University of Nebraska Administration
The following University-wide Human Resource Policies are applicable to the Managerial-Professional
and Office and Service Staff. However, some policies are applicable to all employees of the University
regardless of employees classification based on Board of Regent Bylaws and Policies. These policies
were developed for the purpose of providing university-wide guidance, consistent with Board of Regent
Bylaws and Policies, in the management of non-academic staff.
(Update) Published: 06/2024
Human Resource Policies are intended for use by Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Vice Chancellors, and
other administrative officers designated by the President or the Chancellors. General guidelines are
presented and it is expected that in almost every instance, with the exception of the Board of Regent
Bylaws and Policies, a supplemental campus procedure may be available. It is not recommended that
immediate supervisors utilize this document independently of any related campus procedure.
The policies contained herein may be deleted or modified or new policies may be added by approval of
the President through the authority delegated by the Board of Regents. The distribution of any
modifications shall be made by the University Administration Director of Human Resources through the
Campus Directors of Human Resources. Any interpretations of the manual may be requested of the
University Administration Vice President for Business and Finance.
Campus Directors of Human Resources means the Director of Human Resources at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, the Director of Human Resources at the University of Nebraska-Omaha; the Director
of Human Resources at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the Director of Human
Resources University of Nebraska-Kearney.
University Administration Director of Human Resources means the person occupying the position in the
President’s Office whose principal function is to coordinate matters of nonacademic Human Resources
policy for the University.
Chief Business Officer means the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at the University of Nebraska- Omaha,
the Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the
Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance at the University of Nebraska-Kearney.
Senior Vice President for Business and Finance means the Senior Vice President for Business and
Finance, Office of the President, University Administration.
Full Time Equivalent means the fractional amount of time that the duties and responsibilities of a
position are to be performed by an employee at a rate not to exceed the full time equivalency specified
for the position. 1.00 F.T.E. is considered full-time and normally corresponds to a workload of 2,080
hours per year; however, a lower number of hours per year may be considered full-time (for purposes of
eligibility and financial support for tuition remission and insured benefits) for certain occupations,
and/or based on the requirements of specific operational units. Such exceptions must be approved by the
Vice President of Business and Finance and the Council of Business Officers upon the recommendation
of University Administration and Campus Human Resource Directors.
University of Nebraska Administration
Major Administrative Unit means the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of Nebraska-
Omaha, the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and the University of Nebraska at Kearney or the
University of Nebraska Administration.
Regular Position means a position which is normally expected to continue on an on-going basis.
Service Date means the date that is the reference in computing the employee’s eligibility for vacation
leave, sick leave, and other benefits that are granted as terms and conditions of employment. Normally,
the service date shall be the same as the hiring date of the employee. It shall be adjusted for breaks in
Temporary Positions means a position established for a limited period of time to accomplish a specific
task. A temporary appointment typically does not exceed a two year period.
Work Day normally means the day upon which work is expected to be performed. There are normally
260 work days scheduled per calendar year.
Work Week means seven consecutive days or one hundred sixty-eight (168) consecutive hours which is
for the purpose of establishing the uniform schedule of work in the University.
1.0 The Board delegates authority for appointment of other professional staff and the office and service
staff to the President or the Chancellors or their authorized representatives, as appropriate.
2.0 Appointments to all managerial-professional positions shall be “special appointments”.
3.0 All offers of employment for Special Appointments shall be in writing and signed by the
respective President, Chancellor, or authorized representative. Written documents shall be
provided to the appointee specifying:
if the appointment is a “special appointment” as defined by BOR Bylaw 4.4.1 ,
that the appointment is to a regular or temporary position which shall be worked on a full-
time or part-time basis.
the duties and responsibilities of the appointee.
the appointee's compensation, fringe benefits, and, where applicable, the termination date of
the appointment.
and that the appointment is based on the mutual consent of both parties subject to
“employment-at-will” provisions of the State of Nebraska
4.0 Appointments shall be made to either regular or temporary positions.
5.0 Appointments made to regular or temporary positions shall be on a full-time or part-time basis.
Full-time appointments shall require the appointee to be scheduled to work at least 2,080 hours
per year. Part-time appointments shall require the appointee to be scheduled to work a specified
amount of time that is at a rate less than 2,080 hours per year.
6.0 For the special purpose of determining eligibility to participate in the University-wide insured
benefits program, an appointee shall be appointed to work for a period of at least six (6)
consecutive months at a rate greater than or equal to 0.5 full-time equivalent.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 The University of Nebraska shall apply the following standards to applicants for University of
Nebraska employment.
1.1 Applicants for University of Nebraska employment will be required to certify the information
reflected in their application to be true to the best of their knowledge and belief. Any
misrepresentation by an applicant/ employee may result in revocation of a University job offeror
discharge, if hired, regardless of when discovered. In the case of an on-line application, a check
box serves as an electronic signature and evidence of certification.
2.0 Notice of changes
2.1 Applicants will be required to acknowledge that they will report to the University HR Office (in
writing) any occurrences or events taking place after their application with the University, which
may render inaccurate, untrue, or incomplete any statement made in their application.
3.0 Employment at Will
3.1 Unless otherwise expressly stated in a written appointment to a position or in a written contract
of employment duly approved and executed by the University, all non-faculty employees are
considered employees at will, and either the University or the employee may terminate the
employment relationship upon giving the proper advance notice.
4.0 Permission to investigate information
4.1 In the certification process, an applicant also grants permission to the University of Nebraska to
investigate employment records, educational records, criminal records, and other records to
verify the information provided in their application. The application process requires each
applicant to release the University, its agents and persons contacted from any liability resulting
from such investigation.
1.0 The University of Nebraska shall apply the following standards to applications for University of
Nebraska employment.
1.1 Applicants selected as finalists must disclose if they have been convicted of or have plead guilty
to a felony, or a misdemeanor; or if they are subject to a court order restraining them from
contacting, harassing, stalking, or threatening another person or child of such other person or
engaging in other conduct that would place another person in reasonable fear of bodily injury.
1.2 Some positions, due to the nature of the job responsibilities, may require the disclosure of
additional information relevant to the job duties of the position; however, such requirements will
be handled on a job by job basis.
2.0 Required information
2.1 For situations in which a criminal history is disclosed, the applicant will be required to identify
the date of conviction or order, type of conviction or order, and jurisdiction where the conviction
or order occurred.
3.0 Terminology
3.1 Convicted means a finding of guilt of a criminal offense either as a result of a criminal trial,
University of Nebraska Administration
acceptance of a plea of guilty or no contest. Convictions which have been the subject of a
pardon, annulment, or other equivalent procedure based on innocence, and juvenile adjudications
will not be considered for purposes of disqualifying an applicant. Convictions or orders subject
to a pending appeal may be considered; additional information about the appeal may be needed
in order to complete the evaluation of the application.
3.2 Felony means a criminal offense punishable by death or imprisonment for more than one year.
3.3 Misdemeanor means a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment of one year or less, and/ or
monetary fine.
3.4 Court orders shall apply to orders that are issued after a hearing of which the applicant received
actual notice, and at which the applicant had the opportunity to participate; and includes a
finding that the applicant represents a credible threat to the physical safety of such other person
or child; or by its terms explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical
force against such other person or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily
4.0 Exercising Employment Decisions
4.1 A conviction record is not an automatic bar to employment. The University will determine
whether the information is relevant to the position sought depending on the totality of the
4.2 Prospective employees who would need to hold an ordinary or commercial driver’s license, or
who are child care workers, etc. may be expected to disclose additional information relevant to
the job duties of the position for which they applied. These additional requirements may be
specified by statute or regulation. See e.g., Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-1912(1) (Cum. Supp. 2002)
(staff and employees of child care providers may be subject to national criminal history record
information check).
4.3 Major administrative units or sub-units may be permitted to adopt more stringent standards
subject to legal review and approval by the Chancellor.
4.4 This policy does not enumerate criteria for making assessment of an applicant; the goal of this
policy is to state that the University will require applicant disclosure and authorize the University
to verify information.
1.0 Employees shall be hired into one of the following employment categories such that the
appropriate terms and conditions of employment may be determined. The employment
categories listed below are represented in all NU Values Job Families and are assigned to one of
the following Job Family Zones: Assistant, Associate, Specialist, or Senior.
1.1 Managerial-Professional staff shall include all personnel who are employed to perform duties
and responsibilities that are general in scope and who possess the education, talent, skills,
abilities, and professional license/certification such that the positions they occupy are considered
by custom in business, industry, and other institutions of higher education as executive,
administrative, or professional in nature. These positions generally fall in the Specialist and
Senior Zones for each Job Family.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.2 Office and Service staff shall include all personnel who are employed to perform work that by
custom in business, industry, and other institutions of higher education is managed on an hourly
basis, with such work compensated according to hours worked or earned, including clerical and
office employees, technical/trades employees, general service workers, and other personnel paid
on an hourly basis. These positions generally fall in the Assistant and Associate Zones for each
Job Family.
1.0 The University of Nebraska is an Equal Opportunity employer in accordance with the provisions
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Civil Rights Act of 1991 and Section 503 of
the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992, and all executive
orders pertaining to equal opportunity in employment and the Nebraska State Statutes pertaining
to employment discrimination.
2.0 The University forbids discrimination in employment against any applicant or employee on the
basis of race, age 40 and above (with the exception of law enforcement officers who m may be
required to terminate employment at the age of 70) , color, ethnicity, religion, sex, genetic
information, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, marital or
veterans status.
3.0 The University will take action to ensure applicants are employed and employees are treated
during employment, without regard to these factors. Merit will be the criterion by which
qualification for appointment, retention, or promotions are judged. Affirmative Action objectives
will be pursued where Federal programs/funding requires such activities. Realistic labor force
demographics will be considered for employment decisions.
4.0 Suspected violations of this policy shall be reported to the Equity and Diversity Office at each
campus, the Campus Director of Human Resource, or to the University Administration Director
of Human Resources.
U.S. law requires companies to employ only individuals who may legally work in the United
States. E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of
their employees to work in the United States. E-Verify is fast, free and easy to use and it is the
best way employers can ensure a legal workforce. The E-Verify program is jointly administered
by the Department of Homeland Security through the United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services and the Social Security Administration. E-Verify allows the University to verify
employment eligibility of newly hired and rehired employees, by checking the information
provided on their Form I-9 against Social Security and the Department of Homeland Security
databases. The University, by requiring new hires and rehires to complete the E-Verify process,
complies with the State of Nebraska’s E-Verify legislation outlined in LB 403. Questions
regarding the E-Verify process and requirements should be directed to your campus Human
Resource office
1.0 A reduction in force is the elimination of staff position(s) and/or the reduction of FTE(s) at the
University of Nebraska. A reduction in force may occur because of changing priorities,
budgetary constraints, or other operational needs.
1.0.1 Termination of employment solely due to poor job performance, misconduct, violation of
University of Nebraska Administration
University policy, or other similar reason(s) is not considered a reduction in force.
1.1 Affected employees may be separated from employment because of a general reduction in force
or a reduction in force in any one area.
1.2 Unless otherwise specified in writing to the employee at the time of employment, employees
being separated from employment as part of a reduction in force shall be notified in writing at
least thirty (30) days prior to the date of separation if classified within the Office and Service
classification and at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of separation if classified within the
Managerial Professional classification.
1.3 This Reduction in Force policy shall not apply to those employees in probationary periods or
those employees in temporary or on-call positions. Accordingly, such employees are not required
to receive any notification under this policy.
2.0 The criteria for determining the order of employees affected by a reduction in force should
normally be based on the type of appointment held, quality and length of service, funding source,
and other considerations determined by the appointing authority in order to provide for the most
efficient and effective operation of the area affected.
3.0 Employees shall be eligible for reinstatement and/or reemployment as set forth below.
3.0.1 “Reinstatement” means that the employee will be placed into the position previously held by the
employee prior to the reduction in force.
3.0.2 “Reemployment” means that the employee will be placed into a comparable or lower position
within the same area as the position previously held prior to the reduction in force.
3.1 An employee shall be reinstated to the position previously held should such position become
available within six (6) months from the date of separation due to reduction in force.
3.2 If an employee’s previous position is not available, qualified employees shall be reemployed in a
comparable or lower position in the same area, or successor area, should such position(s) become
available within six (6) months from the date of separation due to reduction in force.
3.2.1 "Comparable position" generally means a position that is similar to the employee’s previous
position in the following ways: requires similar knowledge, skills, and abilities; has similar job
content (tasks and responsibilities); and has a similar pay range. Human Resources reserves the
right to determine whether a position is comparable under this policy.
3.3 Employees declining reinstatement to their previous position or reemployment in a comparable
position shall not be eligible for any future position under this policy. Employees declining
reemployment in a lower position shall continue to be eligible for future positions under this
3.4 Employees who do not respond to an offer of employment within five (5) working days will
forfeit their rights under this policy.
3.5 Sections 3.0 to 3.4 of this policy shall not apply to those employees whose job performance is
not at least satisfactory, as determined by Human Resources. In addition, Sections 3.0 to 3.4 of
this policy shall not apply to employees on grant funded positions or other positions funded
through temporary funds.
University of Nebraska Administration
4.0 Reduction in Force employees will be considered separated from the University for pay
4.0.1 Upon reinstatement, reinstated employees will be paid at the same rate of pay as when they left
University employment and will not be required to serve a new original probationary period.
4.0.2 Upon reemployment, reemployed employees will be treated as new employees for pay purposes
and will be required to serve a new original probationary period.
5.0 Reductions in force are not grievable.
1.0 Appointment to all managerial-professional positions will terminate in accordance with the time
stated in the appointment to the position or in the written contract and, if no time is stated in the
appointment to the position or in the written contract, the appointment may be terminated by
either party giving the other at least ninety (90) days notice of the date of termination.
1.1 Such appointments may also be terminated by the University with less than ninety (90) days
notice if such termination is for adequate cause, disability, bona fide discontinuance of a
program or department, or extraordinary circumstances because of financial exigencies.
1.2 Employees terminated with less than ninety (90) days notice shall have the right to due process.
2.0 Office and Service staff who voluntarily terminate their employment shall give at least two (2)
weeks notice to the University. Longer notice is appreciated when the position requires
supervisory or special skills. Office and Service employees terminated by the University shall be
given two (2) weeks notice of termination unless the cause of termination is such that the
employee cannot be permitted to remain on University premises.
3.0 For all separations that were not done for cause, it is recommended that an exit interview be
conducted and duly recorded.
1.0 Employees may be transferred within the same Job Family and Zone to positions on their current
campus or to positions on another campus. Transfers may be made because of improvement in
organizational effective- ness, change of programs, creation of new programs, cancellation of
programs, or for any other valid reason for the benefit of the University or the employee.
2.0 Employees transferring to positions in the same classification, Managerial Professional or Office
and Service, shall retain earned benefits and shall continue to earn benefits for which they
qualify according to amounts prescribed for the number of years of service that is computed as
continuous service.
3.0 Employees transferring to positions in a different classification, Managerial Professional or
Office and Service, shall earn benefits associated with that classification. (For example, such
employees will earn sick and vacation leave in accordance with the schedules in their new
4.0 Changes in salary shall be computed according to the policy on salary administration (NU
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The University of Nebraska shall apply the following standards to comply with the requirements
set forth in the Revised Statutes of Nebraska, Sections 48-225 to 48-231, with respect to veterans
seeking a preference in employment as provided in said sections.
1.2 The University of Nebraska does not select or qualify applicants for employment on the basis of
an examination. Therefore, in order to apply the preference accorded to veterans in the
University's selection evaluation process, as required by Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 48-226, the
University will recognize the preference upon determining applicants who qualify for
employment and who are "preference eligible" as defined in subsection (H) of Neb. Rev. Stat.
Section 48-225 shall be entitled to employment over other persons of equal qualifications in the
final selection process.
2.0 Exercising preference in employment
2.1 Upon receipt of an application for employment from a veteran seeking to exercise their veteran
preference right, said individual must produces evidence that they are "preference eligible".
2.2 If an applicant for employment is a veteran who is "preference eligible" is selected as a finalist
during the selection process and such preference eligible veteran is "equally qualified" with non-
veteran finalist candidate, the preference eligible veteran shall receive preference in the selection
decision. Equally qualified shall mean all factors considered in making the selection decision,
including, but not limited to, employment reference checks, work history, knowledge, skills,
abilities and training.
1.0 Regular employees may be granted administrative leave with pay in the event of inclement
weather, terrorist acts or threats, or non-scheduled “declared” holidays authorized by the U.S.
President, Governor, or President of the University. Administrative leave shall be granted at the
discretion of the Chancellor or University President.
2.0 Employees designated as emergency response team members for campus and or University
operations shall be determined in advance, such that these employees will be made aware of their
obligation to work during periods of inclement weather or other emergency. Team
members/designees shall be compensated as established by campus payroll policies/procedures.
3.0 Temporary employees shall not be eligible to receive administrative leave.
4.0 Employees attending events/training/conferences on behalf of the university are considered to be
on normal work assignment and not administrative leave.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 All regular employees may be granted paid civil leave for the purpose of providing civic service
as specified if the performance of such service is required during their normal working hours.
1.1 The specific instances for which civil leave shall be granted include jury duty, witness duty,
court appearances regarding affairs of the State or University, emergency civilian duty in
connection with national defense or national disaster, election board duty, and up to two (2)
hours for voting in public elections.
1.2 Employees shall retain any compensation paid to them in carrying out such civic service.
2.0 Civil leave shall not be granted to an employee who attends court as a party plaintiff or party
defendant on a personal matter. In such instances the employee may elect to have such time
charged to vacation leave or may have such time treated as a leave of absence without pay.
1.0 General Purpose
Each major administrative unit (campus) of the University of Nebraska will establish a crisis
leave pool, the purpose of which is to allow employees to donate accumulated vacation leave for
potential use in emergency situations by other employees whose leave has been exhausted.
2.0 Donation of Leave
Regular employees who earn vacation leave may donate to the crisis leave pool up to five (5)
accumulated vacation days per calendar year.
2.1 Donations of accumulated vacation leave to the crisis leave pool will be accounted for on the
basis of the number of days donated, rather than the dollar value of the days donated.
2.2 Employees with a leave balance subject to exceed the 280 hours maximum allowance may
donate vacation leave to the crisis leave pool to retain the vacation accrual status.
2.3 Crisis leave may not be donated in units of less than one full day (eight hours).
3.0 Granting of Crisis Leave
3.1 Subject to the eligibility requirements contained in this policy and any eligibility requirements in
a campus policy, a regular employee (who has six months of continuous employment) may, upon
approval of the campus administration receive from the crisis leave pool up to the number of
days of vacation leave the employee accrues in one calendar year, not to exceed 24 (twenty-four)
work days.
3.1.1 Crisis leave will not be granted in units of less than one day and shall be prorated for employees
who work less than full-time.
3.2 Regular employees are eligible to receive crisis leave (1) when all of their available sick leave,
vacation leave and compensatory leave (as may be applicable to the purpose of the crisis leave
request) has been exhausted, and (2) when additional leave is required for one of the following
serious illness of the employee or the employee's spouse/benefit eligible adult
serious illness of the employee's child or parent, or a person bearing the same
University of Nebraska Administration
relationship to the employee's spouse/ benefits eligible adult designee.
3.2.1 For the purposes of this policy, a "serious illness" is defined as an illness that requires at least
one overnight stay in a hospital, hospice or other residential health care facility under the
treatment or supervision of a physician or other licensed health care provider
that requires an absence from work for more than three (3) days as recommended by a physician
or other licensed health care provider
is a chronic or long-term illness that is incurable or so serious that if untreated would probably
lead to incapacity for more than three days, and requires continuing medical treatment or
3.3 Campus Administrative Procedures
3.3.1 In order to assure consistent administration of this policy on each campus, specific campus
procedures and criteria for donation and use of crisis leave shall be approved by each Chancellor
and set forth in a written campus policy statement.
3.3.2 Requests for donated crisis leave must include the reason for the request and the anticipated time
period of the leave. Appropriate certification or documentation from a treating physician or other
licensed health care provider may be required by the University.
3.3.3 Each request for crisis leave shall be evaluated upon criteria which include:
whether or not the reason for the leave is appropriate under the policy;
the availability of leave within the crisis leave pool; and
the employee's record of leave use.
3.4 Denial of crisis leave shall not be a grievable event under any campus or University grievance
policy or procedure.
1.0 In the event a request is made by a federal agency or other disaster relief organization, i.e., the
Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other federally designated
department, the University President or Chancellor or their designee may authorize an employee
up to (5) days civil leave to assist in the request. The (5) day limit may be extended upon
approval of the University President or Chancellor or his/her designee.
1.1 Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 81-1391, an employee who is a Certified Disaster Service
Volunteer of the American Red Cross may, with the authorization of their supervisor, be
granted a leave not to exceed fifteen working days in each year to participate in specialized
disaster relief services in Nebraska for the American Red Cross, upon the request of the
American Red Cross, without loss of pay, vacation time, sick leave, or earned overtime
1.2 Employees who wish to volunteer for disaster relief assistance and other related activities/drills
(not requested by a federal agency or disaster relief organization and not designated by the
University President or Chancellor) will be required to use vacation or compensatory leave.
University of Nebraska Administration
Under University policy and as required by the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
eligible employees are provided up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family and
medical reasons. All regular Academic/Administrative, Managerial/Professional and Office/Service
employees with an FTE of .50 or greater are eligible, as are all other employees (including temporary
and graduate student employees) who have worked for the University for at least one year, and for 1,250
hours over the previous 12 months.
Unpaid leave will be granted for any of the following reasons:
to address concerns related to the birth of a child, or the placement of a child with the employee
for adoption or foster care;
to care for the employee's spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee, child, or parent, who has a
serious health condition;
for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee's job, or
in association with a death in the immediate family.
As may be required or approved by the University, certain kinds of paid leave may be substituted for
unpaid leave, if such paid leave would otherwise be granted based on the reason for the absence.
Job Benefits and Protection Regarding Family/Medical Leave:
For the duration of approved Family/Medical Leave, the University will maintain the employee's
health coverage under any University sponsored "group health plan."
Upon return from Family/Medical Leave, employees will be restored to their original or
equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms.
The use of approved Family/Medical Leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit
that accrued prior to the start of an employee's leave.
For questions regarding the Family/Medical Leave of Absence policy and its procedures, please contact
the campus Human Resources Office.
1.0 All regular employees may be granted leave up to five (5) consecutive working days in the event
of death within the immediate family. For this purpose, immediate family shall mean spouse/
benefits eligible adult designee, children, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, sibling(s),
children-in-law, guardian, ward, stepparent, stepchildren, or persons bearing the same
relationship to the spouse/ benefits eligible adult designee of the employee.
2.0 For persons not defined as immediate family, up to one day of funeral leave may be granted at
the discretion of the employee's immediate supervisor. An additional funeral day may be granted
when an employee is required to travel across two or more states.
3.0 Death of a member of the immediate family demanding the employee’s presence is a qualifying
event under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
1.0 The State of Nebraska annually recognizes twelve (13) legal holidays, designated by statute as
University of Nebraska Administration
New Year’s Day January 1
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Third Monday in January
President’s Day* Third Monday in February
Arbor Day* Last Friday in April
Memorial Day Last Monday in May
Juneteenth* June 19
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day First Monday in September
Indigenous Peoples’ Day/Columbus Day* Second Monday in October
Veteran’s Day* November 11
Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in November
Day after Thanksgiving Day Friday following Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day December 25
1.1 As provided under State Statute, the University Academic Calendar may require that University
offices be open and staffed on certain state designated holidays. Accordingly, the following
policy shall be followed.
1.2 Eligible employees who work on a state-designated holiday shall be granted a compensatory
hour off for each such hour worked. Compensatory time must be used within the immediate 12
month period. Such compensatory time shall normally be used during closedown periods
established by the academic calendar, such as Semester Break. Employees who separate
employment prior to the use of such compensatory leave shall be paid for the accumulated hours
at their normal base pay rate at the time of separation.
2.0 Each major administrative unit (campus) shall notify all employees annually of the holiday
3.0 Regular part-time employees shall be eligible for paid holidays at their regular rate of pay
proportionate to the full-time equivalency of their appointment. Temporary employees shall not
be eligible for paid holidays, and if required to work on a holiday shall be paid for the time
worked at their regular rate of pay. In order to receive pay for a holiday, an employee must be in
a pay status on the scheduled work day before and scheduled work day after the holiday.
4.0 All leave will be documented in the official accounting system (SAP) in order to maintain an
accurate and uniform record in employee balances
1.0 All employees subject to the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Act shall be entitled to
injury leave with full pay for up to five (5) scheduled work days in the event of illness or injury
arising out of and in the course of employment.
2.0 Injury leave shall not be charged to vacation leave or sick leave. (See Worker's Compensation
University of Nebraska Administration
3.0 Employees impacted by this policy are required to complete the First Report of Occupational
Injury or Illness form. This is a legal document which will be filed with the Nebraska Workers'
Compensation Court. Mail or fax this form to the Campus Benefits Office within 24 hours of the
1.0 Regular employees may be granted a leave of absence without pay for a maximum of one (1)
1.1 For professional staff a leave of absence maybe extended one (1) additional year as granted by
the Board of Regents.
2.0 Upon return from leave, the employee shall be entitled to the same or comparable positions
subject to budgetary limitations.
3.0 A leave of absence shall be granted only when it is in the best interest of the University.
4.0 Sick leave and vacation leave shall not accrue during a leave of absence. All unused accrued
vacation leave shall be used prior to the effective date of the leave of absence. All unused
accrued sick leave shall be carried forward upon return from the leave of absence.
5.0 For the purpose of service award recognition, an employee’s service date is adjusted for leave of
absence without pay.
1.0 Statutory Reference
The University of Nebraska shall comply with the Uniformed Service Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and Neb. Rev. Stat. §55-160 et seq. concerning
the treatment of University employees with military obligations.
1.1 USERRA General Requirements
In general USERRA requires employers to grant leave to employees serving in the U.S. armed
forces and the various reserve units; protects applicants and employees against discrimination on
the basis of military service in the areas of hiring, job retention and advancement; provides
certain rights to reemployment upon return from leave; and extends health care and retirement
plan coverage during military leave.
1.2 Nebraska Statute
In accordance with State law, the University provides fifteen workdays of paid military leave per
calendar year, without regard to the specific nature of the military leave (e.g. active military
duty, annual training, emergency assignment, assignments of an unspecified length). Military
service beyond fifteen workdays will be charged against accrued vacation or taken without pay,
as designated by the employee within a reasonable time of receiving notice of their leave.
2.0 Employee Responsibilities
Employees serving in the military are required to provide advance notice to the University
concerning their military obligations when possible and must inform the University when they
plan to return to work once they have been discharged from their military duties.
University of Nebraska Administration
3.0 Annual Training Defined
Generally defined, annual training refers to the temporary duty in which military reserve
personnel engage, commonly serving one weekend per month and two consecutive weeks during
the year.
4.0 Emergency Duty
Leave will be granted to any employee, who is a member of the National Guard or any other
reserve component, ordered to active duty under emergency conditions. Should the military pay
of such person be less than their full University pay, the University shall pay the differential
while the person is in the active emergency service of the State.
5.0 Insurance and Retirement Benefits under USERRA
Health InsuranceEmployees on military leave may continue medical and/or dental coverage for
themselves and/or their dependents by paying the full cost of the premium (100%). This coverage
may be continued for up to eighteen months from the date active military service began. Should
the employee and/or dependents discontinue coverage, the coverage may be reinstated upon return
from military service with no waiting period or exclusion for preexisting conditions.
Life Insurance-Employees on military leave may continue to participate in the group life insurance
plan while on leave by paying the full premium. The Security Mutual Basic and Optional Plans,
unlike many insurance programs, will cover the employee's death while on military duty; however,
the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan does not cover claims associated with military
service. Should the employee decide to discontinue any life insurance coverage, they may reinstate
the coverage upon return to University employment without evidence of insurability.
5.1 Other Insurance-Long Term Disability coverage may not continue during military leave.
Continued participation in reimbursement accounts is permitted.
5.2 Retirement Benefits-Once employment is reinstated, the employee may request retroactive
participation in the basic plan, if otherwise qualified to participate. Upon paying their own portion
of the contribution to the retirement plan, the University will make the employer's retirement plan
contribution. The amounts contributed will be based on the employee's compensation had they
continued employment with the University. The employee may also make up contributions to the
SRA plan. Employees may count military service towards the retirement plan's two years of
service eligibility requirement.
6.0 Family Military Leave
For purposes of adopting the Nebraska “Family Military Leave Act” in coordination with the
Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), as amended, and the provisions thereof the
following is provided:
6.1 Any employee may request family military leave, provided the employee: (1) has been employed
by the University of Nebraska for twelve months preceding the request for leave; (2) has provided
at least 1,250 hours of University of Nebraska service prior to the request for leave; and (3) is a
member of the immediate family of the person called to military service lasting one hundred
seventy-nine days or longer with the State of Nebraska or the United States pursuant to the orders
of the Governor of Nebraska or the President of the United States.
6.2 The employee may request through their immediate supervisor
University of Nebraska Administration
a. 12 weeks of leave for “any qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that the
spouse/benefits eligible adult designee, child, or parent of the employee is on active
duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty status, in support of a
contingency operation;
b. An eligible employee who is the spouse/benefits eligible adult designee, child, parent,
or next of kin of a covered service member who is recovering from a serious illness
or injury sustained in the line of duty on active duty is entitled to up to 26 weeks of
leave in a single 12- month period to care for the service member. This military
caregiver leave is available during a single 12-month period” during which an eligible
employee is entitled to a combined total of 26 weeks of all types of FMLA leave.
6.3 Qualifying leave periods under the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and those of
the Family Military Leave Act of Nebraska, for reasons cited in sections (a) and (b) will run
6.4 Up to the extent it is available the employee may elect to apply accrued vacation or compensatory
leave to family military leave period. Employees requesting five (5) or more consecutive days of
family military leave shall provide at least fourteen (14) days’ prior notice, and where able, consult
with their supervisor and schedule the leave to avoid undue work disruptions. For leave of less
than five (5) consecutive days, employees shall give advance notice as is practicable.
6.5 Certification/proof of the call to service, from the proper military authority, may be required.
6.6 On expiration of the leave, the employee is entitled to be restored to the position held prior to
commencement of the leave or to an equivalent position consistent with the requirements of the
Act. Employees on family military leave, who are enrolled in the University’s insured benefit
programs, may continue to participate in such programs and continue to receive employer
contributions for the period of the leave. They are, however, responsible for their employee
contribution required to maintain those insurance benefits when on an unpaid leave status.
6.7 This policy is intended to implement the Nebraska Family Military Leave Act, which is
incorporated herein, along with any of the Act’s subsequent amendments. Should any
inconsistency arise between this policy and the Nebraska Family Military Leave Act, the Act shall
prevail, provided however, that if employee rights are explicitly provided in this or other
University policies, which are greater than those required by the law, then the greater right shall
be recognized and provided by the University.
The following Parental Leave Policies are intended to establish and clarify the leaves available to
University staff in cases of pregnancy, childbirth, and adoption.
1.0 Medical Maternity Leave
1.1 The time during which an employee is unable to work because of a medical disability caused or
contributed to by pregnancy, miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, childbirth and recovery
there from, will be covered by the provisions of the University’s sick leave policy or by the
provisions of the University’s disability leave program, depending on the category and
associated leave eligibility of the affected staff member. Staff is therefore eligible for paid leave
for such absences under the provisions of the applicable leave policy.
1.2 There shall be no stipulated medical maternity leave requirement either before or after childbirth.
Leave requirements will vary depending upon each employee's individual circumstances, and the
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advice of an attending physician or other licensed health care provider will normally determine
the appropriate length of leave. An eight-week total leave period for pre-partum and post-partum
care and recovery, during which time the employee will be excused from all duties, will be
considered normal; however, more or less leave time may be taken based upon individual health
1.3 The provisions of Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and associated
administrative policy permitting paid leave to be reduced by the amount required to compensate
a substitute shall not be exercised in cases of medical maternity leave.
2.0 Paternal Leave to Provide Care/Assistance
2.1 For those employees who wish to take leave upon the birth of a child because the health of the
employee's spouse/benefits eligible adult designee or child requires the employee's presence, or
because such presence would be beneficial to the employee's spouse/benefits eligible adult
designee or child, up to five days paid leave may be taken, chargeable to either sick leave or
disability leave depending on the employee's appointment category.
2.2 The provisions of Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and associated
administrative policy permitting an employee's paid leave to be reduced by the amount required
to compensate a substitute shall not be exercised in cases of such paternal leave.
3.0 Adoption Leave
3.1 Newly adoptive parents may take up to eight weeks paid leave upon the adoption of a child to
provide care and assistance to the child chargeable to either sick leave or disability leave
depending on the employee's appointment category.
3.2 A newly adoptive parent, who is the primary care giver, may take up to eight weeks paid leave
upon adoption of a child to provide care and assistance to the child chargeable to either sick
leave or disability leave depending on the employee's appointment category. The declaration of
which parent is the primary care giver is made by the adopting parents. The non-primary
caregiver of the adopted child may take up to five days paid leave to provide assistance in the
care of the child.
3.3 The provisions of Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and associated
administrative policy permitting an employee’s paid leave to be reduced by the amount required
to compensate a substitute shall not be exercised in cases of adoption leave.
4.0 Family/Medical Leave Act/Policy Coordination
4.1 Under the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and related University policy, eligible
staff have a right to take up to twelve weeks leave for certain qualifying events, including the
birth of an employee's child or the placement of a child through adoption, and care of the child
upon birth or placement through adoption. Any parental leaves taken pursuant to the foregoing
parental leave policies are, by definition, related to qualifying events under the FMLA, and will
therefore be considered part of the twelve week FMLA leave period.
Pursuant to Section of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, the
following regulations shall apply to leaves of absence due to non-occupational sickness or accident.
1.0 Members of the Managerial-Professional staff shall accumulate one day of sick leave per month
University of Nebraska Administration
for the first two years of employment; thereafter, the foregoing provisions (Section 2) shall
1.1 Such employees may, when all sick leave and vacation leave are exhausted, be advanced up to
40 hours (one work week) of sick leave, pro-rated for part-time employees. Employees shall
reimburse the University for any used, unearned sick leave upon separation.
1.2 Managerial Professional staff do not receive, upon retirement or death, the supplemental salary
payment equal to 1/4 of their unused accrued sick leave.
2.0 Whenever a member of the Managerial-Professional staff who has completed two years of
service is temporarily disabled due to illness or accident, such staff member, upon approval of
the Chancellor or President, shall be paid their regular salary during the period of such disability
but not to exceed a period of six months less:
2.1 The amount the employee received during such time as workers' compensation; and
2.2 Unless used for purposes of Parental Leave, the amount required, if any amount be required, to
pay any substitute who has performed all or any part of the work of the incapacitated staff
member. Substitutes shall be selected by the Chancellor or President. Whether such a substitute
shall receive pay for such work performed or be permitted to substitute gratuitously for the
incapacitated staff member shall be determined by the Chancellor or President.
2.3 Such leaves of absence may be extended beyond six months without pay upon recommendation
of the Chancellor and the President and approval by the Board.
3.0 In order to comply with the terms of existing United States Civil Service retirement regulations,
newly appointed Cooperative Extension staff with federal appointments will accumulate sick or
injury leave at the rate of one month per year.
3.1 Past or present service retirement benefits will not be paid during the period of an extended
disability leave.
4.0 Disability absences caused or contributed to by pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery there from
are considered sick leave, and shall be governed by the provisions of the Parental Leave Policy.
5.0 Any leaves taken pursuant to this policy may be considered to be qualifying events under the
federal Family Medical Leave Act and the Family Medical Leave Policy approved by the Board.
6.0 The rate at which an employee accrues sick leave shall be computed from the service date and
adjusted by breaks in service if such break in service is less than three years.
7.0 Sick leave, up to a maximum of five (5) working days per illness, may be granted when illness of
or injury to a member of the immediate family requires the employee's presence. Immediate
family means spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee, children, parents, grandparents,
grandchildren, guardian, ward, sibling(s), child-in-law, s stepparents, stepchildren or persons
being the same relationship to the spouse/ benefits eligible adult designee.
1.0 Sick Leave Eligibility
1.1 All regular Office and Service personnel shall be eligible for paid sick leave.
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1.2 All Office and Service personnel hired on a regular part-time basis shall be eligible for paid sick
leave at their regular rate of pay proportionate to the full-time equivalency of their appointment.
1.3 Temporary staff shall not be eligible for paid sick leave.
2.0 Sick Leave Accruals
2.1 Office and Service personnel shall accrue sick leave according to the following schedule.
Years of
Hours per
Days per
Hours per
2.2 Sick leave shall begin to accrue with the date of hire. Sick leave shall be charged against the sick
leave accrued on a work-hour basis. An employee shall be eligible to use sick leave as soon as it
has accrued.
2.3 Sick leave shall be cumulative up to a maximum of 1,440 hours, or 180 working days. Once an
employee has accrued 1,440 hours of sick leave they shall not accrue sick leave until their
accrued sick leave is below 1,440 hours.
2.4 Office and Service employees who were hired before January 1, 2019, and who retire from
the University before July 1, 2035, shall receive a supplemental salary payment equal to 1/4 of
their unused accrued sick leave up to a maximum 360 hours with the rate of payment equal to the
regular rate of pay at the time of retirement. Normal retirement requirements of being at least 55
years of age and having at least 10 years of University service must be met in order to retire from
the University and receive the ¼ supplemental salary payment. Office and Service employees
hired on or after January 1, 2019, will not be eligible to receive the ¼ supplemental salary
payment upon retirement.
2.4.1 An employee hired before January 1, 2019, who transfers from the Managerial Professional
classification to the Office and Service classification on or after January 1, 2019, will not be
eligible for the ¼ supplemental salary payment upon retirement.
2.5 Upon the death of an Office and Service employee who was hired before January 1, 2019, and
who passes away before July 1, 2035, the beneficiary of the employee shall receive a
University of Nebraska Administration
supplemental death benefit payment equal to 1/4 of the unused accrued sick leave of the
deceased employee up to a maximum of 360 hours with the rate of payment equal to the regular
rate of pay on the date of death. The beneficiary of an Office and Service employee hired on or
after January 1, 2019, will not be eligible to receive the ¼ supplemental death benefit payment
upon the death of the employee.
2.6 Office and Service employees transferred from one department or campus to another shall have
their accrued sick leave transferred to the receiving department or campus.
2.7 Office and Service staff that transfer from employment with the State government or State
colleges shall accrue sick leave at a rate based on the hiring date or service date with the
organization from which they are transferring. In addition, such Office and Service employees
shall be credited with unused sick leave, up to a maximum of 360 hours, accrued while an
employee of the State government or the State colleges.
3.0 Sick Leave Use.
3.1 Sick leave means the period of time that the employee is incapacitated or unable, due to illness,
injury, to perform the regularly assigned duties of their position. The period of time shall begin
and end when medically indicated to the satisfaction of the appropriate administrative officer.
3.2 Paid sick leave means a period of time that the employee is paid their regular salary during a
period of illness or injury. The period of time shall begin and end as stated in subsection 3.1.
3.3 Disability absences caused or contributed to by pregnancy, childbirth and recovery there from are
considered to be sick leave, and shall be governed by the provisions of the Parental Leave Policy.
The period of time shall begin and end as stated in subsection 3.1.
3.4 One hour of sick leave shall be consumed for each working hour of absence due to illness or
injury. Absence due to illness or injury, which is more than the amount of accrued sick leave,
may be charged to accrued vacation leave by written mutual agreement between the employee
and the appointing authority.
3.5 When all accumulated sick leave and vacation leave are exhausted, the employee may be
advanced up to forty hours (40) (one work week) of sick leave, pro-rated for part-time
employees. Employees shall reimburse the University for all used, unearned sick leave upon
3.6 When all accrued sick leave and vacation leave are consumed and/or advanced, an employee
may, upon written request, be granted sick leave without pay. A period of sick leave without pay
normally shall not exceed one year. It shall not be extended beyond that period unless there are
exceptional, mitigating circumstances.
3.7 Employees on Leave Without Pay, Suspension, or Layoff shall not accrue sick leave during that
3.8 Sick leave, up to a maximum of five (5) working days per illness, may be granted when illness of
or injury to a member of the immediate family requires the employee's presence. Immediate
family means spouse/ benefits eligible adult designee, children, parents, grandparents,
grandchildren, sibling(s), children-in-law, guardian, ward, step-parent, step-children, or persons
bearing the same relationship to the spouse/ benefits eligible adult designee of the employee..
3.9 Vacation days or University holidays that may fall within the period of paid sick leave shall not
be counted as days to be subtracted from sick leave.
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3.10 The allowance of sick leave for any purpose under this policy shall be subject to the right of the
University to require satisfactory evidence of illness or injury including the certification of an
attending physician in the case of the employee or a member of their immediate family. Sick
leave allowance shall be at the discretion of the University.
3.11 Any leaves taken pursuant to this policy may be considered to be qualifying events under the
federal Family Medical Leave Act and the Family Medical Leave Policy approved by the Board.
3.12 The rate at which an employee accrues sick leave shall be computed from the service date and
adjusted by breaks in service if such break in service is less than three years.
3.13 Employees returning to the university with less than three years break in service will also have
the hours from their previous sick leave balance restored.
1.0 All regular employees of the University of Nebraska shall be granted vacation leave according to
schedules in Sections 2.0 and 3.0.
1.1 Vacation leave shall accrue on a pay period basis, and an account of such leave earned and used
shall be maintained.
1.2 Effective April 1, 2007, the maximum vacation leave which may be earned and accrued by
members of the Managerial-Professional staff and members of the Office and Service staff shall
be two hundred eighty (280) hours; provided that any employee who has accumulated more than
280 hours of vacation leave as of said effective date shall be entitled to retain any such excess
vacation leave over 280 hours future use.
1.3 The rate at which an employee accrues vacation leave shall be computed from the service date
and adjusted by breaks in service if such break in service is less than three years.
1.4 Employees may be advanced vacation leave in an amount not to exceed a total of forty hours
(40) (one work week), pro-rated for part-time employees. Employees shall reimburse the
University for all used, unearned vacation leave upon separation.
2.0 Managerial-Professional Staff - Members of the Managerial-Professional staff shall earn and
receive eight (8) hours of vacation leave per month during each of the first two years of
employment, twelve (12) hours of vacation leave per month during the third through the fifth
year of employment and sixteen (16) hours of vacation leave per month during each year
thereafter; provided, that once a member of the Managerial-Professional staff member has
accumulated two hundred eighty (280) hours of unused vacation leave, they shall not earn or
receive additional vacation leave until their accumulated and unused vacation leave is less than
two hundred eighty (280) hours.
3.0 Office and Service Staff - Office and Service employees shall earn vacation leave according to
the following schedule; provided, that once an Office and Service employee has accumulated
two hundred eighty (280) hours of unused vacation, they shall not earn or receive additional
vacation leave until their accumulated and unused vacation leave is less than two hundred eighty
(280) hours.
Years of
University of Nebraska Administration
1st through 5th year
Beginning of 6th yr.
Beginning of 7th yr.
Beginning of 8th yr.
Beginning of 9th yr.
Beginning of 10th yr.
Beginning of 11th yr.
Beginning of 12th yr.
Beginning of 13th yr.
Beginning of 14th yr.
Beginning of 15th yr.
Beginning of 16th yr.
And all following
Capped at 280.00 hours
4.0 Vacation Leave Use
4.1 Regular part-time employees shall earn vacation leave on a proportionate basis to their FTE.
4.2 Vacation leave shall be arranged to not interfere with the conduct of University business.
4.3 Unused vacation shall be paid when an employee separates. Upon death of an employee, their
beneficiary shall be paid for any unused vacation leave of the employee.
5.0 All regular employees who transfer from employment with the State government or the State
colleges shall accrue vacation leave at a rate based on the hiring date with the organization from
which they are transferring.
6.0 New senior members of the managerial-professional staff may be granted, upon employment, the
right to earn vacation days at the rate of twelve (12) hours or sixteen (16) hours per month at the
discretion of the Chancellor or President where such exception is necessitated by the conditions
in Sections 6.1 and 6.2.
6.1 Exceptions may be granted in order to continue such provisions to a staff member who has been
eligible for the benefits of such provisions under a prior University employee category.
6.2 Exceptions maybe granted in order to recognize prior related work experience.
6.3 If twelve (12) hours of vacation per month are granted during the first year of employment, the
employee shall earn sixteen (16) hours of vacation per month beginning with the fourth year of
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Pursuant to Section 3.7 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, the
following regulations shall apply to an Employee Scholarship Program.
2.0 Eligibility
2.1 All regular full-time (1.0 F.T.E.) employees of the University are eligible to apply.
2.2 All retired employees of the University who have met the normal retirement regulations are
eligible to apply.
2.3 Employees must be admitted students of the University and must have met all normal academic
requirements for the courses taken.
2.4 The Employee Scholarship Program is not available to employees on leave of absence without
2.5 The Employee Scholarship Program is not available to employees whose anticipated
employment period is less than six (6) months.
3.0 Terms and Conditions
3.1 The granting of employee scholarships is subject to openings in the specific classes in which the
employee intends to enroll. If the reduction or withdrawal of this privilege, however, is
necessitated by the lack of funds, such reduction or withdrawal shall apply to all classes of
employees on a University-wide basis and timely notice of this action shall be provided to all
3.2 The Employee Scholarship Program applies only to academic credit courses being offered at any
unit of the University of Nebraska. These courses may be taken for credit or audit.
3.3 The University of Nebraska Scholarship Program shall provide tuition equal to the University's
resident tuition charge per semester credit hour.
3.4 Employees whose applications have been approved pay all normal admission and matriculation
fees, including lab fees and course fees, but not UPFF fees. Employees shall also pay all usual
course-related costs such as books and supplies.
3.5 Credit Hours
For regular full-time employees the Employee Scholarship Program is limited to no more than
fifteen (15) credit hours in any 12-month period (August - July) and is normally restricted to no
more than six (6) credit hours per semester.
3.6 Employees eligible for scholarship plans through other programs are expected to avail
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themselves of these programs prior to applying for the University of Nebraska Employee
Scholarship Program. If the employee's costs are not entirely covered by the other programs, the
University of Nebraska Employee Scholarship Program shall allow for the difference up to the
maximum established herein.
3.7 Employees will be billed for their tuition if they resign from University employment and the
effective date of resignation occurs during the first thirty (30) days after classes have
4.0 Class Attendance.
4.1 Normally, employees taking advantage of the Employee Scholarship Program will enroll in
classes held during non-working hours.
4.2 If the course is not scheduled during non-working hours, the employee's hours may be
rearranged, with the appropriate approvals, to accommodate enrollment.
5.0 Dependent Scholarship Program
Pursuant to Section 3.7 of the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, All
University of Nebraska employees who meet the eligibility conditions in Section 2.0 may elect
to allocate all or part of their employee scholarship benefit to their spouse/benefit eligible adult
designee or to their dependent children. The following parameters shall apply to the dependent
scholarship program.
5.1 Spouse/benefit eligible adult designee and Dependent Children will be defined as follows:
Spouse: Employee's spouse/benefit eligible adult designee, as recognized under the laws of the
State of Nebraska. Including the spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee of a deceased employee,
but not a divorced spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee.
Dependent Children: Employee's natural born or legally adopted children, or stepchild, or ward
of an employee or child of a benefit eligible adult designee who (i) is unmarried and under 24
years of age, and (ii) is chiefly dependent on the employee for support who is living in the
employee's home and is chiefly dependent on the employee for support (claimed as a dependent
for tax purposes). Including the dependent children of a deceased employee.
5.2 The Dependent Scholarship Program is only available to an employee's spouse/benefit eligible
adult designee or any dependent children who is an admitted students of a University of
Nebraska campus and who have met all normal academic requirements for the course(s) taken.
Full-time student enrollment status is required for a dependent child to be eligible, but not for a
spouse/benefit eligible adult designee. An affidavit will be required to document the status of
dependent children. The University reserves the right to request copies of tax returns and or other
supporting documentation.
5.3 All retired employees of the University who have met the normal retirement regulations may
apply the dependent scholarship program to their spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee or to
their eligible dependent children.
6.0 Dependent Scholarship Program Terms and Conditions
6.1 The Dependent Scholarship Program will be limited to undergraduate academic credit courses at
any campus of the University of Nebraska.
6.2 The Dependent Scholarship Program shall provide tuition equal to the University's resident
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tuition charge per semester credit hour at the campus of attendance, subject to the limitations
listed in Section 6.5 below.
6.3 Dependents whose applications have been approved shall pay all normal admission and
matriculation fees including lab fees, course fees and UPFF fees, and all usual course- related
costs such as books and supplies.
6.4 The maximum total number of credit hours that may be transferred by an employee to one or
more dependents will be the equivalent of fifteen (15) semester credit hours in any 12 month
period (August through July) and is restricted to no more than nine (9) credit hours per semester.
6.5 Dependents eligible for scholarship plans through other programs are expected to avail
themselves of these programs prior to applying for the University of Nebraska Dependent
Scholarship Program. If the dependent's tuition costs are not entirely covered by the other
programs, the University of Nebraska Dependent Scholarship Program shall allow for the
difference up to the maximum established herein.
6.6 Employees will be billed for their dependent's tuition if they resign from University employment
and the effective date of resignation occurs during the first thirty (30) days after classes have
1.0 NUFlex Overview
The NUFlex benefits program allows an employee to choose from a group of benefit options that
best suit their circumstances and lifestyle. With NUFlex, an employee can customize their
benefits to fit personal needs by making choices among these benefit areas:
Medical Insurance
Dental Insurance
Vision Care Insurance
Long Term Disability Insurance
Life Insurance
Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
Dependent Life Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance
Health Care Reimbursement Account
Dependent Care Reimbursement Account
Each benefit option has a price tag which reflects individual differences such as age, salary,
benefits FTE, tobacco/nicotine use, and number of dependents enrolled for coverage.
2.0 Eligibility
Faculty and Staff employed in a "Regular” position with an FTE of .5 or greater or employed in
a "Temporary” position for more than 6 months with an FTE of .5 or greater are eligible to enroll
for insured benefits. For additional information and a full description regarding eligibility; please
go to the BENEFITS web page on the University Administration website.
3.0 Change in Status Guidelines
NUFlex choices will be in effect for the calendar year unless 1) a qualified change in status event
occurs and 2) requested change is consistent with the event that results in the employee,
employee’s spouse/benefit eligible adult designee or dependent child gaining or losing coverage
eligibility. Enrollment or changes in coverage must be made within 31 days of the Permitted
University of Nebraska Administration
Election Change Event.
Some enrollment changes are limited due to certain eligibility restrictions. Listed below are
several Permitted Election Change Events that may allow the employee to initiate a midyear
benefits election change.
Change in legal marital status
Change in number of dependent children
Change in employment status or work schedule which results in a gain or loss of
coverage eligibility
Change in coverage under other employers’ benefits plan
A Medical, Dental and Vision Care Insurance Dependent Information Request Form must be
completed to add a new dependent child to the medical, dental, or vision care insurance policy
even if the employee is currently enrolled for Employee & Child or Employee & Family
4.0 An employee in a non-pay status may continue to participate in the insured benefit programs.
However, the University's contribution toward these programs will not be made during the non-
pay status.
5.0 In the event of the employee’s death, a surviving spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee and/or
dependent children of the employee may elect to participate in the medical, dental, and vision
care insurance benefit programs at their own expense until the surviving spouse/ benefits eligible
adult designee remarries or a dependent child is no longer eligible for benefits.
6.0 A retiree of the University may elect to participate in the medical, dental, term life, and long-
term care programs at their own expense.
1.0 Retirement Eligibility
The normal retirement age for all members of the University staff shall be 62 years. Retirement
shall be mandatory at age 70 for law enforcement personnel only. Employees may retire at age 55
after ten (10) years of service with the University.
For law enforcement personnel, the mandatory retirement date of an employee who has reached
the mandatory retirement age shall be July 1 following the month in which the employee reaches
such age.
2.0 Disability Retirement
An employee regardless of age is eligible for a disability retirement should a physical or mental
disabilities prevent such employee from satisfactorily performing work. A Disability Retirement
will allow a disabled employee to receive University retiree benefits
Approval of a Disability Retirement is predicated on
1) The disabled employee’s obtainment of a Social Security Disability Award, or
2) Long Term Disability benefits approved by the group long term disability insurance
University Administration may also approve a Disability Retirement in certain situations. In
addition, Disability Retirement for Academic/Administrative Staff and Faculty must be approved
by the Board of Regents.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 All unemployed persons eligible for unemployment compensation may file a claim for
unemployment compensation under the Nebraska Employment Security Law. Claims should be
filed with the local office of the Division of Employment, State Department of Labor.
1.0 All employees subject to the provisions of the Worker’s Compensation Act shall be entitled to
coverage in accordance with the Act if they suffer illness or injury arising out of and in the
course of their employment. This protection provides payments of all reasonable medical
expenses incurred, and loss of time from the job to the extent provided by the law. (See Injury
Leave Policy.)
2.0 Employees impacted by this policy are required to complete the First Report of Occupational
Injury or Illness form. This is a legal document which will be filed with the Nebraska Workers'
Compensation Court. Mail or fax this form to the Campus Benefits Office within 24 hours of the
1.0 The possession of concealed weapons on property controlled by the University of Nebraska is
prohibited. This ban applies to University of Nebraska vehicles, and events sponsored by the
University. This policy applies to all members of the general public, students, and University
employees, except University employees who are specifically authorized to carry concealed
weapons as part of their job responsibilities.
2.0 Possession of firearms on property controlled by the University of Nebraska, in University
vehicles and at events sponsored by the University may only be authorized by the principal
business officers of each administrative unit. The rules governing authorized possession of
firearms adopted by each administrative unit shall be reviewed and approved by the Office of the
University General Counsel. Once approved, such rules shall be kept on file by the Corporation
3.0 Notices prohibiting the carrying of concealed handguns shall be conspicuously posted as each
Chancellor shall determine to be appropriate on property controlled by the University of
Nebraska that is open to the public as long as such posting is required by Nebraska Concealed
Handgun Permit Act to accomplish enforcement of the Act.
4.0 For the purposes of this policy, the term “property controlled by the University of Nebraska”
shall mean and include all property owned by the University, all property leased by or licensed
to the University, and all fraternity houses, sorority houses, or other student housing facilities
recognized by the University.
1.0 An employee with a potential conflict of interest will notify, in writing, their immediate
supervisor which, after review, may go to the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure
Commission. The written notification will describe the potential conflict of interest.
University of Nebraska Administration
2.0 An employee has a potential conflict of interest if they are faced with taking an official action or
making an official decision which could result in a financial benefit or detriment to the
employee, a member of their immediate family, or a business or other organization with which
they are associated.
3.0 An employee who has an actual conflict of interest will take such steps to remove themselves
from the situation in which there is a conflict.
4.0 Employees failing to resolve a conflict of interest, may be subject to disciplinary action.
1.0 Employees are responsible for meeting reasonable standards of performance and conduct in their
work activities. Supervisors are responsible for providing leadership that makes possible such
performance and conduct.
2.0 Supervisors may impose disciplinary actions for reasons of taking corrective measures up to and
including termination in the event an employee's performance is less than the reasonable
standards of performance or if the employee's conduct is not in keeping with what is expected in
the working environment of the University.
2.1 Types of disciplinary action may include verbal warning, written warning, suspension without
pay, and termination.
2.2 Written records shall be kept regarding disciplinary actions taken and shall be filed for a specific
period of time.
3.0 The grievance procedures for disciplinary actions follow the Nonacademic Grievance Policy.
1.0 Nepotism is defined and subject, but not limited, to Board of Regents Bylaws, 3.2.2 and Nebraska
law Rev. Stat 49-1499.03 and 49-1499.07, which prohibits hiring, promoting, or advancing a
family member in the University or recommending the hiring, promotion, or advancement of a
family member in the University, including initial appointment and transfer to other positions in
the University.
2.0 For the purposes of this policy, family member shall mean any person related to the individual
by blood, marriage, including the common designations of step and in-law, or adoption as the
individual’s spouse/ benefit eligible adult designee, child, parent, sibling, grandchild, or
grandparent. Family shall also include any person who the individual or the individual’s spouse/
benefit eligible adult designee claims as a dependent for federal income tax purposes.
3.0 Supervisor means an individual having authority, in the interest of the University, to hire,
transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline employees,
responsibility to direct them or to adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend any such
University of Nebraska Administration
action, if the exercise of such authority is not merely of a routine or clerical nature but requires
the use of independent judgment.
4.0 The Board of Regents Bylaws,, grants the President or the cognizant Chancellor may,
upon a written showing of good cause, the ability to grant an exception to policy. The written
showing of good cause shall be filed with the appropriate University records officer and shall be
considered a public record.
5.0 All potential personnel actions involving immediate family members shall be submitted to the
Human Resources Office, President or Chancellor within seven days of becoming aware of such
situation for a review. Human Resources, the President or cognizant Chancellor shall act as soon
as practicable.
6.0 In addition to the other penalties provided by law, any University employee violating the
provisions above may be subject to disciplinary action.
1.1 The University of Nebraska makes all decisions regarding recruitment, hiring, promotion, and all
other terms and conditions of employment without discrimination on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, marital status, veterans
status or individual characteristics other than qualifications for employment, quality of
performance of duties, and conduct related to employment in accordance with University
policies and rules and applicable law.
1.2 The NU Values program shall be applicable to all regular University of Nebraska Office/Service
and Managerial/Professional positions.
1.3 The NU Values program is a compensation and performance management system for
Office/Service and Managerial/Professional employees of the University of Nebraska. NU
Links performance of employees to the mission and the vision of the University.
Focuses on job families as the basis for market relevance and equity in pay
Provides the tools for growth and development of employees.
Provides an open framework whereby the tools/ processes used to make pay
decisions are widely known.
Utilizes a simple yet effective job evaluation system.
Utilizes competencies as a basis for employee performance
1.4 The NU Values program groups all positions having similar characteristics into job families so
that an effective, equitable and market relevant level of compensation may be identified. This
categorization is based on an analysis of each position in order to determine the general function,
the duties and responsibilities, the supervision received and exercised, and the educational
background, training, and experience needed for the position.
2.1 The Vice President for Business and Finance, University Administration, is responsible for the
maintenance and revision of the NU Values program.
University of Nebraska Administration
2.2 The University Administration Director of Human Resources coordinates the administration of
the NU Values program and shall develop procedures, as required, to facilitate the consistent
application and administration of policies related to NU Values.
2.3 The Chief Business Officers are responsible for the overall direction of the NU Values program
at the campus level.
2.4 The Campus Human Resources Directors are responsible for the day-to-day administration of the
NU Values program at the campus level.
3.0.1 JOB FAMILIES: Job families are composed of jobs related through common
vocations/professions. Jobs in a job family are similar in that they have a continuum of
knowledge, skills and abilities from the lowest to the highest-level job, related key behaviors and
similar market characteristics.
3.0.2 BANDS: Each job family has its own broad salary band. This band reflects the unique nature of
each job family and has its own pay characteristics. The University Administration Human
Resources Department, in conjunction with the campus Human Resources Departments, will
utilize labor market wage and salary surveys to determine the pay range for each band.
3.0.3 ZONES: Zones are established within each band to reflect groupings of positions based on major
differences in scope, responsibilities, qualifications and competencies. The zones are labeled
Assistant, Associate, Specialist and Senior. Job families with only three zones do not have a
Specialist zone.
3.0.4 JOB ANALYSIS: Job analysis places a relative value on the differing factors that distinguish
one job from another: Nature and Complexity of work, Problem solving and Decision-making,
Know-how, Interaction and Supervision received and/or exercised.
There are generally two situations that require analysis, either a new position is needed or an
existing position has changed. All new and existing positions will be assigned to a job family
and zone using the job analysis process. This process is designed to slot positions into families
and zones based upon assigned duties, qualifications, competencies, and reference to the Federal
Regulations pertaining to job classifications.
For the purposes of setting pay, job analysis identifies the relative value of positions that
are not specifically surveyed in the labor market to those whose values are known. The
University of Nebraska’s job analysis process is based on the following objectives:
A simplified system that organizational units will use to determine appropriate
job family, zone and working job title for a position.
A flexible process that enables organizational units to quickly or efficiently
design positions to meet their needs.
A set of easy-to-understand-and-apply steps that organizational unit leaders will
use to develop employees.
3.0.5 JOB DESCRIPTION: The development and maintenance of current and accurate job
descriptions is vital to the job analysis process. The job description is a written statement that
describes the work that is to be done and the knowledge, skills, abilities, and talent needed to
perform the work. Job descriptions serve a variety of purposes. They introduce new employees
or applicants to the job, assist in outlining strategic goals of the major administrative unit and the
work unit’s objectives, provide basic documentation used in job analysis and compensation
planning, set performance standards and help employees understand what is expected of them,
University of Nebraska Administration
provide a basis for setting goals and objectives, identify and document “essential job functions”
and physical requirements to ensure compliance with applicable laws and comply with other
legal and workplace requirements.
3.0.6 A current copy of an employee’s job description should be filed in their HR/Personnel file (paper
or electronic).
3.1.1 No person will be assigned to any position until it has been properly allocated to a job family and
3.1.2 If a filled position is reallocated to another job family/zone, the incumbent will not be
automatically qualified to continue filling the position unless they possess the minimum
qualifications necessary to perform the work satisfactorily. The incumbent of a position
reallocated to another family zone who is not qualified to remain in the position will be
reassigned, if warranted, or given proper notice period to acclimate or will be separated from the
3.2.1 The standard job title, created by combining the job family name and the zone name, is the job
title that will be used on personnel documents. For example, if an employee were in the
healthcare job family and in the associate zone, the standard job title would be “Healthcare
Associate.” The organizational units are encouraged to use a working title that matches position
responsibilities and reflect the job family, such as Dental Hygienist.
4.1 If there is a disagreement regarding the job family/zone assignment of a position, a request for
additional review may be made by following the procedures listed in campus-specific policies.
Decisions regarding job family/zone assignment may not be appealed through the formal
grievance process.
5.0 Glossary of Terms
Accepts responsibility for own actions and decisions and
demonstrates commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient
and cost- effective manner.
Adjusts planned work by gathering relevant information and applying
critical thinking to address multiple demands and competing priorities
in a changing environment.
When an employee is given a pay increase, but stays within the same
Job Family Zone. May occur because of additional duties, projects or
assignments within the same scope of their current position
Allocate or re-allocate
The method of placing a position within a Job Family/Zone.
The placement of a person into a position within a Job Family.
Benchmark Jobs
Positions that can be matched to salary surveys of market data.
Career Change
When an employee is re-assigned to a new Job Family.
Effectively conveys information and expresses thoughts and facts.
Demonstrates effective use of listening skills and displays openness
to other people's ideas and thoughts.
University of Nebraska Administration
The method of maintaining balance between interests of operating
the university within the fiscal budget and attracting, developing,
retaining and rewarding high quality staff through wages that are
competitive with the prevailing rates for similar employment in the
labor market.
The combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills,
abilities and personal attributes that contribute to enhance employee
performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Customer/Quality Focus
Anticipates, monitors and meets the needs of customers and responds
to them in an appropriate manner. Demonstrates a personal
commitment to identify customers' apparent and underlying needs
and continually seeks to provide the highest quality service and
product to all customers.
Corrective actions or disciplinary reductions in an employee's job
assignment or pay.
Employees who are not covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act's
minimum wage and overtime provisions. These employees are
typically salaried.
Feedback & Coaching
Supervisor's ability to demonstrate effective use of listening skills, to
display a general openness to employees' ideas and thoughts and to
praise or provide constructive assessment of an employee’s work
performance and work habits.
Full-Time Equivalency. Relates to the number of hours worked as a
percentage of full-time hours (e.g., an FTE of 0.50 means a person
works half-time or twenty hours per week).
Incentive Plan
Distribution of monetary awards through incentive payments based
upon completion of previously identified plan objectives.
Fosters respects for all individuals and points of view. Interacts
appropriately with all members of the campus community, campus
visitors and business and community partners without regard to
individual characteristics. Demonstrates a personal commitment to
create a hospitable and welcoming environment.
Job Analysis or Job
The method of ordering jobs with respect to their value or worth to
the organization.
Job Family
Groupings of related jobs with common vocations/professions in that
they have similar market characteristics, related key behaviors and a
continuum of knowledge, skills and abilities.
Job Title
The word or words that identify a job. In NU Values the system job
title is a combination of the job family and zone names, e.g., Library
Services Associate. The zones are labeled Assistant, Associate,
Specialist and Senior. Job families with only three levels do not have
a Specialist zone. The working job title is more specific and
Communicates the University's vision in ways that gain the support
of others. Mentors, motivates and guides others toward goals.
Managerial/professional employees are normally paid monthly
salaries, have responsibilities primarily managerial or professional in
nature and are generally exempt from the overtime provisions of the
Market (or Labor Market)
Local, regional or national area and/or competitive employers in
which employees are either gained or lost.
University of Nebraska Administration
Market Analysis
Review of salary data to facilitate job pay comparisons and
information that reflects the labor force from which the university
recruits employees.
Market Pricing
Rate of pay or comparable value for specific jobs in relative labor
Market Relevance
Responsiveness to market fluctuations.
Employees who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act’s
minimum wage and overtime pay provisions.
NU Values
The compensation and performance management system covering
the managerial/professional and office/service employees of the
University of Nebraska.
Occupational Knowledge
Level of proficiency in the principles and practices of one's field or
Office/ Service
Office/Service employees are paid hourly and are subject to overtime
provisions of the Nebraska overtime law and the FLSA.
Performance Evaluation
The method of evaluating an employee's performance which
involves tracking, evaluating and giving feedback on actual
performance based on key behaviors/competencies established in the
goals that support the achievement of the overall organizational
Performance Increase
Consistent with the University President’s Memorandum dated Feb.
1995, an increase in salary may be granted only on January 1 and
July 1, as funding permits. Employee must have worked in same Job
Family and Zone for at least 6 months and be supported by evidence
in the employee’s personnel file. The total amount of performance
increases given to an employee per year may not be less than one
(1) percent or more than ten (ten) percent. This increase is
separate from any pay increase pursuant to the policies governing
annual increases generated by legislative appropriations.
Performance Management
A system of linking employee’s job performance to the University’s
missions using goals, objectives, and coaching and feedback
Position/ Job
A set of duties assigned to job and uniquely identifiable by a position
Position Description
A written statement that describes the work that is to be performed
by the job incumbent. The description includes general position
information, a summary sentence, detailed duties and
responsibilities, and minimum qualifications.
A job change that involves movement of an employee to a higher
zone within the same Job Family, which results in an increase in pay.
Salary Adjustment
An Increase in salary authorized to address the recruitment or
retention of an individual as a result of an offer by another employer.
Requires prior approval from campus Human Resources Director.
Salary Band
The range of pay for a job family.
Salary Survey
A published summary report of salary information of benchmarked
positions from multiple employers. Human Resources use a
comparison of multiple salary surveys to price jobs to the labor
University of Nebraska Administration
Team Focus
Works cooperatively and effectively with others to achieve common
goals. Participates in building a group identity characterized by
pride, trust and commitment.
Technology Orientation
Commitment to continuous improvement to include understanding
and application of technology (hardware, software, equipment and
A movement to a position in the same job family and zone, but in a
different Organizational Unit. It is not considered to be a promotion.
Voluntary Reduction
When an employee accepts or requests to be placed into a position at
a lower zone within the same Job Family.
Represents a recognizable and measurable level of responsibilities,
skills and expertise within a Job Family and the associated salary
The zones are labeled Assistant, Associate, Specialist and Senior.
Job families with only three levels do not have a Specialist zone.
1.0 The University of Nebraska will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate
against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or
disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. However,
employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or
applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other
employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to
compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint
or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including
an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the University’s legal
duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c)
1.0 A performance evaluation shall be performed on all regular employees. The purpose is to
review the employee’s overall performance and achievement with respect to the
“essential functions” and other job/performance related objectives according to the
position(s) they occupy. It is intended that the evaluation process enable an employee to
become aware of the importance of their work, manner of performance, and the level of
performance the supervisor expects.
1.1 A performance evaluation is recommended within six months of initial hire and is required at
least annually.
1.2 A memorandum of record or other written document may be used whenever the supervisor
desires to record noteworthy performance - either favorable or unfavorable.
2.0 The supervisor shall discuss the employee’s performance using a written document or electronic
performance evaluation tool with the employee. The employee shall receive a copy of the
completed evaluation. It is intended that the discussion provide
(a) an opportunity to clarify job duties and responsibilities and establish performance
University of Nebraska Administration
(b) a setting for discussing an employee’s strengths and areas for needed improvement,
(c) identifying goals and professional development for the next evaluation period
3.0 The employee must be offered the opportunity to comment and submit a written response to their
performance evaluation which shall be retained with the completed evaluation in the employee’s
official HR/Personnel file.
3.1 An employee’s signature on their performance evaluation is required to establish that an
evaluation was conducted and that the employee had an opportunity to review its contents.
3.2 Performance evaluations are not subject to the grievance process.
1.0 With the evolution of the paper to electronic files, the traditional paper employee
personnel file has changed. Records containing employee information may be kept in
electronic or paper form and may be maintained in several different electronic systems
and physical locations. All employee personnel files shall be secured in strict
conformance with federal and state laws and University Bylaws governing the
confidentiality of information. Employment records will be kept according to the
Employment Records Retention Schedule for the University of Nebraska.
2.0 Employees may view their records in the applicable administrative unit’s Human
Resources office at any time during regular working hours upon appropriate advance
notice to Human Resources. The employee must present a staff identification card before
access to records will be granted.
Contents of individual employee files vary and the records may be maintained in electronic
or paper form in several different sources. A typical personnel file may include some or
all of the following:
Letters of offer and acceptance of employment
Job descriptions
Personnel action forms and personnel data forms
Performance evaluations
Performance counseling forms, forms showing corrective action
Letters of commendation
Outside employment authorization form(s)
4.0 Reports, letters, and documents which reflect unfavorably on an employee shall not be
placed in the personnel file without their knowledge. Records of disciplinary action shall
be maintained in the personnel file for a specified period, according to the University’s
Records Retention Policy.
5.0 Information which reflects unfavorably, except information originated by the employee,
shall not be placed in an employee's file subsequent to the discharge, resignation, or
retirement of such employee, unless a copy of such information is mailed to the
employee, within 30 calendar days, at the last known address of the employee.
University of Nebraska Administration
The following documents should not be included in the personnel file and instead should
be kept in a separate file. Such documents should be accessible by the applicable
administrative unit’s Human Resources office:
EEO/invitation to self-identify disability or veteran status records
Reference checks
Background checks
Drug test results
Employment Eligibility Verification forms (Form I-9)
E-Verify forms
Medical records (medical questionnaires, doctors notes, leave of absence records,
ADA accommodation related records
FMLA-related documents
Crisis Leave authorization
Injury Report & Workers’ compensation claims
Requests for employment/payroll verification/ loan verification requests
Immigration processing paperwork
Recruitment file documents
Interview notes and employment test results
Job Descriptions
Non Select Rationale
1.0 Employees of the University enjoy the full right of citizens to participate in the political
life of the State of Nebraska and the United States. The welfare of the University,
however, requires that each employee perform the duties of their position without the
interference of outside activities. The following policies, therefore, shall apply to
employees engaging in political activity.
2.0 An employee of the University, contemplating filing as a candidate for any part-time
public office or entering upon the performance of the duties of any part-time public
office to which they may be elected or appointed, shall notify the Chancellor and
appropriate dean or division head of their intention to do so. It shall be the duty of the
Chancellor to determine to what extent such political activities will interfere with the
employee's regular duties and to decide to what extent their duties and compensation
shall be curtailed.
3.0 The criteria to be used in determining the extent to which such political activities
interfere with the performance of regular duties of the employee shall be:
3.1 The time which the employee will be required to devote to such political activities
during the period assigned for the performance of their duties to the University.
University of Nebraska Administration
3.2 The time which, in the absence of such political activities, the employee would devote to
University duties, such as administrative, class, laboratory, research, extension,
counseling, meeting schedules, necessary preparation for the performance of their duties,
3.3 The duration of such political activities and duties.
4.0 The curtailment of an employee's duties and compensation shall follow the principle that
adjustments in duties and compensation shall be commensurate with the degree of
interference with an employee's regular duties.
5.0 An employee seeking a full-time public office shall be required to take a leave of
absence without pay during the semester in which they shall be a candidate for either the
primary or general elections. Such leaves of absence shall commence no later than the
date on which a candidate must file for that office. If the operation of the department
requires, the chair may request such candidate to take a leave of absence starting with the
opening of the semester in which such election is to be held. Leaves of absence taken for
political purposes shall be for the balance of the semester during which such leave is
started. In the event the employee shall be elected or appointed to a full-time public
office, they must resign their position with the University effective on the date of
commencing the new office.
1.0 Every employee’s first six months following their hire date is considered their
“probationary period” for the purpose of determining an employee's suitability for the
position they occupy.
1.1 An employee may have their “probationary period” extended, normally not be longer than
180 days, unless extenuating circumstances exist resulting in an extension no more than
12 months.
2.0 If it is determined during the “probationary period” that the services of an employee
have not been acceptable, the employee shall be notified in writing of the date
employment is to be terminated. In such cases of termination an employee shall not have
recourse through the grievance process except for cases of alleged discrimination.
3.0 Unless otherwise provided by the Board of Regents, no “probationary” employee shall
receive a salary increase except in the event of a promotion.
3.1 The serving of a probationary period shall not prevent an employee from being promoted
to a position of a higher classification.
3.2 The probationary period for the new classification of position the employee is being
promoted to shall begin with the date of the new appointment.
4.0 Employees transferred to positions of another classification during their probationary
period must satisfy all conditions required for an original appointment to the
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 Beginning with the University of Nebraska charter in 1869, Nebraska law has provided
that no person shall be deprived of the privileges of this institution because of sex.
Discrimination on the basis of sex is also prohibited by Federal law. The University of
Nebraska has programs to promote awareness of and to help prevent domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and to assist members of the university
community who are affected by such behavior. Rape, acquaintance rape, domestic
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment and stalking are against the
law and are unacceptable behaviors under University of Nebraska policy. These
unacceptable behaviors are hereafter referred to as “sexual misconduct.” Sexual
misconduct is conduct in violation of University policy and state and federal law that the
University will take action to eliminate, prevent, and redress once the University has
notice that sexual misconduct has occurred.
2.0 The President and Chancellor shall implement procedures to address the rights of all
individuals involved in cases of alleged sexual misconduct. This policy applies to all
University of Nebraska employees and students regardless of sexual orientation or
gender identity, and to all programs and activities under the jurisdiction of the University
of Nebraska. The University may respond to complaints of sexual misconduct whether
they are alleged to have occurred on or off University premises and to complaints of
misconduct committed by third parties who are not employees or students.
3.0 The University has implemented policies and procedures to address the rights of all
individuals involved in cases of alleged sexual misconduct. These apply to all University
of Nebraska employees and students regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity,
and to all programs and activities under the jurisdiction of the University of Nebraska.
They provide information regarding the University’s efforts related to sexual
misconduct, as well as how the University will proceed once it is made aware of sexual
misconduct in keeping with our institutional values and to meet our legal obligations
under Title IX and other relevant law.
The University of Nebraska’s Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures for Student
Sexual Misconduct Complaints are available below.
University of Nebraska Sexual Misconduct Policy
University of Nebraska Procedures for Student Sexual Misconduct Complaints
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0. Objective:
The University of Nebraska is committed to preventing workplace violence and to
maintaining a safe work environment for all employees. To ensure a safe workplace and
to reduce the risk of violence, all employees should review and understand all provisions
of this workplace violence policy.
2.0. Scope of Policy:
All faculty and staff are covered under this policy.
3.0. Prohibited Conduct:
The University will not tolerate any type of workplace violence committed by or against
employees. Employees are prohibited from any conduct, including verbal or nonverbal
conduct that is physically threatening or results in violent behavior.
This list of behaviors, while not inclusive, provides examples of conduct that is
Causing physical injury to another person;
Making threatening remarks;
Aggressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to
another person or subjects another individual to emotional distress;
Intentionally damaging University property or property of another
employee or student;
Possession of firearms, weapons, fireworks and other dangerous or
hazardous devices or substances on University property without proper
Conduct that intimidates, or coerces another employee, customer, student,
vendor, or solicitors.
4.0. Procedures
All threats of (or actual) violence, both direct and indirect, should be reported as soon as
possible to your immediate supervisor, or the safety/security office on your
campus/worksite. This includes threats by employees, as well as threats by customers,
students, vendors, solicitors, or other members of the public. When reporting a threat of
violence, the person providing the information should be as specific and detailed as
possible. (Who, what, when, where, how)? Reports can be made anonymously and all
reported incidents will be investigated. Reports or incidents will be handled
appropriately and information will only be disclosed to others only on a need-to-know
5.0 Disciplinary Actions
Threats, threatening conduct, or any other acts of aggression or violence in the
workplace will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
1.0 All employees shall work according to established work schedules for the purpose of
maintaining continuity in the administration of the University.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.1 The normal workweek shall be forty (40) hours.
1.2 Work schedules may provide for a lunch period that is unpaid, and may provide for two
rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes each per workday. Such rest periods shall be paid and
are, therefore, considered a privilege granted to employees.
1.3 Work schedules shall specify that in certain instances an employee may be required to
work overtime.
1.4 All hours worked in overtime status shall be compensated in accordance with the
regulations governing the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
1.0 The University of Nebraska shall apply the following standards prohibiting improper
payroll deductions.
1.1 The new "Fair Pay1'regulations of the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) effective
August 23, 2004, prohibit the University from making improper payroll deductions from
an employee's pay. To comply with the provisions of the Act the University will take the
appropriate actions for all improper payroll deductions.
2.0 Process
2.1 An employee's salary is intended to cover all hours worked, and the University intends to
pay employees, subject to the provisions of the Act, and will not make deductions from
an employee’s salary that are prohibited under FLSA. If an employee believes their
salary includes improper deductions, or errors, or their salary is incorrect, based on
wages earned, they should immediately report the incident to the payroll office or human
resources division.
2.2 The payroll office or human resources division will conduct a prompt review, and if
appropriate, remedy any improper deduction, payroll error, or incorrect paychecks
during the next regularly scheduled pay period/cycle. In addition, remedial actions will
be taken to prevent the occurrence of the same or similar improper deductions in the
2.3 Employees who register a complaint alleging improper deductions from their salary shall
not be subject to disciplinary or other adverse action as a result of making a complaint.
Each campus will designate individuals within the human resources division or payroll
office to assist employees with their pay issues or inaccuracies.
2.4 Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Human Resources
Department/Payroll Administration offices.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 All employees except those exempted by Section 81-117 of Revised Statutes, 1943, and
except as provided below, who are required to work in excess of forty (40) hours in any
work week shall be paid at a rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular hourly
rate or monthly rate prorated on an hourly basis for each hour worked in excess of forty
(40) in any work week.
1.1 Agricultural employees shall be paid overtime compensation for hours worked in excess
of fifty (50) in any workweek.
1.2 Employees working within organized segments of the University which are primarily
engaged in the care of persons residing on the premises who are sick, aged, or mentally
ill or defective shall be paid overtime for hours worked in excess of eight (8) per day or
eighty (80) per fourteen consecutive calendar days.
1.3 Compensatory time off may be granted in lieu of overtime compensation, subject to the
prior approval of the employee’s supervisor. Compensatory time-off will be awarded at
the rate of one and one-half hours off for each overtime hour worked.
1.3.1 In general, employees may not accrue more than 60 hours of compensatory time off (120
hours in the case of employees involved in public safety activities or seasonal work).
Employees who accrue more than 60 (or 120) hours of compensatory time off shall be
paid for additional overtime hours as provided in paragraph 1.0.
1.3.2 Employees who have requested to use accrued compensatory time off shall be permitted
to use such time within a reasonable period after making such request if the use of the
compensatory time off does not unduly disrupt the operation of the department.
1.3.3 All accumulated compensatory time off must be taken (or paid) prior to the receipt of a
promotional salary increase or any type of salary decrease on the part of the employee.
1.3.4 Employees who terminate employment shall be paid for accrued compensatory time off
as provided in paragraph 1.0.
1.3.5 Records on accumulated but unused compensatory time off shall be kept as part of the
regular time reporting system.
2.0 The payment of overtime compensation shall not apply to managerial-professional
employees that are classified exempt according to the Fair Labor Standards act criterion
professional, executive, or administrative in nature, and
by custom in business, industry and other institutions of higher education
2.1 However, positions classified exempt from overtime may require an individual to work
extra and irregular hours.
2.2 Acceptance of such position constitutes the employee's acknowledgment that such
requirement is a part of an obligation to the University of Nebraska as an employee.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The salary administration policy of the University of Nebraska shall be applicable to all
regular University of Nebraska Office/ Service and Managerial/Professional positions.
The purpose of the NU Values compensation program is to provide effective, equitable,
and market relevant rates of compensation to the incumbents of Office/ Service and
Managerial/Professional positions. The program will identify salary levels needed to be
sufficiently competitive in order to attract and retain highly qualified employees.
2.0 Authorities and Responsibilities
2.1 The Vice President for Business and Finance, University Administration, with the advice
and consultation of the Council of Business Officers, shall be responsible for the
maintenance and revision of the University-wide NU Values.
2.2 The University Administration Director of Human Resources shall coordinate the
administration of the NU Values Program to include conducting an annual salary survey
to determine appropriate salary bands for the NU Values Program.
2.3 Revisions or amendments to the NU Values Program to include but not limited to
Family Composition, Salary Bands, Zone determinations, Market Impact, and Program
Training, shall be recommended by University Administration's Director of Human
Resources, to the Vice President of Business and Finance with the consultation of the
campus Human Resources Directors, at least annually. Any revisions or amendments to
the NU Values Salary Structure will be reviewed by the campus Budget Officers as to the
fiscal impact. 2.4 The Human Resources Directors shall be responsible for the day-to-day
administration of the NU Values program at the campus level.
3.0 NU Values Salary Structure
3.1 The University-wide NU Values salary structure within the Job Families for Office/Service and
Managerial/Professional staff shall consist of a prescribed set of salary bands and zones with
minimum and maximum rates.
4.0 Administration of the NU Values Program
4.1 No employee shall receive a salary that is less than the minimum rate or greater than the
maximum rate of the Job Family Zone to which their position has been allocated unless
specifically authorized by the appropriate Administrative Office. Appropriate Administrative
Office is defined as Chancellor, Dean, Vice Chancellor or the designee of said offices.
4.1.1 The hiring authority will be responsible for determining the starting salary for a new University
They are encouraged to utilize the criteria prescribed in the NU Values Program including, but
not limited to:
Market relevance
University of Nebraska Administration
Other University employee salaries
Competencies of the new hire
Fiscal resources available
4.2 When a campus Human Resources Director finds that economic or employment conditions make
recruitment of qualified applicants within a Job Family Zone difficult, the Council of Business
Officers may, subject to budgetary limitations, authorize maximum rate adjustments of a Job
Family Zone.
4.2.1 Salary surveys shall be utilized in relevant labor markets. The University of Nebraska labor market
is defined as an area of national, regional, or local scope encompassing a competitive market or
relevant employer in which employees are either gained or lost. Salary surveys shall be prepared at least annually under the direction of the University
Administration Human Resources Director. The survey will be used in the NU Values program
as the basis to determine market relevance, per section 4.1.1, to justify request for salary increases
of Office/Service and Managerial/Professional employees and to determine the allocation of salary
increase funding to ensure equity in financial support.
4.2.2 Employees who are employed in a market-impacted position may have their rate of pay adjusted to
the newly established range.
4.3 Administrative Changes in Salary
4.3.1 Advancement within the same Job Family Zone may occur because of the assignment and/or
performance of additional duties within the same scope of their current position. Salary
increases within a zone may warrant an increase in pay up to 10%. Increases of more than 10%
require prior approval from the campus Human Resources Director.
4.3.2 Promotion to a higher zone in the same Job Family may occur when an employee accepts or is
re-assigned to a position that is in a higher zone. Salary increases for promotions may warrant an
increase in pay up to 20%. Increases of more than 20% require prior approval from the campus
Human Resources Director.
4.3.3 Salary increases for purposes described in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 or 5.0 may not exceed 2 occurrences in
a fiscal year without prior approval from the campus Human Resources Director. Salary
increases based on legislative appropriations and action by the Board of Regents, normally given
on July 1 each year, are not included in these two occurrences.
4.3.4 A Transfer occurs when an employee accepts a position in the same Job Family and Zone in a
different Organizational Unit. Employees who transfer shall be treated as a new hire for pay
4.3.5 A Voluntary Reduction occurs when an employee accepts or requests to be placed in a lower
zone within the same Job Family. Voluntary reductions may require a pay reduction. Some
circumstances, for example the rate of pay for other employees in the department, may be
considered as reasons for a decrease in pay.
4.3.6 Demotions are corrective actions or disciplinary reductions in an employee's job assignment or
pay. In the case of a demotion for cause, a decrease in the employee's pay is generally made.
Organizational units must receive Human Resources approval before taking any disciplinary
actions that affect an employee's compensation or employment status.
University of Nebraska Administration
5.0 Performance Increases
5.1 Employees may be granted increases in salary for performance. An employee must have worked
in the same Job Family and Zone for at least six (6) months in order to be eligible for a
performance increase. Performance increases shall be treated according to Sections 4.3.3 and 5.1
through 5.4. The total amount of performance increases given to an employee per year may not
be greater than ten (10) percent.
5.2 All performance increases shall be supported by written evidence of the employee's
performance, which is on file in the employee's HR/Personnel file.
5.3 Consistent with Executive Policy, performance increases shall only be granted on January 1 and
July 1, if sufficient funds for such increases are available.
5.4 Performance increases granted under Section 5.0 are considered to be separate from any increase
pursuant to the policies governing annual increases generated by legislative appropriations.
6.0 Other Salary Adjustments
6.1 Adjustments in salary may be made to address factors other than those listed in 4.3.1, 4.3.2
and 5.0. Some circumstances, for example to recruit or retain an employee as a result of an offer by
another employer, may be considered as reasons for an increase in pay. Salary adjustments of this
nature may not exceed the established zone and require prior approval from the campus Human
Resources Director.
7.0 Appeal Procedures
7.1 If there is a disagreement regarding the job family/zone assignment of a position, a request for
additional review may be made by contacting your campus HR office. Decisions regarding job
family and zone assignment may not be appealed through the formal grievance process.
1.0 The approach described below is the established guideline for Managerial/Professional and
Office/Service staff, concurrent with the procedures outlined in the Board of Regents Bylaws.
2.0 Upon Death, the salary of a full-time academic-administrative staff member shall terminate at the
end of the month in which the death occurs. Provided, however, that this provision in no way
abrogates the right to receive salary earned, but not yet paid because of the method of prorating
academic-year salaried over a 12-month period.
Consequently, upon Death
Members of the Managerial and Professional staff shall have their salary terminate at the end of
the month in which the death occurs.
Members of the Office and Service staff shall have their pay terminate at the end of the two-
week pay period in which the death occurs.
4.0 It is the responsibility of each campus Human Resource Office to process salary terminations and
payout upon death according to the above guidelines.
University of Nebraska Administration
1.0 A shift differential of up to ten (10) percent of base rate may be paid to eligible employees
scheduled to work on the evening or night shift. This differential is intended to provide additional
compensation for working during a generally less desirable time period.
1.1 Staff nurses on the third shift may receive shift differential of up to 15 (fifteen) percent.
2.0 A shift differential shall not be considered part of an annual salary rate or hourly rate; but shall be
subject to federal and state deductions.
3.0 Only those employees eligible for overtime compensation are eligible to receive a shift differential
(see Overtime Compensation policy).