Labour Program
Information on
Labour Standards
Part III of the Canada Labour Code (Labour Standards)
The Canada Labour Code, Part III sets out rights on termination of employment and governs Individual
Termination of Employment, Severance Pay, Unjust Dismissal and Group Termination.
The following questions and answers will be of interest to employers and employees working in the
federal jurisdiction. Publication 1- Summary describes the types of businesses covered by the Code.
1 What notice or payment in lieu of notice must be given
to an employee whose employment is being terminated?
An employer must provide an employee with at least two weeks written notice of their intention
to terminate the employment of an employee. In lieu of written notice, the employer must pay
two weeks wages at the regular rate to the employee.
Labour Program
2 Does the requirement for written notice or pay in lieu apply
to all employees?
This requirement applies to any employee whose employment is being terminated except
a) an employee who has not completed three consecutive months
of continuous employment;
b) an employee who terminates their own employment;
c) an employee who is dismissed for just cause;
d) an employee who is on a lay-off that does not constitute a termination of employment
(see question 6);
e) where the contract provides an end and that the work ends on that date.
3 Does the Code require an employee to give notice to their
employer when ending their own employment?
No. However, if there is an employment contract that contains a requirement to do so,
anemployee may be required to provide notice to their employer.
4 When does an employee qualify for severance pay?
An employee who has completed at least 12 consecutive months of continuous employment
qualies for severance pay.
5 How is severance pay calculated?
Severance pay is two days’ pay at the employee’s regular rate of wages for each full year
of employment, with a minimum of ve days’ pay.
6 Are there any absences from employment that do not
interrupt the continuity of employment?
Yes. Absences that do not interrupt the continuity of employment are lay-offs that are not
atermination of employment under the Code (see question 4) and absences permitted
orcondoned by the employer.
Labour Program
7 Is an employer required to provide severance pay
in all circumstances?
An employer is required to pay severance pay in all circumstances except as follows:
a) when a lay-off does not result in a termination of employment;
b) when an employment contract contains an end date and the contract ends;
c) when an employee is dismissed for just cause; and
d) when an employee quits or terminates their own employment.
8 Is a lay-off considered a termination of employment?
No. Certain types of lay-off do not constitute a termination of employment such as when:
a) a lay-off is a result of a strike or lockout;
b) the duration of the lay-off is three months or less;
c) the duration of the lay-off is for more than 3 months but not more than 12 months,
and the employee maintains recall rights pursuant to a collective agreement.
9 What happens if an employer is unable to recall
an employee to work during a lay-off?
The lay-off becomes a termination of employment, and the employer must pay severance pay
to the employee. In addition, if written notice of termination of employment was not provided,
pay in lieu of notice must be paid.
10 What happens if an employee does not return to work when
recalled while on a lay-off?
If the employee does not return to work, the employee has ended their employment and is not
entitled to severance pay and termination pay.
Labour Program
Part III of the Canada Labour Code provides a procedure for making complaints against a dismissal that
an employee considers to be unjust.
11 Who is entitled to protection from unjust dismissal?
All employees, managers excluded, who have completed at least 12 months of continuous
employment with the same employer and who are not covered by a collective agreement.
For more information on the unjust dismissal provisions of the Canada Labour Code,
see publication 8 – Unjust Dismissal.
12 What constitutes a group termination of employment?
A group termination of employment is the termination of employment of 50 or more employees
working at a single industrial establishment either on the same date or within any four-week period.
13 When an employer is planning a group termination
of employment, what must they do?
When a group termination of employment is planned, a federally regulated employer is required
to provide written notice to the Minister of Labour at least 16 weeks before the terminations
ofemployment are to take effect. An employer is also required to cooperate with the Canada
Employment Insurance Commission, provide affected employees with a statement of benets
and establish a Joint Planning Committee.
In addition to the notice provided to the Minister, the employer must give notice the each
employee affected by the terminations of employment.
Labour Program
14 What is an industrial establishment?
An industrial establishment is determined in one of two ways:
1. For the following employers, this is set out in the Canada Labour Standards Regulations
Schedule I:
a) Canadian Pacic Limited;
b) Canadian National Railway Company;
c) Via Rail Canada Inc.;
d) Air Canada; and
e) Bell Canada.
2. For remaining federal jurisdiction employers, the industrial establishment is determined
byconsulting the appropriate Employment Insurance Economic Region.
15 How is the four consecutive week period calculated?
The four-week period is calculated from the date of termination of employment of the rst
employee in the group whose employment is to be terminated and ends four weeks after.
Number of Affect Employees per Week
Example 0 1 0 0 48 49 0 1 0 0 1 49 0 0
Is this a
Termination of
1 Week 1 2 3 4 No
2 Week 1 2 3 4 Yes
3 Week 1 2 3 4 Yes
Example 1: A group termination of employment did not occur because there are less than 50 employees affected
during the four-week period. In this example, 49 employees were affected.
Example 2: A group termination of employment occurred because there are more than 50 employees affected
during the four-week period. In this example, 98 employees were affected.
Example 3: A group termination of employment occurred because there are 50 employees affected during the four-week period.
Labour Program
16 What information must an employer include in the notice?
A notice of group termination of employment must include:
a) the name of the employer;
b) the industry or type of business of the employer;
c) location or establishment where the affected employees work;
d) number of affected employees (both unionized and non-unionized);
e) date or dates of termination of employment;
f) union information, if applicable; and
g) the reason(s) for the group termination of employment.
To provide notice to the Minister of the group termination provisions, a form is available to assist
employers with the process.
17 To whom must an employer give notice
of a group termination?
The written notice of a group termination of employment is to be sent to
Minister of Labour, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0J2, with copies sent to:
Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0J9;
Canada Employment Insurance Commission, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0J9.
A copy of the notice should also be provided to the union representing affected employees.
Ifthere is no union, a copy of the notice should be provided to all affected employees.
Thisrequirement may be met by posting a copy of the notice in the work place where
affected employees can see it. This includes electronically posting the document as long
as all affected employees have access to the electronic system where the document is posted.
Labour Program
18 What is an employee entitled to when a group termination
of employment is being implemented?
At least two weeks before the last day of work, or earlier if possible, an employer must provide
the employee with a statement of benets which includes information on the employee’s wages,
vacation pay and severance pay owed. In addition, information on any other benets should
At the end of their employment, employees affected by a group termination of employment
should receive:
• all outstanding wages, including overtime pay and general holiday pay owed;
• vacation pay;
• termination pay, if two weeks written notice was not provided; and
• severance pay for employees with more than 12 months service.
19 What is a Joint Planning Committee?
A Joint Planning Committee is established by the employer to develop an adjustment program
aimed at minimizing the impact of the group termination of employment on affected employees.
Adjustment measures may include early retirement packages, job reassignment and training
within the organization, or assistance in nding new employment.
A Joint Planning Committee is set up when the notice is provided and continues until the end of
the notice period, usually 16 weeks. Members of the committee include employee and employer
representatives and they must hold their rst meeting within two weeks of the notice being
given to the Minister.
Within six weeks of the notice being given, the committee must complete an adjustment
program for affected employees setting out the adjustment measures.
If an adjustment program is not ready in six weeks or some members are not satised with
theproposed program, either the employees or employer representative may ask the Minister
ofLabour to appoint an Arbitrator to help resolve the dispute.
Labour Program
20 Is it possible for an employer to obtain a waiver from the
group termination of employment provisions?
Yes. An employer may seek a waiver of any or all of the following requirements:
a) to provide and post the 16-week written notice of group termination of employment;
b) to provide statement of benets to affected employees; or
c) to form a joint planning committee.
In order to be granted a waiver, an employer must show that applying the provisions would:
a) be unduly prejudicial to the interests of affected employees or of the employer;
b) be seriously detrimental to the employer’s operation; or
c) not be necessary, because similar measures exist under a collective agreement
orestablished employee adjustment program.
A request for waiver may be obtained by completing the form available from the Service
Canada website:le.
html?Group=HRSDC/LAB/LS and sending it to the Minister of Labour
at Ottawa, Ontario, K1A0J2.
This publication is provided for information only. For interpretation and application purposes, please refer
to Part III of the Canada Labour Code (Labour Standards), the Canada Labour Standards Regulations,
and relevant amendments.
Information about these provisions may be obtained from the Labour Program by calling toll free
at1-800-641-4049, by visiting the website at
development/programs/employment-standards/federal-standards.html or by submitting
yourquestions or comments through the Labour Program Contact Us form.
Information on Labour Standards -
10 Rights on Termination of Employment
This publication is available for download at
It is also available upon request in multiple formats
(large print, Braille, MP3, audio CD, e-text CD, DAISY,
or Accessible PDF), by contacting 1 800 O-Canada
(1-800-622-6232). By teletypewriter (TTY),
call 1-800-926-9105.
©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2019
For information regarding reproduction rights:
droitdauteur[email protected].
Cat. No.: Em7-1/10-2019E-PDF
ISBN: 978-0-660-29869-6
Cat. No.: LT-171-03-19E