Romeo and Juliet Unit
Grade Nine Curriculum Guide
Version 1.0: September 2009
Table of Contents: Romeo and Juliet Unit
Page #
Introduction to Unit
Unit Template with Learning Plan
Student Progress Monitoring
Academic Vocabulary
Building Background Knowledge
Culminating Assessment: Analyzing and Performing a Scene
Timed Writing Prompt
Resources (in 2002 materials)
Note that the majority of the lesson plans and activities are found in the original
curriculum packet, which appears at the end of this unit guide. See the Learning Plan for
suggested activities.
Why is Romeo and Juliet still the most commonly taught text in ninth grade
classrooms around the country? Do we subject our students to the archaic language of
Shakespeare only because we were so subjected ourselves when we were in school?
Based upon recent PPS teacher surveys and the fact that we have developed no less than
two curriculum packets for the play in the past seven years, the real reason is that
teachers who work with freshmen consistently find that the play’s conflicts, characters
and themes still resonate with fifteen-year-old students.
There are hurdles, certainly, for students’ appreciation of the play, the language
chief among them. The best way to overcome this initial student resistance is to
remember that Romeo and Juliet is a PLAY and must be performed and viewed as a
performance. It is the experience of many ninth grade teachers that only through this
performance-based approach students can be successful in analyzing the play.
Therefore, this unit guide suggests a pathway through the study of Romeo and
Juliet by making suggestions for the appropriate activities from both of the earlier
curriculum packets that will lead to the culminating assessment, which is both a
performance and an analysis. So, this unit guide does not attempt to replace the
exceptional work done by our colleagues, but rather complements and focuses on the
identified grade-level priority standards.
2002 Romeo and Juliet Guide Writers:
Myron Filene
Theresa Quinn
Linda Steinle
Jenn Wiandt Owens
2007 Romeo and Juliet Guide Writers:
Barbara Brown
Jordan Gutlener
Chris Rudolf
Maria Joy
Revision by:
Mary Rodeback, Grant
Romeo and Juliet Unit Template
Stage 1: Desired Outcomes
Priority Standards:
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.06. Draw conclusions about the author’s purpose.
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood through
dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions, actions, including
movement, gestures, and expressions.
9.15. Actively solicit another person’s comment or opinion
9.16. Offer one’s own opinion assertively without dominating
Speaking: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the elements of an effective oral
Students will understand that:
Writers from diverse backgrounds and
time periods explore themes and ideas
important to humanity.
Writers use a complex range of literary
devices and strategies to engage their
readers and convey their ideas.
The characters in Romeo and Juliet are
complex, reflecting the demands
Renaissance culture placed on
individuals with respect to allegiance
and revealing the ultimate tension
between the individual and societal
Essential Questions:
What makes a person who he or she is?
What role does family play in a
person’s identity?
What is loyalty? What different kinds
of loyalty are demonstrated in the play?
How can an author use language to
establish or define a character? What
kinds of linguistic structures distinguish
Shakespeare’s different characters in
the play?
What is the nature of romantic love?
To what extent does Shakespeare’s play
interrogate or critique the value of
romantic love as a social construct?
Students will know:
The plot and characters of Romeo and
Various stylistic techniques specific to
Shakespeare’s work
The dramatic elements that make an
effective performance
Students will be able to:
Apply interpretive reading strategies.
Develop a well-reasoned thesis.
Apply the writing process to produce a
draft and revision of a character
analysis essay.
Perform a scene from Romeo and Juliet
that effectively captures the character
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Culminating Assessment
(learning task)
Other Evidence
Who Are You? After carefully reading and
analyzing the play, your task is to perform
a scene from the play in which you use
gesture, movement, and voice to effectively
capture and present your character to an
audience. Then, you will write a detailed
character analysis essay exploring the
complexity of your character in the context
of the play.
1. Character Notes and
ParagraphsLetter/Journal/Blog Entry
2. Creative Character Extensions
Students write a back story, a deleted
scene, or an alternate ending to extend
their comprehension of the character
they work with.
3. Character Profile Posters
Stage 3: Learning Plan: Romeo and Juliet
Where is the activity? (Page #)
Activity Title
Priority Standards
This guide
Famous Lines
9.01. Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues and
through the use of definition, inference, example, restatement, or contrast.
9.05. Infer an author’s unstated ideas, analyzing evidence that supports those
unstated ideas and make reasonable generalizations about text.
9.05. Infer an author’s unstated ideas, analyzing evidence that supports those
unstated ideas and make reasonable generalizations about text.
9.09. Define how tone or meaning is conveyed in poetry
Tea Party:
Whose House
Am I?
9.04. Predict future outcomes supported by the text, using contextual clues.
9.01. Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues and
through the use of definition, inference, example, restatement, or contrast.
9.03.Summarize sequence of events
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
Knowledge and
the Writing
9.01. Determine meanings of words using contextual and structural clues and
through the use of definition, inference, example, restatement, or contrast.
9.05. Infer an author’s unstated ideas, analyzing evidence that supports those
unstated ideas and make reasonable generalizations about text.
Character Notes
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
9.13. Use dialogue, interior monologue, suspense, and the naming of specific
narrative actions, including movement, gestures, and expressions.
Where is the activity? (Page #)
Activity Title
Priority Standards
This guide
Acting Out the
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
9.13. Support interpretations of literature through the use of textual references
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
Comparing film
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
9.13. Support interpretations of literature through the use of textual references
Drama Activity
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions.
and Analyzing
a Scene
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.06. Draw conclusions about the author’s purpose.
9.10. Analyze how dramatic elements are used to develop characters/mood
through dialogue, soliloquies, asides, character foils, stage directions, actions,
including movement, gestures, and expressions.
9.15. Actively solicit another person’s comment or opinion
9.16. Offer one’s own opinion assertively without dominating
Speaking: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the elements of an effective
oral presentation
9.07. Analyze characterization
9.06. Draw conclusions about the author’s purpose.
Student Progress Monitoring: Romeo and Juliet Unit
9.07. Analyze
9.06. Draw
conclusions about the
author’s purpose.
9.10. Analyze how
dramatic elements are
used to develop
through dialogue,
soliloquies, asides,
character foils, stage
directions, actions,
including movement,
gestures, and
9.15. Actively solicit
another person’s
comment or opinion
9.16. Offer one’s own
opinion assertively
without dominating
9.07. Analyze
9.06. Draw
conclusions about the
author’s purpose.
9.10. Analyze how
dramatic elements are
used to develop
through dialogue,
soliloquies, asides,
character foils, stage
directions, actions,
including movement,
gestures, and
9.15. Actively solicit
another person’s
comment or opinion
9.16. Offer one’s own
opinion assertively
without dominating
Academic Vocabulary
The vocabulary used extensively in this unit:
Rising Action
Pre-Assessment: Romeo and Juliet Unit
Note: Unlike most other units in this guide, the pre-assessment for the Romeo and Juliet unit
might be most appropriately given after a week or so into the unit to allow for students to get
more comfortable with the Shakespearean language with some of the opening activities. Ideally,
students have had a chance to read, view, hear, and discuss the first scene from Act One before
completing this pre-assessment.
Purpose: To give teachers a sense of students’ comfort with the Shakespearean language and
their abilities to analyze a difficult text for characterization. It will also give teachers an
understanding on students’ background knowledge of the theatrical elements of a performance:
costumes, props, sets, etc.
1. As a class, read the conversation between Montague and Benvolio and be sure that
students are aware of the concern that Montague has for his son, Romeo. Stop reading at
line 157 with the line, “Good morrow, cousin.”
2. Direct students to read independently the conversation between Benvolio and Romeo and
then to complete the questions on the following page, which ask for summary,
paraphrase, character analysis, and an explanation of theatrical choices. Students should
stop reading at line 223 (“O teach me how I should forget to think.”)
Be sure that students have an opportunity to reflect on their pre-assessment, both before
submitting and after it has been returned. It is essential that students know where they are in
relation to identified priority standards.
Pre-Assessment: Romeo and Juliet Unit
Read lines 1.1.157-223 (“Good morrow” to “how I should forget to think”)
1. Summarize the most important information you learned from this scene.
2. Choose any section of at least two lines from what you read. Copy it down and then
paraphrase it (put it in your own words).
3. What is wrong with Romeo? Use at least two examples from this section to support your
response. Why does Shakespeare use these to establish Romeo’s character?
4. Imagine that you were the director of a stage version of this scene. What would you have
for the set? Why? What about costumes and props? Why? What music and/or lighting
would you suggest? Why?
Pre-Assessment Scoring Guide
Does not yet meet
sequence of
Writer provides a
thorough and
accurate accounting
of the most
significant and
relevant events from
the scene
Writer provides a
mostly accurate
summary of the
events from the
Some significant
elements from the
writer’s summary are
missing and/or
9.07. Analyze
Through analysis and
evidence, the writer
demonstrates a
knowledge of the
elements of
Writer demonstrates
an awareness that
authors develop
characters through
various devices,
though the analysis
and evidence at this
point may be
somewhat limited.
While the writer may
be able to describe
the main character, at
this point, he or she
has not demonstrated
an awareness of the
craft that authors use
to develop
9.10. Analyze
how dramatic
elements are
used to develop
through dialogue,
asides, character
foils, stage
Through a detailed
suggestion and
thorough explanation
of dramatic choices,
the writer
demonstrates a clear
understanding of
how these elements
are used to develop
character, mood, and
so on.
Dramatic choices are
made and the writer
demonstrates that
these elements can
be used to develop
character, mood, and
so on.
At this point, the
writer is not able to
articulate how
significant dramatic
elements can have an
Romeo and Juliet: Building Background Knowledge and the Writing Process
Standards: 9.04.2 Use features of informational text to reach supported conclusions
9.12.3 Ideas and Content
9.13. Write summaries of informational texts
9.15.4 Initiate new topics in addition to responding to adult-initiated topics
9.16.3 Offer one’s own opinion assertively without dominating
Objective: Students will identify main ideas gleaned from informational texts providing background
information about William Shakespeare and the English Renaissance, including the culture of the
theatre and the historical context for the play. Students will raise topics for future study.
Materials: Pen, paper, Holt Elements of Literature, Third Course
Time: Various, interspersed with the reading of the play; either in class or assigned as homework
Activity: Students may work independently or in pairs. If in pairs, one student should read a
selection aloud, while the other student makes notes on interesting new facts. Different
informational texts can lead students to record new information in different modes, including
creating timelines, maps, retrieval charts or sets of questions for further inquiry.
When reading is completed, students should collaborate to write a summary each article, providing
the piece’s title, author, and main ideas, followed by sufficient supporting details to provide a sense
of the essay’s purpose.
Summaries are: objective; written from the third-person perspective; short and concise. Student
summaries should reflect comprehension of the key ideas in each piece. Students may choose to
generate sets of questions for further inquiry in response to the pieces they read.
Summaries may be shared and discussed with the class to examine how different pairs approach the
goal of concision.
Informational texts and suggested activities:
“William Shakespeare’s Life: A Genius from Stratford,” 890-891; timeline
“Shakespeare and His Theater: A Perfect Match,” 892-894; map with labels
“How to Read Shakespeare,” 895-896; oral practice
“No Female Actors and No R-Rated Love Scenes,” 956
“Shakespeare in the Video Store,” 1006
“Dear Juliet” and “Romeo and Juliet in Bosnia,” 1033-1036; retrieval chart
Culminating Assessment: Performing and Analyzing a Scene
Your assignment is to work with a group to interpret, rehearse, and perform a scene from Romeo and
Juliet as well as to provide an actor’s or director’s notebook for this scene that analyzes your character
and the overall scene.
1. Select a scene from the list of possible scenes or identify one of your own. Be sure that there is an even
balance between characters in the number of lines for each.
2. Read through the scene several times to become familiar with it and to clarify meaning. Confirm who
will play which roles. Remember, in Shakespeare’s time men played all roles, so do not allow gender to
dictate your casting choices.
3. Create your staging notebook for the scene.
4. Begin the rehearsal process by getting comfortable saying the lines and understanding the action in
your scene. Try to speak naturally and clearly and with emphasis.
5. As you continue rehearsing, move with purpose. Use appropriate hand gestures and facial expressions.
Look at and interact with the other actors. Avoid turning your back to the audience.
6. Remember, the goal is to perform an interpretation of a scene to which everyone in the group
contributes. The test of the group’s success will be how well you work together to create a polished
7. The director(if you have one) will guide the group as you make lists of props, costume pieces, and
background music that will enhance your performance. Rehearse, using these items, as soon as
8. If possible, videotape one of your rehearsals to help you improve the quality of the overall
performance. Pay attention to your distance from one another, your position on stage, the pace of your
speech, and the volume of your voice. If videotaping is not practical, ask another group to watch your
dress rehearsal and provide feedback on how you might improve your performance.
9. Perform your scene.
10. After your performance, describe the process you went through to complete this project, the challenges
you faced, how you worked to overcome them, and your evaluation of the final performance.
11. Write your analytical essay that examines your scene. Be sure to have your group members review it
and offer feedback.
Romeo and Juliet Acting Groups
Group #
Act, Scene, Lines
Romeo and
Romeo and
Benvolio +
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Juliet and Nurse
Benvolio, Tybalt,
Mercutio, Romeo
Benvolio, Romeo,
Juliet + Nurse
Romeo and Juliet
Capulet, Lady
Capulet, Juliet,
Juliet and Friar
Romeo and
Romeo and Paris
Act 5 (see me)
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet: Prewriting/Performing Analysis
Be sure to answer each of the following thoroughly (a paragraph for each):
1. Describe the character from your scene. What are his/her personality, attitude, and
emotions like?
2. Describe some of your gestures, movements, voice, and facial expressions that you plan
on using to capture some of what you identified in #1? Be sure to explain why you are
using them. Point to specific lines from the play.
3. Copy out TWO significant lines from your scene spoken by your character. Why are
these lines significant?
4. How do you plan on performing the lines you identified in #3? Think about movement,
gestures, voice, and so on.
5. Describe one significant interaction between your character and one other character. How
are you planning on performing this interaction?
6. If you had no limitations on cost or time, describe the costumes, props and sets you might
use for your scene. Please remember, though, that it is a stage production, not a film.
7. Describe the process of rehearsing and performing. What do you like/not like? Why?
How does your group work together?
Staging Notebook
Staging notebooks play an important part in preparing for performances. Each member of your acting
company should complete a staging notebook, although the entries will be different for directors and
As you work on your notebook, use at least one page for each bulleted item. Be sure to include the
marked-up scene. The staging notebook should be contained in some type of folder.
The Director’s Notebook Includes:
Each Actors’ Notebook Includes:
A marked-up text that shows the notes for all of
the characters
A diagram of the set
A plan for lighting and sound
A list of props
An introduction for the scene, which will be
presented by the director
A dated log written after each meeting, reporting
what was accomplished, who did what, what
obstacles were identified, what problems have
been overcome, and what needs to be done by or
at the next meeting
A marked-up text, including notes about actions,
facial expressions, and voice/emotions
A page showing an ideal costume for this
character, including an explanation as to why this
costume is ideal
A page showing the costume the student actually
plans to wear and explaining why this costume is
A character analysis, either in written or artistic
format focusing on the character’s thoughts,
desires, actions, and obstacles
Director’s Notebook
To help you prepare for your acting company’s performance of a scene from Romeo and Juliet, you will
create a staging notebook. Completing each of the items listed below should help you understand more
fully your scene and your responsibility in the scene.
Type or paste a copy of your scene on white paper. There should be plenty of room in the margins for you
to take notes about the actions, facial expressions, and voice/emotions of each character. The actors will
take notes about their own characters, based on your direction, but you should have notes about all the
characters. Plan to sit near your acting company during the performance and be prepared to feed the lines
to the actors if they forget a line.
Diagram of the Set
You will need to draw the set, so be sure to ask your teacher where you will be performing your scene.
Include a sketch of the set from the audience’s perspective as well as an aerial view (a view from above).
Lighting and Sound
Create a plan for the kind of lighting that you could use in the setting that would enhance your acting
company’s performance. Also list any sound effects or music that your group will use. For both lighting
and sound, include an explanation as to why you think your choices are appropriate for your scene.
Make a list of the props that you will use in your scene.
Write an introduction for the scene and memorize it. You will present this introduction before your acting
company performs. In addition, your teacher may expect you to be prepared to fill in for an actor (should
one of the actors be absent on the day of the performance).
Meeting Log
After every meeting, you will be responsible for writing a dated log that records how the meeting went.
Some questions you might answer in your log would be
What did the group accomplish?
Who did what?
What obstacles were identified?
Which problems have been overcome?
What needs to be done by and at the next meeting?
Actor’s Notebook
To help you prepare for your performance of a scene from Romeo and Juliet, you will create a staging
notebook. Completing each of the items listed below should help you understand more fully your scene
and your part in the scene.
Type or paste a copy of your scene on white paper. Highlight your own lines. There should be plenty of
room in the margins for you to take notes about actions, facial expressions, and voice/emotions. Write
down everything that you and your director decide you should do to convey your character.
You will need to decide on an appropriate costume for your character. This page of your staging notebook
will have two parts: the first part will show your ideal costume and the second part will show your idea
for a real costume.
Your ideal costume is the one you would wear if money were no object. You can draw, trace, or cut a
picture out of a magazine for your ideal costume.
Your real costume might be very simple, but it should reflect the character in some recognizable
way. You may draw, trace, or take a picture of yourself wearing your real costume.
Both costume pages will include your thoughts as to why the costume is appropriate for your character.
Character Analysis
You will need to write a character analysis or create an artistic interpretation of your character. If you
choose to write your character analysis focus on the thoughts, desires, actions and obstacles of your
If you create an artistic interpretation, you will need to draw the outline of a body and write your analysis
on the corresponding body part.
Head: thoughts of your character
Heart: desires of your character
Arms: actions of your character
Legs: obstacles for your character
An Analysis of Your Scene
Assignment: After your performance, write an essay (in standard essay format) that explains the
significance of the scene that you chose for your performance. Be sure to use your staging
notebook to assist you. You need to focus on the following elements of your scene:
a. Character: questions to consider are: what are the motivations of each of the
characters in this scene? What do the actions of the characters reveal? How do the
characters change or develop in this scene? How are their actions in this scene similar
or different from their actions/behaviors in other scenes?
b. Conflict: questions to consider are: what is the central conflict in this scene? How
does this conflict relate to the larger conflicts in the play?
c. Theme: questions to consider: what is the purpose of including this scene in the play?
How does it relate to the larger themes of the play?
In each paragraph, be sure to have a topic sentence and supporting evidence (quotations and
examples). You need to have a n introduction and a conclusion as well. Proofread your exam
closely before submitting it.
Culminating Assessment: Scoring Guide
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Does Not Yet Meet
Creates an Interpretation
of a character
Speaking: Demonstrate
and apply knowledge of
the elements of an
effective oral presentation
Actions, facial
expression, and
voice/emotions are used
to create a powerful and
believable portrayal of a
Actions, facial
expression, and
voice/emotions are used
effectively to portray a
Actions, facial
expression, and
voice/emotions are not
used in a way that
portrays a character.
9.06. Draw conclusions
about the author’s
9.07. Analyze
The performance, staging
notebook, and analysis
reveal an insightful
analysis and mature
understanding of the
scene and the
The performance and
staging notebook reveal a
careful analysis and clear
understanding of the
scene and characters.
The performance and/or
staging notebook reveal a
limited analysis and
understanding of the
9.10. Analyze how
dramatic elements are
used to develop
characters/mood through
dialogue, soliloquies,
asides, character foils,
stage directions.
Carefully chosen and/or
created props, music and
sound effects, lighting,
and costumes work
together to create a mood
appropriate for the scene.
Props, music and sound
effects, lighting, and
costumes create a mood
appropriate for the scene.
Props, music and sound
effects, lighting, and
costumes are minimal and
may not create a mood
appropriate for the scene.
9.15. Actively solicit
another person’s
comment or opinion
9.16. Offer one’s own
opinion assertively
without dominating
The planning time and
performance reveal a
successful endeavor to
produce an effective
presentation. Obstacles
are overcome with
cooperation of the whole
acting company.
The planning time and
performance reveal a
sincere effort to work
together to produce an
effective presentation.
The planning time and
performance reveal a lack
of effort to work together
to produce an effective
Timed Writing
Romeo and Juliet
“Some shall be pardoned, and
some punished” student page
To assess responsibility for the tragedy
To write under time constraints
1. Working alone or in groups, students should consider who is to blame for the deaths of Romeo and
Juliet. They should use the graphic organizer for their notes as the scan through the play looking for
2. Have students write a timed writing on the prompt provided. You might allow students to use the
quotes they have already located, or you might tell them to paraphrase from memory.
3. This writing could provide a diagnostic instrument to help students improve future timed writings.
Timed Writing
During our reading of Romeo and Juliet we have discussed the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. The
major factors leading to their untimely demise are:
1. Romeo and Juliet’s youth and inexperience
2. The interference of the adults in the play
3. The influence of fate and/or chance on the lives of the characters
Now look back through the play to locate actions and lines to support each of these factors as a cause of
the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Use the chart below to organize your findings.
Youth and Inexperience
Adults’ interference
Timed Writing Prompt
At the end of Romeo and Juliet, the Prince states that some of those involved will be pardoned
and others punished. You have considered the responsibility of Romeo and Juliet themselves, the
adults in their lives, and Fate/Chance. Which do think is primarily to blame for the deaths of
Romeo and Juliet?
Compose a letter to the Prince, advising him in the sentencing. Convince him who is primarily
responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet and suggest a fitting consequence. Be sure to
provide evidence from the drama to support your advice to the Prince. Look at the Scoring
Criteria on the next page to guide your writing.
As part of the Holt textbook adoption, the district has received a number of valuable resources to
help differentiate this text that can be so challenging for some of our students. Most helpful is the
Holt Adapted Reader, in which students will find key scenes from Romeo and Juliet that have
been rewritten with an easier vocabulary level. It is not written in prose, but rather is in the same
verse as the original, but also with appropriate summaries of longer sections.
Additional Romeo and Juliet differentiated assignments are:
1. Working with a group, you will read, rehearse, and perform a short scene from Romeo
and Juliet by using props, costumes, gestures, movements, etc. You will be graded on
your individual performance and you will be given a group grade on rehearsal days.
2. After reading the sonnets on the separate worksheet and completing all the assigned
work, choose one of the sonnets and write a one-page explanation of how the themes
expressed in the sonnet are similar or different to those in Romeo and Juliet.
3. After reading and responding to the article on Aristotle’s definition of “tragedy,” write a
one-page explanation of why the play Romeo and Juliet fits his definition or does not fit
his definition.
4. Rewrite any scene from the play of at least ten lines into contemporary language that uses
slang and modern-sounding words or phrases. Be sure to write at the top of you paper the
Act, Scene, and Line numbers you are rewriting.
5. Select any ten lines from the play and illustrate them with drawings, photographs, or cut-
outs from magazines. Be sure to label the drawings with the lines themselves.
6. Create a mock newspaper that announces the death of Romeo and Juliet. Be sure to
include other articles, editorials, editorial cartoons, headlines, etc.
7. Imagine that you are the director of a new film of R & J. Make a CD or tape of at least
five songs that you might include in your filmed version of the play. Write a paragraph
for each song explaining where in the play in would be and why you would include it.