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Toxicological Summary for: Acetaminophen
CAS: 103-90-2
Health Based Guidance for Water
Health Risk Assessment Unit, Environmental Health Division
Adopted as Rule: November 2015
Synonyms: N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, Tylenol, Paracetamol, Paracetol, Acetamide, N-(4-
hydroxyphenyl)-, 4’-Hydroxyacetanilide, 4-(acetylamino)phenol, 4-
acetamidophenol, Acetanilide, 4’-hydroxy-, p-Acetamidophenol, p-
Acetaminophenol, p-Acetylaminophenol, p-Hydroxyacetanilide, APAP
Acute Non-Cancer Health Risk Limit (nHRLAcute) = 200 µg/L (Reference Dose, mg/kg-d) x
(Relative Source Contribution) x (Conversion Factor)
(Acute intake rate, L/kg-d)
= (0.25 mg/kg-d) x (0.2*) x (1000 µg/mg)
(0.289 L/kg-d)
= 173 rounded to 200 µg/L
*MDH utilizes the EPA Exposure Decision Tree (EPA 2000) to select appropriate RSCs. Given the significant potential non-
water sources of exposure from multiple products available for infants and children an RSC of 0.2 is selected rather than the
default value of 0.5 used for nonvolatile chemicals.
Reference Dose/Concentration 0.25 mg/kg-d (human)
Source of toxicity value: MDH, 2014
Point of Departure (POD): 7.4 mg/kg-d (NOAEL, based on the human minimum
therapeutic dose for infants at 40 mg/dose for up to 5.4 kg
infant (McNeil Consumer Healthcare 2010)
Human Equivalent Dose (MDH, 2011 Not applicable
Total uncertainty factor: 30
Uncertainty factor allocation: 10 for intraspecies variability; 3 for database uncertainty
(additional studies to evaluate gestational and early life
exposures and to adequately characterize the dose-
response and adversity of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme
inhibition are warranted)
Critical effect(s): Hepatotoxicity in humans
Co-critical effect(s): Liver effects in animals (increased serum liver enzymes,
reduced hepatic glutathione, liver histopathological
changes); acute liver failure in humans.
Additivity endpoint(s): Hepatic (liver) system
Short-term Non-Cancer Health Risk Limit (nHRL
) = 200 µg/L
(Reference Dose, mg/kg-d) x (Relative Source Contribution) x (Conversion Factor)
(Short-term intake rate, L/kg-d)
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= (0.25 mg/kg-d) x (0.2*) x (1000 µg/mg)
(0.289 L/kg-d)
= 173 rounded to 200 µg/L
*See footnote for acute section for RSC rationale
Reference Dose/Concentration 0.25 mg/kg-d (human)
Source of toxicity value MDH, 2014
Point of Departure (POD) 7.4 mg/kg-d (NOAEL, based on the human minimum
therapeutic dose for infants at 40 mg/dose for up to 5.4 kg
infant (McNeil Consumer Healthcare 2010)
Human Equivalent Dose (MDH, 2011): Not applicable
Total uncertainty factor: 30
Uncertainty factor allocation: 10 for intraspecies variability; 3 for database uncertainty
(additional studies to evaluate gestational and early life
exposures and to adequately characterize the dose-
response and adversity of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme
inhibition are warranted)
Critical effect(s): Hepatoxicity and increased serum liver enzymes (ALT) in
humans and animals
Co-critical effect(s): Acute liver failure, hepatotoxicity, increased serum liver
enzymes (ALT, AST) in humans and animals; decreased
hepatic glutathione (GSH), and liver histopathological
changes in animals
Additivity endpoint(s): Hepatic (liver) system
Subchronic Non-Cancer Health Risk Limit (nHRL
) = nHRL
= 200 µg/L
(Reference Dose, mg/kg-d) x (Relative Source Contribution) x (Conversion Factor)
(Subchronic intake rate, L/kg-d)
= (0.28 mg/kg-d) x (0.2) x (1000 µg/mg)
(0.077 L/kg-d)
= 727 rounded to 700 µg/L
Reference Dose/Concentration 0.28 mg/kg-d (human)
Source of toxicity value MDH, 2014
Point of Departure (POD): 27.8 mg/kg-d (LOAEL based on dosing of 1950 mg/day,
McNeil Consumer Healthcare 2010)
Human Equivalent Dose (MDH, 2011): Not applicable
Total uncertainty factor: 100
Uncertainty factor allocation: 10 for intraspecies variability; 3 for use of minimal LOAEL
instead of NOAEL; 3 for database uncertainty (additional
studies evaluating gestational and early life exposures and
to adequately characterize the dose-response and
adversity of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme inhibition are
Critical effect(s): Increased serum liver enzymes (ALT) in humans and
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Co-critical effect(s): Liver effects in animals (hepatotoxicity, increased bilirubin,
reduced hepatic glutathione, liver histopathological
changes); and humans (acute liver failure)
Additivity endpoint(s): Hepatic (liver) system
The Subchronic nHRL must be protective of the acute, and short-term exposures that occur
within the subchronic period and therefore, the Subchronic nHRL is set equal to the Short-term
nHRL of 200 µg/L. Additivity endpoints: Hepatic (liver) system
Chronic Non-Cancer Health Risk Limit (nHRL
) = nHRL
= 200 µg/L
(Reference Dose, mg/kg-d) x (Relative Source Contribution) x (Conversion Factor)
(Chronic intake rate, L/kg-d)
= (0.093 mg/kg-d) x (0.2) x (1000 µg/mg)
= 433 rounded to 400 µg/L
Reference Dose/Concentration: 0.093 mg/kg-d (human)
Source of toxicity value: MDH, 2014
Point of Departure (POD): 27.8 mg/kg-d (LOAEL based on dosing of 1950 mg/day,
McNeil Consumer Healthcare 2010)
Human Equivalent Dose (MDH, 2011): Not applicable
Total uncertainty factor: 300
Uncertainty factor allocation: 10 for intraspecies variability; 3 for use of minimal LOAEL;
3 use of subchronic human data for chronic duration; 3 for
database uncertainty (additional studies evaluating
gestational and early life exposures and to adequately
characterize the dose-response and adversity of
cyclooxygenase (COX) enzyme inhibition are warranted)
Critical effect(s): Increased serum liver enzymes (ALT) in humans.
Co-critical effect(s): Liver effects in animals (increased serum liver enzymes
ALT, reduced glutathione, liver histopathological changes);
Kidney effects in animals (increased severity of
nephropathy); Thyroid effects in animals (thyroid follicular
cell hyperplasia)
Additivity endpoint(s): Hepatic (liver) system, Renal (kidney) system, Thyroid
The Chronic nHRL must be protective of the acute, short-term, and subchronic exposures that
occur within the chronic period and therefore, the Chronic nHRL is set equal to the Short-term
nHRL of 200 µg/L. Additivity endpoints: Hepatic (liver) system
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Cancer Health Risk Limit (cHRL) = Not Applicable. Not classified as a carcinogen by
IARC, U.S. FDA, NTP, U.S. EPA or California OEHHA
Volatile: No
Summary of Guidance Value History:
Health-based guidance values for acetaminophen were published in 2011. Acetaminophen was re-
evaluated in 2014 to incorporate more recent toxicity information. The re-evaluation did not result in
quantitative changes; therefore, the 2014 Health-Based Values (HBVs) were identical to the
2011 guidance values. The re-evaluation did provide some additional information regarding health
effects identified in the Health Standards Statute (see below). The 2014 HBVs were adopted into rule
as HRLs in 2015.
Summary of toxicity testing for health effects identified in the Health Standards Statute:
Note: Even if testing for a specific health effect was not conducted for this chemical, information about that effect might be
available from studies conducted for other purposes. Most chemicals have been subject to multiple studies in which
researchers identify a dose where no effects were observed, and the lowest dose that caused one or more effects. A toxicity
value based on the effect observed at the lowest dose across all available studies is considered protective of all other effects
that occur at higher doses.
Comments on extent of testing or effects:
Thyroid hyperplasia was reported in a 2-yr dietary study in mice at human equivalent doses
approximately 150 times higher than the chronic RfD of 0.093 mg/kg-day. No effects on thyroid
hormones were found in a small short-term study in humans at a dose over 170 times higher than the
short-term RfD or in mice at a dose 26 times higher than the short-term RfD. One epidemiology study
reported a weak association between increased risk of cryptorchidism in offspring of mothers who used
acetaminophen during pregnancy. Thyroid was identified as a co-critical endpoint for the chronic
duration; however, the chronic HRL was set to the short-term value and, therefore, is considered
protective for possible thyroid effects.
In vitro studies reported decreased testosterone production in fetal rat and adult human testes exposed
to acetaminophen but no effects on fetal testosterone production by human fetal testes in vitro. In
human fetal testes explants, decreased insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3) levels were reported. The biological
relevance of in vitro testes studies is unknown and testosterone effects for acetaminophen have not
been evaluated in vivo.
In humans taking oral contraceptives, acetaminophen may increase circulating ethinylestradiol after
ingestion of a single acetaminophen dose (approximately 14 mg/kg-day or approximately 50 times
higher than the acute, short-term and subchronic RfDs and 150 times higher than the chronic RfD).
Acetaminophen was negative in mouse and rat uterotrophic assays at human equivalent doses greater
than 600 times higher than the acute/short-term RfDs.
A limited number of animal studies have reported that acetaminophen suppressed humoral and
cellular immunity at doses that were either toxic to the liver or over 150 times higher than the RfDs.
Acetaminophen was associated with suppression of serum neutralizing antibody response, increased
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nasal symptoms, and a rise in circulating monocytes in human volunteers infected with intranasal
rhinovirus type 2 in a small double-blind, placebo-controlled human clinical trial at doses over 200 times
higher than the RfDs. Acetaminophen may cause bronchoconstriction in individuals with aspirin-
induced asthma at doses more than 50 times higher than the RfDs. There are conflicting epidemiology
data regarding a possible association with prenatal or early life exposure to acetaminophen and
childhood asthma. The most common limitation in these epidemiology studies was the lack of control
for “indication for use” (i.e. infection, fever, or illness may have been important confounders that were
not considered and data was not adjusted accordingly) and doses were not adequately characterized.
Multiple human studies have reported no increase in developmental effects from acetaminophen use
during pregnancy and the overall weight-of-evidence suggests that acetaminophen is not a
developmental toxicant in humans. There are conflicting human data regarding associations between
acetaminophen use during pregnancy and risk of gastroschisis in offspring. No other malformation has
been shown to be causally associated with single-ingredient acetaminophen. Recent human studies
reported possible weak associations between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and increased risk
of asthma, increased risk of autistic disorder from acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella
vaccination; and increased risk of cryptorchidism (undescended testes) in offspring. At the present time
there is insufficient evidence for a casual association and further studies are needed before these
recent findings can be linked to acetaminophen.
Experimental animal studies do not suggest increased malformations from therapeutic use of
acetaminophen during pregnancy. One laboratory animal study reported decreased body weight gain in
offspring and decreased survival of offspring at a human equivalent dose over 500 times higher than
the acute RfD. In another study, effects on survival and body weight gain in offspring, persisting to
adulthood, and sperm abnormalities occurred at human equivalent doses approximately 200 times
higher than the acute and short-term RfDs.
No effects on pregnancy or offspring were reported in several laboratory animal studies at human
equivalent doses up to over 500 times higher than the acute and short-term RfDs. In a continuous
breeding animal study, effects on reduced fertility and reproduction were observed at human equivalent
dose 800 times higher than the acute and short-term RfDs.
Acetaminophen is not considered to be a neurotoxicant based on lack of secondary observations in
animal studies. In laboratory animals, clinical neurotoxicity symptoms were reported only at very high
doses over 1,700 times higher than the RfDs. No effects were reported at doses 1,000 times higher
than the RfDs. An acute subcutaneous injection study in neonatal animals reported altered locomotor
activity and failure to acquire spatial learning in adulthood; however, the relevance of injection studies
for oral exposure is questionable. A few epidemiology studies reported associations between
acetaminophen during pregnancy and higher risk of hyperkinetic disorders, ADHD medication use, and
ADHD-like behaviors, decreased motor skill development, communication skills, and externalizing or
internalizing behaviors in children. One epidemiology study reported no association between exposures
during pregnancy and IQ or attention deficits in children. However, these epidemiology studies have
several limitations, including lack of dose characterization, and cannot be used to establish a causal
relationship between acetaminophen use and neurotoxicity in humans.
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