Senior Living Marketing
Perspectives Podcast
Senior Living Marketing Perspectives: Podcast
Senior Living Marketing Perspectives presents strategic interviews with industry
leaders on best practices, new ideas and insights to help overcome today’s
challenges facing the senior living industry. Debbie Howard, CEO of Senior Living
SMART brings top leaders to discuss strategy, technology and innovation in
Senior Living. Our guide gives you the Top Podcasts for Season 1, with episode
overview and a direct link to the podcast. A great way to catch up with industry
trends and challenges.
Business, Sales and Marketing Advice with Doug Davidoff
Adopting New Technology to Promote Well-Being with Sagely with Hollie Kemp
The Science of Conversions and Optimization with Brian Massey
Evaluating your Digital Presence with Andy Crestodina
Uncovering New Insights in the Senior Living Industry with Alex Fisher from Sherpa
Talking Elder Resource Benefits Consulting with Patty Servaes
Welcome Home - A CRM Platform Designed Specifically for Senior Housing and Care with John
Learn About Senior Living Growth Advisors with Scott McCorvie- How the Pandemic has affected
the Senior Living Industry
Moms House- Connecting Families Selling their Senior Parent’s Homes with Buyers with Ben Rao
Re-imagining Marketing Strategies in Senior Living with Jeannette McClennan Following COVID-19
Learn about SMASH - The Senior Marketing and Sales Summit with Bailey Beeken
Jennifer Hastings Connects Families with Residents Through Engaging Marketing Campaigns
Dan Tyre Unleashes a Treasure Trove of Inbound Marketing Best Practices
Today’s Senior Living Prospects Have a Greater Sense of Urgency About Their Senior Living
Options with Nate O’Keefe
What the Most Successful Senior Living Companies During the Pandemic are Doing Differently
with Val Whitman
Senior Living Marketing Perspectives: Capturing the Essence of Your Residents to Market Lifestyle
with Tom Sanders
Reimagining the Prospect Journey with Jeff Gronemyer
The Secret Sauce for Successful Live Chat with Bill Jennings
Creating an Effective Sales Culture in Senior Living during Covid-19 with Mike Miller
Best Practices around Marketing and Communication Strategy Used by Various Industries Amid
the Covid-19 Pandemic with Dan Hutson
Widespread Effects of COVID-19 on the Senior Living Industry with Julie Podewitz
Painting a Picture of the Future of Senior Living with Carlene Motto
Table of Contents
Searching for a particular podcast? Click on a link below.
Business, Sales and Marketing Advice with Doug Davidoff
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How businesses can communicate with their target market to design better services
● Creating an environment that makes prospects stay comfortable while in the pipeline
● Tried-and-true advice for all sales professionals
● The ever-evolving relationship between sales and marketing
● Considerations around “high-tech, high-touch
● Identifying the touches that matter and ignoring those that do not matter
● How letting go of (your feeling of) control gives you more control as a company
● Creating a solid structure for your business to spark more creativity among your team
● The truth about friction in the sales process and how to use friction to your advantage
● The dierence between a “challenger” and a “provoker” in sales
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Doug Davido, Founder and CEO at Imagine Business Development,
a management consulting rm that has worked with over 1500 small and mid-market businesses. Doug
describes his career as being about “eliminating or mitigating the conict between buyers and sellers,” an
approach that is applied at Imagine.
Imagine has discovered that most organizations already have the raw material to achieve what they want
to achieve. What they need is the correct recipe to make their vision a reality. Doug says that the problem
usually lies more in what organizations are already doing and have to unlearn as opposed to what they are
not doing. Imagine ensures that their clients maintain the structure of their respective businesses “to enable
them to achieve predictable, sustainable, and scalable growth, however they dene ‘scalable’.
Imagine has worked with countless businesses in many dierent verticals, and the number one issue that
Doug found is a lack of empathy. Instead of creating a product or service from assumption alone, companies
need to see the world through their customers’ eyes. In addition, companies have a tendency to “try too
hard” or overestimate what they can do. Sales professionals simply need to solve for x. They need to map
their customer’s journey to make their subsequent decisions more informed.
Historically, salespeople were responsible for communicating the value proposition. Today, that has become
marketing’s job. Sales professionals now “facilitate the decision using the resources that marketing has
created to reduce the eort involved to make a high-risk decision.” Sales and marketing, previously siloed
departments, now work parallel to each other.
“Your job is not to sell the community,” says Doug. “Your job is to help somebody make a good decision
about where they should spend their senior years.” With sales and marketing working in tandem, operating
by the principles of empathy, the entire process becomes smoother. As Doug says: “The single best thing a
company can do to increase sales is to make it easier for someone to buy.
Imagine Business Development
Doug Davidoff on LinkedIn
Adopting New Technology to Promote Well-Being with Sagely
with Hollie Kemp
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How Sagely’s platform adds convenience for everyone in a senior care facility
● The importance Sagely places on personal, one-on-one connection
● How operators can take advantage of Sagely’s technology to reduce prospect friction
● Helping residents adopt new technologies
● Activities that have the highest engagement and preparing for the next generation
● Customizing Sagelys platform to dierent groups
● Sagely’s remote learning capabilities and future on-demand initiatives
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Hollie Kemp, Chief Operating Ocer at Sagely, a Honolulu-based IT
company that marries the power of software, data, and the human element to empower caregivers, elders,
and their families to improve elders’ well-being. Sagely is a platform to document, manage, and navigate
the tracking and delivery of engagement and care programs” that can be used by both residents and their
Hollie started out in the senior housing space over 20 years ago as a unit assistant. Through the years, she
took on various roles, from caregiver all the way up to Chief Experience Ocer. With a primary focus on
memory care and engagement, her passion is quality of life and designing stellar lifestyles for the seniors in
her care.
Hollie agrees with Debbie that the pandemic has served as an “accelerator” that has forced operators in the
industry to focus on making their systems and processes more eective and ecient. Sagely in particular
has had to fall back and reect on their core mission to “keep elders happy, healthy, independent, and
This required them to create a two-pronged approach for 2020 and beyond: develop technology that is
simple to use for residents who may not be tech-savvy, and “free up more time and also provide more
ecient tools for that engagement director to meet their residents’ needs at all times.
Hollie has noticed that, amid the pandemic, “people are less focused on limitations and more focused on
possibilities”. The adoption of new technologies today should not actually be as dicult as many make it out
to be, even in the senior living space. What makes the dierence are the goals you have going into a project,
how you hold your team accountable to those goals, and why those goals matter.
“In my opinion,” says Hollie, “in senior housing, technology is never replacing human touch. I do not believe
that’s possible. I still think we’re a human business. Technology just enables the human to do their job better.
And this outlook should extend to those initiatives that technology aims to make possible. “A program,
continues Hollie, “can be wonderful on paper, but if its not alive in the community, it doesn’t matter.
Hollie Kemp on LinkedIn
The Science of Conversions and Optimization with Brian Massey
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● Looking at the science of conversion and not just the art
● Using behavioral science to understand the thought process of prospects
● What data we should be looking at that informs strategic conversations with prospects
● Tools to help track engagement metrics
● Updating your website and communication tools to adapt to social distancing limitations
● Designing a website that gradually educates cold prospects to warm them up over time
● Creating content and designing web pages for dierent segments
● Designing your website as a draftsman rather than as an artist
● Optimizing your website for the mobile experience
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Brian Massey, Managing Partner at Conversion Sciences, a data-
driven conversion optimization agency which seeks to “nd those impulses to act that are hidden in your
If you are counting on the internet to drive your business, you cannot manage it without having access to
behavioral data. Brian says that his role is not just the scientic complement to the art of marketing, but one
that allows the marketer to “expand their art to be more creative”.
Most businesses today do not need more leads, but more conversion. If they are aware of the data indicating
the number of visitors, conversions, and the bounce rate (many
companies do not even track these numbers), the rst step
is to look at the primary call to action that you want a
particular page to make. Look at the amount of leads
you are driving and how many engagements you are
getting. Understanding the data helps you manage
your relationship with visitors intelligently.
Bounce rate is a great measure
of the quality of the trac on
your website. There is a constant
tension between getting more
trac and making the landing
experiences better, and there is not
necessarily a correlation between the
two. Troubleshooting the experience to
get more conversions requires an analysis
of the visitor’s behavior as they navigate your
site or landing page.
Your website should always be updated to adapt to changes in the market. On the most practical level, this
means looking at engagement metrics not just to know that data, but to know how to take action based on
those changes.
Conversion optimization is “an assembling of segments”, starting with the largest segment in the early
stages of your business. Personas are a great tool for understanding what those segments are so that you can
keep track of the types of visitors on your website. As you scale and become more sophisticated with your
site, you can have more oers targeted toward specic segments. In the senior living space, some of those
segments could include the adult children, seniors who would rather live in their home, and seniors who
prefer a community.
You should have a variety of content that caters to these dierent segments, and have pages on your website
specially designed for these dierent kinds of content. Analytics will show how dierent segments behave
dierently on the pages you designed specically for them.
Conversion Strategies
Evaluating your Digital Presence with Andy Crestodina
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How the senior care space has transformed in 2020
● Managing your online reputation
● When and how to update your website
● Dierentiating yourself with intentional copy
● Pushing sales messaging into the marketing funnel
● Creating content in 2021
● Maximizing the conversion experience by incorporating ow
● When to automate your processes
● What tools operators should consider for their 2021 marketing budget
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Andy Crestodina, co-founder and Chief Marketing Ocer at Orbit
Media, an award-winning 38-person digital agency in Chicago.
The challenges we have seen in 2020 accelerated the trend toward the empowered prospect. There is more
content than ever before for potential clients or customers to go through, which allows them to make a
decision on a product or service even before meeting a representative of the company. Before, to learn
what a business oered, you had to talk to people. Today, for many businesses that is no longer the case.
The responsibility of a marketer, therefore, is to help prospects make a great decision by considering their
product as an option.
The foundation of your marketing eorts is evaluating your digital presence (and those of your competitors).
From being present on most of the major social channels (depending on your demographic) to making sure
you show up at the top of Google results, having both quality and quantity in your content marketing eorts
should be one of the rst major goals of your business.
When it comes to designing and updating your website, always think about the perspective of the visitor. The site
does not have to sell; but it has to give sucient information to the visitor. The job of the website is to answer
questions. What are their questions? What are their concerns? Which of those questions and concerns are
among their top priorities? What are our best answers for those questions, and what evidence can we add to
support those answers? When you know these things, you are ready to build a high-converting website. The
job of the website is to give visitors sucient clarity and trust (i.e. answers and evidence) to get them just
over the psychological threshold toward contacting you.
Asked about producing the right kind of content in 2021, particularly for the senior living space, Andy
encourages operators to focus on the bottom of the funnel. Take care of your current prospects rst: those who are
already brand-aware. Many cold prospects may continue to have low intent going into the new year and might
not be ready for anything—not even the initial call.
Bottom-of-funnel content that answers sales questions should be prioritized; but also use this strategy to
grow your email list. Work hard on the call to action to subscribe to your newsletter, because growing your
email list puts you in control of your marketing destiny, unlike your social media platforms. Keep your
subscribers in ow by keeping them engaged with a tailored content experience that regularly gives them
value while keeping you top-of-mind until they are ready to take the next step.
Orbit Media
Orbit Media Studios on YouTube
Andy Crestodina on LinkedIn
Uncovering New Insights in the Senior Living Industry with Alex
Fisher from Sherpa
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● Insights uncovered about the senior living industry in March, April, and May
● Making the best out of fewer leads
● Adapting sales training and hiring practices to the new normal
● Confronting fears by tapping into your motivations
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Alex Fisher, Co-Founder of Sherpa CRM. As the impact of COVID-19
continues to inuence all major business decisions, Debbie and Alex discuss data insights for March, April,
and May, released recently by Sherpa.
This data provides a qualitative
indication of the sales and outcomes
of a sample size of about 82,000 units
of independent living, assisted living,
and memory care facilities. In making
sense of the information, Alex stresses
that the sales process should not be
predicated on the level of care, but on
the person.
While leads have been down across
the board, Alex says that sales and
marketing professionals have always
tended to “underwork” prospective
buyers anyway. With the pandemic
causing everybody to pay better
attention to the leads that they do
continue to generate, there is now an
opportunity to put more focus and
care into each individual prospect. Says
Alex, “Our philosophy is that the new
lead is not necessarily going to be better
than the old lead. As a matter of fact,
there is gold in your existing leads. Some of them may have been resistant to your eorts for a while, but
they still exist.
With fewer leads to work with, Alex emphasizes the importance of really getting inside the heads and the
hearts of both the potential residents and their families. Specically, what is going on in their world as they
prepare to make the life-altering decision of whether or not to move into a new community, especially in the
face of these challenging times? Making the eort to be truly empathetic to your potential customers’ desires
always leads to more sales. As Alex eloquently puts it, “Shallow engagement leads to lower conversions.
Even before COVID-19, Alex says that much can be done to improve sales training and what to look for when
hiring salespeople. For one, there tends to be an overreliance on product. In an industry full of “gloried
tour givers”, she calls for refocusing the focus of sales training onto the prospect by letting go of the outcome.
This requires emotional intelligence through self-awareness and embracing the fact that salespeople are
facilitators of change” who help break down emotional barriers so that prospects can have the condence to
make adjustments in their lives.
Sherpa CRM
Talking Elder Resource Benefits Consulting with Patty Servaes
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● A primer on the VAs Pension Benet
● Potential amounts that veterans and/or their spouses can avail of with the VA Benet
● Assets and other factors that count toward eligibility for the VA Benet
● The time it takes to receive the VA Benet
● The role of annuities
● How senior living operators are leveraging the Benet and where they can improve
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Patty Servaes, a VA accredited agent and the founder of Elder Re-
source Benets Consulting. ERBC was founded in 2005 to help seniors navigate dierent benets that are
available to them. Their specialty is the VAs Basic Pension with Aid and Attendance Benets. The company
focuses on veterans getting the VAs Pension Benet as quickly as possible as soon as they are eligible for it.
“This is not a yes’ or no’ Benet,” says Patty. “Its ‘if’ and ‘when.” She explains the VA Benet through the
image of a staircase, having three main criteria that build on each other: “Did you serve in a period of war?”;
“Do you meet the medical criteria?; and “Do you meet the nancial criteria?”
It is critical for a U.S. veteran—Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard—to know the “if” and the
when” so that they do not miss even a months worth of the Benet. In 2020, a surviving spouse can get
up to $1228 per month, tax free. A single veteran can get up to $1911 per month. A well veteran with an ill
spouse can get up to $1500 per month. A married veteran where the veteran himself needs care can get up to
$2266 per month. Patty goes into detail about which assets and other factors count toward eligibility for the
In evaluating a veteran’s eligibility for the VA Benet, ERBC looks at their income and assets to be able to
tell exactly when they would be able to qualify. They also give advice on what they can legally do with the
money, such as paying down a car loan or prepaying their funeral. Patty, however, does not recommend the
latter. Rather, she suggests having the VA reimburse the funeral costs after the funeral itself. “I really like
holding the VAs feet to the re and making sure that, if at all possible, we get that VA money to the claimant
or, in the event of their death, to the assisted living or to the family.
Elder Resource Benefits Consulting
Phone: (508) 485-0039
Welcome Home - A CRM Platform Designed Specifically for Senior
Housing and Care with John Lariccia
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How John came to develop a CRM platform specically for the senior living space
● Welcome Home’s ve, non-negotiable pillars for an industry-friendly CRM
● Giving operators greater freedom of choice through integration
● The impact of Welcome Home’s CRM on a communitys bottom-line
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with John Lariccia, founder of Welcome Home, which provides a CRM
platform designed specically for senior housing and care.
John identied the gap in the market upon understanding that the sales process is particularly dicult
within the senior living space. He points to the fact that “there are so many constituencies that you have
to interact with. The emotional layer of the process is also particularly unique due to the nature of the
industry. John realized that traditional CRM technologies did not adequately account for the complexities of
the human element of closing sales that is especially important in senior living.
John had to solve for a solution that covered all the considerations of an operator in the senior living space.
Being a newcomer to the industry, John took the time to dissect traditional CRM platforms to identify
missing features which can be highly useful to a senior living operator. He spent over a year speaking
to experts in the industry and honed in on ve, non-negotiable pillars for their technology: automation,
customization, reporting, mobility, and simplicity.
Asked how adopting Welcome Home’s CRM makes sense from a business standpoint, John says that his
team tracks engagement and adoption, time savings, time allocation, results from that allocated time, and
other expenses. 93% of users, his team found, are using the entire functionality of the CRM within the rst
month, and this jumps to over 99% by the second month. Operators are also saving thousands of dollars in
training budgets due to the CRM’s simple and intuitive interface. Finally, rote tasks are being successfully
automated, allowing sales directors to reinvest that saved time into outreach. All of these factors, among
others, are resulting in better conversion ratios. “The CRM is working for them,” says John. “They are not
working for the CRM.
Learn About Senior Living Growth Advisors with Scott McCorvie -
How the Pandemic has affected the Senior Living Industry
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How Scotts passion for senior living led to the founding of Senior Living Growth Advisors and his
● The impact of COVID-19 on Senior Living Growth Advisors
● How the pandemic aected design in the senior living communities, both existing and in development
● Adapting to restrictions and other lifestyle changes brought about by social distancing measures
● Emerging technologies operators are using to redene the senior living experience
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Scott McCorvie, President of Senior Living Growth Advisors, and
host of The Inner Circle of Senior Living podcast. With 15 years of experience in the senior care space
under their belt, Senior Living Growth Advisors assists everyone from owners to developers to investors
to operators in optimizing their platform and achieving their desired growth success. Scotts podcast is
dedicated to providing value to the senior living investment industry by hosting discussions and interviews
with experts and thought leaders in the eld.
Scott believes that the senior living industry has remained resilient in the face of the pandemic and the
impact it has had to the economy for the past several months. Investment and development projects have
been put on hold and due diligence for acquisitions are delayed. On the other hand, Scott has seen more
action in the asset management department as organizations adapt and even innovate amid the various
To remain competitive, independent living facilities had to have over 50% of their space dedicated to
common usage or amenities. This can include anything from movie theaters, libraries, exercise rooms and
yoga studies, to even woodworking. But it is those communities whose facilities are expertly designed who
have the greatest edge over others who have activity rooms in place but receive little engagement from
Scott recommends, particularly for those communities still in development, to establish centrally located,
multipurpose common areas that, on the same day, can be reorganized from a lecture hall into an exercise
studio. Marketing a senior living community, after all, is showing o a potential “lifestyle upgrade”, and
that impression is sold if prospects can see a thriving, activity-lled space.
In addition to adding infrastructure to bolster the health and safety of residents, especially during the
pandemic, Scott says that Innovating the senior living experience also relies on improving engagements
between caregivers and residents. This can be accomplished through such implementations as voice-
activated technologies which make communication more ecient, or TV screens which display the day’s
activities or messages from sta and fellow residents. There are many ways to improve the senior living
experience, but Scott encourages operators to be particularly bullish on leveraging as much technology as
possible to increase resident engagement.
Moms House - Connecting Families Selling their Senior Parent’s
Homes with Buyers with Ben Rao
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● The motivation to create Moms House
● How Moms House’s certied home buyers save families’ time and money
● Growing the Moms House network of home buyers and senior living communities
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Ben Rao, Co-Founder of Moms House, a platform which connects
certied home buyers with families who are in the process of selling their senior parent’s house. Moms
House is known today as “the nations largest senior home buyer network”.
At some point during Bens career as a real estate investor, he got connected to the founders of Family
Solutions for Care, which “indoctrinated” him into the senior space. He realized through this partnership
that it is a common problem among families to not have the support of an insurance company as they look
to enter a care community. It so happened that Ben was also connected with a real estate investor focused on
the senior space, who did over 50 transactions a year through referrals alone. The two teamed up to discuss
how to ll this gap in the market, leading to the founding of Mom’s House.
Many families lack the resources and knowledge to get a house listed when it is time for their senior
members to move into a care community. Hiring a real estate agent is often their only option, and even in
this case it takes around four to six months to nally sell the house. That is, if the family is able to shoulder
unexpected expenses and prepare for potential delays throughout those months. Moms House changes the
game by connecting home buyers certied by the company around the country to these families. Buyers
then make an oer to buy the house for cash and close the deal in less than 30 days.
Moms House
Re-imagining Marketing Strategies in Senior Living with Jeannette
McClennan Following COVID-19
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How senior living providers can change their marketing strategy following the impact of COVID-19
● Reframing the message of an industry under re by mainstream media during the pandemic
● Why websites should not limit their assurances regarding COVID-19 to a single page
● Tips on using visual materials such as infographics to improve a brand’s messaging
● Dierentiating your assisted living facility from a nursing home
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Jeannette McClennan, Co-Founder and President of McClennan
Masson and co-author of the book Innovators Anonymous (2018).
Asked how senior living providers can change their marketing strategy in the wake of COVID-19, Jeannette
notes that universities are facing deep occupancy issues not unlike those of the senior housing industry.
There are ve factors that universities are focusing on which senior living providers can adopt in order to
reimagine” the industry during these turbulent times: occupancy strategy, testing, temp checks, scientic
counsel, and communications strategy. The goal is to raise the comfort level of parents as they look to bring
their children onto campus, just as adult children who are nding a home for their aging parents need
Another observable connection between universities and the senior housing industry is the need to shift
marketing strategies and budgets to digital. It is “an opportunity to reinvent your brand and switch up your
messaging” to adapt to current challenges.
The senior living industry has gotten a bad rap lately in the media. It is important to reframe the message in
a way that is authentic yet direct; comforting yet truthful. Jeannette recommends “overcommunicating in
advance” to nip fear and doubt in the bud as opposed to doing damage control after the fact.
Style of communication is also key. It is important to “personalize the message down to the individual”,
which is best accomplished via a storytelling format using video featuring authority gures. Jeanette
recommends providing a personalized, gamied experience for them on your website to bolster familiarity
and trust.
Finally, communities should involve the adult children in their messaging, not just the potential residents, in
order to get everyone comfortably on board in making this critical decision.
Addressing COVID-19 should go beyond a single webpage. It requires a complete rethinking of the
business’s message. “How do you express safety unique to your brand? Demonstrate it throughout your
experience, including through your social presence.
McClennan Masson
Innovators Anonymous
Learn about SMASH - The Senior Marketing and Sales Summit
with Bailey Beeken
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• The origin of the SMASH conference
• How SMASH has evolved over the years
• Topics to expect at SMASH 2020
• Lead generation, conversion, and management during and after COVID-19
• Reimagining sales and marketing in the new normal
• Interacting with prospects with virtual tools
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Bailey Beeken, President of Senior Care Events and the Founder of
SMASH—the Senior Care Marketing and Sales Summit.
Bailey discusses the concept behind SMASH, which was established in 2013. This series of conferences
brings together C-level executives in the senior living industry, “curat[ing] the best of the best in leading
edge marketing and sales.
In its rst year, the conversation was around social media and other branding platforms such as websites
and how they can be used to market the company. In the following year, the focus shifted towards content
creation and digital advertising for driving leads to these platforms. A couple of years ago, the primary topic
became data management and how to create budgets and strategies around it. This years conference set for
October 19-21 will go into considerations and best practices in a post-COVID-19 world.
With fewer leads coming in and heavy criticism from the media during these uncertain times, Bailey
acknowledges that it is time for the senior living industry to “throw out the old playbook” and lead with
purpose by “spending 80% of the time nurturing the 20%. Communities must tailor their messaging around
concerns regarding health, safety, and family by producing content at a cadence that is appropriate to the
current climate. “We really have to reimagine the entire prospect journey and recreate all of those in-person
activities [online],” agrees Debbie.
It is important for organizations to take advantage of virtual tools to connect and strengthen their
relationships with families. “People are going to have to act with urgency. It is not just about getting revenue.
The rst movers will win here. They will not have all the answers, but they are willing to experiment. []
We have a lot of work to do to counter the message that has been told this past year and everybody has to
get onboard with that.
SMASH 2020
Phone: (917) 572-1118
Email: bailey.beek[email protected]
Jennifer Hastings Connects Families with Residents Through
Engaging Marketing Campaigns
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
● How putting a pause on move-ins aected Northbridge
● The “Northbridge Good Vibes” campaign
● Platforms that Northbridge is using to connect with families
● Northbridge’s creative magazine ad that focused on the people rather than the facility
● What prospects will look for in a senior living community going forward
● The “Behind the Mask” campaign
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Jennifer Hastings, Vice President of Marketing at Northbridge
In March 2020, Northbridge made the decision to shut down move-ins as other assisted living communities
have done in the wake of COVID-19. From a marketing standpoint, Jennifer knows that the process will have
changed in one way or another once the day comes when facilities can start accepting new residents again.
However, a few key things will remain the same, such as leveraging social channels to be able to engage
regularly with existing and future families.
Jennifer talks about the Northbridge Good Vibes program that she and her team launched not long after the
outbreak. This is a cross-platform campaign where families can contribute to an encouraging and uplifting
atmosphere throughout the community by leaving well-wishes across dierent forums and social media
platforms. She relates how Northbridge’s Good Vibes page received an unexpected 75 “vibes” in the rst
night alone.
Aside from the Good Vibes initiative, Jennifer talks about the other out-of-the-box ways that Northbridge
has adapted to the challenges brought on by the pandemic. From taking advantage of the industry-tailored
features of the HeartLegacy app, to a magazine ad that highlights people and families over facilities, to the
creative “Behind the Mask” campaign, Northbridge has skillfully focused its marketing eorts toward
people and community. This type of messaging, Jennifer believes, is what will resonate the most with future
residents post-COVID-19.
Choosing a senior living community means that you have peace of mind around care, safety, and well-
being,” says Jennifer. “It is what people have always inherently been looking for, but today they are looking
through a new lens because of what we have all been through.
Northbridge Companies
Northbridge Companies on Facebook
Northbridge Companies on Instagram
Dan Tyre Unleashes a Treasure Trove of Inbound Marketing
Best Practices
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• How the internet and social media changed the lead generation game
• Why marketing is more important than sales
• Qualities of an inbound organization
• The basic philosophy and foundational principles of inbound marketing
• What touchpoints to put in place to qualify leads as reliably and eciently as possible
• Why having happy customers is more important today than ever before
• The dierence between marketing qualied leads and sales qualied leads and how to advance each
• A primer on lead scoring
• Best practices around workows and marketing automation
• Why use HubSpot?
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Dan Tyre on inbound marketing and marketing automation. Dan is
the author of Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company’s Future Using Inbound
Principles (2018). He is a speaker, blogger, mentor, and coach for those who want to harness the power of
inbound marketing to improve their bottom line. Dan joined HubSpot as a member of the original team in
2007, and today serves as the company’s Sales Director.
Potential buyers, both B2B and B2C, like to consider their options anonymously if possible, and oftentimes
do their research well in advance of making their nal decision (sometimes up to a year or so) depending on
the size of the investment. What they see, in the absence of a salesperson (who they wish to avoid at all costs)
is paramount to making the sale. This is why, according to Dan, marketing is more important than sales.
As opposed to focusing purely on sales, “the attributes of an inbound organization is they like to help
people,” says Dan. “They do things out of the goodness of their heart.” In fact, in 2014, Dan published an
article titled “Always Be Closing Is Dead: How to Always Be Helping”.
As little as ten years ago, there were more gatekeepers and other such hurdles to reach prospects. You had
to pick up the phone and make calls. Today, the amount of online tools and platforms you have at your
disposal makes inbound marketing an available option even for smaller companies. On the other hand, the
average company has 44 competitors today. As Dan stresses, it is important to “add value before you extract
value” if you want to stand out.
Listen in as Dan unleashes a treasure trove of best practices for todays inbound marketer, including how
to dene your persona, qualifying (and disqualifying) prospects, creating an eective sales funnel, and
HubSpots competitive advantage over other growth platforms.
Order a copy of his book at
Today’s Senior Living Prospects Have a Greater Sense of Urgency
About Their Senior Living Options with Nate O’Keefe
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• Roobrik’s purpose and unique approach to gathering data
• Gathering data and building trust via anonymous “conversational assessments”
• What senior living operators can learn from data gathered by Roobrik
• How COVID-19 has impacted prospect behaviors and uncertainties
• Other potential uses for Roobrik’s decision science technology
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Nate O’Keefe, Founder and CEO of Roobrik, “a survey or decision
tool that helps older adults and families get unstuck [and] activate that audience that is right on the cusp.
How can we help them understand their needs; their options?” Roobriks solution? Decision science. Their
goal is not to market senior living as a prospects only choice, but to better inform them so that they can
make that choice themselves.
The typical senior living company website is, unfortunately, little more than an online brochure lled with
impersonal stock images. “Nobody searches for senior living for fun,” says Debbie. Marketers have to make
that extra eort to not only lead prospects to their website, but also to create comfort in order to help these
prospects make life-altering decisions about their future.
Roobrik gathers relevant information that helps prospects see if they are a t for a community. They also
put together resources that engage and build trust for those who are looking for options. Data is gathered
through anonymous “conversational assessment” with the prospects which take their mindset into account,
particularly with regards to their fears and worries. The assessment is anonymous because fears and
worries, which prospects tend to minimize during the initial call, are the biggest challenges that operators
need to tackle when promoting a new lifestyle as a possible solution.
Prospects need to feel empowered and informed. Roobriks tool helps potential residents “overcome
uncertainty and inertia” which, again, is why data is gathered anonymously. COVID-19 has obviously had a
profound eect on the gravity of prospects’ doubts around senior living spaces.
Nate acknowledges that perspectives will continue to evolve in the new normal. To gain a foothold over
these ever-changing uncertainties, Roobrik asks, “What can we do that is additive and not noise?” The key is
in gathering data, which serve as the foundation for any strategy. To this end, Roobrik has released “COVID
impact reports”, which reveal that more people are looking—that prospects have developed a greater sense
of urgency about their future options and are more willing to engage in conversations that will help them
get unstuck.
What the Most Successful Senior Living Companies During the
Pandemic are Doing Differently with Val Whitman
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• The new channels Leading Response is leveraging to continue introducing people to their clients
• Is direct mail still a useful marketing tool today?
• What types of content are prospects looking for in the new normal?
• How to nurture and advance leads who are already in the pipeline
• Measuring ROI
• An easy way to double your click-through rate
• What the most successful senior living companies during the pandemic are doing dierently
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Val Whitman, VP of Senior Living at LeadingResponse, on
marketing, thought leadership, and innovation. LeadingResponse is a client acquisition rm with a focus
on connecting qualied leads—adults, children, seniors—with the senior living client to nurture their
relationship. This is best done is face-to-face, preferably onsite; but in the new normal, the company was
forced to adjust its primary strategy.
Fortunately, along with organizing in-person events, LeadingResponse has solutions for connecting people
to their clients using online campaigns. Today, these campaigns have taken center-stage.
LeadingResponse has a webinar platform that has proven to be their most popular tool for educating and
building relationships with existing consumers. Using white-labeling capabilities available on the platform,
clients can customize this visual experience to navigate the new normal with their prospects with ease.
Prospects today are still looking for the basic information they have always wanted and needed; i.e. the
dierences between care levels, how costs are covered, how to have tough conversations with loved ones,
etc. But now they also want to know how a company, as a brand and as a representative of their industry,
can keep their loved one safe. The client needs to take this opportunity to showcase the benets of staying at
a senior living community during the pandemic.
During these uncertain times, labor costs have generally gone up, as well as budgets for supplies, which
could include test kits. Organizations need to learn how to do more with fewer dollars. It is important for a
business to look at the tools and platforms that they currently employ, including webinars, direct mail, and
virtual tours, and measure the ROI on each. If there is a problem in the execution of these tools, consider
small solutions rst. Sometimes, it is just a matter of changing the content or call to action.
In some cases, improving ROI is also about sales execution. Are people following up with prospects? Are
they even reaching out to new leads on time in the rst place?
Valerie Whitman on LinkedIn
Senior Living Marketing Perspectives: Capturing the Essence of
Your Residents to Market Lifestyle with Tom Sanders
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• The lackluster quality of most stock photos depicting seniors
• What it is like to work with 80+-year-old models, including those with cognitive disabilities
• Why Tom incorporates stories into his photos
• How senior living facilities can improve their marketing by showcasing quality photos
• Justifying the cost of quality photoshoots for marketing purposes
• Rebuilding trust in senior living communities post-COVID 19 through photography
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Tom Sanders, a professor of photography at Savannah College of Art
and Design and the founder of Senior Living Photography and Senior Stock Photos. He is the author of the
coee table books The Last Good War: The Faces and Voices of WWII (2010) and Vietnam War Portraits: The Faces
and Voices (2020).
Debbie considers Tom to be the best in the senior photography niche which, she laments, is severely
lacking. She notes the oftentimes routine, inaccurate, and sometimes even silly representations of seniors in
traditional stock photographs. One reason for this, addresses Tom, is that many senior living companies are
unwilling to invest in high-quality photoshoots.
Debbie also criticizes run of the mill photos as idealized images of prospects that lack relatability (i.e. models
are often a decade or two younger than the usual senior living demographic). Tom, on the other hand, is
unafraid to literally get up close and personal with the people he is trying to represent. Debbie points out
that many of Toms photos clearly display the wrinkles of his 80+-year-old models. They are posed simply,
their humanity, personalities, and vulnerabilities all laid bare.
Tom encourages more photography companies to take advantage of the stories that seniors have to share, so
as to bring out the individuality of every single model. It is this level of care and openness that helped The
Last Good War to earn the title of “Non-Fiction Book of the Year, Editor’s Choice” by the Forewords Review
Companies should be willing to invest in better quality photos of their seniors the same way they are
already used to spending on photos of their facility. After all, a marketer’s job is to sell lifestyle, not real
Reimagining the Prospect Journey with Jeff Gronemyer
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• Key impacts of COVID-19 on the senior living industry in China
• The importance of building relationships with prospects amid COVID-19
• Useful technologies and other strategies to engage with prospects during quarantine
• How to “check the temperature” of your lead base during these turbulent times
• Training salespeople that can eectively navigate the current climate
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Je Gronemyer, Director of International Census Development
with Meridian Senior Living. He gives a global perspective on the impact of COVID-19 on the industry.
Overseeing sales eorts for Meridian in China, Je is essentially a couple of months ahead in terms of best
practices for interacting with prospects during the pandemic.
In China, Meridian has completely shut down their buildings. The question prospects lead with is no
longer, “When can we move in?” but, “What can you do to keep my mom and dad safe?” Meridian has
shifted its marketing and sales to cover common concerns brought about by the new normal. This includes
helping seniors gain easier access to produce and other basic necessities. There have also been a number of
changes to protocols for moving in particularly with regard to making sure that health and sanitation take
precedence over all else, while of course keeping the process comfortable and fear-free for seniors.
During a time when communication is more important than ever for closing prospects in the senior
living industry, Je says that there is now more focus put into the relationship aspect of things. Building
a relationship with the prospect while leading them through the sales process has always been a tricky
balance. The dierence today is that prospects will not be moving into facilities until further notice, and so
the pressure to close in advance is no longer there. This simply means taking the time to have meaningful
conversations with prospects. One way that Meridian encourages its sales sta to adopt this focus is through
sending information on relevant topics to chat about with seniors, such as historical events ranging from
1960 to 1976.
This is a time to experiment and innovate with dierent technologies and other strategies to engage with
prospects. It is also important to discover the changing attitudes, mindsets, and goals of your client base.
Reach out—whether through surveys or focus groups—and soak in the dierent hopes, worries, and fears
that prospects are currently experiencing. This is especially important since senior living communities
are being dubbed as dangerous “petri-dishes” by certain media institutions. In order to respond to these
messages, there is no better strategy than to communicate on a more intimate level with those you are
looking to serve.
The Secret Sauce for Successful Live Chat with Bill Jennings
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• SiteSta Chats edge over other conversion services
• The two types of prospects that chat support representatives typically engage with
• How SiteSta’s engagement specialists conduct conversations with prospects
• The importance of earning the right to ask for a prospects personal information
• Why Bill is passionate about empathy and culture
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with SiteSta Chat Founder Bill Jennings on how prospects for senior
living facilities engage with Chats online support sta. Bill founded his company as a response to the many
other support services that have the unfortunate tendency to oer generic, information-laden responses to
website visitors. Instead, SiteSta Chat’s approach is that of an emotional selling process; making people
feel comfortable.” This approach turned out to be the perfect t for the senior living industry, of which the
emotional component is naturally higher among prospects.
SiteSta Chat typically sees two types of customers. The rst type are family members looking for a place
for their aging parents, but have little to no idea what to expect from or how to go about the process of
moving them into a senior living facility. The second type are those looking to move themselves into a
facility simply because they are looking for community and, of course, assistance. In both of these cases,
support sta need to be both empathetic and understanding as they work to dispel prospects’ common fears
while guiding them towards a decision.
Chat’s engagement specialists are looking to provide real answers to prospect queries, as opposed to canned
ones. Bill laments the “copy-paste” tactics of traditional services, where answers are scripted and supercial.
Chat aims to qualify the prospect, not by attempting to methodically close them, but by “humanizing the
experience”, rst by establishing whether there’s even a t for them in the rst place, followed by diving into
specics around the prospects particular circumstances and goals.
Today, Chats representatives spend an average of eight and a half minutes chatting with prospects. These
eight and a half minutes are not spent giving an elevator pitch, but on having real, human-to-human
conversations that aim to earn the right to ask the prospect if they are ready for the next step of the
When much of the modern marketing world focuses on vanity metrics such as views, impressions, clicks, or
website trac, it is crucial for a company (and refreshing for prospects) to create personal experiences that
give visitors real value. After all, senior living communities deal with high-intent prospects. By empowering
these prospects to make informed decisions through meaningful conversations, any business can achieve
more of the metric that truly matters: conversions.
Try SiteStaff Chat for 30 Days Free of Charge
by visiting
or give Bill a call at (303) 349-4282
Creating an Effective Sales Culture in Senior Living during Covid-19
with Mike Miller
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
• The importance of creating an eective sales culture
• How to develop a sales training process
• Practical advice on empathetic selling to maximize your existing database when COVID-19 has slowed
down the ow of new leads
• Lessons learned by Mike after having done over 150,000 mystery shops
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Mike Miller, President and CEO of Primo Solutions, LLC, and the
author of Selling at Combat Speed (2008) and Stop Selling & Start Caring (2011). They discuss the core message
of Mike’s newest book which, while always relevant, is many times more so today amid the COVID-19
The inspiration behind Stop Selling & Start Caring came when a colleague discussed the uncomfortable
experience of looking for a senior living community for his mother. After visiting several communities, his
colleague found that none of them even bothered to ask him how he, as the adult child, was feeling about
the process. Instead, it seemed like all these communities cared about was making the transaction.
Many institutions lack a clearly-dened sales training process which, by extension, results in a lack of
a cohesive sales culture. Debbie and Mike agree that it is key to have a great sales trainer that regularly
conducts sessions to help instill and maintain this culture. But more importantly, the company has to have
leadership in place that, once training is done, can eciently and eectively delegate in order to ensure the
healthy growth of its culture.
“You can have a great strategy,” says Mike. “But if you do not have the culture in place and the buy-in where
people really believe in the process and what they are doing, then it is not going to work.
COVID-19 has forced many businesses to focus on their existing database as the pandemic has led to fewer
new leads coming in. Mike believes that senior living communities tend to spend too much money on
incoming leads, and that many can actually ll their communities by investing in their current database.
Additionally, the problem with a constant stream of leads is that communities will eventually have a
dicult time to work with and nurture those leads already in the CRM.
With regards to the current situation, Mike says that we have no choice but to “make a dierence on the
phone.” Even today, it is possible to increase your conversion rate via deliberate, creative, and empathetic
selling. It starts with reducing your marketing spend and putting more focus on training your sta to work
with existing leads.
Ask Mike for a free PDF of Stop Selling & Start Caring
Primo Solutions, LLC
Best Practices around Marketing and Communication Strategy Used
by Various Industries Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic with Dan Hutson
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
What direction should marketing and communications take amid COVID-19?
The power of “sharing, not selling” as a long-term approach to business development
Why your organization should shift from crisis communication to resource communication
How to get people comfortable about potentially moving into a senior living community during a
What can we learn from this situation, marketing and communications-wise, to become better prepared
should another crisis hit?
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Dan Hutson, Marketing and Communications consultant. The pair
discuss best practices around marketing and communication strategy used by various industries amid the
COVID-19 pandemic, and how these practices can be implemented by the senior housing industry.
Today, organizations have to choose between quietly waiting out the crisis, and looking for opportunities
to innovate. Much of the senior living world has chosen the former strategy. Worse than that, some even
chose to do “tone-deaf” marketing that completely ignores the new normal. Consumers and clients are more
forgiving towards vulnerability and more raw” messaging, as long as the company can assure them, with a
level head, that they are willing and able to consistently follow through in spite of current challenges.
“This situation has freed up your time from doing a lot of the business-as-usual marketing work,” says Dan.
“Take this time to really think about interesting ways of connecting with your audience—communicating
and creating ongoing conversations with them.” If more organizations adopt this paradigm, there may
endure, long after the end of this crisis, a sharing, not selling” approach to business.
It helps greatly to put yourself in the shoes of those youre trying to serve. Imagine what a typical member
of your target audience is thinking, feeling, and doing at this very moment. One thing’s for sure: there’s so
much uncertainty in the world today that people in general are just looking for leaders to help make their
struggles more bearable. This, says Dan, becomes the perfect opportunity to serve as your customer’s go-
between—to position your company as an incredible resource which provides useful services outside the
usual scope of your business.
At a time when social distancing is the norm, ask yourself how youre adopting technology to support your
sales and marketing eort. If you want more people to become comfortable with the idea of potentially
moving into a senior living community, particularly during this pandemic, digital and inbound marketing
should be your priorities. Many people are uninformed about the dierent types of available communities,
not to mention their concerns about sanitation in these spaces.
If relevance is what you’re after, there’s no better time than this
moment to put out regular content that tells your customers
exactly what services they should be expecting from your
organization. This content should illustrate the reality of your
senior living space as a “living, breathing community of people
who are engaged in interesting, purposeful lives.
Widespread Effects of COVID-19 on the Senior Living Industry
with Julie Podewitz
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
Lead generation amid COVID-19
Why warmer leads have been converting better than cold leads in the past few months
What prospects want to talk about during the pandemic
The power of creative follow-up
Shifting your messaging from crisis communication to reopening
Creating a sales and marketing playbook for the new normal
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Julie Podewitz, Chief Sales Ocer at Vitality Senior Living, on the
widespread eects of COVID-19 on the senior living industry and best practices for how communities can
navigate the new normal.
Asked about lead generation amid COVID-19, Julie notes that while leads have been down (more than 50%
in some markets), sales conversations continue to remain strong—and in certain cases are actually higher
than pre-COVID-19 numbers. A big factor is sense of urgency which, according to Julie, has been “moved
forward in a massive direction. Empathetic sales has become the norm. The pandemic has “forced us to be
doing what we really should be doing, which is asking questions” as well as demonstrated the importance
of building rapport using every available channel. While leads have lessened, phone calls have been longer
and more meaningful. During these challenging times, busyness has morphed into productivity.
Even if prospects may not be able to move into a community anytime soon, there is no better time to connect
with them than right now. Potential residents are looking not only for a resource, but for an ear as well.
While leads across the board have been down, referral leads have been on the rise, which says more than
anything else that prospects are looking for people that they can entrust their future to. By connecting with
and creatively following-up with these prospects, getting sales is a given.
No matter the current climate, what needs to remain consistent in your brands messaging is honesty and
transparency. Of course, this is especially true amid the pandemic, during which fear is the biggest shared
hurdle that senior living communities must overcome in the minds of their prospects and current residents.
By being upfront with your intentions in your communications, you will assure and inspire condence in
both your employees and customers.
Painting a Picture of the Future of Senior Living with Carlene Motto
Topics Discussed and Key Points:
How the employees and residents of Belmont Village have weathered COVID-19
What has changed and what continues to work in the industry?
Building trust with a captive audience
The senior living industry should begin to tailor their messaging around reopening
Dealing with misleading and negative media coverage
Adapting your messaging and value proposition during a period lled with uncertainty
Becoming more prepared in the case of a second wave
Episode Summary:
In today’s episode, Debbie speaks with Carlene Motto, Chief Marketing Ocer at Belmont Village Senior
Living. The two discuss how COVID-19 has completely shaken the industry and drastically aected the
lives of residents and the employees who care for them. After reecting on lessons learned throughout this
ongoing ordeal, Debbie and Carlene paint a picture of the future of senior living.
One of the biggest changes in the industry was making the switch from face-to-face to virtual with regard to
connecting with potential residents. Prior to COVID-19, marketing “had to be creative” since most prospects
and their families did not normally pick up the phone. Sales teams had to make use of texting, email, and
other forms of written communication. Now, the tables have turned and people look forward to speaking
with others. Aside from the phone, technologies such as Facetime and Zoom have become incredibly
important for connecting and building trust and rapport with prospects and their families.
Belmont Village believes that “our opportunity is to tell our story through our website.” Due to the
pandemic, eorts have been put into repositioning the brand to demonstrate real concern for their people.
Out of respect for families who may be struggling nancially at this time, focus has been put on connecting
live with the families, providing meals to the community, and doubling down on blogging and other
website-related strategies.
At a time when the media tends to conate senior living with nursing homes and at times highlight
negative stories regarding the industry, communities need to optimize their messaging on their website
and do whatever they can to build relationships with residents, prospects, and their families. “I absolutely
believe that senior living even during these dark times is the right place to be—where you can still have
interaction, good nutrition and healthcare, and access to PPE.” Sales and marketing teams should continue
to keep in mind that building trust in these turbulent times requires “timely, frequent, and transparent
communication” with customers.
Both employees and customers want and expect regular and reliable communication during times of
uncertainty. In the case of a second wave of the virus, one of the best things that a company can do to
prepare is to learn to be alert and responsive at a moments notice. As Carlene says, “There’s no such thing
as overcommunicating during a time like this. [] In real estate, it is location, location, location. In senior
living, it is people, people, people.
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