Co-ordinated Scheme 2025-2026 FINAL
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Swindon Borough Council
School Admissions Co-ordinated Schemes
Academic Year 2025-2026
Co-ordinated Scheme 2025-2026 FINAL
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1. Introduction
In accordance with the School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of
Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012 Swindon Borough Council must formulate
a scheme which outlines how it intends to manage admissions to all maintained schools
in its
area and all admission authorities
must participate in this scheme. This scheme will apply where
an applicant is resident within the Swindon Local Authority area.
Interpretation and Glossary
In this scheme
“the LA” means Swindon Borough Council acting in their capacity as a Local (Education) Authority;
“the LA area” means the Borough of Swindon;
“Primary education” has the same meaning as in section 2(2) of the Education Act 1996;
“Primary school” has the same meaning as in section 5(2) of the Education Act 1996;
“Secondary education” has the same meaning as in section 2(2) of the Education Act 1996;
“Secondary school” has the same meaning as in section 5(2) of the Education Act 1996;
“”school” means – a Community, Voluntary Aided, Voluntary Controlled, Trust School, Foundation
School, Academy, University Technical College, Studio School or Free School
“admission authority” in relation to a Community or Voluntary controlled school means the LA and,
in relation to an Academy, Foundation, Voluntary Aided or Free school means the governing body
of that school;
“the specified year” means the school year beginning in September 2024
“admission arrangements” means the determined arrangements which govern the procedures and
decision making for the purposes of admitting pupils to a school.
References to schools in this scheme includes, community, voluntary controlled, voluntary aided, foundation or trust
schools, academies, free schools and University Technical Colleges. All schools with the exception of community and
voluntary controlled schools are their own admission authority.
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2. Key Information for phased entry 2025-2026
Primary and Infant
Relevant Year Group
Reception (Yr 0)
Year 3
For children born
September 2020
August 2021
September 2017
August 2018
Applications can be
made from
September 2024
September 2024
Maximum number of
Deadline for ontime
January 2025
January 2025
Applications to be
forwarded to other LA
and Swindon
admission authorities
February 2025
Monday 10
February 2025
Ranked lists to be
returned by Swindon
admission authorities
March 2025
Friday 10
March 2025
Deadline for proof and
changes of address to
be received
March 2025
Friday 10
March 2025
Swindon LA to notify
schools of offers
Thursday 3rd April 2025
Thursday 3rd April 2025
Offers made to
Swindon residents
Tuesday 15th April 2025
Tuesday 15th April 2025
Deadline for parents
to accept place
Monday 28
April 2025
Monday 28
April 2025
Table 1
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2.1. The primary and secondary co-ordinated scheme will apply to all admission authorities
within the LA area in relation to children wishing to join the normal year of entry during the
primary/infant phase, junior or secondary phase in Swindon for September 2024
2.2. Table 1 indicates the following information for each phase
2.2.1. Relevant Year Group
2.2.2. The relevant dates of birth for the normal point of entry
2.2.3. The maximum number of preferences which can be made
2.2.4. The date from when applications can be made
2.2.5. The deadline for on-time applications
2.2.6. The date when the LA will forward applications to other LAs and Swindon
Admission Authorities
2.2.7. The date by which Swindon Admission Authorities are required to return the
ranked list of applications
2.2.8. The deadline for changes of address
2.2.9. The date when the LA will forward details of those offered a place to Swindon
2.2.10. The date that parents will be notified in writing of the offer made
2.2.11. The deadline for parents to accept the school place.
2.3. In Swindon, children can start school at the earliest from the September following their
fourth birthday. Full time provision will be made available in all reception classes for all
relevant children from September 2024
2.4. Parents can defer the date their child is admitted to school until later in the school year but
not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age
or, for children born
between 1 April and 31 August, not beyond the beginning of the final term of the school
year for which the offer was made;
2.5. Parents can also request that their child takes up the place offered part time until the child
reaches compulsory school age.
2.6. The LA will publicise the coordinated admissions process for each phase of education.
This will be done by:
publishing a composite prospectus online by 12 September 2023 for children due to
start the Reception year and Junior School for the first time;
publishing a composite prospectus online by 12 September 2023 for children due to
transfer from Year 6 in a junior or primary school to Year 7 in a secondary school called;
publicising coordinated admission arrangements on the LA public website;
producing posters and/or other advertising information;
making arrangements to enable parents to apply online;
Sending out information to early years providers including Child Minders to advertise the
Sending information to all schools in Swindon about the process for them to send out to
parents via newsletters, texts, and letter.
writing to parents of children regarding the possibility of transferring from Year 9 in a
Compulsory school age is set out in section 8 of the Education Act 1996 and the Education (Start of Compulsory
School Age) Order 1998. A child reaches compulsory school age on the prescribed day following his or her fifth
birthday (or on his or her fifth birthday if it falls on a prescribed day). The prescribed days are 31 December, 31 March
and 31 August.
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secondary school to Year 10 in a Studio School or UTC.
2.7 The Governing Bodies or Academy Committees and/or Directors of OAA schools
covered by the scheme remain responsible for setting admission rules, applying them
and determining the offer of places. Where an OAA school consults on a change to its
admission arrangements and/or rules, which it must at least once every seven years or
when a change is made to those arrangements or rules (whichever happens sooner), it
must consult, determine and publish according to the timescales laid down in the School
Admissions Code 2021
2.8 For all OAA schools, the parent will receive the official offer from the LA as the ‘clearing
house’ made on behalf of the school or Governing Body or Academy Committee or
Directors. Offers for the transfer phases listed in 2.8 above must not be sent directly by
the school, Governing Body, Academy Committee, or Directors.
3. Making an application
3.1. Parents will be able to make an online application directly to Swindon Borough Council as
the LA. The online facility will be available from 1 September 2021 (or nearest working day)
up until the closing date indicated in Table 1.
3.2. The online application form will be known as the Swindon Local Authority (LA) Common
Application Form used for the admission of pupils into the relevant year group.
3.3. Swindon Local Authority (LA) Common Application Form will be available for Swindon
residents wishing to apply for a school place, either within or outside of the Borough of
3.4. Swindon LA’s Common Application Form, must be used as a means of expressing one or
more preferences by a parent wishing to apply for a school place for their child either within
or outside the Borough of Swindon. The child must live in Swindon.
3.5. Parents will be asked to express no more than 3 preferences in ranked order for schools both
within and outside the Swindon Borough with the opportunity to express reasons for their
particular preferences.
3.6. Parents are required to submit one application only per child. Where the LA receives more
than one application for the same child before the closing date, the LA will only consider the
latest submitted application and the other application will be discarded. If two late
applications are received (after the closing date), the latest application by date will be the
application considered.
3.7. Each preference will be considered equally. This means that Swindon LA will consider all
applications against the published admissions criteria without reference to how the school
applied for has been ranked on the application form. As far as possible applicants will be
offered a place at a school to which they have expressed a preference. Where the applicant
has made more than one preference the LA will make an offer at the highest ranked
preference school with available places in accordance with the standard admission criteria.
Where it is not possible to offer a place at a preferred school, and the applicant lives in
Swindon, the LA will allocate a place at the next nearest school with a place, The distance
between the applicant’s home and school is taken as a straight line between the Local Land
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and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) address point of the applicant’s home address and of the
school with those living closest to school receiving higher priority.
3.8. The governing body of a Foundation, Voluntary Aided School, Academy or Free School can
ask parents who have expressed a preference for their school on the online Common
Application Form, to provide additional information on a supplementary form or additional
evidence, only if the additional information is required in order to apply their oversubscription
criteria to the application. Where a supplementary form or additional evidence is required it
is the responsibility of the parent to complete the form and return to the school concerned.
3.9. Where a school receives a supplementary form it may not be regarded as a valid application
unless the parent has also completed a Common Application Form which expressed a
preference for that school. The Common Application Form must have been returned to the
3.10. Swindon LA must receive the application by the deadline date (by midnight) indicated in
Table 1 (Row 5)
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4. Application Process
4.1 The LA will consider in the first instance those applications received before the closing date.
4.2 Applications received after the closing will be considered as late. Applications can be
submitted after this date but they will be considered as late for the purposes of the co-
ordinated scheme. This means they will be considered after all on time applications. The LA
will endeavour to deal with late applications before the offer date, but it may not be possible
to do this in every circumstance.
4.3 Swindon LA will have forwarded applications for schools in other LA’s to the maintaining LA’s
and forwarded applications to other admission authorities with any supporting evidence the
parent submitted by the date indicated in Table 1 (Row 6).
4.4 Relevant information concerning a preference for a school as part of one of the transfers
listed in 4.3 above, will be shared securely with other LAs where a preference has been
requested for a school in that LA’s area. This is in line with the General Data Protection
Regulations and the 2018 Data Protection Act.
4.5 Foundation, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies will apply their admissions criteria and
send Swindon LA a list indicating the order in which all applicants have priority according to
oversubscription criteria by the date indicated in Table 1 (Row 7).
4.6 Academies may choose to delegate the consideration of applications to the LA.
4.7 Swindon LA requires all evidence of changes in circumstances (e.g. proof of move / address)
by the date indicated in Table 1 (Row 8).
4.8 Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will be admitted to the school named
on their statement or plan. Applications of children with a statement or EHCP are considered
by the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT Team). Once a statement or
plan reaches the formal proposed stage, this scheme does not apply as any placement is
finalised by SENAT.
4.9 The LA will apply the agreed scheme and all applications for Community and VC schools will
be considered using the oversubscription criteria for Community Schools and those lists
provided by Swindon authorities and other LA schools. The LA will offer the highest rank
available as indicated on the parent’s application. Swindon will then compare the lists for all
schools in the area. Where a child qualifies for one of the available places at more than one
school, Swindon will provisionally allocate a place at the school ranked highest by the parent
in their application. The lists will be adjusted for any other school for which a preference was
expressed, moving another child who was previously not eligible for a place up the list to the
provisional place that has been vacated.
4.10 Swindon LA will inform other LA's of offers made to their residents. Other LA’s have
responsibility to inform their residents.
4.11 If a child resident in Swindon remains unplaced Swindon LA will consider how to place them
in schools within the area. Swindon LA will then offer places at the nearest available school
(measured in a straight line) with places when children remain unplaced.
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4.12 Children who have been refused a place at all of their named preferences, will be offered a
place at an alternative school (excluding Catholic Schools unless agreed with the school’s
governing body) with a place available
4.13 Swindon LA will then offer places to late applicants subject to the places available and
oversubscription criteria.
4.14 Swindon schools will be informed by Swindon LA of the final results by the date indicated in
Table 1 (Row 9).
4.15 Offers will be made to parents by Swindon LA, on the national offer day (or the next working
day where the national date is on a weekend). This date is indicated in Table 1 (Row 10).
4.16 Parents are only able to apply through the online system and those that have requested an
email notification will be notified on the offer day. Parents / Carers that do not have access to
this can contact the LA for assistance with this.
4.17 Those children refused places at higher preferences for Community or Voluntary Controlled
schools will be placed on a waiting lists and informed of their right of appeal.
4.18 Parents must accept or refuse the place offered by the deadline indicated in Table 1 (Row
4.19 Appeals against the refusal of a place at a preferred school will be heard within 40 school
days of the closing date for appeals to be lodged. A timetable for appeals will be published
on the Swindon Borough Council website by 28
February of the relevant year of admission.
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5. In-year admissions
5.1 If parents/carers decide to transfer their children during the academic year after the normal
admissions round, this is referred to as an In Year Transfer. Parents/carers who wish to
transfer their child/ren in year to a Swindon school they must apply online on Swindon
Borough Council’s website and through the Boroughs In-Year Coordinated Scheme.
5.2 Please see the In Year Co-ordinated Scheme document for full details.
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6. Sampling of Admission Applications to detect suspected fraud
6.1. The LA reserves the right to undertake sampling of applications as and when it determines
necessary. All parents should be aware of this and therefore ensure that the information they
submit on their application form is correct. By signing the application form, or submitting the
form online, the parent is confirming that the information they have provided is correct.
6.2. If the LA undertakes sampling of applications, it will write to parents to ask that they submit
proof of their address. Evidence of proof of address will be checked and parent will need to
submit at least 2 of the following:
Council Tax bill
Child Benefit letter
Child Tax Credit
Official Rental Agreement
Solicitor’s letter (not older than one month).
Drivers Licence
Utility Bill
6.3 The LA may check the information given on the application form or the evidence submitted
with other parties such as Council Tax, Electoral roll or GP. Please note that the LA may do
this at any time if they suspect fraud.
6.4 If evidence is not submitted, or the evidence is not sufficient, then the LA will either not
consider the application as an on time application, which may have implications for the child
being allocated their preferred school, or it may withdraw the offer of a school place,
whichever is appropriate depending on the time the sampling is done. If a parent applies for
a school place falsely (using false information), they will lose all the preferences stated on the
application form and the whole application will become invalid. The application would then be
treated as a late application. (A fresh application would need to be made which would be
treated as a late application and if a place is refused at the preferred schools, the parents
would have right of an appeal against the refusal.)
6.5 If the LA finds that fraud has been committed and the child has already started at the school,
there may also be consequences for any other sibling of that child who may not be able to
start at the preferred school.
6.6 If the LA withdraws a place for a child on the suspicion of fraud, the place will be reallocated.
6.7 If parents or schools suspect someone has applied fraudulently they should contact the
Council at [email protected]
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7. Definitions
Deferred admissions
Parents can request that the date that their child is admitted to school is deferred later in the
academic year or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age. However, please
note that the place must be taken up in the same academic year that it was originally offered and
admission cannot be delayed beyond the statutory school start date. Notification of the intention to
defer should be given directly to the school concerned as soon as possible once a place has been
September 2020 and 31
December 2020
Admission will be September 2025 or can be deferred until January 2026
January 2021 and 31
March 2021
Admission will be September 2025 or can be deferred until January or April 2026
April 2021 and 31
August 2021
Admission will be September 2025 or can be deferred until January or April 2026
Delayed admissions
Parents can request that the date that their child is admitted to school is deferred later in the
academic year or until the term in which the child reaches compulsory school age. However, please
note that the place must be taken up in the same academic year that it was originally offered and
admission cannot be delayed beyond the statutory school start date. Notification of the intention to
defer should be given directly to the school concerned as soon as possible once a place has been
Applications outside the Normal Age of Admission
Parents of gifted or talented children, or those who have experienced problems or missed part of a
year, for example due to ill health, can seek places outside of their normal age group. Admission
Authorities must make decisions on the basis of the circumstances of each case, informing
parents of their statutory right to appeal. This right does not apply if they are offered a place in
another year group of the school.
Evidence may be required in these circumstances information about the child’s academic, social
and emotional development and where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical
professional and/or other relevant professionals.
In the instance that the child has not started school (or is not statutory school age), or it is before
the child needs to apply for a school place, the LA (as the admitting authority for LA maintained
schools) may have discretion to decide whether the child would need to be put back an academic
year on the circumstances outlined above. Evidence may be required in these circumstances
information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development and where relevant,
their medical history and the views of a medical professional and/or other relevant professionals.
This discretion would only be used in exceptional circumstances where it would have to be proved
that it was in the child’s interest to be put back an academic year. This may have already been
picked up by the Special Educational Needs Assessment Team (SENAT) through the Early Years
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Summer born children
A summer born child is one born between 1
April and 31
August. A parent of a “summer born”
child may request for the child to be admitted to a year group later than that of their natural cohort
and this request will be considered.
Please see Appendix 1 to these arrangements, Delayed and Deferred Admissions.
Relevant Age Group
The age group to which children are normally admitted. Each relevant age group must have
admission arrangements, including an admission number. Some schools (for example schools with
sixth forms which admit children into the sixth form) may have more than one relevant age group.
Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN)
A Statement of Special Educational Need is a statement made by the local authority under Section
324 of the Education Act 1996, specifying the special educational provision required for that child.
Education, Health and Care Plan
An Education, Health and Care plan is a plan made by the local authority under Section 37 of the
Children and Families Act 2014 specifying the special education provision required for that child.
Proof of Address
The LA reserves the right to ask parents for proof of their address. If the parents’ current address
is different to that held on the LA’s computerised system the LA may ask parents to provide proof
of the new address if one is indicated. Acceptable proof of address includes:
A copy of your Council Tax Bill
A solicitor’s letter stating contracts have been exchanged and specifying a completion date
A copy of the Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit award letter
A signed and dated tenancy agreement plus proof of residency (e.g. copy of recent utility
If parents fail to provide proof of a new address then, the LA will use the old address for admission
purposes. If parents indicate they will be moving house, even if they provide the relevant proof of
that address, they must move into that property by at least the end of the first term. The LA
reserves the right to check that parents are living in the address indicated within that timescale. If
parents are not living in that address, the applications will be investigated and the place allocated
may be withdrawn
Online Common Application Form
For the normal admissions round, an online Common Application Form (CAF) must be completed
by all parents applying for Admission for 2023-2024. All parents who list their preferred schools on
the LA’s CAF are regarded to as having made a valid application.
In-year admission application
For in-year applications, the online Swindon In-year application form must be completed by all
parents applying for Admission applying to transfer during the 2024-2025. If parents are applying
for a school that has opted out of the in year co-ordinated scheme they will need to apply directly
to that school using the schools application form. Details of those schools that have opted out are
listed on the Council’s website.
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Supplementary forms and additional evidence / information
An additional supplementary form (SIF) or additional evidence may be required by an Academy,
Foundation or Voluntary Aided school who require additional information in order to consider the
application, this is available from the school. This may be for in-year and normal admissions
Children from Overseas
Children who hold a full British Citizen passport or children whose passport has been endorsed to
show they have a right of abode in the country are entitled to apply for a place at a school. The
passport or visa should be made available for inspection before an offer of a school place can be
made. Asylum Seekers should make available evidence of their right of abode as provided by the
National Asylum Support Service.
During the normal admissions round applications on behalf of children currently living outside the
UK will be considered, but until the children are resident in the country of their home address will
be considered as being their place of residence outside the UK. Exceptions to this would be
instances where the children are of parents returning from foreign postings such as UK service
personnel and other crown servants as indicated above (including diplomats) who have been
posted abroad on a fixed term contract and who are returning to live within the UK. Proof of future
residency will be required if the application is made to an oversubscribed school.
Overseas nationals entering the UK to check that they have a right of abode or the conditions of
their visas otherwise permit them access to a state funded school.
Duplicate Applications
The LA requires parents to submit one application only per child. Where the LA receive more than
one application for the same child before the closing date, the LA will only consider the latest
submitted application and the other application will be discarded. If two late applications are
received (after the closing date), the latest application by date will be the application considered.
Late applications
The closing date for applications is defined in Table 1. Applications can be submitted after this
date but they will be considered as late for the purposes of the coordinated scheme. This means
they will be considered after all the on time applications. The LA will endeavour to deal with late
applications before the offer date, but it may not be possible to do this in every circumstance.
Parents will be invited to state up to three ranked preferences. Each preference will be considered
equally. This means that Swindon LA will consider all applications against the published
admissions criteria without reference to how the school applied for has been ranked on the
application form. As far as possible applicants will be offered a place at a school to which they
have expressed a preference. Where the applicant has made more than one preference the LA
will make an offer at the highest ranked preference school with available places in accordance
with the standard admission criteria. Where it is not possible to offer a place at a preferred school,
and the applicant lives in Swindon, the LA will allocate a place at the next nearest school with a
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The next nearest school with a place will relate to any maintained mainstream school, whether it
be Community, Voluntary Aided, Voluntary Controlled, Foundation, Academy or Free School
(excluding Catholic Schools unless agreed with the school’s governing body).
Change of preference
A parent may change their mind about the preferences they have made after the closing date
indicated in Table 1, if they have a genuine reason for doing so, which may be that they are
moving house. The Admissions Team would need any request to change a preference in writing
from the parent. Any change in preference received after the deadline for ontime applications,
regardless of the circumstance, will be considered as a late application. Change of Preferences
will only be available up to and including the 1
of July 2025
Any evidence that is needed to accompany the change in preference would be required to be with
the Admissions Team by the deadline for address changes in Table 1 (Row 8).
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8. Swindon Schools
Primary, Infant and Junior Schools
School Name
Type of School
Abbey Farm Educate Together
Abbey Meads Community Primary School
Badbury Park Primary School
Beechcroft Infant School
Bishopstone CE Primary School
Voluntary Controlled
Bridlewood Primary School
Brook Field Primary School
Catherine Wayte Primary School
Chiseldon Primary School
Colebrook Infant Academy
Colebrook Junior School
Covingham Park Primary School
Drove Primary School
East Wichel Community Primary School
Eastrop Infant Academy
Eldene Primary School
Even Swindon Primary School
Ferndale Community Primary School
Goddard Park Primary School Academy Trust
Gorse Hill School
Grange Infant School
Grange Junior School
Greenmeadow Primary School
Haydon Wick Primary School
Haydonleigh Primary School
Hazelwood Academy
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Family Catholic Primary School
Holy Rood Catholic Primary School
King William Street CE Primary School
King Fisher
Lainesmead Primary School
Lawn Primary School
Lethbridge Primary School
Liden Primary School
Millbrook Primary School
Moredon Primary School
Mountford Manor Primary School
Nythe Primary School
Oakhurst Primary School
Oaktree Primary School
Oliver Tomkins CE Infant School
Voluntary Aided
Oliver Tomkins CE Junior School
Voluntary Aided
Orchid Vale Primary School
Peatmoor Primary School
Red Oaks Primary School
Robert Le Kyng Primary School
Rodbourne Cheney Primary School
Ruskin Junior School
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Seven Fields Primary School
Shaw Ridge Primary School
Southfield Junior School
South Marston CE Primary School
St Catherine’s Catholic School
St Francis CE Primary School
Voluntary Aided
St Leonards’ Primary Academy
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Swindon Academy
Tadpole Farm Church of England Primary Academy
The Croft Primary School
Tregoze Primary School
Wanborough Primary School
Westlea Primary School
Westrop Primary School
William Morris Primary School
Wroughton Infant School
Wroughton Junior School
Secondary Schools
School Name
Type of School
Lawn Manor Academy
Highworth Warneford School
Abbey Park Academy
Kingsdown School
Lydiard Park Academy
Nova Hreod Academy
St Joseph’s Catholic College
Swindon Academy
The Commonweal School
The Dorcan Academy
The Ridgeway School
Great Western Academy
The Deanery
University Technical College
University Technical College
9. Appendices
9.1. Appendix 1 Delayed and Deferred Admissions