Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
The outcome of trisomy 18 pregnancies following the
legalisation of termination of pregnancy
O'Donoghue ., K
Uribe ., C
Miremberg .H
1. Pregnancy Loss Research Group, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Cork University Maternity Hospital, Cork, Ireland
2. INFANT Research Centre, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Termination of pregnancy (TOP) became legal in Ireland in 2019, inclusive of
conditions likely to lead to the death of the fetus, making TOP for 'fatal fetal
anomaly' (FFA) an option. Trisomy 18 (T18) is the second most common lethal
trisomy, with associated major structural anomalies. We aimed to study T18
pregnancy decisions and outcomes following the legalisation of TOP for FFA.
Retrospective study of all pregnancies diagnosed with T18 from 2019-2022,
e.medicine (FM) referral databasidentified through the fetal
We identified forty-seven T18 pregnancies. In 59.6% (28/47), TOP was performed,
with median gestational age (GA) at delivery of 18 weeks (range;17-22 weeks).
Parents choosing to continue pregnancy represented 17% (8/47) of the cohort, with
six women delivering at term. In 11/47 cases, intrauterine death occurred in the
second trimester (range; 13.2-18 weeks). Parents choosing TOP were referred to
fetal medicine services at a significantly earlier GA when compared to those who
chose to continue the pregnancy (14 weeks vs. 21.5 weeks, p<0.010; respectively).
Following a T18 diagnosis, parents may choose to continue or terminate the
pregnancy, with both care options now available in Ireland. Universal access to first-
trimester prenatal aneuploidy screening would facilitate wider and earlier parental
choice and decision-making.
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
Trisomy 18 (T18) is the second most common autosomal aneuploidy after Trisomy 21.
The main clinical features of T18 include a range of major structural anomalies,
characteristic craniofacial features, distinctive hand posture, and fetal growth
. The live birth prevalence of trisomy 18 is estimated as 1/6,000-1/10,000.
However, the overall prevalence is higher (1/2000) due to the high frequency of fetal
loss and pregnancy termination after prenatal diagnosis
. An older report from our
region (Cork, Ireland) published in 2013 on pregnancies diagnosed with T18
demonstrated the increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage, fetal death, and short
life span (median 1.5 days)
National screening programmes exist in many countries with different combinations
of maternal serum biochemical markers with or without nuchal translucency [NT]
measurement. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is now available in over 60
countries and was shown to have higher sensitivity and specificity for T18 compared
to the traditional combined first and second-trimester screening tests. This allows
most T18 pregnancies to be prenatally diagnosed
Currently, in our settings, pregnant women are offered a first trimester visit, including
an ultrasound to date the pregnancy
with no national screening programme for
. The mid-trimester anomaly scan is now available to all women in
Ireland with a new clinical guideline published to standardise care
The Eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution prohibited legal termination of
pregnancy (TOP)
. Following an electoral referendum, legislation led to the
introduction of TOP services in 2019. Section 11 of the legislation describes TOP for a
"condition likely to lead to the death of the fetus in utero or within 28 days of birth"
, including for so-called 'fatal fetal anomaly (FFA),' a non-medical term popularised
by parent groups and the media
Under Irish law and in clinical practice, T18 is considered a FFA therefore, parents may
choose to continue or terminate the pregnancy with no upper gestational age limit. A
delay in prenatal diagnosis of T18 due to the lack of formal first trimester screening
might impact the parents' informed decisions
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
Thus, in this current study, we aimed to describe parents' decisions and the outcome
of T18 pregnancies following the legalisation of TOP in the Republic of Ireland.
We performed a retrospective cohort study in a single tertiary centre between 2019
and 2022. Cases were identified through the fetal medicine referral database. The
institutional ethical review board approved this study.
All pregnancies diagnosed with T18 after referral to a Fetal Medicine specialist clinic
were included in our study. We did not include T18 cases from miscarriages when this
was diagnosed on cytogenetic testing or at a post-mortem examination. We also
excluded births where T18 was diagnosed postnatally. For the purpose of this study,
we compared cases where parents chose to continue pregnancy versus those who
chose TOP.
Computerized files eligible for inclusion were reviewed, and the following data were
obtained from the hospital's electronic maternity record: maternal demographics
characteristics, gestational age (GA) at referral to a Fetal Medicine Specialist,
indication for the referral, gestational age at diagnosis, non-invasive and invasive
genetic testing, mode of delivery, gestational age at delivery or at TOP, birthweight
and length of survival in those who were live born. The parents' decision is
documented in the electronic charts following genetic result confirmation by invasive
test, and approval for TOP requires the input of a multidisciplinary team meeting.
Categorical variables were summarized as frequency and percentage. Continuous
variables were reported as mean, standard deviation, median, and interquartile range.
The Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test were applied to compare categorical
variables, while independent samples T test or Mann-Whitney test were used to
compare continuous variables. P-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically
significant. SPSS software was used for all statistical analyses (IBM SPSS statistic for
Windows, version 28, IBM corp., Armonk, NY USA 2021).
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
During the study period, 28,225 births occurred at Cork University Maternity Hospital
(CUMH). Out of them, we identified 47 pregnancies diagnosed with T18 through the
Fetal Medicine database (Figure 1). The demographic characteristics of the cohort are
presented in Table 1. The average maternal age was 37.5±4.2 years, with advanced
maternal age> 35 years in 85% (40/47) of our cohort. Twenty-five percent of the
women were primiparous, and 47.9% had a previous pregnancy loss.
TOP was performed in 59.5% (28/47) pregnancies, with median GA at delivery of 18
weeks (range; 17-22 weeks). The interval from referral to fetal medicine services to
TOP was four weeks (range; 3-5 weeks). This interval encompasses the duration from
the first suspicion of a concern, the referral to the fetal medicine specialist, the process
of genetic testing and awaiting complete test results, the case presentation at the
multidisciplinary meeting, to the approval and certification of the termination of
pregnancy (TOP). Three women chose to undergo chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
at 12
weeks in another institution; others waited for amniocentesis at/after 15 weeks.
Referral indications in the TOP group were: Increased NT/ cystic hygroma in 51.8%
(14/28), high-risk NIPT in 21.4% (6/28), and structural abnormalities in 28.6% (8/28).
In our setting, TOP was performed through medical induction without fetal
In 23.4% (11/47) cases, parents' wishes were not documented since second-trimester
miscarriage occurred before full investigations were completed. The median GA at
diagnosis in this group was 13 weeks (range; 13-18 weeks) and GA at intrauterine fetal
death was 15 weeks (range; 14-16 weeks), with the median interval from diagnosis to
the demise of 2 weeks (range; 1-2.5 weeks
Parents deciding to continue pregnancy represented 17% (8/47) of the cohort. The
average GA at delivery was 38 weeks (range; 33-38.5 weeks), with 75% (6/8) of
pregnancies reaching term.
In Table 2, we compared women who had TOP (n=28) versus those who chose to
continue with pregnancy (n=8). The GA at referral to fetal medicine services occurred
significantly earlier in the TOP group compared to those who decided to continue with
pregnancy (14 vs. 21.5 weeks, p<0.010, respectively). The indication for referral
differed significantly between the groups (p=0.034). In the group that decided to
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
continue with the pregnancy, 75% were referred due to structural anomalies detected
at the anatomy ultrasound scan, compared to only 28.6% in the TOP group.
The details of the outcomes of the pregnancies delivered at term are presented in
Table 3.
Table 1- Characteristics of the 47 study participants
Data presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD), or number (rate) as appropriate.
BMI- body mass index; ART- assisted reproductive technology; FMS- fetal medicine
specialist; GA- gestational age; NT- nuchal translucency; NIPT- non-invasive prenatal
Maternal age (years)
40/47 (85.1)
Advanced maternal age>35 years old, n (%)
12/47 (25.5)
Primiparity, n (%)
23/47 (48.9)
Previous pregnancy loss, n (%)
1/47 (2.1)
Smoking, n (%)
2/47 (4.2)
ART, n (%)
14.5 (13-20.5)
GA at 1
FMS clinic (weeks)
Indications for referral
24/47 (51)
Increased NT/ cystic hygroma
8/47 (17)
High Risk NIPT
15/47 (31.9)
Structural abnormalities
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December, 2023
Table 2- Comparison between women choosing to continue pregnancy and women
choosing termination of pregnancy
Data presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD), or median (interquartile range) or
n (%) as appropriate. TOP- termination of pregnancy; AMA- advanced maternal age;
GA- gestational age; FMS- fetal medicine specialist.
Table 3- Outcomes of trisomy 18 term deliveries
Indication for
to Fetal
P value
Continue pregnancy
Maternal age
7 (87.5)
24 (85.7)
AMA>35 years old, n (%)
3 (37.5)
7 (25)
Primiparity, n (%)
3 (37.5)
17 (60.7)
Previous pregnancy loss, n (%)
21.5 (18.5-21.5)
14 (13-16.5)
GA at 1
FMS clinic (weeks)
6 (75)
5 (17.8)
Referred from anomaly scan
6 (75)
8 (28.6)
Structural indication for referral
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
Fetal growth
restriction +
Bilateral choroid
plexus cysts
Induction and
vaginal delivery at
38 weeks
Boy- 2240 grams
Neonatal death at
1 day
Fetal growth
restriction +
Induction and
vaginal delivery at
38 weeks
Pregnancy induced
Boy- 1900 grams
Induction and
vaginal delivery at
38 weeks
Boy- 1800 grams
Fetal growth
cardiac anomaly
Elective Caesarean
delivery at 38
Girl- 1840 grams
Neonatal death at
6 days
Cystic hygroma
(later, multiple
breech delivery at
39 weeks
Girl- 2280 grams
vaginal delivery at
37 weeks
Girl -1670 grams
Neonatal death at
2 days
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
In this study, we identified pregnancies diagnosed with Trisomy 18 following the
legalisation of termination of pregnancy in the Republic of Ireland. Our cohort
consisted of forty-seven pregnancies, with 59% of parents choosing TOP, while the
proportion choosing to continue pregnancy represented 17% of the cohort. Of these,
we had six-term deliveries with 50% live births. In contrast to other studies
reported longer lifespans but similar to our previous report
, the most extended
survival was one week.
The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG)
recommends that
prenatal genetic screening options be discussed and offered to all pregnant women
regardless of age or risk for chromosomal abnormality
. However, it is essential to
remember that a screening test also requires extensive pre-and post-test counselling
and informed consent from parents
. Other professional bodies and organisations
provide guidance and recommendations on topics such as patient selection, pre-test
counselling, test performance characteristics, and the integration of NIPT into existing
prenatal screening programmes
There is no national first trimester aneuploidy screening programme in Ireland
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
Women in Ireland can choose to pay for private aneuploidy screening tests
, which is
an apparent inequity in access to care. Moreover, most Irish pregnant women would
choose testing if it was available
. A recent publication studied the perspectives
and awareness of pregnant women regarding prenatal screening for fetal trisomy in
Ireland. The study demonstrated that while pregnant women possess a reasonable
grasp of how to interpret screening test outcomes, they had limited awareness of the
prenatal screening choices available to them. It is important to prioritise efforts to
ensure that pregnant women receive equal and comprehensive information about
and, ideally, access to NIPT at an early stage in their pregnancy
, so they may make
an informed choice about NIPT. Some will opt out of screening, and this can be
influenced by personal beliefs, risk perceptions, access, affordability and cultural or
religious beliefs. Within our cohort, we do not have full detail on the information given
to women about screening, and whether they had had access to private funding or
declined screening.
The decision to terminate a pregnancy following a FFA diagnosis is a personal and
complex decision influenced by various factors, including the severity of the diagnosis,
cultural and religious beliefs as well as access to prenatal care and genetic diagnosis
. In our study, parents who decided to continue pregnancy were diagnosed later in
gestation, primarily due to structural anomalies identified at the second-trimester
anatomy ultrasound. It is, therefore, reasonable to speculate that the relatively late
GA at diagnosis could influence parents' decisions, and it has been previously shown
how GA at diagnosis substantially affects maternal-fetal attachment
. Further, it is
important to consider the medical consequences of late gestation in cases of TOP
Our findings contrast with a similar study published recently
that presented the
outcomes of trisomy 18 in a public hospital in South Africa. In their study, no significant
difference in gestational age at diagnosis was demonstrated between those who did
and did not terminate their pregnancies (23.1±5.1 vs. 24.7±5.3 weeks; p = 0.067).
However, in their study, both groups received the diagnosis at a later GA.
A qualitative analysis of parental decision making following the diagnosis of suspected
anomaly identified that parents have a nonlinear three-phase process: "information
seeking," reflecting the way parents-to-be face the uncertainty associated with a fetal
diagnosis and related prognosis; "implications," where consideration is given to future
consequences of the decision; and "decision making," which reflects how the decision
is made (head- or heart-led)
. Another recent qualitative study
described the care
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
experiences of Irish parents whose pregnancy was diagnosed with FFA (mainly trisomy
18). This study described parents' need for consistent, well
-communicated, and
comprehensive care, irrespective of decisions made, which encourages a perinatal
palliative care approach that is individual to the parents. Both studies highlight the
need to improve the communication between healthcare professionals and patients
and to allow enough time and provide adequate information for parents facing this
Our study is not without limitations. The retrospective design and our data collection
are based on cases referred to Fetal Medicine services, thus potentially under-
representing the pregnancies where a diagnosis was made only postnatally. We also
excluded cases where T18 was suspected but confirmed only postnatally. The strength
of the study is in a relatively large cohort over four years from a single referral centre,
as well as the novelty of the study looking at parental decisions following the
legalisation of TOP in Ireland.
In conclusion, following the diagnosis of trisomy 18, parents may choose to continue
or terminate the pregnancy, with both care pathways available in Ireland’s maternity
services since 2019. We should provide the choice to access universal first-trimester
prenatal screening alongside expanded early anatomy ultrasound for all pregnant
women to facilitate wider and earlier parental decision-making.
Declarations of Conflicts of Interest:
None declared.
Corresponding author:
Hadas Miremberg,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Cork University Maternity Hospital,
Ir Med J; November-December 2023; Vol 116; No. 10; P873
December, 2023
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