search in IS-U)
The ISUSDPART component is specifically intended for use with the L-shaped framework.
This is a specialized search function that searches exclusively for ISU/SD business partners.
We recommend that once you have run a business partner search, you immediately call up
the customer environment so that you can display the relevant subordinate data objects there
and process them further if necessary.
EMBEDIf you would like to change the search or display fields for the data search, then you
can use the SAP enhancement ECSFO001 for the ISUFINDER component. To change the
ISUSDPART component, see Note 369458 (customer enhancements for the CIC component
3.1.2 Data Search in IS-M
You can use the visible component CSEARCH_DISP to search for business partners in IS-M. This
requires the profile type CONTACT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION. You can use the component both
with the L-shaped framework and with the classic framework (slots arranged vertically).
The component CSEARCH_DISP is used to identify business partners. The business partner can be
determined using a variety of search criteria such as name, city and document number.
Once a business partner has been identified, their data environment is determined automatically and
made available for further processing.
In the profile for profile type CONTACT_SEARCH_CONFIGURATION, a function module is used to
define which search subscreen is used.
The function module also determines how the search is performed:
When data is entered manually on the search subscreen
When searching using the data related to a telephone call
Search category 'ANI' for searches using the caller number
Search category 'IVR' for searches using IVR data
3.2 Application Area and Navigation Area
The components available for the L-shaped framework include the following:
Navigation area (NAV_AREA)
Application area (APPL_AREA_2)
These areas are a kind of container for applications that you can use in the CIC with an L-shaped
framework. To use these areas you must create corresponding profiles, as described in this section.
Once you have created the profiles, add the NAV_AREA and APPL_AREA_2 components to your
framework/CIC profile as described in the sections above.
You can also assign components to the application and navigation areas. The special feature of these
two areas is that each screen area can be subdivided into a maximum of 10 tab pages. Every
assigned application can then easily be accessed by clicking on one of the tab pages. This layout also
gives users a good overview of what is available on the screen.
You can find the settings for the application and navigation areas in the IMG under
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard
Settings for Navigation and Application Areas.
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation
and Application Areas.
In this activity you can define which components are loaded in the application and navigation areas
when the CIC is started. You can fill the 10 tab pages of the application and navigation areas with the
following content:
HTML configurations such as account overview or account balance maintenance (for IS-U)
and IAC customer overview (for IS-U and IS-M)
Special components that are available for use in the application and navigation areas. These
include the business data display, contact processing, customer overview, data environment
and order overviews.
EMBEDAlways use the input help to select the HTML configurations, components and their
profiles (if required) that you want to use. Invalid entries will not be rejected, but may lead to
unexpected system behavior at runtime.
EMBEDUse the business data display component in the navigation area; it is required for the
action box calls.
Only use the contact processing component in the application area.
HTML pages, among other things, are displayed in the application area. You start these pages in the
action box or in the data environment of the navigation area. These could be HTML pages from the
Internet/intranet, from the file system or the SAP Web Repository. If you call several HTML pages,
then a separate tab page is created for every HTML page called.
You can also call up an HTML page from another HTML page that is already in the application area.
To do this, however, you must adapt the HTML page accordingly. You can find instructions on how to
do this in section 7.
EMBEDYou include the definition of the application and navigation areas as a profile of
component profile type DEFAULT_WORKSPACES in your CIC profiles. You must also include
the components Application Area (APPL_AREA_2) and Navigation Area (NAV_AREA) in your
EMBEDIf you have forgotten to assign the application area component to your current
framework, the HTML page will be displayed in the browser control of a repositionable dialog
Some of the components that you can use in the application and navigation areas require special
customizing. The procedure is described in sections 3.2.1 to 3.2.6.
3.2.1 Functions in the Application Area Maintaining the HTML Configuration of the Application Area
If you want to use HTML configurations in the application area, you need to make certain settings in
the IMG under Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Component Configuration
Application Area
Maintain HTML Configuration for Application Area. In this activity you can
configure the HTML pages that are executed in the application area.
In the HTML configuration, you need to enter the name of the configuration, an explanatory text and
the source of the HTML page (URL or path in the file system). If you want to pass parameters to the
HTML page when it is started, then you must maintain them as external parameters.
A URL with external parameters has the following format:
<URL address> <Separator1> <ArgName1> "=" <Value1>[< Separator 2>[<ArgName1> "="
EMBEDA URL may look like this:
In this example, <Separator1> has the value '?' and <Separator2> has the value '&'.
<Separator1> separates the URL address from the argument block. <Separator2> separates
the pairs consisting of argument name and argument value. Since different pages can use
different separators for argument processing, these values can be configured. SAP
recommends that you use the separators '?' and '&', since the ITS (Internet Transaction
Server) requires these characters.
You can start other HTML pages, workflows, action box calls and front office processes (in IS-U) from
an HTML page that you have called up (= internal call). To do this, enter the configuration description
required in the Configuration field. If you want to start a transaction from an HTML page, you first need
to define a configuration profile in the activity Define Configuration Profile for Transactions from HTML
and create a configuration (see section You also need to define which parameters should
be made available for internal calls. You can maintain these parameters with the internal parameters
for the first HTML page called.
You choose a description for the external and internal parameters that corresponds to the parameters
that are expected in the URL for the HTML page. You also need to enter an explanatory text and the
screen element for the parameters:
Import parameters are imported into the HTML page.
Export parameters can be passed back to the object repository when the page is closed. This
does not work, however, if you close the page by deleting it.
Next you need to establish the editing sequence. This determines in which part of the parameter
dialog the parameter appears. For external parameters, you can also define the parameter as
You can use the following transactions to maintain the data flow for both internal and external
For external parameters: the activities Define Configuration Profiles for Action Box or Define
Data Environments for the Navigation Area (sections 3.3 and
For internal parameters: the transaction Define Configuration Profile for Transactions from
HTML (section
When an HTML page is called, the external parameters can be filled with values from the object
repository. If the objects required are not in the object repository, a dialog is started in which you can
manually enter the external parameters required. HTML pages that are called internally can only
receive parameters from the HTML page called up.
You can assign Web objects to an HTML page. You first need to create these objects using the R/3
transaction Web Development
Web Repository (SMW0). If you enter several objects, the first object
must be an HTML page. The objects are passed to the page when it is called. You do not need to
maintain parameters for Web objects. You can find more detailed information in the online help for this
Finally, define which functions are to be enabled on the tab page by activating the buttons provided
(stop, navigation, refresh and delete buttons). If you do not activate the delete button, you will not be
able to close the tab page.
The Customer overview (CUSTINFO) component is also an HTML configuration. It is always called
when a business partner is identified. When customizing this HTML configuration, ensure that you do
the following:
Assign editing sequence 1 to the external parameter that is to be filled with the object type
ISUPARTNER (this Customizing setting is not required for IS-M)
Assign editing sequence 2 to the external parameter to be filled with the key (current business
partner number).
Choose names for the parameters that match the names expected by the HTML page called up. You
can additionally define another HTML configuration that is always displayed if no business partner is
currently identified. The name of this HTML configuration is made up of the name of the customer
overview HTML configuration with the suffix _INIT. Maintaining the Configuration Profile for Transactions Started from HTML
Once you have called up an HTML page, you can then start other HTML pages, workflows, front office
processes (IS-U only) and so on from there (see section 3.2.1). You can maintain the configuration
profile for these transactions using the path Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Component Configuration
Application Area
Define Configuration Profile for Transactions from
Once you have entered the name, create the individual groups, and then create transactions within the
groups. These transactions can have the types HTML operation, workflow, method, and so on. Then
you need to configure the data flow for each transaction. The maintenance interface for creating
groups and transactions corresponds to the maintenance interface for creating an action box
configuration (see section 3.3)
Defining an HTML Customer Overview
IS-U Customer Overview
You can use the IMG activity SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define HTML Customer Overview to customize the HTML customer overview in IS-U. This activity
enables you to edit the HTML data selection (view) for customer information. The HTML data selection
specifies which levels (nodes) and which data should be displayed from the maximum data pool on the
Utility installation
Utility contract
Print document
Account information level 1
IM Account balances
IM Budget billing plan 1
IM Budget billing plan 2
IM Budget billing plan 3
IM Credit history
IM Customer payments
IM Dunning items
IM Paid items
Contract account
Customer contact
Service order
Service notification
Sales order
Customer quotation
Business partner
Graphic 2 Hierarchy node if you select the
‘first according to premise’ structure. The
ACCOUNT HTML data selection is based on
this structure
Utility installation
Print document
Account information level 1
Utility contract
IM Account balances
IM Budget billing plan 1
IM Budget billing plan 2
IM Budget billing plan 3
IM Credit history
IM Customer payments
IM Dunning items
IM Paid items
Contract account
Customer contact
Service order
Service notification
Sales order
Customer quotation
Business partner
Graphic 1 Hierarchy node if you
select the ‘first according to contract
account’ structure. The PARTNER
HTML data selection is based on this
levels available. The above graphics 1 and 2 give a hierarchical representation of the nodes. The
nodes whose attributes are used in the templates are selected.
When you are selecting your structure, you can define the order in which the nodes ‘Contract account’
and ‘Premise’ appear. The only possible orders are “first according to contract account” or “first
according to premise”.
If you want to display fields from a hierarchy node, you must carry out the following steps:
1. Activate the “Display Active” field in the “Characteristics” box
EMBEDYou must choose the display type “Display” objects in the “Characteristics” box for
certain nodes. You can also specify the maximum number of objects that can be created and
their maximum age for certain objects.
2. Activate fields as required in the “Presentation” box (tab title: “Activate field”).
You can also suppress the display of certain attributes (tab title: “Suppress field”). This can be
useful if you do not want to display all attributes for a given node. If no attributes are selected
for an object, then all attributes for that object are automatically active.
EMBEDThe function module field is not yet in use.
You can also select a CB (Cluster Builder) profile for the node “Acct info. level 1”. In this
profile, you can enter the list category and the line layout for the underlying account balance
display. The standard profile here is ACC_HTML. This profile contains the list category
CIC_HTML and the line layout CIC for the account balance display.
You can maintain the CB profile for the account balance display using Financial Accounting
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Basic Functions
Account Balance Display
Define Settings for Account Balance Display in Front Office.
EMBEDYou can also limit the attributes displayed using the line layout, although the
“Presentation” box will still show that all attributes will be displayed.
EMBEDYou must set all data objects that you do not want to be displayed to inactive for
performance reasons.
In order to use the HTML customer overview, you now need to set up a service on the ITS (see
section 7).
EMBEDYou can integrate the HTML customer overview, for example into the application area
in the CIC. To do this, in Customizing, select SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and Application Areas and
include the component CUSTINFO. Then create, in Customizing, a configuration for the
CUSTINFO component using Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Component Configuration
Application Area
Maintain HTML Configuration for Application
Area (see section 3.2.1).
IS-M Customer Overview
You make the Customizing settings for the HTML customer overview in IS-M under SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center (CIC)
Define HTML Customer Overview. You can edit the HTML data
selection (view) for customer information in this step. The HTML data selection determines which
levels (nodes) and data from the maximum list of available levels are to be displayed. The nodes are
displayed hierarchically in the following diagrams.
Overview Graphic of IS-M Customer Overview
Business partner
Detailed View of IS-M Customer Overview
The nodes with attributes used in the standard templates are marked.
Business partner
Order item
Sales area
Bank data
Credit cards
Contact person
Customer contact
Sales agent
Contact person
Business partner
M/AM order
Ad spec
Sched. line
Ad spec
Billg dataset
Billing document
Order billing doc.
Receivables charge-off
Business partner
M/SD order
Order item
M/SD billing doc.
Media mix contract
CRM contact
CAS contact
Billing docs
for item
M/SD complaint
M/SD shipping order
To display fields from a hierarchy node, please proceed as follows:
1. Choose the desired structure.
2. Choose the data objects in the structure that you want to display. Deactivate data objects that you
do not want to use.
3. Activate the attributes you want to use in your HTML template for each object type. To do this,
select the Selection field.
If you do not activate any attributes, all the attributes of the object type are active
automatically. Instead of activating individual attributes on the first tab page, you can also use
the second tab page and deactivate individual attributes. The Function module field is not
used at present.
You can restrict display of the data objects to certain sales area groups or to a sales
organization, distribution channel and division for some nodes.
You must choose the display type Display objects in the Characteristics box for certain nodes.
You can also specify the maximum number of objects that can be created and their maximum
age for certain objects.
You should deactivate data objects that you do not want to display for performance reasons.
To use the HTML customer overview in IS-M, you must first set up a service on the ITS (see section
Before you can use the HTML customer overview, you must integrate the component
CUSTINFO in the CIC application area. To do this, choose SAP Media
Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and Application Areas in the
Implementation Guide. You must also create a configuration for this component CUSTINFO
under Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Component Configuration
Application Area
Maintain HTML Configuration for Application Area (see section 3.2.1) The Workflow Inbox
You can use the Workflow Inbox to integrate the SAP Business Workplace Workflow inbox into the
CIC application area.
You maintain the profile for the Workflow Inbox (WF_INBOX) component in Customizing as follows:
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Establish Settings
for Workflow Inbox Component
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Workflow Inbox Component
Settings for
Workflow Inbox Component
You also need to include the WF_INBOX component with the profile you have just maintained on a tab
page in the application area.
You can enter the profile name and an explanatory text on the Workflow Inbox Profile level of the view
cluster. On the Task filter level, you can enter tasks of your choice (single-step or multistep tasks) or
groups of tasks as filters. If you do this, then only work items whose underlying tasks correspond to
these criteria will be displayed in the Inbox. If you do not maintain the filter settings, then all work items
that are displayed in the general SAP Business Workplace Workflow Inbox will also be displayed here.
EMBEDTask group TG20500002 (for IS-U) and task group TG26000001 (for IS-M) contain all
the tasks supplied by SAP that are intended for use in the CIC.
EMBEDUsers can in any case only see work items that they have authorization to process.
The task filter is simply intended as a supplementary way of limiting these work items.
Inbound documents (for example, e-mails) or customer requests for callbacks can also be displayed in
the Workflow Inbox. You can make the relevant settings in the IMG:
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Process
for Inbound Documents or Define Process for Customer Callbacks.
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Workflow Inbox Component
Process for Inbound Documents or Define Process for Customer Callbacks.
The activities required are described in detail in the IMG. Defining Control Data for Web GUI Calls
The Internet Transaction Server (ITS) is used to call up Action Box calls (methods, workflows and in
IS-U front office calls) in the application area in the CIC instead of in full-screen mode. Calls are only
called up in the application area if the Run in application area if possible field is checked on call level
in the action box profile.
You can maintain the basic address (URL) of the ITS for the current logical system in Customizing as
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Control
Data for Web GUI Calls
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center Define Control Data for Web GUI Calls
The ITS must be able to use the EWB_WEBGUI service.
You can enter various user-specific ITS addresses and/or a default value – without specifying a user
name. You can deactivate the inplace calls either temporarily or for specific users as required using
the field ‘Suppress inplce’ (suppress inplace).
EMBEDIf you do not maintain an ITS basic address then the calls are automatically called up
in full-screen mode. Recording Customer Contacts
You can use the component customer contract recording to create a customer contact, for example,
for a current call. You can access the contact for maintenance by confirming the caller (business
partner). When you do this, default values are copied from a contact profile and the caller is copied as
the contact partner.
Before you can use customer contact recording, you must assign the Contact maintenance
component, CONTACT_MAINTENANCE, in the IMG under
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Standard Settings for the Navigation and Application Areas
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation
and Application Areas.
Contact maintenance should only be assigned to the application area.
You can define default values for contact recording in Customizing under Financial Accounting
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable
Business Transactions
Customer Contacts
Define Configurations. You can record the defined configuration for the program context
CL_ISU_CONTACT_WORKSPACE======CP 0001 in the IMG step Define Configuration
Determination. Business Partner Texts in IS-M
You can use this component to display business partner texts.
Before you can use the business partner texts, you must maintain the component ISMAM_TEXTS in
the IMG step SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation
and Application Areas. Forwarding Notes in IS-M
This component is used to create, display and forward notes.
Before you can use the notes, you must maintain the component ISM_NOTES in the IMG step SAP
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and Application
Areas. Ad Item Entry in IS-M Advertising Management
You can use this component to record simple ad items using fast access in the application area.
Before you can use ad item entry (component ISMAM_ORDER), you must create a profile in
Customizing under SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Make Settings for Ad Item Entry
Component. Maintain a meaningful short and long text and default values for item entry in this IMG
The default values include:
Sales area
Order type
If applicable, indicator Ad spec editor active in CIC (see
Before you can use ad item entry, you must define the component ISMAM_ORDER in the IMG step
SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and
Application Areas.
The component ISMAM_ORDER should only be assigned to the application area. Order Overviews in IS-M
The Advertising Management component ISMAM_ORDERLIST provides you with an overview of
M/AM order items.
Similarly, the component ISMSD_ORDERLIST provides an overview of M/SD order items for Media
Sales and Distribution.
In addition to these two order overviews, the components contain a variety of processing functions,
such as canceling and creating items.
Before you can use the order overviews, you must create a profile in the relevant IMG step:
SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Make Settings for M/AM Order Overview Component or
SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Define Settings for the M/SD Order Overview
You must assign a meaningful short and long text and define other settings, for example, for selection
criteria and variant maintenance.
Before you can use the order overviews, you must define the component ISMAM_ORDERLIST or
Customer Interaction Center
Standard Settings for Navigation and Application Areas.
You should only assign the components to the application area.
3.2.2 Functions in the Navigation Area Define Data Environment
You define your own data environments for the CIC navigation area in Customizing.
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Data
Environments for the Navigation Area
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Define Data Environments for the
Navigation Area
You can use the data environments defined here in the navigation area of the L-shaped CIC
framework. Alternatively, you can integrate the data environments in the application area for the CIC.
You have the following options in profile maintenance:
Choose the structure you want to use for the data environment. Predefined structures are
available for selection.
Choose the object types you want to display.
Define additional selection parameters, such as the maximum number or maximum age
of the objects to be selected (for example, customer contacts) for each object type.
Maintain the presentation default, which determines the attributes that are to be displayed
for an object type. SAP delivers default presentations for most object types and you can
use and change these.
Choose Maintain action profile on the initial screen of the activity to access maintenance of the action
profile that is linked to your data environment. You specify here which transactions can be accessed
by a double click or via the context menu (accessed by clicking the right mouse button) during
processing. The maintenance interface for the action profile is the same as that for creating an action
box configuration.
For further information, see 3.3
The action groups are generated automatically in your action profile and correspond to the object
types displayed in the data environment assigned. The following objects can be used for the data flow
to be defined:
<*NODEOBJECT*>: object selected during runtime
<*ROOTOBJECT*>: business partner at runtime
SAP delivers a number of examples, which you can use or copy. Use the customer name range X*, Y*
and Z* when doing this.
Then add your data environment to one of the components NAV_AREA (navigation area) or
APPL_AREA (application area) in the IMG step Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and
Application Areas by assigning the component NAV_VIEW and the profile of your data environment. Contact History
You can use the Contact History component to display the last contacts for an agent. You can use
selection criteria defined in Customizing to display certain contacts only. You define these criteria in
the IMG step
SAP Utilities: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Settings for Contact History
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Make Settings for Contact History
Define a profile name and an explanatory text. You can determine whether or not the name of the user
who created the contracts can be changed for selection. The other criteria are used to restrict the list
of contracts displayed.
You should define simple criteria to ensure good performance.
Before you can use the contact history, you must define the component CONT_HIST and the relevant
profile in the IMG step SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Maintain Standard Settings for
Navigation and Application Areas. Ad Spec Editor in IS-M Advertising Management
You can use the ad spec editor to design ad specs for a M/AM item created using ad item entry. You
can also display ad specs for M/AM items selected from the order overview.
You can integrate editors in the navigation area, which can be reproduced on an HTML page, for
example, as Java applets.
You create the profile for the component Ad Spec Editor, ISMAM_EDITOR, in the IMG step SAP
Customer Interaction Center
Make Settings for Ad Spec Editor Component.
Maintain a meaningful short and long text. You should also record a URL in the profile, that is used to
call up the editor.
To activate the ad spec editor, add the component ISMAM_EDITOR with its profile to a tab page in the
navigation area in the IMG step Maintain Standard Settings for Navigation and Application Areas.
You must also make the following Customizing settings:
The indicator Ad spec editor active in CIC must be selected in the IMG step SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Make Settings for Ad Spec Editor Component.
You must define a technical system for ad design in the CIC in the IMG step SAP Media
Advertising Management
Connection of Media Technical Systems
Assign Ad
Order Entry System.
You must assign a destination for the technical system under SAP Media
Connection of Media Technical Systems
Assign RFC Destination.
Action Box
The action box or activity bar (component ACTION_BOX and ABOX_SLIM) enables access to R/3
functionality. Users can start calls from here. You can create the calls and functions that you want to
make available in the action box in the IMG activity Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Component Configuration
Action Box Settings
Define Configuration Profiles for Action
You can call all required data overviews, transactions and processes in the action box. You need to
group these calls into transaction groups in Customizing. A call could, for example, be a method, a
workflow, a front office process (IS-U only) or an HTML operation. You can define as many transaction
groups as you like, each containing as many calls as you need. You define the descriptions and icons
for each transaction group in Customizing.
You also need to define the data flow from the CIC to the calls. The calls can, for example, use the
current business partner data, data objects from the Business Data Display or constants that you have
defined. Naturally you also have the option of entering missing data at the start of a call in a parameter
You can find a detailed description of how to customize the action box in the SAP Library
Customer Service (CS)
CS – Customer Interaction
Customer Interaction
EMBEDYou can also start calls in the CIC navigation area (see section
EMBEDOnce you have created the action box configuration profile, include it in your CIC
profiles using the component profile type ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION_SLIM or
ACTION_BOX_CONFIGURATION. Also include the component ABOX_SLIM or
ACTION_BOX in the framework you are using.
3.4 Toolbars (GUI Status, Active Functions)
You must use the toolbar component CIC_TOOLBAR for both the L-shaped CIC and the horizontally
structured CIC. This component determines the CIC’s GUI status and enables you to deactivate
certain functions in the function bar.
You can create your toolbar profile in the IMG activity Customer Service
Customer Interaction
Center (CIC)
Component Configuration
Toolbars (GUI Status, Active Functions). This section
enables you to set toolbar features. You have two IMG activities at your disposal:
1. Define Toolbars and GUI Status
You assign a GUI status to the toolbar profile that you define here. This GUI status determines
the menu bar, the function keys and pushbuttons, and the active functions. GUI statuses are
provided by SAP. Currently available:
PFS100 – with telephony integration (CTI)
PFS300 - without telephony integration
There are no other GUI statuses currently available.
2. Deactivate Function Codes in Toolbars
You can use this activity to deactivate function keys for individual profiles. This is particularly
useful if you do not want to include one or more functions in specific profiles.
EMBEDInclude the toolbar profile in your CIC profiles using the component profile type
TBAR_PROF. You also need to include the CIC_TOOLBAR component in your
3.4.1 User-Defined GUI Status
You can use a user-defined GUI status. This allows you to make function key settings without having
to define an action box call.
You create the individual GUI status by copying a status from function group
SAPLEE_CIC_TOOLBAR to the customer enhancement function group SAPLXEECICTOOLBAR. You
can change the copied status in this function group.
You store the profile with the user-defined GUI status in Customizing as follows:
SAP Utilities: Use transaction SM30 and table EECICTOOLBAR to make settings. IMG node to
SAP Media: SAP Media
Customer Interaction Center
Define Standard Toolbars and User-
Defined GUI Status.
You assign the profile with the user-defined GUI status to profile type TBAR2_PROF in
the IMG step Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
CIC Profile
CIC Profile.
You assign the component CIC_TOOLBAR2 in the IMG step Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Definition of Front Office Framework
Assignment of
Hidden Components to Framework IDs.
If you use the component CIC_TOOLBAR2, you should no longer use the component
3.5 Selection Function in IS-U
In the CIC for the industry component SAP Utilities, the business objects involved in a process can be
placed in the object repository once the process is complete. You can use the selection function to
determine which objects in the list (for example, business partner, contract account and so on) should
be sorted in ascending order or selected automatically. This enables you start another process for the
relevant object from the object repository, without having to reenter the data object. The selection
function is considered an invisible component as it does not require its own screen area.
You can create a profile for the component ‘Selection Function(BD_MARK) in the IMG activity SAP
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Selection Function.
In this activity, you define the relevant business object for display and sorting for each configuration
(CIC profile). You must not change the entries supplied. You may use the following namespaces: 9*,
X*, Y*, Z* (customer namespaces).
Since you can only use the selection function together with the object repository (the objects to be
selected are in the object repository), you must first activate the BusinessDataDisplay (BDD)
component in CIC Customizing.
EMBEDYou must include the selection function profile in your CIC profiles using the
component profile type BD_MARK_PROF. You also need to include the BD_MARK
component in your framework.
3.6 Autocall Component in IS-U
You can use the (invisible) autocall component to configure the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) in
the industry component SAP Utilities in such a way that at certain points in time, for example, when a
customer is identified or a telephone call is received, automatic calls are triggered from the action box.
You can also make the start of these action box calls dependent on the content of the Business Data
Display (object repository) if required.
EMBEDYou would like the customer overview to be displayed automatically once the business
partner has been identified in the CIC.
EMBEDYou can only use the autocall component with the horizontal CIC, not with the L-
shaped CIC. In the L-shaped CIC, the customer environment and customer overview are in
any case displayed automatically on identification.
The new component reacts to activities named in the log component or in the scripting component. If
an activity is named in the CIC and the autocall component contains a call start for this activity, then
the autocall component evaluates the conditions stored with the call start against elements from the
Business Data Display (object repository) and, if the conditions are fulfilled, starts the corresponding
calls from the current action box configuration.
In order to map the above example using the autocall component, execute the IMG activity SAP
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Autocall Component. Define
the autocall component profile required using a key of your choice. Then go to the activities. Enter the
key ISUPARTNER_ID (business partner identified) in the field ‘Act. code’. Enter the value OP as the
call code for the action box. The value OP links to the customer overview method. Once you have
done this, you have therefore linked the activity and the call.
EMBEDYou must include the autocall component profile in your CIC profiles using the
component profile type AUTOCALL_PROFILE. You also need to include the invisible
component AUTOCALL in your framework.
3.7 Configuring the CTI Component
The CTI component is the central component that administers the data interchange and the
consistency between the CIC functions and SAPphone APIs to the telephone system (CTI). The CTI
component is therefore notified of all processor sessions and all telephone operations from the
application. The component runs in the background and does not contain any visible elements or
You can make the necessary settings in the IMG node Customer Service
Customer Interaction
Center (CIC)
Component Configuration
Configuration of CTI Component. There are two
activities at your disposal here:
Maintain Profile of CTI Component
Here you can define the ID and configure parameters for the CTI component (telephone
For example, you can determine the behavior of the login and logout processes when the front
office transaction is called, from full automation right through to a manual procedure.
Assign Telephone Queues to CTI Profiles
Here you can define a CTI profile and assign queues/telephone numbers to this profile.
Processors can then log on to these queues when they call up the front office.
EMBEDYou must include the CTI component profile in your CIC profiles using the
component profile type CTIADMI_PROF or CTIQA_PROF. You also need to include the
CTI component in your framework.
3.8 Maintaining the Call Center Profile
The call center component also runs in the background of the framework and compares information for
incoming and outgoing call processes. This component forms a bridge between CTI and the rest of the
This component carries out various tasks, for example, identifying the caller using the caller’s number
(Automatic Number Identification or ANI). The data retrieved on the customer contact is displayed for
the processor. The fields for the number dialed (Dialed Number Identification Service: DNIS) and the
DNIS description are also filled with relevant information.
You can customize the call center component so that caller identification includes ANI, data on the call
and certain function calls. If automatic caller identification is not possible, the processor needs to start
a contact search using the search and display functions for contact data.
You can make the necessary settings for this component using the IMG node Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center (CIC)
Component Configuration
Maintain Call Center Profile.
3.9 Other Activities
You can find information on further CIC activities, such as Quick Keys or callback settings, in the IMG
or in the SAP Library under
Customer Service (CS)
CS – Customer Interaction
Customer Interaction Center
4 Front Office Processes in IS-U
The front office process in the industry component SAP Utilities enables you to include R/3
functionality in a predefined process. The front office process was developed with the aim of enabling
the mapping of those business processes in the system that a processor can work through from the
front office/CIC. It differs from a workflow in that processors do not receive work items in their inboxes,
but rather can call up activities to be executed directly on their screens.
You can execute front office processes from the CIC action box or from the navigation area data
Customizing front office processes allows you integrate complex business processes in the IS-U
system in the front office/CIC. This section describes in more detail exactly how to customize these
4.1 Defining Front Office Processes
A front office process consists of one or more process steps that can in turn consist of processes. To
create a front office process, execute the following IMG activity: SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Define Front Office Processes.
A front office process basically consists of the following two components:
The process container
One or more process steps
You can define both components in Customizing:
The process container contains all data that is used or processed within the front office process. First
define all the container elements required for your process. To do this, position the cursor on the
‘Process container’ line and choose Edit à Create container element.
You will get a dialog box in which you can determine whether the container element contains a
reference to an ABAP Dictionary field, or whether it is a business object.
In the parameter characteristics, you can determine whether the container element is an import
parameter or an export parameter:
Import parameter
This means that the value is provided externally (usually by the CIC).
Export parameter
Once the process is complete, the value can be passed back to the calling instance (usually
the CIC).
If you check the ‘Mandatory’ field, then data must be imported for the process flow to work.
The editing sequence defines the location of the field within the parameter dialog.
The process steps represent the actual tasks carried out during the process. To create a new process
step, position the cursor on the ‘Process steps’ line and choose Edit à Create step.
You will get a dialog box in which you can determine which call is triggered when the step is executed:
Business object method
Front office subprocess (processes can also be nested)
CATT test run
Editor step (see the next section, ‘Defining front office editor steps’)
Every call, regardless of its category, has an interface, that is, possible import and export parameters
that must either be filled with data from the process container or that must return values to the process
container. To enable this, you must define a data flow for each step. To do this, position the cursor on
the process step and choose Edit à Data Flow.
The data flow dialog consists of two sections. In the top half, you can specify the export data flow from
the process container to the call interface (step container). All import parameters defined in the step
interface are displayed on the left. Use the possible entries help on the right to view all process
container elements. If the process container element category corresponds to the target element
category in the step container, then the element has a green background. A dark green background
means that the categories are identical, a light green background means that they are related.
The same principles apply to the lower half of the screen, for the import data flow from the step
container to the process container. You can use the possible entries help on the right (data source) to
view all export parameters for the step container, while all process container elements are displayed
on the left (target element).
There is a predefined element, <*MAINOBJ*>, in the data flow that has a particular significance. If the
call relates to an object method, then <*MAINOBJ*> always contains the object reference to which the
method refers. For example, if you want to maintain business partner data in one step, then it would
be appropriate to choose a call for the ‘Edit’ method for the ISUPARTNER object category. The
<*MAINOBJ*> element therefore has the ISUPARTNER category and must be filled with a
corresponding value. You can recreate this example in the process in BPCHAN01 in default
Customizing. This is also valid for export parameters. If, for example, the ‘Create’ method creates an
object first, then, in the import data flow, the newly created object will also be in the <*MAINOBJ*>
element (see, for example, process BPCHAN05). <*MAINOBJ*> corresponds to the _WI_Object_Id
element in a workflow task definition.
You must not change the default entries provided by SAP. You may use the following namespaces:
X*, Y*, Z* (customer namespaces). Check the default entries provided by SAP. You may find it helpful
to copy the default entries or to add new front office processes.
EMBEDIn order to call up the front office process from the CIC, you must first integrate it into
the action box. To do this, follow the procedure as described in section 3.3.
4.2 Defining Front Office Editor Steps
An editor step is generally part of a front office process, and it may also be part of a workflow. It
represents a simple way of enabling users to input data during a process, without having to program a
dialog specifically for that purpose.
To create an editor step, execute the IMG activity SAP Utilities
Customer Service
Interaction Center
Define Front Office Editor Steps.
This activity enables to you have a dialog generated on the basis of an interface that you define
yourself. This interface consists of parameters that are defined in the same way as process container
elements in the activity Define Front Office Processes. A dialog (a report with a corresponding screen)
is generated based on this interface. This dialog enables the fields described in the interface to be
To define the interface, position the cursor on the line ‘Editor parameter’ and choose Edit à Create
You will get a dialog box in which you can determine whether the parameter refers to an ABAP
Dictionary field, or whether it is a business object.
In the parameter attribute section, you can see that all parameters are by default defined as import
and export parameters. This, together with an appropriate data flow, enables you on the one hand to
ensure that the field is always filled with a default value, and on the other to ensure that user entries
are imported into your process container or workflow container. The attribute ‘Mandatory’ defines the
field as a required entry field.
If you set the attribute ‘Multiline’, then the field appears on the screen as a table. The editing sequence
defines the location of the field within the parameter dialog.
Use the command Edit à Generate screen to generate a report with a screen in a reserved
namespace. You can specify the report name suffix and the screen number in the header information.
Every time your editor step is saved, the report/screen is automatically regenerated.
To view the dialog generated, choose Edit à Test dialog.
Check the default entries provided by SAP. You may find it helpful to copy the default entries or to add
new front office editor steps. You must not change the default entries. You may use the customer
namespaces: X*, Y*, Z*.
EMBEDTo use the editor step as a front office step, proceed as described in section 4.1
‘Defining Front Office Processes’.
5 Customer-Specific System Modifications for the CIC
Customers can implement specific modifications and enhancements that enable completely new
components to be defined for use in the CIC, or new activities to be established for processors. You
can make the relevant settings in the IMG under Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Customer-Specific System Modifications for CIC. You can also find further documentation on
system modifications there.
6 Administrative Settings
A range of settings that you do not make in Customizing is located at Logistics
Customer Service
Customer Interaction Center
Administration. These settings include:
Assigning user IDs to the HR-PD organizational structure (organizational unit, position or job),
see section 2.4
Assigning CIC profiles to individual users or user groups, see section 2.4
SAPphone, work center and customer-specific settings
Defining CTI queues
Maintaining and assigning DNIS descriptions and scripting texts
You can evaluate profiles and logged data on call center, group and user levels under Customer
Interaction Center
Info system and use the results of these evaluations to optimize your business
processes. You can also analyze contact histories for individual users.
7 HTML Templates
The standard way of representing customer information in the CIC (L-shaped framework) is using an
HTML template. To use this template, you first need to set up a service as described in section
You also have the option of defining your own layouts in HTML templates. To do this, proceed as
described in section 7.3REF.
7.1 Prerequisites
The following services must be available on the ITS if you want to use the HTML customer
EWHV (layout templates)
functions for reading node data: ewhv_functions.html,
debugging functions:
ewhv_debug.html and ewhv_debugfunctions.html)
ITS system libraries
You must use the latest ITS (4.6c) and the current HTML Library if you want the HTML customer
overview view to be displayed correctly. IS-U Release 4.61 contains templates with a layout adjusted
to match the restricted options available with the Release. However, you can (and should) always
work with the current versions in addition to your R/3 IS-U System.
7.2 Setting Up Services
In Release 4.61, you need to publish the services on your ITS using SAP@Web Studio. This means
that the files required will be copied to the correct locations on the ITS server.
EMBEDAs of Release 4.62, you can also publish the services directly from the Object
Navigator (transaction SE80). see 7.2.2.
7.2.1 Setting Up Services Using SAP@Web Studio
1. First check that you are connected to the R/3 System under Project/Site Definition. Use the
online help if you have difficulties setting up the site definition.
Graphic 1 Example of how the Web server/ITS host can be defined in the Web Studio
2. Set up a new ITS project: EWHV or ISU_GLOBAL.
3. Connect to the R/3 System: Tools/Source Control/Connect to R/3
4. Right mouse click on the relevant service and choose ‘Get’ from the context menu.
5. Select all files and click OK.
6. Choose the File View tab from the object selection list, right mouse click the service folder and
choose ‘Publish’ from the context menu.
7.2.2 Setting Up Services Using the Object Navigator (SE80)
Check the prerequisites:
1. Go to Utilities
Settings, and, on the ITS tab, check that the Web server and targets for
publishing are set correctly.
Then proceed as follows:
1. Choose the category Internet Service from the object list selection
2. Enter the name of the service you want to create: EWHV or ISU_GLOBAL.
3. Right mouse click on the corresponding service.
4. Choose Publish
Complete Service from the context menu.
If errors occur during publishing to an ITS server, then the system displays an error log
with the relevant message texts.
If no errors occur, then the message The object was published successfully is displayed in
the status bar.
Please also consult the online documentation for SE80. To do this, in the Object Navigator, choose
Help -> Application help -> Integration of Internet Services.
7.3 Creating Your Own HTML Templates
You have the option of creating your own view of your data by defining your own HTML templates.
To use your own HTML templates, you need to set up a new template on the ITS that corresponds to
the EWHV naming convention, that is, it must be called <viewname>.html. You can create this
template using transaction HYPERLINK SE80.
EMBEDYou can also edit the template in the ITS file system using NT means, particularly as
regards renaming the file in accordance with the naming conventions.
EMBEDHYPERLINKIf you are working with SAP@Web-Studio under 4.61, you do not need to
check the template in to the R/3-System, as it is only used from the ITS server. However, if
you do attempt to check the template in to the R/3-System, you will receive an error message,
since the name does not adhere to the usual R/3-conventions. If you do for any reason need
to check in a template, then rename it accordingly beforehand (naming convention: must begin
with Z, not SAP). Do not, however, publish the template under this name (beginning with Z) on
the ITS server, because the service only recognizes templates named in accordance with the
naming convention SAPLEWHV_<viewname>.html.
7.4 URL Structure
The URL that you can use, among other things, to access the HTML customer information with a
browser from outside the R/3 System, has the following structure:
SAP Utilities:
SAP Media:
The placeholders marked by <> should be replaced with the following content:
<ITS-URL> URL of your company’s ITS, for example,
<Servicename> scrips/wgate/ewhv
<Profile> Name of the HTML data selection, for example, PARTNER
<Partnernumber> Business partner number (always starting with zeros, where business partners are
identified numerically), for example, 0000004711
The naming conventions have been adhered to for 4.62.
You can also add &debug=1 or &debug=2 to this URL, if you want to use the debugging options
described in section 7.6REF. We recommend that you use these debugging functions when creating
your own templates so that you can get an overview of the objects and fields that can be displayed.
7.5 Template Structure
The main HTML customer information template is saplewhv_100.html. You load the libraries used in
this template, make the debugging functions available and dynamically include the HTML template for
the layout (
7.6 Debugging Functions
The HTML customer information templates provide two debugging modes. You activate these modes
by adding the parameter debug=1 or debug=2 to the URL. Mode 1 displays an overview of the objects
displayed with their (hierarchical) dependencies and the descriptions of the object categories and
classes. Mode 2 displays an overview of the objects and the field attributes transported (content).
To activate debugging, add the parameter &debug=2 to your URL.
HYPERLINKYou can also use the debugging function with templates that you have created yourself.
You must simply adhere to the convention as described in section 7.5REF.
7.7 ewhv_functions
A range of special HTML
functions is provided in the file ewhv_funktions.html for the service
ISU_GLOBAL to enable the data in the templates to be addressed.
You will also need to be familiar with general HTML
functions if you want to create your own
object = root()
Returns the initial object with which the cluster builder starts. In the
case of the HTML customer information, this object is ‘Business
`partner = root();`
value = attrib(obj, attr)
Returns the value (value) of the attribute (attr) of the object (obj).
Example: `value=attrib(partner,"DESCRIPTION")`
object = child( obj, ind )
Returns the subobject with index (ind) for the object (obj).
child1 = child(partner, 1)
num = child_dim( obj )
Returns the number (num) of subobjects of the object (obj).
num = child_dim(partner)
object = childoftype( obj,
typeid, ind )
Returns the subobject (object) with type (typeid) and index (ind)
for the object (
acct = childoftype(partner, "ACCOUNT", 1)
num = childoftype_dim(obj,
typeid )
Returns the number (num) of subobjects of type (typeid) for the
object (
object = father( obj )
Returns the parent of the object (obj).
id = typeid( obj )
Returns the type ID (typeid) for the object (obj).
clsid = classid( obj )
Returns the class ID (clsid) for the object (obj).
cls = class( obj )
Returns the class (cls) for the object (obj).
object = ObjectOfClass( clsid,
ind )
Returns the object with the index (ind) of class ID (clsid).
num = ObjectOfClass_Dim( clsid
Returns the number of objects in a class
name = attrib_name( cls, ind )
Returns the attribute name with index (ind) of class (cls). (Only
works when the metainfo parameter is set.)
text = attrib_text( cls, ind )
Returns the text of the attribute with index (ind) of class (cls).
(Only works when the metainfo parameter is set.)
num = attrib_dim( cls )
Returns the number of attributes of class (cls). (Only works when
the metainfo parameter is set.)
key_atr =class_key( cls, ind )
Returns the key attributes with index (ind) of class (cls). (Only
works when the metainfo parameter is set.)
num = class_key_dim( cls )
Returns the number of key attributes of class (cls). (Only works
when the metainfo parameter is set.)
There is a sample HTML template for the industry component SAP Utilities below. These examples
illustrates how you can address objects and their data. The template is delivered as EXAMPLE1.html
with the EWHV service, or you can enter it yourself using the example below.
The HTML data selection EXAMPLE1 must be available in the IMG. You must ensure that you have
selected “first according to contract account” for the structure selection and that you have activated the
display for the business partner and the contract account. Do not select any fields under ‘Presentation
Business partner’ or ‘Presentation Contract account’ so that all fields are available for display.
7.8 Sample Templates
7.8.1 EXAMPLE1.html
<!-- include ewhv_functions-->
`include (~service="isu_global", ~language="", ~theme="99", ~name="ewhv_functions.html");`
<!-- 1. set root object -->
`partner = root();`
<!-- display some root (partner) attributes (field-values) -->
Name: `attrib(partner,"DESCRIPTION")`<br>
Street: `attrib(partner,"STREET")`<br>
<!-- evaluate class and classid of partner -->
Partner `attrib(partner,"NAME1")` has class `class(partner)` and classid `classid( partner
<!-- evaluate number of child objects -->
Object partner has `child_dim( partner )` child object(s).<br>
<!-- get first child with typeid ACCOUNT -->
`acct = childoftype(partner, "ACCOUNT", 1)`
<!-- loop over all child objects with typeid ACCOUNT -->
`repeat with id from 1 to childoftype_dim(partner, "ACCOUNT")`
`acct = childoftype(partner, "ACCOUNT", id)`
`typeid(acct)`: `attrib(acct,"VKONT")`
7.8.2 EXAMPLE2.html
The above example is extended below to explain the HTML
layout functions. You can find
documentation on these functions in SAPNet. - SAP Business
HTML Cookbook.
<!-- Example2: Page Layout with SAP-Business-HTML-Templates -->
Example2 extends Example1 to illustrate the use of SAP layout templates
<!-- include template library -->
`include (~service="system", ~language="", ~theme="dm", ~name="templateLibrarydhtml.html");`
<!-- include ewhv_functions-->
`include (~service="isu_global", ~language="", ~theme="99", ~name="ewhv_functions.html");`
<!-- put everything in a group box -->
`SAP_TemplateGroupboxBegin(groupBoxLabel="Data Box", width="600")`
<!-- 1. set root object -->
`partner = root();`
<!-- display some root (partner) attributes (field-values) -->
Name: `attrib(partner,"DESCRIPTION")`<br>
Street: `attrib(partner,"STREET")`<br>
<!-- evaluate class and classid of partner -->
Partner `attrib(partner,"NAME1")` has class `class(partner)` and classid `classid( partner
<!-- evaluate number of child objects -->
Object partner has `child_dim( partner )` child object(s).<br>
<!-- get first child with typeid ACCOUNT -->
`acct = childoftype(partner, "ACCOUNT", 1)`
<!-- display account data in table -->
<!-- row with headings -->
`SAP_TemplateTableCellBegin(subtype="TEXT")` TypeID `SAP_TemplateTableCellEnd();`
`SAP_TemplateTableCellBegin(subtype="TEXT")` Account # `SAP_TemplateTableCellEnd();`
<!-- loop over all child objects with typeid ACCOUNT -->
`repeat with id from 1 to childoftype_dim(partner, "ACCOUNT")`
`acct = childoftype(partner, "ACCOUNT", id)`
<!-- row with account data -->
SAP_TemplateTableCellBegin(subtype="NONEDIT1"); typeid(acct); SAP_TemplateTableCellEnd();
SAP_TemplateTableCellBegin(subtype="NONEDIT1"); attrib(acct,"VKONT");