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The Future of the Land Grant Law School The Future of the Land Grant Law School
Johanna Kalb
University of Idaho College of Law
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64(9) Advocate 14 (2021)
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Advocate • September 2021
e Future of the Land Grant Law School
Dean Johanna Kalb
Featured Article
his summer, I had the great honor of
taking over the helm of the Univer-
sity of Idaho College of Law. In so
doing, I joined a small and special group
of deans who have the privilege of leading
land grant law schools. In my preparation
for the transition, I was surprised at how
little has been written about the distinctive
identity and mission of these institutions.
In my view, this represents a missed op-
portunity, particularly in this challenging
moment in legal education.
In this essay, I provide a brief overview
of the unique history of land grant institu-
tions and then describe the ways in which
our founding mission should inform our
vision at land grant law schools. I close by
highlighting the ways in which we are liv-
ing our land grant identity at the Univer-
sity of Idaho College of Law and describe
some of our plans for the future.
The past and present of
land grant law schools
Despite the signicance of our land
grant institutions, their history is not wide-
ly known.
In 1862, Congress passed the
Morrill Act which gave each state 30,000
acres of land per federal representative for
the purpose of creating public universi-
At the time, “a college degree was
largely obtainable only by wealthy, white,
urban males.
us, the goal of these new
land grant institutions was to begin to de-
mocratize access to education “to promote
scientic farming, produce skilled labor,
foster technological innovation, bolster
transportation, and inculcate civic knowl-
e d ge .”
Because of the Morrill Acts emphasis
on agriculture and engineering, land grant
institutions, including the University of
Idaho (“UI”), have been leaders in farm-
ing innovation and are signicant contrib-
utors both to our national economy and to
managing the worlds food supply.
Our success in the agricultural space
has sometimes masked the broader mis-
sion of the land grant institutions. e
Morrill Act was adopted in the early years
of the Civil War when the future of the
American democratic experiment was
very much in doubt. By making a uni-
versity education more broadly accessible,
Republicans in Congress hoped that these
institutions would lay the foundation for
more representative, and therefore more
eective, leadership for the nation.
should not be surprising, therefore, that
universities like ours viewed the opening
of law schools as key to their mandate.
Fast forward to the present day, and
there are now just under 200 accredited
law schools in the United States, a small
fraction of which are part of land grant
e world of legal educa-
Photos courtesy of the University of Idaho.
Advocate • September 2021 15
As I see it, our role in this moment is to model
ways to ofer a quality education at a price
that makes a law degree a smart investment.
tion, and higher education more generally,
is a challenging place these days. We have
faced years of declining nancial support
and relatedly—a public that is increasingly
questioning the value of what we have to
We are being pushed by our accredi-
tors (rightly in my view) to be more ac-
countable for our students’ success on the
bar exam
and in the job market.
the tyranny of national rankings means
that we face growing pressures to compete
on a variety of standard metrics, some of
which are of questionable value, and none
land-grant institutions were radical not
just in their orientation toward “the indus-
trial classes,
but also in that they were
among the earliest co-educational univer-
sities in the United States.
In 1890, the second Morrill Act banned
racial discrimination in land grant institu-
tions but allowed states to meet this ob-
ligation by creating “separate institutions
of like character.
e result was the es-
tablishment of a new group of colleges and
universities, primarily in the South, aimed
at educating Black Americans.
In 1994, land grant status was extend-
e average cost of law school tuition
nationally has reached approximate-
ly $47,000 per year in tuition and fees
alone for out of state students at public
and private universities.
For students
without personal or family resources, the
law school debt burden can easily reach
As I see it, our role in this moment is
to model ways to oer a quality education
at a price that makes a law degree a smart
investment. We can draw on our experi-
ence as the original colleges and universi-
ties of access to build stronger and more
eective pipelines into law school and into
the profession. And we can share our his-
tories, as a way of highlighting the trans-
formative eect that democratizing access
to education has, not only on our students
and their families, but on the leadership
and economies of our states.
ese commitments do not come with-
out a cost. For example, there is a strong
and unsurprising correlation between so-
cioeconomic status and standardized test
at means law schools
need to make choices between ensur-
ing access and succeeding in the national
rankings. Dollars spent (or foregone) to
make tuition aordable or to provide ad-
ditional tutoring and bar preparation as-
sistance cannot be used to support faculty
scholarship or upgrade our buildings.
Yet, if we in the land grant law schools
give up on these students as too costly to
recruit and educate, we are, in my view,
losing sight of our special purpose that
distinguishes us from all other institutions
of higher education and that has made us
so transformative in the lives of our stu-
dents and in the progress of our nation.
Community engagement
is brings me to the second guid-
ing value: community engagement. Land
grants, unlike their private counterparts,
were designed to provide education and
build research capacity in ways that would
provide direct and practical benets to the
nations economy. Declining public sup-
port for our institutions reects, at least
at some level, a failure either to build ef-
fective community partnerships or, more
likely, to communicate their successes to
key stakeholders and the public.
which focus on our relationship with the
communities in which we are embedded.
e 21
century law school is being asked
to be all things for everyone. e chal-
lenge for us is to nd and follow a vision
that meets the many competing demands
of the present moment. But a particular
strength of land grant law schools is that
our founding mission oers key principles
to guide us, even as we learn from and
contribute to the national dialogue on le-
gal education.
e rst core principle for land grant
law schools is access. e mission of the
land grant institution was to make higher
education available outside of urban elite
communities, an inspiring vision that is
still being realized. Many of the earliest
ed to 25 tribal colleges and universities, a
small step toward providing Native com-
munities with access to the educational
system that their ancestral land was used
to house and to fund.
Subsequent legis-
lation has included funding for some pro-
gramming at Hispanic-serving colleges
and universities.
With formal de jure discrimination no
longer a barrier to educational access, the
work for land grant institutions has turned
to smoothing the path for students who
are the rst in their families to attend col-
lege, and for those from under-represent-
ed communities. And this work is more
crucial than ever. e complexity of the
application process and the skyrocketing
costs of tuition have recreated some of the
barriers to access that the land grants were
founded to overcome.
Advocate • September 2021
Fortunately, the trend in law schools
over the last few decades has been toward
an emphasis on practical or “experiential”
Law schools are now required
to ensure that students build their lawyer-
ing skills in addition to learning doctrine,
oen by representing real clients under
faculty supervision in clinics or through
externships with legal and business em-
ployers. Relatedly, law school faculty are
also increasingly engaged in public schol-
arship, designed to leverage legal theory to
solve real-world problems.
Land grant law schools have real
choices to make about how to support and
structure these kinds of opportunities, giv-
en the wide range of engaging work of in-
terest to students and faculty. In my view,
our land grant mission again provides us
with guidance about where to invest our
resources. Idaho, like most other states, is
experiencing a legal services crisis. Half of
Idahos 44 counties have fewer than 10 at-
torneys, including those who work for the
government. Five of those counties have
no private counsel and three have no at-
torneys at all.
For many Idahoans look-
ing to adopt a child, start a business, invest
in a piece of land, or dra a will, legal ser-
vices are simply inaccessible.
Under these circumstances, our
founding ideals would suggest that we pri-
oritize providing critical legal services to
communities in need in our state, while
working with our partners in the bench
and bar to develop creative ways to build
capacity over the longer-term.
Public accountability
A nal principle that should inform
our direction is public accountability,
which dovetails with the ideas of access
and community engagement. As schools
compete for tuition dollars, many students
are treated increasingly as consumers
rather than beneciaries of higher educa-
tion, even at public colleges and universi-
Together with the growing nancial
burden, this sends the message to students
that their investment in higher education
is a personal, rather than societal one.
is orientation shapes, in both pragmatic
and philosophical ways, the decisions that
graduates make about how to use their de-
grees. Paying it back makes it harder to
pay it forward. And if the public does not
see the graduates of their universities en-
gaged in work to better the lives of people
in the state, its support declines, and the
cycle continues.
As land grant law schools, our success
depends upon reversing these trends and
repairing the relationship between our-
selves, our students, and the people of our
states. Our students should understand
the charge and responsibility that comes
with being graduates of our special insti-
tutions. And, as professional schools, we
should work actively to facilitate connec-
tions between our graduates and commu-
nities in need around the state, so that the
public can see the direct benets of their
investment in us.
Advocate • September 2021 17
The future of legal
education in Idaho
Fortunately, much is happening in
land grant law schools, and particularly
at the University of Idaho College of Law,
that supports these goals. As an access
institution, we have remained committed
to controlling tuition prices, with the re-
sult that Idahoans can attend the College
of Law at half the price of the average law
school. With your support, we are work-
ing to further defray these costs, most
recently through the launch of the Tribal
Homeland Scholarship Program, which
provides a $10,000 scholarship to success-
ful applicants who are members of feder-
ally recognized tribes.
We know too that cost is only one of
the challenges that face rst-generation
and minoritized law students. is year,
we have grown our academic success and
bar preparation program with the hiring
of three new faculty to help ensure that all
our students are successful in law school
and in their transition to the practice.
Our community engagement priori-
tizes the needs of Idahoans and our dual
campus structure allows us to be present
in more ways around the state. Our fac-
ulty continues to research solutions to the
issues facing our state, from the challenges
posed by growth in Boise, to the regula-
tion of teacher certication, to the man-
agement of our water resources.
is fall, we will launch our grant-
funded Housing Clinic, which will work
to address the pressures of rising home
prices on Idahoans. is brings us to
a total of ve in-house clinics, which is
impressive for a public law school of our
size. We also have a growing externship
program, supervised by clinical faculty in
Boise and Moscow.
Our new faculty hires arriving this fall
will strengthen our Business Law program,
which is training lawyers to support our
states growing economy, and our Native
American Law Program, which prepares
our students, both Native and non-Native,
to serve the tribes’ work in economic de-
velopment, environmental restoration,
and the provision of social services.
Finally, we continue to nd ways to be
in relationship with the people of Idaho, to
highlight our gratitude for their sustain-
ing support, and to instill in our students
a commitment to the community that has
invested in their education. As part of
our mission through the Idaho Law and
Justice Learning Center, we host training
institutes for teachers and for journalists.
We also, in partnership with the Idaho Su-
preme Court, continue to house and serve
the State Law Library in service to the
public. And every student who graduates
from our law school is required to com-
plete 50 pro bono hours, which helps lay
the foundation for a lifetime of service.
Of course, we can and will strive to do
better. We will continue to explore new
ways to reach rst generation students
around the state, and facilitate their access
to law school, including through expand-
ing our partnerships with Idahos other
public and private institutions. We hope
to expand our presence to better meet the
needs of Idahos rural communities, guid-
ed by students and recent graduates in our
Agricultural Law Society. I have heard
from so many of you already about your
desire to welcome our students into your
towns and counties and your willingness
to share with them the challenges and the
tremendous rewards of lawyering in these
places. A goal for me is to nd summer
funding for students to pursue these op-
portunities as a way of building their con-
nections with all you.
And we will continue to provide a fo-
rum for discussion and debate on issues of
interest to Idahoans, fullling our unique
role as an intellectual community for the
residents of our state, and modeling for
our students the leadership we expect
them to exercise as graduates. For those
of you who are alumni of our institution,
expect to hear from me – we hope that you
will return to our campuses oen to share
your stories with us and our students.
One of the most attractive qualities
of this deanship is the strong connection
between the law school and the bench
Advocate • September 2021
and bar. I understand our status as a land
grant law school to mean that your role in
visioning the future of Idahos legal edu-
cation is at least as important as mine. I
look forward to many conversations and
collaborations in the months to come.
Johanna Kalb was appoint-
ed to serve as the Dean of the
University of Idaho College
of Law in May 2021. She is
the rst woman to serve in
this role. Prior to her dean-
ship, Dean Kalb was the
Associate Dean of Administration and Spe-
cial Initiatives and Edward J. Womac Jr.
Distinguished Professor of Law at Loyola
University New Orleans School of Law.
Her research and teaching interests include
constitutional law, federal courts, and the
law of detention and democracy. She is a
co-author, with Martha F. Davis and Risa
Kaufman, of the rst law school textbook
focused on domestic human rights, Human
Rights Advocacy in the United States (West,
2014). Her recent scholarship appears in
U.C. Irvine Law Review, the Yale Journal of
International Law, the Yale Law and Policy
Review, and the Stanford Journal of Civil
Rights and Civil Liberties, as well as the
Washington Law Review Online, the NYU
Law Review Online, and the Yale Law Jour-
nal Forum.
From 2014 to 2016, Kalb served as Vis-
iting Associate Professor of Law and Direc-
tor of the Arthur Liman Public Interest Pro-
gram at Yale Law School. Dean Kalb is a
graduate of Yale Law School and the Johns
Hopkins University School of Advanced
International Studies where she completed
her M.A. in International Relations with a
focus on African Studies. Aer law school,
she served as a clerk for the Honorable E.
Grady Jolly of the United States Court of
Appeals for the Fih Circuit and the Hon-
orable Ellen Segal Huvelle of the District
Court of the District of Columbia. She is
admitted to practice in the States of Missis-
sippi and New York.
1. I received helpful feedback on this essay from my
colleagues Michele Bartlett, Don Burnett, Wendy Cou-
ture, Aliza Cover, Benji Cover, Teresa Koeppel, Richard
Seamon, and Jodi Walker. Tenielle Fordyce-Ruff and
the Advocate Board provided excellent editorial assis-
tance. My views here were informed by conversations
with the Justices of the Idaho Supreme Court and the
leadership of the State Bar. I am grateful for their time
and support of the College. This essay draws on the
work of Professor Stephen M. Gavazzi of Ohio State
University and President E. Gordon Gee of West Virgin-
ia University, whose passion for land grant institutions
has helped to inspire my own.
stePheN m. gavazzi & e. gordoN gee, laNd graNt
uNiversities for the future: higher eduCatioN for the Pub-
liC good 29 (2018).
3. u.s. CoNgressioNal researCh serviCe, the u.s. laNd-
graNt uNiversity system: aN overvieW 5 (R45897; Aug.
29, 2019), by Genevieve Croft (hereinafter
U.S. Land-
Grant University System
gavazzi & gee,
note2, at 43.
5. Margaret A. Nash,
The Dark History of Land-Grant
, Wash. Post (Nov. 8, 2019), at https://
gavazzi & gee,
note 2, at 38.
7. the hartford guNN iNstitute, eduCatioNal teleCommuNi-
CatioNs: aN eleCtroNiC laNd graNt for the 21st CeNtury,
CurreNt (Oct. 22, 1995),
available at
http:// www.cur-
Clifford W. youNg, baCkgrouNd for develoPiNg a sys-
tem of hisPaNiC-serviNg laNd-graNt Colleges 3 (undated
manuscript prepared for the Hispanic Association of
Colleges and Universities),
available at
hacu.net/images/hacu/young.pdf (last visited July
11, 2021).
List of ABA-Approved Law Schools
tion/resources/aba_approved_law_schools/ (last
visited July 11, 2021).
gavazzi & gee,
note 2, at 61-62.
10. Andrew Kreighbaum,
Persistent Partisan Break-
down on Higher Education
, iNside higher ed (Aug.
20, 2019), https://www.insidehighered.com/
11. Janelle McPherson,
ABA changes law school ac-
creditation standard because of COVID
, NatioNal Ju-
rist (Dec. 17, 2020) https://www.nationaljurist.com/
ABA Standard 509, https://www.americanbar.
ter5.pdf (last visited July 11, 2021) (requiring public
disclosure on the law school website of consumer in-
formation including employment outcomes).
13. Act of July 2, 1862 (Morrill Act) § 4, PL 37-108 (codi-
fied as amended at 7 U.S.C. § 301).
See generally
aNdrea g. radke-moss, bright ePoCh:
WomeN aNd CoeduCatioN iN the ameriCaN West (2008).
15. u.s. laNd-graNt uNiversity system,
note ii at 6.
16. Stephanie Y. Brown,
Land Grant Universities and
Access in the Millennium: A Mandate to Re-Capture
Service Opportunities in Under-Represented Com-
, 13 u.d.C. l. rev. 219, 222 (2010).
note iv.
See also
Robert Lee &
Tristan Ahtone,
Land-Grab Universities
, high CouNtry
NeWs (Mar. 30, 2020).
18. u.s. laNd-graNt uNiversity system,
note 3, at 1.
19. Ilana Kowarski,
10 Most Expensive Law Schools
u.s. NeWs (Jun. 7, 2021), https://www.usnews.com/
Letter From Society of American Law Teach-
ers to Maureen O’Rourke, Chair, ABA Section on
Legal Education and Admission to the Bar re: State-
ment in
Support of Eliminating the Standard 503
Requirement that Every Prospective Student Sub-
mit a Standardized Admissions Test Score
(Mar. 31,
2018), https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/
LSAT scores also vary tremendously by racial group,
with Blacks and Latinos scoring lower than Whites and
Asians. Marisa Manzi & Nina Totenberg, Already Be-
hind’: Diversifying the Legal Profession Starts Before
the LSAT, NPR.org, (Dec. 22, 2020), https://www.npr.
sifying-the-legal-profession-starts-before-the-lsat. It
should perhaps unsurprising, therefore, that law is the
least racially diverse profession in the country.
gavazzi & gee,
note 2, at 27-31 (describ-
ing the communication challenges land-grant univer-
sity leaders have in communicating the value of these
institutions to their different constituencies).
See generally
Peter A. Joy,
The Uneasy History of
Experiential Education in U.S. Law Schools
, 122 diCkiN-
soN l. rev. 551 (2018).
23. This analysis was performed by Michele Bartlett of
the University of Idaho College of Law in 2020.
See also
stePhaNie l. kaNe, moNiCa reyNa & barbara
e. foltz, legal Needs assessmeNt: ssru teChNiCal re-
Port 12-08-20 (March 2013) (presenting comprehen-
sive survey data on the unmet legal needs of Idahoans
with household income below the statewide median).