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USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report i
Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil
rights regulations and policies, USDA, its Mission Areas, agencies, staff offices, employees, and
institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating
based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression),
sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a
public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity,
in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs).
Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with
disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information
(e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, or American Sign Language) should contact the responsible
Mission Area, agency, or staff office; the USDA TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and
TTY); or the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a complainant should complete a Form AD 3027,
USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, which can be obtained online, from any USDA
office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must
contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the
alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil
Rights about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD 3027
form or letter must be signed and submitted to USDA by:
(1) Mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Executive Director
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
Center for Civil Rights Enforcement
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Mail Stop 9430
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(2) Efax:
(833) 256-1665
(3) Email:
Please attach a signed AD-3027 complaint
form or letter to the email.
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USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report iii
Table of Contents
Message from Secretary Vilsack ................................................................................................. 1
Section I Management’s Discussion and Analysis ...................................................................... 5
USDA Organization Chart ........................................................................................................ 6
USDA Mission Areas and Staff Offices ..................................................................................... 7
USDA Program Performance ................................................................................................. 10
Future Demands, Risks, Uncertainties, Events, Conditions, and Trends ............................... 34
Analysis of Financial Statements and Stewardship Information ............................................ 36
Statement of Assurance ........................................................................................................ 46
Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act Report on Management Control ......................... 47
Compliance with Laws and Regulations ................................................................................ 53
Federal Financial Management Improvement Act Report on
Financial Management Systems ......................................................................................... 55
Financial Management Systems Strategy .............................................................................. 57
Section II Financial Information ................................................................................................ 65
Message from the Office of the Chief Financial Officer ........................................................ 65
Independent Auditors Report................................................................................................ 68
Agency Response to Auditors Report .................................................................................... 80
Financial Statements ............................................................................................................. 81
Notes to the Financial Statements ........................................................................................ 86
Required Supplementary Information ................................................................................. 170
Section III Other Information .................................................................................................. 177
USDA Management Challenges ........................................................................................... 177
Summary of Financial Statement Audit and Management Assurances ............................... 178
Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Improper Payments Overview Payment Integrity ............................................................. 180
Civil Monetary Penalties ...................................................................................................... 181
Grants Program ................................................................................................................... 199
AbbreviationsAcronyms ........................................................................................................ 201
iv Table of Contents
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USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 1
Message from
Secretary Vilsack
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA or the Department)
respectfully submits the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Agency Financial Report,
fulfilling our responsibility to the American people, President Biden, and
the U.S. Congress.
It is a pleasure to be back at USDA with the opportunity to serve the
American people as Secretary. This Department touches the lives of all
Americans each day in so many positive ways. I am grateful for the
chance to once again work in partnership with the tens of thousands of
dedicated public servants in USDA to bring meaningful change and improve the lives of all
Americans through the Department’s programs and services.
As we confront many historical challenges associated with a continuing global pandemic, we are
also presented with even greater opportunities to deliver fundamental services to the American
people in this pivotal time. We will build back better, stronger, and more resilient and equitable
than ever before, and we will do so by recovering from the pandemic, reducing hunger and food
insecurity, working to ensure racial justice and equity, building up rural America’s economy, and
addressing climate change.
In 2021, USDA began that work to build back better than before.
The COVID-19 pandemic led to massive disruption for growers and food workers and exposed a
food system that was rigid, consolidated, and fragile. To aid in the recovery from the COVID-19
pandemic, USDA launched Pandemic Assistance for Producers. While USDA has long provided
a safety net to ensure producers can survive an unprofitable year, this time, we set out with the
mission of reaching a broader set of producers than in previous COVID-19 aid programs.
USDA dedicated approximately $6 billion toward new programs to put a greater emphasis on
outreach to small and socially disadvantaged producers, specialty crop and organic producers,
timber harvesters, and support for the food supply chain and producers of renewable energy,
among others.
Through the American Rescue Plan, USDA delivered nutrition assistance to millions of adults
and children. We provided access to the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program for the
duration of the health emergency, including through the summer, to allow families with children
receiving school meals to more easily purchase healthy food during the pandemic. We also
2 Message from the Secretary
extended a 15 percent increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits for all
participants through September 30, 2021; provided $880 million to expand access to fruits and
vegetables for mothers and infants, and made investments in innovation to the Special
Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children; invested $37 million for
senior nutrition through the Commodity Supplemental Food Program; and invested $1 billion in
nutrition assistance for the territories.
Through the American Rescue Plan and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, USDA announced
an investment of up to $1 billion in Emergency Food Assistance to serve as a bridge from
pandemic assistance to food system transformation. The funding is focused on supporting and
expanding the emergency food network so states, food banks, and local organizations can
reliably serve their communities and reach rural, remote, and underserved communities.
In addition to providing assistance to resolve lingering challenges directly associated with the
COVID-19 pandemic, USDA is making a major commitment to rebuild our food system as we
Build Back Better. In FY 2021, through the Build Back Better initiative, USDA began investing
more than $4 billion to strengthen and transform the food system in four major areas: (1) food
production, (2) food processing, (3) food distribution and aggregation, and (4) markets and
consumers. The Build Back Better initiative will make meaningful investments to build a food
system that is more resilient against shocks, delivers greater value to growers and workers, and
offers consumers an affordable selection of healthy food that is produced and sourced locally and
regionally by farmers and processors from diverse backgrounds.
As part of the Build Back Better initiative, we announced the investment of $500 million in
expanding meat and poultry processing capacity. We also announced more than $150 million for
existing small and very small processing facilities to help them weather COVID, compete in the
marketplace, and have the support needed to reach more customers. These investments will add
resilience to our food supply chain and level the playing field for farmers and ranchers.
Rural American communities were hit hard during the pandemic. Through the American Rescue
Plan, USDA is implementing funding to invest in the people of rural America. We are investing
$100 million through September 2022 in rental assistance for low-income and elderly borrowers
and an additional $39 million through September 2023 to help refinance direct loans under the
Single-Family Housing Loan Program and the Single-Family Housing Repair Loans and Grants.
We also made available up to $500 million in grants to help rural health care, Tribes, and
communities expand access to COVID-19 vaccines, health care services, and nutrition assistance.
At USDA, we are recommitting ourselves to the values of equity and inclusion rooted in justice
and equal opportunity for our employees and those we serve. This policy includes recognizing
opportunities within the Department that ensure historically underserved groups more fully
access and participate in USDA programs and services.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 3
To advance this work, in FY 2021, USDA made available $2 million to establish cooperative
agreements to provide outreach and technical assistance to historically underserved farmers and
ranchers through the Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative.
In accordance with fulfilling provisions included in the bipartisan 2018 Farm Bill, USDA
established the Heirs’ Property Relending Program, making available $67 million in competitive
loans. By gaining legal title to the land, heirs will gain access to a wide range of government
assistance. USDA also awarded $21.8 million to the 1890 Land-Grant Institutions National
Program to support research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The awards will
support 58 projects at Historically Black Colleges and Universities to strengthen research,
extension, and teaching in the food and agricultural sciences.
USDA launched our first-ever USDA Racial Justice and Equity Working Group to identify gaps
and inadequacies in USDA systems and processes. The Working Group is assessing how USDA
collects and uses data, as well as a broader holistic assessment of equity across USDA programs
and services, including procurement, policy, and regulatory actions; how resources are used in
service of equity and civil rights; and how and where the Department conducts stakeholder
outreach. USDA is currently creating the Equity Commission in accordance with the Federal
Advisory Committee Act. Since January, USDA staff have also worked across Mission Areas,
Agencies, and Offices to advance the goals of various equity-related executive orders,
reinforcing messages, and sharing learnings and best practices.
USDA is engaged in a whole-of-government effort to combat the climate crisis and conserve and
protect our Nation’s lands, biodiversity, and natural resources, including our soil, air, and water.
We are committed to being a partner to build more resilient communities and putting the United
States in a leadership position on climate change mitigation.
As co-lead of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Interagency Drought Relief Working Group, in
conjunction with the U.S. Department of the Interior, USDA and our partners are dedicated to
addressing worsening drought conditions in the West and supporting farmers, Tribes, and
communities impacted by ongoing water shortages. In addition, USDA is the permanent chair of
the National Drought Resilience Partnership, providing another opportunity to develop long-term
measures to respond to climate change, build more resilient communities, and protect the
natural environment.
As we look to solutions to develop a climate-smart agriculture and forestry strategy, USDA has
adapted some of our programs to provide immediate relief for climate-impacted producers.
We invested $25 million for new pilots to assist agricultural producers impacted by worsening
drought conditions. USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Services is offering $41.8 million
through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program to help agricultural producers in Arizona,
California, Colorado, and Oregon recover from the impacts of drought and build resiliency.
4 Message from the Secretary
In FY 2021, USDA reached out to the public and asked for valuable input on a climate-smart
agriculture and forestry strategy. Additionally, we invested $330 million in 85 locally driven,
public-private partnerships to mitigate climate change and address other natural resource
challenges through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program; allocated up to $25 million
for On-Farm Conservation Innovation Trials in 2021; allocated up to $15 million to support the
development of new tools, approaches, practices, and technologies to further natural resource
conservation on private lands through the Conservation Innovation Grants program; and
allocated $10 million to support climate-smart agriculture and forestry through voluntary
conservation practices in 10 targeted states.
Each year brings unique challenges, and I am truly proud of the many ways USDA employees
across the Nation have stepped up during 2021. They have continued to get the job done on
behalf of Americans and support and grow our economy while strengthening rural communities.
I know that together, we can continue to deliver efficient service while finding more ways to
serve as efficient stewards of taxpayer dollars.
Thank you for your interest in the Department.
Thomas J. Vilsack
Secretary of Agriculture
November 12, 2021
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 5
Section I
Discussion and Analysis
USDA Organizaon Chart
6 Secon I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Deputy Secretary
Assistant Secretary for
Civil Rights
ant Secretary for
Congressional Relaons
ant Secretary for
of the Chief
Oce of the
Oce of
Budget and
Oce of
Oce of
Oce of
& Public
Higher Educaon
Strategic Iniaves
2501 Grants
e of
and Appeals
Oce of the
Under Secretary for
Farm Producon
and Conservaon
FPAC Business Center
Farm Services
Risk Management
Natural Resources
Conservaon Service
Under Secretary for
Food, Nutrion,
and Consumer
Food & Nutrion
Under Secretary for
Food Safety
Food Safety and
Inspecon Service
Under Secretary for
Markeng and
Markeng Service
Animal & Plant
Health Inspecon
Under Secretary for
Natural Resources
and Environment
Forest Service
Under Secre
tary for
Rural Housing
Rural Ulity Service
Rural Business
Cooperave Service
Under Secretary
Educaon, and
Oce of the Chief
Research Service
Naonal Agricultural
Stascal Service
Naonal Instute of
Food & Agriculture
Economic Research
Under Secretary for
Trade and Foreign
Agricultural Aairs
Foreign Agricultural
US Codex Oce
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 7
USDA Mission Areas and Staff Offices
Farm Production and Conservation
Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) is the Department’s focal point for the Nation’s
farmers and ranchers and other stewards of private agricultural lands and non-industrial private
forest lands. FPAC agencies implement programs designed to mitigate the significant risks of
farming through crop insurance, conservation programs, farm safety net programs, lending, and
disaster programs.
Farm Production and Conservation Business Center
Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Risk Management Agency (RMA)
Commodity Credit Corporation
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services works to harness the Nation’s agricultural abundance to
reduce food insecurity and improve nutrition security in the United States. Its operating agency,
the Food and Nutrition Service, administers federal domestic nutrition assistance programs and
includes the Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, which links scientific research to the
nutrition needs of consumers through science-based dietary guidance, nutrition policy
coordination, and nutrition education.
Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)
Food Safety
Food Safety and Inspection Service is the USDA public health agency responsible for protecting
the public’s health by ensuring the safety of meat, poultry, and egg products. FSIS ensures food
safety through the authorities of the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Products Inspection
Act, and the Egg Products Inspection Act, as well as humane animal handling through the
Humane Methods of Slaughter Act.
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
8 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Marketing and Regulatory Programs
Marketing and Regulatory Programs (MRP) facilitates domestic and international marketing of
U.S. agricultural products, protects U.S. plant and animal health, regulates genetically engineered
organisms, administers the Animal Welfare Act, and carries out wildlife damage management
activities. MRP agencies are active participants in setting national and international standards.
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Natural Resources and Environment
The mission of Natural Resources and Environment is to sustain the health, diversity, and
productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future
generations. We carry out our mission in partnership with States, Tribes, and communities across
the country who steward our Nation’s forest and grasslands.
Forest Service (FS)
Research, Education, and Economics
Research, Education and Economics is dedicated to the creation of a safe, sustainable,
competitive U.S. food and fiber system, as well as strong communities, families, and youth
through integrated research, analysis, and education.
Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Economic Research Service (ERS)
National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS)
Rural Development
Rural Development fosters opportunity and economic security for people and communities in
rural America through a broad range of investments. These investments open doors to better
jobs, create access to innovation and technology, while promoting the promise of rural
prosperity, equity, and climate resilience. The mission area is a catalyst for locally driven
economic development strategies that build on the diverse assets and needs of rural places,
including improving high-speed internet access; providing affordable rural housing; connecting
rural skill sets to jobs of the future; modernizing roads, bridges, and water systems; and ensuring
communities have access to health care. Rural Development provides tools and resources such as
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 9
loans, grants, and strong community partnerships that ensure rural families, businesses, and
communities can prosper today and in the future.
Rural Business Service
Rural Utilities Service
Rural Housing Service
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs’ (TFAA) role is to provide our farmers and ranchers with
opportunities to compete in the global marketplace. TFAA is the Department’s lead on trade
policy with primary responsibility to ensure USDA speaks with a unified voice on international
agriculture issues domestically and abroad. Within TFAA, the Foreign Agricultural Service is the
lead U.S. agency tasked with promoting exports of U.S. agricultural products through market
intelligence, trade policy, trade capacity building, and trade promotion programs. This work is
carried out by staff in Washington as well as a global network of 93 offices covering
177 countries. Also within TFAA, the U.S. Codex Office coordinates U.S. participation in the
Codex Alimentarius Commission, a United Nations body that sets international food standards
while protecting consumer health and ensuring fair trade practices.
Foreign Agricultural Service
US Codex Office
USDA Staff Offices
Our offices provide support to Department officials and employees at all levels and they support
our programs and services by working with our agencies, Congress, organizations, and tribal
To learn more about USDA Agencies and Mission Areas, please visit
agency/about-usda/mission-areas. The most current data can be found on the USDA Website.
10 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
USDA Program Performance
USDA Performance and Results for Fiscal Year 2021
The Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010 requires agencies
to update their strategic plan every 4 years. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA or the
Department) 2018–2022 Strategic Plan identifies the Department’s strategic goals and
objectives. USDA reports annually on its progress toward its strategic objectives using
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the Annual Performance Plan and Report published in
conjunction with the President’s Budget.
USDA follows GPRA guidelines for reporting data quality. The data collected and used by the
Department to measure performance utilize a standardized methodology. This methodology has
been vetted by federally employed scientists and policymakers and, ultimately, the leadership
and undersecretaries of each mission area. All attest to the completeness, reliability, and quality
of the data. Mission Areas within USDA are responsible for certifying that the data provided
undergo a thorough quality assurance process and provide assurance to the Performance
Improvement Officer. Data quality information for the agency priority goal-related measures
mentioned in this section can be found online at
For purposes of the Agency Financial Report (AFR), a performance summary is provided using
KPIs and related program activities as a mechanism to gauge progress in achieving its mission.
In fiscal year (FY) 2021, USDA had 38 key performance measures.
The following exhibits and discussion provide a high-level description of the Department’s key
focus areas that are tracked and managed through USDA’s performance management process.
The exhibits provide historical KPIs and include a preliminary status in meeting performance
targets for FY 2021 based on data gathered through the third quarter, where available. Final
performance information and a detailed discussion of the Department’s FY 2021 performance
results, assessment methodologies, metrics, external reviews, and documentation of performance
data will be presented in the FY 2023 USDA Annual Performance Plan (APP) and FY 2021
Annual Performance Report (APR). The report will be released with the President’s 2023 budget
in February and will be available on the USDA Performance Improvement and Accountability
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 11
Strategic Goal 1:
Ensure USDA Programs are Delivered Efficiently, Effectively,
with Integrity, and with a Focus on Customer Service
USDA will modernize and consolidate
Information Technology (IT) infrastructure and
services and strengthen management and
oversight of procurement, property, and finance to
ensure resources are deployed as effectively and
efficiently as possible. USDA will create a safe
and modern space within which employees can
work and feel empowered to find innovative
solutions to serve customers’ needs and promote
accountability and professional development.
USDA will leverage the strength and talent of its
employees and reduce regulatory and
administrative burdens to allow agencies to focus
on their customers. Improved customer service
and employee engagement will create a more
effective and accessible USDA for all its
Performance Summary
USDA Fleet Management: Departmental
Administration Office of Property and
Environmental Management (OPEM) has led
efforts to reduce the overall fleet inventory
and continued the capped fleet size for
FY 2021. OPEM established and worked with
the agencies to create a 5-year fleet
management plan that focused on replacing the USDA aging fleet that will support efforts for
increased sustainability and utilization. In partnership with the General Services
Administration (GSA), a portion of the aging fleet was converted to GSA leased vehicles.
The subsequent increase in installations of telematics will result in additional monitoring for
sustainability and utilization. Real property needs are being evaluated in light of the
pandemic and workplace flexibilities, such as telework, which will affect the target setting.
Data Analytics and IT Modernization to Improve Program Delivery: A contract will be
awarded to implement the IT roadmap, which is expected to be a 5–7 year effort and is
dependent on the availability of funding.
Objective 1.1
Modernize Information Technology
Infrastructure, Facilities, and Support
Services to Improve the Customer
Objective 1.2
Maintain a High-Performing Workforce
Through Employee Engagement and
Objective 1.3
Reduce the Regulatory Burden and
Streamline Processes
Objective 1.4
Improve Stewardship of Resources and
Utilize Data-Driven Analyses to
12 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Technology Transfer: In FY 2020 and FY 2021, the Research, Education, and Economics
(REE) mission area, the Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS) analytics, and dashboard team,
and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Tech Transfer KPI team partnered together in
efforts to streamline data collection and enhance data integrity. The teams are testing if
automated calculations can be introduced to enhance data management efficiency. A gap was
identified between the dashboard data sources (automated) and the historically reported data
(manual). The OCS/REE KPI team is currently working to identify the cause of the data gap
and consider options (including methodology updates) for rectifying it in FY 2022.
Citations of REE Reports: As of Quarter (Q) 2, FY 2021, the National Agricultural
Statistics Service (NASS) and Economic Research Service (ERS) combined KPI tracking fell
slightly short of its target of 60 citations with an actual reporting of 55 citations. The metric
has proven challenging for OCS/REE (NASS and ERS) to directly impact the results of the
metric. Methods to improve the count of citations are naturally delayed considering research
or data collection that takes place today would not be cited for some time. Alternative data
sources are being considered for FY 2022. During FY 2020, both OCS/REE agencies worked
with the REE analytics and dashboard team to build an automated dashboard that would
begin tracking this metric in late FY 2021.
Agriculture Workforce Development: OCS/REE (NIFA) requests applicants to include this
number in their project’s budget as part of their grant application. Those numbers were
introduced as this metric’s initial iteration. Depending on legislative priorities, OCS/REE
(NIFA) funding may also indirectly benefit students of all levels. Investments in curriculum
development, faculty development, recruitment, and related activities enhance the
agricultural literacy of the general population and support the development of a skilled
agricultural workforce and cadre of scientists. In 2021, the REE analytics and dashboard
team worked closely with the Ag Workforce Development KPI agency leads to test the data
source automation against the manual calculations and historical data to determine if the
automated calculation method is ready for introduction.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 13
Exhibit 1: Strategic Goal 1 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21 Results as
of Q3 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Reduce the number of Tier 1 data
centers across the Department
21 6 2 N/A
Reduce the Departments overall
real property footprint through
effective disposal and consolidation
efforts (Million Square Feet).
31.7 31.3 31.2 27.7 31.0
Annual Measure
update provided
Reduce the Departments total
number of fleet vehicles (Thousand) 27.7 27.1 37.9 36.5 36.5
Annual Measure
update provided
Technology Transfer Percentage
(Number of USDA Patents Licensed/
Number of USDA Patents Issued)
New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
26 35 35
Annual Measure
update provided
Agriculture Workforce Development
(Number of AFRI- supported
doctoral students)
New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
1,167 2,495 3,342
Annual Measure
update provided
Citations of REE Reports
New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
134 122 134 82
AFRI = Agriculture and Food Research Initiative; FY = fiscal year; N/A = not available; Q = quarter; REE =
Research, Education, and Economics.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI as of the third quarter. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report (APPR), to be published in February 2022, will show the final
FY 2021 results.
The metric was retired in FY 2020 because performance goal was met.
14 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Strategic Goal 2:
Maximize the Ability of American Agricultural Producers to
Prosper by Feeding and Clothing the World
A strong and prosperous agricultural sector is
essential to the well-being of the U.S. economy.
America’s farmers and ranchers ensure a reliable
food supply, support job growth, and promote
economic development. To maintain a competitive
agricultural sector, USDA will support farmers’
and ranchers’ ability to start and maintain
profitable businesses and offer financial support to
producers affected by natural disasters.
Furthermore, USDA’s research agencies will
continue to introduce high-performance plants,
animals, and integrated management options that
increase the efficiency of farming practices.
Lastly, USDA will also provide tools to producers,
so they are well-positioned to secure a share of a
growing market for agricultural products.
Performance Summary
Loan Flexibility for Producers During
COVID-19: The Farm Service Agency (FSA)
provided flexibility to direct farm loan
borrowers to defer a loan payment for at least
1 year, known as Disaster Set Aside for
COVID-19. Because it was launched on May
23, 2020, through July 6, 2021, 4,498 borrowers with payments totaling $45.5 million have
used this option, including 2,468 beginning farmers.
Hurricane Coverage: USDA has implemented new loan coverage whereby people can
apply for loans to repair hurricane-related losses. This coverage will help stimulate the
economy as thousands of people are affected by national disasters each year.
Hemp Coverage: USDA is expanding insurance coverage to hemp producers from national
disasters in the United States. The pilot program provides coverage against loss of yield due
to insurable causes of loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain, or Cannabidiol (CBD) oil.
Additionally, the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage protects
against losses associated with lower yields, destroyed crops, or prevented planting where no
Objective 2.1
Provide an Effective Financial Safety
Net for Farmers and Ranchers to
Sustain Economically Viable
Agricultural Production and Support
Rural Jobs and Economic Growth
Objective 2.2
Increase Agricultural Opportunities
and Support Economic Growth by
Creating New Markets and Supporting
a Competitive Agricultural System
Objective 2.3
Protect Agricultural Health by
Preventing and Mitigating the Spread
of Agricultural Pests and Disease
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 15
permanent Federal crop insurance program is available. Hemp offers new economic
opportunities for farmers.
Livestock & Poultry (LP) Program Success: The LP program continues to deliver quality
services efficiently, recovering nearly all costs for the service. LP has faced significant
staffing challenges in the face of COVID-19 and nationwide hiring shortages but has
implemented strategies to ensure that meat, poultry, and shell egg customers can continue to
move USDA-graded products in commerce.
National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS): The program deploys countermeasures, within 24
hours of approval, against the most damaging animal diseases and assists States, Tribes, and
Territories with planning, training, and exercises for the rapid request and distribution of
NVS countermeasures during an event. In FY 2021, the program has focused on ensuring the
readiness of equipment and procedures for response efforts and replenishing stocks of
personal protective equipment for employees, which was depleted during the COVID-19
pandemic. The program awarded a contract to upgrade its fleet of depopulation equipment
for use in animal disease emergencies, conducted virtual training exercises for state
cooperators, and is conducting a drill to validate the process of shipping vaccines for foot-
and-mouth disease to the United States from an overseas manufacturer.
Pest Detection: APHIS and cooperators plan to conduct more than 400 early pest detection
surveys in 50 States, 5 Territories, and 2 Tribal Territories in FY 2022. Through these
surveys, the program expects to target 96 percent of the high-risk plant pests and diseases
identified of significant concern, with the goal of ensuring new incursions of pests and
diseases are detected before they have a chance to spread or establish.
16 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Exhibit 2: Strategic Goal 2 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21 Results as
of Q3
FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Average number of days to
process direct loans
30 32 34 32 34 35
Percentage of direct and
guaranteed loan borrowers who
are beginning farmers
55.0 54.5 58.9 59.9 59.9 60.0
The annual normalized value of
risk protection provided to
agricultural producers through
the Federal Crop Insurance
Program ($ Billion)
76.8 78.2 84.1 77.9 78.2
Annual Measure
update provided
First installment delinquency
rate on direct loans
New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
9.9 8 9 10.5
Direct loan delinquency rate New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
4.3 7 7 4.6
Percentage of high-risk plant
pests for which early detection
surveys are conducted
96 96 96 95 96
Annual Measure
update provided
Number of hours it takes to
mobilize resources once it is
determined that a Federal
emergency response is needed
to manage an agricultural
outbreak (target of within 24
24 24 24 24 24
Annual Measure
update provided
Recover 83 percent of graders
time through customer billings
(meat livestock)
New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
93 83 83 93
Recover 83 percent of graders
time through customer billings
(poultry livestock)
New in
FY 2020
New in
FY 2020
95 83 83 94
FY = fiscal year; Q = quarter.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI as of the third quarter. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report (APPR), to be published in February 2022, will show the final
FY 2021 results.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 17
Strategic Goal 3:
Promote American Agricultural Products and Exports
Expanding international marketing opportunities
for U.S. farmers and exporters is critical to
business and income growth across rural America.
It is essential for USDA to continue its efforts to
expand American agricultural products and
exports through promotion activities, development
of international standards, removal of trade
barriers by monitoring and enforcing existing
trade agreements, and negotiation of new trade
agreements that benefit the U.S. agricultural
economy. USDA will also partner with
developing countries to support them along the
agricultural market continuum from developing
economies to developed economies with
promising demand potential. Ultimately, this work
builds foundations for future markets and creates
long-term international relationships that further
advance U.S. agriculture’s exports.
Performance Summary
USDA has engaged with global trading partners to open and retain markets for U.S.
agriculture. The marquee accomplishment is the successful negotiations of the Phase One
agreement with China that provides U.S. agriculture market access valued at more than
$3.5 billion. The agreement also improves to procedures for registering and maintaining a list
of facilities for numerous products, including dairy, valued at $275 million.
USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) defended U.S. interests against Peru’s anti-
dumping and countervailing duty actions against U.S. corn, preserving a market valued at
$500 million.
Renegotiated a dairy certificate with Japan following changes to Japan’s domestic
regulations, preserving a market valued at nearly $300 million. Persuaded Japan to limit
restrictions on U.S. corn following a maximum residue level (MRL) detection, retaining
access for $200 million in non-genetically modified varieties that would not have been
treated with the identified chemical.
Protected a continuation of the current accreditation for pork and beef exports to the
Philippines following that government’s announcement proposing changes to the terms of the
Objective 3.1
Expand International Marketing
Objective 3.2
Prevent or Resolve Barriers to Trade
That Hinder U.S. Food and Agricultural
Objective 3.3
Build Demand in Developing
Countries Through Trade Capacity
18 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
access agreement that would have effectively closed the market to nearly $200 million in
U.S. beef and pork exports
Secured Ecuador’s tariff exemption extension for wheat and soybean meal imports for
5 years, preserving competitive access for nearly $200 million in wheat and soybean meal.
Negotiated an agreement with South Korea guaranteeing market access for more than
$100 million in annual U.S. rice exports.
Collaborated with the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, U.S. industry, and other
trading partners to persuade Saudi Arabia to withdraw non-science-based proposed
regulations setting extremely low limits on the amount of added sugar in all processed food
and beverages, preserving a market valued at $100 million.
Facilitated a Washington State-based solution to a requirement by India for certification that
apples are free of Genetically Modified materials, preserving a market valued at more than
$50 million.
Preserved access for organics products exported to Mexico valued at $190 million when the
COVID-19 pandemic delayed equivalence audits and disrupted completion of an equivalence
Responding to the COVID-19 global pandemic, USDA’s FAS developed and executed six
virtual trade events with $19.75 million in projected 12-month sales
Exhibit 3: Strategic Goal 3 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21 Results
as of Q3
FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Value of agricultural exports resulting
from participation in foreign
agricultural trade shows and trade
missions (Billions)
2.13 2.20 1.16 1.75 2.13 1.15
Value of trade preserved through the
resolution of foreign market access
issues such as U.S. export detainment,
restrictive SPS & TBT issues, and trade
regulations (Billions)
12.8 2.5 7.7 5.5 6 5.89
FY = fiscal year; Q = quarter; SPS =Sanitation Performance Standard; TBT = Technical Barrier to Trade.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI at the time of publication. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report, to be published in February 2022, will show the final FY 2021 results.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 19
Strategic Goal 4:
Facilitate Rural Prosperity and Economic Development
USDA promotes rural prosperity and economic
development by financing investments in rural
utilities, housing, and businesses. When rural
Americans share the same level of infrastructure
services as the country’s urban areas, rural
communities can make even greater economic
contributions with healthy businesses and
families. With this aim in mind, USDA will
leverage funds, stimulate public-private
partnerships, and collaborate to build rural
infrastructure, including broadband, community
facilities, safe and affordable housing, and health
services and facilities. It will also provide capacity building to help underserved communities
become thriving communities.
Objective 4.1
To expand rural business opportunity
and rural quality of life with access to
capital; improve infrastructure,
broadband access and connectivity;
and support workforce availability.
Performance Summary
Rural Community Facilities and Essential Services: During 2021, USDA’s Rural
Development (RD) mission area invested more than $674 million through 1200 projects
benefiting more than 6 million rural residents across the United States and Territories
through the Community Facilities (CF) Direct Loan and Grant Program. CF programs
provide loans, grants, and guarantees to help rural communities build or improve essential
community facilities and community infrastructure.
The investments include $344 million to support health-care-related improvements and
emergency response services that will benefit more than 3 million rural residents across the
United States and Territories. More than five hundred awards totaling $51 million will help
communities with their long-term recovery efforts following natural disasters such as
hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes.
Rural Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements: RD is investing
$979 million to modernize rural drinking water and wastewater infrastructures across the
United States and Territories. The investments will help eliminate outdated pipes and service
lines to safeguard public health and safety in rural communities. They will improve rural
infrastructure for residents and businesses.
Mission Delivered Under COVID-19: Despite challenges from 100 percent telework during
the past year, RD staff learned to use existing technology for improved communication,
pivoted to online outreach, facilitated webinars in place of in-person meetings, and continued
to obligate funds. RD has processed more than 99,000 loan servicing requests and continues to
20 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
consult the borrowers in good faith to alleviate defaults. The Innovation Center’s Data
Analytics Division created the COVID-19 Economic Risk Assessment as part of the RD’s
data-driven approach to identify how RD resources and services can provide immediate relief
to communities affected by the pandemic and support economic recovery in rural America.
This dashboard enabled RD leadership to be more proactive and reach out to customers in
vulnerable communities enabling a timelier response to the needs of rural communities.
Finally, RD invested close to $8 billion in distressed rural communities during a pandemic.
Resource Guide to Help America’s Workforce: In 2021, RD launched a resource guide to
help rebuild and strengthen America’s rural workforce. The resource guide is designed to
help rural community leaders start and expand employment opportunities and access
resources to train, recruit, and create a sustainable rural workforce. It outlines programs and
services available at USDA and other Federal agencies that support workforce development
in rural communities.
Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE): Rural Business-Cooperative Services
launched a new grant program to help rural communities create good-paying jobs and
support new business opportunities in high-growth fields. The new grant promotes a regional
innovation-driven approach to economic development through maximizing local community
assets and connecting networks and industry clusters. RISE provides grants of up to
$2 million to consortiums of local governments, investors, industries, institutions of higher
education, and other public and private entities in rural areas. The funds may be used to form
Job Accelerator partnerships, create high-wage jobs, start or expand businesses, and support
economic growth in the rural areas of their region.
Modernizing Rural Electric Infrastructure: Through the Electric Loan Program, Rural
Development invested more than $1.2 billion to improve and modernize rural electric
infrastructure after severe weather and age tested the grid. This funding will benefit rural
residents and businesses in Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South
Carolina, South Dakota, Washington, and Virginia. Several of the loans will help expand
smart grid technologies, which can be a catalyst for broadband and other telecommunication
services in unserved and underserved rural areas.
Interagency Agreement to Coordinate Broadband Funding: USDA, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), and the National Telecommunications and Information
Administration (NTIA) have established an interagency agreement to share information
about and coordinate the distribution of broadband and deployment of Federal funds.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 21
Exhibit 4: Strategic Goal 4 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21
Results as
of Q3
FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Health Facilities: Percent of customers
who are provided access to new and/or
improved essential community facilities
9.4 2.5 5.1 3.0 3.0 6.7
Number of borrowers subscribers
receiving new and/or improved
telecommunication services (Thousand)
45 69 131 162 162 42.2
Percent of RD commercial/
infrastructure investments that
leverage non-Federal funding
77 83 62 80 80 86
Percent of RD assistance that went to
distressed communities
11 11 12.5 14 14 12.2
FY = fiscal year; Q = quarter; RD =Rural Development.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI as of the third quarter. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report, to be published in February 2022, will show the final FY 2021 results.
22 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Strategic Goal 5:
Strengthen the Stewardship of Private Lands Through
Technology and Research
The world population is expected to reach 9.6 billion
by 2050. Feeding this population will require the
adoption of new science and technologies and the
implementation of science-based conservation plans
to increase agricultural production sustainability.
To ensure U.S. private working lands and public
agricultural landscapes are conserved, the Department
will provide technical and financial assistance using
the latest technology and research available. New and
improved practices result from fundamental and
applied research to understand the complex
interactions between human systems and the
environment and transferring the resulting knowledge
into the hands of producers and land managers
through information, tools, and decision support.
Objective 5.1
Enhance Conservation Planning with
Science-Based Tools and Information
Objective 5.2
Promote Productive Working Lands
Objective 5.3
Enhance Productive Agricultural
Performance Summary
Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA) Program: The CTA program is the backbone
of the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) conservation delivery system.
Many customers begin their relationship with NRCS through requests for assistance that later
evolve into a conservation plan that may include cost-share assistance through mandatory
programs. At the end of the third quarter (Q3) for FY 2021, approximately 102,000
Conservation Assessment Ranking Tool (CART) assessments and more than 121,000 ranked
assessments were completed, evaluating nearly 11 million resource concerns on more than
744,000 land units (53 million program acres).
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): EQIP conducted outreach activities
and published program information including: announcement of application cut-off dates,
evaluation and ranking of applications, and selections for funding. By the end Q3 for
FY 2021, 86,949 total applications and 21,796 contracts had been submitted in the system for
$704,821,350 on 6,346,359 acres.
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP): ACEP consists of two
components: (1) an agricultural land easement (ALE) component under which NRCS assists
eligible entities to protect agricultural land by limiting non-agricultural uses of that land
through the purchase of agricultural land easements; and (2) a wetland reserve easement
(WRE) component under which NRCS provides financial and technical assistance directly to
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 23
landowners to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands through the purchase of wetlands
reserve easements. Through the ALE component, ACEP helps farmers and ranchers keep
their land in agriculture. In Q3 (April 1 to June 30, 2021) of FY 2021, NRCS reviewed and
closed 39 new WRE easements. ACEP-WRE provides technical and financial assistance
directly to private landowners and Indian Tribes to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands
through the purchase of wetland easements. WRE enrollment options include permanent
easements, 30-year easements, term easements, and 30-year contracts (for acreage owned by
an Indian Tribe). As of Q3 of FY 2021, NRCS closed on 140 new WRE easements.
This number is the cumulative WRE easements that were closed in FY 2021
Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP): RCPP promotes the
implementation of conservation activities through agreements between partners and
producers. RCPP, through agreements with partners and conservation programs, contracts
directly with producers, helps implement conservation projects that may focus on water
quality and quantity, soil erosion, wildlife habitat, drought mitigation, flood control, or other
regional priorities. Successful RCPP projects provide innovative conservation solutions,
leverage partner contributions, offer impactful and measurable outcomes, and are
implemented by capable partners. In Q3, there are currently 68 active Farm Bill 2018 RCPP
projects with a combined budget of more than $270 million that will be further amplified by
more than $350 million in partner contributions. Another 106 awards, whose combined
budgets exceed $400 million, are currently being negotiated by NRCS State Offices.
o RCPP is an ideal mechanism for helping Native American Nations address challenging
resource concerns while improving agricultural output on their reservations. Two such
success stories were recently highlighted on
The Hoonah Native Forest Partnership helps protect, conserve, and maintain stream
and forest habitats integral to the Hoonah way of life.
The Duck Valley Shoshone-Paiute Tribes were the first Native American Tribes in
the Nation to receive an RCPP contract. They plan to create a more efficient irrigation
system while still providing the water needed by cattle every summer by replacing
ditches, repairing rusted pipes, and adding 25 nose pumps and solar livestock
watering systems. This plan will increase the number of acres under production from
12,600 acres to more than 21,000 acres.
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP): CRP is a land conservation program administered
by the Farm Service Agency. In exchange for a yearly rental payment, farmers enrolled in the
program agree to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and
plant species to improve environmental health and quality. Contracts for land enrolled in CRP
are 10–15 years in length. The program’s long-term goal is to re-establish valuable land cover
to help improve water quality, prevent soil erosion, and reduce the loss of wildlife habitat.
o The 2018 Farm Bill extended enrollment authority to September 30, 2023, and
incrementally increased overall enrollment caps from 24 million acres in FY 2019,
24 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
24.5 million acres in FY 2020, 25 million acres in FY 2021, 25.5 million acres in
FY 2022, and 27 million acres in FY 2023. Changes to incentives and rental rates have
been made to encourage increased enrollment.
o FSA administratively removed state acreage allocation caps for buffers and wetlands
enrollment, allowing additional acres to be enrolled.
o FSA increased outreach and partner collaboration to encourage enrollment and highlight
improvements to the program.
Exhibit 5: Strategic Goal 5 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21 Results as of Q3
FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Acreage enrolled in CRP riparian
and grass buffers (Cumulative,
Million Acres)
1.53 1.43 1.36 1.46 1.56 1.42
Cropland with conservation
applied to improve soil quality
(Million Acres)Environmental
Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
3.1 3.4 3.9 3.4 3.4
Annual Measure update
provided in APPR
Cropland with conservation
applied to improve soil quality
(Million Acres)Conservation
Technical Assistance (CTA)
6.0 5.7 6.4 6.0 6.0
Annual Measure update
provided in APPR
Tons of sediment prevented from
leaving cropland and entering
water bodies (Million Tons)
5.3 6.3 8.2 6.0 6.0
Annual Measure update
provided in APPR
Working land protected by
conservation easements
(Thousand Acres)
163 178 167 163 163
Annual Measure update
provided in APPR
Contract Implementation Ratio
(CIR, %)
87 87 87 87 87
Annual Measure update
provided in APPR
Annual Practice Implementation
Rate (PIR, %)
51 55 43 52 52
Annual Measure update
provided in APPR
Restored wetland acreage CRP
(Million Acres)
2.30 2.34 2.35 2.34 2.64 2.36
CRP = Conservation Reserve Program; FY = fiscal year; Q = quarter.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI as of the third quarter. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report (APPR), to be published in February 2022, will show the final
FY 2021 results.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 25
Strategic Goal 6:
Ensure Productive and Sustainable Use of the National Forest
System Lands
The Nation’s forests and grasslands are a
fundamental part of the American landscape and
are a legacy that the USDA Forest Service holds
in trust for present and future generations. Forests
provide clean air and water, forest and rangeland
products, mineral and energy resources, jobs,
quality habitat for fish and wildlife, recreational
opportunities, and memorable experiences.
The National Forest Service (NFS) plays a critical
role in making America’s forests and grasslands
resilient to threats and disturbances while
mitigating wildfire risk. The Department also
manages the national forests and grasslands to
ensure that they are healthy and sustainable while
allowing rural communities to access and benefit
from the Nation’s forests’ economic
opportunities. This work is complemented with
USDA’s research in forestry, ecology, and
economics to ensure world-class science guides effective policies and management practices.
Objective 6.1
Contribute to the Economic Health of
Rural Communities Through Use and
Access Opportunities
Objective 6.2
Ensure Lands and Watersheds Are
Sustainable, Healthy, and Productive
Objective 6.3
Mitigate Wildfire Risk
Performance Summary
Forest Innovation: Forest Products Laboratory, in collaboration with the U.S. Endowment
for Forests and Communities (U.S. Endowment), is awarding $2.4 million in grants to
accelerate the use of nanocellulosic materials (CNM) for use in a wide range of applications.
The goal is to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly forest products that can be
used in a variety of industries and commercial goods, including those where forest products
have not always been considered a material of choice.
Investment in New Technologies and Markets: USDA Forest Service State and Private
Forestry awarded more than $11 million in funds through the Wood Innovations Program
and Community Wood grant programs to develop and expand the use of wood products and
strengthen emerging wood energy markets.
Community Forest Grants: Forest Service Community Forest Program awards for FY 2021
include $4 million to support 10 projects across nine states (Iowa, Maine, Michigan, New
York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin). This year’s
grants include financial assistance to local governments and qualified nonprofit organizations
26 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
to create, expand, and enhance community-owned and community-managed forests. Project
work will help communities acquire and conserve forests that provide public access and
recreational opportunities, protect vital water supplies and wildlife habitat, serve as
demonstration sites for private forest landowners, and provide economic benefits from timber
and non-timber products.
Visitor Satisfaction in National Forests: Visitor satisfaction is expected to be rated at
95 percent, even with an increase in demand at the forests during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Satisfaction of visitors is attributed to the continued efforts to provide access to quality
landscapes, offer a variety of recreation opportunities and settings, and maintain recreation
facilities to acceptable standards. (This measure is not reported by quarter; the Forest Service
will provide a final FY 2021 value at the end of the fiscal year.)
Timber Sales: Recovery efforts after large fires, including stabilization work and hazard tree
removal, necessitates the involvement of staff who would typically work on preparing and
administering timber sales. As a result, Forest Service worked with industry to re-organize
salvage and green sales in 2021 in an effort to keep from flooding the timber markets.
Work continues to be challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. The field crews must work
within tight restrictions, hiring is limited, and travel is restricted to only mission-critical work
to various locations. The Chief of the Forest Service issued a letter requesting resources be
released to be engaged in the wildfire system, which operates for the Nation’s forests
and grasslands.
Wildfire Activity: Increased wildfire activity in the Western States has shifted regional
resources to suppression activities, reducing opportunities for prescribed fire. Regions
continue to take advantage of favorable burning conditions where possible while providing
for public and firefighter safety.
Drought Conditions: In the west, the continued drought coupled with hot, dry weather has
increased wildfire activity, which increases the need for suppression resources and pausing
prescribed burning until conditions are favorable. Regions have switched to contracting
mechanical and hand treatments to reduce hazardous fuels. Drought conditions and hot, dry
weather slow this progress as operators are restricted to working in the morning and
conducting fire patrol of the work area in the afternoon as an added safety precaution.
Monsoonal moisture has been moving into the Southwest, increasing the chance of resuming
prescribed burning later in the year.
Deferred Maintenance: USDA Forest Service National Forest system (NFS), Procurement
and Property Services (PPS) and the Office of Grants and Agreements (OG&A) efforts lead
to awarding more than $200 million in funds through the Great American Outdoors Act
(GAOA) to deliver benefits to the American public by increasing public land access and
conservation. The funding provided through GAOA will be a catalyst for rural economic
development and employment opportunities. GAOA will also expand public-private
partnerships and become part of the Shared Stewardship framework.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 27
Exhibit 6: Strategic Goal 6 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21 Results as
of Q3
FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Percent of customers satisfied with
recreation facilities, services, and
settings in National Forests
95 95 95 95 95
Annual Measure
update provided
Timber volume sold (Billion Board
3.2 3.3 3.2 4.0 3.4 1.58
Percent of NFS landscape
ecosystems improved, maintained,
or recovering due to management
actions, Terrestrial Condition
Assessment (TCA)
New in
FY 2021
New in
FY 2021
- 42 32
Annual Measure
update provided
Number of watersheds moved to
improved condition class or
sustained in Condition Class 1
16 8 9 N/A 15 N/A
Annual acreage of NFS lands where
final treatment effectively mitigates
wildfire risk (Million Acres,
1.0 .9 .8 1.1 1.4 .938
Annual acreage treated to reduce
or maintain fuel conditions on NFS
and non-Federal lands (Million
Acres, Annually)
3.4 2.9 2.7 3.5 3.7 2.16
Number of high priority areas
where treatments have occurred to
reduce wildfire risk to communities
(number of fire sheds)
N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A
FY =fiscal year; N/A = not available; NFS = National Forest Service; Q = quarter.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI as of the third quarter. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report (APPR), to be published in February 2022, will show the final
FY 2021 results.
Watershed KPI was developed in 2010 as the agency’s first nationally consistent outcome performance
measure to demonstrate accomplishments in watershed restoration. KPI is new for FY 22. For FY 2021,
watershed restoration was not an agency priority and no target was established.
Fireshed is a term similar to watershed. It refers to a geographic region with a similar risk of wildfire to
adjacent communities. Reducing hazardous fuels within parts of the fireshed may reduce the overall risk
to the adjacent community. Number of fire sheds is a new KPI to move to outcome-based measures on
reducing wildfire risk at a scale that will make a difference on transmission of wildfire to communities.
28 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Strategic Goal 7:
Provide All Americans Access to a Safe, Nutritious, and Secure
Food Supply
USDA has critical roles in preventing foodborne
illness and protecting public health while also
ensuring Americans have access to food, a
healthful diet, and nutrition education in a manner
that supports American agriculture and inspires
public confidence. The Department will take
several actions to achieve this goal. First, to
ensure the food supply is safe, the Department
will continue to prevent contamination and limit
foodborne illness by expanding its modernization
of food inspection systems. USDA’s research,
education, and extension programs will continue
to provide information, tools, and technologies
about the causes of foodborne illness and its
prevention. Second, USDA will continue to
develop partnerships that support best practices in
implementing effective programs to ensure that
eligible populations have access to programs that
support their food needs. These collaborations
include research on the nutritional quality of
American food and diets, as well as continuing to
discover the drivers of poor diets and nutritional
choices. Lastly, USDA will collaborate with partners and stakeholders on strategies to reduce
foodborne illness and childhood obesity and improve diets. USDA ensures agriculture
production incorporates the best available science into its modernization efforts to produce safer,
more nutritious, and secure food.
Objective 7.1
Prevent Foodborne Illness and Protect
Public Health
Objective 7.2
Provide Access to Safe and Nutritious
Food for Low-Income People While
Supporting a Pathway to Self-
Objective 7.3
Support and Encourage Healthy
Dietary Choices Through Data-Driven,
Flexible, Customer-Focused
Performance Summary
Meat and Poultry Inspection Operations: In an effort to increase capacity and expand
access in the Meat and Poultry Inspection Operations, $55.2 million in competitive grant
funding was available through the new Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant (MPIRG)
program. The new program is funded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.
Pathogen Reduction Standards: The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) continued
to send alerts to establishments with increasing Salmonella levels and assessed subsequent
data to determine compliance with the performance standard. For establishments that do not
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 29
meet the performance standard, FSIS continues to provide Inspection Program Personnel
(IPP) with alerts that summarize recent sampling results to provide information on whether
subsequent establishment pathogen results are improving.
Resources for our Customers: The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) Office of Food
Safety, in cooperation with the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN), released several COVID-
19 resources: The Food Safety COVID Tip Card Series, Food Safety During Alternate Meal
Services fact sheet, and Keeping School Meals Safe at Home infographic.
Nutrition Benefits for Low-Income Families. As directed by the 2018 Farm Bill, for the
first time in more than 15 years, USDA re-evaluated the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) based on
current food prices, consumption data, the nutrients in food, and the latest dietary guidance.
The updated TFP reflects the price of a practical, cost-effective, nutritious diet in today’s
current conditions and is used to calculate benefits for SNAP recipients. The updated Plan
better represents the practical cost of a nutritious diet for low-income households in today’s
current circumstances. Adjusting benefits to reflect the practical impacts of current economic
and marketplace considerations will improve SNAP participants’ ability to provide a
nutritious, cost-effective diet for themselves and their families. Average SNAP benefits –
excluding additional funds provided as part of pandemic relief – will increase by about
$36 per person, per month for fiscal year 2022. This reflects a 21% increase in the value of
the Thrifty Food Plan.
Support for Children in Schools and Child Care: In support of President Biden’s call to
action on hunger and with authorities provided by Congress, in January 2021, USDA
announced an increase in benefits for the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) of
approximately 15 percent, providing more money for low-income families and millions of
children missing meals due to school closures. As of mid-September 2021, FNS approved
school year 2020-2021 plans for school age children in all eligible states and territories and
49- State childcare plans to provide more than $30.6 billion in P-EBT benefits to 33.8 million
children. In addition, FNS approved 47 Summer 2021 plans to provide $12.6 billion in
P-EBT benefits to 33.2 million children.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP):
o Implemented the American Rescue Plan provision to extend the 15 percent increase in
the maximum benefit through September 2021, and
o Extended Emergency Allotment benefits to increase benefits to the neediest households
who had not received Emergency Allotment payments and those whose payments were
less than $95 per month.
o Provided hundreds of adjustments and flexibilities requested by States to ensure access
to nutrition benefits during the pandemic.
o Expanded online purchasing by approving additional retailers to offer this service in
47 States and the District of Columbia, covering 97 percent of SNAP households.
30 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
o Released an updated and revised SNAP Employment & Training Toolkit. This version, the
first major revision since 2013, includes, among other things, the changes made by the final
rule published in January 2021, such as the newly allowable skills-based activities.
o Issued a request for proposals for up to five nonprofit organizations to build functionality
and provide assistance to farmers and markets to accept SNAP benefits through online
o Issued guidance encouraging States to focus FY 2022 State outreach plans on vulnerable
food insecure populations such as students, veterans, and non-citizen households.
o Provided SNAP State agencies with additional State administrative expense funds to
support pandemic response as provided for by the Consolidated Appropriations Act and
the American Rescue Plan.
Support for Food Banks: USDA’s FNS provided approximately $1 billion to States to order
nutritious, domestically produced food to support food banks through The Emergency Food
Assistance Program (TEFAP), using regular TEFAP entitlement and COVID supplemental
o In partnership with the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), FNS was able to offer for
the first time a pre-packaged mixed fresh produce box in the TEFAP catalog for TEFAP
State agencies to order. Deliveries began in June 2021.
Support for Mothers and Children: The American Rescue Plan provided an option for the
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) State
agencies to temporarily increase the Cash-Value Voucher/Benefit (CVV/B) for Fruit and
Vegetable Purchases. Specific WIC food packages were increased to an amount that was less
than or equal to $35 per month for a period of up to 4 months in FY 2021.
Supporting Tribal Food Sovereignty: Under new demonstration projects, Indian Tribal
Organizations (ITOs) in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) may
purchase agricultural commodities for their FDPIR participants. The project allows selected
ITOs to supplant FDPIR food package items with local, regional, and/or tribal foods of their
choosing that have similar or higher nutritional value. Funding for the project was made
available via self-determination contracts, thereby fostering food sovereignty and self-
determination in the FDPIR sphere.
Support for Territories. As part of the pandemic response, FNS provided targeted technical
assistance to support nutrition assistance in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. These Territories utilized more than
$1 billion in funds provided through the American Rescue Plan and other COVID relief bills
to enhance benefit allotments to low-income households and modernize benefit delivery
methods from paper coupon to EBT. In addition, with FNS support, they developed and
administered their own P-EBT Plans to cover meals missed by school-aged children.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 31
Nutrition Guidance for All Americans: On December 29, 2020, USDA, in partnership with
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), released the Dietary Guidelines
for Americans, 2020–2025 after a multi-year process involving an external, independent
review of current science by the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and four
phases of public comment during a 15-month period. This new edition of the DGA marks the
first time the Dietary Guidelines have provided recommendations by every life stage, from
birth through older adulthood.
Concurrently with the release of the Dietary Guidelines, the Center for Nutrition Policy and
Promotion (CNPP) released a robust, consumer-tested suite of consumer resources that
translate guidance from the new Dietary Guidelines into messages and actionable tools that
people can personalize to help them make healthy food and beverage choices. The tools
include an online consumer quiz that can be synced with the Start Simple with MyPlate
consumer app and updated consumer MyPlate Plan calculator, as well as a wide variety of
content, tip sheets, and recipes at the newly designed As of April 2021, the
consumer quiz had been completed approximately 500,000 times, there were more than
166,000 net downloads of the consumer app, the MyPlate Plan calculator had been used
nearly 6 million times, and had more than 27 million pageviews.
Support for Students and Schools: Facing continued uncertainty, FNS issued numerous
nationwide waivers, State waivers, and related guidance documents providing child nutrition
program (CNP) operators the flexibility needed to continue providing nutritious meals to
children in a safe manner during the COVID-19 public health emergency for the 2020–2021
school year, summer 2021, and in preparation for the 2021–2022 school year. These waivers
o Allowing schools to operate the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) or National School
Lunch Program (NSLP) Seamless Summer Option for the 2020–2021 school year (in place
of the NSLP/School Breakfast Program) and the Seamless Summer Option for the 2021–
2022 school year, providing flexibility in program requirements and increased resources for
school meals;
o Extending the deadlines for schools to elect the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
CEP is a highly successful option that allows schools with a significant share of very
low-income students to serve school meals at no cost to all students; and
o Approving 63 State CNP oversight waivers, which provide flexibility to States and local
CNP operators during the pandemic while maintaining program integrity.
In addition, USDA took steps to help alleviate supply chain concerns for schools offering
schools flexibilities such as:
Allowing operators to enter into emergency noncompetitive one-year procurement contracts
for school year 2021-2022.
32 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Waiver to Allow Specific School Meal Pattern Flexibility for School Year 2021-2022, which
allows flexibility in the meal standards and makes it easier for school lunch staff to prepare
meals when there are shortages of certain food items.
Ensuring schools are not penalized for any meal pattern shortcomings that occur as a result of
supply chain issues.
Allowing for higher reimbursement rates to make contracting easier when needing to resort
to emergency procurement options.
USDA understands it has been a challenging time for food distribution companies that serve
schools as they face obstacles including labor shortages and transportation difficulties. USDA
worked across the federal government to help ease pressures on our food supply chain and build
back better.
As of early September, through a cooperative agreement between CNP Team Nutrition and
the Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN), the ICN conducted 316 training opportunities in
various formats, reaching over 21,150 CNP operators, administrators, and stakeholders.
Altogether, in FY 2021, CNP-Team Nutrition and the ICN conducted a combined total of
333 training events in various formats, reaching nearly 39,200 CNP operators,
administrators, and stakeholders. FNS also released several key resources and training
opportunities to support Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and school meal
pattern implementation, as well as the provision of safe and flexible meal service during the
COVID-19 pandemic.
To address financial losses experienced during the COVID-19 public health emergency, FNS
implemented the CNP Emergency Operational Cost Reimbursement Programs as of July 2,
2021 approving 80 State/tribal/territory plans to provide nearly $1.3 billion in resources to
school meal and CACFP operators.
Connecting the School and Farm: FY 2021 included a historic level of Farm to School
Grants of $12.1 million to 159 organizations and more than 120 grant modification and
extension requests processed to support COVID-related adaptations to Farm to School
projects. This was part of providing more than $100 million in grant funding to States and
local entities supporting CNP program operations with technology investments, school
equipment, breakfast expansion, and recipe development.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 33
Exhibit 7: Strategic Goal 7 Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Historic Actuals Strategic Targets
FY 21 Results as
of Q3
FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 FY 21 FY 22
Percentage of establishments that meet
pathogen reduction performance
71 84 86 88 88 86
Percentage of establishments whose
Public Health Regulation (PHR)
noncompliance rate decreases below the
early warning cut point 120 days after
receiving an Early Warning Alert (EWA)
74 74 74 74 74 74
Percentage of American households with
consistent, dependable access to food 88.9 89.5 N/A 89.2 89
Annual Measure
update provided
Percentage of Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment
& Training participants engaged in
education and skills-based training
25.2 34.7 38.4 31.5 31.5
Annual Measure
update provided
Annual percentage of eligible children
participating in the National School
Lunch Program (NSLP)
58 57 43 59 59
Annual Measure
update provided
Annual percentage of eligible children
participating in the School Breakfast
Program (SBP)
30 30 24 31 31
Annual Measure
update provided
FY = fiscal year; N/A = not available; Q =quarter.
Notes: Preliminary status is based on progress toward KPI as of the third quarter. The USDA Annual
Performance Plan and Report (APPR), to be published in February 2022, will show the final
FY 2021 results.
34 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Future Demands, Risks, Uncertainties,
Events, Conditions, and Trends
Farmers and ranchers operate in highly competitive markets, both domestically and
internationally. Rapid shifts in consumer demands associated with quality, convenience, taste,
and nutrition dictate that farming, ranching, and marketing infrastructures become more fluid and
responsive. National security is a significant, ongoing priority for the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA or the Department). The Department’s science research, education, and
extension services will continue to be the foundation for understanding developments and
making advances in solving agricultural and societal challenges. USDA is working with the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security to help protect agriculture from intentional and accidental acts
that may impact America’s food supply or natural resources.
External Factors that Challenge USDAs Ability to Achieve its
Goals Include the Following:
The COVID-19 public health emergency presented workplace complications such as
ensuring employee safety, hiring challenges, and remote work for staff both domestically and
Record-breaking wildfires and other weather-related hardships, including disasters related to
the increasing intensity and duration of extreme weather and climate change, both
domestically and internationally;
The risk of catastrophic fire, depending on weather, drought conditions, and the expanding
number of communities in the wildland-urban interface;
Non-weather-related hardships and other uncontrollable events, both domestically and
Domestic and international macroeconomic factors, including consumer purchasing power,
the strength of the U.S. dollar, and political changes abroad that could impact domestic and
global markets significantly at any time;
Sharp fluctuations in farm prices, interest rates, and unemployment that could impact the
ability of farmers, other rural residents, communities, and businesses to qualify for credit and
manage debt;
The impact of future economic conditions and actions by a variety of Federal, State, and
local governments that could influence the sustainability of rural infrastructure;
The increased movement of people and goods, which provides the opportunity for crop and
animal pests and diseases to move quickly across domestic and international boundaries;
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 35
Potential exposure to hazardous substances, which may threaten human health as well as the
environment; and
The ability of the public and private sectors to collaborate effectively on food safety,
security, and related emergency preparedness efforts.
Mitigation Strategies:
USDA has made great strides during fiscal year (FY) 2021 toward its mitigation strategies under
the auspices of its Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program. Specifically, the Department
leads a large-scale effort across mission areas to identify the top 10 enterprise risks, risk drivers,
mitigation strategies, and key risk indicators. In FY 2022, USDA will update the department-
wide risk profile, including risk drivers and risk mitigation strategies. USDA will continue to
advance the strategies in FY 2022, with periodic updates to the Deputy Secretary during
Quarterly Strategic Reviews.
36 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Analysis of Financial Statements and
Stewardship Information
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Total Assets
Total assets for FY 2021 were $360,530 million, compared to $313,894 million for FY 2020, an
increase of $46,636 million, or 15 percent. The following exhibit presents FY 2021 total assets.
Exhibit 8: Total Assets ($ millions)
2% 1%
Fund Balance with Treasury - $237,610
Loans Receivable, Net - $113,450
Accounts Receivable, Net - $5,673
General Property, Plant and Equipment, Net - $2,588
Advances and Prepayments - $629
Cash and Other Monetary Assets - $298
Investments - $259
Inventory and Related Property, Net - $23
Direct Loan and Loan Guarantees, Net, is one of the largest assets on the USDA Balance Sheet.
RD offers both direct and guaranteed loan products for rural housing and rural business
infrastructure. These products represent 85 percent of the total Department loan programs. Loan
programs administered by FSA represent 13 percent of the total. FSA supports farmers who are
temporarily unable to obtain private, commercial credit. The remaining 2 percent represents
commodity loans and credit programs administered by the CCC. These loans are used to improve
economic stability and provide an adequate supply of agricultural commodities. CCC credit
programs provide international food assistance, expand international markets, and provide
domestic low cost financing to protect farm income and prices.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 37
The following exhibit presents significant changes in total assets.
Exhibit 9: Significant Changes in Total Assets ($ millions)
Fund Balance with Treasury Accounts Receivable, Net
Increase in Fund Balance with Treasury of $42,192 million mainly due to FNS supplemental
funding for COVID-19 of $40,606 million; Office of the Secretary supplemental funding for
COVID-19 of $5,634 million; RMA underwriting gain of $1,121 million; APHIS response to the
African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak in the Dominican Republic and Haiti of $496 million, and
supplemental funding for COVID-19 of $402 million; CCC additional commodity purchases and
international food aid for COVID-19 of $800 million; FSA supplemental funding for COVID-19
of $1,927 million, pandemic assistance for producers of $1,309 million, farm loans of $780
million, Coronavirus Food Assistance for agricultural producers who continue to face market
disruptions and associated costs because of COVID-19 of ($15,328) million, and Wildfire and
Hurricane Indemnity of ($1,190) million.
Increase in Accounts Receivable, Net of $1,800 million mainly due to RMA higher reported
premiums for certain crops of $1,392 million; and Forest Service Great American Outdoors Act
of $250 million.
38 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Total Liabilities
Total liabilities for FY 2021 were $184,077 million, compared to $196,854 million for FY 2020,
a decrease of $12,777 million, or 6 percent. The following exhibit presents FY 2021 total
Exhibit 10: Total Liabilities ($millions)
Debt - $132,821
Other - $24,848
Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities - $14,226
Benefits Due and Payable - $8,580
Accounts Payable - $2,433
Federal Employee Benefits Payable - $1,376
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities - $258
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue - $136
Loan Guarantee Liability - ($601)
Debt is the single largest liability on USDA’s balance sheet. It represents amounts owed
primarily to Treasury by CCC, FSA and RD. For RD, the debt primarily represents financing to
support electric and housing loan programs which represent 76 percent of the total debt.
For CCC, the debt primarily represents financing for price support, export credit guarantees,
disaster programs and loans related to farm storage facilities which represent 12 percent of the
total debt. For FSA, the debt primarily represents financing to support direct and guaranteed loan
programs, with the majority supporting operating, ownership, and emergency loans which
represent 12 percent of the total debt.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 39
The following exhibit presents significant changes in total liabilities.
Exhibit 11: Significant Changes in Total Liabilities ($ millions)
Insurance and Guarantee
Program Liabilities
Benefits Due and Payable Accounts Payable Loan Guarantee Liability
Increase in Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities of $6,523 million mainly due to RMA
higher coverage amount, loss ratio, underwriting gain, and unearned premium.
Decrease in Benefits Due and Payable of $4,750 million mainly due to FNS State partners in
Child Nutrition (CN) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) more fully
utilizing available resources.
Decrease in Accounts Payable of $1,409 million mainly due to FSA Coronavirus Food
Assistance with no new funding available.
Decrease in Loan Guarantee Liability of $1,930 million mainly due to RD reestimates.
40 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Consolidated Statements of Net Cost
Net Cost of Operations
Net cost of operations for FY 2021 was $234,146 million, compared to $191,679 million for
FY 2020, an increase of $42,467 million, or 22 percent.
The following exhibit presents FY 2021 net cost of operations by mission area.
Exhibit 12: Net Cost of Operations by Mission Area ($millions)
Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services - $163,189
Farm Production and Conservation - $50,353
Natural Resources and Environment - $7,510
Marketing and Regulatory Programs - $5,828
Rural Development - $1,227
Research, Education and Economics - $3,070
Staff Offices - $1,418
Food Safety - $1,108
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs - $443
The following exhibit presents significant changes in net cost of operations.
Exhibit 13: Significant Changes in Net Cost of Operations ($ millions)
Food, Nutrition and Consumer
Natural Resources and
Marketing and Regulatory
Rural Development
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 41
Increase in Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services of $40,854 million mainly due to SNAP for
Increase in Natural Resources and Environment of $1,365 million mainly due to the severe fire
Increase in Marketing and Regulatory Programs of $1,217 million mainly due to COVID-19.
Decrease in Rural Development of $2,024 million mainly due to reestimates for Loan Grant
Combined Statements of Budgetary Resources
Budgetary Resources
USDA receives most of its funding from appropriations authorized by Congress and
administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Total budgetary resources consist of the
balance at the beginning of the year, appropriations received during the year, spending authority
from offsetting collections, and other budgetary resources.
Total budgetary resources were $424,382 million for FY 2021 compared to $358,184 million in
FY 2020, an increase of $66,198 million, or 18 percent. The following exhibit presents FY 2021
total budgetary resources by mission area.
Exhibit 14: Total Budgetary Resources by Mission Area ($ millions)
Food Nutrition and Consumer Services - $267,520
Farm Production and Conservation - $80,746
Rural Development - $35,923
Natural Resources and Environment - $13,703
Marketing and Regulatory Programs - $10,612
Staff Offices - $8,281
Research, Education and Economics - $5,037
Food Safety - $1,586
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs - $974
42 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
The following exhibit presents significant changes in total budgetary resources.
Exhibit 15: Significant Changes in Total Budgetary Resources ($ millions)
Food, Nutrition and
Consumer Services
Farm Production and
Rural Development Natural Resources and
Marketing and
Regulatory Programs
Staff Offices
Increase in Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services of $91,317 million mainly due to SNAP.
Decrease in Farm Production and Conservation of $28,132 million mainly due to FSA
Coronavirus Food Assistance and CCC Agriculture Risk Coverage/Price Loss Coverage and
Trade Mitigation programs.
Decrease in Rural Development of $6,087 million mainly due to unobligated balance from prior
year budget authority.
Increase in Natural Resources and Environment of $1,731 million mainly due to the severe fire
Increase in Marketing and Regulatory Programs of $1,468 million mainly due to APHIS
response to the ASF outbreak in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, supplemental funding for
COVID-19, and Agricultural Quarantine Inspection.
Increase in Staff Offices of $5,961 million mainly due to Office of the Secretary supplemental
funding for COVID-19.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 43
Net Outlays
Net Outlays were $235,218 million for FY 2021, compared to $184,248 million in FY 2020, an
increase of $50,970 million or 28 percent. The following exhibit presents FY 2021 net outlays by
mission area.
Exhibit 16: Net Outlays by Mission Area ($ millions)
Food Nutrition and Consumer Services - $166,558
Farm Production and Conservation - $47,509
Natural Resources and Environment - $7,874
Marketing and Regulatory Programs - $6,245
Research, Education and Economics - $3,137
Rural Development - $2,004
Food Safety - $1,070
Staff Offices - $416
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs - $405
The following exhibit presents significant changes in net outlays by mission area.
Exhibit 17: Significant Changes in Net Outlays ($ millions)
Food, Nutrition and Consumer
Natural Resources and
Marketing and Regulatory
Rural Development
Increase in Food Nutrition and Consumer Services of $52,339 million mainly due to SNAP and
CN for COVID-19.
44 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Increase in Natural Resources and Environment of $2,024 million mainly due to the severe fire
Increase in Marketing and Regulatory Programs of $1,228 million mainly due to Food Box
Distribution program and Section 32.
Decrease in Rural Development of $4,423 million mainly due to Rural Electric and Telephone
liquidating account and Rural Water and Waste program account.
USDA received $86,662 million of FY 2021 supplemental appropriations to prevent, prepare for,
or respond to COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) through the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 provided funding for, extended, and set out policies
for various programs and activities, including COVID-19 economic relief measures. It extended
modifications to federal nutrition assistance programs for children, pregnant women, and older
adults and provided funding for programs to support agricultural producers, growers, and
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provided additional relief to address the continued
impact of COVID-19 on the economy, public health, state and local governments, individuals,
and businesses.
This funding was in addition to funding received through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act and Families First Coronavirus Response Act in FY 2020.
The unobligated balances from prior year and total supplemental current year, including recoveries
and adjustments was $111,550 million. Total obligations and outlays were $81,049 million and
$78,476 million, respectively. Total amount remaining to be obligated is $30,501 million.
See Note 30, COVID-19 Activity for financial impact of supplemental appropriations.
Stewardship Investments
Stewardship investments are substantial investments made by the Federal Government for the
benefit of the Nation but are not physical assets owned by the Federal Government. When
incurred, they are treated as expenses in determining the net cost of operations. However, these
items merit special treatment so that users of Federal financial reports know the extent of
investments that are made for long-term benefit. Such investments are measured in terms of
expenses incurred for non-Federal physical property, human capital, and research and
development. The following exhibit presents a comparison of stewardship investments.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 45
Exhibit 18: Comparison of Stewardship Investments ($ millions)
Research and Development Human Capital Non-Federal Property
Limitations of Financial Statements
The principal financial statements are prepared to report the financial position, financial
condition, and results of operations, pursuant to the requirements of 31 U.S.C. § 3515(b).
The statements are prepared from records of Federal entities in accordance with Federal
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the formats prescribed by OMB. Reports
used to monitor and control budgetary resources are prepared from the same records. Users of
the statements are advised that the statements are for a component of the U.S. Government.
46 Section I | Managements Discussion and Analysis
Statement of Assurance
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is providing a modified statement of assurance that
the overall adequacy and effectiveness of internal control within the agency complies with Federal
USDA’s management recognizes its responsibility for establishing and maintaining effective internal
controls and financial management systems that comply with the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity
Act of 1982 (FMFIA).
The Department assessed the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting in accordance with
FMFIA, Section 2 and OMB Circular No. A-123, Appendix A, and provides reasonable assurance that
USDA’s systems of internal control meet the objectives of the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act
(FMFIA), except for two material weaknesses in internal control related to: (1) information technology
(IT) and (2) financial management. There was also one instance of financial system non-conformance,
which is also a non-compliance with FFMIA. USDA continues to make progress in the remediation of
controls to support improved efficiency and effectiveness related to these areas of weakness.
USDA assessed the effectiveness of internal controls over operations and compliance with applicable
laws and regulations in accordance with the FMFIA Section 2 and the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Circular No. A-123 and provides reasonable assurance that the internal controls over operations
are effective. However, USDA continues to report instances of non-compliance with the laws governing
improper payments and anti-deficiency violations.
We also assessed the compliance of USDA’s financial management systems with federal financial
management systems requirements in accordance with FMFIA Section 4; FFMIA Section 803(a); and
OMB Circular No. A-123, Appendix D. They require federal agencies to implement and maintain
financial management systems that comply with federal financial management system requirements,
applicable federal accounting standards, and the U.S. Standard General Ledger at the transaction-level. As
a result of the assessments conducted, we are reporting a financial system non-conformance, and non-
compliance with FFMIA.
The details of the exceptions are provided in the FMFIA, FFMIA, and Summary of Financial Statement
Audit and Management Assurances sections of this report. No other material weaknesses were found in
the design of the internal control over (1) the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance
with applicable laws and regulations as of September 30, 2021, and (2) internal control over reporting as
of September 30, 2021.
USDA remains committed to operating its programs and operations in an effective and efficient manner
and its financial management systems in compliance with Federal requirements; and therefore, is
executing plans to improve deficient internal controls and areas of non-compliance.
Thomas J. Vilsack
Secretary of Agriculture
November 12, 2021
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 47
Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act
Report on Management Control
The Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA) requires ongoing evaluations of
internal controls and financial management systems. These evaluations lead to an annual
statement of assurance that:
Obligations and costs comply with applicable laws and regulations;
Federal assets are safeguarded against fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement;
Transactions are accounted for and properly recorded; and
Financial management systems conform to standards, principles, and other requirements to
ensure that Federal managers have timely, relevant, and consistent financial information for
decision-making purposes.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture evaluated its internal controls in accordance with the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-123, Management’s Responsibility for
Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control.
The Department operates a comprehensive internal control program. This program ensures
compliance with the requirements of FMFIA, the Federal Financial Management Improvement
Act of 1996 (FFMIA), other laws, OMB Circular No. A-123 and its Appendices A through D.
USDA managers must ensure their programs operate efficiently and effectively and comply with
relevant laws. They must also ensure that financial management systems conform to applicable
laws, standards, principles, and related requirements. In conjunction with the Office of Inspector
General and the Government Accountability Office (GAO), USDA’s management works
decisively to determine the root causes of its material weaknesses so that it can direct resources
to focus on their remediation.
USDA remains committed to reducing and eliminating the risks associated with its deficiencies.
It also strives to operate its programs efficiently and effectively in compliance with FMFIA and
other applicable laws and regulations.
48 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Fiscal Year 2021 Results
The Department has two existing material weaknesses in internal control over reporting:
(1) Information Technology (IT) and (2) financial management. The material weakness for
financial management is due to needed improvements in accounting and internal controls related
to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Farm Service Agency (FSA), and
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC). The Risk Management Agency (RMA) prior year
deficiency related to estimated losses on insurance claims has been corrected and is no longer a
material weakness. USDA also has one existing system non-conformance related to Funds
Control Management within the CCC, which will be resolved by the end of fiscal year (FY) 2025.
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) and the Farm Service Agency (FSA) are non-compliant
with laws and regulations related to the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019.
USDA has identified violations or potential violations with the Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA).
One ADA violation was reported to the President and Congress during the fiscal year. The Office
of the General Counsel (OGC) determined that three potential instances were not ADA violations;
however, two of these instances have been referred to GAO for a determination. Two newly
identified potential violations were referred to OGC. Two instances are pending submission to the
President and Congress. A detailed description and summary of the Department’s ADAs can be
found in the Compliance with Laws and Regulations section of this report.
The Secretary’s Statement of Assurance provides modified assurance that the USDA’s internal
control system complies with FMFIA objectives. For additional details on the results reported in
USDA’s Consolidated Financial Statements Audit Report, see the Summary of Financial
Statement Audit and Management Assurances section of this report.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 49
Summary of Outstanding Material Weaknesses
Exhibit 19 provides FY 2021 accomplishments and FY 2022 planned actions toward resolving
the outstanding material weaknesses.
Exhibit 19: Summary of Outstanding Material Weaknesses
1. USDA Information Technology (IT)
Material Weaknesses
The Department needs to continue its efforts to improve IT security and
overall IT maturity to an effective level. Additionally, the Department needs to
continue remediation of its remaining outstanding audit recommendations.
Overall Estimated
Completion Date
FY 2023
FY 2021 Accomplishments: FY 2022 Planned Actions:
During FY 2021, the Office of the Chief Information
Officer (OCIO):
Assessed the USDA enterprise;
Developed a Cybersecurity Risk Management
Strategy, Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk
Management Strategy, Cybersecurity Supply
Chain Risk Management Contract Language,
and Vulnerability Disclosure Policy;
Improved the Risk Management Assessment
risk rating for privileged centralized
management from High Risk in FY 2020 to At
Risk in FY 2021;
Achieved 8 of 10 Cross-Agency Priority Goals in
the third quarter of FY 2021;
Implemented a total of 15 audit
recommendations from FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY
2020 that were issued by the Office of the
Inspector General and the Government
Accountability Office; and
Achieved a B+ on the Federal Information
Technology Reform Act (FITARA) Dashboard,
with scores above the average of other
Agencies in the categories of Data Center
Optimization Initiative, Modernizing
Government Technology, and Transition Off
During FY 2022, OCIO plans to:
Deploy Cybersecurity Diagnostic & Migration
(CDM) tools and refine the alignment of
operational processes;
Complete implementation of the End User
Consolidation program;
Continue the implementation of audit
Continue to align Cybersecurity Risk
Management with Enterprise Risk
Publish five Departmental Directives that
address Awareness and Training, Contingency
Planning, Log Retention, Personnel Security,
and Updates from Authoritative References;
Automate the generation of System Security
Plans and incorporate Open Security Control
Assessment Language (OSCAL); and
Continue to track, monitor, and enforce
security configuration baselines for USDA
50 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
2. Financial ManagementNatural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Material Weaknesses
NRCS needs improved (1) controls over obligations and unfilled customer
orders, (2) controls over expenses, and (3) entity-level controls.
Overall Estimated
Completion Date
FY 2022
FY 2021 Accomplishments: FY 2022 Planned Actions:
Implemented process improvements to
maintain, monitor, and certify unliquidated
obligations (ULOs) by the period of
performance to ensure ULOs are being closed
out timely to prevent a backlog of aged
obligations from developing in the future;
Provided additional guidance and/or training
to employees over the recording of
transactions with future economic benefits;
Provided guidance and/or training to
personnel relating to the accrual policy;
Designed, implemented, and documented
policies and procedures to properly analyze
and record internal use software expenditures
and capitalized costs; and
Evaluated the FY 2020 financial audit results
and the lessons learned to ensure the proper
controls are in place.
NRCS will:
Continue implementing policies and
procedures to perform a quarterly analysis
over open obligations marked for review that
received no responses from responsible
parties to determine if a material amount is
being omitted from accrued expenses;
Evaluate the results of the FY 2021 financial
audit and the lessons learned to ensure the
proper controls are in place; and
Continue to provide guidance and/or training
to employees over the recording of expense
3. Financial ManagementCommodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
Material Weaknesses
CCC needs to address material weaknesses related to Accounting for
Budgetary Transactions.
Overall Estimated
Completion Date
FY 2025
FY 2021 Accomplishments: FY 2022 Planned Actions:
Implemented effective undelivered orders monitoring
controls at the program level throughout the
organization; and
Implemented effective processes, procedures, and
controls over the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and
Price Loss Coverage (PLC) (ARC/PLC) year-end accrual.
CCC will:
Continue to implement effective processes,
procedures, and controls over the ARC/PLC
year-end accrual.
Continue to implement effective undelivered
orders monitoring controls at the program
level throughout the organization.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 51
4. Financial Management - Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Material Weaknesses
FSA needs to improve Fund Balance with Treasury (FBwT) reconciliation
process to ensure new program activity is included in the reconciliations and
reconciling differences are resolved timely.
Overall Estimated
Completion Date
FY 2021 Accomplishments: FY 2022 Planned Actions:
Implemented reconciliations for new
programs; and
Updated standard operating procedures.
Implement a roll-up FBwT reconciliation for
the FBwT amounts reported in its financial
statements to ensure effective monitoring of
the completeness of all reconciliations;
Implement the updates to the standard
operating procedures; and
Improve process narratives to capture
organizational roles and responsibilities.
52 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Summary of Outstanding System Non-Conformance
Funds Control Management non-conformance is also reported as a system non-compliance and is
included in the FFMIA Report on Financial Management Systems. The weakness involves
component agency-specific deficiencies for CCC.
Exhibit 20 provides FY 2021 accomplishments and FY 2022 planned actions toward resolving
the Department’s outstanding system non-conformance.
Exhibit 20: Summary of Outstanding System Non-Conformance
1. Funds Control Management Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
Non-conformance Existing
CCC system improvements that are needed in recording obligations at
the transactional level.
Overall Estimated
Completion Date
FY 2025
FY 2021 Accomplishments: FY 2022 Planned Actions:
Evaluated all budgetary general and subsidiary
ledgers to ensure they reflect the appropriate
accounting and reporting guidance provided
by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) and the U.S. Treasury;
Partnered with Deputy Administrator Farm
Programs and the Information Technology
Services Division (ITSD) toward completing
software modifications to ensure all program
applications were in full compliance with the
Funds Control/Obligation Requirements (such
as business events, establishments,
liquidations, adjustments downward and
upward) related to obligations at the
transaction level in order to prepare for
Financial Management Modernization
Initiative (FMMI) conversion; and
Implemented the Farm Service Agency
(FSA)/CCC Financial Improvement Program
multi-phased, multi-year project; moved some
financial management processes from Farm
Production and Conservation (FPAC) and its
affiliated agencies accounting and feeder
systems to FMMI.
CCC will:
Continue to evaluate all budgetary general and
subsidiary ledgers to ensure they reflect the
appropriate accounting and reporting
guidance provided by OMB and the U.S.
Continue to partner with Deputy Administrator
Farm Programs and ITSD toward completing
software modifications to ensure all program
applications were in full compliance with the
Funds Control/Obligation Requirements (such
as business events, establishments,
liquidations, adjustments downward and
upward) related to obligations at the
transaction level in order to prepare for FMMI
conversion; and
Continue to implement the FSA/CCC Financial
Improvement Program multi-phased, multi-
year project; move all financial management
processes from FPAC and its affiliated
agencies accounting and feeder systems to
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 53
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The U.S. Department of Agriculture remains non-compliant or potentially non-compliant with
the Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA) as identified in the following table. For additional information
on non-compliance with laws, refer to the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 and the
Federal Financial Management Improvement Act sections of this report.
The Department has developed strategies to reduce and/or mitigate confirmed violations during
fiscal year (FY) 2021. The following tables provide further details of each violation.
Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA)
Exhibit 21: One ADA Violation was Reported to the President and Congress During 2021
Agency: Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Year Identified
FY 2020 Export Credit Guarantees (GSM) is a mandatory program
authorized under 7 U.S. Code (U.S.C) 5622 (program authority
overall) and 7 U.S.C 5641(b) (funding level). GSM had an approved
apportionment in FY 2017 with sufficient budgetary resources to
cover obligations during FY 2017. The budgetary resources included
both the unobligated balance carried forward and a new
mandatory appropriation. The unobligated balance carried forward
consisted of indefinite budget authority, however, which cannot be
carried forward per the A-11. The current appropriation for that
year was insufficient to cover the total obligations by
FY 2020
Exhibit 22: ADA Violation Pending Submission to the President and Congress
Two additional ADA violations are pending the issuance of letters.
Agency Description of Violation Status
OCIO FY 2021 (NEW): Funding for an IT Modernization Center of
Excellence initiative in FY 2018 was obligated in the amount
of $7,000,000 without first obtaining E-Board concurrence.
OGC determined an
ADA violation
Office of the
FY 2017: Two provisions in the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2017, were violated. USDA obligated and expended
funds appropriated by the act to prepare and deliver the
Secretarys statements and develop and publish the
Associated Press release. USDAs obligation and expenditure
of appropriated amounts for this prohibited purpose also
violated the ADA, 31 U.S.C. § 1341(a)(1)(A). The cost
associated with the violation is pending.
The Government
Accountability Office
(GAO) determined an
ADA violation had
54 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Potential ADA Violations—Three prior year and two new potential violations were identified
during FY 2021. No violation was determined for one potential occurrence, two were referred to
OGC and two are pending a determination by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
This table provides a description and the status of each violation.
Exhibit 23: Prior Year and Newly Identified Potential ADA Violations
Agency Description of Violation Status
CCC FY 2017: The prior year accounting treatment for
obligations related to the Conservation Reserve
ProgramAnnual Rental contracts were
determined to be in error with an ADA total of
$9,921,859,680. Only the annual portion of the
contract values was recorded as an obligation.
OGC determined that the error
was not an ADA violation;
however, the incident has been
referred to GAO for additional
investigation and determination.
CCC FY 2018: Emergency Forestry Conservation
Reserve ProgramCCC failed to record the
obligation for the total value of the long-term
contract when the contract was signed. The ADA
violation amount was $2,200,000.
OGC determined that the error
was not an ADA violation;
however, the incident has been
referred to GAO for additional
investigation and determination.
FPAC-BC FY 2021 (NEW): FPAC-BC did not receive
Investment Review Board approval or obtain an
approved Information Technology Acquisition
Approval Request before obligating $352,800 for
contractor support to create an Unliquidated
Obligations Analysis and Certification tool.
Referred to OGC.
NRCS FY 2021 (NEW): USDA's Office of the Chief
Information Officer, using NRCS funds, renewed a
contract for $516,824 to obtain needed software
licenses. It was discovered that NRCS had been
historically using more licenses than they had
purchased. Efforts are under-way to determine
the extent of the over-usage from 2013-2021.
Referred to OGC.
The Office of the
Chief Information
Officer (OCIO)
FY 2020: OCIO potentially used more than
$22.5 million for consulting services that had been
mandated for the acquisition of capital
OGC determined no violation
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 55
Federal Financial Management
Improvement Act Report on Financial
Management Systems
The Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA) is designed to improve
financial and program managers’ accountability, provide better information for decision-making,
and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Federal programs. FFMIA requires that financial
management systems provide reliable, consistent disclosure of financial data in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles and standards. These systems must also comply with
(1) Federal Financial Management System (FFMS) requirements, (2) applicable Federal
accounting standards, and (3) the U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) at the transaction level.
Failure to resolve prior-year recommendations identified by the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s Office of Inspector General has prevented the Department from mitigating
repeated deficiencies and receiving a quality rating on the five Cybersecurity Framework
security functions. More detailed information on the status of corrective actions planned and to
be completed to comply with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) is
provided in the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act Report on Management Control
section of this report.
Exhibit 24 contains the outstanding initiatives to achieve compliance.
Exhibit 24: Initiatives to be Completed
Outstanding Initiatives to Achieve Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (FFMIA)
Initiative Section of Non-Compliance Agency Target Completion Date
Federal Financial Management
System requirements and information
security policies, procedures, and/or
Multiple 9/30/2022
Federal accounting standards and the
U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL)
at the transaction level.
Natural Resources
Federal accounting standards and
USSGL at the transaction level.
Commodity Credit
56 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Fiscal Year 2021 Results
During fiscal year (FY) 2021, the USDA evaluated its financial management systems to assess
compliance with FFMIA. In assessing FFMIA compliance, USDA considered auditors’ opinions
on component agencies’ financial statements and progress in addressing the material weaknesses
identified in the FY 2020 Agency Financial Report. USDA is not compliant with Federal
accounting standards and the USSGL at the transaction level due to deficiencies identified for the
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) and the National Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS). Additionally, as reported in the FFMIA section of this report, USDA continues to have
weaknesses in the information technology controls and FFMS requirements that resulted in non-
compliance with the FISMA requirement. USDA agencies will continue working to meet
FFMIA and FISMA objectives as part of its financial systems strategy.
Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)
CCC’s non-compliance with Federal accounting standards and USSGL at the transaction level
was noted for the weakness in the accounting for budgetary transactions. The financial
management systems did not record certain accounting events at the transaction level in
accordance with the USSGL. CCC continues to make significant progress in performing
compensating controls over the accounting for obligation activity. CCC will continue
implementing its program obligation activity into the Financial Management Modernization
Initiative in a phased approach.
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS’s non-compliance with Federal accounting standards and USSGL at the transaction level
was noted for weaknesses in NRCS’s systems that do not transmit complete and accurate
information for certain types of budgetary transactions to facilitate the proper recording of those
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 57
Financial Management Systems Strategy
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Financial Management Services (FMS) component
of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) provides timely, accurate, and complete
financial information to USDA agencies to execute their mission. Specifically, FMS provides
cloud-based, commercial off-the-shelf enterprise resource planning (ERP) software that equips
USDA staff offices and agencies with the functionality necessary to distribute, obligate, expend,
and report on the funds entrusted to them by the U.S. Congress.
FMS operates as an internal Shared Services Provider (SSP) to USDA staff offices and agencies.
FMS offers proactive, cost-effective services providing value-added management services,
expertise, and consultation to Federal Agencies to generate efficiencies and support through the
consolidation and standardization of functions, standard processing, and repeatable processes.
The OCFO leverages financial system successes to deliver future programs and tools to deliver
efficient, cost-effective, mission-focused, collaboratively developed, and strategically aligned
programs and tools. OCFO’s systems’ objectives in FY (fiscal year) 2021 are to:
Build Financial System agility and visibility through integrated ERP systems capability and
deploying emerging technology.
Expand capabilities of the OCFO systems to share, reuse, and integrate business capabilities,
technology, and data across the Department and with external partners and stakeholders.
Increase application and system efficiencies by collaborating in Department-wide application
rationalization efforts.
The OCFO will continue to advance its financial systems by implementing emerging ERP
technology platforms, improving connectivity, reducing the marginal costs of accessing
information, and providing new ways to aggregate and analyze information.
Financial Management Lines of Business
FMS’s mission as an internal SSP is to provide reliable, cost-effective, employee-centric systems
and services to USDA organizations, thus enabling customers to focus on serving this great
Nation through their mission delivery. FMS’s goal is to provide the necessary activities for
executing the Financial Management Lines of Business vision. The three central components of
this vision are (1) communication, (2) governance, and (3) operations.
58 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
FMS’s key activities include:
Budget execution.
General ledger accounting.
Financial reporting.
Audit support.
Payroll accounting.
Investment accounting.
Commercial vendor payments.
Temporary duty travel payments.
Permanent change of station employee relocation payments.
Grant payments.
Purchase card payments.
Lease accounting.
Intragovernmental payments.
Intragovernmental collections.
Receivable management.
Property accounting.
Grants management.
FMS’s primary objectives are to:
Enhance the enterprise financial management services to provide faster, less expensive, and
low-risk solutions to customers.
Integrate with the National Finance Center (NFC) payroll processing services.
Provide an enterprise grants management service that features a full life cycle management
tool for grants administration to provide visibility to the government and the grant recipient.
Maintain a complete audit-compliant financial solution with full documentation meeting
financial requirements.
Pursue continuous process, operational, and organizational improvements for shared services
retained in the future state portfolio.
Provide powerful and flexible financial management and reporting.
Process administrative payments, collections, and certifications timely and accurately.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 59
Successes During Fiscal Year 2021
Robotics Process Automation
Since the transition of the Robotics Process Automation (RPA) and Services Management Office
to the Office of Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Digital Infrastructure Services Center (DISC),
the OCFO RPA team continues to maintain, support, and enhance enterprise financial RPAs and
collaborate with USDA Mission Areas such as Food Safety and Farm Production and
Conservation. Working with these Mission Areas, OCFO has enhanced the Enterprise Budget
Bot (EBB) by adding additional forms the bot can access and edit to minimize the work of the
analyst. The OCFO completed User Acceptance Testing and migrate new code to production in
the fourth quarter of FY 2021. The OCFO will migrate new code to other Mission Areas
following the initial deployment of the EBB.
The OCFO RPA project team worked with key OCFO stakeholders and partner organizations on
the following efforts in FY 2021:
Completing cohort bots, enhancing RPA training, and migrating into production for
additional labor savings.
Facilitating Operations and Maintenance in support of all bots running on the OCFO RPA
DISC tenant environment.
Teaming with industry leaders to develop an artificial intelligence prototype that represents
the next progression of automation beyond bot technology.
Farm Service Agency/Commodity Credit Corporation Financial Improvement
The Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) financial accounting, including the Commodity Credit
Corporation, whose programs are operated primarily by FSA, is not integrated with the rest of
USDA in the Financial Management Modernization Initiative (FMMI) system, creating
reconciliation and other issues which include additional costs to maintain a separate set of systems.
This project is a multi-phased, multi-year agile development project that will ultimately move all
financial management processes from FSA accounting and feeder systems to FMMI.
Simultaneously, FSA will be required to align its feeder systems to produce auditable financial
data to integrate with FMMI. In FY 2021, the Financial Improvement Program project:
Continued the FMMI interface development that supported four agile development planning
increments, which included (1) the completion of interface functionality for fund
management, (2) payments and disbursements, (3) debt management and collection, and (4)
FMMI crosswalk.
60 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Conducted performance stress testing in a stress lab environment in the 4th Quarter of
FY 2021.
Grants Management
The ezFedGrants (eFG) System is an online system used for managing a grant’s entire life cycle.
Members of grant-seeking organizations use the eFG External Portal to view and apply for grant
award opportunities, view grant award package documents, and submit claims and reports,
among other actions. The eFG program is designed for servicing grants to organizations such as
educational institutions and research organizations.
OCFO’s FMS is the eFG system owner whose mission is to provide guidance and leadership in
program management, governance, grants and agreements policy, and information technology
(IT) related to the eFG community. The enterprise grants and agreements management solution
encompasses six USDA agencies and includes more than 50 Financial Assistance Listings while
transforming USDA’s grants and agreements capabilities. The eFG system supports various
Federal initiatives, such as homeownership opportunities to low-and moderate-income rural
Americans, organic agriculture, and numerous other grant and agreement-related programs to
serve the American public better.
In FY 2021, eFG’s initiatives:
Migrated the Agricultural Marketing Service grant agreements from eFG to the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) GrantSolutions grants systems.
Although not expected to be completed until October 2021, this effort enables other USDA
agencies to migrate to HHS GrantSolutions.
Started the National Institute of Food and Agriculture project to improve the overall user
experience and system reconciliation process related to the Automated Standard Application
for Payments.
Provided system training to 1,531 internal and external users on eFG. The eFG system has
6,837 users (5,204 external users and 1,633 internal users) to date in FY 2021.
Continued to maintain a robust user education site, WikiGrants, as an internal repository of
eFG related materials, such as user guides, training modules, and frequently asked questions
that received 972 unique visitors in FY 2021.
Deployed 2,081 new FY 2021 agreements. During the life of the eFG system, 18,199
agreements have been deployed, and 8,393 are active or in draft status.
Resolved 3,719 Tier 0 through Tier 1 (2,950 Tier 0 and 769 Tier 1) tickets through the OCFO
Grants Helpdesk as a first responder to customer inquiries.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 61
Resolved 109 eFG system incidents (39 system defects and 70 enhancements) in FY 2021 via
the eFG Post-Production Support Team. Additionally, 866 priority one-time system fixes
were also resolved in FY 2021.
Agriculture Conference Management System
The Agriculture Conference Management System (AgCMS) has replaced the Conference
Transparency and Accountability Tool (CTAT). Agencies used the custom-built CTAT to
comply with Conference Reporting requirements outlined in the 2018 Farm Bill, the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum 17-08, and the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2020 (Public Law [PL] 116-93). AgCMS now offers users a powerful tool that is easily
configurable to comply with new regulatory mandates and user-friendly features, including the
ability to access the application on a mobile device and more transparency via a robust, drill-
in dashboard.
The scope of the project also included migrating all data from CTAT and ensuring the new
system (built on the USDA Salesforce platform) can provide mobile capability, eAuthentication
access, and up to 20 additional reports in addition to the same functionality as CTAT.
In FY 2021, the AgCMS project team:
Delivered multiple iterations (sprints) of design, development, and testing.
Migrated the existing conference data to the new system and set up user accounts.
Deployed the new system and trained its user community.
Retired the CTAT.
USDA Budget Object Class Initiative
The purpose of this project is to support the USDA Budget Modernization effort. OCFO’s role in
this effort is to ensure Budget Object Classification (BOC) code compliance with OMB Circular
A-11, Section 83. USDA is now in the discovery phase of the BOC initiative, which is scheduled
to be completed by October 31, 2021.
The BOC initiative ensures that the use of BOC’s in FMMI complies with Section 83 of OMB
Circular A-11. This effort includes:
Continuing analysis of all BOC Series.
Updating the BOC Manual.
Performing analysis to ensure data quality.
62 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Gathering requirements on the impact of the BOC changes on the USDA interface systems,
adobe forms, and internal processes within FMMI to determine solutions.
Adding BOC standards to policy and process flows to maintain compliance with OMB
Circular A-11.
The BOC initiative will possibly extend into FY 2024.
Enterprise Architecture Program
The OCFO Enterprise Architecture (EA) Program delivers cost-effective, mission-focused,
collaboratively developed, and strategically aligned programs and services to its many
stakeholders and the Nation. This ground-up effort achieved numerous focused objectives during
FY 2021, including the following:
Implemented maturity upgrades to the OCFO EA Program through significantly increased
skills and capabilities of the OCFO EA team and maturation of program procedures and
governance. The program increased one entire maturity level on the U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO) EA Maturity Scale. The increased program maturity has helped
the program to continue meeting numerous Federal Legal Authorities and Regulatory
Drivers, including the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (CCA), the E-Government Act of 2002,
OMB Circular A-11, OMB Circular A-130, OMB policy memorandum M-07-11, the House
of Representatives (H.R.) 1232—Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act
(FITARA), Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC), and the Federal Enterprise
Architecture Framework.
Implemented new procedures and EA governance standards to facilitate the responsible
acquisition and management of IT throughout the Federal government.
Fully implemented the revised and integrated system development life cycle within the
OCFO by establishing clear EA oversight and accountability into decisions and governance
of the OCFO IT infrastructure.
Provided senior leadership with increased transparency and visibility regarding IT
Management and Spend-Management as well as a line of sight from strategic goals to
business processes and continuing into the technology architecture (for example, data,
software, hardware, and technology infrastructure).
Building on its successes in FY 2021, the EA team has identified the following goals in
FY 2022:
Continue integrating EA with Capital Planning, Enterprise IT Governance, Data
Management, Performance Management, Enterprise Risk Management, FITARA and
Acquisition Management, Program Management, Strategic Planning, and Strategic Human
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 63
Capital Management. This integration will ensure the continued achievement of coordinated
decision making throughout the OCFO and in coordination with the OCIO.
Continue to review and advise on all Acquisition Approval Requests (AARs) for the office
and Department that pertain to financial management systems acquisitions and spending.
Further develop and mature the IT Portfolio, programs, and financial resources of the OCFO
to align with long-term mission requirements and strategic plans required by mandates
and laws.
Take action to advance the OCFO EA Program to the next level of maturity on the GAO EA
Maturity Model scale.
Capital Planning and Investment Control Program
The Capital Planning and Investment Control Program (CPIC) is a systematic approach to
selecting, managing, and evaluating IT investments. CPIC is mandated by the CCA, which
requires Federal agencies to focus on the results produced by IT investments. The OCFO CPIC
Program identifies the processes and activities necessary to ensure that OCFO’s IT investments
are well-planned, cost-effective, and support the missions and business goals of the agency and
the Department.
The CPIC team continually monitors OCFO’s IT portfolio, mitigating risks and ensuring the
overall health of investments. Accomplished in FY 2021 were the following:
Improved the health of 90 percent of OCFO’s Major and Non-Major Investments, achieving
Chief Information Officer (CIO) rating scores of 4 (Green) or higher.
Maintained Investment Support Plans to monitor required artifacts for reporting purposes and
eliminate identified weaknesses.
Alongside EA, provided guidance to the OCFO Project Management Office in the
development of its Product Development Life Cycle.
Delineated Internal and External transfer cost within the IT Portfolio.
Building on its successes in FY 2021, the CPIC team will achieve the following in FY 2022:
Identify systems-specific costs within the OCFO IT Portfolio.
Establish the Financial Systems AAR review process to evaluate cost savings opportunities
across the Department.
Achieve CIO rating scores of 4 (Green) or higher for 100 percent of OCFO’s Major and Non-
Major Investments.
Incorporate the NFC Retirement Processing System into OCFO’s IT Portfolio as a
Major Investment.
64 Section I | Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Other Initiatives
The Systems, Applications, and Products (SAP) G-Invoicing: OCFO is working to implement
USDA Agencies into Treasury’s G-Invoicing initiative by June 30, 2022. This system will
address current Buy/Sell activity by implementing a Federal intra-governmental transaction
Buy/Sell Data Standard and provide transparent access to a shared data repository for brokered
transactions in accordance with 31 U.S. Code (U.S.C.) 3512(b) and 3515.
SAP S/4 High-Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA): OCFO looks to SAP’s S/4 HANA as
the evolution of the USDA financial management solution beyond the outdated FMMI
construct. The current FMMI solution utilizes siloed data storage that is near real-time. The
current FMMI construct is outdated, and SAP has stated that it will no longer support the
platform as early as 2027.
SAP S/4HANA is an ERP financial software that operates on SAP HANA’s in-memory platform
and allows users to run real-time reports on operational and financial data. The data is stored and
processed so that in-memory users can analyze data quickly with few constraints. As part of the
ERP package, financial data and operational data are pulled from one centralized location, which
allows decision makers to examine problems from an organizational view rather than a limited
department view. FMS is currently in the preparatory phase of the multi-year initiative of
transforming the FMMI platform into the S4 HANA intelligent enterprise platform. FMS
conducted market research to complete its information-gathering exercise and deliver its
enterprise architecture roadmap for S4 HANA.
System for Award Management (SAM) Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): At the direction of the
General Services Administration, USDA is migrating to the use of the SAM UEI as a
replacement for the DUNS® number to verify Federal contractors. This change will impact all
USDA systems, including FMMI. FMMI completed system updates in FY 2021 in preparation of
a full UEI implementation by April 2022.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 65
Section II
Financial Information
Message from the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer
It is my honor to present the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Financial Statements on
behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
USDA received an unmodified audit opinion on the financial statements
from the Department’s Office of the Inspector General for the sixth
consecutive fiscal year. This result reflects an important measure of the
integrity and reliability of USDA’s overall focus and compliance with
regards to financial management. The Office of the Chief Financial Officer
(OCFO) recognizes the importance of accurate and timely financial information in making
properly informed decisions. It remains committed to sound financial stewardship in maintaining
or, when necessary, improving upon current systems to ensure that funds are appropriately
accounted for and used to promote Departmental goals and objectives in the service of you, the
American public.
As the country continues to grapple with the “new normal” forced upon each of us from
COVID-19, the OCFO staff has been steadfastly vigilant in ensuring continuity of operations in a
primarily remote or telework environment, never wavering from a commitment to their varying
roles in support of the financial management systems and activities of USDA. The following
highlights are only a few of their more noteworthy accomplishments from the fiscal year.
Budget Division
The Budget Division’s staff successfully managed the apportionment, allocation, tracking, and
internal controls of $31.4 billion in USDA supplemental funding for the Coronavirus Aid, Relief,
and Economic Security Act; the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program; and the American
Rescue Plan. Additionally, USDA agencies were advised on the development and monitoring of
process controls and accounting on supplemental funding and contributed to the Department’s
COVID dashboard for financial reporting to the Office of Management and Budget. The division
also completed Data Quality compliance reviews and reporting related to the supplemental
funding received.
66 Section II | Financial Information
Fiscal Policy Division
The Fiscal Policy Division had a very productive fiscal year. During FY 2021, the average
number of Do Not Pay (DNP) matches per quarter increased by 19 percent from FY 2020 (from
5.087 million to 6.053 million). Additionally, there was an 85 percent increase in the potential
monetary savings ($8.9 million to $16.1 million) to USDA and the Federal Government due to
the increase in matching behavior. The USDA has nearly 1,600 active users spanning five
agencies and multiple program areas. In addition, the USDA DNP Authorizing Official, in
tandem with the Primary Local Security Administrator, provided administrative support to
programs currently using DNP during the pre-award, pre-payment, and post-payment phases of
the payment life cycle. The users conducted more than 134,000 online pre-award/pre-payment
searches, which is an 8 percent increase from FY 2020.
Financial Management Division
The Financial Management Division spearheaded the interagency reimbursement process
between USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services Unoccupied Children’s
Program in support of the President’s Executive Order on the Establishment of the Interagency
Task Force on the Reunification of Families. A workflow was established, and a process was
created that coordinated the execution of USDA Agencies’ interagency agreements approaching
$105 million in anticipated authority. This division directed the fund’s execution for the Office
of Partnerships and Public Engagement (OPPE) grants program of approximately $58 million for
the Policy Center, Outreach Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers & Ranchers
Veterans, and the Farmers Opportunity Training and Outreach Programs in support of the
Department’s grants administration.
Internal Control Division
The Internal Controls Division had a banner year. The review and follow-up of the Office of
Inspector General’s (OIG) audit recommendations were enhanced to exceed the number of audit
closures despite the current pandemic. The Department’s inventory of open audits decreased in
FY 2021 by 6 percent from 88 to 82 percent. Based on current effort and closure rates, OCFO
has surpassed the reported numbers of FY 2020 (19 OIG audits and 149 recommendations
closed) as compared with FY 2021 (33 OIG audits and 231 recommendations) or an increase of
74 percent for OIG audits and 55 percent for open audit recommendations. Efforts to closely
communicate and partner with OIG on the implementation and corrective actions of findings
within the Department continue to help reduce deficiencies. Several long-standing audit
recommendations issued by the U.S. Government Accountability Office have been reviewed, and
continued actions are being taken to mitigate and address all weaknesses identified.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 67
Working Capital Fund Division
Our Working Capital Fund (WCF) Division continued to build on its reputation as a leader in
financial management and administration of revolving funds. Its mission is to provide an
effective financing mechanism to support services provided on a centralized basis. Centrally
managed operations provide efficiency, reduce, or eliminate redundancies, and achieve
economies of scale through extensive management reviews. The WCF provided its customers
with a wide variety of services, totaling more than $1.2 billion annually to 100 distinct USDA
and non-USDA entities, supporting 15 Activity Centers across seven Departmental
organizations. These services include Administration, Communication, Financial Management,
Information Technology, and Correspondence Management. Executing these day-to-day
business activities saved resources and met the needs of USDA Agencies at competitive prices,
which allows our customers to concentrate on mission-critical functions. The WCF’s strength
lies in its extraordinary team of professionals at the heart of the USDA mission and who continue
to work tirelessly on every task.
Although I am proud of the accomplishments achieved during this fiscal year, I also recognize
there is still work to be done. The OCFO will continue to work across the Department on
remediating material weaknesses and Digital Accountability and Transparency Act submission
improvements, making this an area of increased focus in the coming year. We will also continue
to diligently manage taxpayer dollars wisely and build upon the successes demonstrated by the
achievements described previously. We are proud to serve our fellow Americans and pledge to
persist in delivering superior financial stewardship and management.
Lynn M. Moaney
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
November 12, 2021
68 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
United States Department of Agriculture
DATE: November 15, 2021
NUMBER: 50401-0020-11
TO: Lynn Moaney
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
ATTN: Annie Walker-Bradley
Internal Control Division
FROM: Gil H. Harden
Assistant Inspector General for Audit
UBJECT: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Consolidated Financia l Statements for
Fiscal Years 2021 and 2020
This report presents the results of our audits of U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA)
consolidated financial statements for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2021, and 2020. This
report contains an unmodified opinion on the financial statements, as well as the results of our
assessments of USDAs internal control over financial reporting and compliance with laws and
regulations. Your response is included in its entirety in Exhibit A.
In accordance with Departmental Regulation 1720-1, please furnish a reply within 60 days
describing the corrective actions taken or planned, and timeframes for implementing the
recommendations for which management decisions have not been reached. Please note that the
regulation requires management decision to be reached on all recommendations within 6 months
from report issuance, and final action to be taken within 1 year of each management decision to
prevent being listed in the Department’s annual Agency Financial Report.
We appreciate the courtesies and cooperation extended to us by members of your staff during our
audit fieldwork and subsequent discussions. This report contains publicly available information
and will be posted in its entirety to our website (
) in the near future.
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 69
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
Inde pe ndent Auditor’s Re port
Lynn Moaney
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Office of Inspector General audited the
consolidated financial statements of the Department for fiscal years 2021 and 2020. We also
considered USDAs internal control over financial reporting and tested USDA’s compliance with
certain provisions of applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements that could
have a direct effect on the determination of material financial statement amounts and disclosures
on these consolidated financial statements.
The “Findings and Recommendation” section presents the material weaknesses and significant
deficiencies in internal control and instances of noncompliance with laws and regulations, as of
and for the year ended September 30, 2021. Exhibit A presents USDA’s response in its entirety.
Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of USDA, which comprise
the consolidated balance sheets as of September 30, 2021 and 2020, and the related consolidated
statements of net cost, and changes in net position; and the combined statements of budgetary
resources for the fiscal years then ended and the related notes to the consolidated financial
statements (hereinafter referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”).
Manage me nt’s Responsibility for the Financial State me nts
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated
financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America (U.S.); and the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control
relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors Re s ponsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on
our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in
the U.S.; the standards applicable to financial audits contained in government auditing standards,
issued by the Comptroller General of the U.S.; and the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) Bulletin 21-04, Audit Requirements for Federal Financial Statements. Those standards
and OMB Bulle tin 21-04 require that we plan and perform audits to obtain reasonable assurance
about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.
70 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the
auditors judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the
consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair
presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
effectiveness of the entitys internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit
also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness
of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included performing such
other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our audit opinion.
Opinion on the Consolidated Financial State me nts
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of USDA, as of September 30, 2021 and 2020, and its net
costs, changes in net position, and budgetary resources for the years then ended, in accordance
with accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S.
Other Matters
nte ractive Data
Management has elected to reference information on websites or other forms of interactive data
outside the financial statements to provide additional information for the users of its financial
statements. Such information is not a required part of the basic financial statements or
supplementary information required by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
(FASAB). The information on these websites has not been subjected to any of our auditing
procedures, and accordingly we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it.
Re quire d Supple me ntary Information
Accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. issued by the FASAB require that the
Managements Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), and Required Supplementary Information
(RSI) be presented to supplement the basic consolidated financial statements. Although the RSI
is not a part of the basic consolidated financial statements, FASAB considers this information to
be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic consolidated financial statements
in appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited
procedures to the RSI in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the U.S.,
which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing and comparing the
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 71
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
information for consistency with management’s responses to our inquiries, the basic consolidated
financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audits of the basic
consolidated financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the
information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express
an opinion or provide any assurance.
Othe r Information
Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic consolidated
financial statements as a whole. USDA’s Non-Discrimination Statement, Table of Contents,
Message from the Secretary, Required Supplementary Information, Message from the Office of
the Chief Financial Officer, Other Informa tion, and Abbreviations-Acronyms sections are
presented for purposes of additional analysis, and are not a required part of the basic
consolidated financial statements. This information has not been subjected to the auditing
procedures applied in our audits of the basic consolidated financial statements and, accordingly,
we express no opinion and provide no assurance on it.
Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards
Re port on Inte rnal Control Ove r Financial Reporting
In planning and performing our audit of the consolidated financial statements as of and for the
year ended September 30, 2021, we considered USDA’s internal control over financial reporting
(internal control) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances for
the purpose of expressing our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of USDA’s internal control. Accordingly,
we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of USDAs internal control. We did not test
all internal controls relevant to operating objectives as broadly defined by the Federal Managers
Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA).
Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the preceding
paragraph and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be
significant deficiencies or material weaknesses, and, therefore, material weaknesses or
significant deficiencies may exist that were not identified.
A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow
management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to
prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a
deficiency or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable
possibility that a material misstatement of USDAs consolidated financial statements will not be
prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. We consider the deficiencies in overall
financial management and information technology (IT) security program, described in “Findings
and Recommendation,” Section 1, to be material weaknesses.
72 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is
less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged
with governance. We consider the deficiency in internal control over unliquidated obligations
(ULOs), described in “Findings and Recommendation,” Section 2, to be a significant deficiency.
Re port on Compliance with Laws, Re gulations, Contracts, and Grant Agre ements
As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether USDA’s consolidated fina ncial
statements as of and for the year ended September 30, 2021, are free of material misstatement,
we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant
agreements, and Governmentwide policy requirements, noncompliance with which could have a
direct effect on the determination of material financial statement amounts and disclosure in the
consolidated financial statements. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those
provisions was not an objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.
Fe de ral Financial Manage me nt Improve ment Act of 1996 (FFM IA)
We also performed tests of USDAs compliance with certain provisions referred to in Section
803(a) of FFMIA. Providing an opinion on compliance with FFMIA was not an objective of our
engagement and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests of
FFMIA disclosed instances, described in more detail in the “Findings and Recommendation,”
Section 3, of this report, where USDA was not substantially compliant with Federal Financial
Management System Requirements (FFMSR), applicable Federal accounting standards, and the
U.S. Standard General Ledger (USSGL) at the transaction level.
Antideficiency Act (ADA)
Title 31 U.S. Code (U.S.C.) Section 1517 states that an officer or an employee of the United
States Government may not make or authorize an expenditure or obligation exceeding an
apportionment or an amount permitted by regulations as prescribed by Title 31 U.S.C.
Section 1514. In fiscal year 2021, the Department reported 3 confirmed and 4 potential ADA
violations in its agency financial report.
Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA)
During fiscal year 2021, we identified instances of noncompliance with the requirements of
regarding the design of program internal controls related to reporting improper payments.
A separate report was issued with further details on the Department’s compliance with improper
payment requirements.
Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA), Pub. L. No. 116-117, 134 Stat. 113.
Audit Report 50024-0001-24, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fiscal Year 2020 Compliance with Improper
Payment Requirements, issued June 2021.
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 73
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
Manage me nt’s Responsibility for Inte rnal Control and Compliance
USDAs management is responsible for (1) evaluating the effectiveness of internal control over
financial reporting based on criteria established under FMFIA, (2) providing a statement of
assurance on the overall effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, (3) ensuring
USDA’s financial management systems are in substantial compliance with FFMIA requirements,
and (4) ensuring compliance with other applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and grant
Auditor’s Responsibilities
We are responsible for (1) obtaining a sufficient understanding of internal control over financial
reporting and compliance to plan the audit, (2) testing whether USDA’s financial management
systems substantially comply with FFMIA requirements referred to above, and (3) testing
compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements that
have a direct effect on the determination of material amounts and disclosure in the consolidated
financial statements.
We did not evaluate all internal controls relevant to operating objectives as broadly established
by FMFIA, such as those controls relevant to preparing statistical reports and ensuring efficient
operations. We limited our internal control testing to controls over financial reporting and
compliance. Because of inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not
prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements due to fraud or error.
We did not test compliance with all laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements applicable
to USDA. We limited our tests of compliance to certain provisions of laws, regulations,
contracts, and grant agreements that have a direct effect on the determination of material
amounts and disclosure in the consolidated financial statements that we deemed applicable to
USDA’s consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2021. We
caution that noncompliance may occur and not be detected by these tests.
Manage me nt’s Response
Managements response to the report is presented in Exhibit A. We did not audit USDA’s
response and, accordingly, we express no opinion on it.
Purpos e of the Re port on Inte rnal Control Over Financial Re porting and the Re port on
Compliance with Laws , Re gulations, Contracts , and Grant Agre eme nts
The purpose of the “Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting” and the “Report on
Compliance with Laws, Regulations, Contracts, and Grant Agreements sections of this report is
solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of
that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of USDAs internal control or on
74 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
compliance. These reports are an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with
government auditing standards in considering USDAs internal control and compliance.
Accordingly, these reports are not suitable for any other purpose.
H. Harde n
Assistant Inspector General for Audit
Washington, D.C.
November 12, 2021
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 75
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
Findings and Re comme ndation
Section 1: Material Weaknesses in Internal Control Over Financial
Re porting
Finding 1: Improvements are Needed in Overall Financial Management
The material weakness for financial management is due to improvements needed in accounting
and internal controls related to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS), and Farm Service Agency (FSA). In conducting our review, we
noted the following areas where improvements are needed in overall financial management.
Spec ifically:
CCC disclosed a material weakness related to accounting for budgetary transactions.
NRCS disclosed material weaknesses related to controls over obligations and unfilled
customer orders; controls over expenditures; and entity level controls.
The FSA portion of Treasury Account Symbol 12X0115, Processing, Research, and
Marketing, Office of the Secretary, Agriculture, representing over $13 billion in
disbursement activity was not fully reconciled for the first six months of fiscal year 2021.
The agency acknowledged this deficiency and self-reported a new material weakness in
reconciling Fund Balance with Treasury in its annual assurance statement for the FMFIA.
In its FMFIA Report on Management Control for fiscal year 2021, the Department reported the
following corrective action plans to address the outstanding weaknesses from fiscal year 2020
that remain material weaknesses for fiscal year 2021:
CCC, in fiscal year 2022, plans to continue to implement effective processes, procedures,
and controls over the Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage yearend
accrual as well as effective undelivered orders monitoring controls at the program level
throughout the organization.
NRCS, in fiscal year 2022, plans to continue implementing policies and procedures to
perform quarterly analysis of open obligations to determine whether material amounts are
being omitted from accrued expenses. In addition, NRCS will continue to provide
guidance and/or training to employees over the recording of expense accruals.
FSA, in fiscal year 2022, plans to implement a roll-up Fund Balance with Treasury
reconciliation for the Fund Balance with Treasury amounts reported in its financial
statements to ensure effective monitoring of the completeness of all reconciliations.
Additionally FSA will implement updates to the standard operating procedures and
improve process narratives to capture organizational roles and responsibilities.
Since USDA has actions planned and in progress, we are making no further recommendations
76 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
Finding 2: Improvements are Needed in Overall Information Technology
Security Program
As required by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA), the Office
of Inspector General (OIG) reviewed USDA’s ongoing efforts to improve its IT security program
and practices during fiscal year 2021.
USDA continues to take positive steps to improve its IT
security posture, but many longstanding weaknesses remain. For FISMA audits conducted from
2018 through 2020, there were 10 open recommendations at the beginning of fiscal year 2021.
During fiscal year 2021, four recommendations were closed. OIG also issued 16 new
recommendations based on security weaknesses identified in fiscal year 2021.
OMB establishes standards for an effective level of security and considers “Managed and
Measurable” to be a sufficient level. However, OIG found the Departments maturity level to be
at the lower “Consistently Implemented level. Based on OMB’s criteria, the Department’s
overall score indicates an ineffective level of security. The Department and its agencies must
develop and implement an effective plan to mitigate security weaknesses identified in the prior
fiscal ye ar recommendations. The Office of the Chief Information Officer generally concurred
with the findings and recommendations in the report.
Audit Report 50503-0005-12, U.S . Department of Agriculture, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Fiscal Year
2021 Federal Information Security Modernization Act, iss ued October 2021.
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 77
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
Section 2: Significant Deficiency in Internal Control Over Financial
Re porting
Finding 3: Improvements are Needed in Controls Over Obligations
While USDAs remediation efforts have brought about improvements in written policies and
procedures over obligations, inconsistent execution has resulted in ineffective controls. During
fiscal year 2021, USDA continued to lack effective internal controls over the recording of
obligations, accruals, and liquidations to ensure the existence and accuracy of obligations
reported in its general ledger.
In our testing of obligations, agency certifications, and related activities, we noted the following:
9 undelivered orders (UDOs) which were invalid and should have been de-obligated in a
prior fiscal year; 5 of these invalid UDOs were not included in the quarterly
4 UDOs which were billed in the wrong fiscal year;
8 accruals which remained open and should have been reversed in a prior fiscal year;
fiscal year 2021 and prior yearsaccruals which were recorded to an incorrect Vendor;
56 transactions totaling $109.7 million in fiscal year 2021 which were recorded to an
incorrect Budget Object Classification (BOC);
inconsistent cutoff dates for certifying inactive obligations;
obligating documents which were either not signed by the cooperator, or signed after the
performance period ended;
a potential improper obligation of funds, recorded without sufficient documentation; and
a lack of a comprehensive inventory of international agreements.
These conditions were due to (1) inconsistent execution of processes and control activities as
designed and implemented, including lack of adherence to policies and procedures for the
recording of obligations , accruals and liquidations; (2) ineffective monitoring and reviewing as
well as inappropriately certifying to the validity of obligation balances; and (3) intra-
departmental ULOs inappropriate ly remained open because USDA agencies did not bill to, or
submit final payments from, other USDA agencies.
Additionally, the Rural Development financial statement audit report this year discussed
ineffective controls over the recording of valid obligations and the untimely de-obligation of
invalid obligations.
OMB Circular No. A-11, Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget, states that an
obligation means a binding agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future.
Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be incurred legally.
Audit Report 85401-0012-11, Rural Development’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years 2021 and 2020, issued
November 2021.
78 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
The U.S. Department of Treasury’s annual closing guidance (Treasury Bulletin 2021-22,
Yearend Closing) requires an annual review of ULOs. Before the fiscal yearend closing,
agencies that have not reviewed their unliquidated obligations during the year must do so. This
ensures that agencies properly record transactions meeting the criteria of valid obligations set
forth in 31 U.S.C. 1501.
Departmental Regulation 2230-001, Reviews of Unliquidated Obligations, October 28, 2020,
requires quarterly reviews and certifications as to the validity of ULO balances from agency
Chief Financial Officers (CFO). Agencies are to perform quarterly reviews of all unliquidated
obligations inactive for at least 12 months, and the agency CFO or equivalent must certify
(quarterly) that the unliquidated obligations are valid based on those reviews. If program and
procurement personnel have determined that an ULO is no longer valid and have provided
written notification to the appropriate agency or staff office designated personnel to cancel or
adjust the ULO in the financial management system, the de-obligation must be processed within
15 business days after receipt of the written notification.
USDA Budget Object Classification Codes (BOC), dated March 2013, describes the types of
services that are included under each BOC. The manual provides a reference list of BOC codes
that are to be used by agencies and offices serviced by the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.
Invalid or inaccurate obligations increase the risk that an agency may be unable to determine the
amount of funds available for obligation or expenditure, may inappropriately divert funds for
purposes other than what was intended by Congress, or may misstate obligations in financial
reporting as of fiscal yearend.
Recommendation 1
Ensure appropriate agency officials obtain training pertaining to Departmental Regulation 2230-
001 to include review and monitoring of valid obligations and acceptable support for valid
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 79
AUDIT REPORT 50401-0020-11
Section 3: Noncomplia nce with Laws and Regulations
Finding 4: Lack of Substantial Compliance with FFMIA Requirements
FFMIA requires agencies to annually assess whether their financial management systems comply
substantially with (1) FFMSR, (2) applicable Federal accounting standards, and (3) the USSGL
at the transaction level. FFMIA also requires auditors to report in their Chief Financial Officer
Act financial statement audit reports whether financial management systems substantially
comply with FFMIAs system requirements. In addition, FISMA requires each agency to report
significant information security deficiencies, relating to financial management systems, as a lack
of substantial compliance under FFMIA.
During fiscal year 2021, USDA evaluated its financial management systems to assess
compliance with FFMIA. The Department reported that it was not compliant with FFMSR,
applicable accounting standards, USSGL at the transaction level, and FISMA requirements. As
noted in its MD&A, USDA continues its work to meet FFMIA and FISMA objectives.
Specifically, in its FFMIA and FMFIA reports, the Department reported an ineffective
information security program due to many longstanding weaknesses with outstanding
recommendations. See Finding 2 of this report for more details.
Additionally, in its FFMIA report, the Department noted noncompliance with two of its
component agencies relating to financial management, described below.
1. CCCs noncompliance with Federal accounting standards and USSGL at the transaction
level was noted for the weakness in the accounting for budgetary transactions. The
financial management systems did not record certain accounting events at the transaction
level in accordance with the USSGL. CCC continues to make significant progress in
performing compensating controls over the accounting for obligation activity. CCC will
continue implementing its program obligation activity into the Financial Management
Modernization Initiative in a phased approach.
2. NRCS’s noncompliance with Federal accounting standards and USSGL at the transaction
level was noted for weaknesses in NRCSs systems that do not transmit complete and
accurate information for certain types of budgetary transactions to facilitate the proper
recording of those transactions.
See Finding 1 of this report for more details on the NRCS and CCC issues.
Due to planned actions, we are making no further recommendations in this report.
80 SeconII|FinancialInformaon
mber 12, 2021
TO: Gil H. Harden
Assistant Inspector General
Office of Inspector General
FROM: Lynn Moaney /S/
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
SUBJECT: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Financial Statements for Fiscal Years
2021 and 2020
The Department is pleased to respond to your audit report on the financial statements
for fiscal years 2021 and 2020.
We concur with the findings in the report. We will continue with actions planned and in
progress to address the findings.
I would like to express my appreciation for the cooperation and professionalism
displayed by your staff and your contract auditors during the audit.
United States
Department of
Office of the Chief
Financial Officer
1400 Independence
Avenue, SW
Washington, DC
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 81
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets
As of September 30, 2021 and 2020 ($ in millions)
Item 2021 2020
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3) $ 237,610 $ 195,418
Investments, Net (Note 5) 256 245
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) 320 61
Advances and Prepayments 42 27
Total Intragovernmental
238,228 195,751
With the Public:
Cash and Other Monetary Assets (Note 4) 298 381
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) 5,353 3,812
Loans Receivable, Net (Note 7) 113,450 110,235
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8) 23 18
General Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net (Note 9) 2,588 2,399
Advances and Prepayments 587 1,295
Investments, Net (Note 5) 3 3
Total With the Public 122,302 118,143
Total Assets 360,530 313,894
Stewardship PP&E (Note 10)
Accounts Payable (Note 14) 80 105
Debt (Note 12) 132,821 143,129
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue 14 9
Other Liabilities (Note 14) 11,871 12,719
Total Intragovernmental 144,786 155,962
With the Public:
Accounts Payable 2,353 3,737
Federal Employee Benefits Payable 1,376 1,382
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities (Note 13) 258 239
Benefits Due and Payable 8,580 13,330
Loan Guarantee Liabilities (Note 7) (601) 1,329
Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities 14,226 7,703
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue 122 (515)
Other Liabilities (Notes 14, 15 & 16) 12,977 13,687
Total With the Public 39,291 40,892
Total Liabilities 184,077 196,854
Commitments and Contingencies (Note 16)
Net Position:
Unexpended Appropriations - Funds from Dedicated Collections (Note 17) 468 191
Unexpended Appropriations - Funds from Other Than Dedicated Collections 127,658 82,751
Total Unexpended Appropriations (Combined) 128,126 82,942
Cumulative Results of Operations - Funds from Dedicated Collections (Note 17) 3,473 3,283
Cumulative Results of Operations - Funds from Other Than Dedicated Collections 44,854 30,815
Total Cumulative Results of Operations (Combined) 48,327 34,098
Total Net Position 176,453 117,040
Total Liabilities and Net Position $ 360,530 $ 313,894
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
82 Section II | Financial Information
Consolidated Statements of Net Cost
For the Year Ended September 30, 2021 and 2020 ($ in millions)
2021 2020
Farm Production and Conservation:
Gross Costs $ 54,802 $ 54,824
Less: Earned Revenue
4,449 5,159
Net Costs 50,353 49,665
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services:
Gross Costs 163,254 122,391
Less: Earned Revenue 65 56
Net Costs 163,189 122,335
Food Safety:
Gross Costs 1,370 1,321
Less: Earned Revenue
262 260
Net Costs 1,108 1,061
Marketing and Regulatory Programs:
Gross Costs 6,640 5,627
Less: Earned Revenue
812 1,016
Net Costs 5,828 4,611
Natural Resources and Environment:
Gross Costs 8,278 7,033
Less: Earned Revenue 768 888
Net Costs 7,510 6,145
Rural Development:
Gross Costs 4,517 6,842
Less: Earned Revenue
3,290 3,591
Net Costs 1,227 3,251
Research, Education, and Economics:
Gross Costs 3,175 3,059
Less: Earned Revenue 105 103
Net Costs 3,070 2,956
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs:
Gross Costs 475 475
Less: Earned Revenue
32 72
Net Costs 443 403
Staff Offices:
Gross Costs 1,661 1,493
Less: Earned Revenue 243 241
Net Costs 1,418 1,252
Total Gross Costs 244,172 203,065
Less: Total Earned Revenue 10,026 11,386
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18) $ 234,146 $ 191,679
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 83
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position
For the Year Ended September 30, 2021 ($ in millions)
Funds from
(Combined Totals)
(Note 17)
Funds from Other
Than Dedicated
Totals) Eliminations
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balances $ 191 $ 82,751 $ - $ 82,942
Appropriations Received 12 285,680 - 285,692
Appropriations Transferred In (Out) 285 (537) - (252)
Other Adjustments - (15,268) - (15,268)
Appropriations Used
(20) (224,968) - (224,988)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations 277 44,907 - 45,184
Total Unexpended Appropriations: Ending Balance
468 127,658 - 128,126
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balances 3,283 30,815 - 34,098
Other Adjustments - (233) - (233)
Appropriations Used 20 224,968 - 224,988
Non-exchange Revenue 230 25,688 - 25,918
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash and Cash Equivalents 1 - - 1
Transfers In (Out) without Reimbursement 1,345 (1,373) - (28)
Imputed Financing 63 3,404 (2,501) 966
Other (99) (3,138) - (3,237)
Net Cost of Operations (1,370) (235,277) 2,501 (234,146)
Net Change in Cumulative Results of Operations 190 14,039 - 14,229
Cumulative Results of Operations: Ending Balance 3,473 44,854 - 48,327
Net Position $ 3,941 $ 172,512 $ - $ 176,453
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
84 Section II | Financial Information
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Position
For the Year Ended September 30, 2020 ($ in millions)
Funds from
Totals) (Note 17)
Funds from Other
Than Dedicated
Totals) Eliminations
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balances $ 180 $ 71,271 $ - $ 71,451
Appropriations Received 11 212,782 - 212,793
Appropriations Transferred In (Out) - (50) - (50)
Other Adjustments - (8,931) - (8,931)
Appropriations Used - (192,321) - (192,321)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations 11 11,480 - 11,491
Total Unexpended Appropriations: Ending Balance 191 82,751 - 82,942
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balances 3,331 11,332 - 14,663
Other Adjustments - (340) - (340)
Appropriations Used - 192,321 - 192,321
Non-exchange Revenue 134 22,279 - 22,413
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash and Cash Equivalents 1 1 - 2
Transfers In (Out) without Reimbursement 748 (1,312) - (564)
Imputed Financing 68 2,916 (2,129) 855
(182) (3,391) - (3,573)
Net Cost of Operations (817) (192,991) 2,129 (191,679)
Net Change in Cumulative Results of Operations (48) 19,483 - 19,435
Cumulative Results of Operations: Ending Balance 3,283 30,815 - 34,098
Net Position
$ 3,474 $ 113,566 $ - $ 117,040
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 85
Combined Statements of Budgetary Resources
For the Years Ended September 30, 2021 and 2020 ($ in millions)
2021 2020
Credit Reform
Accounts Budgetary
Credit Reform
Financing Accounts
Budgetary Resources:
Unobligated Balance from Prior Year Budget Authority, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory) $ 97,027 $ 4,725 $ 69,378 $ 5,958
Appropriations (Discretionary and Mandatory) 273,612 6 211,126 1
Borrowing Authority (Discretionary and Mandatory) 13,207 14,904 35,525 15,654
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections (Discretionary and Mandatory)
8,536 12,365 8,293 12,249
Total Budgetary Resources
392,382 32,000 324,322 33,862
Status of Budgetary Resources:
New Obligations and Upward Adjustments (Total) 277,308 20,631 239,782 21,913
Unobligated Balance, End of Year:
Apportioned, Unexpired Accounts 73,017 10,675 47,873 11,257
Exempt from Apportionment, Unexpired Accounts 85 - 7 -
Unapportioned, Unexpired Accounts 8,241 694 4,437 692
Unexpired Unobligated Balance, End of Year 81,343 11,369 52,317 11,949
Expired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
33,731 - 32,223 -
Unobligated Balance, End of Year (Total)
115,074 11,369 84,540 11,949
Total Budgetary Resources
392,382 32,000 324,322 33,862
Outlays, Net, and Disbursements, Net:
Outlays, Net (Total) (Discretionary and Mandatory) 239,467 187,111
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (-)
Agency Outlays, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory)
$ 235,218
$ 184,248
Disbursements, Net (Total) (Mandatory) $ 4,025 $ 2,547
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.
86 Section II | Financial Information
Notes to the Financial Statements
As of September 30, 2021, and 2020 ($ in millions)
NOTE 1: Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Reporting Entity
USDA provides a wide variety of services in the United States and around the world. USDA is
organized into eight distinct mission areas and their agencies that execute these missions,
including staff offices for reporting listed below:
Farm Production and Conservation
FPAC Business Center
Farm Service Agency
Commodity Credit Corporation
Risk Management Agency
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
Food and Nutrition Service
Food Safety
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Marketing and Regulatory Programs
Agricultural Marketing Service
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Natural Resources and Environment
Forest Service
Rural Development
Research, Education, and Economics
Agricultural Research Service
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Economic Research Service
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
Foreign Agricultural Service
Staff Offices
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 87
The reporting entity is a component of the U.S. Government. For this reason, some of the
assets and liabilities reported by the entity may be eliminated for Government-wide reporting
because they are offset by assets and liabilities of another U.S. Government entity. These
financial statements should be read with the realization that they are for a component of the
U.S. Government. See Note 28 for Disclosure Entities and Related Parties that are not part
of consolidation.
The financial statements consolidate results of all agencies and staff offices. The effects of
intradepartmental activity and balances are eliminated, except for the Statement of Budgetary
Resources (SBR) which is presented on a combined basis. The financial statements are prepared
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for the Federal Government.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual
results could differ from those estimates.
Fund Balance with Treasury (FBWT) and Funds from Dedicated Collections
FBWT is an asset of a reporting entity and a liability of the General Fund. Similarly, investments
in Federal Government securities that are held by Dedicated Collections accounts are assets of
the reporting entity responsible for the Dedicated Collections and liabilities of the General Fund.
In both cases, the amounts represent commitments by the Government to provide resources for
particular programs, but they do not represent net assets to the Government as a whole.
When the reporting entity seeks to use FBWT or investments in Government securities to
liquidate budgetary obligations, Treasury will finance the disbursements in the same way it
finances all other disbursements, using some combination of receipts, other inflows, and
borrowing from the public (if there is a budget deficit).
Revenue and Other Financing Sources
As a component of the Government-wide reporting entity, the entity is subject to the Federal
budget process, which involves appropriations that are provided annually and appropriations that
are provided on a permanent basis. The financial transactions that are supported by budgetary
resources, which include appropriations, are generally the same transactions reflected in entity
and the Government-wide financial reports.
The reporting entity’s budgetary resources reflect past congressional action and enable the entity
to incur budgetary obligations, but they do not reflect assets to the Government as a whole.
88 Section II | Financial Information
Budgetary obligations are legal obligations for goods, services, or amounts to be paid based on
statutory provisions (e.g., Social Security benefits). After budgetary obligations are incurred,
Treasury will make disbursements to liquidate the budgetary obligations and finance those
disbursements in the same way it finances all disbursements, using some combination of
receipts, other inflows, and borrowing from the public (if there is a budget deficit).
Revenue from exchange transactions is recognized when persuasive evidence of an arrangement
exists, delivery has occurred or services have been rendered, sales price is fixed or determinable,
and collection is reasonably assured. In certain cases, the prices charged by the Department are
set by law or regulation, which for program and other reasons may not represent full cost. Prices
set for products and services offered through the Department’s working capital funds are
intended to recover the full costs incurred by these activities. Revenue from non-exchange
transactions is recognized when a specifically identifiable, legally enforceable claim to resources
arises, to the extent that collection is probable and the amount is reasonably estimable.
Appropriations are recognized as a financing source when used. An imputed financing source is
recognized for costs subsidized by other Government entities.
The Department is authorized to invest certain funds in excess of its immediate needs in
Treasury securities. Investments in non-marketable par value Treasury securities are classified as
held to maturity and are carried at cost. Investments in market-based Treasury securities are
classified as held to maturity and are carried at amortized cost. The amortized cost of securities is
based on the purchase price adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts
using the straight-line method over the term of the securities.
Accounts Receivable
Accounts receivable are reduced to net realizable value by an allowance for uncollectible
accounts. The adequacy of the allowance is determined based on past experience and age of
outstanding balances.
Direct Loans and Loan Guarantees
Direct loans obligated and loan guarantees committed after FY 1991 are reported based on the
present value of the net cash-flows estimated over the life of the loan or guarantee. The difference
between the outstanding principal of the loans and the present value of their net cash inflows is
recognized as a subsidy cost allowance; the present value of estimated net cash outflows of the
loan guarantees is recognized as a liability for loan guarantees. The subsidy expense for direct or
guaranteed loans disbursed during the year is the present value of estimated net cash outflows for
those loans or guarantees. A subsidy expense also is recognized for modifications made during
the year to loans and guarantees outstanding and for reestimates made as of the end of the year to
the subsidy allowances or loan guarantee liability for loans and guarantees outstanding.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 89
Direct loans obligated and loan guarantees committed before FY 1992 are valued using either the
present-value or net realizable methods. Under the present-value method, the outstanding
principal of direct loans is reduced by an allowance equal to the difference between the
outstanding principal and the present value of the expected net cash flows. The liability for loan
guarantees is the present value of expected net cash outflows due to the loan guarantees. Under
the net realizable value method, the average rate of the last five years of write-offs is used.
Inventories and Related Property
Inventories to be consumed in the production of goods for sale or in the provision of services for
a fee are valued on the basis of historical cost using a first-in, first-out method.
Commodity inventory, referred to as goods held under price support and stabilization programs
in SFFAS No. 3, Accounting for Inventory and Related Property, issued by the FASAB,
represent commodities acquired by CCC for donation or price support purposes. Commodities
are eventually sold or otherwise disposed of to help satisfy economic goals. Acquisition is
generally made through commodity loan forfeitures, use of Commodity Certificate Exchange
(CCE), or by purchase of commodities on the open market.
Inventory purchases are initially recorded at acquisition cost, including transportation, plus
processing and packaging costs incurred after acquisition. Acquisition cost for loan forfeitures is
the amount of the loan settlement, excluding interest. The commodity is revalued at the lower of
cost or the net realizable value in accordance with SFFAS No. 3.
Commodity inventory is not held in reserve for future sale. All commodity inventory on hand at
year-end is anticipated to be donated or transferred during the next fiscal year. CCC has no
excess, obsolete or unserviceable inventory.
Property, Plant and Equipment
Property, Plant and Equipment (PP&E) are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation.
Depreciation is determined using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the
assets. Useful lives for PP&E are disclosed in Note 9. Capitalization thresholds for personal
property and real property are $25,000; and $100,000 for internal use software. There are no
restrictions on the use or convertibility of PP&E.
Pension and Other Retirement Benefits
Pension and other retirement benefits (primarily retirement health care benefits) expense is
recognized at the time the employees’ services are rendered. The expense is equal to the actuarial
present value of benefits attributed by the pension plan’s benefit formula, less the amount
contributed by the employees. An imputed cost is recognized for the difference between the
expense and contributions made by and for employees.
90 Section II | Financial Information
Workers Compensation Benefits
The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) provides wage replacement and medical
cost protection to covered Federal civilian employees injured on the job, employees who have
incurred a work-related occupational disease, and beneficiaries of employees whose death is
attributable to a job-related injury or occupational disease. The FECA program is administered
by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), which initially pays valid claims and subsequently
seeks reimbursement from the Federal agencies employing the claimants. DOL provides the
actuarial liability for claims outstanding at the end of each fiscal year. This liability includes the
estimated future costs of death benefits, workers’ wage replacement, medical, and miscellaneous
costs for approved compensation cases.
Funds from Dedicated Collections
In accordance with Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards (SFFAS) 43, Funds
from Dedicated Collections, USDA has reported the funds from dedicated collections for which
it has program management responsibility when the following three criteria are met: 1) a statute
committing the Federal Government to use specifically identified revenues and/or other
financing sources that are originally provided to the Federal Government by a non-Federal
source only for designated activities, benefits or purposes; 2) explicit authority for the fund to
retain revenues and/or other financing sources not used in the current period for future use to
finance the designated activities, benefits, or purposes; and 3) a requirement to account for and
report on the receipt, use, and retention of the revenues and/or other financing sources that
distinguishes the fund from the Federal Government’s general revenues.
Contingent liabilities are recognized when a past event or exchange transaction has occurred, a
future outflow or other sacrifice of resources is probable, and the future outflow or sacrifice of
resources is measurable.
Allocation Transfers
USDA is a party to allocation transfers with other Federal agencies as both a transferring (parent)
entity and/or a receiving (child) entity. Allocation transfers are legal delegations by one department
of its authority to obligate budget authority and outlay funds to another department. A separate
fund account (allocation account) is created in the U.S. Treasury as a subset of the parent fund
account for tracking and reporting purposes. All allocation transfers of balances are credited to this
account, and subsequent obligations and outlays incurred by the child entity are charged to this
allocation account as they execute the delegated activity on behalf of the parent entity.
USDA allocates funds, as the parent, to a number of U.S. Government agencies, including:
Department of the Interior, Department of Defense, Department of Housing and Urban
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 91
Development, Agency for International Development, and the Small Business Administration.
USDA receives allocation transfers, as the child, from the Department of Labor, Department of
Transportation, Department of the Interior, Agency for International Development, Economic
Development Administration, Appalachian Regional Commission, and the Delta
Regional Authority.
Inter-Entity Costs
Goods and services are received from other federal entities at no cost or at a cost less than the
full cost to the providing federal entity. Consistent with accounting standards, certain costs of the
providing entity that are not fully reimbursed by the Department are recognized as imputed cost
[in the Statement of Net Cost] and are offset by imputed revenue [in the Statement of Changes in
Net Position]. Such imputed costs and revenues relate to business-type activities (if applicable),
employee benefits, and claims to be settled by the Treasury Judgment Fund. However,
unreimbursed costs of goods and services other than those identified above are not included in
our financial statements.
Fiduciary Activities
Fiduciary activities are the collection or receipt, and the management, protection, accounting,
investment, and disposition by the Federal Government of cash or other assets in which non
Federal individuals or entities have an ownership interest that the Federal Government must
uphold. Fiduciary assets are not assets of the Federal Government and are not recognized on the
balance sheet.
Asbestos-Related Cleanup Costs
Effective October 1, 2012, Technical Bulletin (TB) 2006-1, Recognition and Measurement of
Asbestos-Related Cleanup Costs, as amended, requires an estimate of both friable and non-
friable asbestos-related cleanup costs; recognition of a liability and related expense for those
costs that are both probable and reasonably estimable; and disclosure of information related to
friable and non-friable asbestos-related cleanup costs that are probable but not reasonably
estimable in a note to the financial statements.
Deferred Maintenance and Repairs
Deferred maintenance and repairs are such that were not performed when they should have been
or were scheduled to be and which are put off or delayed for a future period. Maintenance and
repairs are activities directed toward keeping fixed assets in an acceptable condition. Activities
include preventive maintenance; replacement of parts, systems, or components; and other
activities needed to preserve or maintain the asset. Maintenance and repairs, as distinguished
from capital improvements, exclude activities directed towards expanding the capacity of an
asset or otherwise upgrading it to serve needs different from, or significantly greater than, its
92 Section II | Financial Information
current use. SFFAS 42, Deferred Maintenance and Repairs: Amending Statements of Federal
Financial Accounting Standards 6, 14, 29 and 32, became effective October 1, 2014. Estimates
for deferred maintenance and repairs are disclosed in required supplementary information.
Reconciliation of Net Cost to Net Outlays
SFFAS 53, Budget and Accrual Reconciliation (BAR) amends requirements for a reconciliation
between budgetary and financial accounting information established by SFFAS 7, Accounting
for Revenue and Other Financing Sources and Concepts for Reconciling Budgetary and
Financial Accounting. The BAR explains the relationship between the entity’s net outlays on a
budgetary basis and the net cost of operations during the reporting period.
Insurance Programs
The Federal Crop Insurance Program is considered a short-duration exchange transaction
insurance program. The crop insurance policies insure against unexpected declines in yield
and/or price due to natural causes. The insurance policies are structured as a contract between
Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) and producers, with the FCIC providing reinsurance to
AIPs. Crop insurance policies automatically renew each year, unless producers cancel them by a
published annual deadline. Under the reinsurance agreements, AIPs agree to deliver insurance
products to eligible entities under certain terms and conditions. The Administrative and
Operating (A&O) subsidy compensates the AIPs for selling and servicing crop insurance
policies, including the direct settling of claims. Producers pay a portion of premium and fees to
participate in the insurance program benefit payments. FCIC and AIPs share in underwriting
gains or losses. The underwriting risk for the crop insurance program is shared by FCIC and the
AIPs. The AIPs generally retain approximately 80 to 85 percent of the premium, and the risk
associated with the premium. FCIC provides AIPs stop-loss reinsurance for the risk associated
with their retained premium.
Classified Activities
Accounting standards require all reporting entities to disclose that accounting standards allow
certain presentations and disclosures to be modified, if needed, to prevent the disclosure of
classified information.
The Balance Sheet, Statement of Changes in Net Position and notes on Investments, Schedule for
Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liability Balances (Post-1991 Loan Guarantees), General Property,
Plant and Equipment (PP&E), Net, Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources, Other
Liabilities and Funds from Dedicated Collections were reclassified to conform to OMB Circular
A-136, Financial Reporting Requirements. The Federal Debt and Interest Payable note was
reclassified to present other debt as other liabilities.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 93
NOTE 2: Non-Entity Assets
Non-entity assets include proceeds from the sale of timber payable to the U.S. Treasury, timber
contract performance bonds, employer contributions and payroll taxes withheld for agencies
serviced by the National Finance Center, rural housing escrow, interest, fines, and penalties.
FY 2021 FY 2020
Fund Balance with Treasury $ 379 $ 319
Accounts Receivable 529 296
Total Intragovernmental 908 615
Cash and Other Monetary Assets 51 46
Accounts Receivable 267 205
Total Non-Entity Assets 1,226 866
Total Entity Assets
359,304 313,028
Total Assets
$ 360,530 $ 313,894
NOTE 3: Fund Balance with Treasury
Borrowing Authority not yet Converted to Fund Balance represents unobligated and obligated
amounts recorded at year-end that will be funded by future borrowings. Non-Budgetary Fund
Balance with Treasury includes special fund receipt accounts, and clearing and suspense account
balances awaiting disposition or reclassification.
Item FY 2021 FY 2020
Status of Fund Balance with Treasury
Unobligated Balance
Available $ 83,777 $ 59,138
Unavailable 42,751 37,446
Obligated Balance Not Yet Disbursed 110,799 110,813
Borrowing Authority Not Yet Converted to Fund Balance (44,412) (53,640)
Authority Granted Prior to Credit Reform for Rental Assistance Grants (18) (23)
Non-Budgetary Fund Balance with Treasury
44,713 41,684
$ 237,610 $ 195,418
NOTE 4: Cash and Other Monetary Assets
For FY 2021 and FY 2020, cash and other monetary assets consists of Federal crop insurance
escrow of $217 million and $299 million, deposits in transit of $30 million and $36 million, and
single-family housing escrow of $51 million and $46 million, respectively.
FY 2021 FY 2020
$ 298 $ 381
94 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 5: Investments
FY 2021
Intragovernmental Securities and Investments:
Non-marketable - Market-based $ 254 Straight Line $ 1 $ 1 $ 256 $ - $ 256
Total Intragovernmental Securities and Investments 254 1 1 256 - 256
Other Securities and Investments:
Available for Sale:
Equity Securities 3 - - 3 - 3
Total Other Securities and Investments 3 - - 3 - 3
Fair Value Measurement of Securities and Investments Other
Non-Federal Securities Listed by Investment Type
Total Fair Value Measurements
Reconciliation of Investment Activity for Non-Federal Securities:
Beginning Balance 3
Ending Balance
$ 3
FY 2020
Intragovernmental Securities and Investments:
Non-marketable - Market-based
$ 243
Straight Line
$ 1 $ 1 $ 245 $ - $ 245
Total Intragovernmental Securities and Investments
1 1 245 - 245
Other Securities and Investments:
Available for Sale:
Equity Securities 3 - - 3 - 3
Total Other Securities and Investments 3 - - 3 - 3
Fair Value Measurement of Securities and Investments Other
Non-Federal Securities Listed by Investment Type
Total Fair Value Measurements
$ 3
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 95
Other securities and investments include equity securities held by the Alternative Agricultural
Research and Commercialization Corporation (AARCC). These securities represent shares the
AARCC program purchased as part of the original investment into non-publicly traded
companies. The program along with the investments is currently going through a review process
with regards to the viability of the remaining investments and their value.
The U. S. Treasury does not set aside assets to pay future expenditures associated with funds
from dedicated collections; instead the cash generated from funds from dedicated Treasury
securities are issued to the funds from dedicated collections as evidence of the dedicated receipts;
Treasury securities held by the funds for dedicated collections are an asset of the fund(s) and a
liability of the U. S. Treasury, and will be eliminated by consolidation in the U. S. Government-
wide financial statements; and when the funds from dedicated collections redeems their Treasury
securities to make expenditures, the U. S. Treasury will finance those expenditures in the same
manner that it finances all other expenditures.
NOTE 6: Accounts Receivable, Net
FY 2021
Accounts Receivable,
Allowance for
Uncollectible Accounts
Accounts Receivable,
Intragovernmental $ 320 $ - $ 320
With the Public 5,409 (56) 5,353
$ 5,729 $ (56) $ 5,673
Criminal Restitution $ 5 $ (5) $ -
FY 2020
Accounts Receivable,
Allowance for
Uncollectible Accounts
Accounts Receivable,
Intragovernmental $ 61 $ - $ 61
With the Public
3,872 (60) 3,812
$ 3,933 $ (60) $ 3,873
Criminal Restitution
$ 7 $ (7) $ -
NOTE 7: Loans Receivable, Net and Loan Guarantee Liabilities
Direct loan obligations and loan guarantee commitments made after fiscal year 1991, and the
resulting direct loans or loan guarantees, are governed by the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990,
as amended.
Direct loan obligations or loan guarantee commitments made pre-1992 are reported at either net
present-value or net realizable value.
The net present value of Direct Loan and Loan Guarantees, Net is not necessarily representative
of the proceeds that might be expected if these loans were sold on the open market.
The Department offers direct and guaranteed loans through credit programs in the FPAC mission
area through the FSA and the CCC, and in the RD mission area.
96 Section II | Financial Information
Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) Mission Area
The FPAC mission area helps keep America’s farmers and ranchers in business as they face the
uncertainties of weather and markets. FPAC delivers commodity, credit, conservation, disaster,
and emergency assistance programs that help strengthen and stabilize the agricultural economy.
FPAC contributes to the vitality of the farm sector with programs that encourage the expansion
of export markets for U.S. agriculture.
FSA offers direct and guaranteed loans to farmers who are temporarily unable to obtain private,
commercial credit, and nonprofit entities that are engaged in the improvement of the nation’s
agricultural community. Often, FSA borrowers are beginning farmers who cannot qualify for
conventional loans due to insufficient financial resources. Additionally, the agency helps
established farmers who have suffered financial setbacks from natural disasters or have limited
resources to maintain profitable farming operations. FSA officials also provide borrowers with
supervision and credit counseling.
FSA’s mission is to provide supervised credit. FSA works with each borrower to identify
specific strengths and weaknesses in farm production and management, and provides alternatives
to address weaknesses. FSA is able to provide certain loan servicing options to assist borrowers
whose accounts are distressed or delinquent. These options include reamortization, restructuring,
loan deferral, lowering interest rates, acceptance of easements, and debt write-downs. The
eventual goal of FSA’s farm credit programs is to graduate its borrowers to commercial credit.
CCC’s foreign programs provide economic stimulus to both the U.S. and foreign markets, while
giving humanitarian assistance to the most disadvantaged people throughout the world. CCC
offers both credit guarantee and direct credit programs for buyers of U.S. exports, suppliers, and
sovereign countries in need of food assistance.
CCC permits debtor nations to reschedule debt under the aegis of the Paris Club. The Paris Club
is an informal group of official creditors whose role is to facilitate debt treatments based on an
internationally recognized set of rules and principles, facilitated by the senior officials of the
French Treasury. Its sole purpose is to assess, on a case-by-case basis, liquidity problems faced
by economically disadvantaged countries. The general premise of Paris Club is to provide
disadvantaged nations short-term liquidity relief to enable them to reestablish their credit
worthiness. The U.S. Departments of State and Treasury lead the U.S. Delegation and
negotiations for all U.S. Agencies.
CCC also provides loans for Farm and Sugar Storage Facilities (FSFL). FSFL provides low
interest financing for producers to build or upgrade farm storage and handling facilities. FSFL
program regulations were amended during FY 2017 to add eligibility for portable storage
structures, portable equipment, and storage and handling trucks, and to reduce the down payment
and documentation requirements for a “microloan” category of FSFLs up to $50,000.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 97
Exhibit 25: Farm Production and Conservation List of Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Programs
Farm Service Agency
Direct Farm Ownership
Direct Farm Operating
Direct Emergency Loans
Direct Indian Land Acquisition
Direct Boll Weevil Eradication
Direct Seed Loans to Producers
Direct Conservation
Guaranteed Farm Operating Subsidized/Unsubsidized
Guaranteed Farm Ownership Unsubsidized
Guaranteed Conservation
American Recovery and Reinvestment Fund
Commodity Credit Corporation
General Sales Manager Export Credit Guarantee
Facility Program Guarantee
P.L. 480 Title 1 Program
Direct Farm Storage Facility
Direct Sugar Storage Facilities
Rural Development (RD) Mission Area
RD offers both direct and guaranteed loans administered through three agencies with unique
missions to bring prosperity and opportunity to rural areas. Each year, RD programs create or
preserve tens of thousands of rural jobs and provide or improve the quality of rural housing,
business, and utilities. To leverage the impact of its programs, RD is working with state, local,
and Indian tribal governments, as well as private and nonprofit organizations and user-owned
cooperatives. RD is able to provide certain loan servicing options to borrowers whose accounts
are distressed or delinquent. These options include reamortization, restructuring, loan deferral,
lowering interest rate, acceptance of easements, and debt write-downs. The choice of servicing
options depends on the loan program and the individual borrower.
Rural Housing programs provide affordable, safe, and sanitary housing and essential community
facilities to rural communities. They also help finance new or improved housing for moderate,
low, and very low-income families each year. Other programs help rural communities to finance,
construct, enlarge or improve fire stations, libraries, hospitals and medical clinics, industrial
parks, and other community facilities.
Rural Business programs promote a dynamic business environment in rural America. These
programs work in partnership with the private sector and community-based organizations to
provide financial assistance and business planning. They also provide technical assistance to
rural businesses and cooperatives, conduct research into rural economic issues, and provide
cooperative educational materials to the public.
Rural Utilities programs help to improve the quality of life in rural America through a variety of
loan programs for electric energy, telecommunications, and water and environmental projects.
These programs leverage scarce Federal funds with private capital for investing in rural
infrastructure, technology, and development of water resources.
98 Section II | Financial Information
Exhibit 26: Rural Development List of Direct Loan and Loan Guarantee Programs
Rural Housing Program
Single Family Housing Direct Loans
(including Self-Help Loans)
Single Family Housing Loan
Single Family Housing Repair Loans
Rural Rental Housing Direct Loan
Rural Rental Housing Loan
Farm Labor Housing Loans
Community Facilities Direct Loans
and Loan Guarantees
Rural Business Program
Business and Industry Loan
Intermediary Relending Program
Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance
Rural Economic Development Loans
Rural Energy for America Program
Loan Guarantees
Biorefinery Renewable Chemical, and
Bio-based Product Manufacturing
Assistance Program Loan Guarantees
Rural Utilities Program
Water and Environmental
Direct Loans, Loan
Rural Broadband Direct
Electric and
Direct Loans and Loan
Loan Modifications
Multi-Family Housing direct loan modifications related to the revitalization program, which
began in FY 2006, continued through FY 2021. In this program, Rural Development provides
restructured loans and grants to development owners to revitalize multi-family housing
development projects in order to extend the affordable use without displacing tenants due to the
increased rent.
The Debt Reduction Fund is used to account for CCC’s “modified debt.” Debt is considered to
be modified if the original debt has been reduced or the interest rate of the agreement changed. In
contrast, when debt is “rescheduled,” only the date of payment is changed. Rescheduled debt is
carried in the original fund until paid. With one exception, all outstanding CCC modified debt is
carried in the Debt Reduction Fund and is governed by the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990,
as amended. CCC modified debt for several P.L. 480 loans to El Salvador during FY 2021 under
the Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act (TFCCA). The modification cost for these
loans was $15 million.
FSA executed a modification during FY 2021 under the American Rescue Plan (ARP). Under
ARP, USDA would pay 120% of the outstanding loans to socially disadvantaged borrowers in
the following categories: Agricultural Credit Insurance Fund (ACIF) direct loans (ownership,
operating and emergency), ACIF guaranteed loans (ownership and operating) and Farm Storage
Facility Loans. While the modification was executed, the loan repayments have not taken place
due to ongoing litigation.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 99
Foreclosed Property
As of September 30, 2021 and 2020, foreclosed property consisted of 1,095 and 1,267 rural
single family housing dwellings, with an average holding period of 16 months for both years,
respectively. As of September 30, 2021 and 2020, FSA-Farm Loan Program properties consist
primarily of 127 and 125 farms, respectively. The average holding period for these properties in
inventory for FY 2021 and FY 2020 was 77 months. Certain properties can be leased to eligible
Other Information
Non-performing loans are defined as receivables that are in arrears by 90 or more days or are on
rescheduling agreements until such time two consecutive payments have been made following
the rescheduling. When RD, FSA and CCC calculate loan interest income, however, the
recognition of revenue is deferred. Late interest is accrued on arrears.
Approximately $13,548 million and $14,328 million of Rural Housing borrowers’ unpaid loan
principal as of September 30, 2021 and 2020 were receiving interest credit. If those loans receiving
interest credit had accrued interest at the full-unreduced rate, interest income would have been
approximately $604 million and $666 million higher for FY 2021 and FY 2020, respectively.
At the end of FY 2021 and FY 2020, the RD portfolio contained approximately 53,656 and 48,280
restructured loans with an outstanding unpaid principal balance of $3,407 million and
$2,584 million, respectively. At the end of FY 2021 and FY 2020, the farm loan portfolio
contained approximately 12,888 and 17,836 restructured loans with an outstanding unpaid
principal balance of $1,073 million and $1,402 million, respectively. Direct credit and credit
guarantee principal receivables in the food aid and export programs under rescheduling agreements
as of September 30, 2021 and 2020, were $829 million and $642 million, respectively.
Beginning in FY 2012, advance payments surpassed the loans receivable balance in the Rural
Utilities Liquidating Fund. This was due to an increased volume in advance payments and a
normal reduction to the Liquidating Portfolio. The Omnibus Budget Act of 1987, section 313,
authorized the accumulation of Cushion of Credit (CoC) in the Revolving Fund. Borrowers may
make advance payments up to their liquidating and financing total Rural Utilities Service debt.
To accurately represent the value of Electric and Telecommunication assets, RD reports the CoC
amounts as a separate line item in Table 1.
Subsidy rates are used to compute each year’s subsidy expenses. The subsidy rates pertain only
to the FY 2021 cohorts. These rates cannot be applied to the direct and guaranteed loans
disbursed during the current reporting year to yield the subsidy expense. The subsidy expense for
new loans reported in the current year could result from disbursements of loans from both
current year cohorts and prior-year cohorts. The subsidy expense reported in the current year also
includes reestimates.
100 Section II | Financial Information
Table 1: Loans Receivable, Net
FY 2021 Direct Loans
Present Value
Direct Loans,
Obligated Pre-1992
Farm $ 134 $ 96 $ 7 $ (98) $ 139
Food Aid 254 5 - (53) 206
Housing 5,332 695 8 (627) 5,408
Community Facility 6 - - - 6
Electric 1,805 2 - (1,427) 380
Telecommunications 28 - - - 28
Water and Environmental 167 2 - - 169
Intermediary Relending
1 - - - 1
Pre-1992 Total
7,727 800 15 (2,205) 6,337
Obligated Post-1991
Farm 15,155 330 10 (175) 15,320
Food Aid 420 8 - (74) 354
Housing 17,509 433 63 (1,755) 16,250
Community Facility 11,151 106 - (188) 11,069
Electric 49,235 30 - (1,171) 48,094
Telecommunications 2,567 2 - 39 2,608
Water and Environmental 12,897 87 - 429 13,413
Intermediary Relending 321 2 - (63) 260
Business and Industry 44 - - (6) 38
Economic Development
202 - - (17) 185
Post-1991 Total
109,501 998 73 (2,981) 107,591
Cushion of Credit (1,268) - - - (1,268)
Total Direct Loan Program Receivables 115,960 1,798 88 (5,186) 112,660
Defaulted Guarantee Loans
Pre-1992 396 18 - (246) 168
Pre-1992 Total 396 18 - (246) 168
Farm 253 90 - (323) 20
Housing 174 - - (137) 37
Community Facility 8 - - - 8
Business and Industry 217 - - (53) 164
Post-1991 Total 652 90 - (513) 229
Total Defaulted Guarantee Loans 1,048 108 - (759) 397
Loans Exempt from Credit Reform Act:
Commodity Loans 391 2 - - 393
Total Loans Exempt 391 2 - - 393
Total Loans Receivable, Net
$ 113,450
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 101
FY 2020 Direct Loans
Loans Receivable,
Present Value
Allowance Direct Loans, Net
Obligated Pre-1992
Farm $ 161 $ 97 $ 7 $ (96) $ 169
Food Aid 451 7 - (72) 386
Housing 5,610 763 6 (613) 5,766
Community Facility 8 - - - 8
Electric 1,854 2 - (1,427) 429
Telecommunications 40 - - - 40
Water and Environmental 203 2 - - 205
Intermediary Relending
2 - - - 2
Pre-1992 Total
8,329 871 13 (2,208) 7,005
Obligated Post-1991
Farm 14,026 309 10 (576) 13,769
Food Aid 479 9 - (80) 408
Housing 17,803 465 77 (2,301) 16,044
Community Facility 10,536 72 - (120) 10,488
Electric 47,011 27 - (1,169) 45,869
Telecommunications 2,735 1 - 10 2,746
Water and Environmental 13,204 88 - 590 13,882
Intermediary Relending 342 2 - (70) 274
Business and Industry 46 - - (6) 40
Economic Development
200 - - (16) 184
Post-1991 Total
106,382 973 87 (3,738) 103,704
Cushion of Credit (1,798) - - - (1,798)
Total Direct Loan Program Receivables 112,913 1,844 100 (5,946) 108,911
Defaulted Guarantee Loans
Farm 226 76 - (277) 25
Export 387 17 - (238) 166
Housing 126 - - (94) 32
Community Facility 8 - - - 8
Business and Industry 227 - - (43) 184
Post-1991 Total 974 93 - (652) 415
Total Defaulted Guarantee Loans 974 93 - (652) 415
Loans Exempt from Credit Reform Act:
Commodity Loans 902 11 - (4) 909
Total Loans Exempt 902 11 - (4) 909
Total Loans Receivable, Net
$ 110,235
Table 2: Total Amount of Direct Loans Disbursed (Post-1991)
Direct Loan Programs
FY 2021 FY 2020
Farm $ 3,399 $ 3,349
Housing 1,086 1,255
Community Facility 1,259 1,278
Electric 4,082 5,177
Telecommunications 206 150
Water and Environmental 1,022 1,271
Intermediary Relending 12 16
Business and Industry 2 5
Economic Development
40 39
Total Direct Loans Disbursed $ 11,108 $ 12,540
102 Section II | Financial Information
Table 3: Subsidy Expense for Direct Loan Programs by Component
FY 2021 Direct Loan Programs
Differential Defaults
Fees and
Collections Other
Farm $ (28) $ 48 $ (1) $ 4 $ 23 $ (28) $ (608) $ 327 $ (281) $ (286)
Export - - - - - - - (6) (6) (6)
Food Aid - - - - - - - 9 9 9
Housing 32 47 - 3 82 3 (92) (110) (202) (117)
Community Facility (138) 45 - 14 (79) - 168 (44) 124 45
Electric (147) 6 (18) (17) (176) - (348) (278) (626) (802)
Telecommunications 1 9 - (1) 9 - (3) (32) (35) (26)
Water and Environmental 53 1 - (37) 17 - 27 198 225 242
Intermediary Relending 3 - - - 3 - (2) - (2) 1
Business and Industry - - - - - - - - - -
Economic Development
6 - - - 6 - (1) (1) (2) 4
Total Direct Loan Subsidy Expense
$ (218) $ 156 $ (19) $ (34) $ (115) $ (25) $ (859) $ 63 $ (796) $ (936)
FY 2020 Direct Loan Programs
Differential Defaults
Fees and
Collections Other
Farm $ (39) $ 76 $ (1) $ 7 $ 43 $ - $ (73) $ 187 $ 114 $ 157
Export - - - - - - - 8 8 8
Food Aid - - - - - - - 2 2 2
Housing 67 52 - 5 124 7 (71) (67) (138) (7)
Community Facility (134) 42 - 6 (86) - 152 (275) (123) (209)
Electric (172) 14 (49) (25) (232) - (126) 1,307 1,181 949
Telecommunications - 2 - (2) - - (30) 10 (20) (20)
Water and Environmental 70 1 - (47) 24 - 50 (917) (867) (843)
Intermediary Relending 4 - - - 4 - (2) 1 (1) 3
Business and Industry - - - - - - - 1 1 1
Economic Development 6 - - - 6 - - - - 6
Total Direct Loan Subsidy Expense $ (198) $ 187 $ (50) $ (56) $ (117) $ 7 $ (100) $ 257 $ 157 $ 47
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 103
The FY 2021 reestimate process resulted in a $796 million decrease in the post-1991 estimated
cost of the direct loan portfolio, primarily comprised of the following programs:
In the farm category, the total reestimate was ($281) million. Of that amount, ($261) million is
attributable to the ACIF direct farm loans and ($20) million is attributable to Farm Storage
Facility Loans. The majority of the farm loan reestimate is in farm ownership, which had a net
reestimate of ($276) million (($306) million technical and $30 million interest on the reestimate).
The downward technical reestimate was largely attributable to the 2020 cohort, which had a
technical reestimate of ($393) million. The single effective rate (SER) decreased by
2.06 percentage points, thereby increasing the present value of net cash inflows, and leading to
this large downward reestimate.
This large downward reestimate was offset by a large technical upward reestimate for the
FY 2021 cohort of $74 million. The actual 2021 cohort borrower interest rate of 2.42% was
0.36 percentage points less than the borrower interest rate assumed in the President’s Budget
2021 formulation estimate of 2.78%. Since the cohort SER of 2.28% remained unchanged from
the 2021 budget formulation estimate, this creates an implied positive spread of 0.14% in the
FY 2021 cohort reestimate, in contrast to the 0.50% spread assumed in the 2021 budget
formulation estimate. As a result, total scheduled interest as a percentage of total disbursements
decreased from 53.6% to 46.7%, thereby leading to a large upward reestimate.
The Direct Single-Family Housing program has a downward reestimate of $(203) million.
The key drivers of the downward impact were the updated recapture recoveries, lag on
foreclosure, actual full payoff prepayments, and updated disbursements from FY 2020.
The forecasted recapture recoveries and prepayments increased, which resulted in a downward
impact on the total reestimate amount. The SER also decreased, causing the reestimate rate to
decrease. As the SER decreases, the net present value of the cash flows increases as they are
being discounted at a lower rate, thereby reducing the subsidy rate.
The Direct Community Facility program has an overall upward reestimate of $124 million.
The upward reestimate was primarily due to updated interest rates. For the majority of the years,
the interest rate decreased which caused an overall increase in subsidy rates. When subsidy rates
increase, the net present value of the cash flows decrease resulting in an upward reestimate.
The Direct Electric program had an overall downward reestimate of $(626) million which is
comprised of a $(255.1) million downward reestimate in the FFB program, a $(423.7) million in
the FFB Underwriter program, and a $45 million upward reestimate in the FFB Note Extension
program. One of the main drivers of the downward reestimates in all Direct Electric programs
was the increase in the undiscounted prepayments curves, which are based on actual
prepayments and are used to project future cashflows. The downward reestimate was also caused
by the updated SER, which primarily decreased. As the SER decreases, the cost of borrowing for
104 Section II | Financial Information
the agency decreases as well, causing a downward reestimate as the net present value of cash
flows increases due to the lower discount rate.
The Direct Water and Waste Disposal program had an overall upward reestimate of $226 million.
The upward reestimate was primarily attributed to the Miscellaneous Inflows curves decreasing
which are based on actual data and are used to project future cashflows from Miscellaneous
Inflows. The Miscellaneous Inflows represent non-routine cash transactions such as
consolidations. Another contributing factor to the overall upward reestimate was the decrease in
interest rates that were lower than the rates the government uses when they borrow from Treasury.
Table 4: Subsidy Rates for Direct Loans by Program and Component (percentage)
FY 2021
Differential Defaults
Fees and
Collections Other Total
Direct Loan Programs
Farm Ownership (6.33) 0.23 - 0.29 (5.81)
Farm Operating (2.89) 4.84 - 0.42 2.37
Emergency Disaster (11.79) 10.37 - 1.97 0.55
Indian Tribe Land Acquisition (41.89) - - - (41.89)
Boll Weevil Eradication (0.07) - - (0.09) (0.16)
Indian Highly Fractionated Land 16.14 0.08 - (1.38) 14.84
Heirs Property Relending Program 16.14 0.08 - (1.38) 14.84
Farm Storage Facility Loan (0.54) - (0.27) (0.04) (0.85)
Sugar Storage Facility Loan Program (2.06) - - 0.01 (2.05)
Multifamily Housing Revitalization Seconds 45.67 0.60 - 0.01 46.28
Multifamily Revitalization Zero 40.96 0.52 - (0.22) 41.26
Community Facility Loans (13.65) 4.92 - 2.17 (6.56)
Section 502 Single-Family Housing 0.53 5.16 - (0.15) 5.54
Section 515 Multi-Family Housing 16.88 1.27 - (1.43) 16.72
Section 504 Housing Repair 10.39 (0.02) - (2.46) 7.91
Section 514 Farm Labor Housing 18.33 0.23 - (0.37) 18.19
Section 524 Site Development 0.43 5.92 - 0.75 7.10
Section 523 Self-Help Housing 0.46 4.84 - 0.08 5.38
Single-Family Housing Credit Sales (7.38) 2.18 - 2.74 (2.46)
Rural Microenterprise Direct Loans 1.07 2.07 - - 3.14
Intermediary Relending Program 15.17 1.64 - (1.25) 15.56
Rural Economic Development Loans 9.84 0.01 - (0.30) 9.55
Water and Environmental 0.66 0.12 - (2.31) (1.53)
FFB Electric Loans (4.56) 0.01 - (0.42) (4.97)
Treasury Telecommunication Loans 0.02 0.71 - (0.07) 0.66
FFB Telecommunications Loans (1.12) 0.17 - (2.24) (3.19)
FFB Guaranteed Underwriting - 1.38 (1.95) - (0.57)
Rural Energy Savings Program 9.42 1.23 - (0.40) 10.25
Broadband Treasury Rate Loans 0.01 17.16 - (0.32) 16.85
Reconnect Direct Loans 3.11 24.72 - (0.36) 27.47
Reconnect Grant Assisted Loans - 24.72 - (0.09) 24.63
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 105
Table 5: Schedule for Reconciling Subsidy Cost Allowance Balances (Post-1991) Direct Loans
FY 2021 FY 2020
Beginning Balance of the Subsidy Cost Allowance $ 4,391 $ 4,611
Add: Total Subsidy Expense for Direct Loans Disbursed During the Year As Shown in Table 3 (115) (117)
Loan Modifications (25) 7
Fees Received 76 78
Loans Written Off (171) (141)
Subsidy Allowance Amortization (284) 146
663 (350)
Total Subsidy Cost Allowance Before Reestimates 4,535 4,234
Add or Subtract Total Subsidy Reestimates As Shown in Table 3
(796) 157
Ending Balance of the Subsidy Cost Allowance
$ 3,739 $ 4,391
106 Section II | Financial Information
Table 6: Guaranteed Loans Outstanding
FY 2021
Pre-1992 Outstanding
Principal, Face Value
Outstanding Principal,
Face Value
Total Outstanding
Principal, Face Value
Pre-1992 Outstanding
Principal, Guaranteed
Outstanding Principal,
Total Outstanding
Principal, Guaranteed
Loan Guarantee Programs
Farm $ 1 $ 18,957 $ 18,958 $ 1 $ 17,169 $ 17,170
Export - 1,981 1,981 - 1,938 1,938
Housing - 123,431 123,431 - 111,052 111,052
Community Facility - 1,173 1,173 - 1,039 1,039
Electric - 139 139 - 139 139
Water and Environmental - 108 108 - 95 95
Business and Industry - 9,276 9,276 - 6,876 6,876
Total Guarantees Outstanding $ 1 $ 155,065 $ 155,066 $ 1 $ 138,308 $ 138,309
FY 2020
Pre-1992 Outstanding
Principal, Face Value
Outstanding Principal,
Face Value
Total Outstanding
Principal, Face Value
Pre-1992 Outstanding
Principal, Guaranteed
Outstanding Principal,
Total Outstanding
Principal, Guaranteed
Loan Guarantee Programs
Farm $ 1 $ 18,738 $ 18,739 $ 1 $ 16,933 $ 16,934
Export - 2,182 2,182 - 2,135 2,135
Housing - 127,859 127,859 - 115,036 115,036
Community Facility - 1,165 1,165 - 1,035 1,035
Electric - 146 146 - 147 147
Water and Environmental - 94 94 - 83 83
Business and Industry - 8,114 8,114 - 5,900 5,900
Total Guarantees Outstanding $ 1 $ 158,298 $ 158,299 $ 1 $ 141,269 $ 141,270
Table 7: Guaranteed Loans Disbursed
Item FY 2021 FY 2020
Principal, Face Value
Principal, Guaranteed
Principal, Face Value
Principal, Guaranteed
Loan Guarantee Programs
Farm $ 3,577 $ 3,239 $ 3,915 $ 3,538
Export 2,004 1,960 2,232 2,184
Housing 23,875 21,488 22,102 19,892
Community Facility 105 93 53 47
Water and Environmental 20 18 20 17
Business and Industry 2,531 1,931 1,234 942
Total Guaranteed Loans Disbursed $ 32,112 $ 28,729 $ 29,556 $ 26,620
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 107
Table 8: Liability for Loan Guarantees (Present Value Method For Pre-1992 Guarantees)
FY 2021
Liabilities for Losses on
Pre- 1992 Guarantees Present Value
Liabilities for Loan Guarantees on
Post- 1991 Guarantees Present Value Total Liabilities for Loan Guarantees
Loan Guarantee Programs
Farm $ - $ 177 $ 177
Export - 3 3
Housing - (1,144) (1,144)
Community Facility - 30 30
Water and Environmental - 1 1
Business and Industry - 332 332
Total Liability for Loan Guarantees $ - $ (601) $ (601)
FY 2020
Liabilities for Losses on Pre- 1992
Guarantees Present Value
Liabilities for Loan Guarantees on Post-
1991 Guarantees Present Value Total Liabilities for Loan Guarantees
Loan Guarantee Programs
Farm $ - $ 204 $ 204
Export - 7 7
Housing - 679 679
Community Facility - 43 43
Water and Environmental - 1 1
Business and Industry - 395 395
Total Liability for Loan Guarantees $ - $ 1,329 $ 1,329
Table 9: Subsidy Expense for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component
FY 2021 Loan Guarantee Programs
Supplement Defaults
Fees and
Collections Other Subtotal
Farm $ - $ 19 $ (10) $ - $ 9 $ (13) $ 5 $ (27) $ (22) $ (26)
Export - - 9 (5) 4 - - (3) (3) 1
Housing - 862 (1,033) - (171) - 14 (2,124) (2,110) (2,281)
Community Facility - 4 (3) - 1 - - (12) (12) (11)
Business and Industry - 184 (105) - 79 - - (186) (186) (107)
Total Loan Guarantee Subsidy Expense $ - $ 1,069 $ (1,142) $ (5) $ (78) $ (13) $ 19 $ (2,352) $ (2,333) $ (2,424)
FY 2020 Loan Guarantee Programs
Supplement Defaults
Fees and
Collections Other Subtotal
Farm $ - $ 26 $ (14) $ - $ 12 $ - $ 1 $ (36) $ (35) $ (23)
Export - - 10 (6) 4 - (1) 2 1 5
Housing - 726 (859) - (133) - (18) 827 809 676
Community Facility - 2 (1) - 1 - - (11) (11) (10)
Business and Industry - 75 (45) - 30 - 1 (18) (17) 13
Total Loan Guarantee Subsidy Expense $ - $ 829 $ (909) $ (6) $ (86) $ - $ (17) $ 764 $ 747 $ 661
108 Section II | Financial Information
The FY 2021 reestimate process resulted in a $2,333 million decrease in the post-1991 estimated
cost of the guaranteed loan portfolio, primarily comprised of the following programs:
The Guaranteed Single-Family Housing Section 502 program had an overall downward
reestimate of $(2,110) million. The total downward reestimate is the result of a downward
reestimate of $(1,955) million in the Blended component of the program and a downward
reestimate of $(140) million in the Purchase component. The majority of the total reestimate is
explained by the Blended component’s change, which is attributed to the downward reestimates
for cohorts 2016 through 2021. The large downward reestimate for these years is attributed to a
decrease in forecasted default claims. These changes were driven by the updated borrower source
data which created an improved macroeconomic outlook. The improved outlook is a result of a
decrease in loss settlements paid due to the moratoriums that have been given to borrowers
during the COVID Pandemic.
The Guaranteed Business and Industry program had an overall downward reestimate of
$(185) million. The majority of this downward reestimate is attributed to the assumption changes
related to the annual and upfront fees. The projected receipt of additional annual and upfront fees
drives the decrease in reestimated subsidy rate and causes a downward reestimate. In addition,
the reestimated subsidy rate decreased in FY 2018 due to the forecasted decrease in actual
default claims.
Table 10: Subsidy Rates for Loan Guarantees by Program and Component (percentage)
FY 2021
Differential Defaults
Fees and
Collections Other Total
Guaranteed Loan Programs
Farm OwnershipUnsubsidized - 0.93 (1.17) - (0.24)
Farm OperatingUnsubsidized - 2.36 (1.24) - 1.12
ConservationGuaranteed - 0.72 (1.13) - (0.41)
GSM 102 - 0.24 (0.48) - (0.24)
Export Guarantee ProgramFacilities - 1.45 (3.43) - (1.98)
Community Facility Loan Guarantees - 3.79 (4.15) - (0.36)
Guaranteed 538 Multi-Family Housing - 3.34 (8.29) - (4.95)
Guaranteed 502 Single-Family Housing - 3.65 (4.35) - (0.70)
Business and Industry Loan Guarantees - 5.96 (4.82) - 1.14
Business and Industry CARES Act - 6.29 (3.79) - 2.50
Renewable Energy Loan Guarantees - 4.35 (2.39) - 1.96
Section 9003 Loan Guarantees - 21.93 (5.83) 0.06 16.16
Water and Environmental - 1.00 (0.88) - 0.12
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 109
Table 11: Schedule for Reconciling Loan Guarantee Liability Balances
(Post -1991 Loan Guarantees)
FY2021 FY2020
Beginning Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liabilities $ 1,329 $ 434
Less Claim Payments to Lenders 160 414
Add Fees Received 776 741
Less Interest Supplements Paid 8 8
Add Foreclosed Property and Loans Acquired 30 44
Add Subsidy Expense Reestimates 99 45
Less Negative Subsidy Payments 184 148
Add Upward Reestimate 15 830
Less Downward Reestimates 2,348 83
Loan Guarantee Modifications (13) -
Other (137) (112)
Ending Balance of the Loan Guarantee Liabilities $ (601) $ 1,329
Table 12: Administrative Expenses
Item FY 2021 FY 2020
Direct Loan Programs $ 495 $ 489
Guaranteed Loan Programs
465 450
Total Administrative Expense $ 960 $ 939
110 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 8: Inventory and Related Property, Net
Commodity inventory is restricted for the purpose of alleviating distress caused by natural disasters, providing emergency food assistance in
developing countries, and providing price support and stabilization
Commodities: Unit of Measure FY 2021 Beginning Inventory Acquisitions Collateral Acquired Donations Others FY 2021 Ending Inventory
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Corn Meal Pounds - $ - 39 $ 9 - $ - (39) $ (9) - $ - - $ -
Blended Foods Pounds - - 108 66 - - (104) (62) - - 4 4
Dry Edible Beans Cwt. - - - 1 - - - (1) - - - -
Dry Whole Peas Cwt. - 1 3 85 - - (3) (81) - - - 5
Grain Sorghum Bushels - 1 10 77 - - (10) (78) - - - -
Lentils Dry Cwt. - - - 9 - - - (6) - - - 3
Nonfat Dry Milk Pounds - - 24 27 - - (24) (27) - - - -
Rice Products Cwt., Pounds - 1 4 91 - - (4) (90) - - - 2
Meat Pounds - - 75 117 - - (75) (117) - - - -
Vegetable Oil Pounds 24 13 234 154 - - (250) (159) - - 8 8
Wheat Products Bushels, Pounds - - 34 428 - - (34) (428) - - - -
Soybeans Bushels, Pounds - - 214 65 - - (214) (65) - - - -
Fruit and Nut
Pounds - - 130 108 - - (130) (108) - - - -
Cotton Bales - - - - 1 133 - - (1) (133) - -
Other Various
- 2 - 26 - - - (35) - 8 - 1
Total Commodities $ 18 $ 1,263 $ 133 $ (1,266) $ (125)
$ 23
Commodities: Unit of Measure FY 2020 Beginning Inventory Acquisitions Collateral Acquired Donations Others FY 2020 Ending Inventory
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
Corn Meal Pounds 1 $ - 102 $ 22 - $ - (103) $ (22) - $ - - $ -
Blended Foods Pounds 14 4 104 63 - - (118) (66) - (1) - -
Dry Edible Beans Cwt. - 1 - 22 - - - (23) - - - -
Dry Whole Peas Cwt. - 2 3 65 - - (3) (65) - (1) - 1
Grain Sorghum Bushels - - 22 118 - - (22) (117) - - - 1
Lentils Dry Cwt. - - 1 25 - - (1) (25) - - - -
Nonfat Dry Milk Pounds - - 5 100 - - (5) (100) - - - -
Rice Products Cwt., Pounds - 3 1 48 - - (1) (50) - - - 1
Meat Pounds - - 11 731 - - (11) (731) - - - -
Vegetable Oil Pounds 4 2 396 186 - - (376) (176) - 1 24 13
Wheat Products Bushels, Pounds - - 25 214 - - (25) (214) - - - -
Peanuts Pounds 26 5 - - 98 17 - - (124) (22) - -
Soybeans Bushels, Pounds - - 137 22 - - (137) (22) - - - -
Fruit and Nut
Pounds - - 13 378 - - (13) (378) - - - -
Cotton Bales - 5 - - 6 1,550 - - (6) (1,555) - -
Other Various
- 1 - 87 - - - (113) - 27 - 2
Total Commodities $ 23 $ 2,081 $ 1,567 $ (2,102) $ (1,551)
$ 18
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 111
NOTE 9: General Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E), Net
FY 2021
Useful Life
(Years) Cost
Depreciation Net Book Value
Land and Land Rights $ 70 $ - $ 70
Improvements to Land 10 50 759 (754) 5
Construction-in-Progress 324 - 324
Buildings, Improvements and Renovations 15 30 3,190 (2,226) 964
Other Structures and Facilities 15 50 1,877 (1,683) 194
Equipment 5 20 2,048 (1,375) 673
Assets Under Capital Lease 3 20 18 (16) 2
Leasehold Improvements Varies 96 (69) 27
Internal-Use Software 5 8 1,500 (1,227) 273
Internal-Use Software in Development
56 - 56
$ 9,938 $ (7,350) $ 2,588
Total PP&E and Accumulated Depreciation Net PP&E
Balance Beginning of Year $ 2,399
Capitalized Acquisitions 555
Dispositions 3
Revaluations (1)
Depreciation Expense (368)
Balance at End of Year $ 2,588
FY 2020
Useful Life
(Years) Cost
Depreciation Net Book Value
Land and Land Rights $ 70 $ - $ 70
Improvements to Land 10 50 759 (751) 8
Construction-in-Progress 235 - 235
Buildings, Improvements and Renovations 15 30 3,144 (2,148) 995
Other Structures and Facilities 15 50 1,868 (1,670) 197
Equipment 5 20 1,933 (1,340) 593
Assets Under Capital Lease 3 20 22 (19) 3
Leasehold Improvements Varies 91 (81) 9
Internal-Use Software 5 8 1,305 (1,098) 207
Internal-Use Software in Development 82 - 82
Total $ 9,509 $ (7,107) $ 2,399
Total PP&E and Accumulated Depreciation Net PP&E
Balance Beginning of Year $ 2,249
Capitalized Acquisitions 424
Dispositions (1)
Transfers in/out w/o Reimbursement 3
Revaluations 1
Depreciation Expense
Balance at End of Year
$ 2,399
112 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 10: Stewardship PP&E
Stewardship PP&E consist of assets whose physical properties resemble those of general PP&E
that are traditionally capitalized in the financial statements. Due to the nature of these assets,
valuation would be difficult and matching costs with specific periods would not be meaningful.
Stewardship PP&E include heritage assets and stewardship land.
Heritage Assets
Heritage assets are unique and are generally expected to be preserved indefinitely. Heritage
assets may be unique because they have historical or natural significance, are of cultural,
educational, or artistic importance, or have significant architectural characteristics. The assets are
reported in terms of physical units rather than cost, fair value, or other monetary values. No
amounts are shown on the Balance Sheet for heritage assets, except for multi-use heritage assets
in which the predominant use of the asset is in general government operations. The costs of
acquisition, betterment, or reconstruction of multi-use heritage assets is capitalized as general
PP&E and depreciated. The costs of acquiring, constructing, improving, reconstructing, or
renovating heritage assets, other than multi-use, is considered an expense in the period incurred
when determining the net cost of operations. Heritage assets consist of collection type, such as
objects gathered and maintained for exhibition, such as library collections, and non-collection
type, such as memorials, monuments, and buildings.
National Forests, National Grasslands and Other Sites
FS manages its heritage assets by site. Sites include national forests, national grasslands, other
FS-managed sites, and non-FS-managed sites such as museums and university laboratories.
The mission of the FS is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests
and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations. The FS strives to achieve
quality land management under the sustainable multiple-use management concept, to deliver the
necessary products and services that are essential for enhancing natural resource stewardship,
and to meet the diverse needs of people.
Heritage Asset categories can include the following:
Priority Heritage Assets (PHA): Heritage assets of distinct public value that are, or should be,
actively maintained, and meet one or more of the following criteria:
The property is recognized through an official designation, such as a listing on the National
Register of Historic Places, State register, etc.
The property is recognized through prior investment in preservation, interpretation, and use.
Any improvement to a PHA that meets real property designation criteria is considered real
The property is recognized in an Agency-approved management plan.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 113
The property exhibits critical deferred maintenance needs, and those needs have been
Other Heritage Assets: Assets that may have potential important historical or cultural
significance but lack formal listing and the demonstrated need for active maintenance.
Assemblage Assets: Any grouping of artifacts or archival materials aggregated through donation,
agency events, site-specific or other field collection, other acquisition method, or combination
Research Centers
The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) was established on November 2, 1953. Congress first
authorized federally supported agricultural research in the Organic Act of 1862. The statute
directed the Commissioner of Agriculture “to acquire and preserve in his department all
information he can obtain by means of books and correspondence, and by practical and scientific
experiments.” The scope of USDA’s agricultural research has been expanded and extended more
than 60 times since the Department was created.
NRCS owns one heritage asset, the Tucson Plant Materials Center (TPMC), which is included in
general PP&E as a multi-use asset. It was listed in the National Register of Historic Places
(NRHP) on July 2, 1997. The TPMC develops and evaluates native plants and addresses an array
of resource issues in the areas of rangeland, mined land, urban lands, cropland riparian areas, and
desert lands. The TPMC provides technical assistance to NRCS field offices; Resource
Conservation and Development (RC&D) groups; conservation districts; Federal, State, and
Tribal agencies; and private landowners through the Southwest. Research centers are considered
heritage assets because one or more buildings or structures at these centers is on (or eligible for
inclusion on) the NRHP.
Library Collections
The National Agricultural Library (NAL) supports agricultural research through the acquisition,
curation, and dissemination of information needed to solve today’s agricultural challenges.
NAL’s content ranges from special collections materials dating from the early 16th century to
near-real time observational research data. The Library holds more than 3.5 million items. NAL
was created as the departmental library for USDA in 1862 and became a national library in 1990.
One of five national libraries of the U.S., it is also a key member of the Agriculture Network
Information Collaborative (AgNIC) partnership. In its international role, NAL participates, as
appropriate, in international agricultural information initiatives.
Acquisition and Withdrawal of Heritage Assets
The FS generally does not construct heritage assets, although in some circumstances important
site-structural components may be rehabilitated or reconstructed into viable historic properties to
provide forest visitors with use and interpretation. Heritage assets may be acquired through the
114 Section II | Financial Information
procurement process, but this rarely occurs. Normally, heritage assets are part of the land
acquisition and inventory process. Withdrawal occurs through land exchange or natural disasters.
Most additions occur through inventory activities where previously undocumented sites are
discovered and added to the total.
Stewardship Land
Stewardship land is land and land rights not acquired for or in connection with items of general
PP&E. Land is defined as the solid surface of the earth, excluding natural resources. Stewardship
land is valued for its environmental resources, recreational and scenic value, cultural and
paleontological resources, vast open spaces, and resource commodities and revenue provided to
the Federal Government, States, and counties. These assets are reported in terms of physical
units rather than cost, fair value, or other monetary values. No asset amount is shown on the
balance sheet for stewardship land. The acquisition cost of stewardship land is considered an
expense in the period acquired when determining the net cost of operations. Stewardship land
consists primarily of the national forests and grasslands owned by the FS and conservation
easements purchased by NRCS.
National Forests
National forests are formally established and permanently set aside and reserved for national
forest purposes, including National Wilderness, National Primitive, National Wild and Scenic
River, National Recreation, National Scenic Research, National Game Refuges and Wildlife
Preserve, and National Monument areas.
National Grasslands
National grasslands are designated by the Secretary of Agriculture and permanently held by the
USDA under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act.
Research and Experimental Areas
Research and experimental areas are reserved and dedicated by the Secretary of Agriculture for
forest and range research experimentation. Areas reported are located outside the exterior
boundaries of a national forest or national grassland.
National Preserves and Other Areas
National preserves are established to protect and preserve scientific, scenic, geologic, watershed,
fish, wildlife, historic, cultural, and recreational values; and provide for multiple use and
sustained yield of renewable resources. Other areas include areas administered by the FS that are
not included in one of the above groups.
Conservation Easements
NRCS’ mission objectives in administering the conservation easement programs are to provide
landowners with financial and technical assistance in return for maintaining and improving high
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 115
quality productive soils, clean and abundant water, healthy plant and animal communities, clean
air, an adequate energy supply, and working farm and ranch land.
NRCS’ objectives in managing, monitoring, and enforcing the terms and conditions of easement
deeds are to ensure that: 1) taxpayer investments are properly used in accordance with the intent
of the program; 2) the agency is a good steward of the land; and 3) the land is properly
maintained and managed compliant with agreed upon terms and conditions of the easement deed.
Stewardship resources involve substantial investment in order to gain long-term benefits for the
American public and help the agency satisfy its mission. The purpose of purchasing easements is
to restore or enhance wetlands, farmland, grasslands, forest ecosystems, and restore, protect,
maintain, and enhance the functions of floodplains.
NRCS, on behalf of USDA, administers and owns conservation easements on private lands
through a variety of programs. The specific uses for the land are identified under each program.
Landowners are not allowed to withdraw from the program. However, termination or expiration
may occur. For the purpose of reporting, all easements where NRCS (or a variant of the United
States administered through NRCS authorities) is listed as a grantee of the easement are included
in the agency’s stewardship land count. The NRCS stewardship land easements include
conservation easements enrolled through program authorities and other easements administered
by NRCS.
Acquisition and Withdrawal of Stewardship Lands
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (L&WCF) Land Acquisition Program acquires land for
the FS National Forest System (NFS). The program coordinates with a variety of partners,
including State, local, and Tribal governments, and private landowners through statewide
planning for development of a land-adjustment strategy.
The Land Acquisition Program preserves, develops, and maintains access to NFS lands and
waters for the public and provides permanent access to public lands for recreation, commodity
production, resource management, public safety, and community economic viability.
The L&WCF statutory authority specifically defines the purpose to also include protecting the
quality of scientific, scenic, historical, ecological, environmental, air and atmospheric, water
resource, archeological values, as well as food and habitat for fish and wildlife, and managing
the public lands for minerals, food, timber, and fiber.
From these several allowable uses of program funding, the program concentrates on protecting
habitat for priority species identified in the national forest and grassland’s Land Management
Plans and enhancing recreational opportunities for areas with high demand for recreation.
The program focuses acquisitions on inholdings and areas adjacent to existing NFS lands.
116 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2021 (In Units)
Beginning Balance Additions Withdrawals Ending Balance
Heritage Assets
National Forests 154 - - 154
National Grasslands 20 - - 20
Other Sites 170 2 (1) 171
Research Centers 34 - - 34
Library Collections
1 - - 1
379 2 (1) 380
Stewardship Land
National Forests 154 - - 154
National Grasslands 20 - - 20
Research and Experimental Areas 3 - - 3
National Preserves and Other Areas 2 - - 2
Conservation Easements
18,949 259 (1) 19,207
19,128 259 (1) 19,386
FY 2020 (In Units)
Beginning Balance Additions Withdrawals Ending Balance
Heritage Assets
National Forests 154 - - 154
National Grasslands 20 - - 20
Other Sites 170 2 (2) 170
Research Centers 34 - - 34
Library Collections
1 - - 1
Total 379 2 (2) 379
Stewardship Land
National Forests 154 - - 154
National Grasslands 20 - - 20
Research and Experimental Areas 3 - - 3
National Preserves and Other Areas 2 - - 2
Conservation Easements 18,641 308 - 18,949
Total 18,820 308 - 19,128
NOTE 11: Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources
In FY 2021 and FY 2020, other intragovernmental liabilities not covered by budgetary resources
included accruals for Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) of $74 million and
$131 million, contract disputes claims payable to Treasury’s Judgment Fund of $27 million and
$27 million, unemployment compensation of $16 million and $10 million, and Technology
Modernization Fund of $9 million and $10 million, respectively.
In FY 2021 and FY 2020, other liabilities with the public not covered by budgetary resources
included contingent liabilities of $68 million and $521 million, Payments to States of
$104 million and $250 million, single family housing escrow of $51 million and $46 million,
loans paid in advance for multi-family housing of $25 million and $25 million, and stewardship
contracting product sales of $5 million and $5 million, respectively.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 117
FY 2021 FY 2020
Accounts payable $ 51
126 $ 178
Total Intragovernmental 177 178
With the Public
Federal Employee Benefits Payable 1,376 1,382
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities 255 237
Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities 11,321 6,068
Other 253 847
Total With the Public 13,205 8,534
Total Liabilities Not Covered by Budgetary Resources 13,382 8,712
Total Liabilities Covered by Budgetary Resources 168,620 187,280
Total Liabilities Not Requiring Budgetary Resources 2,075 862
Total Liabilities $ 184,077 $ 196,854
NOTE 12: Federal Debt and Interest Payable
FY 2021 Beginning Balance Net Borrowing Ending Balance
Other Debt
Debt to the Treasury $ 96,450 $ (12,401) $ 84,049
Debt to the Federal Financing Bank 46,679 2,093 48,772
Total Other Debt $ 143,129 $ (10,308) $ 132,821
Classification of Debt:
Intragovernmental Debt
$ 132,821
FY 2020
Beginning Balance Net Borrowing Ending Balance
Other Debt
Debt to the Treasury $ 90,754 $ 5,696 $ 96,450
Debt to the Federal Financing Bank
46,314 365 46,679
Total Other Debt
$ 137,068 $ 6,061 $ 143,129
Classification of Debt:
Intragovernmental Debt $ 143,129
NOTE 13: Environmental and Disposal Liabilities
USDA is subject to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act for cleanup of
hazardous waste. In FY 2021 and FY 2020, FS estimates the liability for total cleanup costs for
sites known to contain hazardous waste to be $2 million and $2 million, respectively, based on
actual cleanup costs at similar sites. In FY 2021 and FY 2020, CCC estimates the liability for
total cleanup costs for sites known to contain hazardous waste to be $48 million and $47 million,
respectively, based on actual cleanup costs at similar sites. CCC estimates the range of potential
future losses due to remedial actions to be between $48 million and $458 million. These
estimates will change as new sites are discovered, remedy standards change, and new technology
is introduced.
118 Section II | Financial Information
In FY 2021 and FY 2020, ARS estimated the liability for cleanup of the Beltsville Agricultural
Research Center (BARC) to be $39 million and $32 million, respectively. ARS is evaluating and
remediating areas of concern on BARC that are contaminated or threaten to contaminate ground
and surface water with pesticides, solvents, metals, and other hazardous substances.
USDA is also subject to Asbestos National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants.
In FY 2021 and FY 2020, the Department estimated its liability for asbestos-related cleanup of
real property to be $169 million and $158 million, respectively. The liability is calculated using
total square footage of real property expected to contain asbestos times a cost factor based on
historical actual cleanup costs, adjusted for inflation, including any other identifiable costs, e.g.,
survey cost. As additional information becomes available, key assumptions will be reevaluated,
cost estimates will be revised, and necessary adjustments will be made to the liability recognition.
NOTE 14: Other Liabilities
In FY 2021, other liabilities with related budgetary obligations with the public included
Agricultural Risk Coverage of $90 million; Price Loss Coverage of $2,025 million; Grants,
Subsidies, and Contributions of $7,025 million; Conservation Reserve Program of $1,713 million;
and other accrued liabilities of $765 million.
In FY 2020, other liabilities with related budgetary obligations with the public included
Agricultural Risk Coverage of $1,118 million; Price Loss Coverage of $4,884 million; Grants,
Subsidies, and Contributions of $3,434 million; Conservation Reserve Program of $1,796 million;
Trade Mitigation Program of $34 million; and other accrued liabilities of $614 million.
In FY 2021, other liabilities without related budgetary obligations with the public included
Payments to States of $104 million, single family housing escrow of $51 million, loans paid in
advance for multi-family housing of $25 million, and other accrued liabilities of $5 million.
In FY 2020, other liabilities without related budgetary obligations with the public included
Payments to States of $250 million, single family housing escrow of $46 million, loans paid in
advance for multi-family housing of $25 million, and other accrued liabilities of $5 million.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 119
FY 2021
Non-Current Current Total
Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations $ - $ 43 $ 43
Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes - 142 142
Unfunded FECA Liability 29 95 124
Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability - 18 18
Liability for Clearing Accounts - 18 18
Other Debt - 2,595 2,595
Custodial Liability - 120 120
Liability for Non-Entity Assets not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activities - 8,855 8,855
Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
27 9 36
Total Intragovernmental $ 56 $ 11,895 $ 11,951
With the Public:
Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations - 11,618 11,618
Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave - 534 534
Liability for Nonfiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited Collections - 589 589
Liability for Clearing Accounts - (22) (22)
Contingent Liabilities - 69 69
Capital Lease Liability 2 1 3
Custodial Liability - 1 1
Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
25 160 185
Total With the Public
$ 27 $ 12,950 $ 12,977
Total Other Liabilities
$ 83 $ 24,845 $ 24,928
FY 2020
Non-Current Current Total
Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations $ - $ 41 $ 41
Employer Contributions and Payroll Taxes - 123 123
Unfunded FECA Liability 70 61 131
Other Unfunded Employment Related Liability - 10 10
Liability for Clearing Accounts - 36 36
Other Debt - 2,610 2,610
Custodial Liability - 72 72
Liability for Non-Entity Assets not reported on the Statement of Custodial Activities - 9,737 9,737
Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations
27 10 37
Total Intragovernmental $ 97 $ 12,700 $ 12,797
With the Public:
Other Liabilities With Related Budgetary Obligations - 11,880 11,880
Accrued Funded Payroll and Leave - 472 472
Liability for Nonfiduciary Deposit Funds and Undeposited Collections - 512 512
Liability for Clearing Accounts - (29) (29)
Contingent Liabilities - 521 521
Capital Lease Liability 3 1 4
Custodial Liability - 1 1
Other Liabilities Without Related Budgetary Obligations 25 301 326
Total With the Public $ 28 $ 13,659 $ 13,687
Total Other Liabilities
$ 125 $ 26,359 $ 26,484
120 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 15: Leases
Capital Leases
USDA enters into leasing agreements through leasing authority delegated by the General Services
Administration (GSA). USDA acquires use of various general facilities (buildings and plant
material centers), equipment, and land with renewal options that range from 0 to 10 years and
which are located mainly in urban areas. The portfolio includes leases with escalation clauses
based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and amortization periods with a range of 8 to 25 years.
Operating Leases
USDA enters into leasing agreements through leasing authority delegated by GSA. USDA leases
various land, buildings, and equipment.
Major non-cancelable operating leases consists primarily of office space, most with renewal
options that range from 1 to 25 years with escalation clauses based on the CPI, and lease periods
with a range of 1 to 30 years.
The USDA Headquarters complex (Whitten Building and South Building) is a government owned
facility, which is part of the GSA Federal Buildings Inventory. As the result of a 1998 agreement
between GSA and USDA, a moratorium was placed on the rental billings for the Headquarters
complex beginning in FY 1999. At current market rate, the estimated yearly rental payment for the
above mentioned space would be $69 million. This agreement is still in effect and as a result,
USDA activities located in the Headquarters complex are not billed for rental costs.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 121
FY 2021
Capital Leases
Summary of Assets Under Capital Leases Federal Non-Federal Total
Land and Building $ - $ 18 $ 18
Accumulated Amortization - (16) (16)
Total $ - $ 2 $ 2
Future Payments Due
Land & Buildings Machinery & Equipment Totals
Federal Federal
Federal Federal
Fiscal Year 2022 $ - $ 3 $ - $ - $ - $ 3
Fiscal Year 2023 - 2 - - - 2
Fiscal Year 2024 - 1 - - - 1
Fiscal Year 2025 - - - - - -
Fiscal Year 2026 - - - - - -
After 5 Years - 1 - - - 1
Total Future Lease Payments - 7 - - - 7
Less: Imputed Interest - 3 - - - 3
Less: Executory Costs - 1 - - - 1
Net Capital Lease Liability - 3 - - - 3
Capital lease liabilities covered by budgetary resources $ - $ 3 $ - $ - $ - $ 3
Operating Leases
Future Payments Due for Non-
Cancellable Operating Leases
Land & Buildings Machinery & Equipment Totals
Federal Non-Federal Federal Non-Federal Federal Non-Federal
Fiscal Year 2022 $ 12 $ 61 $ - $ 1 $ 12 $ 62
Fiscal Year 2023 1 40 - 1 1 41
Fiscal Year 2024 1 33 - - 1 33
Fiscal Year 2025 1 26 - - 1 26
Fiscal Year 2026 1 22 - - 1 22
After 5 Years 1 107 - - 1 107
Total Future Lease Payments $ 17 $ 289 $ - $ 2 $ 17 $ 291
122 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2020
Capital Leases
Summary of Assets Under Capital Leases Federal Non-Federal Total
Land and Building $ - $ 22 $ 22
Accumulated Amortization - (19) (19)
Total $ - $ 3 $ 3
Future Payments Due Land & Buildings Machinery & Equipment Totals
Federal Federal
Federal Federal
Fiscal Year 2021 $ - $ 3 $ - $ - $ - $ 3
Fiscal Year 2022 - 2 - - - 2
Fiscal Year 2023 - 2 - - - 2
Fiscal Year 2024 - 1 - - - 1
Fiscal Year 2025 - - - - - -
After 5 Years - 1 - - - 1
Total Future Lease Payments - 9 - - - 9
Less: Imputed Interest - 4 - - - 4
Less: Executory Costs - 1 - - - 1
Net Capital Lease Liability - 4 - - - 4
Capital lease liabilities covered by budgetary resources $ - $ 4 $ - $ - $ - $ 4
Operating Leases
Future Payments Due for Non-
Cancellable Operating Leases
Land & Buildings Machinery & Equipment Totals
Federal Non-Federal Federal Non-Federal Federal Non-Federal
Fiscal Year 2021 $ 14 $ 68 $ - $ - $ 14 $ 68
Fiscal Year 2022 1 47 - 1 1 48
Fiscal Year 2023 1 38 - - 1 38
Fiscal Year 2024 1 32 - - 1 32
Fiscal Year 2025 - 25 - - - 25
After 5 Years 2 110 - - 2 110
Total Future Lease Payments $ 19 $ 320 $ - $ 1 $ 19 $ 321
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 123
NOTE 16: Commitments and Contingencies
The Department is subject to various contingencies related to legal and environmental claims as
well as commitments under contractual and other commercial obligations.
No amounts have been accrued in the financial statements for claims where the amount is
uncertain or where the probability of judgment is remote. See Note 13 for discussion of
environmental contingencies.
Accrued Liabilities Estimated Range of Loss
Lower End Upper End
FY 2021
Legal Contingencies:
Probable $ 69 $ 69 $ 799
Reasonably Possible 544 654
Environmental Contingencies
Probable 258 258 258
Reasonably Possible 48 458
Accrued Liabilities Estimated Range of Loss
Lower End Upper End
FY 2020
Legal Contingencies:
Probable $ 521 $ 521 $ 525
Reasonably Possible 130 161
Environmental Contingencies
Probable 239 239 239
Reasonably Possible 47 380
Commitments to extend loan guarantees are estimated to be $5,600 million and $6,189 million in
FY 2021 and FY 2020, respectively.
NOTE 17: Funds from Dedicated Collections
Funds from dedicated collections are financed by specifically identified revenues, often
supplemented by other financing sources, which remain available over time. These specifically
identified revenues and other financing sources are required by statute to be used for designated
activities or purposes and must be accounted for separately from the Government’s general
Financial information for all significant funds from dedicated collections follows the descriptions
of each fund’s purpose shown below.
124 Section II | Financial Information
Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS)
Expenses and Refunds, Inspection and Grading of Farm Products
The commodity grading programs provide grading, examination, and certification services for a
wide variety of fresh and processed food commodities using federally approved grade standards
and purchase specifications. This fund is financed by the collection of fees charged to producers
of various food commodities who request, on a voluntary basis, inspection and grading of
agricultural food commodities. This program is authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Act of
1946 (7 U.S.C. 1621–1627).
Funds for Strengthening Markets, Income, and Supply
The funds for strengthening markets, income, and supply are used to purchase commodities for
schools and elderly feeding programs, to provide goods and other necessities in emergencies and
disasters, and to purchase agricultural commodities to stabilize markets. The fund is permanently
financed by statutory transfer of an amount equal to 30 percent of customs receipts collected
during each calendar year and is automatically appropriated for expanding outlets for perishable,
non-price supported commodities. An amount equal to 30 percent of receipts collected on fishery
products is transferred to the Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). All remaining funding in excess of the amount made available under
the 2008 Farm Bill to carry out Section 32 activities is transferred to the Food and Nutrition
Service and is used to purchase commodities under section 6 of the National School Lunch Act
and other authorities specified in the child nutrition appropriation. Funds are available under
section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, as amended (7 U.S.C. 612c).
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
Agricultural Quarantine Inspection User Fee Account
This fund is used to record and report expenditures and revenue associated with operating
Agricultural Quarantine Inspection (AQI) activities at ports of entry. The Farm Bill of 1990, as
amended by the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996, gave the Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) the authority to charge user fees for AQI services and
to use the revenue to fund AQI activities. In March of 2003, a portion of the AQI program was
transferred to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS); however, APHIS retained the
authority to collect AQI revenue. APHIS transfers a portion of the revenue to DHS periodically
throughout the year to fund its expenditures. The revenue in the fund is collected from airlines,
air passengers, vessels, trucks, and railroad cars that are subject to AQI inspection at ports of
entry. These user fees are an inflow of revenue from the public that is used to fund AQI
inspections that are required by APHIS and DHS. The authority is codified in 21 U.S.C. 136(a).
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 125
Forest Service (FS)
Acquisition of Lands to Complete Land Exchanges
Land Exchange Acquisitions is authorized by the Act of December 4, 1967, as amended (16
U.S.C. 484a), commonly known as The Sisk Act. All deposits received during the previous fiscal
year are made available by the annual appropriation act. The authorizing legislation provides for
cash deposits of a portion or all of the value of the selected lands in exchange cases with States,
local governments, and public school districts or other public school authority, to be used to
purchase similar lands, or in cases of special legislation, for authorized expenditures from funds
deposited by non-federal parties.
Cooperative Work
Cooperative contributions are deposited for disbursement in compliance with the terms and
provisions of the agreement between the cooperator and the FS. Cooperators include timber
purchasers, not-for-profit organizations, and local hunting and fishing clubs. The governing
authorities are the Cooperative Funds Act of July 31, 1914 (16 U.S.C. 498) and the Knutson
Vandenberg Act.
Land Acquisition
Funds are appropriated annually from Interior’s Land and Water Conservation Fund, but are no-
year appropriations to the Forest Service for acquisition of land pursuant to the Land and Water
Conservation Act, as amended and other land acquisition authorities of the Forest Service
(section 40.12).
National Forest Fund Receipts
The Act of May 23, 1908, as amended (16 U.S.C. 500), requires (with a few exceptions) that all
receipts from national forest activities be aggregated each fiscal year in order to calculate the
portion which is paid to the States in which the national forests are located. The payments must
be used for public schools and roads in the county or counties in which the national forests are
situated. Originally, the States’ portion of receipts was 25 percent, but past statutory amendments
have changed the calculation factors from time to time. Receipts include revenues from the sale
of timber and other forest products; fees for grazing, special-use permits, power and mineral
leases; and recreation user fees.
National Grasslands Receipts
Title III, Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act (Act) of July 22, 1937, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1012)
authorizes annual payments on a calendar year basis to counties, equal to 25 percent of revenues
received during the year from sales activities and fees on lands designated as national grasslands
or land utilization projects. Counties use these payments for public schools and roads.
The administrative process of aggregating the receipts on a calendar year basis (involving two
fiscal years) and disbursing the payments requires an unavailable receipt account (National
126 Section II | Financial Information
Grasslands Receipts, Forest Service) and an available receipt account (Payments to Counties,
National Grasslands, Forest Service).
National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund
The Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) (P.L. 116-152) provides authority to establish the
National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund to address the maintenance backlog on
public lands. The funds are allocated across GAOA specified Bureaus/Agencies including the
USDA Forest Service for fiscal years 2021 through 2025.
Payments to States, National Forest Fund
The Act of May 23, 1908, as amended (16 U.S.C. 500), commonly known as Payments to States,
requires with a few exceptions, that 25 percent of all monies received from the national forests
and deposited into the National Forest Fund during a fiscal year from timber, grazing, special-use
permits, power and mineral leases, and admission and user fees be paid to the States in which the
national forests are located, for public schools and public roads in the county or counties in
which the national forests are situated.
Recreation Fee Demonstration Program
The Recreation Fee Demonstration Program fund receives deposits of recreation fees collected
from projects that are part of the Recreation Fee Demonstration Program. These monies are
retained and used for backlog repair and maintenance of recreation areas, sites, or projects.
These funds are also used for interpretation, signage, habitat or facility enhancement, resource
preservation, annual operation, maintenance, and law enforcement related to public use of
recreation areas and sites. The Recreation Fee Demonstration Program is authorized by
16 U.S.C. 4601-6(a).
Restoration of Forest Lands and Improvements
The Restoration of Forest Lands and Improvements Acts (16 U.S.C. 579(c)) states any monies
received by the United States with respect to lands under the administration of the Forest Service
(a) as a result of the forfeiture of a bond or deposit by a permittee or timber purchaser for failure
to complete performance of improvement, protection, or rehabilitation work required under the
permit or timber sale contract or (b) as a result of a judgment, compromise, or settlement of any
claim, involving present or potential damage to lands or improvements, shall be deposited into
the Restoration of Forest Lands and Improvements Account. The monies are then made available
until expended to cover the cost to the United States of any improvement, protection, or
rehabilitation work on lands under the administration of the Forest Service rendered necessary by
the action which led to the forfeiture, judgment, compromise, or settlement, provided that any
portion of the monies received in excess of the amount expended in performing the work
necessitated by the action which led to their receipt shall be transferred to miscellaneous receipts.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 127
State and Private Forestry
The FY 2004 Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act (Public Law
108-108) authorizes the Forest Service to receive a transfer of receipts from the Department of
the Interior’s Land and Water Conservation Fund to finance the existing Forest Legacy Program.
Treasury established a new special fund, “State and Private Forestry” to accommodate for this
program, and the funding is available until expended. The program expenditures include grants
and an occasional land purchase, but no real property will be procured or constructed.
Stewardship Contracting Product Sales
Stewardship End Result Contracting Projects (16 U.S.C. 6591c), amends the Healthy Forests
Restoration Act of 2003, and states the Forest Service, via agreement or contract as appropriate,
may enter into stewardship contracting projects with private persons or other public or private
entities to perform services to achieve land management goals for the national forests and the
public lands that meet local and rural community needs. The value of timber or other forest
products removed may be applied as an offset against the cost of services received under the
agreements or contracts. Monies earned from such agreements or contracts may be retained by
the Forest Service and shall be available for expenditure without further appropriation at the
project site from which the monies are collected or at another project site. In addition, if the
offset value of the forest products exceeds the value of the resource improvement treatments, the
Forest Service may collect any residual receipts under the Act of June 9, 1930 (commonly
known as the Knutson-Vandenberg Act, 16 U.S.C. 576); and apply the excess to other authorized
stewardship projects. Finally, the Forest Service is required to annually report to the Committee
of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate and the Committee on Agriculture of the
House of Representatives on the status and accomplishments of these agreements and contracts.
Timber Salvage Sales
The Salvage Sale Fund was established to facilitate the timely removal of timber damaged by
fire, wind, insects, diseases, or other events. Amounts collected from the sale of salvaged timber
are used on other qualifying salvage sales to cover the cost of preparing and administering the
sales. The Timber Salvage Sales program is authorized by 16 U.S.C. 472(a).
National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Native American Institutions Endowment Fund
The Native American Institutions Endowment Fund was authorized by Public Law 103-382 and
provided an initial installment to establish an endowment to benefit the 1994 land-grant
institutions. The public law states that “This program will enhance educational opportunities for
Native Americans by building educational capacity at these institutions in the areas of student
recruitment and retention, curricula development, faculty preparation, instruction delivery
systems, and scientific instrumentation for teaching.” While the principal (corpus) of the fund
cannot be used, the interest that is earned on the endowment fund investments in Treasury
128 Section II | Financial Information
instruments can be used for the purposes described above. After the close of a fiscal year, the
income is distributed after making adjustments for the cost of administering the fund.
Financial information is summarized for all other funds from dedicated collections with total
assets less than $50 million listed below.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Damage Assessment and Restoration Revolving Fund
Miscellaneous Contributed Funds
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Expenses and Refunds, Inspection of Farm Products
Agricultural Marketing Service
Inspection and Weighing Services
Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act
Wool Research, Development and Promotion Trust Fund
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
Gifts and Bequests
Miscellaneous Contributed Funds
Forest Service
Acquisition of Lands for National Forests, Special Acts
Administration of Rights-of-Way and Other Land Uses Fund
Communications Site Administration
Expenses, Brush Disposal
Gifts and Bequests
Gifts, Donations and Bequests for Forest and Rangeland Research
Hardwood Technology Transfer and Applied Research Fund
Land Between the Lakes Management Fund
Land Between the Lakes Trust Fund
Licensee Program
MNP Rental Fee Account
Operation and Maintenance of Forest Service Quarters
Payment to Minnesota (Cook, Lake and Saint Louis Counties)
Quinault Special Management Area
Range Betterment Fund
Receipts for Construction of Administrative Improvements- Arizona and Taos, New Mexico
Land Conveyance
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 129
Reforestation Trust Fund
Roads and Trails for States, National Forest Fund
Timber Roads, Purchaser Elections
Timber Sales Pipeline Restoration Fund
Rural Development
Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization Revolving Fund
Agricultural Research Service
Concessions Fees and Volunteer Services
Gifts and Bequests
Miscellaneous Contributed Funds
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Miscellaneous Contributed Funds
Economic Research Service
Miscellaneous Contributed Funds
Foreign Agricultural Service
Foreign Service National Separation Liability Trust Fund
Gifts and Bequests
Miscellaneous Contributed Funds
Office of the Secretary
Gifts and Bequests
Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement
Gifts and Bequests
Office of Communications
Gifts and Bequests
Office of General Counsel
Gifts and Bequests
Office of the Inspector General
Inspector General Assets Forfeiture, Department of Justice
Inspector General Assets Forfeiture, Department of Treasury
130 Section II | Financial Information
Funds from Dedicated Collections
Expenses and
Inspection and
Grading of Farm
Funds for
Income, and
Inspection User
Fee Account
Acquisition of
Lands to
Complete Land
Work Land Acquisition
National Forest
Fund Receipts
National Parks
and Public Land
Fund Balance with Treasury $ 127 $ 943 $ 247 $ 45 $ 380 $ 185 $ 169 $ 174 $ 17
Investments, Net - - - - - - - - -
Accounts Receivable, Net - 1 - - - - - - 250
Total Intragovernmental Assets 127 944 247 45 380 185 169 174 267
With the Public
Accounts Receivable, Net 21 - 20 1 - - - 8 -
General Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net - - 3 48 9 42 - - -
Advances and Prepayments - - - - - - - - -
Investments, Net - - - - - - - - -
Total With the Public 21 - 23 49 9 42 - 8 -
Total Assets 148 944 270 94 389 227 169 182 267
Accounts Payable 5 - 1 - - - - - -
Other Liabilities 8 - 2 - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities 13 - 3 - - - - - -
With the Public
Accounts Payable 1 9 - - 1 - - - 2
Federal Employee Benefits Payable 52 - - - - - - - -
Advances From Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - 62 - - - -
Other Liabilities 6 65 6 - 2 - 34 - -
Total With the Public 59 74 6 - 65 - 34 - 2
Total Liabilities 72 74 9 - 65 - 34 - 2
Unexpended Appropriations - - - - - - - - 265
Cumulative Results of Operations 76 870 261 94 324 227 135 182 -
Total Liabilities and Net Position 148 944 270 94 389 227 169 182 267
Gross Program Costs 243 1,481 242 4 95 67 38 - 20
Less Earned Revenues 194 8 312 10 110 - 19 32 -
Net Cost of Operations 49 1,473 (70) (6) (15) 67 19 (32) 20
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Received - - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Transferred In/Out - - - - - - - - 285
Appropriations Used - - - - - - - - (20)
Total Unexpended Appropriations - - - - - - - - 265
Cumulative Results from Operations:
Beginning Balances 61 1,203 191 90 308 175 56 147 -
Appropriations Used - - - - - - - - 20
Other Than Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue:
Miscellaneous Taxes and Receipts - - - - - - - - -
Total Other Than Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue - - - - - - - - -
Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue - - - - - - 183 15 -
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash & Property - - - - - - - - -
Transfers-In/out Without Reimbursement - 1,140 - (1) - 118 - 1 -
Imputed Financing 63 - - - - - - - -
Other - - - - - - (86) (13) -
Net Cost of Operations (49) (1,473) 70 6 15 (67) (19) 32 (20)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations 14 (333) 70 5 15 51 78 35 -
Cumulative Results of Operations 75 870 261 95 323 226 134 182 -
Net Position, End of Period $ 75 $ 870 $ 261 $ 95 $ 323 $ 226 $ 134 $ 182 $ 265
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 131
Other Funds
Total Funds
Funds from Dedicated Collections
Payments to
Forests Fund
Recreation Fee
Restoration of
Forest Lands
State and
Product Sales
Timber Salvage
Fund Balance with Treasury $ 111 $ 153 $ 265 $ 246 $ 83 $ 87 $ 14 $ 344 $ 3,590
Investments, Net - - - - - - 251 6 257
Accounts Receivable, Net - - - - - - - - 251
Advances and Prepayments - - - - - - - - -
Other Assets - - - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Assets 111 153 265 246 83 87 265 350 4,098
With the Public
Accounts Receivable, Net - 2 - - 29 - - 6 87
General Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net 2 1 1 - - 1 - 4 111
Advances and Prepayments - - 1 10 - - - - 11
Investments, Net - - - - - - - 3 3
Total With the Public 2 3 2 10 29 1 - 13 212
Total Assets 113 156 267 256 112 88 265 363 4,310
Accounts Payable - - - - - - - - 6
Other Liabilities - - - - - - - 1 11
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities - - - - - - - 1 17
With the Public
Accounts Payable - 1 - - - - - 1 15
Federal Employee Benefits Payable - - - - - - - - 52
Advances From Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - - - - 18 80
Other Liabilities 65 2 - 8 5 1 - 11 205
Total With the Public 65 3 - 8 5 1 - 30 352
Total Liabilities 65 3 - 8 5 1 - 31 369
Unexpended Appropriations - - - - - - 202 1 468
Cumulative Results of Operations 48 153 267 248 107 87 63 331 3,473
Total Liabilities and Net Position 113 156 267 256 112 88 265 363 4,310
Gross Program Costs (88) 97 23 63 32 27 6 170 2,520
Less Earned Revenues 99 118 - - 46 35 5 162 1,150
Net Cost of Operations (187) (21) 23 63 (14) (8) 1 8 1,370
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - 190 1 191
Appropriations Received - - - - - - 12 - 12
Appropriations Transferred In/Out - - - - - - - - 285
Appropriations Used - - - - - - - - (20)
Total Unexpended Appropriations - - - - - - 202 1 468
Cumulative Results from Operations:
Beginning Balances (139) 133 289 223 93 79 63 311 3,283
Appropriations Used - - - - - - - - 20
Other Than Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue:
Miscellaneous Taxes and Receipts - - 1 - - - - - 1
Total Other Than Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue - - 1 - - - - - 1
Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue - - 1 - - - - 30 229
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash & Property - - - - - - - 1 1
Transfers-In/out Without Reimbursement - - - 89 - - - (2) 1,345
Imputed Financing - - - - - - - - 63
Other - - - - - - - - (99)
Net Cost of Operations 187 21 (23) (63) 14 8 (1) (8) (1,370)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations 187 21 (21) 26 14 8 (1) 21 190
Cumulative Results of Operations 48 154 268 249 107 87 62 332 3,473
Net Position, End of Period $ 48 $ 154 $ 268 $ 249 $ 107 $ 87 $ 264 $ 333 $ 3,941
132 Section II | Financial Information
Funds from Dedicated Collections
Expenses and
Inspection and
Grading of
Farm Products
Funds for
Income, and
User Fee
Acquisition of
Lands to
Forest Fund
Payments to
Forests Fund
Fund Balance with Treasury $ 104 $ 1,285 $ 166 $ 40 $ 366 $ 134 $ 118 $ 73 $ 87
Investments, Net
- - - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Assets
104 1,285 166 40 366 134 118 73 87
With the Public
Accounts Receivable, Net 24 - 30 - 1 - 29 - -
General Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net - 1 4 51 9 41 - - 2
Investments, Net - - - - - - - - -
Advances and Prepayments
- - - - - - - - -
Total With the Public
24 1 34 51 10 41 29 - 2
Total Assets
128 1,286 200 91 376 175 147 73 89
Other Liabilities
9 1 2 - 1 - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities
9 1 2 - 1 - - - -
With the Public
Accounts Payable 1 12 1 - 2 - - - -
Federal Employee Benefits Payable 52 - - - - - - - -
Advances From Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - 62 - - - -
Other Liabilities
5 70 6 - 3 - - 17 228
Total With the Public
58 82 7 - 67 - - 17 228
Total Liabilities
67 83 9 - 68 - - 17 228
Unexpended Appropriations - - - - - - - - -
Cumulative Results of Operations
61 1,203 191 91 308 175 147 56 (139)
Total Liabilities and Net Position
128 1,286 200 91 376 175 147 73 89
Gross Program Costs 237 837 186 4 107 65 - 18 272
Less Earned Revenues
193 5 521 9 96 - (3) 42 126
Net Cost of Operations
44 832 (335) (5) 11 65 3 (24) 146
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Received
- - - - - - - - -
Total Unexpended Appropriations
- - - - - - - - -
Cumulative Results from Operations:
Beginning Balances 37 884 389 86 319 163 151 109 7
Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue - - - - - - 13 91 -
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash & Property - - - - - - - - -
Transfers-In/out Without Reimbursement - 1,151 (533) - - 77 - - -
Imputed Financing 68 - - - - - - - -
Other - - - - - - (14) (168) -
Net Cost of Operations
(44) (832) 335 5 (11) (65) (3) 24 (146)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations
24 319 (198) 5 (11) 12 (4) (53) (146)
Cumulative Results of Operations
61 1,203 191 91 308 175 147 56 (139)
Net Position, End of Period
$ 61 $ 1,203 $ 191 $ 91 $ 308 $ 175 $ 147 $ 56 $ (139)
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 133
Other Funds
from Dedicated
Total Funds from
Funds from Dedicated Collections
Recreation Fee
Restoration of
Forest Lands and
State and
Private Forestry
Product Sales
Timber Salvage
Native American
Endowment Fund
Fund Balance with Treasury $ 133 $ 288 $ 218 $ 72 $ 80 $ 15 $ 324 $ 3,503
Investments, Net
- - - - - 239 6 245
Total Intragovernmental Assets
133 288 218 72 80 254 330 3,748
With the Public
Accounts Receivable, Net 2 - - 27 - - 6 119
General Property, Plant, and Equipment, Net 2 2 - - 1 - 5 118
Investments, Net - - - - - - 3 3
Advances and Prepayments
- - 14 - - - - 14
Total With the Public
4 2 14 27 1 - 14 254
Total Assets
137 290 232 99 81 254 344 4,002
Other Liabilities
1 - - - 1 - 1 16
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities
1 - - - 1 - 1 16
With the Public
Accounts Payable 1 1 9 1 - - 3 31
Federal Employee Benefits Payable - - - - - - - 52
Advances From Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - - - 19 81
Other Liabilities
2 - - 5 1 - 11 348
Total With the Public
3 1 9 6 1 - 33 512
Total Liabilities
4 1 9 6 2 - 34 528
Unexpended Appropriations - - - - - 190 1 191
Cumulative Results of Operations
133 289 223 93 79 64 309 3,283
Total Liabilities and Net Position
137 290 232 99 81 254 344 4,002
Gross Program Costs 96 22 52 43 45 5 181 2,170
Less Earned Revenues
93 1 - 63 34 5 168 1,353
Net Cost of Operations
3 21 52 (20) 11 - 13 817
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - 179 1 180
Appropriations Received
- - - - - 11 - 11
Total Unexpended Appropriations
- - - - - 190 1 191
Cumulative Results from Operations:
Beginning Balances 136 309 211 73 90 63 304 3,331
Intragovernmental Non-exchange Revenue - - - - - - 30 134
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash & Property - - - - - - 1 1
Transfers-In/out Without Reimbursement - 1 64 - - - (12) 748
Imputed Financing - - - - - - - 68
Other - - - - - - - (182)
Net Cost of Operations
(3) (21) (52) 20 (11) - (13) (817)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations
(3) (20) 12 20 (11) - 6 (48)
Cumulative Results of Operations
133 289 223 93 79 63 310 3,283
Net Position, End of Period
$ 133 $ 289 $ 223 $ 93 $ 79 $ 253 $ 311 $ 3,474
134 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 18: Suborganization Program Costs
FY 2021
FPAC Business
Farm Production and Conservation:
Gross Costs $ 331 $ 25,231 $ 10,711 $ 15,775 $ 4,248 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Less: Earned Revenue
4 439 327 3,656 49 - - - - -
Net Costs
327 24,792 10,384 12,119 4,199 - - - - -
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services:
Gross Costs - - - - - 164,785 - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - 68 - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - 164,717 - - - -
Food Safety:
Gross Costs - - - - - - 1,425 - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - 269 - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - 1,156 - - -
Marketing and Regulatory Programs:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 5,046 1,767 -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 307 592 -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 4,739 1,175 -
Natural Resources and Environment:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - 8,492
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - 778
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - 7,714
Rural Development:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Research, Education, and Economics:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Staff Offices:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Total Gross Costs
331 25,231 10,711 15,775 4,248 164,785 1,425 5,046 1,767 8,492
Less: Total Earned Revenue
4 439 327 3,656 49 68 269 307 592 778
Net Cost of Operations
$ 327 $ 24,792 $ 10,384 $ 12,119 $ 4,199 $ 164,717 $ 1,156 $ 4,739 $ 1,175 $ 7,714
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 135
FY 2021
Farm Production and Conservation:
Gross Costs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56,296 $ (1,494) $ 54,802
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 4,475 (26) 4,449
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 51,821 (1,468) 50,353
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 164,785 (1,531) 163,254
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 68 (3) 65
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 164,717 (1,528) 163,189
Food Safety:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 1,425 (55) 1,370
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 269 (7) 262
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 1,156 (48) 1,108
Marketing and Regulatory Programs:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 6,813 (173) 6,640
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 899 (87) 812
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 5,914 (86) 5,828
Natural Resources and Environment:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 8,492 (214) 8,278
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 778 (10) 768
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 7,714 (204) 7,510
Rural Development:
Gross Costs 4,602 - - - - - - 4,602 (85) 4,517
Less: Earned Revenue
3,300 - - - - - - 3,300 (10) 3,290
Net Costs
1,302 - - - - - - 1,302 (75) 1,227
Research, Education, and Economics:
Gross Costs - 1,625 214 1,445 88 - - 3,372 (197) 3,175
Less: Earned Revenue
- 150 26 38 6 - - 220 (115) 105
Net Costs
- 1,475 188 1,407 82 - - 3,152 (82) 3,070
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs:
Gross Costs - - - - - 496 - 496 (21) 475
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - 82 - 82 (50) 32
Net Costs
- - - - - 414 - 414 29 443
Staff Offices:
Gross Costs - - - - - - 1,810 1,810 (149) 1,661
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - 1,353 1,353 (1,110) 243
Net Costs
- - - - - - 457 457 961 1,418
Total Gross Costs
4,602 1,625 214 1,445 88 496 1,810 248,091 (3,919) 244,172
Less: Total Earned Revenue
3,300 150 26 38 6 82 1,353 11,444 (1,418) 10,026
Net Cost of Operations
$ 1,302 $ 1,475 $ 188 $ 1,407 $ 82 $ 414 $ 457 $ 236,647 $ (2,501) $ 234,146
136 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2020
FPAC Business
Farm Production and Conservation:
Gross Costs $ 286 $ 15,770 $ 24,169 $ 11,842 $ 4,476 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Less: Earned Revenue
21 469 1,596 3,057 60 - - - - -
Net Costs
265 15,301 22,573 8,785 4,416 - - - - -
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services:
Gross Costs - - - - - 123,345 - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - 61 - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - 123,284 - - - -
Food Safety:
Gross Costs - - - - - - 1,370 - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - 264 - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - 1,106 - - -
Marketing and Regulatory Programs:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 4,044 1,726 -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 307 788 -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 3,737 938 -
Natural Resources and Environment:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - 7,216
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - 905
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - 6,311
Rural Development:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Research, Education, and Economics:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Staff Offices:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - - - -
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - - - -
Net Costs
- - - - - - - - - -
Total Gross Costs
286 15,770 24,169 11,842 4,476 123,345 1,370 4,044 1,726 7,216
Less: Total Earned Revenue
21 469 1,596 3,057 60 61 264 307 788 905
Net Cost of Operations
$ 265 $ 15,301 $ 22,573 $ 8,785 $ 4,416 $ 123,284 $ 1,106 $ 3,737 $ 938 $ 6,311
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 137
FY 2020
Farm Production and Conservation:
Gross Costs $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 56,543 $ (1,719) $ 54,824
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 5,203 (44) 5,159
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 51,340 (1,675) 49,665
Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 123,345 (954) 122,391
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 61 (5) 56
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 123,284 (949) 122,335
Food Safety:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 1,370 (49) 1,321
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 264 (4) 260
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 1,106 (45) 1,061
Marketing and Regulatory Programs:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 5,770 (143) 5,627
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 1,095 (79) 1,016
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 4,675 (64) 4,611
Natural Resources and Environment:
Gross Costs - - - - - - - 7,216 (183) 7,033
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - - 905 (17) 888
Net Costs
- - - - - - - 6,311 (166) 6,145
Rural Development:
Gross Costs 6,930 - - - - - - 6,930 (88) 6,842
Less: Earned Revenue
3,601 - - - - - - 3,601 (10) 3,591
Net Costs
3,329 - - - - - - 3,329 (78) 3,251
Research, Education, and Economics:
Gross Costs - 1,508 200 1,428 74 - - 3,210 (151) 3,059
Less: Earned Revenue
- 156 22 30 4 - - 212 (109) 103
Net Costs
- 1,352 178 1,398 70 - - 2,998 (42) 2,956
Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs:
Gross Costs - - - - - 506 - 506 (31) 475
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - 119 - 119 (47) 72
Net Costs
- - - - - 387 - 387 16 403
Staff Offices:
Gross Costs - - - - - - 1,616 1,616 (123) 1,493
Less: Earned Revenue
- - - - - - 1,239 1,239 (998) 241
Net Costs
- - - - - - 377 377 875 1,252
Total Gross Costs
6,930 1,508 200 1,428 74 506 1,616 206,506 (3,441) 203,065
Less: Total Earned Revenue
3,601 156 22 30 4 119 1,239 12,699 (1,313) 11,386
Net Cost of Operations
$ 3,329 $ 1,352 $ 178 $ 1,398 $ 70 $ 387 $ 377 $ 193,807 $ (2,128) $ 191,679
138 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 19: Terms of Borrowing Authority Used
The Secretary of Agriculture has the authority to make and issue notes to the Secretary of the
Treasury for the purpose of discharging obligations for RD’s insurance funds and CCC’s
non-reimbursed realized losses and debt related to foreign assistance programs. The permanent
indefinite borrowing authority includes both interest bearing and non-interest bearing notes.
These notes are drawn upon daily when disbursements exceed deposits. Notes payable under the
permanent indefinite borrowing authority have a term of one year. On January 1 of each year,
USDA refinances its outstanding borrowings, including accrued interest, at the January
borrowing rate.
In addition, USDA has permanent indefinite borrowing authority for the foreign assistance and
export credit programs to finance disbursements on post-credit reform, direct credit obligations,
and credit guarantees. In accordance with the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as amended,
USDA borrows from Treasury on October 1, for the entire fiscal year, based on annual estimates
of the difference between the amount appropriated (subsidy) and the amount to be disbursed to
the borrower. Repayment under this agreement may be, in whole or in part, prior to maturity by
paying the principal amount of the borrowings plus accrued interest to the date of repayment.
Interest is paid on these borrowings based on weighted average interest rates for the cohort, to
which the borrowings are associated. Interest is earned on the daily balance of uninvested funds
in the credit reform financing funds maintained at Treasury. The interest income is used to
reduce interest expense on the underlying borrowings.
USDA has authority to borrow from the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) in the form of
Certificates of Beneficial Ownership (CBOs) or loans executed directly between the borrower
and FFB with an unconditional USDA repayment guarantee. CBOs outstanding with FFB are
generally secured by unpaid loan principal balances. CBOs outstanding are related to pre-credit
reform loans and no longer used for program financing.
FFB CBOs are repaid as they mature and are not related to any particular group of loans.
Borrowings made to finance loans directly between the borrower and FFB mature and are repaid
as the related group of loans become due. Interest rates on the related group of loans are equal to
interest rates on FFB borrowings, except in those situations where an FFB funded loan is
restructured and the terms of the loan are modified. Prepayments can be made on Treasury
borrowings without a penalty; however, they cannot be made on FFB CBOs, without a penalty.
Funds may also be borrowed from private lending agencies and others. USDA reserves a sufficient
amount of its borrowing authority to purchase, at any time, all notes and other obligations
evidencing loans made by agencies and others. All bonds, notes, debentures, and similar
obligations issued by the Department are subject to approval by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Reservation of borrowing authority for these purposes has not been required for many years.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 139
NOTE 20: Available Borrowing Authority, End of Period
Available borrowing authority at September 30, 2021 and 2020 was $44,412 million and
$53,640 million, respectively.
NOTE 21: Undelivered Orders at the End of the Period
FY 2021 Federal Non-Federal FY 2020 Federal Non-Federal
Paid $ 85 $ 594 Paid $ 52 $ 1,313
3,978 84,495
4,541 78,440
$ 4,063 $ 85,089
$ 4,593 $ 79,753
NOTE 22: Permanent Indefinite Appropriations
USDA has permanent indefinite appropriations available to fund (1) subsidy costs incurred under
credit reform programs, (2) certain costs of the crop insurance program, (3) certain commodity
program costs, (4) certain costs associated with FS programs, (5) dairy indemnity payment
program, and (6) farm storage facility loan program (FSFL).
The permanent indefinite appropriations for credit reform are mainly available to finance any
disbursements incurred under the liquidating accounts. These appropriations become available
pursuant to standing provisions of law without further action by Congress after transmittal of the
budget for the year involved. They are treated as permanent the first year they become available,
as well as in succeeding years. However, they are not stated as specific amounts but are
determined by specified variable factors, such as cash needs for liquidating accounts, and
information about the actual performance of a cohort or estimated changes in future cash flows
of the cohort in the program accounts.
The permanent indefinite appropriation for the crop insurance program is used to cover premium
subsidy, delivery expenses, losses in excess of premiums, and research and delivery costs.
The permanent indefinite appropriation for commodity program costs is used to encourage the
exportation of agricultural commodities and products, to encourage domestic consumption of
agricultural products by diverting them, and to reestablish farmers’ purchasing power by
making payments in connection with the normal production of any agricultural commodity for
domestic consumption.
The permanent indefinite appropriation for FS programs is used to fund Recreation Fee
Collection Costs, Brush Disposal, License programs, Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl,
Restoration of Forest Lands and Improvements, Roads and Trails for States, National Forest
Fund, Timber Roads, Purchaser Elections, Timber Salvage Sales and Operations, and
Maintenance of Quarters. Each of these permanent indefinite appropriations is funded by receipts
made available by law and is available until expended.
140 Section II | Financial Information
The FSA has a permanent indefinite appropriation for the Dairy Indemnity Payment Program to
provide payments to dairy producers when a public regulatory agency directs them to remove
their raw milk from the commercial market because it has been contaminated by pesticides and
other residues.
The CCC also has permanent indefinite appropriations, as part of the American Rescue Plan, for
USDA to pay up to 120% of loan balances, as of January 1, 2021, for FSFL to any Socially
Disadvantaged producer who has a qualifying loan.
NOTE 23: Legal Arrangements Affecting Use of Unobligated
Any information about legal arrangements affecting the use of the unobligated balance of budget
authority is specifically stated by program and fiscal year in the appropriation language or in the
alternative provisions section at the end of the appropriations act.
NOTE 24: Explanation of Differences Between the SBR and the
Budget of the U.S. Government
The differences between the FY 2020 Statement of Budgetary Resources and the FY 2020 actual
numbers presented in the FY 2022 Budget of the United States Government (Budget) are
summarized below.
FY 2020
New Obligations &
Adjustments (Total)
Receipts Net Outlays
Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources $ 358,184 $ 261,695 $ (2,863) $ 189,658
Reconciling Items:
Expired accounts (32,502) (281) - -
CCC and USAID Timing Difference - 9 - -
Milk Market Orders Fund 65 65 - -
(3) (8) - (2)
Budget of the United States Government
$ 325,744 $ 261,480 $ (2,863) $189,656
A comparison between the FY 2021 SBR and the FY 2021 actual numbers presented in the
FY 2023 Budget cannot be performed as the FY 2023 Budget is not yet available. The Budget
with the actual amounts for the current year (i.e., FY 2021) will be available at a later date at
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 141
NOTE 25: Incidental Custodial Collections
Custodial collections represent collections on land leases for resource extraction, National Forest
Fund receipts from the sale of timber and other forest products, miscellaneous general fund
receipts such as collections on accounts receivable related to canceled year appropriations, civil
monetary penalties and interest, and commercial fines and penalties. Custodial collection
activities are considered immaterial and incidental to the mission of the Department.
FY 2021 FY 2020
Sources of Cash Collections:
$ 133 $ 167
Total Cash Collections 133 167
Accrual Adjustments
50 10
Total Custodial Revenue 183 177
Disposition of Collections:
Transferred to Others:
Treasury (84) (150)
(Increase )/Decrease in Amounts Yet to be Transferred (99) (27)
Total Disposition of Collections (183) (177)
Net Custodial Activity $ - $ -
NOTE 26: Fiduciary Activities
The department is responsible for one fiduciary fund. The Rural Housing Insurance Fund (RHIF)
was established by Public Law 89-117 pursuant to section 517 of title V of the Housing Act of
1949, which authorized RD to collect escrow payments on behalf of new and existing Single
Family Housing borrowers. Other fiduciary activities by RD include but are not limited to
collections from borrowers, interest paid on escrow accounts, and payments to insurance
agencies and taxing authorities.
Schedule of Fiduciary Activity
For the years ended September 30, 2021 and 2020
Rural Housing
Insurance Fund FY 2021
Rural Housing
Insurance Fund FY 2020
Fiduciary Net Assets, Beginning of Year $ 115 $ 123
Contributions 476 461
Disbursements To and On Behalf of Beneficiaries
(474) (469)
Increases/(Decrease) in Fiduciary Net Assets
2 (8)
Fiduciary Net Assets, End of Year $ 117 $ 115
Fiduciary Net Assets
As of September 30, 2021 and 2020
Item Rural Housing
Insurance Fund FY 2021
Rural Housing
Insurance Fund FY 2020
Fiduciary Assets:
Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 117 $ 115
Total Fiduciary Net Assets $ 117 $ 115
142 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 27: Reconciliation of Net Cost to Net Outlays
Budgetary and financial accounting information differ. Budgetary accounting is used for
planning and control purposes and relates to both the receipt and use of cash, as well as reporting
the federal deficit. Financial accounting is intended to provide a picture of the government’s
financial operations and financial position so it presents information on an accrual basis.
The accrual basis includes information about costs arising from the consumption of assets and
the incurrence of liabilities. The reconciliation of net outlays, presented on a budgetary basis, and
the net cost, presented on an accrual basis, provides an explanation of the relationship between
budgetary and financial accounting information. The reconciliation serves not only to identify
costs paid for in the past and those that will be paid in the future, but also to assure integrity
between budgetary and financial accounting.
The reconciliation explains the relationship between the net cost of operations and net outlays by
presenting (1) components of net cost that are not part of net outlays (e.g. depreciation and
amortization expenses of assets previously capitalized, change in asset/liabilities);
(2) components of net outlays that are not part of net cost (e.g. acquisition of capital assets); and
(3) other temporary timing difference (e.g. prior period adjustments due to correction of errors).
The analysis below illustrates this reconciliation by listing the key differences between net cost
and net outlays.
In FY 2021, significant line items include Year-End Credit Reform Subsidy Accrual Reestimates
mainly due to RD, Increase in Accounts Receivable, Net mainly due to RMA higher reported
premiums for certain crops and Forest Service Great American Outdoors Act, Decrease in
Accounts Payable mainly due to RD subsidy payable to the financing account and FSA
Coronavirus Food Assistance with no new funding available, Increase in Insurance and
Guarantee Program Liabilities mainly due to RMA higher coverage amount, loss ratio,
underwriting gain, and unearned premium, Decrease in Benefits Due and Payable mainly due to
FNS State partners in Child Nutrition (CN) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP) more fully utilizing available resources, and Non-Entity Activity mainly due to RD
Offset to Non-Entity Collections.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 143
FY 2021
Intragovernmental With The Public Total
Net Cost
$ 4,536 $ 229,610 $ 234,146
Components of Net Cost Not Part of the Budgetary Outlays:
Property, Plant and Equipment Depreciation Expense - (368) (368)
Property, Plant and Equipment Disposals and Revaluations - 2 2
Cost of Goods Sold - (133) (133)
Year-End Credit Reform Subsidy Accrual Reestimates 3,683 - 3,683
Loan Modification Adjustment Transfers (76) - (76)
Exchange Revenue not Part of the SBR Outlays 93 240 333
Increase/(Decrease) in Assets:
Accounts Receivable, Net 287 1,484 1,771
Loans Receivable, Net (Non-FCRA) - (654) (654)
Other Assets 33 (711) (678)
(Increase)/Decrease in Liabilities
Accounts Payable 1,243 1,407 2,650
Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities - (6,523) (6,523)
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities - (19) (19)
Benefits Due and Payable - 4,749 4,749
Federal Employee and Veteran Benefits Payable - 6 6
Other Liabilities (60) 390 330
Financing Sources:
Imputed Cost
(966) - (966)
Total Components of Net Operating Cost Not Part of the Budgetary Outlays:
4,237 (130) 4,107
Components of the Budget Outlays That Are Not Part of the Net Operating Cost:
Acquisition of Capital Assets 12 543 555
Acquisitions of Inventory - 138 138
Financing Sources:
Donated Revenue - (1) (1)
Transfers Out (In) Without Reimbursements (224) - (224)
Total Components of the Budget Outlays that are not part of Net Operating Cost (212) 680 468
Miscellaneous Items:
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (76) (5) (81)
Custodial/Non-exchange revenue (198) 85 (113)
Non-Entity Activity (3,320) - (3,320)
Other Temporary Timing Differences
- 11 11
Total Other Reconciling Items
(3,594) 91 (3,503)
Total Net Outlays
4,967 230,251 235,218
Budgetary Agency Outlays, Net
$ 235,218
144 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2020
Intragovernmental With The Public Total
Net Cost
$ 4,019 $ 187,660 $ 191,679
Components of Net Operating Cost Not Part of the Budgetary Outlays:
Property, Plant, and Equipment Depreciation - (277) (277)
Property, Plant, and Equipment Disposal & Reevaluation - 17 17
Year-End Credit Reform Subsidy Reestimates 2,737 - 2,737
Other - 301 301
Increase/(Decrease) in Assets:
Accounts Receivable 731 465 1,196
Loans Receivable - 3,489 3,489
Other Assets 40 867 907
(Increase)/Decrease in Liabilities not Affecting Budget Outlays:
Accounts Payable (1,413) (9,198) (10,611)
Salaries and Benefits (31) (110) (141)
Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities - 1,163 1,163
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities - (21) (21)
Other Liabilities (Unfunded Leave, Unfunded Federal Employees Compensation Act
(FECA), Actuarial FECA) (62) (2,566) (2,628)
Other Financing Sources:
Federal employee retirement benefit costs paid by OPM and imputed to the agency (855) - (855)
Total Components of Net Operating Cost Not Part of the Budget Outlays 1,147 (5,870) (4,723)
Components of the Budget Outlays That Are Not Part of Net Operating Cost
Acquisition of Capital Assets - 116 116
Acquisition of Inventory - (5) (5)
Transfers Out (In) Without Reimbursement (2,748) - (2,748)
Other (238) 167 (71)
Total Components of Budgetary Outlays That Are Not Part of Net Operating Cost (2,986) 278 (2,708)
Net Outlays
2,180 182,068 184,248
Related Amounts on the Statement of Budgetary Resources
Outlays, Net 187,111
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (2,863)
Agency Outlays, Net $ 184,248
Other components of net operating cost not part of the budgetary outlays include primarily
interest revenue – investments, cost capitalization offset and bad debt expense.
Other components of the budget outlays that are not part of net operating cost includes primarily
accounts receivable, interest revenue, penalties and fines revenue, donated revenue, other
revenue, collections for others, and financing sources transferred in from custodial statement
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 145
NOTE 28: Disclosure Entities and Related Parties
Disclosure Entities
Research and Promotion Boards
Research and Promotion (“checkoff”) programs are authorized by the Commodity Promotion,
Research, and Information Act of 1996 and various Acts for specific commodities. Research and
Promotion Board members are appointed by the Secretary. AMS is responsible for
administrative oversight of Research and Promotion Programs to ensure fiscal accountability and
program integrity.
AMS also conducts rulemaking and oversees the activities of Fruit, Vegetable, and Specialty
Crop Marketing Order Commodity Boards, Councils, or Committees to ensure compliance with
all legal and regulatory requirements. Marketing orders and agreements are authorized by the
Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937.
These programs are not Federally funded. In FY 2021, the non-Federal costs of oversight for the
Research and Promotion activities, including salaries and expenses, travel, and rent for office
space were estimated to be $5.9 million. Industry boards collect and manage assessments from
industry members to conduct program activities.
Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR)
The Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary) was authorized by the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Act),
to establish a nonprofit corporation known as the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research.
FFAR was established by the Secretary on July 23, 2014. On the date of the enactment of this
Act, the Secretary transferred $200 million of the Commodity Credit Corporation funds, to the
FFAR, to remain available until expended under the conditions stipulated. On the date on which
the strategic plan was submitted, the Secretary transferred $185 million of the Commodity Credit
Corporation Funds, to the FFAR, to remain available until expended. The FFAR may use the
funds made available to carry out the purposes of the FFAR only to the extent that the FFAR
secures an equal amount of non-federal matching funds for each expenditure. None of the funds
made available may be used for construction.
FFAR is governed by a Board of Directors (Board) which consists of appointed and ex-officio,
nonvoting members. The ex-officio members of the Board consist of the following:
(1) The Secretary
(2) The Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics
(3) The Administrator of the Agricultural Research Service
(4) The Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture
(5) The Director of the National Science Foundation
146 Section II | Financial Information
The ex-officio members by majority-vote appoint 15 individuals to the Board. The Board elects
from among the members of the Board, an individual to serve as Chair of the Board. The Board
hires an Executive Director who shall carry out such duties and responsibilities as the Board may
prescribe. The Executive Director shall ensure that any funds received are held in separate
accounts from funds received from nongovernmental entities.
The purposes of FFAR shall be (1) to advance the research mission of the USDA by supporting
agricultural research activities focused on addressing key problems of national and
international significance; and (2) to foster collaboration with agricultural researchers from the
Federal Government, State (as defined in section 1404 of the National Agricultural Research,
Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3103)) governments, institutions of
higher education (as defined in section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C.
1001)), industry, and nonprofit organizations. The activities of the FFAR shall be supplemental
to any other activities at USDA and shall not preempt any authority or responsibility of USDA
under another provision of law.
To ensure integrity in the operations of the FFAR, the Board developed and enforced procedures
relating to standards of conduct, financial disclosure statements, conflicts of interest (including
recusal and waiver rules), audits, and any other matters determined appropriate by the Board.
Any individual who is an officer, employee, or member of the Board is prohibited from any
participation in deliberations by the FFAR of a matter that would directly or predictably affect
any financial interest of—
(1) the individual;
(2) a relative (as defined in section 109 of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C.
App.)) of that individual; or
(3) a business organization or other entity in which the individual has an interest, including
an organization or other entity with which the individual is negotiating employment.
Members of the Board may not receive compensation for service on the Board but may be
reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred in carrying out the
duties of the Board.
The FFAR provides annual audits of its financial condition to the Secretary of Agriculture and
the Comptroller General of the United States for examination or audit.
In 2016, USDA and FFAR agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding defining in general terms
the basis on which the parties will cooperate and to articulate the nature of the relationship
between USDA and FFAR. The MOU will be effective for a term of five years, which term shall
be renewable by mutual agreement of the Parties.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 147
Related Party
Milk Market Orders Assessment Fund
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of
1937, as amended under certain conditions to issue Federal milk marketing orders establishing
minimum prices which handlers are required to pay for milk purchased from producers. There
are currently 11 Federally-sanctioned milk market orders in operation. Market administrators are
appointed by the Secretary and are responsible for carrying out the terms of specific marketing
orders. Their operating expenses are financed by assessments on regulated handlers and partly by
deductions from producers, which are reported to the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).
Most of these funds are collected and deposited in checking and savings accounts in local banks
and disbursed directly for direct disbursement by the market administrator. A portion of the
funds collected may be invested in securities such as certificates of deposit. Expenses of local
offices are met from an administrative fund and a marketing service fund, which are prescribed
in each order. The administrative fund is derived from prorated handler assessments.
The marketing service fund of the individual order disseminates market information to producers
who are not members of a qualified cooperative. It also provides for the verification of the
weights, sampling, and testing of milk from these producers. The cost of these services is borne
by such producers. The maximum rates for administrative assessment and for marketing services
are set forth in each order and adjustments below these rates are made from time to time upon
recommendations by the market administrator and upon approval of the AMS to provide reserves
at about a six-month operating level. Upon termination of any order, the statute provides for
distributing the proceeds from net assets pro rata to contributing handlers or producers.
The AMS reports this account in the President’s Budget because milk marketing administration
staff are excepted service. Salaries, health insurance, TSP contributions and all other federal
benefits are paid by the marketing order funds and as a result there are no costs to the Federal
government. As a result, corresponding dollars are reported for presentation purposes only.
In FY 2021, the non-Federal costs of administrating Federal milk marketing orders, including
salaries and expenses, travel, and rent for office space were estimated to be $74 million.
The Secretary’s oversight responsibilities of marketing orders by AMS is funded by the Funds
for Strengthening Markets, Income and Supply (Section 32) account.
NOTE 29: Insurance Programs
In crop year 2021, there were approximately 1.17 million standard reinsurance and livestock
policies totaling approximately $150,000 million insurance protection in force.
The AIPs for Fiscal Year 2021 are as follows:
Ace American Insurance Company
American Agri-Business Insurance Company
American Agricultural Insurance Company
148 Section II | Financial Information
CGB Insurance Company
Church Mutual Insurance Company
Country Mutual Insurance Company
Farmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowa
Great American Insurance Company
Hudson Insurance Company
NAU Country Insurance Company
Producers Agriculture Insurance Company
Rural Community Insurance Company
Stratford Insurance Company
XL Reinsurance America Inc.
The funds within the Federal Crop Insurance Program can be used to pay any authorized expense
of the program. The following table lists the type of funds received and the resources used of the
program for 2021 and 2020.
Federal Crop Insurance Program Resource and Resources Used
Resource Fiscal Year 2021 Uses Fiscal Year 2021
Producer Premiums Collected $ 4,146 Obligations for Delivery Costs $ 1,915
Producer Fees Collected 50 Obligations for Indemnities 8,503
Underwriting Loss Collected from AIPs 90 Obligations for Underwriting Gain 1,517
Appropriations 7,718 Obligations for Initiatives & Other Costs 62
Appropriations Transfers (13)
Unobligated Balance Beginning of Year
Unobligated Balance End of Year
$ 12,587
$ 12,587
Resource Fiscal Year 2020 Uses Fiscal Year 2020
Producer Premiums Collected $ 3,891 Obligations for Delivery Costs $ 1,686
Producer Fees Collected 23 Obligations for Indemnities 9,886
Underwriting Loss Collected from AIPs 35 Obligations for Underwriting Gain 533
Appropriations 8,217 Obligations for Initiatives & Other Costs 38
Appropriations Transfers (13)
Unobligated Balance Beginning of Year
Unobligated Balance End of Year
$ 12,737
$ 12,737
In addition to the mandatory FCIC fund, RMA obligated $65.8 million in S&E funds to administer
the Federal Crop Insurance Program in 2021. The Federal Crop Insurance Act requires the total
premium, including producer paid premium and premium subsidy, to be established to achieve an
overall projected loss ratio of not greater than 1.0 over an extended period of time. The FCIC Act
dictates the percentage of subsidized premium. The estimation of expected indemnities is generally
based on the observed historical rate of loss often referred to as the ‘loss cost’ method.
In fiscal year 2021 there was widespread drought conditions in many parts of the nation, causing
catastrophic damage to crops. To provide relief, RMA deferred collection of any unpaid
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 149
producer premium without interest by two months. The total amount of deferred collections was
approximately $3,700 million.
To provide COVID-19 relief in FY 2020, RMA allowed additional time for policyholders to
make payment of premium and administrative fees for the August 15 premium billing date,
representing most of the year’s premium due. The estimated deferred collections in fiscal year
2020 is $2,500 million.
FCIC collects administrative fees from producers in return for catastrophic risk protection
coverage and additional levels coverage. The rates are set by statute. For reinsurance year 2021,
the catastrophic risk protection fees were $655 per crop per county and $30 for additional levels
coverage per crop per county.
FCIC may request the Secretary of Agriculture to provide borrowing authority funds of the CCC
if at any time the amounts in the insurance fund are insufficient to allow FCIC to carry out its
duties. Even though the authority exists, FCIC did not request CCC funds in the reporting period.
Instead, FCIC uses such sums as are necessary from the U.S. Treasury to cover program costs
that are more than collections.
Loss Recognition
The end of the government’s fiscal year, on September 30, occurs while many crops are still in
the field and subject to ongoing natural risks. This misalignment between the government’s fiscal
year and the inherent business cycle of the crop insurance program results in significant
uncertainty for the end-of-fiscal-year estimates of claims. Estimates can often vary by 20% or
more from final results.
Estimates of claims are based on current crop conditions and historical trends for a given crop
condition. Therefore, it is assumed the expected claims will be similar to levels observed
The estimate model assumes that there is a relationship between crop yields, harvest prices, and
the resulting loss ratios. The indemnity for an individual producer is based on the difference
between the producer’s actual yield and his/her average yield. Similarly, for revenue plans, the
indemnity is based on the difference between the actual harvest price and the “base” price which
is the estimated harvest price at the time the crop is planted.
Regression analyses are calculated based on the historic relationships between the crop yields
and harvest prices (when necessary) for each crop in each state and the resulting loss ratios in
each of those years. The resulting regression coefficients are used in conjunction with the most
recent NASS forecasts and commodity futures prices to calculate a projected loss ratio for each
crop/state combination.
150 Section II | Financial Information
There are uncertainties associated with these assumptions including:
Actual yields which may be different than those provided by the NASS estimates;
Changes in weather patterns close to harvesting dates, which could affect yields but not be
reflected in the NASS estimates;
Commodity prices which may change from those in the market because of many factors
(such as weather, yields, and economic conditions); and
Significant catastrophic weather events (i.e. hurricanes and freezes) occurring near the
balance sheet date which could affect estimated crop yields and crop prices.
There are uncertainties associated with assumptions used to estimate losses on insurance claims.
As a result, the ultimate liability may differ significantly from the recorded estimate. Indemnity
costs are paid from premium proceeds, including producer paid premium and premium subsidies.
If indemnity costs exceed funds available, additional funds will be requested and apportioned
to FCIC.
Insurance Liabilities
The following table shows the insurance liabilities as of September 30, 2021 and September 30,
Insurance Liabilities
2021 2020
Estimated Losses on Insurance Claims
Liability for Unpaid Insurance Claims $ 3,413 $ 737
Liability for Losses on Remaining Coverage
6,572 4,149
Total Estimated Losses on Insurance Claims $ 9,985 $ 4,886
Unearned Revenue 1,189 750
Underwriting Gain 3,044 2,058
Other Insurance Liabilities 8 9
Total Insurance Liabilities (1)
$ 14,226 $ 7,703
(1) In Fiscal Year 2020, there was reported $5 million for contingent liabilities.
Reported insurance liabilities increased significantly from fiscal year 2020 to fiscal year 2021.
This increase is attributed to:
Higher coverage amount as the result of higher crop prices
Increase participation in certain insurance products (Rainfall Index Plans and Livestock
Higher level of losses caused by widespread drought
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 151
Estimated Losses on Insurance Claims.
The following tables show information for changes in the estimated losses on insurance claims
for fiscal year 2021 and fiscal year 2020.
Changes in Estimated Losses on Insurance Claims 2021 2020
Beginning Balance $ 4,886 $ 4,915
Claims Expenses 8,477 9,886
Payments to Settle Claims (8,570) (9,974)
Adjustment of Accruals for Estimated Losses
5,192 59
Ending Balance
$ 9,985 $ 4,886
The chart above provides a look forward of the Liability for Estimated Losses on Insurance
Claims from the prior year to the current year. The Claims Expenses represents actual claims
reported. In fiscal year 2021 the actual claims reported were $1,400 million less than fiscal year
2020. This was a result of higher losses related to reinsurance year 2019 reported in fiscal year
2020. Payments to Settle Claims are the actual payments to producers. The amounts for fiscal
year 2020 do not include the $5 million for contingent liabilities.
The Adjustment of Accrual for Estimated Losses is the reversal of the prior year accrual
combined with the current year accrual for estimated losses. The indemnity projection is based on
two major factors: losses due to a shortfall in yield and changes in commodity prices impacting
revenue plans. The principal data source for yield projections is the NASS Crop Production
report. The NASS Crop Production report is considered to represent USDA’s official perspective
on the current state of agricultural production. It is based on a survey of growers along with
inspections of randomly selected sections of farms. Although the NASS Crop Production report is
scrutinized by multiple sources, it is still an estimate and is subject to some uncertainty.
The revenue plans of insurance base their indemnities on the futures prices for specific contracts
and exchanges. The best prediction of the final price for the futures contract is the most current
price of the relevant commodities exchange. At the time the indemnity projection is made, up-to-
date futures prices are taken from multiple exchanges. Again, this is subject to uncertainty due to
fluctuations in markets.
Liability for Unpaid Insurance Claims
Liability for unpaid insurance claims are claims for adverse events that occurred before the end
of the reporting period. Under SFFAS 51, for the claim to be considered incurred, a single event
or a series of events must be completed by the end of the reporting period to be considered an
adverse event of the period.
152 Section II | Financial Information
The liability for unpaid insurance claims is comprised of the following:
Funds in the Escrow accounts to cover payments to producers who have not cashed their
indemnity payments
Claims reported but not paid as of the end of the reporting period
Incurred but Not Reported (IBNR) is estimated claims from events that have occurred as of
the end of the reporting period but have not yet been reported for settlement.
FCIC uses a historical trend analysis based upon the data from the prior years to determine the
value of claims incurred for the current reinsurance year as of the financial statement reporting
date. When the Summary of Business (SOB) is higher than the estimate at year end, the SOB
amount is used.
Liability for Losses on Remaining Coverage
The liability for losses on remaining coverage as of the end of the reporting period represents the
estimated amounts to be paid to settle claims for the remaining open arrangement period exceeding
losses associated with the related unearned premiums as of the end of the reporting period.
The liability for losses on remaining coverage is the total projected losses minus actual losses
reported, IBNR, and losses associated with unearned premium.
Liability for Unearned Insurance Premiums
Premium revenue is comprised of producer paid premium. Producer paid premium is recognized
as earned proportionately over each crop’s growing season. The portion of producer paid
premium not recognized at the conclusion of the fiscal year is classified as insurance and
guarantee program liabilities in the balance sheet. Much of the increase in fiscal year 2021 was
due to:
Higher level of premium caused by higher crop prices
Higher participation in livestock products and rainfall index plans
2021 2020
Liability for Unearned Insurance Premiums
$ 1,189 $ 750
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 153
Underwriting Gain/Loss
Underwriting gain/loss is the AIPs portion of earnings or losses on the insurance book of business
due from or to FCIC. A periodic settlement, as stipulated in the SRA, is calculated where results
of business written by AIPs are determined and an experience-rated gain or loss on business
ceded from AIPs is computed. Payments due to AIPs for a net gain are paid in the second fiscal
year following the reinsurance year. Underwriting losses are paid to FCIC periodically.
Underwriting Gain 2021 2020
Current Year Estimated Gains $ 1,587 $ 1,525
Actual Underwriting Gains
1,457 533
Total Underwriting Gain Liability
$ 3,044 $ 2,058
At the end of fiscal year 2021, the underwriting gain liability includes amounts for reinsurance
years 2020 and 2021. The reinsurance year 2021 estimated underwriting gain of $1,587 million
was based on a loss ratio of 0.95. The actual reinsurance year 2020 Underwriting Gain is
$1,457 million and will be paid in fiscal year 2022. The actual loss ratio for reinsurance year
2020 is 0.85.
The underwriting gain liability for fiscal year 2020 includes amounts for reinsurance year 2019
and 2020. The reinsurance year 2020 estimated underwriting gain was $1,525 million and the
actual loss ratio was 0.81. The actual reinsurance year 2019 underwriting gain was $533 million,
paid in fiscal year 2021, and based on a loss ratio of 1.02
154 Section II | Financial Information
NOTE 30: COVID-19 Activity
The tables below summarize supplemental funding for COVID-19 and its financial statement impact.
FY 2021
Account Name
Symbol Purpose
Balances from
Prior Year
Current Year
Remaining to
be Obligated
Farm Service Agency / Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) - Assistance for Socially
Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers 12X0172 American Rescue Plan Act $ - $ 1,960 $ 1,960 $ - $ 1
CCC- Food for Peace Title II Grants (Foreign Agricultural Service)
American Rescue Plan Act - 800 648 152 209
FNS-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Families First Coronavirus Response Act - - - - 2
120/13505 CARES Act 60 - 55 5 51
Families First Coronavirus Response Act 1,082 3,700 2,928 1,854 2,519
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 60,866 47,560 13,306 46,965
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 5 - 5 -
American Rescue Plan Act - 1,150 241 909 43
American Rescue Plan Act - 25 - 25 -
American Rescue Plan Act - 1,000 966 34 176
FNS-Commodity Assistance Program (CAP)
120/13507 Families First Coronavirus Response Act 186 12 196 2 273
CARES Act 59 25 81 3 261
American Rescue Plan Act - 37 37 - 14
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 413 412 1 138
FNS-Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Families First Coronavirus Response Act 500 - 500 - 500
American Rescue Plan Act - 490 490 - 115
American Rescue Plan Act - 390 - 390 -
FNS-Child Nutrition Programs (CN)
120/13539 CARES Act 1,762 554 2,316 - 3,235
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 1,800 1,477 323 729
FSIS-Food Safety and Inspection Service
16 2 17 1 20
AMS- Marketing Services
120/12500 CARES Act 32 - 32 - 33
AMS - Marketing Services
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 522 7 515 2
AMS - Payments to States and Possessions
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 100 3 97 1
APHIS- Salaries and Expenses
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 102 - 102 -
APHIS- Salaries and Expenses
American Rescue Plan Act - 300 - 300 -
Forest Service-Capital Improvement and Maintenance
CARES Act 18 - 18 - 9
Forest Service-Forest and Rangeland Research
CARES Act 3 - 3 - 1
Forest Service-National Forest System
120/11106 CARES Act 18 - 17 1 17
Forest Service-Wildland Fire Management
CARES Act 2 - 2 - 2
Rural Development- Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program
CARES Act 24 - 24 - -
Rural Development-Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program
CARES Act 12 - 7 5 -
Rural Development-Rural Business Program Account
CARES Act 13 - 13 - 16
Rural Development- Rental Assistance Program
American Rescue Plan Act - 100 100 - 17
Rural Development- Rural Community Facilities Program Account
American Rescue Plan Act - 500 25 475 25
Rural Development Rural Housing Insurance Fund Program Account
121/32081 American Rescue Plan Act - 39 1 38 1
Rural Development Rural Cooperative Development Grants 12X1900
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 38 35 3 3
NIFA - Farming Opportunities Training and Outreach Program; Farm Stress Program;
Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 140 123 17 1
FAS- Salaries and Expenses
CARES Act 2 - 1 1 1
Office of the Secretary
Families First Coronavirus Response Act 93 32 29 96 1,127
Office of the Secretary
CARES Act 16,479 201 12,794 3,886 14,380
Office of the Secretary
CARES Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 - 11,225 7,927 3,298 7,587
Office of the Secretary
12X0115 American Rescue Plan Act
- 4,658 2 4,656 -
Office of Inspector General
121/20900 American Rescue Plan Act
- 3 2 1 2
$ 20,361 $ 91,189 $ 81,049 $ 30,501 $ 78,476
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 155
FY 2021
Account Name
Farm Service Agency /
Commodity Credit Corporation
(CCC) - Assistance for Socially
Disadvantaged Farmers and
CCC- Food for
Peace Title II
Grants (Foreign
Treasury Account Symbol 12X0172 121/22278 120/13505 120/13505 1203505 1213505 12X3505 121/33505
American Rescue Plan Act
American Rescue
Plan Act
Families First
Response Act CARES Act
Families First
Response Act
Act, 2021
Act, 2021
American Rescue
Plan Act
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3)
$ 1,959 $ 591 $ 1 $ 71 $ 1,855 $ 13,902 $ 5 $ 1,107
Total Intragovernmental Assets
1,959 591 1 71 1,855 13,902 5 1,107
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6)
- - - - - - - -
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8)
- 14 - - - - - -
Advances and Prepayments
- - - - - - - -
Total Assets
1,959 605 1 71 1,855 13,902 5 1,107
Accounts Payable (Note 14)
- - - - - - - -
Debt (Note 12)
- - - - - - - -
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue
- - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14)
- - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities
- - - - - - - -
Accounts Payable
- 50 - - - - - -
Benefits Due and Payable
- - 1 50 - 474 - 198
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16)
1,959 58 - 3 - 122 - -
Total Liabilities
1,959 108 1 53 - 596 - 198
Unexpended Appropriations
- 483 - 18 1,855 13,306 5 909
Cumulative Results of Operations
- 14 - - - - - -
Total Liabilities and Net Position
1,959 605 1 71 1,855 13,902 5 1,107
Gross Program Costs
1,960 303 - 42 (773) 47,560 - 241
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18)
1,960 303 - 42 (773) 47,560 - 241
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance
- - - 60 1,082 - - -
Appropriations Received
5,050 800 - - - 60,866 5 1,150
Appropriations Transferred in/out
- - - - - - - -
Other Adjustments
(3,090) - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used
(1,960) (317) - (42) 773 (47,560) - (241)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
- 483 - (42) 773 13,306 5 909
Total Unexpended Appropriations Ending Balance
- 483 - 18 1,855 13,306 5 909
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balance
- - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used
1,960 317 - 42 (773) 47,560 - 241
Net Cost of Operations
(1,960) (303) - (42) 773 (47,560) - (241)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations - 14 - - - - - -
Cumulative Results of Operations - Ending Balance
- 14 - - - - - -
Net Position End of Period
$ - $ 497 $ - $ 18 $ 1,855 $ 13,306 $ 5 $ 909
156 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2021 Continued
Account Name
FNS-Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants and
Children (WIC) FNS-WIC
Treasury Account Symbol
121/63505 121/73505 120/13507 120/13507 121/23507 1213507 120/13510 121/23510
American Rescue
Plan Act
American Rescue
Plan Act
Families First
Response Act CARES Act
American Rescue
Plan Act
Act, 2021
Families First Coronavirus
Response Act
American Rescue
Plan Act
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3)
$ 25 $ 824 $ 31 $ 27 $ 23 $ 275 $ - $ 375
Total Intragovernmental Assets
25 824 31 27 23 275 - 375
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) - - - - - - - -
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8) - - - - - - - -
Advances and Prepayments
- - - - - - - -
Total Assets
25 824 31 27 23 275 - 375
Accounts Payable (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Debt (Note 12) - - - - - - - -
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities - - - - - - - -
Accounts Payable - - 1 - 1 4 - -
Benefits Due and Payable - 790 - - 1 - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16)
- - 7 9 - 36 - 375
Total Liabilities
- 790 8 9 2 40 - 375
Unexpended Appropriations 25 34 23 18 21 235 - -
Cumulative Results of Operations
- - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities and Net Position
25 824 31 27 23 275 - 375
Gross Program Costs
- 966 225 202 16 178 500 490
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18)
- 966 225 202 16 178 500 490
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - 248 220 - - 500 -
Appropriations Received 25 1,000 - - 37 413 - 490
Appropriations Transferred in/out - - - - - - - -
Other Adjustments - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used
- (966) (225) (202) (16) (178) (500) (490)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
25 34 (225) (202) 21 235 (500) -
Total Unexpended Appropriations Ending Balance
25 34 23 18 21 235 - -
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used - 966 225 202 16 178 500 490
Net Cost of Operations
- (966) (225) (202) (16) (178) (500) (490)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations - - - - - - - -
Cumulative Results of Operations - Ending Balance
- - - - - - - -
Net Position End of Period
$ 25 $ 34 $ 23 $ 18 $ 21 $ 235 $ - $ -
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 157
FY 2021 Continued
Account Name
Programs (CN) FNS-CN
FSIS-Food Safety
and Inspection
AMS-Payments to
States and
APHIS- Salaries
and Expenses
Treasury Account Symbol
121/43510 120/13539 1213539 120/13700 120/12500 12X2500 12X2501 121/21600
American Rescue
Plan Act CARES Act
Act, 2021 CARES Act CARES Act
Act, 2021
Act, 2021
Act, 2021
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3)
$ 390 $ 55 $ 1,071 $ 1 $ - $ 520 $ 99 $ 102
Total Intragovernmental Assets
390 55 1,071 1 - 520 99 102
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) - - - - - - - -
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8) - - - - - - - -
Advances and Prepayments
- - - - - - - -
Total Assets
390 55 1,071 1 - 520 99 102
Accounts Payable (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Debt (Note 12) - - - - - - - -
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities - - - - - - - -
Accounts Payable - - - - - - - -
Benefits Due and Payable - 55 - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16)
- - 748 - - - - -
Total Liabilities
- 55 748 - - - - -
Unexpended Appropriations 390 - 323 1 - 520 99 102
Cumulative Results of Operations - - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities and Net Position
390 55 1,071 1 - 520 99 102
Gross Program Costs
- 1,761 1,477 19 32 2 1 -
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18)
- 1,761 1,477 19 32 2 1 -
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - 1,761 - 20 32 - - -
Appropriations Received 390 - 1,800 - - 522 100 635
Appropriations Transferred in/out - - - - - - - (533)
Other Adjustments - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used
- (1,761) (1,477) (19) (32) (2) (1) -
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
390 (1,761) 323 (19) (32) 520 99 102
Total Unexpended Appropriations Ending Balance
390 - 323 1 - 520 99 102
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used - 1,761 1,477 19 32 2 1 -
Net Cost of Operations
- (1,761) (1,477) (19) (32) (2) (1) -
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations - - - - - - - -
Cumulative Results of Operations - Ending Balance
- - - - - - - -
Net Position End of Period
$ 390 $ - $ 323 $ 1 $ - $ 520 $ 99 $ 102
158 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2021 Continued
Account Name
APHIS- Salaries
and Expenses
Forest Service-
Improvement and
Forest Service-
Forest and
Forest Service-
National Forest
Forest Service-
Wildland Fire
Rural Development-
Distance Learning,
Telemedicine, and
Broadband Program
Rural Development-
Distance Learning,
Telemedicine, and
Broadband Program
Rural Business
Program Account
Treasury Account Symbol
12X1600 120/11103 120/11104 120/11106 120/11115 12X1232 120/11232 120/11902
American Rescue
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3)
$ 300 $ 16 $ 2 $ 10 $ 2 $ 24 $ 97 $ 3
Total Intragovernmental Assets
300 16 2 10 2 24 97 3
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) - - - - - - - -
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8) - - - - - - - -
Advances and Prepayments
- - - - - - - -
Total Assets
300 16 2 10 2 24 97 3
Accounts Payable (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Debt (Note 12) - - - - - - - -
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities - - - - - - - -
Accounts Payable - - - - - - - -
Benefits Due and Payable - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16)
- - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities
- - - - - - - -
Unexpended Appropriations 300 16 2 10 2 24 97 3
Cumulative Results of Operations
- - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities and Net Position
300 16 2 10 2 24 97 3
Gross Program Costs
- 7 1 17 2 - - 16
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18)
- 7 1 17 2 - - 16
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - 23 3 27 4 24 97 19
Appropriations Received 300 - - - - - - -
Appropriations Transferred in/out - - - - - - - -
Other Adjustments - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used
- (7) (1) (17) (2) - - (16)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
300 (7) (1) (17) (2) - - (16)
Total Unexpended Appropriations Ending Balance
300 16 2 10 2 24 97 3
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used - 7 1 17 2 - - 16
Net Cost of Operations
- (7) (1) (17) (2) - - (16)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations - - - - - - - -
Cumulative Results of Operations - Ending Balance
- - - - - - - -
Net Position End of Period
$ 300 $ 16 $ 2 $ 10 $ 2 $ 24 $ 97 $ 3
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 159
FY 2021 Continued
Account Name
Rental Assistance
Rural Community
Faculties Program
Rural Development
Rural Housing
Insurance Fund
Program Account
Rural Development
Rural Cooperative
Opportunities Training
and Outreach Program;
Farm Stress Program; Gus
Schumacher Nutrition
Incentive Program
and Expenses
Office of the
Office of the
Treasury Account Symbol
121/20137 121/31951 121/32081 12X1900 12X0502 120/12900 1200115 12X0115
American Rescue
Plan Act
American Rescue
Plan Act
American Rescue
Plan Act
Act, 2021
Appropriations Act, 2021 CARES Act
Families First
Response Act CARES Act
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3) $ 83 $ 475 $ 38 $ 35 $ 140 $ 2 $ 409 $ 3,931
Total Intragovernmental Assets
83 475 38 35 140 2 409 3,931
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) - - - - - - - 29
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8) - - - - - - - -
Advances and Prepayments - - - - - - - 15
Total Assets
83 475 38 35 140 2 409 3,975
Accounts Payable (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Debt (Note 12) - - - - - - - -
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14) - - - - - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities
- - - - - - - -
Accounts Payable - - - - - - (1) 28
Benefits Due and Payable - - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16) - - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities
- - - - - - (1) 28
Unexpended Appropriations 83 475 38 35 140 2 410 2,383
Cumulative Results of Operations - - - - - - - 1,564
Total Liabilities and Net Position
83 475 38 35 140 2 409 3,975
Gross Program Costs
17 25 1 3 - 1 1,009 12,809
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18)
17 25 1 3 - 1 1,009 12,809
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - 3 1,419 4,217
Appropriations Received 100 500 39 38 141 - - -
Appropriations Transferred in/out - - - - - - - (999)
Other Adjustments - - - - - - - -
Appropriations Used (17) (25) (1) (3) (1) (1) (1,009) (835)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
83 475 38 35 140 (1) (1,009) (1,834)
Total Unexpended Appropriations Ending Balance
83 475 38 35 140 2 410 2,383
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balance - - - - - - - 13,538
Appropriations Used 17 25 1 3 - 1 1,009 835
Net Cost of Operations (17) (25) (1) (3) - (1) (1,009) (12,809)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations
- - - - - - - (11,974)
Cumulative Results of Operations - Ending Balance
- - - - - - - 1,564
Net Position End of Period $ 83 $ 475 $ 38 $ 35 $ 140 $ 2 $ 410 $ 3,947
160 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2021 Continued
Account Name
Office of the
Office of the
Office of Inspector
Treasury Account Symbol
12X0115 12X0115 121/20900
CARES Act and
Act, 2021
American Rescue
Plan Act
American Rescue
Plan Act Total
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3)
$ 3,638 $ 4,657 $ - $ 37,171
Total Intragovernmental Assets
3,638 4,657 - 37,171
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6) - - - 29
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8) - - - 14
Advances and Prepayments
- - - 15
Total Assets
3,638 4,657 - 37,229
Accounts Payable (Note 14) - - - -
Debt (Note 12) - - - -
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue - - - -
Other Liabilities (Note 14) - - - -
Total Intragovernmental Liabilities
- - - -
Accounts Payable 5 - - 88
Benefits Due and Payable - - - 1,569
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16)
281 - - 3,598
Total Liabilities
286 - - 5,255
Unexpended Appropriations 3,352 4,657 - 30,396
Cumulative Results of Operations
- - - 1,578
Total Liabilities and Net Position
3,638 4,657 - 37,229
Gross Program Costs
7,873 - 2 76,985
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18)
7,873 - 2 76,985
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balance - - - 9,759
Appropriations Received 11,225 4,657 2 90,285
Appropriations Transferred in/out - - - (1,532)
Other Adjustments - - - (3,090)
Appropriations Used
(7,873) - (2) (65,026)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
3,352 4,657 - 20,637
Total Unexpended Appropriations Ending Balance
3,352 4,657 - 30,396
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balance - - - 13,538
Appropriations Used 7,873 - 2 65,025
Net Cost of Operations
(7,873) - (2) (76,985)
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations - - - (11,960)
Cumulative Results of Operations - Ending Balance
- - - 1,578
Net Position End of Period
$ 3,352 $ 4,657 $ - $ 31,974
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 161
FY 2020
Account Name
Account Symbol Purpose
Remaining to
be Obligated Total Outlays
FSA- Processing, Research and Marketing, Office of the Secretary 12X0115 CARES Act $ 30,000 $ 13,521 $ 16,479 $ 10,689
FSA-Salaries and Expenses 120/10600 CARES Act 3 3 - 3
FNS-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 120/13505 Families First Coronavirus Response Act 100 100 - 96
FNS-SNAP 120/13505 CARES Act 15,810 15,750 60 15,688
FNS-SNAP 1203505 Families First Coronavirus Response Act 12,800 11,718 1,082 8,425
FNS-Commodity Assistance Program (CAP) 120/13507 Families First Coronavirus Response Act 400 214 186 96
FNS-CAP 120/13507 CARES Act 450 391 59 161
FNS-Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) 120/13510 Families First Coronavirus Response Act 500 - 500 -
FNS-Child Nutrition Programs (CN) 120/13539 CARES Act 8,800 7,039 1,761 5,511
FSIS-Food Safety and Inspection Service 120/13700 CARES Act 33 17 16 12
AMS- Processing, Research and Marketing, Office of the Secretary 1200115 Families First Coronavirus Response Act 4,000 3,907 93 2,464
AMS- Marketing Services 120/12500 CARES Act 45 13 32 12
APHIS- Salaries and Expenses 120/11600 CARES Act 55 55 - 55
Forest Service-Capital Improvement and Maintenance 120/11103 CARES Act 27 8 19 2
Forest Service-Forest and Rangeland Research 120/11104 CARES Act 3 - 3 -
Forest Service-National Forest System 120/11106 CARES Act 34 16 18 7
Forest Service-Wildland Fire Management 120/11115 CARES Act 7 5 2 4
Rural Development- Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program 12X1232 CARES Act 25 1 24 1
Rural Development-Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program 120/11232 CARES Act 100 88 12 3
Rural Development-Rural Business Program Account 120/11902 CARES Act 21 7 14 2
FAS- Salaries and Expenses 120/12900 CARES Act 4 2 2 2
OIG-Office of Inspector General 120/10900 CARES Act
1 1 - 1
$ 73,218 $ 52,856 $ 20,362 $ 43,234
162 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2020
FSA- Processing,
Research and
Marketing, Office
of the Secretary
FSA- Salaries and
Program (CAP) FNS-CAP
Nutrition Program
for Women, Infants
and Children (WIC)
TREASURY ACCOUNT SYMBOL 12X0115 120/10600 120/13505 120/13505 1203505 120/13507 120/13507 120/13510
Families First
Response Act CARES Act
Families First
Response Act
Families First
Response Act CARES Act
Families First
Response Act
Fund Balance with Treasury
$ 19,312 $ - $ 4 $ 122 $ 4,375 $ 304 $ 289 $ 500
Total Intragovernmental Assets
19,312 - 4 122 4,375 304 289 500
Accounts Receivable, Net
3 - - - - - - -
Total Assets
19,315 - 4 122 4,375 304 289 500
Accounts Payable 1,560 - - - - 2 4 -
Benefits Due and Payable - - 4 62 3,293 - - -
Other Liabilities
- - - - - 54 65 -
Total liabilities
1,560 - 4 62 3,293 56 69 -
Unexpended Appropriations 4,217 - - 60 1,082 248 220 500
Cumulative Results of Operations
13,538 - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities and Net Position
19,315 - 4 122 4,375 304 289 500
Gross Program Costs
12,245 3 100 15,750 11,718 152 230 -
Net Cost of Operations
12,245 3 100 15,750 11,718 152 230 -
Net Position Beginning of Period - - - - - - - -
Other Financing Sources 30,000 3 100 15,810 12,800 400 450 500
Net Cost of Operations
(12,245) (3) (100) (15,750) (11,718) (152) (230) -
Change in Net Position
17,755 - - 60 1,082 248 220 500
Net Position End of Period
$ 17,755 $ - $ - $ 60 $ 1,082 $ 248 $ 220 $ 500
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 163
FY 2020 continued
FNS-Child Nutrition
Programs (CN)
FSIS-Food Safety
and Inspection
Research and
Marketing, Office
of the Secretary
APHIS- Salaries and
Forest Service-
Improvement and
Forest Service-
Forest and
Forest Service-
National Forest
TREASURY ACCOUNT SYMBOL 120/13539 120/13700 1200115 120/12500 120/11600 120/11103 120/11104 120/11106
Families First
Fund Balance with Treasury
$ 3,289 $ 21 $ 1,536 $ 33 $ - $ 24 $ 3 $ 27
Total Intragovernmental Assets
3,289 21 1,536 33 - 24 3 27
Accounts Receivable, Net
- - - - - - - -
Total Assets
3,289 21 1,536 33 - 24 3 27
Accounts Payable - - 117 - - 2 - -
Benefits Due and Payable 1,528 - - - - - - -
Other Liabilities
- 1 - - - - - -
Total liabilities
1,528 1 117 - - 2 - -
Unexpended Appropriations 1,761 20 1,419 33 - 22 3 27
Cumulative Results of Operations
- - - - - - - -
Total Liabilities and Net Position
3,289 21 1,536 33 - 24 3 27
Gross Program Costs
7,039 13 2,581 12 55 5 - 7
Net Cost of Operations
7,039 13 2,581 12 55 5 - 7
Net Position Beginning of Period - - - - - - - -
Other Financing Sources 8,800 33 4,000 45 55 27 3 34
Net Cost of Operations
(7,039) (13) (2,581) (12) (55) (5) - (7)
Change in Net Position
1,761 20 1,419 33 - 22 3 27
Net Position End of Period
$ 1,761 $ 20 $ 1,419 $ 33 $ - $ 22 $ 3 $ 27
164 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2020 continued
Forest Service-
Wildland Fire
Rural Development-
Distance Learning,
Telemedicine, and
Broadband Program
Rural Development-
Distance Learning,
Telemedicine, and
Broadband Program
Rural Development-
Rural Business
Program Account
FAS-Salaries and
OIG-Office of
Inspector General Total
TREASURY ACCOUNT SYMBOL 120/11115 12X1232 120/11232 120/11902 120/12900 120/10900
Fund Balance with Treasury
$ 3 $ 24 $ 97 $ 19 $ 2 $ - $ 29,984
Total Intragovernmental Assets
3 24 97 19 2 - 29,984
Accounts Receivable, Net
- - - - - - 3
Total Assets
3 24 97 19 2 - 29,987
Accounts Payable - - - - - - 1,685
Benefits Due and Payable - - - - - - 4,887
Other Liabilities
- - - - - - 120
Total liabilities
- - - - - - 6,692
Unexpended Appropriations 3 24 97 19 2 - 9,757
Cumulative Results of Operations
- - - - - - 13,538
Total Liabilities and Net Position
3 24 97 19 2 - 29,987
Gross Program Costs
4 1 3 2 2 1 49,923
Net Cost of Operations
4 1 3 2 2 1 49,923
Net Position Beginning of Period - - - - - - -
Other Financing Sources 7 25 100 21 4 1 73,218
Net Cost of Operations
(4) (1) (3) (2) (2) (1) (49,923)
Change in Net Position
3 24 97 19 2 - 23,295
Net Position End of Period
$ 3 $ 24 $ 97 $ 19 $ 2 $ - $ 23,295
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 165
RMA took numerous actions to provide relief in the face of the pandemic to ensure crop
insurance continued to provide a farm safety net under such unprecedented times. RMA did not
receive direct budgetary resources to respond to COVID 19 and most of the actions provided
reporting flexibilities to AIP’s and producers.
In FY 2021, RMA was assigned to administer the Pandemic Cover Crop Program (PCCP) as
part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative, a bundle of programs to bring
financial assistance to farmers, ranchers and producers who felt the impact of COVID-19
market disruptions.
In FY 2020, the most significant action involving financial resources was to allow additional
time for policyholders to make payment of premium and administrative fee. The amount of this
deferral was $2,500 million.
NOTE 31: Subsequent Events
Management is not aware of any events or transactions that have occurred subsequent to the
balance sheet date, but prior to the issuance of the financial statements, that have a material effect
on the financial statements and therefore require adjustment or disclosure in the statements.
NOTE 32: Reclassification of Balance Sheet, Statement of Net
Cost, and Statement of Changes in Net Position For FR
Compilation Process
To prepare the Financial Report of the U.S. Government (FR), the Department of the Treasury
requires agencies to submit an adjusted trial balance, which is a listing of amounts by U.S.
Standard General Ledger account that appear in the financial statements. Treasury uses the trial
balance information reported in the Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial
Balance System (GTAS) to develop a Reclassified Balance Sheet, Reclassified Statement of Net
Cost, and a Reclassified Statement of Changes in Net Position for each agency, which are
accessed using GTAS.
Treasury eliminates all intragovernmental balances from the reclassified statements and
aggregates lines with the same title to develop the FR statements. This note shows the USDA’s
financial statements and the USDA’s reclassified statements prior to elimination of
intragovernmental balances and prior to aggregation of repeated FR line items.
A copy of the 2020 FR can be found here:
and a copy of the 2021 FR will be posted to this site as soon as it is released.
The term “intragovernmental” is used in this note to refer to amounts that results from other
components of the Federal Government.
166 Section II | Financial Information
The term “non-Federal” is used in this note to refer to Federal Government amounts that result
from transactions with non-Federal entities. These include transactions with individuals,
businesses, non-profit entities, and State, local, and foreign governments.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 167
Reclassification of Balance Sheet to Line Items Used for the Government-wide Balance Sheet as of September 30, 2021
FY2021 USDA Balance Sheet Line Items Used to Prepare FY 2021 Government-wide Balance Sheet
Financial Statement Line Amounts
All Other
Amounts Eliminations Total Reclassified Financial Statement Line
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3)
237,610 3,591 234,019 - 237,610
Fund Balance with Treasury (Note 3) (RC 40)
Investments (Note 5)
256 256 - - 256
Investments[, net] (Note 5)
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6)
320 250 10,836 10,766 320
Accounts receivable[, net] (Note 6)
Advances and Prepayments
42 - 85 43 42
Advances and prepayments (RC 23)
Total Intragovernmental
238,228 4,097 244,940 10,809 238,228
Total Intra-governmental
With the public:
Cash and Other Monetary Assets (Note 4)
298 - 298 - 298
Cash and other monetary assets (Note 4)
Accounts Receivable, Net (Note 6)
5,353 87 5,266 - 5,353
Accounts receivable[, net] (Notes 6 and 7)
Loans Receivable, Net (Note 7)
113,450 - 113,450 - 113,450
Loans receivable, net (Note 8)
Inventory and Related Property, Net (Note 8)
23 - 23 - 23
Inventory and related property, net (Note 9)
General Property, Plan, and Equipment, Net (Note 9)
2,588 113 2,475 - 2,588
General property[, plant,] and equipment, net (Note 10)
Advances and Prepayments
587 11 576 - 587
Advances and prepayments
Investments (Note 5)
3 3 - - 3
Investments [,net] (Note 5)
Total With the Public
122,302 214 122,088 - 122,302
Total other than intra-governmental/with the public
Total Assets
360,530 4,311 367,028 10,809 360,530
Total assets
Stewardship PP&E (Note 10) Stewardship PP&E (Note 11)
17 11,077 10,766 328
Accounts payable (Note 17)
Accounts Payable (Note 14)
80 -11 -237 - (248)
Reconciling Item- Accounts payable - Benefit program contributions payable (Note 15) (RC 21)
Debt (Note 12)
132,821 - 132,821 - 132,821
Debt (Note 14)
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue
14 - 57 43 14
Advances from others and deferred revenue (RC 23)
1 11,622 - 11,623
Other Liabilities (Notes 15 and 17)
Other Liabilities (Note 14)
11,871 11 237 - 248 Reconciling Item - Accounts payable - Benefit program contributions payable (Note 15)
(RC 21)
Total Intragovernmental
144,786 18 155,577 10,809 144,786
Total Intra-governmental
With the public:
Accounts Payable
2,353 15 2,338 - 2,353
Accounts payable
Federal Employee Benefits Payable
1,376 52 1,324 - 1,376
Federal employee [and veteran] benefits payable (Note 15)
Environmental and Disposal Liabilities (Note 13)
258 - 258 - 258
Environmental and disposal liabilities (Note 16)
Benefits Due and Payable
8,580 - 8,580 - 8,580
Benefits due and payable
Loan Guarantee Liabilities (Note 7)
(601) - -601 - (601)
Loan guarantee liabilities (Note 8)
Insurance and Guarantee Program Liabilities
14,226 - 14,226 - 14,226
Insurance and guarantee program liabilities
Advances from Others and Deferred Revenue
122 80 42 - 122
Advances from others and deferred revenue
Other Liabilities (Note 14, 15 & 16)
12,977 204 12,773 - 12,977
Other liabilities (Notes 17, 18, and 19)
Total With the Public
39,291 351 38,940 - 39,291
Total other than intra-governmental/with the public
Total Liabilities
184,077 369 194,517 10,809 184,077
Total liabilities
Commitments and Contingencies (Note 16) Commitments and Contingencies (Note 19)
Net Position:
Unexpended Appropriations - Funds from Dedicated Collections (Note 17)
468 468 - - 468
Unexpended appropriations - Funds from Dedicated Collections (Note 20)
Unexpended Appropriations - Funds from Other Than Dedicated Collections
127,658 - 127,658 - 127,658
Unexpended appropriations - Funds from other than Dedicated Collections
Total Unexpended Appropriations (Combined)
128,126 468 127,658 - 128,126
Total Unexpended Appropriation (Combined or Consolidated)
3,473 - 1,297 2,176
Cumulative results of operations - Funds from Dedicated Collections
Cumulative Results of Operations - Funds from Dedicated Collections (Note 17)
3,473 - - -1,297 1,297
Reconciling Item - GTAS presents this line as a consolidated total
- 44,854 -1,297 46,151
Cumulative results of operations - Funds other than those from Dedicated Collections
Cumulative Results of Operations - Funds from Other Than Dedicated Collections
44,854 - - 1,297 (1,297)
Reconciling Item - GTAS presents this line as a consolidated total
Total Cumulative Results of Operations (Combined)
48,327 3,473 44,854 - 48,327
Total Cumulative Results of Operations (Combined or Consolidated)
Total Net Position
176,453 3,941 172,512 - 176,453
Total net position
Total Liabilities and Net Position
360,530 4,310 367,029 10,809 360,530
Total liabilities and net position
168 Section II | Financial Information
Reclassification of Statement of Net Cost to Line Items Used for the Government-wide Statement of Net Cost for the Year Ending September 30, 2021
FY 2021 USDA SNC Line Items Used to Prepare FY 2021 Government-wide SNC
Financial Statement Line Amounts
All Other
Amounts Eliminations Total Reclassified Financial Statement Line
Gross Costs Gross Cost
2,167 233,176 - 235,343 Non-federal gross cost
Federal gross cost
86 1,983 - 2,069 Benefit program costs (RC 26)/2
63 3,405 2,501 967 Imputed costs (RC25)/2
180 3,990 2,607 1,563 Buy/Sell Cost (RC24)/2
- 12 - 12 Purchase of assets (RC 24)/2
- 3,685 - 3,685 Borrowing and other interest expense (RC05)/2
24 521 - 545 Other expenses (without reciprocals) (RC 29)
- -12 - (12) Reconciling Item - Purchase of assets
353 13,584 5,108 8,829 Total federal gross cost
Total Gross Costs 244,172 2,520 246,760 5,108 244,172 Department total gross cost
Earned Revenue Earned revenue
1,027 7,771 - 8,798 Non-federal earned revenue
- -4 - (4) Reconciling Item - Custodial revenue - Non-federal earned revenue
1,027 7,767 - 8,794 Adjusted Non-federal earned revenue
Federal earned revenue
17 3,156 2,607 566 Buy/sell revenue (exchange) (RC24)/2
- 12 - 12 Purchase of assets offset (RC 24) / 2
5 - - 5 Federal securities interest revenue including associated gains and losses (exchange) (RC 03)/2
- 561 - 561 Borrowing and other interest revenue (exchange) (RC 05)/2
101 - - 101 Collections Transferred in to a TAS Other Than the General Fund of the U.S. Government - Exchange
(RC 13)
- -12 - (12) Reconciling Item - Purchase of assets
- (1) - (1) Reconciling Item - Custodial revenue - Buy/sell revenue (exchange( (RC24)/2
123 3,716 2,607 1,232 Total federal earned revenue
Less: Total Earned Revenue 10,026 1,150 11,483 2,607 10,026 Department total earned revenue
Net Cost of Operations (Note 18) 234,146 1,370 235,277 2,501 234,146 Net cost of operations
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 169
Reclassification of Statement of Changes in Net Position to Line Items Used for Government-wide Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Position for the Year Ending September 30, 2021
FY 2021 USDA SCNP Line Items Used to Prepare FY 2021 Government-wide SCNP
Financial Statement Line Amounts
All Other
Amounts Eliminations Total Reclassified Financial Statement Lines
Unexpended Appropriations:
Beginning Balances 82,942 191 82,751 - 82,942 Net position, beginning of period
Appropriations Received 285,692 12 285,680 - 285,692 Appropriations Received as Adjusted (Rescissions and Other Adjustments) (RC 41)/1
285 8,098 8,098 285 Non-expenditure transfers-in of unexpended appropriations and financing sources (RC 08) /1
Appropriations transferred in/out (252) - 8,635 8,098 537 Non-expenditure transfers-out of unexpended appropriations and financing sources (RC 08) /1
Other Adjustments (15,268) - (15,268) - (15,268) Appropriations Received as Adjusted (Rescissions and Other Adjustments) (RC 41)/1
Appropriations Used (224,988) 20 224,968 - 224,988 Appropriations Used (RC 39)
Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations 45,184 277 44,907 - 45,184 Net Change in Unexpended Appropriations
Total Unexpended Appropriations: Ending Balance 128,126 468 127,658 - 128,126 Total Unexpended Appropriations
Cumulative Results of Operations:
Beginning Balances 34,098 3,284 30,815 - 34,099 Net position, beginning of period
- 212 - 212 Revenue and Other Financing Sources - Cancellations (RC 36)
- 26 - 26 Collections for Others Transferred to the General Fund of the U.S. Government (RC 44 )
Other Adjustments (233) - -5 - (5) Reconciling - Custodial Activity - Collections for others transferred to the General Fund of the
U.S. Government (RC 44)
Appropriations Used 224,988 20 224,968 - 224,988 Appropriations expended (RC 38)/1
1 16 - 17 Other Taxes and Receipts
Non-exchange Revenue 25,918 228 25,672 - 25,900 Collections transferred into a TAS Other Than the General Fund of the U.S. Government -
Nonexchange (RC 15)
Donations and Forfeitures of Cash and Cash Equivalents 1 1 - - 1 Other Taxes and Receipts
22,915 76 22,773 218 Appropriation of unavailable special or trust fund receipts transfers-in (RC 07)/1
76 22,697 22,773 0 Appropriation of unavailable special or trust fund receipts transfers-out (RC 07) /1
13 60,366 60,365 14 Non-expenditure Transfers-In of Unexpended Appropriations and Financing Sources (RC 08)/1
21,496 39,130 60,365 261 Non-expenditure Transfers-Out of Unexpended Appropriations and Financing Sources (RC 08)/1
2 74 75 1 Expenditure transfers-in of financing sources (RC 09) /1
- 75 75 - Expenditure transfers-out of financing sources (RC 09) /1
- 885 885 - Non-expenditure transfer-in of financing sources - capital transfers (RC 11)
13 872 885 - Non-expenditure transfers-out of financing sources - capital transfers (RC 11)
- 3,687 3,688 (1) Transfers-In Without Reimbursement (RC 18)/1
Transfers in/out without Reimbursement (28) - 3,687 3,688 (1) Transfers-Out Without Reimbursement (RC 18)/1
Imputed financing 966 63 3,404 2,501 966 Imputed Financing Sources (RC 25)/1
(99) 193 - 94 Other Taxes and Receipts
- (121) - (121) Reconciling Item - Custodial Activity - Other taxes and receipts
- 4,215 - 4,215 Non-entity collections transferred to the General Fund of the U.S. Government (RC 44)
- (123) - (123) Reconciling Item - Custodial Revenue - Non-entity collections transferred to the General Fund of
the U.S. Government (RC 44)
- -2 - (2) Accrual of Collections Yet to be Transferred to a TAS Other Than the General Fund of the U.S.
Government - Nonexchange (RC 16)
- 2 - 2 Reconciling Item - Custodial Activity - Accrual of Collections Yet to be Transferred to a TAS Other
Than the General Fund of the U.S. Government - Nonexchange (RC 16)
Other (3,237) - -882 - (882) Accrual for non-entity amounts to be collected and transferred to the General Fund of the U.S.
Government (RC 48)
Net Cost of Operations (234,146) 1,370 235,277 2,501 234,146 Net Cost of Operations
Net Change and Cumulative Results of Operations 14,229 189 14,039 - 14,228 Net Change
Cumulative Results of Operations: Ending 48,327 3,473 44,854 - 48,327 Cumulative Results of Operations
Net Position 176,453 3,941 172,512 - 176,453 Net Position
170 Section II | Financial Information
Required Supplementary Information
Deferred Maintenance And Repairs (Unaudited)
The Forest Service is steward to nearly 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands
within the NFS. On these NFS lands, the agency manages major assets that are categorized as
general PP&E, including nearly 40,000 administrative, recreation, and research buildings and
approximately 30,000 recreational sites, such as campgrounds, picnic areas, trailheads, and
interpretive sites.
Across the NFS, the agency also manages over 370,000 miles of roads, of which 65,000 miles
are for passenger vehicles; over 159,000 miles of trails for motorized and non-motorized use;
nearly 13,400 road and trail bridges; and over 1,700 Forest Service owned and Special Use
Permitted dam structures.
ARS owns/manages approximately 15 million gross square feet of facility space in
3,031 buildings on 403,798 acres of land. APHIS operates approximately 28 facilities, which
includes 378 buildings, in the United States and 14 facilities/buildings internationally.
The NRCS portfolio of owned assets encompasses 28 sites, including 12 parcels of owned land,
223 buildings, and about 222 other structures.
Deferred Maintenance & Repairs (DM&R) estimates include capitalized PP&E, non-capitalized
heritage assets, and non-capitalized or fully depreciated PP&E.
No DM&R is reported for stewardship land because land is considered to be in acceptable
condition unless an environmental contamination or liability is identified and the land cannot be
used for its intended purpose. Stewardship land easements are excluded from DM&R since
ownership is retained by the landowner.
Defining and Implementing Maintenance and Repairs Policies in Practice
Policies for ranking and prioritizing DM&R activities for most assets, except roads, trails, and
bridges, are based on condition surveys performed on a 5-year revolving schedule. The agency’s
DM&R for NFS passenger car roads is determined every year from random sample surveys
providing a moderate level of confidence in the accuracy of the data reported. DM&R is not
reported for roads that are not part of the passenger-car system. Bridge class assessments occur
on a 2-year or 4-year revolving schedule. To-date, surveys of all administrative buildings, dams,
bridges, roads open to passenger cars, and recreation sites have been accomplished.
ARS, APHIS, and NRCS use similar condition surveys to estimate DM&R on all major classes
of its PP&E and heritage assets.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 171
Ranking and Prioritizing Maintenance and Repairs Activities
Maintenance and repair activities are prioritized based on condition surveys and ranked based on
PP&E and heritage assets that pose serious threats to public health or safety, a natural resource,
or the ability of the agency to implement its mission.
Factors Considered in Setting Acceptable Condition
The standards for acceptable operating condition for various classes of PP&E and heritage assets
are as follows:
Conditions of roads and bridges within the NFS road system are measured by various standards:
Federal Highway Administration regulations for the Federal Highway Safety Act.
Best management practices for the nonpoint source provisions of the Clean Water Act from
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and States.
Road management objectives developed through the National Forest Management Act forest
planning process.
Forest Service directives—Forest Service Manual (FSM) 7730, Operation and Maintenance;
Forest Service Handbook (FSH) 7709.56a, Road Preconstruction, and FSH 7709.56b,
Transportation Structures Handbook.
Dams in the NFS are managed according to FSM 7500, Water Storage and Transmission, and
FSH 7509.11, Dams Management Handbook. The condition of a dam is acceptable when the
dam meets current design standards and does not have any deficiencies that threaten the safety of
the structure or public. For dams to be rated in acceptable condition, the agency needs to restore
the dams to the original functional purpose, correct unsightly conditions, or prevent more costly
Buildings in the NFS shall comply with the International Family of Building and Related Codes,
the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code, the Forest Service Health and Safety
Handbook, and the Occupational Safety Health Administration as determined by condition
surveys and safety inspections. These requirements are found in FSM 7310, Buildings and
Related Facilities.
Recreation facilities in the NFS are located within recreation sites that range from highly
developed sites to general forest areas such as campgrounds, trailheads, trails, water and
wastewater systems, interpretive facilities, and visitor centers. Recreation sites are managed in
accordance with Federal laws and regulations (Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 36).
Detailed management guidelines are contained in FSM 2330, Publicly Managed Recreation
Opportunities, and forest- and regional-level user guides. Quality standards for developed
172 Section II | Financial Information
recreation sites in the NFS were established as Meaningful Measures for health and cleanliness,
settings, safety and security, responsiveness, and the condition of the facility.
Trails and trail bridges in the NFS are managed according to Federal law and regulations
(CFR 36). More specific direction is contained in FSM 2350, Trail, River, and Similar
Recreation Opportunities, and the FSH 2309.18, Trails Management Handbook.
ARS, APHIS, and NRCS define acceptable condition in accordance with standards comparable
to those used in private industry for buildings and other structures.
Deferred Maintenance and Repair Costs
Asset Category
FY 2021 Ending
FY 2021 Beginning
FY 2020 Ending
FY 2020 Beginning
General PP&E $ 6,782 $ 6,343 $ 6,343 $ 5,663
Heritage Assets
252 223 223 210
$ 7,034 $ 6,566 $ 6,566 $ 5,873
DM&R costs increased in FY 2021 across all categories within General PP&E except for roads.
Roads DM&R is based on a small random sample that provides an estimate that can range within
a statistical band. The difference reduction is within those bands.
DM&R costs increased in FY 2020 mainly due to the estimate for passenger car roads within the
NFS. The remaining increase is spread across all categories within General PP&E including
bridges, buildings, dams, minor constructed features, trails, trail bridges, wastewater systems,
and water systems.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 173
Combining Statement of Budgetary Resources (Unaudited)
FY 2021
Budgetary Budgetary
Accounts Budgetary
Accounts Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary
Budgetary Resources:
Unobligated Balance from Prior Year Budget Authority,
Net (Discretionary and Mandatory) $ 24 $ 21,176 $ 330 $ 792 $ 117 $ 605 $ 6,621 $ 55,563 $ 132 $ 915 $ 649
Appropriations (Discretionary and Mandatory) 292 10,848 6 2,686 - 7,838 4,358 211,887 1,208 6,183 2,417
Borrowing Authority (Discretionary and Mandatory) - - 3,515 13,207 537 - - - - - -
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections
(Discretionary and Mandatory)
10 305 2,931 77 117 4,286 68 70 246 191 257
Total Budgetary Resources
326 32,329 6,782 16,762 771 12,729 11,047 267,520 1,586 7,289 3,323
Status of Budgetary Resources:
New Obligations and Upward Adjustments (Total) 309 25,398 4,110 15,913 581 12,120 4,850 188,200 1,365 3,965 1,721
Unobligated Balance, End of Year:
Apportioned, Unexpired Accounts 9 5,616 2,396 447 19 599 3,534 44,938 206 2,829 1,476
Exempt from Apportionment, Unexpired Accounts - - - - - - - - - 85 -
Unapportioned, Unexpired Accounts
- 1,251 276 401 171 5 8 3,816 - 293 105
Unexpired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
9 6,867 2,672 848 190 604 3,542 48,754 206 3,207 1,581
Expired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
8 64 - 1 - 5 2,655 30,566 15 117 21
Unobligated Balance, End of Year (Total)
17 6,931 2,672 849 190 609 6,197 79,320 221 3,324 1,602
Total Budgetary Resources
326 32,329 6,782 16,762 771 12,729 11,047 267,520 1,586 7,289 3,323
Outlays, Net, and Disbursements, Net:
Outlays, Net (Total) (Discretionary and Mandatory) 307 24,095 12,464 6,800 4,325 166,562 1,088 5,024 1,429
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (-)
- (418)
- (1) (4) (18) (199) (9)
Agency Outlays, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory)
$ 307 $ 23,677
$ 12,401
$ 6,800 $ 4,324 $ 166,558 $ 1,070 $ 4,825 $ 1,420
Disbursements, Net (Total) (Mandatory)
$ 1,079
$ 93
174 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2021
Budgetary Budgetary
Accounts Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary
Budgetary Resources:
Unobligated Balance from Prior Year Budget Authority,
Net (Discretionary and Mandatory) $ 4,592 $ 3,863 $ 4,278 $ 256 $ 25 $ 737 $ 11 $ 453 $ 613 $ 97,027 $ 4,725
Appropriations (Discretionary and Mandatory) 8,517 6,922 - 1,566 184 1,944 87 451 6,224 273,612 6
Borrowing Authority (Discretionary and Mandatory) - - 10,852 - - - - - - 13,207 14,904
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections
(Discretionary and Mandatory)
594 691 9,317 160 26 39 2 70 1,444 8,536 12,365
Total Budgetary Resources
13,703 11,476 24,447 1,982 235 2,720 100 974 8,281 392,382 32,000
Status of Budgetary Resources:
New Obligations and Upward Adjustments (Total) 9,742 6,920 15,940 1,737 235 2,091 93 773 1,876 277,308 20,631
Unobligated Balance, End of Year:
Apportioned, Unexpired Accounts 2,648 4,411 8,260 222 - 691 2 91 5,298 73,017 10,675
Exempt from Apportionment, Unexpired Accounts - - - - - - - - - 85 -
Unapportioned, Unexpired Accounts
1,293 72 247 1 - (80) - 10 1,066 8,241 694
Unexpired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
3,941 4,483 8,507 223 - 611 2 101 6,364 81,343 11,369
Expired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
20 73 - 22 - 18 5 100 41 33,731 -
Unobligated Balance, End of Year (Total)
3,961 4,556 8,507 245 - 629 7 201 6,405 115,074 11,369
Total Budgetary Resources
13,703 11,476 24,447 1,982 235 2,720 100 974 8,281 392,382 32,000
Outlays, Net, and Disbursements, Net:
Outlays, Net (Total) (Discretionary and Mandatory) 8,553 4,848 1,495 179 1,416 80 405 397 239,467
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (-)
(679) (2,844)
(18) - (14) (1) - 19 (4,249)
Agency Outlays, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory)
$ 7,874 $ 2,004
$ 1,477 $ 179 $ 1,402 $ 79 $ 405 $ 416 $ 235,218
Disbursements, Net (Total) (Mandatory)
$ 2,853
$ 4,025
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 175
FPAC Business
FY 2020
Budgetary Budgetary
Accounts Budgetary
Accounts Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary
Budgetary Resources:
Unobligated Balance from Prior Year Budget Authority,
Net (Discretionary and Mandatory) $ 8 $ 5,146 $ 226 $ 1,175 $ 111 $ 626 $ 6,340 $ 40,053 $ 91 $ 856 $ 719
Appropriations (Discretionary and Mandatory) 257 32,383 - 1,769 - 8,331 5,871 136,090 1,105 5,732 1,425
Borrowing Authority (Discretionary and Mandatory) - - 4,012 35,525 432 - - - - - -
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections
(Discretionary and Mandatory)
22 314 2,106 18 117 3,948 140 59 267 196 217
Total Budgetary Resources
287 37,843 6,344 38,487 660 12,905 12,351 176,202 1,463 6,784 2,361
Status of Budgetary Resources:
New Obligations and Upward Adjustments (Total) 266 18,142 4,081 37,985 436 12,303 6,219 130,168 1,348 5,984 1,761
Unobligated Balance, End of Year:
Apportioned, Unexpired Accounts 14 19,573 1,958 49 41 599 3,483 16,501 105 354 545
Exempt from Apportionment, Unexpired Accounts - - - - - - - - - 7 -
Unapportioned, Unexpired Accounts
- 73 305 452 183 - 7 334 - 421 2
Unexpired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
14 19,646 2,263 501 224 599 3,490 16,835 105 782 547
Expired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
7 55 - 1 - 3 2,642 29,199 10 18 53
Unobligated Balance, End of Year (Total)
21 19,701 2,263 502 224 602 6,132 46,034 115 800 600
Total Budgetary Resources
287 37,843 6,344 38,487 660 12,905 12,351 176,202 1,463 6,784 2,361
Outlays, Net, and Disbursements, Net:
Outlays, Net (Total) (Discretionary and Mandatory) 251 14,540 18,636 10,490 4,278 114,224 1,061 3,830 1,390
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (-)
- (217)
- (1) (5) (18) (195) (8)
Agency Outlays, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory)
$ 251 $ 14,323
$ 18,613
$ 10,490 $ 4,277 $ 114,219 $ 1,043 $ 3,635 $ 1,382
Disbursements, Net (Total) (Mandatory)
$ 1,452
$ (58)
176 Section II | Financial Information
FY 2020
Budgetary Budgetary
Credit Reform
Accounts Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary
Credit Reform
Budgetary Resources:
Unobligated Balance from Prior Year Budget
Authority, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory) $ 3,146 $ 8,103 $ 5,621 $ 826 $ 17 $ 727 $ 6 $ 301 $ 1,238 $ 69,378 $ 5,958
Appropriations (Discretionary and Mandatory) 8,052 6,232 1 1,628 180 1,745 85 437 (196) 211,126 1
Borrowing Authority (Discretionary and Mandatory) - - 11,210 - - - - - - 35,525 15,654
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections
(Discretionary and Mandatory)
774 818 10,026 174 21 24 6 17 1,278 8,293 12,249
Total Budgetary Resources
11,972 15,153 26,858 2,628 218 2,496 97 755 2,320 324,322 33,862
Status of Budgetary Resources:
New Obligations and Upward Adjustments (Total) 7,692 11,316 17,396 2,390 218 1,807 91 324 1,768 239,782 21,913
Unobligated Balance, End of Year:
Apportioned, Unexpired Accounts 2,279 2,580 9,258 217 - 751 4 340 479 47,873 11,257
Exempt from Apportionment, Unexpired Accounts - - - - - - - - - 7 -
Unapportioned, Unexpired Accounts
2,000 1,187 204 - - (85) 1 10 35 4,437 692
Unexpired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
4,279 3,767 9,462 217 - 666 5 350 514 52,317 11,949
Expired Unobligated Balance, End of Year
1 70 - 20 - 23 1 81 39 32,223 -
Unobligated Balance, End of Year (Total)
4,280 3,837 9,462 237 - 689 6 431 553 84,540 11,949
Total Budgetary Resources
11,972 15,153 26,858 2,627 218 2,496 97 755 2,321 324,322 33,862
Outlays, Net, and Disbursements, Net:
Outlays, Net (Total) (Discretionary and Mandatory) 6,346 8,351 1,348 165 1,395 69 366 371 187,111
Distributed Offsetting Receipts (-)
(496) (1,924)
(20) - (5) - - 49 (2,863)
Agency Outlays, Net (Discretionary and Mandatory)
$ 5,850 $ 6,427
$ 1,328 $ 165 $ 1,390 $ 69 $ 366 $ 420 $ 184,248
Disbursements, Net (Total) (Mandatory)
$ 1,153
$ 2,547
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 177
Section III
Other Information
USDA Management Challenges
The Reports Consolidation Act of 2000 requires the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA)
Office of Inspector General (OIG) to report annually on the most serious management challenges
USDA and its agencies face. This year, OIG continued to refine the way they present the
management challenges. While the current challenges are like the ones from the previous year,
OIG sought to provide the Secretary and other policymakers with a more streamlined report that
improves clarity and gives significant information greater prominence. To accomplish this goal,
OIG consolidated and reduced the previous seven major challenge areas to four:
Program Oversight and Accountability;
Safety and Security;
Program Performance, Results, and Outreach; and
Financial Management.
USDA management takes these challenges very seriously and is aggressively pursuing corrective
actions to address all challenges.
The USDA Management Challenges report for FY 2021 is available on the USDA OIG website
178 Section III | Other Information
Summary of Financial Statement Audit
and Management Assurances
Summary of Existing Material Weaknesses
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA or the Department) material weaknesses and
financial system non-conformance, as related to management’s assurance for the Federal
Managers’ Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA) and the certification for the Federal
Financial Management Improvement Act of 1996 (FFMIA), are listed in Exhibit 27 and
Exhibit 28.
Exhibit 27: Summary of Financial Statement Audit
Audit Opinion: Unmodified 2021 Consolidated Financial Statement Audit
Restatement: No
Material Weakness
Balance New Resolved Consolidated
Improvement Needed in
Financial Management
1 1
Improvement Needed in
Information Technology
Security and Controls
1 1
2 2
Exhibit 28: Summary of Management Assurances
Effectiveness of Internal Control Over Reporting (Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of
1982 [FMFIA] § 2)
Statement of Assurance: Modified
Material Weakness
New Resolved Consolidated Reassessed
Information Technology 1 1
Financial Management 1 1
2 2
USDA | 2020 Agency Financial Report 179
Effectiveness of Internal Control Over Operations (FMFIA § 2)
Statement of Assurance: Unmodified
Material Weakness
New Resolved Consolidated Reassessed
0 0
Conformance with Federal Financial Management System Requirements (FMFIA § 4)
Statement of Assurance: Systems do not conform to Financial Management System requirements
Balance New Resolved Consolidated Reassessed
Funds Control
1 1
1 1
Compliance with Section 803 (A) of the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act of
1996 (FFMIA)
Item Agency Auditor
1. Federal Financial Management System
Lack of compliance noted Lack of compliance noted
2. Applicable Federal Accounting Standards Lack of compliance noted Lack of compliance noted
3. U.S. Standard General Ledger at
Transaction Level
Lack of compliance noted Lack of compliance noted
180 Section III | Other Information
Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Improper Payments Overview
Payment Integrity
Over the past two decades, laws and regulations governing the identification and recovery of
improper payments have evolved to improve payment accuracy to boost public confidence in
Federal programs’ stewardship of taxpayer dollars. The Improper Payments Information Act of
2002 (IPIA), as amended and expanded by other laws, collectively required agencies to
periodically review all programs and activities susceptible to significant improper payments, to
conduct payment recapture audits, and utilize Government wide Do Not Pay (DNP) initiatives.
Additionally, IPIA had extensive reporting requirements. IPIA was repealed and replaced by the
Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 (IPERA) followed by the Improper
Payment Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act of 2012 (IPERIA). IPERIA was repealed
and replaced by the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 (PIIA).
PIIA modified and restructured existing improper payments laws to help agencies better identify
and reduce any money wasted because of improper government payments. It should be noted
that not all improper payments are fraud, and not all improper payments represent a monetary
loss to the government. An improper payment (IP) is defined as any payment that should not
have been made or that was made in an incorrect amount (including overpayments and
underpayments) under statutory, contractual, administrative, or other legally applicable
requirements. Additionally, an unknown payment (UP) is defined as a payment that could be
either proper or improper, but the agency cannot discern whether the payment was proper or
improper due to insufficient or lack of documentation.
Annually, the Department submits data to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that is
collected and presented on by an individual agency or on a
Government-wide consolidated basis. This website contains current and historical information
about improper payments made under Federal programs, as well as extensive information about
how improper payments are defined and tracked.
Please refer to the website for detailed results from the
Department’s efforts in fiscal year 2021 to comply with PIIA.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 181
Civil Monetary Penalties
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA or the Department) maintains regulations regarding civil monetary policies at Title 7 of the Code
of Federal Regulations § 3.91. The Department reviews and updates the penalties in accordance with the Civil Monetary Penalties Inflation Act
of 2015.
Each year, the Department must update its civil monetary penalties to account for annual inflation. On May 10, 2021, the Department published
the revised penalties for 2021 in the Federal Register (
The following table briefly describes the penalty, under which authority it pertains, and the current penalty amounts.
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Improper recordkeeping 7 U.S.C. 136i-1(d) Insecticides and
Environmental Pesticide
05/10/2021 A maximum of $975 for the first
offense and a minimum of $1,894
in the case of subsequent
offenses, except that the penalty
will be less than $1,894 if the
Secretary determines that the
person made a good faith effort
to comply.
Marketing Service
Violation of the unfair
conduct rule
7 U.S.C. 499b(5) Perishable Agricultural
Commodities Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $5,308.
Marketing Service
Violation of the licensing
7 U.S.C. 499c(a) Perishable Agricultural
Commodities Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,695 for each such
offense and not more than $423
for each day it continues, or a
maximum of $423 for each
offense if the Secretary
determines the violation was not
182 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Civil penalty in lieu of
license suspension
7 U.S.C. 499h(e) Perishable Agricultural
Commodities Act
05/10/2021 Maximum penalty of $3,388 for
each violative transaction or each
day the violation continues.
Marketing Service
Violation 7 U.S.C. 586 Export Apple Act 05/10/2021 Minimum of $153 and a
maximum of $15,481.
Marketing Service
Violation 7 U.S.C. 596 Export Grape and Plum Act 05/10/2021 Minimum of $296 and a
maximum of $29,622.
Marketing Service
Violation of an order
issued by the Secretary
7 U.S.C. 608c(14)(B) Agricultural Adjustment Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,963. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to file certain
7 U.S.C. 610 (C) Agricultural Adjustment Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $296.
Marketing Service
Violation of a seed
7 U.S.C. 1596(b) Federal Seed Act 05/10/2021 Minimum of $101 and a
maximum of $2,020.
Marketing Service
Failure to collect any
assessment or fee
7 U.S.C. 2112(b) Cotton Research and
Promotion Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,963. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee for a violation
7 U.S.C. 2621(b)(1) Potato Research and
Promotion Act
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,328 and a
maximum of $12,247.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 2621(b)(3) Potato Research and
Promotion Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,328. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation of a
7 U.S.C. 2714(b)(1) Egg Research and
Consumer Information Act
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,535 and a
maximum of $15,353.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 183
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 2714(b)(3) Egg Research and
Consumer Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,535. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to remit any
assessment or fee or for a
violation of a program
7 U.S.C. 2908(a)(2) Beef Research and
Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $11,977.
Marketing Service
Failure to remit any
assessment or for a
violation of a program
7 U.S.C. 3410(b) Wheat and Wheat Foods
05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,963.
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation
7 U.S.C. 4314(b)(1) Floral Research and
Consumer Information Act
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,394 and a
maximum of $13,940.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 4314(b)(3) Floral Research and
Consumer Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,394. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Violation of an order 7 U.S.C. 4510(b) Dairy Promotion Program 05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,577.
Marketing Service
Pay, collect, or remit any
assessment or fee or for a
7 U.S.C. 4610(b)(1) Honey Research,
Promotion, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Minimum of $774 and a
maximum of $7,939.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 4610(b)(3) Honey Research,
Promotion, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $794. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Violation of a program 7 U.S.C.
Pork Promotion, Research,
and Consumer Information
Act of 1985
05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,396.
184 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C.
Pork Promotion, Research,
and Consumer Information
Act of 1985
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,198. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation of a
7 U.S.C. 4910(b)(1) Watermelon Research and
Promotion Act
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,198 and a
maximum of $11,977.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 4910(b)(3) Watermelon Research and
Promotion Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,198. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation of a
7 U.S.C. 6009(c)(1) Pecan Promotion and
Research Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,951 and a
maximum of $19,496.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 6009(e) Pecan Promotion and
Research Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,949.
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation
7 U.S.C. 6107(c)(1) Mushroom Promotion,
Research, and Consumer
Information Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Minimum of $948 and a
maximum of $9,476.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 6107(e) Mushroom Promotion,
Research, and Consumer
Information Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Maximum of $948. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation
7 U.S.C. 6207(c)(1) Lime Research, Promotion,
and Consumer Information
Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Minimum of $948 and a
maximum of $9,476.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 6207(e) Lime Research, Promotion,
and Consumer Information
Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Maximum of $948. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 185
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation of a
7 U.S.C.
Soybean Promotion,
Research, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,951.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 6307(e) Soybean Promotion,
Research, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $9,706. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation
7 U.S.C.
7 U.S.C.
Fluid Milk Promotion Act of
05/10/2021 Minimum of $18,623 and a
maximum of $189,510.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 6411(e) Fluid Milk Promotion Act of
05/10/2021 Maximum of $9,753. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Knowingly labeling or
selling a product as
7 U.S.C. 6519(c) Organic Foods Production
Act of 1990
05/10/2021 Maximum of $18,951.
Marketing Service
Failure to pay, collect, or
remit any assessment or
fee or for a violation of a
7 U.S.C.
Fresh Cut Flowers and
Fresh Cut Greens
Promotion and Information
Act of 1993
05/10/2021 Minimum of $893 and a
maximum of $8,935.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 6808(e)(1) Fresh Cut Flowers and
Fresh Cut Greens
Promotion and Information
Act of 1993
05/10/2021 Maximum of $8,935. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Violation of a program 7 U.S.C.
Sheep Promotion,
Research, and Information
Act of 1994
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,742.
186 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 7107(e) Sheep Promotion,
Research, and Information
Act of 1994
05/10/2021 Maximum of $870. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Violation of an order or
regulation issued
7 U.S.C. 7419(c)(1) Commodity Promotion,
Research, and Information
Act of 1996
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,644 and a
maximum of $16,449 for each
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 7419(e) Commodity Promotion,
Research, and Information
Act of 1996
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,644 and a
maximum of $16,449. Each day
the violation continues is a
separate violation.
Marketing Service
Violation of an order or
regulation issued
7 U.S.C.
Canola and Rapeseed
Research, Promotion, and
Consumer Information Act,
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,644 for each
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 7448(e) Canola and Rapeseed
Research, Promotion, and
Consumer Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $8,224. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Violation of an order or
regulation issued
7 U.S.C. 7468(c)(1) National Kiwifruit Research,
Promotion, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Minimum of $823 and a
maximum of $8,224 for each
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 7468(e) National Kiwifruit Research,
Promotion, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $823. Each day the
violation continues is a separate
Marketing Service
Violation of an order or
7 U.S.C. 7487(a) Popcorn Promotion,
Research, and Consumer
Information Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,644 for each
Marketing Service
Violation 21 U.S.C.
Egg Products Inspection Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $9,476 for each
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 187
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Violation of an order or
regulation issued
7 U.S.C.
Hass Avocado Promotion,
Research, and Information
Act of 2000
05/10/2021 Minimum of $1,495 and a
maximum of $14,965 for each
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 7807(e)(1 Hass Avocado Promotion,
Research, and Information
Act of 2000
05/10/2021 Maximum of $14,965 for each
offense. Each day the violation
continues is a separate violation.
Marketing Service
Violation of certain
7 U.S.C. 1636b(a)(1) Livestock Mandatory
Reporting Act of 1999
05/10/2021 Maximum of $15,481 for each
Marketing Service
Failure to obey a cease-
and-desist order
7 U.S.C. 1636b(g)(3) Livestock Mandatory
Reporting Act of 1999
05/10/2021 Maximum of $15,481 for each
violation. Each day the violation
continues is a separate violation.
Marketing Service
Failure to obey an order 7 U.S.C.
Dairy Product Mandatory
Reporting Program
05/10/2021 Maximum of $14,965 for each
Marketing Service
Willful violation 7 U.S.C. 1638b(b)(2) Country of Origin Labeling
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,202 for each
Marketing Service
Violation 7 U.S.C. 4535 and
Dairy Research Program 05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,577 for each
Marketing Service
Violation by a packer or
swine contractor
7 U.S.C. 193(b) Packers and Stockyards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $29,616.
Marketing Service
Failure for a livestock
market agency or dealer
to register
7 U.S.C. 203 Packers and Stockyards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,019 and not
more than $101 for each day the
violation continues.
Marketing Service
Operating without filing,
or in violation of, a
stockyard rate schedule
or of a regulation
7 U.S.C. 207(g) Packers and Stockyards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,020 and not
more than $101 for each day the
violation continues.
188 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Marketing Service
Stockyard owner,
livestock market agency,
or dealer who engages in
or uses any unfair,
unjustly discriminatory,
or deceptive practice
7 U.S.C. 213(b) Packers and Stockyards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $29,616.
Marketing Service
Stockyard owner,
livestock market agency,
or dealer who knowingly
fails to obey any order
7 U.S.C. 211, 212, or
213, codified at
7 U.S.C. 215(a)
Packers and Stockyards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $2,020.
Marketing Service
Live poultry dealer
7 U.S.C. 228b-2(b) Packers and Stockyards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $86,156.
Marketing Service
Violation 7 U.S.C. 86(c) Grain Standards 05/10/2021 Maximum of $289,430.
Marketing Service
Failure to comply with
certain provisions
7 U.S.C. 254 U.S. Warehouse Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $37,412 per
violation if an agricultural product
is not involved in the violation.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violation 7 U.S.C. 1596(b) Federal Seed Act 05/10/2021 Minimum of $101 and a
maximum of $2,020.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violation 7 U.S.C. 2149(b) Animal Welfare Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $12,203, and
knowingly fail to obey a cease-
and-desist order has a civil
penalty of $1,803.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 189
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Penalty for any person
that causes harm to, or
interferes with, an animal
used for the purposes of
official inspection by
7 U.S.C. 2279e(a) Farming Opportunities
Training and Outreach
05/10/2021 Maximum of $14,965.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violation 7 U.S.C. 3805(a) Swine Health Protection Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $30,077.
190 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Penalty for any person
that violates or that
forges, counterfeits, or,
without authority from
the Secretary, uses,
alters, defaces, or
destroys any certificate,
permit, or other
7 U.S.C. 7734(b)(1) Plant Protection Act (PPA) 05/10/2021 Maximum of the greater of:
$74,824 in the case of any
individual (except that the civil
penalty may not exceed $1,496 in
the case of an initial violation of
the PPA by an individual moving
regulated articles not for
monetary gain), $374,119 in the
case of any other person for each
violation, $601,152 for all
violations adjudicated in a single
proceeding if the violations do
not include a willful violation, and
$1,202,304 for all violations
adjudicated in a single proceeding
if the violations include a willful
violation; or twice the gross gain
or gross loss for any violation,
forgery, counterfeiting,
unauthorized use, defacing, or
destruction of a certificate,
permit, or other document
provided for in the PPA that
results in the person deriving
pecuniary gain or causing
pecuniary loss to another person.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 191
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Penalty for any person
that violates or that
forges, counterfeits, or,
without authority from
the Secretary, uses,
alters, defaces, or
destroys any certificate,
permit, or other
7 U.S.C. 8313(b)(1) Animal Health Protection
Act (AHPA)
05/10/2021 Maximum of the greater of
$71,811 in the case of any
individual, except that the civil
penalty may not exceed $1,437 in
the case of an initial violation of
the AHPA by an individual moving
regulated articles not for
monetary gain, $359,054 in the
case of any other person for each
violation, $601,152 for all
violations adjudicated in a single
proceeding if the violations do not
include a willful violation, and
$1,202,304 for all violations
adjudicated in a single proceeding
if the violations include a willful
violation; or twice the gross gain
or gross loss for any violation,
forgery, counterfeiting,
unauthorized use, defacing, or
destruction of a certificate, permit,
or other document provided
under the AHPA that results in the
person deriving pecuniary gain or
causing pecuniary loss to another
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Penalty for any person
that violates certain
regulations regarding
transfers of listed agents
and toxins or possession
and use of listed agents
and toxins
7 U.S.C. 8401(i)(1) Agricultural Bioterrorism
Protection Act of 2002
05/10/2021 Maximum of $359,054 in the case
of an individual and $718,110 in
the case of any other person.
192 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violation 15 U.S.C. 1825(b)(1) Horse Protection Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $5,925.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Failure to obey Horse
Protection Act
15 U.S.C. 1825(c) Horse Protection Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $11,579.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Knowingly violating, or, if
in the business as an
importer or exporter,
violating, with respect to
terrestrial plants, any
16 U.S.C. 1540(a)(1),
section 9(a)(1)(A)
through (F), (a)(2)(A)
through (D), (c), (d)
(other than
regulations relating
to record-keeping or
filing reports), (f), or
Endangered Species Act of
05/10/2021 Maximum of $54,158 for each
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Knowingly violating, or, if
in the business as an
importer or exporter,
violating, with respect to
terrestrial plants, any
other regulation
16 U.S.C. 1540(a)(1) Endangered Species Act of
05/10/2021 Maximum of $25,935 for each
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violating, with respect to
terrestrial plants or any
regulation, permit, or
16 U.S.C. 1540(a)(1) Endangered Species Act of
05/10/2021 Maximum of $1,367 for each
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 193
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Knowingly and willfully
violating with respect to
the transportation of
animals by any rail
carrier, express carrier, or
common carrier (except
by air or water), a
receiver, trustee, or
lessee of one of those
carriers, or an owner or
master of a vessel
49 U.S.C. 80502(d) Transportation of Animals 05/10/2021 Minimum of $170 and a
maximum of $870.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violation and its
implementing regulation
7 U.S.C. 1901 note,
as specified in
9 CFR 88.6
Commercial Transportation
of Equine for Slaughter Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $822.
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Knowingly violating or for
violating any other
provision provided that,
in the exercise of due
care, the violator should
have known that the
plant was taken,
possessed, transported,
or sold in violation of any
underlying law, treaty, or
16 U.S.C. 3373(a)(1) Lacey Act Amendments of
05/10/2021 Maximum of $26,930 for each
violation, as specified in 16 U.S.C.
3373(a)(1) (but if the plant has a
market value of less than $360
and involves only the
transportation, acquisition, or
receipt of a plant taken or
possessed in violation of any law,
treaty, or regulation of the United
States, any Indian tribal law, any
foreign law, or any law or
regulation of any State, the
penalty will not exceed the
maximum provided for violation
of said law, treaty, or regulation,
or $26,930, whichever is less).
194 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Violation 16 U.S.C. 3373(a)(2) Lacey Act Amendments of
05/10/2021 Maximum of $673.
Food and Nutrition
Violating a provision or a
regulation under the Act
by a retail food store or
wholesale food concern
7 U.S.C. 2021(a) and
Food and Nutrition Act of
2008 (Act)
05/10/2021 Maximum of $120,231 for each
Food and Nutrition
Trafficking in food
7 U.S.C.
Food and Nutrition Act of
2008 (Act)
05/10/2021 Maximum of $43,325 for each
violation, except that the
maximum penalty for violations
occurring during a single
investigation is $78,017.
Food and Nutrition
Sale of firearms,
ammunition, explosives,
or controlled substances
for coupons
7 U.S.C.
Food and Nutrition Act of
2008 (Act)
05/10/2021 Maximum penalty for violations
occurring during a single
investigation is $78,017.
Food and Nutrition
Any entity that submits a
bid to supply infant
formula and discloses the
amount of the bid,
rebate, or discount
practices in advance of
the bid opening or for any
entity that makes a
statement prior to the
opening of bids for the
purpose of influencing a
42 U.S.C.
Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and
05/10/2021 Maximum of $ 183,629,453.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 195
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Food and Nutrition
Vendor convicted of
trafficking in food
42 U.S.C.
1786(o)(1)(A) and 42
U.S.C. 1786(o)(4)(B)
Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and
05/10/2021 Maximum of $15,877 for each
violation, except that the
maximum penalty for violations
occurring during a single
investigation is $63,509.
Food and Nutrition
Vendor convicted of
selling firearms,
ammunition, explosives,
or controlled substances
in exchange for food
42 U.S.C.
1786(o)(1)(B) and 42
U.S.C. 1786(o)(4)(B)
Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for
Women, Infants, and
05/10/2021 Maximum of $15,487 for each
violation, except that the
maximum penalty for violations
occurring during a single
investigation is $63,509.
Food Safety and
Inspection Service
Violation 21 U.S.C.
Egg Products Inspection Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of $9,476 for each
Forest Service Willful disregard of the
prohibition against the
export of unprocessed
timber originating from
Federal lands
16 U.S.C.
Federal Lands 05/10/2021 Maximum of $975,230 per
violation or three times the gross
value of the unprocessed timber,
whichever is greater.
Forest Service Violation 16 U.S.C.
Forest Resources
Conservation and Shortage
Relief Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $146,285 per
Forest Service Penalty for a person that
should have known that
an action was a violation
regardless of whether
such violation caused the
export of unprocessed
timber originating from
Federal lands
16 U.S.C.
Forest Resources
Conservation and Shortage
Relief Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $97,523 per
196 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Forest Service Willful violation 16 U.S.C.
Forest Resources
Conservation and Shortage
Relief Act
05/10/2021 Maximum of $975,230.
Forest Service Violation involving
protections of caves
16 U.S. C. 4307(a)(2) Federal Cave Resources
05/10/2021 Maximum of $21,314.
Federal Crop
Willfully or intentionally
providing any false or
inaccurate information
7 U.S.C.
Federal Crop Insurance Act 05/10/2021 Maximum of the greater of the
amount of the pecuniary gain
obtained as a result of the false or
inaccurate information or the
noncompliance; or $12,650.
Rural Housing
Violation of section 536
of Title V of the Housing
Act of 1949
42 U.S.C.
Housing Act of 1949 05/10/2021 Maximum of $207,313 in the case
of an individual, and a maximum
of $2,073,133 in the case of an
applicant other than an
Rural Housing
Penalty for equity
42 U.S.C. 1490s(a)(2) Housing Act of 1949 05/10/2021 Maximum of $37,412.
Rural Housing
Submitting false
information, submitting
false certifications, failing
to timely submit
information, failing to
maintain real property in
good repair and condition,
failing to provide
acceptable management
for a project, or failing to
comply with applicable
civil rights laws and
42 U.S.C.
Housing Act of 1949 05/10/2021 Maximum of the greater of twice
the damages USDA, guaranteed
lender, or project secured for a
loan under Title V suffered or
would have suffered as a result of
the violation; or $74,824 per
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 197
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Commodity Credit
Penalty for willful failure
or refusal to furnish
information or willful
furnishing of false
information under
Section 156
7 U.S.C. 7272(g)(5) Federal Agricultural
Improvement and Reform
Act of 1996
05/10/2021 Maximum of $16,449 for each
Commodity Credit
Willful failure or refusal
to furnish information or
willful furnishing of false
data by a processor,
refiner, or importer of
sugar, syrup, and
7 U.S.C. 7272(g)(5) Federal Agriculture
Improvement and Reform
Act of 1996
05/10/2021 Maximum of $16,449 for each
Commodity Credit
Filing a false acreage
report that exceeds
7 U.S.C. 7272(g)(5) Federal Agriculture
Improvement and Reform
Act of 1996
05/10/2021 Maximum of $16,449 for each
Commodity Credit
Knowingly violating any
regulation of the
Secretary of the
Commodity Credit
Corporation pertaining to
flexible marketing
allotments for sugar
7 U.S.C. 1359hh(b) Agricultural Adjustment Act
of 1938
05/10/2021 Maximum of $12,023 for each
Commodity Credit
Knowingly violating
regulations promulgated
by the Secretary
pertaining to cotton
insect eradication
7 U.S.C. 1444a(d) Agricultural Act of 1949 05/10/2021 Maximum of $14,811 for each
198 Section III | Other Information
Program Office
(Name of Penalty)
United States Code
(U.S.C.) Citation
Statutory Authority;
Positive Law and Section
Authority (Statute)
Date of
Current Penalty Level
($ Amount)
Office of the
Making, presenting,
submitting, or causing to
be made, presented, or
submitted a false,
fictitious, or fraudulent
31 U.S.C. 3802(a)(1) Program Fraud Civil
Remedies Act of 1986
05/10/2021 Maximum of $11,804.
Office of the
Making, presenting,
submitting, or causing to
be made, presented, or
submitted a false,
fictitious, or fraudulent
written statement
31 U.S.C. 3802(a)(2) Program Fraud Civil
Remedies Act of 1986
05/10/2021 Maximum of $11,804.
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 199
Grants Program
Exhibit 29 shows that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has 785 grants/cooperative
agreements with an undisbursed balance of $27,559,349.73 for which closeout has not yet
occurred, but for which the period of performance has elapsed by 2 years or more prior to
September 30, 2020.
Exhibit 29: Grants Program Summary
Category 23 Years >35 Years >5 Years
Number of Grants/Cooperative
Agreements with Zero Dollar Balances
55 18 23
Number of Grants/Cooperative
Agreements with Undisbursed Balances
512 129 48
Total Amount of Undisbursed Balances $13,483,174.88 $8,885,586.22 $5,190,588.63
USDA made progress compared with the baseline of Fiscal Year (FY) 2020. There were net
reductions of 86 percent on the number of grants/cooperative agreements with zero-dollar
balances and 70 percent on the number of grants/cooperative agreements with undisbursed
balances. Overall, USDA, in FY 2021, attained a total net reduction of 74 percent from the
number of grants/cooperative agreements reported in FY 2020.
USDA faces several challenges leading to delayed grant agreement award closeout, including:
Timely receipt of the financial and accomplishment reports for the completion of closeout
reports from grantees;
Delays by grantees in adjusting valid funds after the period of performance;
Project Director/Authorized Representative relocation and delayed response;
Institutions and Investigators affected by the COVID-19 pandemic;
Delays on receipts of final vouchers;
Administrative challenges related to finalizing rates and budget line-item agreements; and
Delays in the resolution of audits by grant recipients.
Each USDA grant-making agency continues to review outstanding grants/cooperative
agreements and monitoring open balances through the Agency quarterly Unliquidated
Obligations review for appropriate closeout actions. The grant-making agencies’ accountable
officers continue their closeout of grants/cooperative agreements efforts and continuous
communication with the recipients of USDA funds to ensure compliance with requirements of
Title 2 CFR Part 200 and better management of Federal Funds.
Page Intentionally Blank
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 201
A&O ......................Administrative and Operating
AARCC ..................Agricultural Research and Commercialization Corporation
AARs .....................Acquisition Approval Requests
ACEP .....................Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
ACIF ......................Agriculture Credit Insurance Fund
ADA ......................Anti-Deficiency Act
AFR .......................Agency Financial Report
AFRI ......................Agriculture and Food Research Initiative
AgCMS ..................Agriculture Conference Management System
AgNIC ....................Agriculture Network Information Collaborative
AHPA ....................Animal Health Protection Act
AIPs .......................Approved Insurance Providers
ALE ........................Agricultural Land Easement
AMS ......................Agricultural Marketing Service
APHIS ....................Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
APP .......................Annual Performance Plan
APPR .....................Annual Performance Plan and Report
APR .......................Annual Performance Report
AQI........................Agricultural Quarantine Inspection
ARC .......................Agriculture Risk Coverage
ARP .......................American Rescue Plan
ARS .......................Agricultural Research Service
ASF........................African Swine Fever
BAR .......................Budget and Accrual Reconciliation
BARC .....................Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
BOC .......................Budget Object Classification
202 AbbreviationsAcronyms
CACFP ...................Child and Adult Care Food Program
CAP .......................Commodity Assistance Program
CARES Act .............Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
CART .....................Conservation Assessment Ranking Tool
CBD .......................Cannabidiol
CBOs .....................Certificates of Beneficial Ownership
CCC .......................Commodity Credit Corporation
CCE .......................Commodity Certificate Exchange
CDM......................Cybersecurity Diagnostic and Migration
CEP .......................Community Eligibility Provision
CF ..........................Community Facilities
CFAP .....................Coronavirus Food Assistance Program
CFR .......................Code of Federal Regulations
CIO ........................Chief Information Officer
CIR ........................Contract Implementation Ratio
CN .........................Child Nutrition
CNM .....................Nanocellulosic Materials
CNP .......................Child Nutrition Program
CNPP .....................Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
CoC .......................Cushion of Credit
COVID-19 ..............Coronavirus Disease 2019
CPI ........................Consumer Price Index
CPIC ......................Capital Planning and Investment Control
CRP .......................Conservation Reserve Program
CTA .......................Conservation Technical Assistance
CTAT .....................Conference Transparency and Accountability Tool
CVV/B ...................Cash-Value Voucher/Benefit
DGA ......................Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
DHS .......................Department of Homeland Security
DISC ......................Digital Infrastructure Services Center
DM&R ...................Deferred Maintenance
DNP ......................Do Not Pay
DOL .......................Department of Labor
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 203
EA .........................Enterprise Architecture
EBB .......................Enterprise Budget Bot
E-Board .................Executive Information Technology Investment Review Board
EBT .......................Electronic Benefits Transfers
eFG .......................ezFedGrants
EQIP ......................Enviornmental Quality Incentives Program
ERM ......................Enterprise Risk Management
ERP .......................Enterprise Resource Planning
ERS ........................Economic Research Service
EWA ......................Early Warning Alert
FAS........................Foreign Agricultural Service
FASAB ...................Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
FBwT .....................Fund Balance with Treasury
FCC .......................Federal Communications Commission
FCIC ......................Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
FDPIR ....................Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations
FECA .....................Federal Employees' Compensation Act
FFAR .....................Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research
FFB ........................Federal Financing Bank
FFMIA ...................Federal Financial Management Improvement Act
FFMS .....................Federal Financial Management System
FISMA ...................Federal Information Security Modernization Act
FITARA ..................Federal Information Technology Reform Act
FLP ........................Farm Loan Program
FMFIA ...................Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act
FMMI ....................Financial Management Modernization Initiative
FNS .......................Food and Nutrition Service
FPAC .....................Farm Production and Conservation
FR..........................Financial Report
FS ..........................Forest Service
FSA........................Farm Service Agency
FSFL ......................Farm Storage Facility Loan Program
FSH .......................Forest Service Handbook
FSIS .......................Food Safety and Inspection Service
FSM ......................Forest Service Manual
FY ..........................Fiscal Year
204 AbbreviationsAcronyms
GAAP ....................Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAO ......................Government Accountability Office
GAOA ....................Great American Outdoors Act
GL .........................General Ledger
GPRA ....................Government Performance and Results
GSA .......................General Services Administration
GTAS .....................Governmentwide Treasury Account Symbol Adjusted Trial Balance System
H.R. .......................House of Representatives
HANA ....................High-Performance Analytic Appliance
HHS .......................Health and Human Services
IBNR ......................Incurred but Not Reported
ICN ........................Institute of Child Nutrition
IP ..........................Improper Payment
IPERA ....................Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010
IPERIA ...................Improper Payment Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act of 2012
IPIA .......................Improper Payments Information Act of 2002
IPP ........................Inspection Program Personnel
IT ...........................Information Technology
ITSD ......................Information Technology Services Division
KPIs .......................Key Performance Indicators
L&WCF ..................Land and Water Conservation Fund
LP ..........................Livestock and Poultry
MOU .....................Memorandum of Understanding
MPIRG ..................Meat and Poultry Inspection Readiness Grant
MRL ......................Maximum Residue Level
MRP ......................Marketing and Regulatory Programs
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 205
N/A .......................Not Available
NAL .......................National Agricultural Library
NAP .......................Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
NASS .....................National Agricultural Statistics Services
NFC .......................National Finance Center
NFS .......................National Forest Service
NIFA ......................National Institute of Food and Agriculture
NOAA ....................National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRCS .....................Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRHP ....................National Register of Historic Places
NSLP .....................National School Lunch Program
NTIA ......................National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NVS .......................National Veterinary Stockpile
OCFO ....................Office of the Chief Financial Officer
OCIO .....................Office of the Chief Information Officer
OCS .......................Office of the Chief Scientist
OG&A ...................Office of Grants and Agreements
OGC ......................Office of the General Counsel
OIG .......................Office of Inspector General
OMB .....................Office of Management and Budget
OPEM ...................Office of Property and Enviornmental Management
OPM .....................Office of Personnel Management
OPPE .....................Office of Partnership and Public Engagement
OSCAL ...................Open Security Control Assessment Language
OSEC .....................Office of the Secretary
P-EBT ....................Pandemic Electronics Benefits Transfer
PCCP .....................Pandemic Cover Crop Program
PHA .......................Priority Heritage Assets
PHR .......................Public Health Regulation
PIIA .......................Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
PIR ........................Practice Implementation Rate
PL ..........................Public Law
PLC ........................Price Loss Coverage
PP&E .....................Property, Plant and Equipment
PPA .......................Plant Protection Act
PPS ........................Procurement and Property Services
206 AbbreviationsAcronyms
Q ...........................Quarter
Q3 .........................Third quarter
RC&D ....................Resource Conservation and Development
RCPP .....................Regional Conservation Partnership Program
RD .........................Rural Development
REE .......................Research, Education, and Economics
RHIF ......................Rural Housing Insurance Fund
RISE .......................Rural Innovation Stronger Economy
RMA ......................Risk Management Agency
RPA .......................Robotics Process Automation
SAM ......................System for Award Management
SAP .......................Systems, Applications, and Products
SBP .......................School Breakfast Program
SBR .......................Statement of Budgetary Resources
SER ........................Single Effective Rate
SFFAS ....................Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards
SFSP ......................Summer Food Service Program
SNAP .....................Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
SOB .......................Summary of Business
SPS ........................Sanitation Performance Standard
SRA .......................Standard Reinsurance Agreement
SSP ........................Shared Services Provider
TB .........................Technical Bulletin
TBT .......................Technical Barrier to Trade
TCA .......................Terrestrial Condition Assessment
TEFAP ...................The Emergency Food Assistance Program
TFAA .....................Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs
TFCCA ...................Tropical Forest and Coral Reef Conservation Act
TFP ........................Thrifty Food Plan
TPMC ....................Tuscon Plant Materials Center
TSP ........................Thrift Savings Plan
USDA | 2021 Agency Financial Report 207
U.S.C .....................U.S. Code
UDO ......................Undelivered Orders
UEI ........................Unique Entity Identifier
ULOs .....................Unliquidated Obligations
UP .........................Unknown Payment
USAID ...................U.S. Agency for International Development
USDA ....................U.S. Department of Agriculture
USSGL ...................U.S. Standard General Ledger
WCF ......................Working Capital Fund
WHIP ....................Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity
WIC .......................Women, Infants, and Children
WRE ......................Wetland Reserve Easement
United States Department of Agriculture