Elbert County Fair Open Class Premium Book 2024 Page 1
Open Class General Exhibits Information for Entries
Open Class General Exhibits Entry Form
Kiddie Style Show 2
Open Class General Exhibit Rules 2-3
Open Class Garden, Crops & Floriculture 4
Open Class Foods 10
Open Class Arts & Crafts 16
Open Class Clothing 24
Open Class Quilting 28
Needle Craft 30
Open Class General Exhibits Entry Form 34
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Kiddie Fashion Show
Linda Ehmann & Tammi Schneider, Superintendents
Sponsored by Young Homemakers
Check-in & Entries: Saturday, July 27, 4:00 PM 4:30 PM
Judging: Saturday, July 27, 5:00 PM; Fellowship Hall
1. This fashion show is open to kids 8 years and under.
2. Clothing must be made, not purchased. Clothing does not have to be made by kids.
3. Awards will be given for participation only. This is not for competition.
4. Entries (on 8 ½ X 11 paper) should include the child’s name, age, and a half page typed commentary
about the child and the outfit. Directors will be available to help with entry.
Open Class General Exhibits Division
Overall Superintendent Linda Ehmann
Bring Filled Out Entries to Check-In; Please put a description of the item on the entry tag.
There are TWO options for check in Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning.
Tuesday Evening Check-in: Tuesday, July 30, 5:00 PM 7:00 PM; Ag Building, South Doors. No quilts checked
in at this time. Quilts can only be checked in on Wednesday morning.
1. Wednesday Morning Check-in Opens: Wednesday, July 31, 8:00 AM 11:30 AM; Ag Building, South
Doors. Quilts must be entered at the Ag Building and checked in for judging at the Fellowship Hall.
Exhibitors must take quilts to the Fellowship Hall. Quilts can only be checked in on Wednesday morning.
Final Check-in Closes: Wednesday, July 31; 11:30 AM (Please arrive in time to complete your entries by
Judging: Wednesday, July 31, 1:00PM; Ag Building (silent observation allowed). Quilts to be judged at the
Fellowship Hall.
Check out: Sunday, August 4, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
Premium Payout: Sunday, August 4, 2:00 PM 4:00 PM; Ag Building (change from prior years)
Premium Schedule
Open Classes
A $5 gift certificate will be awarded to each Champion and Reserve Champion youth.
Open Class General Exhibits Division Rules:
1. No pre-entering required. All entries may be entered at the fair during check-in time. Exhibitors must come to
the Ag Building to pick up their exhibitor number and entry tags. Bring an entry form with your name and
address filled in and exhibit entries on one form. Anyone wishing to receive entry tags prior to Fair can pick
them up from the Extension Office in Kiowa. There will be an entry fee of $5.00 per exhibitor to be paid with
entry form.
2. Entry clerk will check class descriptions against all entries. If an exhibit is entered in the wrong class,
Superintendents will try (as best that they can) to move the item to a more appropriate class.
3. Please put a description of the item on the Entry Tag!
4. Each exhibitor may exhibit TWO entries in each class unless otherwise specified. In the Garden,
Crops, Floriculture, and all Foods classes, exhibitors are limited to ONE entry per class.
5. 4-H exhibitors may enter their previous years' 4-H exhibits in the appropriate class this year. Only the items
may be entered and exhibited. No informational display boards or project records.
6. Exhibits must have been made since the previous Fair, with the exception of exhibitors falling under
Rule 5 above.
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 3
7. Unless otherwise indicated, Champions are chosen from all 1st places in classes as indicated. Reserve
Champions are chosen from the remaining 1st place exhibits and the 2nd place exhibit to the Champion (only
if it is of acceptable quality, as determined by the judge).
8. No mailed exhibits accepted.
9. All classes are open to any exhibitor regardless of county, unless otherwise specified (as in Garden classes).
10. Professional Classes are for those exhibitors who have earned $1,000 and over during the past year
from the activities in the section of classes being entered in.
11. Child classes open to children 7 years and under. Junior Youth classes are open to children ages 8 through
11. Senior Youth classes are ages 12 through 16. These age categories apply only when designated,
although separate classes may be formed for youth if there are at least three youth entries. Age determined
as of date entering exhibit. It is critical that youth exhibitors put their age on the entry tag so that
classes may be formed for them whenever possible.
12. Tags should be filled out as in the example following:
Your Exhibitor's Number
Number & Youth Age
Class Number
Fair Book Class Description
Your Name
Example: Blue Petunia, Red
Blouse, Blue Star Quilt,
Rocking Chair, etc.
Put description of the item on entry tag!
Tags are to be attached to the exhibit
securely. You may add additional information
as necessary on the bottom portion of the tag.
This includes age of youth, if youth exhibit,
include detailed information such as: blue
petunia, green birdhouse, barn picture, yellow
& white afghan, etc.
1. Judging will be closed, semi-closed, or open. This decision will be left to the mutual agreement of the Open
Class Superintendent and Clerks within the building.
2. Exhibitors interfering with the judging may be asked to leave and may be disqualified by the
Superintendents and Clerks.
3. Exhibits are subject to disqualification if the exhibitor's identity becomes known to the judge prior to
or during the judging.
4. All exhibit tags are to remain shut during the judging and must be opened following the judging to identify the
exhibitor and must remain open during the displaying of exhibit items for the remainder of the Fair.
5. Champions will be selected as designated.
6. If three like items are exhibited in miscellaneous or any of the classes, these items may constitute a new
7. The "Judge’s Choice" (where indicated in Fair Book) will be selected by the judge. Professional classes are
not eligible for Judge’s Choice Awards.
8. Decisions of the judge are final.
9. Ties may be allowed in child classes only, otherwise there will be no ties.
10. Unworthy articles will not receive awards/premiums whether there is competition or not.
1. Cash premiums will be paid during the fair on Sunday at the Ag Building. Premiums will be paid as listed in
the Fair Book schedule. The Fair Board and Elbert County reserve the right to change the method and date
of payment if the need should arise. Any premiums not picked up by that date shall be forfeited unless prior
written arrangements have been made with the Extension Office.
2. Exhibitors removing their exhibits prior to 2:00 PM on Sunday and not checking them out with the
Superintendent will be subject to forfeiture of all their premiums.
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LAST SUNDAY OF THE FAIR. The exception to this is potted plants may be check out at 5:00 PM on
judging day. Exhibits left on Fairgrounds after December 31st will be disposed of.
2. All exhibits must be checked out with the Superintendents/Clerks between the hours of 2:00 PM 4:00 PM on
the last Sunday of Fair. Any remaining exhibits will be locked in the buildings. Arrangements must then be
made with the Extension Office for claiming these exhibits.
1. All exhibits to be exhibited with appropriate support, protection, and consideration for taking up minimal space
for display.
2. All exhibits entered at the fair are done so at the owner's risk and the management will not be responsible for
damages or injuries to persons and/or animals or property or for any loss whatsoever.
3. A formal protest must be made in writing to the fair office within 12 hours of announcement of contest results.
Such protest must state plainly the cause of complaint or appeal and be accompanied by a $25.00 fee. The
protest committee shall consist of the President of the Fair Board, a representative from Extension Office, and
the superintendent of the division involved. In the event the complaint is justified, the $25.00 will be returned
and necessary action taken. If the committee rules against the complaint, the $25.00 fee will be forfeited.
Open Class Garden, Crops, & Floriculture Section
Put variety on the entry tag!
All entries judged for uniformity of shape, size, and maturity.
Garden Classes
Additional Rules:
1. Limited to Elbert County residents only. Those of lower altitudes have an unfair advantage over most
Elbert County residents.
2. Exhibitors are limited to ONE entry for all Garden classes.
3. Number of items as specified below must be exact.
4. Put the variety on entry tag and botanical name if desired.
5. Remove dead items such as spent blossoms, dead leaves, etc., from exhibit.
6. Champion and Reserve Champion will be determined by the exhibitor with the most 1st place exhibits.
Ties will be broken by most 2nd place exhibits.
Guidelines for Exhibiting Garden Products
Department O; Section 30
Apples stems attached.
Class 3001
Apples, any variety 3
Class 3002
Apples, crab, 6,
Beans: - Tender, firm, snap when broken, seeds should be small, and flesh should not have any voids.
Picked with 1/4 to 1/2 inch stem.
Class 3003
Beans, any type, same variety, 6
Class 3004
Beans, Green, 6
Beets, Table - 1" stems and root not removed.
Class 3005
Beets, Table, 3
Brassica Family:
Class 3006
Broccoli - Six inches overall length and the head at least 3" in diameter. Stem solid
and loose leaves removed. 1 stalk
Class 3007
Brussel Sprouts 3 sprouts
Class 3008
Cabbage, Any Type Minimum two lb. head with 1 to 2 wrapped leaves. Stem 1/4"
remaining. 1 head
Class 3009
Cauliflower - Wrapper leaves trimmed even with the curd. Stem trimmed 1/2" below
the last remaining leaf. 1 head.
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Carrots - 1" stem, root clean and free of side roots.
Class 3010
Carrots, 4
Cherries - Stems attached, either sweet or sour types.
Class 3011
Cherries, ½ cup
Chokecherries - No stems.
Class 3012
Chokecherries, ½ cup
Class 3013
Slicing cucumbers not to exceed 3” in diameter with stem. 3
Class 3014
Pickling cucumbers, either small, (2" to 2 1/2" long) or large (3" to 4" long). Stem
and natural bloom not removed. 3
Garlic 1” stem attached.
Class 3015
Garlic, 3 heads
Herb Collection Minimum 3 varieties. Stems minimum 6 in length. 3 stems of each variety.
Best if displayed in water.
Class 3016
Lettuce - Roots attached.
Class 3017
Lettuce, 1 head or bunch. Best if displayed in water.
Onions - 6” top. Do not wash, remove outer scales.
Class 3018
Any variety other than green bunch, 3
Onions, Green Bunch - Tied top and bottom. The bulb should not be more than slightly enlarged.
Wash thoroughly, tops and roots trimmed to an even length.
Class 3019
Green Onions, 3
Peas In pod with stems that carry the original bloom.
Class 3020
Peas, 6 pods
Class 3021
Edible Pea Pods, Snow Peas, 6
Class 3022
Edible Pea Pods, Sugar Peas, 6
Peppers, Sweet or Hot - Stems attached, clean, but not polished.
Class 3023
Peppers, same variety, 3
Potatoes - Shallow eyes, smooth surface, clean, and not washed. Any variety.
Class 3024
Potatoes, same variety, 3
Radishes - Radishes may be washed but do not trim tops or roots.
Class 3025
Radishes, same variety, 3
Raspberries - No hulls.
Class 3026
Raspberries, ½ cup
Rhubarb - Stalks trimmed without any leafy top remaining. Bottom end cleaned and sheath trimmed.
Class 3027
Rhubarb, 3 stalks
Spinach - Any variety including roots, best shown in water.
Class 3028
Spinach, 1 bunch
Squash - Yellow or Straight Neck should be 5" to 6" long, the Zucchini 6" to 9" long, and the Scalloped or
Patty Pan 3" to 4" in diameter. Each entry should have 1/2" stem.
Class 3029
Squash, any other, 2
Class 3030
Zucchini, 2
Class 3031
Yellow, 2
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Strawberries - Exhibited with caps.
Class 3032
Strawberries, 6
Sunflower - Displayed with 8-12 stem with any attached foliage. 6” head diameter minimum.
Class 3033
Sunflower, 1 head
Tomatoes Soil free but not washed or polished.
Green - Exhibited with stems.
Class 3034
Tomatoes, green, 3
Ripe - Exhibited without stems.
Class 3035
Tomatoes, ripe, 3
Small Ripe - Exhibited without stems.
Class 3036
Cherry, Plum, Grape or Pear, 6
Turnips - 1" stem and tap root should be untrimmed.
Class 3037
Turnip, 3
Class 3038
Class 3039
Any Other Garden Product not otherwise listed
Champion Garden
Reserve Champion Garden
Youth Vegetable/Garden Fun Classes
Age 18 and Under
Additional Rules:
1. All live insects must be caught in Elbert County. All live insects may be released at the judge’s
recommendation. Must be exhibited in clear container with breathable lid.
2. Pet rocks must weigh at least two ounces and no more than five pounds. Pet rocks may be dressed in man-
made materials or decorative plants.
Department O; Section 30
Class 3051
Vegetable/Fruit Creation; decorative, carved, or sculpture
Class 3052
Class 3053
Ugliest Spider
Class 3054
Biggest Grasshopper
Class 3055
Cutest Beetle
Class 3056
Prettiest Lady Bug
Class 3057
Best Butterfly
Class 3058
Craziest Caterpillar
Class 3059
Any Other Bug
Class 3060
Pet Rock
Class 3061
Most Obnoxious Weed
Class 3062
Fairy Garden
Champion Vegetable/Garden Fun
Reserve Champion Vegetable/Garden Fun
Judge’s Choice Garden/Crops
2023 Sponsor Elbert County Master Gardeners
2023 Winner Deborah Morrison
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Floriculture Classes
Additional Rules:
1. All flowers must have been grown in Elbert County, with the exception of, potted houseplants.
2. Each exhibitor must furnish his or her own container in a size suitable to the exhibit. No paper or plastic
containers, with the exception of, potted plants or arrangements.
3. All cut flowers are to be exhibited with 3 stems, unless indicated that it is to be one spray. Flowers do not
have to be the same color but must be the same variety.
4. There must be foliage from the plant with the exhibit, but foliage will not be counted as a stem. Remove dead
items such as spent blossoms, dead leaves, etc. from exhibit.
5. Exhibitors are limited to ONE entry for each Floriculture class.
6. Put the variety names and it is recommended to put botanical names on entry tags if known.
7. Champions will be selected by determining the exhibitor with the most 1st place exhibits. Ties will be
broken by most 2nd place exhibits.
8. The Elbert County Master Gardeners will sponsor a prize for the Judge’s Choice of xeriscape flower exhibit.
***denotes which flowers are xeric, as identified by Colorado State University Cooperative Extension.
Department O; Section 31
Class 3101
Asters (Aster)
Class 3102
Bee Balm (Monardo didyma) ***
Class 3103
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) ***
Class 3104
Blanket Flower (Gallardia) ***
Class 3105
Blue Globe Thistle (Echinops)
Class 3106
Class 3107
Columbines (Aquilegia) ***
Class 3108
Coneflower (Echinacea) ***
Class 3109
Coreopsis (Coreopsis) ***
Class 3110
Cosmos (Cosmos) ***
Class 3111
Dahlia, single stem (Dahlia)
Class 3112
Daisies (any color)
Class 3113
Daylily, one stem
Class 3114
Delphiniums (Delphinium)
Class 3115
Dianthus (pinks) (Dianthus)
Class 3116
Flowering Bulb
Class 3117
Flowering Herb
Class 3118
Flowering shrub, any type
Class 3119
Flowering Vine, any type
Class 3120
Class 3021
Gladiolus (Gladiolus)
Class 3022
Hollyhock ***
Class 3023
Impatiens (Impatiens)
Class 3024
Class 3025
Lily (Asiatic, oriental)
Class 3026
Class 3027
Marigolds (tall, double) (Tagetes)
Class 3028
Marigolds dwarf, (Tagetes) 1 spray
Class 3029
Nasturtium (Tropaeolaceae)
Class 3030
Ornamental Grass, any variety, 3 stems
Class 3131
Pansy (Viola)
Class 3132
Penstemon (Penstemon ) ***
Class 3133
Petunia-double (Petunia) 1 spray
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Class 3134
Petunia-single (Petunia)1 spray
Class 3135
Phlox (Phlox)
Class 3136
Roses (miniature) (Rosa) 1 spray
Class 3137
Roses, (3 open) (Rosa) tea
Class 3138
Roses, floribunda 1 spray
Class 3139
Class 3140
Class 3141
Snapdragons (Antirrhinum)
Class 3142
Sunflowers, seedless (Heliantus annuus) ***
Class 3143
Sunflowers, wild
Class 3144
Sweet Peas (Lathyrus)
Class 3145
Class 3146
Veronica (Veronica species)
Class 3147
Wildflower, not otherwise listed, any type
Class 3148
Yarrow (Achillea) ***
Class 3149
Zinnias (Zinnea)
Class 3150
Any Other Floriculture
Champion Floriculture
Reserve Champion Floriculture
Judge’s Choice Xeriscape (Classes designated as ***)
2023 Sponsor Elbert County Master Gardeners
2023 Winner Nicole Parenti
Additional Rules:
1. Potted plants may be checked out at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Julty 31. Check out with Superintendent.
These are the only plants that will be allowed to be released early.
2. The foliage on potted plants should be cleaned but not polished, healthy, of good color, and free of any sign
of disease, insect, or mechanical injury.
3. Champions will be selected by determining the exhibitor with the most 1st place exhibits. Ties will be
broken by most 2nd place exhibits.
Plants in Bloom
Department O; Section 31
Class 3161
African Violet, in bloom
Class 3162
Antherium, in bloom
Class 3163
Begonias, in bloom
Class 3164
Cactus, in bloom
Class 3165
Geranium, in bloom
Class 3166
Succulent, in bloom
Class 3167
Any other plant in bloom
Plants not in Bloom
Department O; Section 31
Class 3171
Class 3172
Antherium, not in bloom
Class 3173
Class 3174
Class 3175
Class 3176
Class 3177
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Class 3178
Spider Plant (Airplane Plant)
Class 3179
Any Other Plant not in Bloom
Miscellaneous Houseplants
Department O; Section 31
Class 3181
Dish Garden
Class 3182
Class 3183
Ornamental grasses, 10 stems
Class 3184
Any other
Champion Houseplant
Reserve Champion Houseplant
Flower Arrangement Classes
Additional Rule:
1. Arrangements may contain living, fresh cut, or dried flowers or plants. No synthetic flowers or plants allowed.
Department O; Section 31
Class 3191
Fair Theme (How the West Was Grown) Use your imagination
Class 3192
Old to New Your choice of materials must include a recycled item
Class 3193
Thumbelina Maximum size 3” X 3” X 3”. This size limitation includes the container
and all foliage.
Class 3194
Patriotic Collection Arrangement commemoration the USA.
Class 3195
Bouquet/Flower Arrangement, any other
Class 3196
Dried Flower arrangement (no synthetic flowers or plants)
Champion Flower Arrangement
Reserve Champion Flower Arrangement
Senior Youth Flower Arrangement (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 31
Class 3197
Senior Youth Flower Arrangement, any type
Champion Senior Youth Flower Arrangement
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Flower Arrangement
Junior Youth Flower Arrangement (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 31
Class 3198
Junior Youth Flower Arrangement, any type
Champion Junior Youth Flower Arrangement
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Flower Arrangement
Child Flower Arrangement (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 31
Class 3199
Child Flower Arrangement, any type
Champion Child Flower Arrangement
Reserve Champion Child Flower Arrangement
Judge’s Choice Floriculture/Houseplants/Flower Arrangements
2023 Sponsor Elbert County Master Gardeners
2023 Winner Raylene Owen
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Open Class Foods Section
Please put a description of the item on the entry tag!
Additional Rules:
1. All exhibits to be exhibited with appropriate support, protection, and consideration for taking up minimal space
for display.
2. A copy of recipe must be attached to all food exhibits.
3. Use paper plates and/or covered cardboard for display of food exhibits. Entries will be accepted only
in disposable containers. Exhibits should be protected with a baggie. Do not wrap food in aluminum foil.
Take care in selecting appropriate protective cover in order to retain product quality. Avoid plastic taste,
sweating, or drying of product.
4. Exhibitors are limited to ONE entry per individual food class.
5. Entries will be judged visually. Jars will NOT be opened.
Bread Products
Quick Breads
Department O; Section 32
Class 3201
Biscuits, 3
Class 3202
Coffee Cake
Class 3203
Muffins, 3, recipe
Class 3204
Quick Bread, recipe
Class 3205
Gluten Free Product
Class 3206
Any Other Quick Product
Yeast Breads
Department O; Section 32
Class 3211
Cinnamon Rolls, 3
Class 3212
Rolls, 3
Class 3213
Sweet Bread
Class 3214
White Bread
Class 3215
Whole Wheat Bread
Class 3216
Any Other Yeast Product
Champion Bread
Reserve Champion Bread
Machine Breads
Department O; Section 32
Class 3217
Sweet Bread
Class 3218
Yeast Bread
Class 3219
Any Other Machine Bread
Champion Machine Bread
Reserve Champion Machine Bread
Sourdough Products
Additional Rules:
1. Sourdough products may be entered in this Section or Machine Bread only.
2. Plastic wraps or bags should not be used on sourdough products. No foil. Possibilities: cheesecloth, paper
bags, parchment paper, or butcher paper.
Department O; Section 32
Class 3221
Quick Bread, Any Kind
Class 3222
Yeast Bread, Any Kind
Class 3223
Any Other Sourdough Product
Champion Sourdough Product
Reserve Champion Sourdough Product
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Additional Rules:
1. No prepared mixes accepted.
2. No icing on cakes.
Department O; Section 32
Class 3226
Bundt Cake
Class 3227
Butter Cake
Class 3228
Carrot Cake
Class 3229
Chocolate Cake
Class 3230
White Cake
Class 3231
Gluten Free Cake
Class 3232
Any Other Cake
Champion Cake
Reserve Champion Cake
Department O; Section 32
Class 3233
Bar Cookies, 6
Class 3234
Brownies, 6
Class 3235
Chocolate Chip Cookies, 6
Class 3236
Cookies, Cake, 6
Class 3237
Drop Cookies, 6
Class 3238
Molded/Pressed Cookies, 6
Class 3239
No Bake Cookies, 6
Class 3240
Oatmeal Cookies, 6
Class 3241
Peanut Butter Cookies, 6
Class 3242
Refrigerator Cookies, 6
Class 3243
Rolled Cookies, 6
Class 3244
Gluten Free Cookies, 6
Class 3245
Any Other Cookie, 6
Champion Cookies
Reserve Champion Cookies
Additional Rules:
1. No cream or pumpkin pies.
2. Tart-sized pies accepted, exhibit whole pie.
Department O; Section 32
Class 3248
Class 3249
Class 3250
Class 3251
Class 3252
Class 3253
Class 3254
Any Other Pie
Champion Pie
Reserve Champion Pie
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Department O; Section 32
Class 3256
Divinity, 6 pieces
Class 3257
Fudge, 6 pieces
Class 3258
Mints, 6 pieces
Class 3259
Peanut Brittle, 6 pieces
Class 3260
Any Other Candy, 6 pieces
Champion Candy
Reserve Champion Candy
Young Cooks
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 32
Class 3261
Bread, Any Kind
Class 3262
Cake, Any Kind
Class 3263
Cookies, No Bake, 6
Class 3264
Cookies, Any Kind, 6
Class 3265
Cupcakes, 6 (not iced)
Class 3266
Decorated Cake
Class 3267
Decorated Cookie or Cupcake
Class 3268
Any Other Food Product
Champion Senior Youth Cook
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Cook
Junior Youth Cooks (Ages 8 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 32
Class 3271
Bread, Any Kind
Class 3272
Cake, Any Kind
Class 3273
Cookies, No Bake, 6
Class 3274
Cookies, Any Kind, 6
Class 3275
Cupcakes, 6 (not iced)
Class 3276
Decorated Cake
Class 3277
Decorated Cookie or Cupcake
Class 3278
Any Other Food Product
Champion Junior Youth Cook
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Cook
Child (Ages 7 and Under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 32
Class 3281
Cookies, Any Kind, 6
Class 3282
Decorated Cookie or Cupcake
Class 3283
Any Other Food Product
Champion Child Cook
Reserve Champion Child Cook
Judge’s Choice Foods
2023 Sponsor Bino’s Pizza
2023 Winner Roxanne Paterniti
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Food Preservation
Additional Rules:
1. All canned exhibits must be exhibited in a standard canning jar and lid with ring. Mayonnaise, iced tea jars,
etc. will not be accepted.
2. Champions will be determined by exhibitor with most 1st place exhibits. Ties broken by most 2nd
place exhibits.
3. All canned products must have been canned since the last Fair.
4. All dried foods must be exhibited in Ziploc-type bags.
5. All canned products must include the following information on the label:
A. Name of product.
B. Method of preparation (type syrup, type pack, any additional ingredients added) as applies to product
C. Method of processing (i.e., pressure canner, water bath) and pounds of pressure used if food was
pressure canned.
D. Elevation at which processing was done.
E. Exact processing time.
F. Date processed.
6. Entries will be judged visually. Exhibits may be opened at Judge’s discretion.
Ascorbic acid dip
Hot packed-thin syrup
Boiling water bath canned
35 minutes at
5,000 feet
September, 2023
7. All dried foods must include the following information on the label:
A. Name of product
B. Pre-treatment used, if any.
C. Name of additional ingredients added, if any.
D. Method of drying (oven, dehydrator, solar).
E. Total drying time.
F. Date dried.
Ascorbic acid dipped
Dehydrator dried, 8 hours
July, 2024
Canned Fruit Class
All canned fruits must be exhibited with ring.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3301
Class 3302
Class 3303
Class 3304
Class 3305
Class 3306
Class 3307
Class 3308
Class 3309
Any Other Canned Fruit
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Canned Vegetable Class
All canned vegetables must be exhibited with ring.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3312
Class 3313
Class 3314
Class 3315
Class 3316
Class 3317
Class 3318
Any Other Canned Vegetable
Jelly Class
Jars will be opened, must exhibit with ring.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3320
Class 3321
Class 3322
Class 3323
Class 3324
Class 3325
Any Other Jelly
Jam Class
Jars will be opened, must exhibit with ring.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3326
Class 3327
Peach or Apricot
Class 3328
Class 3329
Any Other Jam
Pickle and Relish Classes
Jars will be opened, must exhibit with ring.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3334
Bread and Butter Pickles
Class 3335
Cucumber Pickles, Sweet
Class 3336
Dill Pickles
Class 3337
Any Other Pickles, Vegetable, or Fruit
Class 3338
Class 3339
Spaghetti Sauce
Class 3340
Any Other Sauce
Class 3341
Pickled Beets
Dried Food Classes
All dried foods must be exhibited in Ziploc-type bags.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3346
Jerky, 3 strips
Class 3347
Dried Fruit, 1/4 cup each
Class 3348
Dried Vegetables, 1/4 cup each
Class 3349
Fruit Leather, 6 small pieces
Class 3350
Dried Herbs, 3 different kinds, 1/4 cup each
Class 3351
Any Other Dried Food
Champion Food Preservation
Reserve Champion Food Preservation
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 15
Youth Food Preservation (Ages 16 & Under)
(Put age on tag)
Jars must be exhibited with ring.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3360
Canned Fruit, Any Kind
Class 3361
Canned Vegetables, Any Kind
Class 3363
Jellies, Any Kind
Class 3364
Jams, Any Kind
Class 3365
Pickle & Relish, Any Kind
Class 3366
Dried Foods, Any Kind (Exhibit must be in Ziploc-type bag)
Class 3367
Any other
Champion Youth Food Preservation
Reserve Champion Youth Food Preservation
Kitchen Craft
Additional Rule:
1. Cake may be a form. Does not need to be a real cake. Decorations only will be judged.
Department O; Section 33
Class 3371
Decorated Cake or Cookie
Class 3372
Dessert in a Jar, with recipe
Class 3373
Honey, 1 jar
Class 3374
Soap, 1 bar
Class 3375
Soup in a Jar, with recipe
Class 3376
Any Other Kitchen Craft
Class 3377
Favorite Chocolate Dessert, with recipe
Class 3378
Favorite Fruit Dessert, with recipe
Champion Kitchen Craft
Reserve Champion Kitchen Craft
Judge’s Choice Food Preservation/Kitchen Craft
2023 Sponsor Bino’s Pizza
2023 Winner Darcie Johnson
Page 16 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
Open Class Arts & Crafts Section
Please put a description of the item on the entry tag!
Additional Rules:
1. Garments or accessories must be entered in clothing Sections.
2. In Lego classes, exhibit must be attached and displayed on a rigid base. Elbert County Fair is not
responsible for damage.
Department O; Section 34
Class 3401
Artificial or Dried Flower Arrangement, 1 item
Class 3402
Class 3403
Beading, 1 item or set
Class 3404
Birdhouse/Feeder, Hand made from any material
Class 3405
Birdhouse/Feeder, Pre-made and decorated
Class 3406
Class 3407
Christmas Ornament, 1 item or set
Class 3408
Diamond Art, 1 or set
Class 3409
Doll, 1 or pair
Class 3410
Fabric Album, 1 item
Class 3411
Handmade Greeting Cards
Class 3412
Handmade Stationery
Class 3413
Holiday Decoration, any, except pine cone, any holiday, 1 to 3 items
Class 3414
Homemade Toy, other than doll, 1 item
Class 3415
Leathercraft, 1 item
Class 3416
Metal Craft, 1 item or set
Class 3417
Pine Cone Craft, 1 item or set
Class 3418
Repurposed Craft Item
Class 3419
Shadow/Memory Box, 1 item
Class 3420
Stained Glass, 1 item
Class 3421
Stepping Stone, any size
Class 3422
Terra Cotta Pot Creation
Class 3423
Textile Painting, 1 item or set
Class 3424
Woodworking, 1 item or set
Class 3425
Class 3426
Any Other Craft, 1 item or set
Champion Crafts
Reserve Champion Crafts
Senior Youth Crafts (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3431
Artificial or Dried Flower Arrangement, 1 item
Class 3432
God's Eye, 1 item
Class 3433
Holiday Decoration, 1 to 3 items
Class 3434
Homemade Toy, 1 item
Class 3435
Leathercraft, 1 item
Class 3436
Metal Craft, 1 item or set
Class 3437
Modelcraft, 1 item - Not responsible for damage, may be displayed in a protective see
through case or box.
Class 3438
Textile Painting, 1 item or set
Class 3439
Woodworking, 1 item or set
Class 3440
Any Other Craft, 1 item or set
Champion Senior Youth Crafts
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Crafts
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 17
Junior Youth Crafts (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3441
Artificial or Dried Flower Arrangement, 1 item
Class 3442
Dough Art, 1 to 3 items
Class 3443
God's Eye, 1 item
Class 3444
Homemade Toy, 1 item
Class 3445
Leathercraft, 1 item
Class 3446
Modelcraft, (snap), 1 item
Class 3447
Popsicle Craft
Class 3448
Textile Painting, 1 item or set
Class 3449
Woodworking, 1 item or set
Class 3450
Lego Model, 1 item or set
Class 3451
Any Other Craft, 1 item or set
Champion Junior Youth Crafts
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Crafts
Child Crafts (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3452
Artificial or Dried Flower Arrangement, 1 item
Class 3453
Dough Art, 1 to 3 items
Class 3454
God's Eye, 1 item
Class 3455
Homemade Toy, 1 item
Class 3456
Leathercraft, 1 item
Class 3457
Modelcraft, (snap), 1 item
Class 3458
Popsicle Craft
Class 3459
Textile Painting, 1 item or set
Class 3460
Woodworking, 1 item or set
Class 3461
Lego Model, 1 item or set
Class 3462
Any Other Craft, 1 item or set
Champion Child Crafts
Reserve Champion Child Crafts
Additional Rules:
1. Limited to Amateurs who have not earned $1,000, during the past year, in commissions from their work.
Department O; Section 34
Class 3471
Class 3472
Class 3473
Class 3474
Any Other Techniques or Combination of Techniques
Champion Ceramics
Reserve Champion Ceramics
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Senior Youth Ceramics (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Class 3476
Senior Youth Ceramics, any item or set
Champion Senior Youth Ceramics
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Ceramics
Junior Youth Ceramics (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Class 3477
Junior Youth Ceramics, any item or set
Champion Junior Youth Ceramics
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Ceramics
Child Ceramics (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Class 3478
Child Ceramics, any item or set
Champion Child Ceramics
Reserve Champion Child Ceramics
Home Furnishings
Department O; Section 34
Class 3481
Refinished Item, 1 item
Class 3482
Rug, any size, 1 item
Class 3483
Woodworking, (except furniture), any size 1 item
Class 3484
Woodworking Furniture, any size, 1 item
Class 3485
Any other
Champion Home Furnishing
Reserve Champion Home Furnishing
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3486
Senior Youth Home Furnishing, Any item or set
Champion Senior Youth Home Furnishing
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Home Furnishing
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3487
Junior Youth Home Furnishing, Any item or set
Champion Junior Youth Home Furnishing
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Home Furnishing
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 19
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3488
Child Home Furnishing, Any item or set
Champion Child Home Furnishing
Reserve Champion Child Home Furnishing
Home Accessories
Additional Rules:
1. Items may be constructed in any way.
Department O; Section 34
Class 3491
Hot Dish Mats, 2 items
Class 3492
Place Mats, 2 items (other than textile embroidery)
Class 3493
Rug or Wall Hanging
Class 3494
Sofa Pillow
Class 3495
Stuffed Animal
Class 3496
Any Other Home Accessory, 1 item or set
Champion Home Accessory
Reserve Champion Home Accessory
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3497
Senior Youth Home Accessories, any item or set
Champion Senior Youth Home Accessory
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Home Accessory
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3498
Junior Youth Home Accessories, any item or set
Champion Junior Youth Home Accessory
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Home Accessory
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 34
Class 3499
Child Home Accessories, any item or set
Champion Child Home Accessory
Reserve Champion Child Home Accessory
Judge’s Choice Arts & Crafts
2023 Sponsor Tagawa Gardens
2023 Winner Mary Link
Page 20 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
Fine Arts
Additional Rules:
1. All exhibits must be originals.
2. Must not have exhibited entry at Elbert County Fair before.
3. A professional is one who has earned $1,000, during the past year, in the medium being displayed.
4. Art may be advertised for sale during the Fair and sold by private treaty.
5. No art exhibits removed prior to checkout.
6. All framed pictures must be complete with hanger on back, for display purposes.
7. Professional exhibits will not be considered for Judge’s Choice Awards.
Department O; Section 35
Class 3501
3D Non-sculpture
Class 3502
Class 3503
Acrylic Modern technique
Class 3504
Black and White drawing (pen, pencil, ink)
Class 3505
Charcoal Drawing
Class 3506
Oil Landscape/Seascape
Class 3507
Oil Portrait
Class 3508
Oil Animals
Class 3509
Oil Still Life
Class 3510
Class 3511
Color (pen, ink, pencil)
Class 3512
Class 3513
Class 3514
Any Other Fine Art
Champion Art
Reserve Champion Art
Youth Fine Arts
1. All Fine Art entries must be matted or framed with the exception of pottery and sculpture.
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 35
Class 3521
Acrylic or Oil
Class 3522
Black and White drawing (pen, pencil, ink)
Class 3523
Color (pen, ink, pencil)
Class 3524
Class 3525
Class 3526
Class 3527
Class 3528
Any Other Senior Youth Art
Champion Senior Youth Art
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Art
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 35
Class 3531
Acrylic or Oil
Class 3532
Black and White drawing (pen, pencil, ink)
Class 3533
Color (pen, ink, pencil)
Class 3534
Class 3535
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 21
Class 3536
Paint by Number
Class 3537
Class 3538
Class 3539
Any Other Junior Youth Art
Champion Junior Youth Art
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Art
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 35
Class 3541
Black and White drawing (pen, pencil, ink)
Class 3542
Color (pen, ink, pencil)
Class 3543
Class 3544
Class 3545
Class 3546
Class 3547
Any Other Child Art
Champion Child Art
Reserve Champion Child Art
Professional Classes
1. A professional is one who has earned $1,000, during the past year, in the medium being displayed.
Department O; Section 35
Class 3551
Class 3552
Class 3553
Class 3554
Class 3555
Class 3556
Class 3557
Any Other Professional Fine Art
Champion Professional Art
Reserve Champion Professional Art
Judge’s Choice Fine Arts
2023 Sponsor Tagawa Gardens
2023 Winner Alora Mufford
Additional Rules:
1. Photos cannot have been exhibited previously.
2. Photos must be printed or mounted on any appropriate material in any artistic manner. Photos may also be
matted or framed. If framed, these must be hangable, for display purposes.
3. Story entries must consist of three photos of the same subject or theme and mounting must be as one
display, not on three separate pieces of board. Story photos may be any size.
4. A professional is one who has earned $1,000, during the past year, in the medium being displayed.
5. Photography may be advertised for sale during the Fair and sold by private treaty.
6. No photography removed prior to checkout.
7. Feature photos must be 5" X 7" or larger and mounted/framed.
8. A memory album or pages contain journalizing, photos, etc. is an artistic display. A scrapbook contains
newspaper clippings, memorabilia, etc.
9. Professional exhibits will not be considered for Judge’s Choice Awards.
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Story Photography
Additional Rules:
1. Must have captions.
Department O; Section 36
Class 3601
Antique photo with story (photo must have been taken 50 or more years ago)
Class 3602
Black & White, 3 photos, telling a story
Class 3603
Color, 3 photos, telling a story
Class 3604
Memory Page, 1 side
Class 3605
Memory Pages, 2-4 sides, secured together
Class 3606
Memory Album, 8” X 8” or smaller
Class 3607
Memory Album, 8 1/2” X 11”
Class 3608
Memory Album, 12” X 12
Class 3609
Class 3610
Self-Published Memory Book or Shutterfly type
Champion Story Photography
Reserve Champion Story Photography
Feature Photography
(Single Photo)
Additional Rules:
1. May or may not have captions.
2. Cannot enter same photo in more than one class.
Department O; Section 36
5” X 7”
Class 3611
Black & White, Animal
Class 3612
Black & White, People
Class 3613
Black & White, Plant
Class 3614
Black & White, Place
Class 3615
Black & White, any other
Class 3616
Color, Animal
Class 3617
Color, People
Class 3618
Color, Plant
Class 3619
Color, Place
Class 3620
Color, any other
Department O; Section 36
Larger than 5” X 7”
Class 3626
Black & White, Animal
Class 3627
Black & White, People
Class 3628
Black & White, Plant
Class 3629
Black & White, Place
Class 3630
Black & White, any other
Class 3631
Color, Animal
Class 3632
Color, People
Class 3633
Color, Plant
Class 3634
Color, Place
Class 3635
Color, any other
Department O; Section 36
Class 3641
Panoramic, any size, any type
Class 3642
Sepia, any size, any type
Champion Feature Photography
Reserve Champion Feature Photography
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 23
Youth Photography (16 & under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 36
Class 3645
Black & White, Photo
Class 3646
Color, Photo
Class 3647
Sepia, Photo
Class 3648
Story, Photo
Class 3649
Class 3650
Any other Youth
Champion Youth Photography
Reserve Champion Youth Photography
Professional Classes
Additional Rules:
1. A professional is one who has earned $1,000, during the past year, in the medium being displayed.
2. May or may not have captions.
3. Cannot enter same photo in more than one.
Department O; Section 36
5” X 7”
Class 3661
Black & White, Animal
Class 3662
Black & White, People
Class 3663
Black & White, Plant
Class 3664
Black & White, Place
Class 3665
Black & White, any other
Class 3666
Color, Animal
Class 3667
Color, People
Class 3668
Color, Plant
Class 3669
Color, Place
Class 3670
Color, any other
Department O; Section 36
Larger than 5” X 7”
Class 3676
Black & White, Animal
Class 3677
Black & White, People
Class 3678
Black & White, Plant
Class 3679
Black & White, Place
Class 3680
Black & White, any other
Class 3681
Color, Animal
Class 3682
Color, People
Class 3683
Color, Plant
Class 3684
Color, Place
Class 3685
Color, any other
Department O; Section 36
Class 3691
Story, any size, any type
Class 3692
Panoramic, any, size, any type
Class 3693
Sepia, any size, any type
Champion Professional Photography
Reserve Champion Professional Photography
Judge’s Choice Photography
2023 Sponsor Linda Almquist
2023 Winner Ellen Trianka
Page 24 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
Open Class Clothing Section
Please put a description of the item on the entry tag!
See beginning of Open Class Section for rules and information on Kiddie Style Show.
Additional Rules:
1. Garments must have been made since August 2023 or have been entered as the previous year's (2023) 4-H
Clothing Project.
2. Clothing entries may have been worn, but should be clean and in good condition.
3. All entry tags must be attached to the garment, not hung on the hanger.
4. All entries must be on a hanger.
5. Remodeled garment must have a story included.
Department O; Section 37
Class 3701
Class 3702
Class 3703
Basic or Street Dress
Class 3704
Blouse or Shirt
Class 3705
Coat or Jacket
Class 3706
Costume (Halloween, plays or activities that require costumes)
Class 3707
Doll Clothes, one or set
Class 3708
Jumper or Sleeveless Dress
Class 3709
Men's Wear
Class 3710
Multi-piece Outfit
Class 3711
Pants, Slacks
Class 3712
Party or Formal Wear
Class 3713
Class 3714
Class 3715
Class 3716
Vest or Poncho, Cape
Class 3717
Remodeled Garment
Class 3718
Any Other Garment
Champion Sewing
Reserve Champion Sewing
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3720
Class 3721
Blouse or Shirt
Class 3722
Coat or Jacket
Class 3723
Dress, Any Kind
Class 3724
Multi-Piece Outfit
Class 3725
Pants, Shorts, Culottes, etc.
Class 3726
Skirt or Skort
Class 3727
Vest, Poncho, or Cape
Class 3728
Any Other Senior Youth Garment
Champion Senior Youth Sewing
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Sewing
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 25
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3731
Class 3732
Blouse or Shirt
Class 3733
Coat or Jacket
Class 3734
Dress, Any Kind
Class 3735
Multi-Piece Outfit
Class 3736
Pants, Shorts, Culottes, etc.
Class 3737
Skirt or Skort
Class 3738
Vest, Poncho, or Cape
Class 3739
Any Other Junior Youth Garment
Champion Junior Youth Sewing
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Sewing
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3741
Class 3742
Any Other Child Garment
Champion Child Sewing
Reserve Champion Child Sewing
Additional Rules:
1. Must be constructed using sewing, weaving, knotting, beading, etc.
Department O; Section 37
Class 3751
Beaded Accessories, 1 item or set
Class 3752
Belt, 1
Class 3753
Gloves or Mittens, 1 pair
Class 3754
Hat, 1
Class 3755
Jewelry, 1 item or set
Class 3756
Purse or Tote Bag
Class 3757
Scarf, 1
Class 3758
Any Hand Stitched Item, 1 item or set
Class 3759
Any Other Accessory, 1 item or set
Champion Accessory
Reserve Champion Accessory
Page 26 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3761
Senior Youth Accessory, any item or set
Champion Senior Youth Accessory
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Accessory
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3762
Junior Youth Accessory, any item or set
Champion Junior Youth Accessory
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Accessory
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3763
Child Accessory, any item or set
Champion Child Accessory
Reserve Champion Child Accessory
Decorate Your Duds
Additional Rules:
1. The decorating and its appearance as a whole will be judged. Construction of garment will not be judged. If
construction is necessary in decorating the project, it will be judged.
2. Although a variety of methods are used to decorate duds, the predominant one will determine the class to be
3. Must be a clothing item.
4. Accessories classes are for such items as hats, shoes, scarves, etc.
Department O; Section 37
Class 3766
Accessories, any method
Class 3767
Class 3768
Class 3769
Machine Embroidery
Class 3770
Needlecraft, hand-done (embroidery, crewel, etc.)
Class 3771
Class 3772
Class 3773
Use of Studs, Rhinestones, Buttons, Beads, etc.
Class 3774
Any Other Decorate Your Duds
Champion Decorate Your Duds
Reserve Champion Decorate Your Duds
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 27
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3776
Accessories, any method
Class 3777
Class 3778
Class 3779
Machine Embroidery
Class 3780
Needlecraft, hand-done (embroidery, crewel, etc.)
Class 3781
Class 3782
Class 3783
Use of Studs, Rhinestones, Buttons, Beads, etc.
Class 3784
Any Other Decorate Your Duds
Champion Senior Youth Decorate Your Duds
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Decorate Your Duds
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3786
Accessories, any method
Class 3787
Class 3788
Class 3789
Machine Embroidery
Class 3790
Needlecraft, hand-done (embroidery, crewel, etc.)
Class 3791
Class 3792
Class 3793
Use of Studs, Rhinestones, Buttons, Beads, etc.
Class 3794
Any Other Decorate Your Duds
Champion Junior Youth Decorate Your Duds
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Decorate Your Duds
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 37
Class 3796
Accessories, any method
Class 3797
Class 3798
Class 3799
Any Other Child Decorate Your Duds
Champion Child Decorate Your Duds
Reserve Champion Child Decorate Your Duds
Judge’s Choice Sewing/Accessories/Decorate Your Duds
2023 Sponsor Young Homemakers Club, Kiowa
2023 Winner R Keen
Page 28 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
Open Class Quilting and Needlecraft Section
Put description of the item on the entry tag!
Additional Rules:
2. Guidelines and rules per the Colorado Quilting Council.
3. Note on Entry Tag:
a. Description
b. If NOT Quilted by exhibitor
c. If first time quilter or if youth put age
4. If quilt does not have a sleeve for hanging, it will be folded to be displayed.
5. Exhibitors allowed 2 entries per class in the quilt section.
6. Quilts must be entered at the Ag Building and checked in for judging at the Fellowship Hall. Exhibitors take
quilts to the Fellowship Hall. Quilts can only be checked in on Wednesday morning.
Quilt Classifications and Definitions:
Quilt: Three layers = top, batting, backing, held together by stitches through all three layers.
Large Quilts: Total perimeter measurement of 280” or larger.
Small Quilts: Total perimeter measurement under 280”..
Hand Quilted: Quilts that are 75% or more hand quilted.
Machine Quilted: Quilts that are 75% or more machine quilted.
Pieced: At least 75% of the surface of the quilt top is pieced, by hand or machine.
Appliqued: At least 75% of the surface of the quilt top consists of appliqued motifs applied either by hand or
Mixed/Other Surface Techniques: Any quilt top that consists of a fairly equal combination of piecing and
applique or other surface techniques such as embroidery, fabric paint, embellishments, photo transfers, whole
cloth, etc.
Large Quilts
Total perimeter measurement of 280” or larger.
Department O; Section 38
Class 3801
Hand Quilted
Class 3802
Home Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Class 3803
Machine Quilted by exhibitor on Long Arm Machine
Class 3804
Machine Quilted NOT BY EXHIBITOR
Department O; Section 38
Class 3805
Hand Quilted
Class 3806
Home Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Class 3807
Machine Quilted by exhibitor on Long Arm Machine
Class 3808
Machine Quilted NOT BY EXHIBITOR
Department O; Section 38
Class 3809
Hand Quilted
Class 3810
Home Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Class 3811
Machine Quilted by exhibitor on Long Arm Machine
Class 3812
Machine Quilted NOT BY EXHIBITOR
Champion Large Quilt
Reserve Champion Large Quilt
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 29
Small Quilts
Total perimeter measurement under 280”.
Department O; Section 38
Class 3813
Hand Quilted
Class 3814
Home Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Class 3815
Machine Quilted by exhibitor on Long Arm Machine
Class 3816
Machine Quilted NOT BY EXHIBITOR
Department O; Section 38
Class 3817
Hand Quilted
Class 3818
Home Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Class 3819
Machine Quilted by exhibitor on Long Arm Machine
Class 3820
Machine Quilted NOT BY EXHIBITOR
Department O; Section 38
Class 3821
Hand Quilted
Class 3822
Home Machine Quilted by Exhibitor
Class 3823
Machine Quilted by exhibitor on Long Arm Machine
Class 3824
Machine Quilted NOT BY EXHIBITOR
Champion Small Quilt
Reserve Champion Small Quilt
Specialty Quilts
Specialty Quilts
Art Quilt: Wall quilts that are thematic or pictorial in design.
Miniature Quilts: Quilts that are miniature representations of full-size quilts. Maximum perimeter measurement
must be 96” or less. All surface techniques, quilting and finishing should be miniature in scale.
Novelty Quilt: Bed covers that do not have any quilting stitches or traditional top techniques such as piecing and
applique. Biscuit Quilts, Cathedral window, Crazy Quilts (if not quilted), and Yo-Yo’s would fall in this category.
Tie/Tacked Quilt: Three layers (top, batting, and backing) held together by ties, tacking, etc. through all three
Group Quilts: Combined efforts of two or more persons. At least one person must still be living.
Junior Quilts: If 75% or more of a quilt is made by a Junior (age 18 or under) in collaboration with an adult, it
may be entered in the Junior Quilt Classes.
Vintage Quilt Over 50 years old; include short history with quilt.
Department O; Section 38
Class 3825
Art Quilt, any size
Class 3826
Miniature Quilt (96” perimeter or less)
Class 3827
Novelty Quilt
Class 3828
Tie/Tacked Quilt
Class 3829
First Time Quilter*
Class 3830
Miscellaneous Quilt, any other
Class 3831
Vintage Quilt*
Class 3832
Table Runner, Place Mats
Class 3833
Any other small items (potholders, etc.)
Champion Specialty Quilt
Reserve Champion Specialty Quilt
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Class 3841
Group Quilt
Champion Group Quilt
Reserve Champion Group Quilt
Class 3842
Junior Quilt (age 18 or under)
Champion Junior Quilt
Reserve Champion Junior Quilt
Best of Show Quilt
2024 Sponsor Prairie Quilters
Judge’s Choice Quilts
2023 Sponsor Prairie Quilters
2023 Winner Mary Hudson
Additional Rules:
1. All items must have been made since the previous Fair with the exception of 4-H projects that were made for
the 2023 Fair.
2. Heirloom item should be at least 30 years old. It should be entered under the owner’s name. A short history
of the item must be attached. This history should include the relationship of the maker to the owner and the
year made.
Embroidery Classes
Additional Rules:
1. Specify on tags on counted cross stitch entries as to fabric count (14ct, 18ct, etc.)
2. In classes that have size specifications, the size specification refers to the stitched area, not the total exhibit
Floss Classes
Department O; Section 39
Class 3901
Counted Cross Stitch, 1 item or set
Class 3902
Counted Cross Stitch, 5" X 7" & under
Class 3903
Counted Cross Stitch, over 5" X 7"
Class 3904
Counted Cross Stitch, Holiday, 1 item or set
Class 3905
Counted Cross Stitch, Any Other
Class 3906
Waste Canvas Counted Cross Stitch, any item
Class 3907
Stamped Cross Stitch, 1 item
Class 3908
Embroidered Apparel, 1 item
Class 3909
Heirloom Item*
Class 3910
Class 3911
Pillowcases, 1 pair
Class 3912
Any Other Floss Embroidery Item or Set
Champion Floss Embroidery
Reserve Champion Floss Embroidery
Plastic Canvas Classes
Department O; Section 39
Class 3915
Holiday, any Item, 1 or set
Class 3916
Any Other Plastic Canvas Item or Set
Champion Plastic Canvas
Reserve Champion Plastic Canvas
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 31
Miscellaneous Needlecraft
Department O; Section 39
Class 3921
Crewel Embroidery, any item or set
Class 3922
Heirloom Item*
Class 3923
Latch hook, any item or set
Class 3924
Needlepoint, any item or set
Class 3925
Ribbon Embroidery, any item or set
Class 3926
Tatting, any item or set
Class 3927
Weaving, any item or set
Class 3928
Any Other Needlecraft Item or Set
Champion Miscellaneous Needlecraft
Reserve Champion Miscellaneous Needlecraft
Machine Embroidery
Department O; Section 39
Class 3931
Freehand Embroidery
Class 3932
Original Digitized Designs
Class 3933
Any Other Machine Embroidery
Champion Machine Embroidery
Reserve Champion Machine Embroidery
Youth Needlecraft
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3936
Cross Stitch
Class 3937
Any Other Floss Item
Class 3938
Plastic Canvas
Class 3939
Any Other Needlecraft
Champion Senior Youth Needlecraft
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Needlecraft
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3941
Cross Stitch
Class 3942
Any Other Floss Item
Class 3943
Plastic Canvas
Class 3944
Any Other Needlecraft
Champion Junior Youth Needlecraft
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Needlecraft
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3946
Any Floss Item
Class 3947
Plastic Canvas
Class 3948
Any Other Needlecraft
Champion Child Needlecraft
Reserve Champion Child Needlecraft
Page 32 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
Additional Rules:
1. Doilies must be mounted with pins on a rigid surface, such as cork, foam core, etc.
Department O; Section 39
Class 3951
Adult or Child's Garment
Class 3952
Afghan or Bedspread
Class 3953
Baby Blanket
Class 3954
Baby Set, 3 items or set
Class 3955
Class 3956
Hat or Scarf
Class 3957
Heirloom Item*
Class 3958
Pillow, 1 item
Class 3959
Potholders or Hot Pads, 2 items
Class 3960
Class 3961
Class 3963
Toy, 1 item
Class 3964
Any Other Crocheted Item
Champion Crocheting
Reserve Champion Crocheting
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3965
Any Crocheted Garment
Class 3966
Any Other Crocheted Item
Champion Senior Youth Crocheting
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Crocheting
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3967
Any Crocheted Garment
Class 3968
Any Other Crocheted Item
Champion Junior Youth Crocheting
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Crocheting
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3969
Any Crocheted Garment
Class 3970
Any Other Crocheted Item
Champion Child Crocheting
Reserve Champion Child Crocheting
2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class Page 33
Department O; Section 39
Class 3971
Adult or Child's Garment
Class 3972
Afghan or Bedspread
Class 3973
Baby Blanket
Class 3974
Baby Set, 3 items or set
Class 3975
Hat or Scarf
Class 3976
Heirloom Item*
Class 3977
Any Machine Knitted item
Class 3978
Class 3979
Potholder or Hot Pads, 2
Class 3980
Class 3981
Class 3982
Class 3983
Class 3984
Any Other Knitted Item
Champion Knitting
Reserve Champion Knitting
Senior Youth (Ages 12 - 16)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3991
Any Knitted Garment
Class 3992
Any Other Knitted Item
Champion Senior Youth Knitting
Reserve Champion Senior Youth Knitting
Junior Youth (Ages 8 - 11)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3993
Any Knitted Garment
Class 3994
Any Other Knitted Item
Champion Junior Youth Knitting
Reserve Champion Junior Youth Knitting
Child (Ages 7 and under)
(Put age on tag)
Department O; Section 39
Class 3995
Any Knitted Garment
Class 3996
Any Other Knitted Item
Champion Child Knitting
Reserve Champion Child Knitting
Judge’s Choice Needlecrafts
2023 Sponsor Young Homemakers Club, Kiowa
2023 Winner Kimberly Clark
Page 34 2024 Elbert County Fair Open Class
For more information call (303) 621-3162. 4-H members
should use this form when entering Open Class General
Exhibits. Livestock entries and Special Events have
different forms(s)
FAIR BOARD: Please accept the entries indicated below
subject to the rules and classifications governing exhibits as
published in the Elbert County Fair Book.
No pre-entry. Two options for Check-in. Check-in and
entries will be taken from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM Tuesday,
July 30 OR from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM on Wednesday,
August 31. Please arrive and enter on time. Items are
checked in at the Ag Building. Quilts may be checked in
at the Fellowship Hall.
Cash premiums will be paid during the fair on Sunday at
the Ag Building from 2:00 to 4:00PM at the Ag Building.
Any premiums not picked up by that date shall be
forfeited unless prior written arrangements have been
made with the Extension Office.
General Exhibits $5.00 per exhibitor
Make checks payable to: Elbert County Treasurer
Exhibitor's #
Mailing Address
Town Zip
Please put a description of the item on the entry tag! For example, blue dress, painting of vase, etc. When entering
more than one item in a class, mark the entry as “A” and “B”.
Description of Entry
(use exact wording from Fair Book)
Item Description
For example: blue dress,
painting of vase, etc.