Section – V: Special Conditions of Contract
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The following bid specific data for Construction of Closed store building at 400/220 kV Kochi
Sub-station shall amend and/or supplement the provisions in the General Conditions of
Contract (GCC). This Special Conditions of Contract, (SCC) shall be read along with Invitation
for Bid (IFB)/Instruction to Bidders (ITB), General Conditions of Contract for Civil Works,
Annexures thereto. In case of any discrepancies in the provision of this section and the provision
of other documents of tender, the provisions of this section shall prevail.
GCC Clause
Ref. No.
Amendment/Supplement to GCC
1. Clause Nos. 5.0(Understanding of documents and specifications); 6.0
(Submission of Tenders); 8.0(Taxes, duties and levies); 9.0(Income tax
clearance certificate); 12.0(Award of contract) and 13.0(Evaluation of
comparison of tenders) of Section-II of Conditions of Contract for Civil
Works, Document Code No. DC–5010–July–1992 is superseded by such
clauses in ITB/IFB.
Work Location:
683565 Kerala
Engineer In-charge:
Engineer In-Charge for the subject work shall be Senior GM, Kochi or
his/her authorized representative.
683565 Kerala.
Scope of the work:
The scope of the work includes Construction of Closed store building at
400/220 kV Kochi Sub-station.
For More details, please refer the Technical Specifications available in
7.0 & 66.0 Price Basis:
The work shall be executed on firm price basis. Hence, the clause no 66
of General conditions of contract shall not be applicable for the subject package.
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GCC Clause
Ref. No.
Amendment/Supplement to GCC
The GST will be reimbursable by the Employer on the supplies made by the
Contractor but limited to the tax liability on the transaction between the
Employers and the Contractor.
Unit price quoted in respect of all items in the Price schedule shall be excluding
GST and however bidder shall indicate the rate of GST on these items in the
separate column of the Corresponding Schedule.
The Input Tax Credit (ITC) available, if any, under GST as per the relevant
Government laws wherever applicable has been taken into account by the
The bids submitted by the tenderer shall remain valid for a minimum period
of 06 months from the date of opening of the First Envelope Bids.
8.0 14.0
The following supersedes Clause No.14.0 of GCC, Vol-I.
Contract Performance Guarantee (CPG)
(i) As a security towards satisfactory performance of the Contract, the
successful Bidder, to whom the work is awarded, shall be required
to furnish a Performance Guarantee from
(a) by a Public Sector Bank located in India, or
(b) a scheduled Indian Bank having paid up capital (net of any
accumulated losses) of Rs. 1,000 million or above (the latest annual
report of the Bank should support compliance of capital adequacy ratio
requirement), or
(c) by a foreign bank or a subsidiary of a foreign bank, acceptable to the
Employer, with overall international corporate rating or rating of long-
term debt not less than A- (A minus) or equivalent by a reputed rating
agency. Further, the Bank Guarantee should be confirmed by either
(i) its corresponding bank located in India; or (ii) a Public Sector Bank
located in India; or (iii) a scheduled commercial private bank located in
India as per para (b) above in favour of the Owner within 28 days from
the date of Letter/Notice of award.
The guarantee amount shall be equal to Ten Percent (10%) of the
contract price (Excl GST) and it shall guarantee the faithful performance
of the Contract in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in
the documents. The guarantee shall be valid up to (90) days after the
end of defect liability period. The guarantee amount shall be encashed
by the Owner without any condition whatsoever, in the event of defects
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Amendment/Supplement to GCC
or deficiencies which come up during the validity of the guarantee
Alternatively, the contractor may opt for deduction of equal amount of
10% of total contract value from the running bill towards Security
Deposit (SD).
Pro-rata deduction at the rate of Ten Percent (10%) from the Running
Bills of the contractor shall be made towards Security Deposit. This
deduction shall be continued till the total amount towards Security
Deposit including initial security deposit reaches Ten Percent (10%) of
the Contract Price (Excl GST).
The earnest money submitted by the contractor along with the bid/
tender in the form of DD/BG shall be treated as initial security deposit.
In case the EMD submitted is in the form of Bank Guarantee, the
equivalent amount shall be additionally deducted from the first
payment made to the Contractor and immediately thereafter, the Bank
Guarantee towards EMD shall be returned to the bidder. Further, in
such a case, the validity of Bank Guarantee towards EMD shall be
ensured till the deduction towards initial security deposit, as aforesaid,
is affected.
(ii) CPG shall be returned to the Contractor on successful completion of
the works under the Contract after ninety (90) days after the end of
completion of Defect Liability Period. The Bid Guarantee/ EMD
furnished with the bid shall be returned to the Contractor after
acceptance of CPG by POWERGRID.
(iii) If the contractor delays submission of the Contract Performance
Guarantee vis-à-vis the period specified above, then without
prejudice to any other rights or remedies available with the
employer, following shall also be applicable:
a) The defect liability period under the said performance security shall
stand extended and a contractor shall accordingly extend the
validity of the contract Performance Security to be furnished as
specified above by the period of delay over and above the period
required as per the contract.
b) Alternatively, if the contractor fails to extend the validity of the
performance security, an amount @ prevailing SBI card rate
applicable for Inland Bank Guarantee +2% per annum on the
performance security amount, for the period of delay shall be paid
by the contractor to the employer. The employer may, without
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Amendment/Supplement to GCC
prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount
worked out as above from any monies due or to become due to
contractor under the contract.
c) The period of delay for the above purpose shall be the time elapsed
between the due date for submission of performance security as per
contract and the date of performance security.
d) In case the contractor fails to submit the performance security
within 90 days of the notification of award, the Employer, without
prejudice to any other rights or remedies it may possess under the
contract, may forfeit the bid security and/or may terminate the
The above extension of Defect Liability of Period or deduction shall
not relieve the contractor from any of his obligations and liabilities
under the contract.
The Employer shall be sole judge in above regard.
9.0 16.0
1.Insurance such as transit insurance of materials, third party &
workmen insurance, insurance of tools & tackles and plant &
equipment or any other insurance more specifically detailed in Clause
No.47.0 of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works, shall be arranged
by the Contractor at his cost and expense.
2.The Contractor at his cost shall arrange, secure and maintain all
insurance as may be pertinent to the works and obligatory in terms of
law against all perils and the responsibility to maintain adequate
insurance coverage at all times during the period of contract shall be
of the Contractor alone. The Contractor’s failure in this regard shall
not relieve him of any of his contractual responsibilities and
3.The perils required to be covered under the insurance shall include all
risks, but not limited to fire and allied risks, miscellaneous accidents,
workman compensation risks, loss or damage in transit, theft,
pilferage, riot and strikes and malicious damages, civil commotions,
weather conditions, accidents of all kinds etc. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the safety and security of the employees of the
Contractor & his Sub-contractors throughout execution of the works.
4.All costs on account of insurance liabilities covered under the Contract
will be on Contractor’s account and will be included in Contract Price.
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GCC Clause
Ref. No.
Amendment/Supplement to GCC
5.The Contractor shall at its expense take out and maintain in effect or
cause to be taken out and maintained in effect, during the performance
of the contract, the insurances set forth below in the sum and
deductibles and other conditions specified. The identity of the insurers
and the form of the policies shall be subject to approval of the Owner.
The inability of the insurers to provide insurance cover in the sums
and with the deductibles and other conditions as set forth below, shall
not absolve the contractor of his risks and liabilities under the
provision of GCC Clause No.47.0. However, in such a case, the
contractor shall be required to furnish to the Owner documentary
evidence from the insurer in support of insurer’s inability as aforesaid.
(a) Contractor All Risk (CAR) Policy for the civil works against loss or
damage in respect of the civil works in the joint name of
POWERGRID & Contractor.
Sum to be
From To
100% of
+ Escalation
annum of
sum assured
as specified
by Tariff
contractor &
date of
ation of
Up to
date of
over after
(b) Third Party Liability Insurance covering bodily injury or death
suffered by third parties (including Owner’s personnel) and loss
of or damage to property (including the property of Owner)
occurring during the works.
Sum to be
From To
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(c) Automobile Liability Insurance covering use of all vehicles used
by the contractor or its sub-contractors (whether or not owned by
them) in connection with the works. Each vehicle shall be insured
under Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance policy as per
Motor Vehicle Act.
(d) Workmen Compensation Insurance:
In accordance with the statutory requirements applicable in India, the
insurance cover shall be extended to indemnify the Owner for the
Owner’s statutory liability to persons employed by the contractor.
The policy shall be effective from the date of Mobilization up
to the date of taking over
The third-
limit shall be
10% of the
value for
in aggregate
during the
entire policy
deductibles as
specified by
Tariff Advisory
From date
on of the
Up to
date of
over after
10.0 18.0 Time is the essence of contract. The entire work is scheduled to be
completed in all respect within 9 months from the date of issue of
Letter of Award.
The contractor shall deploy sufficient Manpower, Equipment and T&P
for this work to complete the
work within the completion period
specified above.
11.0 19.0
Include the following clause:
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Amendment/Supplement to GCC
All work under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the
Contract shall at all times be open to the inspection and supervision of
POWERGRID or his authorized representatives.
The work shall be subjected to the inspection by the Office of Chief
Technical Examiner of the Chief Vigilance Commission (CVC),
POWERGRID’s Vigilance cell and the Contractor shall take necessary
arrangements whenever required for this inspection without a
additional cost to POWERGRID.
12.0 26.0 & 61.0 Material: No material shall be supplied by POWERGRID under this
contract and the bidder should accordingly quote rates. Item rates for
all the items shall include cost of all material. Therefore, the provisions
of relating to Owner Supplied Material in the Conditions of Contract
for Civil Works stand superseded.
Water Supply: POWERGRID will not provide water at site for
construction purpose. Agency has to make his own arrangement for
water requirements for construction as well as drinking purpose at his
own cost without any extra cost to POWERGRID.
Power supply: POWERGRID shall provide Power supply at one point
for construction purpose. Necessary charges shall be recovered from
the agency at prevailing market rates as per State DISCOM tariff. If
POWERGRID is unable to provide power supply, agency has to make
its own arrangements at its own cost.
13.0 29.0
Replace the existing provision with the following:
I. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety during all activities
at the Site.
II. The Contractor shall:
a. comply with all applicable safety regulations and Laws;
b. comply with all applicable safety obligations specified in the
c. ensure proper safety of all workmen, materials, plant and equipment
belonging to him/subcontractor working at Site or entitled to be on the
Site or other places, if any, where the works are being executed. The
Sub-Contractor's workmen /employees shall also be considered as the
Contractor's employees/ workmen. Contractor shall be responsible for
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Amendment/Supplement to GCC
safety of all employees/workmen belonging to him or his
III.All equipment (machineries/ lifting T&Ps/ wire sling/
polypropylene ropes etc.) shall be strictly operated /used and
maintained by the Contractor in accordance with manufacturer's
Operation Manual /safety instructions and as per guidelines /rules of
Employer in this regard.
IV. The Contractor shall not make any connection /change in any
electrical equipment belonging to the Employer or other Contractors
without prior written permission of Engineer In-charge.
V. The equipment must be declared safe by the Engineer-in-charge and
a permit to work/permission shall be issued by the Engineer-in-charge
before any work. No work shall be carried out on any live equipment.
VI. The Contractor shall deploy fulltime Supervisor or Safety
Supervisor/Steward (if deployed workmen are more than 10 at a site).
He shall brief each worker daily before start of work about safety
requirement and precautions to be taken against the imminent dangers
(Daily Safety pep-talk).
In-case of manpower deployed at a site is less than 10 then Agency will
nominate senior most experienced worker as gang leader/steward for
above works.
VII. In case of any accident-
a. The Contractor shall promptly inform the Engineer-in-charge and
also all the authorities envisaged under the applicable laws.
b. The Contractor shall ensure that the affected person(s) must be
administered first-aid and all efforts made to immediately shift to
nearby hospital or any other such place for medical treatment.
Contractor shall bear all medical expenditure for treatment of accident
VIII. POWERGRID's Engineer-in-charge or his deputed representative
shall have the right at his sole discretion to stop the work, if in his
opinion the work is being carried out in such a way that it may cause
accidents and endanger the safety of the persons and/or property,
and/or equipment.
IX. It is mandatory for the Contractor to observe the following during
the execution of the works:
a. Safety induction training (02-days training for skilled/semi-skilled &
01-day training for unskilled) shall be provided by the Agency to the
staff/ gang.
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Amendment/Supplement to GCC
b. Contractor shall procure (if required) sufficient quantity of Earthing
equipment / Earthing devices complying with requirements of relevant
IEC standards and to the satisfaction of POWERGRID Engineer In-
c. The Contractor shall provide standard personal protective
equipment’s (helmet, electrical safety shoe, gloves, goggles, safety
harness, fall arrestors, reflective jackets) and sufficient quantity of tools
to all employees and workmen as per the need or as may be directed by
the Engineer In-charge.
d. Contractor shall provide communication facilities as per requirement
i.e. Walkie - Talkie / mega-phones /mobile phone, display of flags
/whistles for easy communication among workers during the activity.
e. The gang leader /supervisor staff present at ground should have
constant vigil on the workers working at height to alert them. Workers
working at height should not be allowed use of mobile phone.
f. Labour camps shall be provided to the workers wherever necessary.
Camps shall be adequately lighted, ventilated, and maintained in a
clean and sanitary condition with proper toilet facility.
g. First-aid box should be available at site.
X. The Contractor shall provide safe working conditions to all workmen
and potable / safe drinking water for workers at site /at camp with
required hygiene and sanitation.
XI. The Contractor shall submit the following documents to the
Engineer In- Charge before deployment of manpower (or) before start
of work:
a. Safe work procedure for each activity to be prepared by Agency and
to be submitted to Engineer in-charge.
b. Safety Policy/ Safety Document of the Contractor's company.
c. Contractor shall also submit list of identified emergency facilities
available at nearby site.
d. Health checkup of all workers from competent agencies/
departments before deployment at site.
e. Documentary evidences in regard to compliance to various statutory
requirements i.e. License's (Labor license, electrical license, explosive
etc.), certificates & registration's (BOCW), Insurance (WC policy/ ESIC,
public liability etc.)
XII. In case of accidents, the following methodology will be adopted:
a. In case of first fatal accident at the site (or adjacent thereto) of bidder
during financial year, bids submitted by such bidder shall be considered
non-responsive for all regional /site packages across POWERGRID
(including consultancy) whose date of bid opening, originally
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scheduled and/or actual, falls within the 06 months reckoned from the
date of the first fatal accident.
b. Subsequent to bidder's involvement in two cumulative fatal accidents
during any financial year, bids submitted by such bidder shall be
considered non-responsive for all regional /site packages across
POWERGRID (including consultancy) whose date of bid opening,
originally scheduled and/or actual, falls within the 01-year reckoned
from the date of the second fatal accident (or) 18 months from the date
of first fatal accident, whichever is later.
c. For every subsequent fatal accident in same financial year bids shall
be considered non-responsive in the manner as above for additional 12-
month period. This period shall however, in sequence to and shall
commence after expiry of non-responsiveness period on account of
earlier accidents.
d. Non-responsiveness period shall be irrespective of financial years
and shall be in sequence to expiry of earlier non-responsiveness period.
XIII. Notwithstanding above, if the original contract price is above Z1
crore, the Contractor shall also be responsible for payment of a sum as
indicated below to be deposited in the "Safety Corpus Fund'.
a Upon 1st accident causing fatal /
accident Causing 25% or more
permanent disablement.
1% of the Contract price,
as Awarded.
b Upon 2nd accident causing fatal
/ accident causing 25% or more
permanent disablement.
2% of the Contract price,
as Awarded.
c Re-occurrence of accident
causing fatal / accident causing
25% or more permanent
disablement even after the 2nd
3% of the Contract price,
as Awarded.
For the purpose of recovery under this clause, the count of accident shall
be package wise. The amount deposited in Safety Corpus fund shall be
utilized for general safety awareness for contract workers across
POWERGRID (owned as well as consultancy). GST, if any, applicable
on recoveries as mentioned in this clause, shall be payable by the
Contractor in addition to the amount of recoveries mentioned therein.
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reporting of any accident to the Employer in any ongoing
contract with the Employer or any suppression of facts/related
information in regard to
accident shall lead to determination of bid
of such Contractors as non-
of bid opening, originally scheduled and/or actual falls within a
period of one year reckoned from the date on which the Employer
determines Non-r
eporting of the accident/Suppression of
facts/related information in regard to accident by the Contractor.
14.0 44.0 If the Contractor fails to comply with the completion Schedule in
accordance with Clause GCC 18.0 then the contractor shall pay to the
Purchaser a sum equivalent to 0.05% (zero point zero five percent) of
the Contract Price payable thereon for the whole of facilities, (or a part
for which a separate time for completion is agreed) as liquidated
damages for such default and not as penalty, without prejudice to the
Employer’s other remedies under the Contract, for each day which shall
elapse between the relevant Time for completion and the date stated in
Taking Over Certificate of the whole of the Works (or a part for which
separate time for completion is agreed) subject to the limit of Five
Percent (5%) of Contract Price payable thereon for the whole of the
facilities, (or a part for which separate time for completion is agreed).
The parties agree that the sum specified above is not a penalty but a
genuine pre-
estimate of the loss/damage which will be suffered by the
Employer for default on the part of the Contractor and said amount will
be payable without proof of actual loss or d
amage caused by such
default. The Purchaser may, without prejudice to any other method of
recovery, deduct the amount of such damages from any monies due or
to become due to the Supplier. The payment or deduction of such
damages shall not relieve the Supp
lier from his obligation to complete
the Works, or from any other of his obligations and liabilities under the
Contract. No Bonus will be given for earlier Completion of the facilities
or part thereof.
15.0 46.0
The defect liability period shall be 12 months from the date of taking over
of work by POWERGRID and issuance of Taking Over Certificate in
accordance with Clause No. 46.0 of GCC, Vol-I.
16.0 64.0
Terms of Payment
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Progressive payment shall be released from
Powergrid Payment
Processing and Facilitation Center (PPPFC), Bangalore
completion of work as instructed by the Officer In-
charge. The bills for
payment shall be submitted to officer in-
charge. On completion of work
and certification by officer in-charge, payment shall be released by E-
payment mode for which the contra
ctor has to register in POWERGRID
website as a vendor and all requisite detail shall be furnished.
Mode of Payment: All the payment shall be released in Indian Rupees
directly through E-payment for which bidder shall provide the details
in format at Attachment-14 of Techno-Commercial Bid
Terms & Procedures of Payment
1. Payments shall be released by PPPFC, Bangalore. Bills along with all
details of measurement sheets shall be submitted by the contractor
as per the provisions of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works
Clause No. 64.0. Payment for the work will be regulated in
accordance with the above Clause of Conditions of Contract for Civil
2. Income Tax and other statutory levies as applicable at the time of
payment shall be deducted at source unless concerned tax authorities
exempt the contractor. POWERGRID shall affect TDS as per the rules
/ statutory requirements and issue TDS certificate.
3. The reimbursement of GST shall be against Invoice/Debit Note
containing particulars specified under the GST Act and related Rules,
Notifications etc as notified by the Government in this regard
Owner’s GSTIN number in each state/UT is published on the
Owner’s company website https://www.powergridindia.com.
While raising invoice for Supply of Services, the Contractor shall
invoice the Owner using the GSTIN of Owner in the state/UT in
which the service or part thereof is to be rendered.
4. All the payments to be made directly to the contractor under the
contract shall be made by POWERGRID through electronic payment
mechanism (e-payment) for which necessary details shall be tied up
during execution of the contract. However, request for payment to be
released through cheque shall be considered on case to case basis and
on the merits of the same.
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5. POWERGRID is registered on TReDS (Trade Receivables
Discounting System) platforms namely i.e. RXIL (Receivable
Exchange of India limited) M1-xchange (Mynd Solutions Private
Limited) and Invoicemart (A. TReDS Limited) and the facility of the
same may be availed by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSMEs) for Payment.
6. Payment Tracking
The contractor may track the status of its bills using POWERGRID’s
‘On-line Bill Tracking’ system. To use this system, the contractor is
required to get itself registered once online at POWERGRID’s website –
‘www.powergridindia.com’ for ‘Online Bill Tracking’ System contained
in Quick Link’ section of the website. Pursuant to validation of the
online registration and activation of the user id by POWERGRID, the
Contractor may track status of bills passed and paid by POWERGRID’s
Corporate Center and Regional Office under this Contract and other
Contracts awarded on it by POWERGRID.
Subject to availability of funds and if required by the contractor, loans
will be given as per the provisions of clause no. 67.0 of Conditions of
Contract for Civil Works (Doc No. DC-5010 July1992), read along with
Amendment to Conditions of Contract for Civil Works. The rate of
interest on the outstanding amount shall be 200 basis Points (BPS) above
one-year MCLR rate published by State Bank of India prevailing as on
date of loan. Further Contractor shall be required to furnish a Bank
Guarantee for 110% (one hundred ten percent) of Loan amount from a
Bank as acceptable the Employer.
For the purpose of clause titled “Arbitration and Laws” and Laws and
Jurisdiction of Contract” the Clause No.69 and 70 of General Conditions
of Contract for civil works shall be applicable. However, therein the
wordings “Indian Arbitration Act 1940” shall
be replaced by the
wordings “Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996”.
The arbitration shall be conducted by a Sole Arbitrator. The Sole
Arbitrator shall be chosen from a panel of empanelled Arbitrators
(retired Senior Executives of PSUs other than POWERGRID/Retired
Distt Judges/High Court Judges).
In case of invocation of arbitration by POWERGRID, POWERGRID shall
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within 30 days send a list of names of three Arbitrators from its
list/database of Arbitrators and the contractor shall within the period of
further 30 days select any one person to act as “Sole Arbitrator” which
will be confirmed by POWERGRID,
and matter will be referred to such
appointed Arbitrator for further arbitration proceedings. In case of
invocation of arbitration by Contractor, the Contractor shall request
POWERGRID for its database of Arbitrators/ choose from the list
Arbitrators available o
n POWERGRID’s website and the contractor shall
within 30 days, select any one Arbitrator form
the above to act as Sole
Arbitrator” which will be confirmed by POWERGRID within 30
matter will be referred to such appointed Arbitrator for further
arbitration proceedings.
If the parties fail
to appoint Sole Arbitrator within 60 days after receipt
notice from the other party invoking arbitration,
the appointment of Sole
Arbitrator shall be done by the Courts as
per the provisions of the
Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modifications
The cost of arbitral proceedings inter-
alia including the Arbitrator’s fee,
logistic and any other charges shall be equally shared by both parties. In
case Sole Arbitrator, the fees to be paid to Sole arbitrator shall be as per
the terms of empanelment in POWERGRID.
The decision of Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the
parties. In event of any of the Sole Arbitrator dying
, neglecting, resigning
or being unable to act for any reason, it will be lawful for the parties to
nominate another Sole Arbitrator in place of outgoing arbitrator.
The venue of arbitration shall be Bangalore. The court of Bangalore shall
have exclusive jurisdiction in all matters arising out of the contract.
Left over
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to take back the left-over
materials, if any, arranged and transported by him and clear the site
within 30 days of completion of works at site to Engineer-in-Charge.
Beyond this period, the Owner shall have the right to dispose off these
materials for clearing the site in a manner as deemed fit at the risk and
cost of the Contractor without serving him any notice in this regard.
Before taking out any surplus material reconciliation of materials shall
be submitted by the contractor for approval.
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1. The contractor will have to follow all rules and regulations
pertaining to payment of Minimum Wages Act as notified by the
Government applicable to Project Site. He shall also be responsible
for observance of Labour Regulations in respect of Labour Welfare.
2. Labour licence, under the relevant act, shall be obtained by the
Contractor and a copy of the same shall be submitted to the Engineer-
3. No child below the age of 18 should be employed for the work.
4. The contractor shall stand committed to comply all requirements
of social accountability Standards i.e. SA8000 (latest standard
available at www.sa-intl.org) and maintain necessary records.
5. Contractor should have valid PF registration for the staff working
with them. Documentary proof in this regard needs to be
submitted along with tender document. Tender without this
documentary proof have risk of rejection.
6. The Contractor should have registration laid GST registration and
the bidder shall submit Documentary proof in this regard needs to
be submitted along with tender document. Tender without this
documentary proof have risk of rejection.
7. The successful bidder shall be required to submit a detailed
programme of work to Engineer in - Charge who will be at liberty
to suggest modification / corrections keeping in view the priority of
work to be undertaken.
8. POWERGRID will not entertain any sort of legal obligation
compensation etc., arising out of acts of mishaps or carelessness on
the part of the contractor or his staff during the execution of the work.
Additions / Deletions / Substitutions to Conditions of Contract for
Civil Works Clauses
1. The words 'Bid' or 'Offer' shall have the same meaning as the
word ‘Tender’. These words have been used interchangeably
and shall carry the same meaning.
2. The words 'Bidding Documents' or 'NIT Documents' shall have
the same meaning as the words 'Tender Documents'. These
words/expressions have been used interchangeably and shall
carry the same meaning.
3. The word Bidder’ shall have the same meaning as the word
‘Tenderer’. These words have been used interchangeably and
shall carry the same meaning.
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4. Conditions of Contract for Civil Works Clause 27.0 titled ‘Owner
supplied materials’ stands deleted.
5. Conditions of Contract for Civil Works Clause 58.0 titled
‘Training of Apprentices’ stands deleted.
6. Conditions of Contract for Civil Works Clause 66.0 titled
‘Contract Price Adjustment’ stands superseded by Clause 5.0 of
this SCC.
7. Annexure-A of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works
(‘TENDER’) stands replaced by ‘BID FORM’ attached herewith.
8. Annexure-C (Schedule-B) of Conditions of Contract for Civil
Works stands deleted.
9. Annexure-D of (Tools and Plant to be hired to the Contractor) is
not applicable.
10. Annexure-H of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works (Form of
Bank Guarantee for removal of Plant & Equipment from Site)
stands deleted.
11. Annexure-N of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works (Form of
Bank Guarantee for Owner Issue Material) is not applicable.
12. Annexure-O of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works (Letter of
Undertaking to be given by Contractor while furnishing the Bank
Guarantee for Owner Issue Material) is not applicable.
13. Annexure-P of Conditions of Contract for Civil Works (Proforma
for Material Accounting) is not applicable.
14. Annexure-B of GCC, ‘Schedule-A’ shall be replaced by
a) Some restrictions may be imposed by the security staff on security
grounds on the working and/or movement of labour, materials,
etc., the contractor shall be bound to follow all such
restrictions/instructions and nothing extra shall be payable on this
b) While executing the contract, the contractor shall stand committed
to comply with all requirements of Social Accountability Standards
i.e. SA8000 (latest Standard available at www.sa-intl.org) and
maintain the necessary records.
c) Bidder/Contractor shall keep all the knowledge and information
not within the public domain which may be acquired during the
carrying out of this assignment, strictly confidential for all time and
for all purpose.
Section – V: Special Conditions of Contract
Page 17 of 12
GCC Clause
Ref. No.
Amendment/Supplement to GCC
23.0 Any other
specific to the
Field Quality Plan
The Contractor at no extra cost to POWERGRID shall arrange all tests
on materials and finished products, required as per the tender
documents and Standard Field Quality Plans of POWERGRID
applicable for the work. The rates quoted shall be inclusive of all the
tests and nothing shall be paid extra on account of this (ref doc:
----- End of Section-V (SCC) ----