A Regional Survey
The Rise of
Asian Platforms
The Center for Global Enterprise
The Emerging Platform Economy Series No. 3
We would like to extend our appreciation to Weiru Chen, Cho-Hsuan “Joseph” Yu and Sangeet Paul Choudary
as well as acknowledge the valuable role that iSPIRT played in providing data on Indian startup companies.
We are also grateful to Sam Palmisano, Chris Caine and Ira Sager for their valuable contributions throughout
the course of this study.
The Center for Global Enterprise
Peter C. Evans,
Vice President, CGE
Peter C. Evans was the vice president at The Center for Global Enterprise
from October 2013 to September 2016. He was responsible for the Centers
research agenda and this series of platform papers. Previously, Dr. Evans
held key strategy and market intelligence roles at General Electric. He was
director of GE Corporate’s Global Strategy and Analytics team. He also led
GE Energy’s Global Strategy and Planning team for five years. Prior to joining
GE, he was director at Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA). He
also worked as an independent consultant for a variety of corporate and
government clients, including the U.S. Trade Promotion Coordinating
Committee, U.S. Department of Energy, the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development and the World Bank. He received his masters
degree and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a
lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is a board member
of the National Association for Business Economics.
The Center for Global Enterprise (CGE) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the
study of global management best practices, the contemporary corporation, economic integration,
and their impact on society. The CGE is dedicated to management engagement, bold research, open
education, and building a global community of executives, scholars, practitioners and students
interested to developing and sharing applied management practices. Fundamental to the Centers
research and educational efforts is to identify the many ways in which the world has been transformed
by global business and to foster leadership practices and innovation that will support even greater
opportunity and prosperity.
The Center for Global Enterprise
200 Park Ave., Suite 1700
New York, NY 10166
About The Center for Global Enterprise
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Asia has emerged as a major area of growth for enterprises that harness platform business models.
Globally, Asia is second only to North America in generating large successful platform companies. The
growing significance of platform companies is perhaps inevitable, given the size and scale of Asia in
the global economy, a large and growing middle class, rapidly growing internet usage and a knack for
quickly trying and adapting new business models.
Platforms such as Tencent, Alibaba, Naver, Flipkart
and Garena — to name but a few — are becoming important vehicles to efficiently provide services to
the region’s large and growing middle class as it embraces digital technology. As in other parts of the
world, Asian platform companies leverage digital infrastructure to facilitate the creation of interactive
ecosystems that enhance the efficiency of aggregation, matching, exchange and innovation.
increasingly sophisticated networks, recommendation engines and online-offline linkages, platform
companies are both benefiting from and enabling consumers and businesses to find and purchase
goods, get rides, find accommodations, book travel, access media, make payments, locate jobs, find
mates and much more.
This report provides an overview of the most significant platform enterprises operating in Asia today.
While Asian markets remain far from integrated, there are advantages in taking a broad regional
approach that includes Northeast Asia, China, Southeast Asia and India. There are important linkages
between many of the platforms based in the region. There are investment linkages, such as the early-
stage funding and cross-shareholding that has occurred between Japanese and Chinese platform
companies; Chinese platforms and Southeast Asian and Indian platforms; as well as Korean companies
and Japanese platform companies. There are also tacit exchanges of knowledge at conferences and
seminars such as the management know-how about designing and governing the unique aspects of
the platforms. A regional view also provides insight into the relative scale of these companies and
how one subregion compares to another.
This report identified 62 major platform companies operating across Asia, with a market capitalization
of $800 million or more. The final list of companies is diverse. The companies serve 10 major industry
sectors, with headquarters in 18 different cities. They have grown dramatically in the past decade,
with a significant number of platforms now servicing hundreds of millions of users. These companies
have also attracted significant investor attention. The market value of the 62 companies now exceeds
$1.1 trillion, and they are having a growing influence on shaping markets throughout the region.
Asian platform companies are more than efficient matchmakers bringing together two sides of a
market. They are integrating in new ways that cross and often disrupt traditional industry structures.
This is particularly true in e-commerce, banking, travel, media and transportation. Asian platforms
are becoming an important source of innovation, taking a lead in messaging technology, online
payments and, more recently, artificial intelligence. While primarily focused on Asian markets,
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
there have been growing moves to build global
linkages, especially to connect buyers within
Asia to goods and services outside the region.
The survey also reveals a complex regulatory
environment in which governments have at
times worked to promote platform growth and
innovation, but have intervened in ways that
stifled development. Most of all, the survey
lends support to the notion that in Asia, like
elsewhere in the world, everywhere that there
can be a platform, there will be a platform.
As part of its research initiative on the emerging
platform economy, The Center for Global
Enterprise launched a global survey of platform
enterprises. Central to this survey has been the
development of a global database of platform
companies. To capture the largest companies,
a threshold of $1 billion market cap or valuation
is required to be included in the dataset. This
analysis undertaken with experts from Africa,
China, Europe, India and the U.S. uncovered
176 platform companies operating across the
world in a wide range of sectors. The results
are summarized in the report “The Rise of the
Platform Enterprise: A Global Survey.
The Asia platform survey deepens the global
survey by providing a closer look at platform
companies operating across Northeast Asia,
China, Southeast Asia and India. These
companies were revealed through a process
of reviewing a large number of digital/tech
companies and selecting those that have a
market capitalization of $800 million or above
and met key platform criteria. Before turning to
the survey methodology and results in greater
detail, we turn first to our definition of a platform
Survey Background
and Objectives
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
The Asia survey adopts the definition set forth in the CGE’s broader “Rise of the Platform Enterprise”
project. As in the global survey, we are concerned with platform business models and the design
choices that allow these business models to grow. We find the term platform, which is well-established
in economic and management literature, offers a more useful and accurate term than some of the
terms that have been used such as “share economy companies,” “internet companies” or, even more
broadly, “tech companies.
Network effects are a key characteristic that distinguish platforms from other business models. As
more users engage with a platform, the more attractive the platform becomes to potential new users.
When more users attract more users, a dynamic is created that in turn triggers a self-reinforcing cycle
of growth. There are two kinds of network effects: direct network effects (where more users attract
more users) and indirect network effects (where more users of one side of the platform attract more
users on the other side of the platform). Platforms can be two-sided, as in the case of freelancers
being matched with projects. They can also be multisided, as in the case of media platforms, which
serve viewers, content providers and advertisers.
The conditions for platform creation have grown with the expansion of the internet, mobile devices
and software development. Digital technologies greatly facilitate the establishment of interactive
networks and efficient matching. A key result is the ability to aggregate and match one side of a
market to the other side with a level of efficiency and speed that was not possible in the past. Greater
scale contributes to attracting more users, which creates more value, producing a virtuous feedback
Another dimension of platforms is the ability to accelerate innovation and the contributions of
third parties. This is achieved by opening the platform to external innovators. Instead of seeking
to maximize the value of a particular product or service, platforms grow and innovate faster when
they concentrate on maximizing value across the entire ecosystem, which often involves third parties
outside the traditional boundaries of the enterprise.
Successful platform entrepreneurs have found
that establishing open interfaces, such as Software Developer Kits and Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs), can enhance complementary innovation. In these ways, platforms often result in
better business models that are disruptive to existing industries.
Platform Definition
The data for this study was collected through
several means. First, a review was conducted
of known Asian platform company websites.
Searches were also performed using various
keywords or combinations of keywords (e.g.,
digital, e-commerce, platform and marketplace)
on both open-source search engines as well as
paid services such as Quid Web Intelligence.
Additional information was collected directly
from companies by phone or via an email survey
questionnaire. These approaches yielded a list
of more than 1,000 candidate public and private
To narrow the list and reveal the most significant
platforms, the candidate companies were
screened against the platform definitions already
discussed. In addition, the list was narrowed
by selecting companies that had: 1) secured
investment funding of at least $1 million, or 2)
were companies that operated a portfolio of
platform companies in Asia. This resulted in a
final list of 62 platform companies.
For each company in the final list, we collected
specific information. This included the location
of company headquarters, the industry in
which it operates, the number of countries in
which it operates and whether the company
is public or private. We also made an effort
to collect information on investment trends;
however, because the majority of Asian platform
companies are privately owned, it was difficult
to obtain even basic financial data for each
Although they are not a focus of this report,
there are, of course, large multinational platform
companies that have established extensive
operations in Asia. U.S. platforms in particular
have seen Asia as an important growth market
for their platform services. Google, Facebook,
Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Salesforce, Uber,
Airbnb and many others have invested in Asian
expansion. While some Western platforms have
been successful in extending their platform
services into Asia, they have faced a range of
competitive and regulatory challenges across
the region.
Survey Methodology
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
The survey identified 62 major platform companies now operating in Asia (see Figure 1). Collectively,
these companies have a market capitalization of over $1.1 trillion.
Thirty of the companies are public
and trade on various Asian stock exchanges; a few are listed in the United States. The public platforms
have a combined market capitalization of $883 billion. Thirty-two of the companies are privately
held. The exact market value of the private platform companies is difficult to determine precisely,
but can be estimated from available data to be just over $200 billion. Chinese platforms dominate,
with nearly three-quarters of the collective market value of the companies identified in the survey.
Platform companies located in Northeast Asia have 22 percent, followed by India, with just 4 percent,
and ASEAN, with 1 percent.
The rest of this report examines the results of the survey in greater detail. We focus in particular on
the location of platform clusters, indicated by platform headquarters and/or important centers for
regional operations, the sectors in which the platform companies compete and the type of platforms
they operate.
Platform Geography
Unlike North America, where the largest platforms are heavily concentrated in the greater San
Francisco Bay Area, platform companies are relatively dispersed across Asia. As shown in Figure 1,
they fall into four major clusters: Northeast Asia, China, India and Southeast Asia. Within each of
these regions, four cities stand out: Beijing, with 16 platforms, Tokyo, with 11, Shanghai, with six, and
greater New Delhi, with five.
Survey Results
India 4% ASEAN 1%
NE Asia 22%
China 73%
China NE Asia India ASEAN Total
3 62
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Northeast Asia (Japan and Korea) is home to 17 platform companies, with a collective market
capitalization of $244 billion (See Table 1). Tokyo has the largest number of platform companies, with
a total of 11. The largest and most well-established platform companies are Japan’s SoftBank, Yahoo
Japan and Rakuten. There are also a number of more recently established platforms that are gaining
in scale, including LINE, which recently IPOed, M3.com, DeNA and Gree.
South Korea also has successful platform companies. These include Navier and Kakao, which are
publicly traded, as well as companies like Coupag, Yellow Mobile and CJ Games, which are privately
held. The region has produced a growing number of platform companies that organize communities
and transactions across e-commerce, gaming, messaging and social media. In South Korea, home-
grown platforms have blocked or nudged out foreign contenders, at times with superior local offerings
but also at times with the backing of protective regulations. As a result, Naver holds more than 70
percent of Korea’s internet search market and Kakao controls the majority of Korea’s on-demand
rideshare market with its app Kakao Taxi.
*There are 62 platform companies with market value of $800M or above operating in Asia.
NE Asia
9 companies
$39B market cap
3 companies
$7B market cap
33 companies
$800B market cap
17 companies
$244B market cap
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
China has by far the largest number and diversity of platform companies. The survey identified 32
platforms, with a total market capitalization of $800 billion, as illustrated in Figure 2. The 20 largest
platform companies within this group are listed in Table 2. By far the two largest platform companies
are Tencent and Alibaba, which have market caps of $248 billion and $235 billion, respectively. A
second tier of companies that range between $20 billion and $60 billion includes Baidu, Ant Financial,
JD.com, Didi Chuxing and Ctrip.com. A third tier of companies with a valuation of between $800
million and $20 billion includes e-commerce companies like China Internet Plus Holdings (Meituan
and Dianping), Vipshop and Vancl; social media companies like LESHI, SINA and MOMO; fintech
companies like Lufax and classified ad companies like 58.com; travel companies like Qunar; gaming
companies like YY Inc.; and on-demand transportation/logistics companies like Dada.
Platform companies have emerged in eight Chinese cities. Beijing has the largest number at 16
platforms, with a collective market cap of nearly $190 billion. Baidu is the largest platform company.
Shanghai has six platform companies, including the travel site Ctrip and the fintech company Lufax.
Guangzhou has three companies, with a combined market cap of $12 billion — the largest is the
e-commerce company VipShop. Hangzhou has three platforms, but also the distinction of having
the headquarters of Alibaba, which alone has a market cap of $235 billion. Shenzhen only has one
platform, but is the home of Tencent, which has grown to be China’s largest platform with a current
market cap of $248 billion. The remaining cities are Nanjing, with two platforms, and Jeju and Tianjin,
with one each.
Platform creation in China has benefited from an active startup community. China has been a
cauldron of activity, but the mortality rate has also been high. One example is so-called “group buy
companies, where a company matches a volume discount with a buyer (typically a group) that agrees
to purchase a specific volume of goods. Surveys indicate a boom in new companies rushed into the
multibillion-dollar group-buying market, followed quickly by a bust in which 3,000 sites closed within
the span of months.
$0B $20B $40B $60B $80B $100B
Public Japan Tokyo
Private South Korea Seoul
Public Japan Tokyo
Public Japan Tokyo
Private Japan Tokyo
Public Japan Tokyo
Public Japan Tokyo
Public Japan Tokyo
Private South Korea Seoul
Public Japan Tokyo
Public South Korea Jeju City
Public Japan Tokyo
Private Japan Tokyo
Public South Korea Seongnam
Private South Korea Seoul
Public Japan Tokyo
Public Japan Tokyo
Type Country City
Company Market Cap
*There are 62 platform companies with market value of $800M or above operating in Asia.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Public China Shenzen
Private India Bengaluru
Private China Beijing
Private India New Delhi
Public China Beijing
Private India Mumbai
Private China Beijing
Private China Tianjin
Public China Beijing
Private India Bengaluru
Public China Guangzhou
Public China Shanghai
Private India New Delhi
Public China Beijing
Public China Beijing
Public China Hangzhou
Private India New Delhi
Public China Beijing
Private China Beijing
Private India New Delhi
Public China Shanghai
Private China Guangzhou
Private China Jeju City
Private India New Delhi
Public China Beijing
Private China Shanghai
Private India Bengaluru
Public China Beijing
Private China Beijing
Type Country City
Type Country City
Company Market Cap
Company Market Cap
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
India has a smaller number of platforms, with a total of nine major companies with a combined
market cap of $39 billion. In contrast to China and Northeast Asia, all the platforms identified in
India are still privately held. The largest platforms are the two e-commerce companies Flipkart and
Snapdeal. Platform activity is concentrated in three hubs. Greater New Delhi has the largest number,
with five platforms (Snapdeal and Shopclues, e-commerce companies; Paytm, a fintech company;
Hike, a messaging/ad tech platform; and Zomato, a classifieds and restaurant platform). Bengaluru
has three (FlipKart, Olacabs and the messaging/ad tech company InMobi). Mumbai has one platform,
Quikr, a classified advertising platform with more than 12 million listings.
The relatively small scale of India’s platform companies points to contrasting conditions. India
has valuable advantages in creating platforms, such as a large talent pool of skilled programmers,
proficiency in English and strong ties to the United States and Europe, but these advantages have
not been sufficient to overcome competing headwinds. Entrepreneurs face difficulty in raising funds
to scale their businesses. When they do get going, a weak public market for tech IPOs has prevented
local platform companies from going public. An uneven digital infrastructure presents business
risks. Uncertain and/or restrictive regulatory policies have limited the establishment and scaling of
platforms. Finally, traditional public companies (Reliance, FutureGroup, Apollo, Aditya Birla Group)
are exploring platform implementations, but without any demonstrable documented success so far.
The ASEAN region has a smaller share of platform companies. A total of three companies were
identified with a collective market cap of just over $7 billion, not including Lazada, the e-commerce
platform acquired by Alibaba. The largest platform is the Singapore-based private gaming company
Garena, which was founded in 2009. The company has launched a series of successful multiplayer
online games, such as League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth and FIFA Online. GrabTaxi (recently
simplified to just Grab) has established a wide range of ridesharing and logistics services. Since its
founding in Malaysia in 2011, it has since moved its headquarters to Singapore and expanded to
Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines through a network of more than 350,000 drivers.
The third platform is GO-JEK, an Indonesian transport, logistics and payments startup founded in
2010. The company has built out a network of more than 200,000 drivers operating motorcycles, cars
and trucks. The company has also recently branched out into car maintenance service, where it will
match mechanics with car owners looking for repair services.
While platforms have been largely concentrated on serving the largest cities, there have been recent
efforts to attract platforms to more rural areas of the region. An alliance of platform companies
and government trade promotion entities formed in mid-2016 aims to advance cross-border trade
through e-commerce in the Greater Mekong subregion covering Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar,
Thailand and Vietnam.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Platform Sectors and Types
It is common to think of a company and a platform as one and the same. However, experience shows
that as platforms grow in size and scale, they often branch out into new areas, either organically
or through acquisitions. As a consequence, they can come to manage many platforms at once. This
is indeed the case in Asia, where a number of platform companies have grown to become diverse
multiplatform enterprises. This survey identifies six companies in this category. The companies are
among the largest platforms in Asia, so together these six companies have a combined market value
of $666 billion, or 61 percent of the region’s major platforms (see Figure 3).
Other 3%
Mul plaorms 81%
Yahoo! Japan
Travel 3%
Transportaon 4%
Gaming 4%
Social Media 4%
Fintech 8%
e-Commerce 14%
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
In addition to the multiplatform companies, the survey identified Asian platforms operating across 10
different sectors. The largest number of platform companies can be found in the area of e-commerce.
There are 22 companies in this sector with a total market value of $148 billion. Gaming platforms
total six, not including the multiplatform companies, with a collective market value of $44 billion.
There are five social media companies, not including the multiplatform companies. These social
media companies have a total value of $48 billion. There are fewer fintech companies — we identified
four — but they have a higher market value of $85 billion. Transportation has been a growing sector.
Four companies fall into this category, with a total value of $36 billion. There are four messaging/ad
tech companies worth $16 billion. Only three large travel companies were identified, but they have a
higher market cap worth $27 billion. The remaining sectors — real estate, classifieds and workplace
— have between two and three companies apiece and have market values of $9 billion, in the case of
real estate and classifieds, and $2 billion, in the case of workplace matchings platforms.
Linkages: Asian platform establishment and growth has not been confined to the countries in which
they were established. There are significant regional and increasingly global linkages.
Regional: There is more cross-border investment between Asian platforms than is widely recognized.
Japanese platforms made early strategic investments in Chinese and Indian platforms. For example,
SoftBank was an early investor in Alibaba, with an initial investment of $20 million in 2000. By the
time of Alibaba’s record IPO in 2014, SoftBank owned 34 percent of the company, a stake that had
grown to more than $50 billion. SoftBank has also made other strategic investments in platforms
such as Ola, India’s ridesharing company, and Grab, founded in Malaysia and serving 17 cities across
six countries in Southeast Asia: Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia.
As they have grown in size and scale, Chinese platforms have also been active regional investors.
Part of these investments have flowed to India. This includes Alibaba’s investment in Paytm, the
online payment company, as well as Tencents investment in the messaging platform Hike.
have also gone to Korea and Japan. Tencent invested in South Korea’s gaming platform CJ Games.
Biadu has successfully looked to Korea and Japan for streaming video content. For example, deals
to stream popular Korean dramas (My Love from the Star and Descendants of the Sun) generated a
massive following, with the number of hits registering in the billions.
Baidu co-produced a drama
with Japanese broadcaster Fuji TV called Mysterious Summer that also garnered a huge following.
Finally, Korean platform companies have also made important cross-border bets. One of the most
successful is Navers investment in the Japanese messaging platform LINE in 2006.
Naver held 80
percent of LINE after the IPO, which reached a market cap of more than $9 billion when it debuted in
July 2016.
Other linkages include the joint venture established between Kakao and Yahoo Japan to
operate Kakao Japan.
The joint venture helped to expand Kakao’s mobile messaging apps outside of
Korea and support Yahoo Japan’s effort to adapt to the shift to mobile ecosystems.
Global: Asian platforms have helped to build connections between Asia and the rest of the world. One
effort has been to position platforms to become inbound gateways for U.S. and European goods. For
foreign businesses, especially smaller ones, selling into Asia can be a daunting challenge. E-commerce
platforms make the process easier by overcoming many of the challenges associated with cross-
border trade, such as access to millions of customers, artificial-intelligence-enabled advertising and
secure payment systems.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Foreign trade offices have even come to recognize the opportunity. U.K. Trade and Investment signed
a Memorandum of Understanding with Alibaba aimed at helping U.K. companies sell goods in China
on 1688.com, one of Alibaba’s e-commerce platforms. Similar deals have subsequently been inked
with Italy, New Zealand and Canada.
Alibaba rival JD.com has announced its own plans to attract
foreign merchants to sell a wide range of goods on its platform.
A variety of Indian platforms have made a mark on the global platform space. InMobi, one of the
leading independent mobile ad networks globally, started in India and expanded to all continents,
with particularly strong access to mobile eyeballs in emerging markets. More recently, platforms like
Zomato are starting to expand beyond India.
But not all of these outbound efforts have been successful. After a strong global push, the Japanese
e-commerce platform Rakuten announced in early 2016 that it was retrenching from England and
Spain to concentrate on Germany and France.
The company subsequently announced that it would
withdraw from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore and band together with eBay to serve
South Korea.
Asian platforms have been engaged in a wave of mergers and takeovers. A review of some of the
deals provides a perspective on the pace and scale of the consolidation that is taking place.
E-commerce: E-commerce has been an active area of consolidation. In 2015, Meituan and Dianping,
two private companies serving China’s large group-buying market, merged in a deal estimated at
$15 billion. The newly formed company, called Internet Plus Holdings, now claims to have 600
million users on the demand side of its platform, which it matches up with more than 4 million local
merchants on the supply side offering an array of products and services, ranging from group buying
and ticket booking to online ordering from physical businesses.
In another deal, the platform
company 58.com, sometimes referred to as “China’s Craigslist,” acquired Ganji.com, which had built
a significant digital marketplace for secondhand cars and other goods and services across more
than a dozen major cities.
In a subsequent transaction, 58.com took a 70 percent equity stake
in AutoComment, a major automotive information website and service platform in China. These
were two of a string of investments aimed at building platform scale and direct and indirect network
effects across transportation, real state, on-demand services and recruitment.
Other Asian markets have also experienced consolidation. In India in 2014, for example, FlipKart
bought Myntra, an online retail platform. More recently, it took advantage of a cash crunch to
acquire Jabong, another large online retailer.
Snapdel, FlipKart’s main rival, has contributed to the
consolidation wave with the acquisitions of Doozton.com, Wishpicker.com and Exclusively.in.
have also been large cross-border deals that have begun to consolidate the e-commerce market in
Southeast Asia. In April 2016, Alibaba acquired a controlling interest in the privately held Lazada
Group, investing $500 million for new shares and buying $500 million worth of shares from existing
investors. Lazada.com is a Singaporean e-commerce company founded by Rocket Internet in 2011. By
2014, Lazada’s operations had extended to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
and Vietnam.
Platform Consolidation
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Streaming Video Media: There have been large deals in the online video market. Time spent
watching online videos has exploded across Asia, with hundreds of millions of viewers gravitating to
mobile platforms. The new revenue opportunities from advertising and cross-platform linkages to
“buy what you watch” shopping, travel and other areas of interest created strong incentives, built
large integrated platforms and recouped the costs of providing content. China has seen the largest
growth as well as the most significant move toward consolidation. Momentum began in 2012 with
the acquisition of Tudou by Youku in a deal estimated at $1 billion. Then in 2015, Alibaba announced
that it would purchase the combined Youku-Tudou platform valued at $4.8 billion with a user base of
approximately 570 million.
Meanwhile, in 2013, Baidu bought PPStream Inc. for $370 million and
integrated it with IQiyi.com to create China’s largest online-video platform. The platform now has 20
million paying users.
Transportation: Asian transportation platforms have also seen their share of consolidation. In India,
Ola Cabs acquired TaxiForSure in 2015, adding an additional 15,000 cabs to its network. The deal was
reported to be worth $200 million and helped Ola grow to 750,000 rides per day for an estimated 75
percent to 80 percent share of India’s rideshare market. It also helped to bolster its position against
Uber, which remains a formidable competitor.
China’s much larger rideshare market has also seen major consolidation. The rideshare market began
with the establishment of Didi Dache, founded in 2012 with support from Tencent and Kuaidi Dache,
founded the same year with backing from Alibaba. Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache quickly emerged as
the two largest players in China. In 2015, the two companies announced they were merging in a $6
billion deal and renamed the company Didi Chuxing. The merger was widely seen as motivated in no
small measure by pressure from Uber, which entered the Chinese market in August 2013. A pitched
battle for the Chinese ride share market ensued between Didi Chuxing and Uber. However, after
losing a reported $1 billion per year in cutthroat competition, Uber made a deal with its rival. Uber
agreed to exit the market in return for a stake in Didi Chuxing.
This left Didi Chuxing with a dominant
position in China’s rideshare market but also gave Uber a portion of China’s dominant rideshare
platform and the ability to pursue other markets.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Asian platforms are driving innovation in a number of different areas. Often accused of mimicking
Western counterparts, a deeper look at Asian platforms demonstrates innovation and creativity.
Three noteworthy areas are third-party payments, visual language and artificial intelligence.
Third-Party Payments: Finally, Asian platforms were not the first to introduce third-party payments;
however, they have contributed to important innovations resolving acute local market conditions.
One example is the payment system Alipay, established by Alibaba. Launched in 2004, Alipay
developed solutions to not only overcome the limitations of China’s banking system, but also weak
consumer protection laws and regulations. To attract users, no transaction fees were imposed. To
build confidence, it also went a step further than other payment systems like PayPal and introduced
an escrow service. Payments were held until the buyers verified whether they were satisfied with
goods before payment was transferred to the seller, guarantees that helped to build confidence in
making online transactions. Additional confidence in the identity and legitimacy of suppliers was
gained by introducing TrustPass. In order to become a TrustPass member, a supplier was subject to
verification and certification by a third-party credit reporting agency. Finally, significant attention
was made on integrating diverse functions, such as mobile games and movies, so that users had a
one-stop, multiuser-friendly experience. Recognizing the value of becoming an approved vendor on
a rapidly growing platform, many local governments provided public funding to small local companies
in order to help them obtain TrustPass certification.
Alibaba eventually spun off Alipay, which now
falls under Ant Financial, a full-service financial services enterprise with a valuation of $60 billion.
Visual Language: Emojis and other pictograms have created rich new modes of communication
on the web.
It is estimated that more than 6 billion pictograms are sent around the world every
day on mobile messaging apps.
Emojis were first developed in Japan by the telecom and mobile
phone company NTT DoCoMo in the late 1990s. Emoji, which means “picture letter” in Japanese,
won immediate popularity, especially with young mobile phone users. DoCoMo’s decision not to
copyright or trademark the picture language contributed to their adoption by other carriers, as did
its incorporation in the Unicode standard, which supports the worldwide exchange and display of
text and pictographs on computers and mobile devices.
Emojis received a further boost when
SoftBank convinced Apple to add emojis to the iPhone, which it did for Japan and then globally.
As their popularity grew, emojis were embraced by messaging platforms. Facebook Messenger,
WhatsApp, LINE, Viber and WeChat now have hundreds of millions of users communicating through
a combination of text and visual language capability. As these pictorial representations have grown
in sophistication and scale, they have all but displaced internet slang shortcuts (e.g., LOL). Surveys
indicate that upward of 90 percent of internet users now use them.
Recently, emojis have expanded from personal communication to being integrated into the enterprise
strategy. Seeking to tap a shift toward a more visual and creative forms of communication, global
brands have started to experiment with using emojis to reach target audiences in a more fun and
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
expressive manner. Ikea, Spotify, Nikon and Coca-Cola are among a growing list of companies that
are working branded emojis into their marketing strategies.
The size and scale of emojis have even
spawned new analytic services that provide volume and sentiment analysis that can be used to tweak
campaigns or target new promising audience segments.
Graphical imagery requires a different
approach than text analysis, which historically has been the basis of corporate social listening
Finally, Asian platform companies continue to innovate around the supply side. The Japanese
messaging platform LINE has been at the forefront of creating significant revenue streams by moving
beyond emojis to a broad range of “stickers,” some free and others for purchase. The company has
even set up a Creators Market to crowdsource and incentivize new sticker creation.
Artificial Intelligence: Asian platforms have demonstrated a growing commitment to artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (see Table 4). Robin Li, CEO of Baidu, has called artificial
intelligence “the next big development in the internet industry.” Not surprisingly, Baidu has been
one of the region’s major investors in developing AI capabilities. The company has been developing
AI systems to enhance its platform in areas such as advertising, search ranking, large-scale image
classification, image character recognition and natural language machine translation. The company
recently announced that it would open its deep learning architecture to developers outside of
the company.
Other Chinese platform companies also have AI projects. Alibaba, through Aliyun, its cloud computing
unit, has begun an artificial intelligence service called DT PAI. The initiative draws on deep learning
techniques and a simple drag-and-drop interface. Like Baidu’s offering, developers can use DT PAI
to build predictive models without having to write new code. Meanwhile, Tencent has invested
in Diffbot, a technology that visually recognizes, reads, understands and monitors web pages and
components, including product pages, news articles, discussion forums, videos and images. Each
element of the web page is extracted, organized, tagged, cross-referenced and stored as an “object
in the Global Index with billions of objects.
Japanese and Korean platforms have also announced AI programs. SoftBank has made substantial
investments in the AI-enabled humanoid robot called Pepper. In May 2016, the company opened
its software platform to third-party software developers with the goal of growing its application
platform with larger offerings of “roboapps,” including those that leverage artificial intelligence.
SoftBank also joined with Honda Motors to develop a system that uses artificial intelligence to analyze
speech and offer information and recommendations tailored to drivers. The cloud-based AI software
will learn drivers’ habits and interact with drivers based on input from cameras and other sensors,
including facial expressions and tone of voice. Rakuten is building AI capabilities to help shoppers
better navigate online stores and linkages to Viber, a major messaging platform that it acquired in
Rakuten acquired additional capabilities through its acquisition of Nextperf, a company with
advanced machine learning for real-time ad optimization and smarter recommendation engines.
Not to be outdone, Korean platforms have also joined the rush to develop AI capabilities. Naver
has developed a program called “LAON,” which uses an AI speech-recognition program that is able
to engage in intelligent search and human dialogue to enhance customer queries and
shopping experiences.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
No single approach to innovation has emerged across Asian platform companies. The degree
of collaboration varies. While many have internally focused R&D efforts, others have joined a
consortium. For example, Navier and Kakao recently joined in a Korean government’s initiative on
artificial intelligence led by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.
Geographic focus has
also varied. While there has been a strong domestic focus among most Asian platforms, others have
sought to build a more global R&D network. The Rakuten Institute of Technology has set up R&D
labs not only in Tokyo but also in New York, Paris, Singapore and Boston. In addition to Japan, the
company has recruited a diverse research staff from Argentina, China, France, Germany, Indonesia,
Korea, Norway, Poland, Sri Lanka, Turkey and the United States.
Baidu IDL Basic research
Paddle Paddle Open-source Al Tools
South Korea LAON e-Commerce, markeng
Emoon engine Assisted vehicles
Pepper Humanoid robot
Japan Nextperf e-Commerce, markeng
China Diot Web search, indexing
China DT PAI e-Commerce, markengALIBABA
Country Al ProjectCompany Focus
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Asian platforms have also benefited from government initiatives aimed at promoting digital
technology more generally as enablers of economic transformation and growth. South Korea was
among the first governments to actively back the development of ubiquitous high-speed broadband
internet connectivity. The vision of creating a “knowledge-based society” and the infrastructure to
make it happen helped to bring about the conditions for the establishment of e-commerce and other
platform companies.
Although somewhat later and more diffuse in its effects, Japan also established
a similar vision and agenda with i-Japan strategy and its precursors, e-Japan and u-Japan (u-universal,
u-user-oriented and u-unique). China’s government, for its part, has also backed enabling internet
infrastructure policy and investment as a way to transition from export and investment-led growth
to more domestic-led, consumer-driven growth. These policies and similar promotional initiatives in
India and Southeast Asia generally have been positive for platform business models.
Impediments: There have also been policy conditions that have worked against platforms. Legal
uncertainty regarding ridesharing and home rentals has been one well-covered issue.
infrastructure and the general challenges of starting and growing a business have been another.
Beyond uncertainty and enabling conditions, there are also more direct impediments. One concerns
policy around payments. For example, platform companies have complained about India’s decision
to mandate two-factor authentication for all online transactions. The rule was issued by The Reserve
Platform Regulation
The regulatory environment for platforms in Asia is not easy to succinctly summarize. As might be
imagined, there is significant regional as well as sectoral variation. In some cases, governments have
helped to facilitate platform creation and growth. In other cases, the regulatory environment has
been a significant constraint. Still, there are some high-level observations that can be made regarding
regulatory tail winds and head winds.
Facilitation: Government policy has helped to enable platform establishment and growth in Asia in
a number of ways. One has been to give these businesses the freedom to operate and let digital
marketplaces experiment and evolve. For example, Asian platforms have generally faced less stringent
rules regarding data privacy than their counterparts in Europe and the U.S. Steps to create greater
legal certainty have helped. For example, the Chinese government helped to resolve uncertainty by
approving ridesharing apps as legal and establishing procedures to formerly license drivers. Likewise,
India has taken measures to clarify ambiguous rules over taxes levied on platforms.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Bank of India (RBI) and required that online transactions in India using credit cards be processed
through a local bank in local currency. This was considered a burden on foreign platforms that had
previously been sending credit card transactions through an international payment gateway.
censorship rules have also been another area of contention, particularly for search and social media
China’s so-called “Great Firewall” has blocked or severely restricted certain foreign
platform companies from operating.
In some cases, platforms have adjusted their governance rules in an attempt to stave off regulatory
action. Airbnb Japan offers one example. Within a year of launching in Japan in 2014, the platform
attracted more than 20,000 listings and matched more than 500,000 guests with private lodgings
(Minpaku). In response to rising complaints and looming regulatory pressures against Minpaku, Airbnb
Japan announced that it would make it possible for neighbors to lodge comments and complaints on
the website.
While this measure alone is likely not enough to placate critics, it does show that
platforms can and do adjust platform governance rules in response to social concerns.
Self-governance may be helpful for some policy concerns, but not all. Deeper regulatory challenges
can require collective government effort that is codified through international trade agreements.
One of the most significant efforts of relevance to platforms operating in Asia is the Trans-Pacific
Partnership (TPP).
The provisions of the agreement require that member governments allow full
cross-border transfer of information. It bans forced localization of computing facilities and services.
It prohibits requirements to transfer technology as a condition of conducting business. It also bans
the imposition of customs duties or taxes on internet traffic. TPPs e-commerce and other digital
trade-related provisions are unique among international trade agreements. Twelve countries signed
the agreement in February 2016, including the United States, China, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam
and Malaysia. However, the agreement requires ratification before it can enter into force and the
prospects for this final step, especially for the U.S., have grown increasingly bleak.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
Platform business models are playing a growing role in Asia’s economy. As this survey illustrates,
platforms have grown rapidly in size and scale, facilitating interactions among hundreds of millions
of users and transactions worth hundreds of billions of dollars. If the underlying demographic,
economic and technology trends driving the so-called Asian Century hold, then the region promises
to be particularly fertile ground for continued Asian platform growth. Indeed, a useful area of further
research would examine the contribution that platform companies can make in realizing the continued
growth and prosperity of the region.
Recent economic analysis of platforms in the U.S. indicate that
they can have a positive impact on consumer welfare.
It would be useful to explore if similar results
can be found in Asian markets with platform entry, not only for ridesharing, but across the range of
sectors in which platforms are now active. It would also be useful to have a better understanding
of the economic implications across different levels of economic development, given the significant
diversity of Asia, which includes high-income developed economies, faster-growing middle income
economics and modest-growth emerging economies.
In addition, platforms advance productivity, welfare, growth and contribute to innovation. This report
explored three areas in which Asian platforms have made a mark: third-party payment systems;
introducing a new and rich area of visual language in messaging apps; and the rapidly growing role
in artificial intelligence. There are likely other areas in which Asian platforms are making unique
contributions not only to technology innovation, but also to business-model innovation. The size,
scale and dynamics of Asian economies provides a rich basis for new platform breakthroughs. Looking
to the future, it would not be a surprise to see Asian platforms playing an increasingly important role
in the region’s national systems of innovation. Little systematic analysis has been undertaken to date
on the interaction among platform enterprises, startups, universities and government institutions,
including national R&D programs. Given the growth of their growing research investment and their
often cutting-edge role in harnessing and driving digital innovation, the ties between Asian platforms
and innovation is another rich area to pursue.
Finally, there is the area of policy and regulation. Policy regarding platforms is neither consistent
nor necessarily well-developed across Asia. In some cases, policymakers have been champions of
platforms and have taken measures to clarify rules and other actions that have helped to boost
platform establishment and growth. In other cases, platforms are such a new phenomenon that
regulators have often been caught playing regulatory catch-up. Still, interventions have had a
detrimental implication for platform operations. This is true not only for domestic companies, but
also for foreign platforms, which have faced a range of competitive barriers. It is unlikely that we will
see consistent rules emerge across the region, given the wide variety of institutions and regulatory
approaches. At the same time, it would be a mistake to discount the ability of Asian regulators to
identify best practices and find workable balances between consumer interests and those of platform
enterprises. Experience shows Asia is adept at reshaping the regulatory landscape to advance
innovation, competitiveness and growth. There is little reason to believe that this will not be true for
shaping the conditions for Asian platforms as well.
The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
For a detailed treatment of the growing importance and unique attributes of platform business models see Geoffrey G.
Parker. Marshall W. Van Alstyne, and Choudary, Sangeet Paul, Platform Revolution, New York: WW Norton, 2016.
Asia’s middle class is now estimated to include over $1.2 billion people, defined as having a disposable income of
between $16 and $100 per day. Figures from 2012 indicate that 800 million Chinese, 210 million Indians and 190
million Southeast Asians met this criteria. See: ASEAN 2015: Seeing Around the Corner in a New Asian Landscape, The
Nielsen Company, 2014.
Rahul C. Basole, Hyunwoo Park and Peter C. Evans, “Research Note- Revealing Digital Infrastructure Configurations of
Platform Companies using Visualization,” forthcoming.
Peter C. Evans and Annabelle Gawer, “The Rise of the Platform Enterprise: A Global Survey,” The Emerging Platform
Economy Series, No. 1, The Center for Global Enterprise, January 2016.
There is now a large literature on platform business models. See, for example, Jean-Charles Rochet and Jean Tirole.
Two-sided Markets: A Progress Report,” The RAND Journal of Economics 37, No. 3, 2006, pp. 645-667; and Geoffrey
G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne and Sangeet Paul Choudary, Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are
Transforming the Economy, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2016.
Annabelle Gawer and Michael A. Cusumano. “Industry platforms and ecosystem innovation.” Journal of Product
Innovation Management 31, No. 3, 2014, pp. 417-433.
For details regarding the Quid Web Intelligence tool see: http://quid.com/product/
Based on market values extracted from Thomson Reuters Eikon on Sept. 1, 2016.
Catherine Shu, “Daum Kakao debuts Uber rival Kakao Taxi in South Korea,” TechCrunch, March 30, 2015.
Charlie Custer, “Nearly 3,000 Chinese group buy sites have closed so far in 2012,” Tech in Asia, Aug. 14, 2012.
Jon Russell, “Grab CEO: Didi victory shows we can beat Uber in Southeast Asia,” TechCrunch, July 31, 2016.
“Business alliance eyes cross-border e-commerce along Mekong River,” China Daily, June 12, 2016.
Jon Russell, “SoftBank invests $250M in GrabTaxi, Ubers archrival in Southeast Asia, TechCrunch, Dec. 3, 2014.
“Chinese firms invest $2.3 billion in 3 months in India,” Business Standard, Aug. 30, 2016.
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Lauren Thomas, Japanese messaging app Line will keep close es to Korean internet giant Naver,CNBC.com, July 13, 2016.
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Jon Russell, “Korea messaging company Kakao partners with Yahoo Japan, eying larger Japanese profile,” The
TheNextWeb.com, Oct. 19, 2012.
Alibaba, UKTi sign deal to help British firms operate sales to China,ChinaDaily.com, Oct. 24, 2015.
Ian Allison, “Alibaba’s Jack Ma promotes free trade for SMEs via electronic world trade platform,” International Business
Times, Sept. 6, 2016.
Catherine Shu, “JD.com takes on Alibaba with its new international e-commerce platform,” Techcrunch, April 14, 2015.
Yoni Van Looveren, “Rakuten pulls out of several European countries,” Retail Detail, Aug. 6, 2016.
Eileen Yu, “Rakuten to shutter online marketplaces in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia,” ZDNet, Feb. 13, 2016.
Rebecca Fannin, “Merger of China’s Meituan-Dianping showcases race for market lead in well-funded group buying
sector,” Forbes, Oct. 10, 2015.
Catherine Shu, “58.com, China’s largest classifieds site, acquires rival Ganji.com,” TechCrunch, April 20, 2015.
“58.com acquires stake in Chinese automotive website,” Enterprise Innovation, Aug. 23, 2015; and Emma Lee, “China’s
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Itika Sharma Punit, “The rise, fall, and sale of Jabong is the future for many other Indian startups,” Quartz India, July 28, 2016.
Niraj, S. ”inorganic growth only route to achieve economies of scale for Indian e-retailers.” The Journal of Internet
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Lulu Yilun Chen and Lily Katz, “Alibaba buys Youku in deal said to be valued at $4.8 billion,” Bloomberg Technology,
Nov. 6, 2015.
Mike Isaac, “Uber to sell to rival Didi Chuxing and create new business in China,” New York Times, Aug. 1, 2016.
Eric Newcomer and Selina Wang, “In Deal with Didi Uber Frees Itself to Expand in Other Markets, Bloomberg Technology,
July 31, 2016.
Choi, Yongrok, and Lili Sun. “Reuse Intention of Third-Party Online Payments: A Focus on the Sustainable Factors of
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Joshua Bateman, “China is disrupting global fintech,” TechCrunch, Aug. 14, 2016.
Sun Sun Lim, “On Stickers and Communicative Fluidity in Social Media,” Social Media + Society, April-June 2015, pp. 1-3.
Vivian Rosenthal, “Why emojis and stickers are big business,” Forbes, Aug. 19, 2016.
The Unicode Standard was established to support consistent encoding, representation and transmission of text,
symbols and pictograms. See: http://unicode.org/standard/standard.html
Jeff Blagdon, “How emoji conquered the world,” The Verge, March 4, 2013.
Travis Montaque, 2015 The Emoji Report, Emogi.com, September 2015.
Tanya Dua, “The emojification of brand advertising,” Digiday, April 15, 2015.
Robert D. Hof, “Picture this: Marketers let emojis do the talking,” New York Times, March 6, 2016.
Harry McCracken, “How Japan’s Line app became a culture-changing, revenue generating phenomenon,” Fast
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Aaron Tilley, “Chinese search giant Baidu opens sources its deep learning software,” Forbes, Sept. 1, 2016.
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The Rise of Asian Platforms: A Regional Survey
A Regional Survey
The Rise of
Asian Platforms
The Center for Global Enterprise