No ordinary disruption
Winning with new models in packaging 2030
Executive summary
Five major trends will “change the game” in the packaging industry and raise the bar for
performance in the next five to ten years. Much higher levels of innovation and agility will be
required to deal with the pressure and potential disruptions emanating from these trends:
E-commerce everywhere. Intense focus on increased packaging requirements, including
for new products, along with last-mile delivery innovations
Changing consumer preferences. Demand for much more personalization, convenience,
health, and affordability, driving SKU proliferation to new heights
FMCG and retail margin compression. Further margin compression for fast-moving
consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturers and retailers, with pressure passed back up the
line to converters,
intensifying the threat of insolvency
Sustainability requirements increasing at every step of the value chain. With rising
activist scrutiny
Digitization/Internet of Things (IoT). Both to drive down costs and, increasingly through-
out the decade, gain a competitive edge with consumers; for example, by generating greater
customer value and service through technology integration in packaging.
All five trends are approaching at varying strengths and speeds, with a special role for digital
trends. The biggest increase in pressure is expected from e-commerce, which will move
from early adoption to early majority diffusion. The second rush of new pressure will likely
come from digitization. Initially, digital’s role will mainly be as a cost-efficiency booster via
automation, and then increasingly as a source of customer-facing interactive tools, both
to convey information and emotion and to collect data. The other three trends – changing
consumer preferences, margin compression, and sustainability – are already moderate to
strong in terms of their impact, and they will increase in strength.
Preparing for these changes requires packaging companies to think in new ways about their
focus and market approach (“intuition resets”). While growth in China is cooling, together with
other markets in Asia it will remain the industry’s top growth engine alongside North America,
which China has displaced as the global leader in packaging. Notably, while the use of plastic
has soared, the ecological burden is provoking heavier restrictions as demand rises for more
sustainable solutions across the board.
The overriding implications of these packaging trends differ according to substrate and
will demand substrate- and channel-specific strategies. Despite the surge of sustainability
pressure, the combined power of plastics’ attractive attributes in terms of cost, automation,
and quality will likely buoy rigid and flexible plastic substrates, if converters can increase
recyclability and recycled content. Paper and board will continue to benefit from e-commerce
growth and are ideal for integrating digital and IoT solutions (using QR codes, radio frequency
ID tags, near-field communication protocols, and so on). Paperboard will likely see more of the
convergence of primary and secondary packaging, a shift in focus or buzz around the last mile
(as will plastics), as well as more local or even captive converting operations to increase FMCG
customers’ agility. Glass and metal have an uphill battle in this more omnichannel world, but
their traditional strengths and sustainability profiles (recyclability and using recycled content)
still offer ways to fend off substitution by other substrates.
A “converter” is a packaging producer that takes raw material such as plastic resins and paper and transforms it into a
packaging product
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Even with deep substrate expertise, most converters need to think through an array of moves
and revamp their approaches accordingly, giving attention to five priorities:
Investing in R&D and innovation to secure a portfolio of competitive options
Handling SKU proliferation driven by consumer preferences; for example, more flexible
and agile processes to manage shorter manufacturing runs, and faster new product
development and time to market
Reallocating resources and assets and pursuing M&A to, for instance, achieve a global-
local presence
Strengthening collaboration with FMCG manufacturers and input suppliers,
including technology
Shifting the product mix (and processes) toward greater sustainability.
All of the improvement levers that these five focal points imply offer some opportunities–
the question is how to line them up or combine them effectively. While plans will have to
be adapted as the journey proceeds, attention to these five elements now will provide the
platform for building a winning formula. Controlled urgency is essential in all five areas.
Overall, “urgency” is most needed in reviewing and revamping R&D and innovation programs
within the next 18 to 24 months in order to have a portfolio of projects with horizons of a few
months to two to four years. At the same time, “controlled” refers to using sufficient quality
gates and milestones, with financial and market reality checks, and adapting projects as
needed or exiting. Moreover, this is not only about how to make the most of a company’s
current strengths and relationships to secure growth and profits, but also about developing
an outlook on where the pockets of growth are located (even if currently unserved), where
they will appear, and when to pivot and tap them.
3No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Introduction – welcome to the “pressure-verse”
Over the past decade, the global packaging industry has enjoyed steady growth, driven by
shifts in choice of substrates, expansion of new markets, and changing ownership dynamics.
Headline changes include increased use of plastics to replace other substrates and
accommodate consumers’ demand for convenience, the economic boom in China and other
emerging regions, and greater industry consolidation and growing private equity ownership.
Growth will continue in the decade ahead, but with more pressure and disruptive changes
likely. Although growth in China is slowing, together with other markets in Asia it will remain
the industry’s top growth engine alongside North America. Meanwhile, the use of plastic has
soared, but the burden on the environment is prompting increasing restrictions. And, while
e-commerce has been a boon to many converters, its spread has created new demands and
sharply compressed margins for converters’ customers, namely fast-moving consumer goods
(FMCG) companies and retailers.
So, what is in store for converters up to 2030? To find answers, McKinsey’s Basic Materials
Practice conducted extensive interviews with retailers, FMCG companies, and packaging
industry executives in major end-user markets and across the main substrates, and also
carried out deep-dive primary research and analyses from September 2018 to March 2019.
Our analysis has identified five major trends that will transform the packaging industry over
the next ten or more years. If companies can capitalize on them, these changing consumer
behaviors, technology disruptors, and sustainability trends will also present opportunities for
high growth and improved profit margins in some packaging segments in mature markets.
However, to succeed, packaging companies need to put strategy back on their agenda –
simply doing what everyone else is doing (like in the previous period) is no longer going to
cut it. Instead, packaging companies need to embark on a change journey with controlled
urgency: it will be essential for them to revise their approach from one based predominately
on continuous improvement-type actions with reliance on market growth; rather, they should
increase their strategic focus on innovation and agility in order to preserve value and capture
growth. All the while, the forces at work are shaping up to form a new higher-pressure
universe, what we might term a “pressure-verse.”
This white paper discusses what it will take to win under increasing pressure on multiple
fronts. In chapter 1, we offer a snapshot of where the industry and its major segments stand
today, with a focus on North America. We then devote chapter 2 to unpacking the five top
trends that we believe will reshape the industry. These trends have certainly been present
during the past few years, but mostly in nascent form; however, in the decade up to 2030,
their pace is expected to pick up strongly and potentially become disruptive, as accelerated
adoption will also hasten and compound innovation.
In chapter 3, we turn briefly to the overriding implications for substrates in particular, and
the focal points for action more generally. While plans will have to be adapted along the way,
attention to these areas now will provide the foundation on which to build. Success going
forward will not only be about how to make the most of a company’s current strengths and
relationships to secure growth and profits, but also about developing an outlook on where
the pockets of growth are located – even if currently unserved – where they will crop up, and
when to pivot and tap them. For packaging players that find a winning formula and continue to
enhance the products they carry, present, and protect, the coming decade could be a bonanza.
4 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
1 Context – the need to reset intuition
in a rapidly changing packaging world
There are opportunities for profitable growth in North America; the fastest-growing
segments are among the smallest.
China has surpassed North America and is now the world’s largest packaging market. By
China’s faster growth will make it the “king of the hill” in packaging, with a global
market share of roughly 28 percent. While this shift is notable, North America’s relevance
at 22 percent of the global market remains substantial due to its size and rate of innovation.
In such mature markets as North America (and also Western Europe with 17 percent of the
global market), converters that reset their sights to a more granular view will more readily find
pockets of growth and make successful decisions on how, where, and when to compete. For
example, at USD 2 trillion in spend, the US “food ecosystem” – by which we mean the value
chains from farm to table – represents roughly 10 percent of GDP and is larger than both the
nonfood retail market and the market for construction. Over the next five years, the overall
food market is expected to grow at a modest 1 percent annually, but there are still pockets of
high growth. In particular, grocery delivery and ready-to-eat meals are expected to generate
double-digit growth rates. Furthermore, organic-labeled foods, restaurant delivery, and new
niche brands are expected to grow at close to around 10 percent per annum.
Overall, with packaging’s ability to boost a product’s value and cost competitiveness, the
industry can look forward to continued growth, roughly in line with world GDP. At the same
time, however, given its midstream positioning, the industry is inevitably under pressure from
multiple directions in the value chain. The industry is also still fragmented, and this, too, makes
converters vulnerable to increased pressure – both upstream to price hikes and shortages
of raw materials, and downstream to demands from industrial, FMCG, and retail customers
as well as consumers – for more economy and creativity. Therefore, in the rougher terrain
ahead, many converters will likely have to work harder to secure their share of the industry’s
moderate growth.
Before turning to the trends in chapter 2, let’s look briefly at the current context of the
packaging landscape: geographic markets, end uses, and substrates, with a focus on the
mature North American market.
North America – mature, but some fast-growing segments
Globally, packaging is a diversified USD 850 billion plus (2018) industry with healthy growth
prospects of some 3 percent per annum.
Geographically, most of this growth will be fueled
by emerging markets, which can expect to see packaging consumption increase by
USD 107 billion in the period 2017 to 2022f (Exhibit 1). In the same period, markets in Western
Europe and North America are projected to grow at approximately 1 percent per annum but
from a large base, with packaging consumption in developed markets (also including Japan
and Oceania) set to increase by about USD 22 billion by 2022f.
In dates, “f” refers to following years
Derived from Smithers Pira: The Future of Global Packaging to 2022 (December 2017)
All forecasts constant (2016) for prices and exchange rates
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
The main intuition reset to highlight is that North America is now the second-largest market
after China. As of 2017, apparent packaging consumption in China was an estimated
USD 214 billion, while North America stood at some USD 203 billion. By 2022f, China’s
lead is projected to widen to USD 276 billion, making North America about three-quarters
(approximately 78 percent) the size of China’s market by value.
Although developed regions such as North America and Europe have lower growth rates, their
large absolute size maintains their importance, and granular opportunities for growth still exist.
To illustrate the relative sizes, in the industrial/transit packaging sector, North America and
Western Europe are expected to see apparent consumption rise by 2022f to about
USD 78 billion and USD 62 billion respectively, together exceeding the forecast for total
packaging demand in other Asian markets (excluding China and Japan) at about USD129billion.
In food, the biggest consumer packaging segment, other Asia (excluding China and Japan) is
again the largest emerging market, with a projected consumption by 2022 of some USD 35
billion. However, it is still far smaller than the combined total for North America and Western
Europe of approximately USD 120 billion (USD 69 and USD 51 billion, respectively).
North American snapshot across end uses and substrates
The second main intuition reset to note is that even those markets growing slower than overall
GDP offer hot spots – pockets of fast growth – that converters can capitalize on. Although
the North American market is expected to grow by only around 1.2 percent up to 2022f,
its overall size ensures some attractive opportunities for granular growth. Of the end uses,
consumer segments represent around 65 percent of total North American packaging, with a
projected value in 2022f of some USD 136 billion. The largest end-use segment is food, while
Growth in global packaging
consumption, 2017 - 22f¹
USD billions and percent
Geographically, most of the global growth will be fueled
by emerging markets
1.0% 4.5%
CAGR 2017 - 22f
2 - 4%
1 At constant 2017 prices
SOURCE: Smithers Pira (Dec 2017); McKinsey
Exhibit 1
6 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
the fastest growth is projected to come from healthcare and cosmetics, essentially the same
as the global packaging growth trends.
Largest end use. Food accounts for approximately 50 percent of consumer packaging
and is growing thanks to increased demand for convenience. It is projected to have a
CAGR of some 1.2 percent, which will expand this end use to USD 70 billion and a North
American packaging market share of 32 percent by 2022f.
Slowest growth. Within the drinks segment, the largest category, bottled water,
continues to be the key driver of drinks packaging, supporting demand for PET
bottles. Niche categories also continue to outperform the overall mass market favoring
metal cans. However, drinks packaging overall is shrinking, which is mainly due to the
downturn in carbonated soft drinks in response to health concerns. With a growth rate
of –0.2percent, consumption is expected to stay flat in the 2017 to 2022f period at
USD22billion, with a North American market share of around 10 percent.
Fastest growth. At approximately 3.5 percent, healthcare is the fastest-growing end
use, boosted by increased demand for healthcare products for an aging population. The
forecast for consumption in North America is an increase from USD 9 billion to some
USD10 billion, representing a North American market share of approximately 5 percent.
Given that the fastest-growing end-use segments are small, converters may want to consider
a diversification strategy, comprising a portfolio of segments that have some affinities; for
example, some combination of health, wellness, and/or cosmetics packaging related to
existing food packaging or functional food related to existing healthcare packaging.
Turning to substrates in North America in the 2017 to 2022f period, plastics are still expected
to see growth despite mounting pressures for more sustainability. Perhaps optimistically
given the surge in restrictions, industry forecasts still show the highest growth rates for
flexible plastics at some 2.3 percent, rigid plastics at around 1.9 percent, flexible papers
at approximately 1.9 percent, followed by paperboard at around 1.1 percent.
The main
contributors to plastics growth, taking tailwinds into account, are the lightweight trend and
technological improvements. For example, stand-up pouches continue to be favored for new
product launches because they offer both lightweight and high consumer appeal. The growth
in board is positively driven by online retail (e-commerce).
Despite slower growth rates across end uses, opportunities do exist for high growth and
margins. They will be driven by changing demographics and shopping behaviors that
make new demands on packaged foods and other goods, creating new requirements for
packaging. However, the opportunities to earn higher margins through differentiation will be
accompanied by higher “churn” and other challenges discussed in chapter 2.
PET: polyethylene terephthalate
All forecasts constant (2016) for prices and exchange rates
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
2 No ordinary disruption – five trends
changing the industrys game
All trends in packaging offer some opportunities; they also differ in that they are approaching
at various different strengths and speeds, with a special role for digital trends.
Our interviews and analysis have identified five major trends that will “change the game” in the
packaging industry and raise the performance bar over the next five to ten years (Exhibit 2):
E-commerce everywhere. Intense focus on increased packaging requirements, including
for new products, along with last-mile delivery innovations
Changing consumer preferences. Demand for much more personalization, convenience,
health, and affordability, driving SKU proliferation to new heights
FMCG and retail margin compression. Further margin compression for fast-moving
consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturers and retailers, with pressure passed back up the
line to converters,
intensifying the threat of insolvency
Sustainability requirements increasing at every step of the value chain. With rising
activist scrutiny
Digitization/Internet of Things (IoT). Both to drive down costs and, increasingly through-
out the decade, gain a competitive edge with consumers; for example, by generating greater
customer value and service through technology integration in packaging.
While none of the trends are new, most are now leaving infancy and coming at converters
head on with increasing pressure and speed that could prove disruptive. Sudden turbulence
could blindside an individual company or segment of the supply chain.
As before, converters will need to meet rising e-commerce and sustainability requirements,
particularly last-mile customizing and concerns about plastics. Also, as always, converters
must satisfy consumer preferences – this will drive the proliferation of SKUs to meet demand
for personalized, healthier, more convenient, and more affordable packaging. All the while,
packaging companies will also be dealing with a severe margin squeeze passed back up the
line by FMCG manufacturers and retailers. Finally, even with challenges, increasing adoption
of digital solutions and IoT will provide all-important options for improving cost efficiency and
(later) faster customization.
A “converter” is a packaging producer that takes raw material such as plastic resins and paper and transforms it into a
packaging product
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
1. Growth of the e-commerce channel – trend impact shift from two
(moderate) to five (very high)
Can any packaging company win without fully integrating e-commerce as a key component
of the business? Retail business is shifting from the traditional bricks-and-mortar channel to
online and mobile shopping, with the global e-commerce market set to double by 2022.
More and more traditional businesses, such as grocery, are embracing e-commerce.
Is the online glass half empty for packaging …
The move to online retail in general will continue to have a significant impact on packaging
needs and the traditional converting value-chain constellation. E-commerce packaging must
meet new and different needs, with increased requirements for strength and less investment
necessary in “on-the-shelf” printing. Instead, there is a much greater need to optimize the
overall packaging for last-mile shipments, improve the consumer’s unboxing experience, and
facilitate easy, efficient returns.
The pessimistic view is that e-commerce will radically diminish the traditional role of primary
packaging designed to attract consumer interest in retail stores as part of the purchase
decision. Has this role already peaked, and could it continue to decline until, at some point
after 2030, it will become a quaint relic of the past? Customers are becoming increasingly
digitally savvy, so the argument goes: they seamlessly roam between the best of both online
and offline channels, and they have already made up their minds before ordering or buying an
item. This may well imply a large-scale shift to utilitarian protective packaging only. Moreover,
consumer tools are being developed for easy replenishment and reordering, and such tools
will tend to reduce impulse purchases by consumers in stores.
5 major trends will change the packaging industry’s game
over the next 10+ years
SOURCE: McKinsey
Last 5 years Next 5 - 10 years
x x
Growth of e-commerce channel. Grocery e-commerce is growing by ~17% YoY
but still has low market share. More ecient packaging designs will be
required to support growth
Digitization of packaging (IoT). The IoT is opening new ways for companies
to interact with customers and improve the supply chain
Increasing pressure on sustainability. Consumers, CPGs, and governments
are pushing for sustainable packaging (e.g., corporationssustainability commit-
ments, increase in regulations and policies – plastic and single-use bans)
CPG and retail margin compression. Many CPGs are losing the battle for shelf
space and margin growth, which is increasing pressure on suppliers such as
packaging manufacturers to slash cost
Rapidly changing consumer and customer preferences. Consumer preferences
are shifting towards personalized, convenient, healthier, and aordable products
that will require creative ways to increase manufacturing exibility to deal
with SKU proliferation
51 32 4Moderate Very high
2 4
2 4
1 3
Key trends impacting the packaging industry
Trend impact
Exhibit 2
9No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
... or half full, with new avenues for growth?
More optimistically, however, e-commerce also brings with it new and different opportunities
for packaging. In the short term, this is especially true for the next generation of transportation
packaging; for example:
New volume. At the most basic level, the strong growth trajectory in parcel delivery
implies that the demand for individual packaging will increase, driven by the underlying
growth in e-commerce activity (purchases and returns). This is already benefiting
converters that make flexible packaging (pouches), corrugated boxes, and other
protective packaging used in the last-mile delivery to consumers. In fact, e-commerce
will, through its sheer growth rate, drive half the growth of the European fiber-based
transportation packaging.
New types of packaging. Different types of packaging will emerge with new features
and characteristics to fit the omnichannel environment; for example, easy-to-pack,
customer-focused unboxing, simple returns, and robust handling in the supply chain – that
is, individual packages able to withstand at least some of the rough handling of shipping
outers and crates. E-commerce requirements for robustness are currently roughly three
to four times higher than traditional standards for package units; for example, packaging is
typically drop-tested from 5 angles for store deliveries but from 18 angles for e-commerce
shipping by some e-retailers.
Additionally, we also expect further disruption in packaging because e-commerce will require
significant supplementary investment in product development and R&D to develop even more
competitively efficient solutions to support this channel’s expansion.
Next generation of e-commerce transportation packaging. Basic requirements for
e-commerce parcel packaging have so far been quite simple – prevent product damage
and optimize productivity – but the bar is rising quickly. The pressure is especially
noticeable given that e-commerce is highly competitive with very slim margins and
demands packaging that can act as an enabler to improve profitability. Cost pressure has
so far been especially prominent in fostering the use of pouches. They are cheaper and
also faster to fill on production lines, take brand imaging well, and, in many cases, include
design elements for easy returns.
Convergence of primary and secondary packaging. We expect to see a tipping point
emerge when purchasing volume via e-channels reaches over 20 to 30 percent. As
volume increases, many more product manufacturers will be looking to e-channel-
enabled packaging – in other words, the merging of primary and secondary packaging.
We expect large e-commerce players to lead the way in removing the outer box by
demanding primary packaging designed to allow direct shipment to consumers without
a secondary protective outer layer. For example, the recent US launch of a new laundry
detergent presented a product specifically for online orders. The detergent was
reformulated to be more concentrated, and its packaging innovated to reduce its overall
weight in transit. Handling has been improved with a plastic container fit snugly into a
rectangular board shoe or raft. The hybrid mix of substrates adds another sustainability
benefit by using less plastic and being even lighter than the original version.
Design for high automation. With the expansion of e-commerce, demand is increasing
for packaging designs that also efficiently meet the needs of advanced/AI-enabled or fully
automated warehousing and filling technologies.
Finally, as e-retailers tackle the challenges of increased shipments of individual parcels and
repackaging, we expect to see changes to the traditional packaging conversion value chain.
10 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
For one thing, business models requiring quicker turnaround and flexible conversion will
encourage increasing use of automation. For another, it is likely that conversion will need to be
more localized – that is, will be increasingly done close to or even in-house at brand owners –
where converters need to be nimble to offer rapid prototyping, fast turnaround, and new
technologies such as digital print.
2. Consumer preference shifts – trend impact shift from three to four
How can packaging help satisfy future demand from consumers in addition to just
We see consumer preferences shifting along five main dimensions, demanding more of each.
These are convenience, personalization, “local hero” products, health, and affordability:
Increase in convenience. The need for convenience in packaging is certainly not
something new; it has been driving innovation and multiple substrate shifts over the past
decade (and earlier). Going forward, we expect consumers to continue to demand an
increasingly effortless and less time-consuming consumption experience.
New product launches around the world specifically target consumer demand for
convenience. The result is relentlessly high and rising requirements for packaging (easy-
open and resealable closures, freshness retention, ready-to-eat/convenient foods/
portability, one-hand use, and single-portion/smaller packs) where consumers are often
unwilling to accept a trade-off for other advantages, such as sustainability. The strong
preference for convenience points to the necessity for stronger packaging innovation to
combine convenience with requirements related to recyclability.
Increase in variety and personalization. Consumers want more package options and are
increasingly opting for personalization on packaging. Accordingly, to satisfy this demand,
the range of SKUs and number of pack sizes offered have increased exponentially from
traditional channels to today’s online-with-marketplace format. While a store may have a
dozen different SKUs for a category such as “air freshener,” the online-with-marketplace
format often offers literally tens of thousands, augmenting its own selection with third-
party products. Linked to this, FMCG manufacturers are increasingly testing digital
printing for mass customization and increased personalization.
Less loyal, more local. Consumers appreciate locally manufactured products (“local
heroes”), as it gives them a sense of greater product safety along with additional positive
attributes (for instance, “good for the local economy”). Millennial consumers are especially
likely to seek out the new, different, and authentic, which is not a good fit with the core
consumer goods marketing model. Compared with boomers, millennials are:
2.8 times more likely to believe newer brands are usually better or more innovative
2.5 times more likely to prefer shopping at independent and specialty stores over
traditional grocery chains
3.7 times more likely to try to avoid buying products from “the big food companies.”
McKinsey Millennial Survey, US only
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Focus on health and wellness. US consumers are migrating to value/private label and
premium segments, putting pressure on the traditional mainstream segment. As part of this
larger shift in the consumer journey, consumers are increasingly becoming highly aware
of their health and wellness; for example, concern for obesityparticularly child obesity,
desire to stay healthy despite aging, and heightened sensitivity to food safety. Overall, fresh
produce and health-oriented packaged goods are growing far faster than other categories.
As consumers spend more on related products, such as functional foods and organic
products, health and wellness no longer represent a strategic differentiator; they are
a requirement, hygiene factor, or table stakes for major food FMCG manufacturers.
New product launches around health and wellness require packaging that fits and
communicates the value proposition.
Increased price awareness. Price pressure is a constant of business life, but with a new
twist: disposable income is decreasing for the majority of the population in advanced
economies. Millennials are poorer than their parents. Consumers are increasingly focusing
on price, and their need to economize is fueling market share growth of private-label
products. McKinsey’s Global Consumer Sentiment Survey (2017) shows that 42 percent of
the US consumers surveyed are looking for ways to save money. To cope with increased
price pressure, FMCG manufacturers typically target packaging as a focus for cost
savings. Cost has historically been king, serving as the single most important purchasing
factor for packaging, especially as converters have had less negotiating power given their
smaller size relative to their FMCG customers.
These changing consumer preferences will result in SKU proliferation and product-mix
changes, requiring converters to have more flexible and agile processes to manage shorter
manufacturing runs and faster new product development and time to market.
3. FMCG and retail margin compression – trend impact shift from two
to four
It will not get any easier, but just how severely will margin pressure increase for packaging?
Cost pressure in the packaging value chain will almost certainly accelerate even further.
Consumers’ increased price awareness thanks to the transparency provided by digital
shopping channels is already exerting enormous downward pressure on retail prices. At
the same time, input and resource prices (commodities, labor rates) are expected to rise,
increasing the cost of goods sold. The increasing complexity of products, materials, and
suppliers plus the requirements for higher-skilled labor are also expected to increase the
cost base. Furthermore, the trend toward the automation and digitization of interlinked FMCG
manufacturers and retailers requires not only additional investment, but also write-offs of
physical real estate assets, intensifying cost pressure from yet another direction.
The combined effect of these shifts will put intense, relentless pressure on the income
statements of FMCG manufacturers as well as retailers. For example, if not actively managed,
these pressures could erode the FMCG manufacturers’ margins almost entirely, with net
profits declining from around 15 percent to 0 to 5 percent, with corresponding pressure
passed back upstream to converters. Margin compression will require strong collaboration
between converters and packaging customers to develop creative solutions to reduce costs
without compromising convenience features and, increasingly, sustainability. Leading FMCG
manufacturers also increasingly expect to have global partners for the majority of their packaging
volume, which will require further consolidation efforts and the formation of a global presence.
12 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
4. Increasing pressure on sustainable packaging – trend impact shift
from two to four
Pressure to reduce packaging waste has risen sharply, and so have actions by FMCG
manufacturers, retailers, and legislators. How should packaging companies manage this
challenge? FMCG manufacturers and retailers are experiencing severe pressure regarding
their plastic packaging choices. Visceral images of ocean plastics have stirred up consumer
sentiment around the world, and regulators are responding:
Public awareness of plastic leaking into the environment has increased significantly over
the past 12 to 15 months to an all-time high (Exhibit 3).
Most consumers claim to be highly concerned about the environment, with the highest
rates registered in emerging economies.
Governments have started responding to public outcry and are acting to increase recycling
and put in place selective regulations to reduce plastic use. In the US, 16states so far
have enacted statewide plastic bag legislation.
As a result, there are currently about
52 approved bills in the US compared to 30 in 2015, which mostly revolve around banning
single-use plastics, replacing plastics, and increasing recycling targets.
In addition, 90
plus similar bills are pending to be approved over the next 3 years.
Europe and India are also
pushing toward bans on single-use plastics, as announced in 2018. For example, the EU is
targeting plastic beverage bottle recycling at 90 percent by 2029 across member states.
National Conference of State Legislatures and press search
European Commission
15132004 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 16 17 18
Google trends on “plastic waste”
Indexed use of search term over time
24.6% of UK consumers expressed
“extreme concern” about plastic
packaging in grocery
Feb 2018, The Grocer
... and companies and authorities
are nally taking action
Nine out of ten people call for
“plastic-free aisle” in supermarkets
Jul 2017, Independent
Consumer goods groups join war
on plastics
Jan 2018, Financial Times
EU moves to ban single-use plastics
May 2018, Reuters
SOURCE: Google trends; press search
Public awareness of plastics leakage into environment has increased
signicantly over the past 12 - 15 months to an all-time high
Consumer concern is high
Exhibit 3
13No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
This increasing pressure from the public, regulators, and the industry itself encourages
companies to move toward more sustainable packaging solutions. Consequently, both
top retailers and FMCG manufacturers have made bold sustainability declarations
commitments for the years to come; for example:
Reduction of packaging material in terms of size, weight, and thickness – varying from
20 to 33 percent in terms of weight
Increased recyclability, reusability, or compostability of packaging material – with most
targets aiming at 100 percent
Increased use of recycled plastic in packaging material – ranging from 9 to 100 percent
depending on material properties
Further commitments on designing for recyclability and educating customers on proper
waste management.
However, while FMCG manufacturers and retailers may have pursued a rigorous packaging
sustainability agenda with a focus mainly on “lightweighting,” new challenges around waste
management and recyclability are posing challenges that exceed the capabilities of the usual
tools and strategies. The largest and most troubling mismatch is arguably between stated
desires for sustainability and consumers’ willingness to pay. Most evidence indicates that, so
far, consumers’ willingness extends only to a low premium.
For packaging companies, pressure for sustainable packaging will require investment and a
large scale-up of innovation capacity to reduce the environmental impact of packaging, comply
with regulations, and satisfy consumer preferences. One implication, for example, is that more
converters will supply fully recyclable packaging with little compromise on material barrier
properties; another is that more packaging will have high recycled content. Efforts are already
underway, and several packaging products are now being introduced as part of fully sustainable
systems. Going forward, packaging companies will need to focus more than ever on cost-
effective sustainability solutions. As the optimal combination of economics and environmental
protection might, in many cases, lead back to substituting plastics for other substrates, the
industry may need to consider conducting more extensive public education programs.
5. Digitization of packaging – trend impact shift from one to three
Will there be any room left for “dumb” packaging in the future? Over the coming decade,
intelligence and digitization in packaging – meaning technology integration and use of new
technologies – will increasingly be aimed at enhancing customer value and pursuing new
business areas.
In general, intelligence and digital in packaging offer a broad range of growth opportunities.
Over the next 10 to 15 years, solutions that integrate digital technology into packaging
substrates will likely also change the way consumers interact with packaging. Here, digital
devices can add value for consumers by boosting packaging’s power as a platform for
information and brand messaging. Multiple technologies are available to facilitate such
interaction (for example, QR codes, RFID, and NFC). Over the next decade, we expect to see
their increasing adoption for use in packaging to interact with consumers. Such interaction
helps differentiate brands and makes them more consumer-centric, thereby uncovering
unmet needs by segment, assessing willingness to pay, gaining early signals on new
packaging trends, and so on.
Derived from company public sustainability reports
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
In the shorter term, we see more potential for packaging digitization to create value directly
for FMCGs and retailers; for example:
Developing track-and-trace solutions at the packaging-unit level to enable complete
supply chain traceability (for instance, for product recalls, food safety, quality tracking)
Conducting continuous, integrated demand planning (for example, to optimize production
runs and inventory using customer and third-party data)
Digitizing customer interactions to deliver a better customer journey, increase sales, and
improve service, particularly for small-scale customers
Increasing customer collaboration (for instance, co-development/co-design with
Pursuing new areas of business with opportunities to serve a broader range of smaller
customers directly and efficiently (for example, developing an e-platform where smaller
customers can order their packaging directly from the converter and not go through the
traditional distributor channel).
Converters’ adoption of such digital solutions with business partners will be accelerated by
the effect of increased margin compression on FMCG manufacturers and retailers, and by the
development of the e-commerce channel with growing automation and use of AI, which will, in
turn, require more intelligent packaging. Application of digitization in packaging is, however,
still in its infancy and will require further economies of scale to make costs competitive for
unit-level implementation.
15No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
All main improvement levers offer some opportunities – the question here is how to line them
up or combine them effectively.
The breakthroughs achieved by packaging industry winners as they navigate the change
journey over the coming decade will be many and various. Some that seem audacious or
nearly impossible will result in great rewards and much acclaim, followed by widespread
imitation. Others may be achieved with the help of intuition, conferring a strong competitive
edge that is hard for rivals to unlock. Still others will be the result of close study of the
substrate’s physical properties and how they can be used to good advantage, including
production and supply chain features that may be hiding in plain sight. In turn, all this
packaging-specific knowledge will need to be harnessed to the machinery of a new business
model that builds on five elements – innovation, agility, asset and resource reallocations
(including M&A), collaboration, and sustainability – to meet the demand for lower cost and
greater value for the customer and consumer.
These five game-changing trends will create different tailwinds and headwinds depending
on a company’s substrate focus. Most favor continued plastics substitution but only if the
makers of plastic packaging can create more sustainable circular or recyclable offers.
For example, innovation that results in a cost-efficient, easily recyclable flexible pouch
with appropriate barrier and aesthetic properties will likely win big. Similarly, improving
recyclability of polyethylene-coated paper (such as coffee-to-go cups), which today has
very low recyclability properties, will be another area requiring collaboration across the value
chain. Efforts are already underway, as illustrated by a recent contest sponsored by major
coffee-to-go retailers that received more than 400 entries and yielded a dozen finalists, who
are obtaining funding to develop their solutions, ideally to commercial viability.
Converters that harness knowledge of the trends, substrates, and processes along the value
chain to a new business model will have the best chances of preserving value and capturing
growth. As resources and attention are scarce, we suggest focusing on the five elements
described above to develop a winning formula for lower cost and/or greater value for the
customer and consumer.
Devising a winning formula for the change journey will involve both deep insights into substrate
features (Exhibit 4) as well as answers to questions about how a company can revamp its
approach and strategic focus to best exploit these features for a given end use and geography,
and thus follow these trends to success.
3 The change journey to preserve
value and capture growth
16 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Exhibit 4
Trend aspect examples
and board Plastics
Metal Glass Examples
Growth of
Packaging optimized for
+ +
Need for robust packaging
benefits for flexible plastics
Convergence of primary and
secondary packaging
+ +
Overall less material used but
upside for flexible plastics/
Strong increase in parcel
+ +
Corrugated and flexible
pouches gaining
Small and close converting
Challenge for overall
packaging asset footprint
Mass personalization
Plastic highly customizable
for differentiation
Preference for local products/
growth of small businesses
+ +
Natural/organic trend in
favor of glass and fiber
Health and wellness trend
+ +
Increase in convenience
Plastic highly customizable
for differentiation
Increased price awareness
+ +
Plastics/metal low-cost
CPG and
retail margin
Transportion and handling
+ +
Retail-ready packaging needs
benefit for paper board
General shift to cheaper
+ +
Increased use of low-cost
pressure on
Increased policy pressure for
+ +
Design for recycling/
+ +
Metal and glass highly
recycled materials
Increased recycled content
+ + +
Metal, glass, and board
already large users
Food contamination concerns
(e.g., BPA, mineral oils)
Recycling systems in place
+ + +
Paper with no barrier
coatings and PLA plastics
of packaging
Digital printing
+ +
Large billboard surface in
favor of board and metal
AR- and AI-enabled
RFID/NFC integration into
Integration possible as early
as the paper-making stage
1 Includes both rigid and flexible plastic packaging (and multimaterial plastic laminates)
SOURCE: McKinsey
Mega trends will affect packaging substrates in different ways
Substrate groups and how they could grow
Even with disruption, all the main consumer packaging trends continue to favor plastics
over other substrates in most dimensions – apart from sustainability. In the context of this
increasingly influential trend, paper and board, metal, and glass have stronger recyclability and
renewability profiles. Glass, as in the past, has some premium association, and even kraft paper
has gained a newly found status as a signal for health and wellness with its eco/natural look.
Rigid and flexible plastic packaging – sustainability’s surprise winners?
How can plastics regain customer and consumer trust and acceptance?
While consumer trends and the need for convenience have historically favored plastics,
society has long had a love-hate relationship with the substrate that is synonymous with
“artificial.” Plastics now face headwinds from much stronger trends toward sustainability,
with a noticeable surge over the past 15 to 18 months to an all-time high in negative response.
And yet, finding the right focus could still help plastics emerge as the surprise winners of the
sustainability trend.
The mounting pressure to reduce or avoid plastic waste has unleashed action on multiple
fronts: programs and policy changes have been announced and are being implemented
by FMCG manufacturers, retailers, and policymakers. To navigate through the challenges,
converters should consider four main levers:
Reduce plastic material. Reduce weight and excessive packaging further by using next-
generation lightweight materials and simplifying material formulas and packaging designs.
Improve loops in the value chain. Increase recyclability/reusability, boost recycling, and
raise the share of recycled materials used in packaging.
Look for truly biodegradable plastic materials (to reduce the impact of any leaked
plastic packaging) but also so as not to disrupt, contaminate, or undermine other recycling
streams of plastics.
Innovate to create products and technology road maps that address current
sustainability shortfalls – for example, a flexible pouch that is fully recyclable but still has
high barrier properties compared with multilayer solutions.
Plastic packaging will likely continue to enjoy an advantage into the next decade because the
obstacles to switching to alternative materials are still significant. These hurdles include cost
position, weight, barrier/material properties, and currently installed filling lines at customers.
With the right collaboration and focus, there will also be tailwinds for monomaterial plastics
bottles and high-barrier monomaterial plastic films). Such plastic packaging
is already highly recyclable and can incorporate more recycled content, especially for
rigid packaging formats in nonfood applications. With current customer sustainability
commitments, such packaging could be favored by FMCG manufacturers and retailers
that are giving priority to recyclability. Additionally, other substrates such as plastic-paper
laminates will struggle to meet some of the shelf life and barrier requirements. Thus, assuming
closed loops (a circular economy approach with partnerships across the value chain), higher
recyclability, and high use of recycled content, plastic could become a winner – the objective
of initiatives to create and market “better plastics.” Moreover, with plastic packaging overall
being a low-cost, lightweight, and highly formable substrate with strong barrier properties, it
could also benefit from other trends, such as the demand for e-commerce-ready packaging
HDPE: high-density polyethylene
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
or particularly easy-return pouches. However, to succeed on this path, converters will need
both significant collaboration with customers and other stakeholders (recycling system firms)
and successful innovation – particularly of material formulas and package design – likely
backed with public outreach to educate consumers about the relative sustainability benefits
of new formulations and how to recycle.
Paper and board packaging – innovation hat tricks may deliver the
winning edge
What is the next big thing in paper and board: the convergence of primary and secondary
packaging or captive converters – or both?
Paper and board packaging materials are already benefiting from developments in
e-commerce, which have increased demand for secondary protective packaging. Changing
consumer perception has also boosted paper and board for primary packs; for example, the
health and wellness trend has adopted “brown as the new black” or rather “the new white,”
associating purity and authenticity with brown paper/eco-looking packaging.
Along with continued growth, there will also be challenges. As the volume of products supplied
through the e-commerce channel grows, it will increase pressure to develop e-commerce-
ready packaging that can be filled and shipped directly on its own. Such solutions would
basically merge primary and secondary packaging, potentially reducing the need for protective
fiber-based packaging (corrugated, protective packaging and wrapping). In addition, large
e-retailers are testing new formats for converting their transport packaging in-house or nearby
to minimize void fill and improve efficiency. If these experiments develop to a large scale, the
result will be a significant relocation of converter assets. From a sustainability standpoint,
plastic-coated paper is difficult to recycle; hence, given FMCG commitments, we expect
to see more demand for paper solutions that offer both strong barrier properties and high
recyclability and, in some cases, even high recycled content. For example, enabling and scaling
up use of paper cups with a natural barrier coating that is fully recyclable in the fiber waste
stream is a great opportunity to improve sustainability within single-use packaging.
The trends also offer new potential upsides for paper and board. With the right innovations,
paper and board packaging could help customers off-load some of the effects of margin
compression. New comprehensive solutions are needed; for example, shelf-ready packaging
for the “future retail store” that works both in automated restocking and fits future store setup
and layout. If innovation can perform a hat trick – improve barrier properties, keep or even
increase running speeds on customers’ filling lines, and do so at a competitive price –
it would likely increase demand for fiber across end-use segments. Similarly, demand for
large billboard surfaces could favor paper and board as a substrate able to integrate new
IoT technology (NFC, RFID, and QR codes) to enhance consumer interactions regarding
consumer communication and food safety, for example. With innovation, it should be feasible
to integrate such IoT technology into the material as early as during the paper- or board-
making process.
19No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Metal and glass – leaving no stone unturned
Will store shelves see a revival of glass and metal?
Metal and glass packaging have historically suffered from the growth of plastics, driven
by cost and consumer convenience. New growth opportunities could emerge – but not
without concerted action and innovation by these two industries. With the emergence of new
trends, there are opportunities to reposition glass and metal packaging by highlighting their
strongest features: robust barrier properties, high recyclability, potential for reusability, and a
large share of recycled content. These growth opportunities can be spotted by taking a closer
look at ways to match these features with applications that demand or need them:
Superior recyclability, reusability, and high amount of recycled content. These
attributes will offer by far the biggest opportunity for both glass and metal substrates.
Consumers and other stakeholders are pushing FMCG manufacturers and retailers to
offer alternatives to plastics and packaging materials. In addition, tighter “reuse” loops
could further benefit glass and metal packaging as refillable containers.
Small containers with superior consumer perception and shelf life. “Good things come
in small packages,” as the saying goes. With the right focus, cans, decorative tins, and
glass can be positioned as the premium alternative to shelf-stable foods and other goods
to build on the health and wellness trend. A related avenue for growth is smaller-sized
containers, where glass and metal have barrier advantages over plastics, and metal offers
similar printability.
Lowest-cost metal packaging options. Metal cans in particular typically remain a low-
cost option for customers. The next generation of packaging down-gauging could fuel
stronger competition that will boost metal relative to plastics.
Without innovation to capture opportunities created by these trends, metal and glass are
likely to continue losing share to the other substrates. However, with focused actions,
customer collaboration, and strong innovation momentum, converters can harness aspects
of all the trends to recharge demand for metal and glass.
To come up with a winning formula, converters are challenged to think creatively: how can
substrate properties, from composition to “look and feel,” and their production and logistics
processes, locally and globally, best address the trends to give their packaging a competitive
edge? They also need to act with controlled urgency: how can a converter quickly align or
realign plans for packaging with people and financial resources and vice versa, to advance
swiftly on the journey in areas that will lay the foundation for success?
20 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Getting started on the change journey
Packaging companies have a window of opportunity to revamp their approach and strategic
focus in order to preserve value and growth. Through our research, we believe future winners
in packaging will be those converters that develop a new business model based on the five
key elements described above: innovation, agility, asset and resource reallocations (including
M&A), collaboration, and sustainability. These will be integral parts of the arc or bridging
mechanism needed to achieve success.
Building readiness for ordinary and extraordinary disruptions
In the following, we will take a look at each element in turn.
Significantly increase investment in R&D and innovation through organic efforts and
partnerships to change the product mix and keep it competitive. What can converters
and their partners come up with to address ever-more demanding consumer preferences,
sustainability requirements, and e-commerce needs? Over the past five years, top flexible-
packaging companies have been spending most on R&D (approximately 1.5 percent as a share
of revenue), while other substrates such as rigid plastics, metal, and glass have been trending
at around 0.5 to 0.8 percent, and paper and board significantly lower at 0.25 to 0.3 percent.
Going forward, we would expect that packaging companies at least need to match the spend
of flexible plastics and likely more will be required to excel in new areas around technology
integration, recyclability, and recycled content. Hence, it will not be enough just to innovate
based on cost and convenience; in addition, step change innovations in material, design, and
digital will be needed. Rising pressure in sustainability and e-commerce will also change the
product mix; staying ahead or even just keeping up will require strong partnerships across the
value chain with key customers, upstream suppliers, and third-party research institutions.
More agile processes to address SKU proliferation driven by e-commerce requirements
and consumer preferences. Demand for personalization, in particular, both on the store
shelf and in unboxing online purchases, will require more agile supply chain and operations
processes to respond to increasing pressure from consumers, FMCG manufacturers, and
retailers for more novelty and delight at less or no extra cost.
M&A and asset reallocation as a response to e-commerce growth, consumer preferences,
and FMCG requirements. As in the past but with higher intensity, converters will continue to
pursue strategies such as expansion, vertical integration, and reallocation of assets to stay
relevant. In paper and board, in particular, converters should keep an eye on the trend to captive
converters downstream at retailers’ sites and potential ownership shifts. Thorough preparation
for any M&A and asset decision will be crucial in other segments as well. In North America,
for example, the fastest-growing segments, such as healthcare and cosmetics packaging,
are among the smallest, suggesting a roll-up strategy and diversification via mergers and
acquisitions. In plastics, vertical integration should be considered to secure long-term access
to recycled feedstock.
Stronger collaboration with FMCG manufacturers, retailers, and suppliers to preserve
long-term relationships. Collaboration has always been essential given converters’ midfield
position in the value chain and typically much smaller business size. Going forward, the
struggle with margin compression practically demands that existing relationships will need to
be strengthened and new long-term partnerships established with suppliers and customers.
These moves are critical to reduce frictional losses across organizational interfaces and to
develop other creative ways to maintain long-lasting revenue and profitability streams. For
Capital IQ
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
example, we already see plastic packaging companies partnering with customers, recycling
facilities, and research institutes to enable both quality and quantity of recycled plastic
feedstock in their packaging.
Understanding the future of sustainability and its impact on the current and future
product mix. This implies actions to prepare for shifts in the product mix to address trends in
regulation, initiatives by FMCG manufacturers and retailers, and activism that alters consumer
preferences. To succeed in the sustainability pressure front, converters will need partnerships
to create more circular value chains to eliminate waste and to be assured of improving
packaging product experience through improved materials and design.
Simultaneously, packaging companies will need to think through the impact of technology and
partnering with technology companies to win in the IoT space.
We recommend asking five key questions:
Are my investments in innovation in line with shifting consumer trends and e-commerce
requirements going forward?
Are my supply chain and manufacturing processes agile enough to address increasing
SKU proliferation and consumer personalization preferences?
What do I think of M&A and asset decisions driven by a potential change in the future
product mix? What are my options as an acquirer and/or target?
How can I better partner with FMCG manufacturers, retailers, and suppliers to create
stronger and longer-term value-based relationships that will foster revenue and profitability
growth (ideally for all of us)?
What product and technology level sustainability investments am I or should I be making to
deal with increased demand with regard to packaging as part of product sustainability? What
partnering opportunities are there for circular recycling, including renewable materials?
Looking outside of the packaging box
While searching for answers to these and related questions, companies will benefit from
studying market and competitor analyses as well as looking outside the packaging box. This
is due to the fact that converters and packaging designers generally apply the Osborne or
SCAMPER design checklists
– as in, for example, plastic detergent bottles combined with
cardboard shoebox “feet,” a new design hit because the hybrid reduces material used overall
while becoming e-commerce friendlier. Most companies also have at least loose relationships
with relevant university departments and start-up centers.
Tried-and-tested design approaches – substitute, combine, minimize, maximize – will continue
to deliver valuable sparks for substrate innovation and process optimization. However, ideas
should also be gathered by looking at product and process innovation in other industries and
activities – not only among FMCG manufacturers and retailers, who will certainly have ideas
and wish lists for packaging, but also beyond. As a thought starter, in a classic heavy industry
such as steel, the postindustrialization era has brought forth the electric arc furnace minimill, a
radically local and recycling-friendly change in the technology and business model that depends
almost exclusively on scrap steel. Are there analogies here with fully recycled packaging? Or in a
different vein, with captive converters embedded within leading retailers’ distribution centers, or
for the stepping stones toward setting up a distributed local-global presence?
On Alex Osborne’s list, see, for example:; SCAMPER is a 1971
adaptation of Osborne’s 1942 list (Substitute, Combine; Adjust; Modify, magnify, minify; Eliminate; Reverse, re-arrange),
see: Eberle, Bob (1996). Scamper: Games for Imagination Development. Prufrock Press Inc.
No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
It is also critical to look at your company from a private equity investor’s perspective, whether
publicly listed or a closely held family operation. Investors can see that the packaging industry
was growing moderately in the past decade and is likely to do so again, with some hot spots
driven by the society’s shift to e-commerce. While investors differ in assessing challenges
such as shrinking disposable income, new consumer preferences, or environmental
regulation, they all look at a company’s position relative to competitors in the segment. How
well can your company capture slivers and chunks of the packaging market profitably?
Relative to your top competitors? What plans do you have for innovation and for capital
allocation to expand organically and with partners or acquisitions? Investors assess the
answers compared to past financial performance as well as current strengths and the outlook
(for publicly listed companies) for returns to shareholders.
In the words of Alfred Marshall, whose 1890 book Principles of Economics continues to
influence value creation in business today, it is useful to have both a language to describe
the parts of the problem of finding a winning formula as well as the machinery for handling
these elements. That said, it is essential for managers to study the particular problems and
their actual conditions in the “pressure-verse.” Otherwise, knowing the language of the
trends and the machinery of coping with their effects will be little better than having built
“a derrick for sinking oil wells [...] where there are no oil-bearing strata.” In the decade up to
2030, packaging companies that assess the strategy cube of market segments, end uses,
and substrates in light of the trends and the key elements of a winning formula, and revamp
their approach and strategic focus accordingly, will increase their chances of landing their
packaging in profitable growth-bearing markets.
23No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
About the authors
David Feber is a Partner in McKinsey’s Detroit office, Daniel Nordigården is a Senior Expert in
the Stockholm office, and Shekhar Varanasi is a Partner in the Silicon Valley office.
The authors wish to thank Anna Granskog, Oskar Lingqvist, Nick Santhanam, Peter Berg,
Richard Sellschop, Mili Bustamante, Suku Ponkshe, Abhinav Goel, Stefan Rehbach, and
Kristen Jennings for their contributions to this article.
24 No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
Charles Duhigg: The Power of Habit. Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, Random
House, 2012
EAF minimills: McKinsey report (China)
European Commission
Forrester Data: Online retail forecast, 2018 TO 2023 (US, Western Europe, and Asia-Pacific)
McKinsey Millennial Survey (2016), US only
McKinsey Consumer Survey (2018): Sustainable Packaging – attitudes and behaviors;
n = 1,000 per country
National Conference of State Legislatures
On Osborne’s list, see, for example:;
on SCAMPER, a 1971 extension of Osborne’s 1942 list (Substitute; Combine; Adjust; Modify,
magnify, minify; Eliminate; Reverse, re-arrange), see, for example: Eberle, Bob (1 January
1996). Scamper: Games for Imagination Development. Prufrock Press Inc. ISBN 9781-
Richard Dobbs, James Manyika, and Jonathan Woetzel: No ordinary disruption, PublicAffairs
(May 12, 2015)
Smithers Pira: The Future of Global Packaging to 2022 (December 2017)
Source of Marshall quote is Principles of Economics.
Full quote: I admit that these terms and the diagrams connected with them repel some
readers, and fill others with the vain imagination that they have mastered difficult economics
problems, when really they have done little more than learn the language in which parts of
those problems can be expressed, and the machinery by which they can be handled. When
the actual conditions of particular problems have not been studied, such knowledge is little
better than a derrick for sinking oil wells erected where there are no oil-bearing strata.
– Alfred Marshall (in the public domain)
25No ordinary disruption – Winning with new models in packaging
May 2019
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