Testimony of Georgette Forney
Silent No More Awareness Campaign Co-Founder
House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee
February 12, 2020
Hello, Thank you Chairwoman Eshoo, and Ranking Member Burgess, for inviting me to testify
here today. My name is Georgette Forney, and I am here as a woman who had an abortion and
has worked the last 22 years helping others who have suffered the painful consequences of
abortion and regret their choice.
As the co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, I am honored to speak on the
behalf of the 19,582 people who are silent no more about their abortions.
We want you to know that abortion is not the panacea that it is so often portrayed as. In fact, it
is often the result of pressure and fear. At Silent No More we help women who regret their
abortions heal through sharing their stories. They, like me, hope that their stories will help
women avoid the aftermath of abortion that we struggled through.
When I was 16, and I found out I was pregnant, I was scared. The baby felt like a threat to my
future, and I feared people would think less of me for being pregnant. I didn’t know what
abortion was, but my friend told me it would fix my problem.
As I drove to the clinic my internal moral compass told me, ‘this feels wrong.’ The fear in me,
said, ‘it’s legal, so it must be OK.
The law before you, more aptly named the Abortion on Demand Act, furthers the lie that
abortion is just like any other medical procedure. That it is no big deal. That it is a good solution
to an unexpected or difficult circumstance.
That’s what Roe v. Wade told me, but the reality is that abortion erodes our hearts. My own
heart told me that. I wish I had listened.
For 19 years after my abortion, I pretended it was no big deal, but the reality was, I wouldn’t
allow myself to realize the truth. I aborted a human being. Once I made that connection,
everything changed for me.
As long as we stay in that place of denial, we’re pretty much OK. The problem is that something
will trigger us to come out of that denial the birth of a child, the death of a parent or loved
one, a sonogram.
I can’t tell you how many women contact us because they’re pregnant again, and they want this
child. Suddenly they are realizing what they allowed to be done to their previous child.
At the March for Life last month, 31 women stood up for the first time outside the Supreme
Court and shared their testimony. In 3 minutes, they each told why they had their abortion,
what the procedure was like, how they felt immediately afterwards, what the long-term impact
on their life was, and finally how they found healing and made peace with themselves. Here’s
some of excerpts of their stories:
Chelsea, MD - My boyfriend, friends, and family all agreed that an abortion was the best choice
for my circumstances. I was afraid I couldn't be a mother alone.
Lynne, NC - I was one month from graduating from college and had just signed my first teaching
contract. Being an independent feminist, there was absolutely no question that I would have
an abortion.
Cindy, LA - The force of the suction abortion was severe. I was told there would be a “tugging,”
like strong menstrual cramps. What I felt was intense pain and as though not only my baby but
also my soul was being suctioned out. I did not see the abortionist before the abortion or after
the abortion.
Kelly, VA - When I went in, I was treated with no compassion, just like a cow going off to
slaughter. “Sit down, be quiet, you need this, it will all be over soon.”
Laura, IA - When I left Planned Parenthood that day, I promised myself I would never think or
talk about this day ever again.
Virginia, TX - Immediately afterwards, I forced myself to shut out the reality of what had
happened. I had taken care of my “problem.
Cecilia, FL - My life spiraled into a life of self-hatred, drugs, alcohol and relationships. I ended up
having three more abortions...Each time I felt like my life was being sucked out of me. I felt
dead inside, empty.
Lynne, NC - I became an angry, militant advocate for abortion. But over a year later, the guilt
and horror over what I had done, and resulting the depression, drug abuse, and self-loathing,
started consuming my life. I became driven by those emotions, and they motivated many of my
life choices.
These testimonies reveal the common thread in women’s lives. One of a tragic decision to seek
an abortion stemming from the belief that it is the only or best option and later coming to
deeply regret that decision.
The Abortion on Demand Act forces states out of their historical role of regulating medicine for
the benefit of patients and instead gives abortionists carte blanche to sell abortion to
vulnerable women and girls like me so many years ago.
Instead of enshrining abortion into federal law, you should be considering laws that recognize
the reality that abortion hurts women as well as their unborn children. We know it does and
that’s why so many women are now Silent No More.
The women of Silent No More represent just a sampling of women who bravely choose to
speak publicly about their abortions. So many more women quietly seek recovery.
The Campaign partners with more than 40 different abortion after care programs helping
women nationally and internationally. One program alone Rachel’s Vineyard has helped
326,000 individuals. These organizations have grown in response to women who have reached
out via special helplines looking for after-abortion healing programs. We are simply responding
to the people knocking on our doors, and the need is great.
You might think that everyone wants to shout their abortion in joy. The reality is, there are
millions of women and men, and families attending programs designed specifically to
address the pain their abortions generated. So many report nightmares, depression, suicidal
feelings, attempts and some accomplish it eating disorders, addictions, sexual dysfunction,
and most common a low sense of self-esteem.
If abortion is no big deal, why are all these people going to healing programs? If you want to
discount me, that’s easy. One person. But it’s not just me. There is a line behind me that’s a
million deep. I am representing them here and I am not going to stand by and pretend this is
Abortion is a huge issue. Give me another issue that we’ve been fighting over for more than 47
years. The reality is, these are human beings - not only the babies we are killing but the people
who are wounded and traumatized in the process - the mothers, the fathers, the siblings, the
grandparents, our country.
There is clear evidence for tight regulation of abortion clinics. Consider the now famous filthy
Gosnell clinic where Karnamaya Monger died, or the St. Louis Planned Parenthood that failed
re-licensing inspection last year when DHSS discovered four women who suffered major
abortion complications. Or consider Preterm in Cleveland where a hemorrhaging abortion
patient had to call 911 herself after being kicked out of the clinic because they were closing.
And then there are the women who cannot join us in Silent No More, because they were
forever silenced by deadly complications from abortion.
Your bill’s purpose is to make sure abortion is available all over our nation, without life-
affirming laws or limits. But, would this bill have protected Cree Erwin-Sheppard, or Keisha
Atkins or Tonya Reaves, or Jennifer Morbelli?
For members from New Mexico: Keisha died after an abortion at six months in Albuquerque.
She was in distress for or nine hours before the abortionist finally transferred her to a hospital
that then waited almost six hours to bring her to the operating room, where she died. She was
For members from Illinois: A Planned Parenthood in Chicago let Tonya Reaves bleed for hours
after three botched attempts at abortion before sending her to the hospital, where she died.
She was 24 and the mother of a little boy who will grow up without her.
For members from Maryland: Jennifer Morbelli was 33 weeks pregnant when she had an
abortion in Germantown, Maryland. Her abortionist was already in another state, performing
more abortions, when Jennifer went into distress. She was 29.
For members from Michigan: Cree Erwin-Sheppard was the victim of an incomplete abortion at
Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, Michigan, that killed her two days after the procedure. She
was 24.
Tell the families of these women abortion is no big deal. They are missing their mothers, their
wives, their daughters, their sisters. Abortion is a very big deal for these families.
You say abortion restrictions impact women of color, but the inconvenient truth is that the
majority of women killed in recent years have been women of color, like Cree and Tonya and
Keisha. Like Lakisha Wilson and Jamie Lee Morales, Alexandra Nunez and Maria Santiago. Don’t
their lives count?
Instead of legislation to enshrine a right to abortion on demand, why wouldn’t you come
together to write legislation that requires every state to report every abortion, every incident
where a woman was physically harmed by the procedure, every woman killed by legal
abortion? Let’s get the facts.
But this bill doesn’t do that. It aims to unravel legislation that protects women and children
such as parental involvement laws. When I had my abortion in 1976 in Michigan, there were no
parental consent or notification laws. I was able to go into that abortion business and have a
procedure that could have killed me, could have injured me and did traumatize me. When my
parents learned about my abortion 19 years after the fact, they asked how it was possible for
me to have an abortion without their permission.
How disappointing that Congress would even consider revoking common-sense laws like those
protecting kids through parental involvement laws.
Thank you for listening to our stories.
Excerpts from March for Life 2020 Silent No More Awareness Campaign testimonies presented
at the US Supreme Court January 24
, 2020.
To view their entire testimony, visit AbortionTestimonies.com
I had the abortion because…
Adriana, MO - I had my abortion because I was young and terrified; I didn’t think I had a
different choice.
Amy, NC - I was scared to go to my parents so when he suggested abortion, I went along with
it…I was ashamed, and I didn’t want my family to be disappointed in me or bring that same
shame onto them.
Ashley, LA - I was 18, promiscuous and broken. I reacted in fear and scheduled my abortion.
Bridget, MI - When I told my boyfriend his immediate response was, “You can’t have it. You
need to get rid of it!” So, terrified and concerned about the opinions of others and feeling very
alone with no support, I made the choice to abort the 11-week-old baby.
Cecilia, FL - I was overcome with fear and waited to tell my parents until I was five months
pregnant. When I finally told my mother, she arranged for me to have a saline abortion.
Chelsea, MD - Without an established career, and in a volatile relationship, my boyfriend,
friends, and family all agreed that an abortion was the best choice for my circumstances. I was
afraid I couldn't be a mother alone
Cheryl, PA - I had no one to turn to. My boyfriend would be irate and would take it out on
me. The baby would have a terrible life, and abortion was the only option.
Deb, IN - I had heard that it was only a blob or a mass not a real baby yet, so I made an
appointment with Planned Parenthood.
Denise, FL - The doctor told me that abortion had just been legalized by the Supreme Court. I
asked her if it was a baby yet, and she confirmed my hopes that it was just a bunch of cells.
Elaine, NY - I was young, confused, and unprepared for parenthood and responsibility. Abortion
was my only solution.
Emily, PA - It was decided by my parents that I would have an abortion. I claimed I wanted to
keep my baby, but I was taken to the abortion clinic against my will.
Jackie, IN - I thought my father would kick me out. I didn't want to be the girl that "made" her
boyfriend marry her and see that become the ruin of us. So, we chose abortion.
Jeanne, FL - For most of the people around me abortion was not a "big deal" to begin with; my
access to an abortion clinic was guaranteed since my mother and me were leaders operating
one of those burgeoning businesses, which would help to solve my situation discreetly and
Kay Lyn, VA - Even though I knew at my core, that abortion was wrong; I was also Scared,
Vulnerable, and very naïve.
Kendra, MD - I remember the feeling of shear panic that gripped me when I realized I was with
child. I could not hear anything other than, I can’t have another baby. I decided to have
Laura, IA - When I was 16 years old, I found myself pregnant. I made the hasty decision to have
an abortion out of fear of anyone knowing.
Lisa, IN - I was 18 and my boyfriend and I had recently broken up. I was just scared to death to
tell my family and my boyfriend's family.
Lynne, NC - I was one month from graduating from college and had just signed my first teaching
contract. Being an independent feminist, there was absolutely no question that I would have
an abortion.
Melissa, NC - Birth control failed me, and I became pregnant. My boyfriend was 18 years old,
and he left me. I was very sad, because the person that told me he loved me was gone.
Mary, MO - The father of our baby didn't want the baby and he suggested I have an abortion. I
was afraid of being judged and rejected by my parents, my church, and my community for
having sex before I was married and being rejected by my fiancé, if I didn't have the abortion.
Nekesha, MD - The family I was living always said if I got pregnant my behind would be on the
street. I couldn’t let this happen, so I terminated my 2nd child…later, I met a young man who I
thought was a god and we become pregnant. He looked at me with rage in his eyes, and yelled
you better not be pregnant.
Nichole, NC - I had an abortion because I panicked at 16 when I told my mom I was pregnant.
She asked what I was going to do, and I said what I thought she wanted to hear even though it
wasn’t what I wanted.
Nicola, WA - I had an abortion in New York City over ten years ago. Plan B failed. I was lost. I
had the abortion because I was scared, depressed, ashamed, and unloved.
Nicole, VA - After the father abandoned me, my mother promptly made an abortion
appointment on my behalf.
Maureen, IL - Having an abortion had nothing to do with not wanting to become a mother,
even at 14. Like so many, I felt like I had no other choice.
Robin, NC - I was totally overwhelmed, incredibly sick, and felt as though I had nowhere to turn.
I was unwilling to risk hearing the judgmental and condemning comments, so I chose what I
thought was a solution to my problem at the time…abortion.
Saundra, TX - I remember thinking “it’s legal” so it must be ok. I believed the lie that if I had this
done early enough, it wouldn’t be a baby yet.
Serena, IN - I was raped at 13 years old and taken for an abortion. Our family doctor suggested
abortion as solution to my trauma. I had never heard the word abortion and had no idea what it
Stephanie, PR - I chose abortion, because at the time I was a professional dancer, and I thought
that having a child was not an option for me. I felt completely alone and thought, “I can’t
handle it by myself.” I didn’t want to be a failure.
Debbie, TN - I were so afraid of what people would think of me and of losing my full ride
basketball scholarship. Driven by fear, I chose to have an abortion.
Virginia, TX - I was in a new and serious relationship with a young man and didn’t want to lose
him. I didn’t want to shame and disappoint my parents.
During the abortion I experienced…
Amy, NC - I remember feeling scared and anxious. Feeling completely alone.
Ashley, LA - I found myself at a clinic where I first had to be drugged with a pill to be sure I
wouldn’t freak out or change my mind…The doctor was proud and smiling while asking if I
wanted to watch on the ultrasound screen. I saw my baby…I watched as she was sucked out of
my womb.
Bridget, MI - I woke up to the nurse holding my hand and trying to offer me comfort. She told
me it was all over and that I did great and now I could move on with my life. I opened my eyes,
looked at her, and said, “I killed my baby.” I laid there in tears because of what I had just done. I
hated myself for it.
Cecilia, FL - I was not given any counseling or told what the abortion procedure would be
like...the nurse inserted a very long needle, and I could feel the warm liquid go into my
body...the saline solution that would burn my baby's body and kill him. I waited 24 hours
before labor began where I delivered by myself and gave birth to my dead baby. I was later
told it was a boy.
Chelsea, MD - The clinic was run down and dirty. The clinic workers were cold and impersonal,
leaving me in a room alone for nearly an hour, sweating and contracting without any prior
explanation that this is what would occur. When they performed an ultrasound, I asked if I
could see my baby. They said no, and told me that it would just upset me. The doctor was rude
and aggressive, and barely spoke to me.
Cindy, LA - The force of the suction abortion was severe. There was no doctor/patient
relationship. I was told there would be a “tugging”, like strong menstrual cramps. What I felt
was intense pain and as though not only my baby but also my soul was being suctioned out. I
did not see the abortionist before the abortion or after the abortion.
Also Cindy, LA - During one abortion, part of my baby was left inside. Planned Parenthood
referred me to another abortionist...the abortionist looked at me and told the nurse I was too
far along. He told me to get up, get dressed, and get out. I left bleeding heavily, in pain, passing
parts of my baby and given no additional care. Afraid, ashamed, and alone, I sought help from a
physician who admitted me to the hospital for an emergency D & C.
Emily, PA - I asked for help from the staff at Planned Parenthood and stated that I was not there
willingly when counseled. To my surprise, my cries for help fell upon deaf ears. No one came
to save me...Halfway through my ultrasound I stood up and ran out of the room and found
myself up against a door. That is the last thing I remember aside from waking up in the
recovery room. I imagine that I was drugged to keep quiet. The staff at Planned Parenthood
were concerned that I would scare the other women there preparing for their abortions.
Jackie, IN - There, I was taken into a room and was sedated. I remember pain and a suction
noise. I remember somehow getting back to the airport and having terrible cramping.
Kelly, VA - When I went in, I was treated with no compassion, just like a cow going off to
slaughter. Sit down, be quiet, you need this, it will all be over soon.
Laura, IA - Upon arriving at Planned Parenthood I was given no information about the abortion
procedure… In a follow up appointment for the abortion they discovered they had not
completely removed the baby and told me I would need to return for another procedure.
Before the second procedure occurred, I passed the remains of my baby in a toilet. I was
devastated but didn’t know what else to do but flush the toilet. I was traumatized. Not only by
the procedure, but by the sight of what was left of my child.
Lynne, NC - I walked indignantly past several pro-life advocates and into the clinic, where I
never received counseling.
Mary, MO - During the abortion, I dissociated and watched the doctor from the ceiling in the
room. I didn't feel the pain or see what he was doing. The doctor got mad at me because the
baby was 16 weeks old. He didn't do an exam before he performed the abortion, so he was
relying on my memory related to the timing of things.
Nichole, NC - During the abortion procedure I had requested to be put to sleep. I wanted
nothing to do with what was being done to me, so I mentally checked out
Nicola, WA - I remember Planned Parenthood turned the ultrasound away from me with the
sound off. I remember waiting with other women and sobbing inconsolably. Everyone had their
head down. No one consoled me! No one cared!
Robin, NC - I was left to sit in a room with all the other women who had gone before me. Not
one of which had a look of relief on her face. I left that day numb.
Saundra, TX - I wasn’t presented with any choices, I was only told that it would be $300 and
that they could get me in right away.
Serena, IN - The abortion was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, and I began
screaming, only for George Klopfer to yell at me. Years later I would find my mom’s journal, and
she wrote she could hear me screaming, but they wouldn’t let her help me. After the abortion
when it was time to leave, I hemorrhaged all over. I was not checked on but sent out the door.
Stephanie, PR - I took the abortion pill and was told it was going to be like a menstrual period.
The truth was that I had cramps so severe I fainted multiple times and for hours I had the worst
pain I had ever experienced. I was bleeding so much, and I was all alone, honestly thinking I was
going to die.
Virginia, TX - I was not prepared for the pain I would experience, and the sound of the suction
machine. I could see the suction canister on the table next to me. When I saw my baby go into
the canister, I felt like something inside me died.
Immediately after the abortion I felt…
Amy, NC - I felt a mix of emotions. There was a bit of relief that no one would know my secret,
but afterwards, I couldn’t hide the pain in my heart.
Chelsea, MD - Immediately after the abortion, I felt numb. Like I had lost a part of me
Deb, IN - After the procedure I felt instant relief and was glad that it was over. I wanted to go
home, so life could go back to normal.
Denise, FL I had thought I would just get my problem taken care of and walk out of there to
carry on my life like nothing had happened. But surprisingly I felt great sorrow that day. Like
something had died.
Elaine, NY - Immediately after the abortion, I felt numb and in shock of what I did. Speechless, I
left the clinic and just cried the whole way home.
Laura, IA - When I left Planned Parenthood that day, I promised myself I would never think or
talk about this day ever again.
Nichole, NC - Immediately after the abortion I woke up in a room with other women all looking
down. I started crying, devastated that I really did it.
Nicola, WA - Afterwards, I had bleeding and horrible pain for weeks. I had to have another
Debbie, TN - Immediately after the abortion, I felt relieved that no one would know that we had
sex before marriage. Believing the lie that everything would be ok, we buried our secret.
Virginia, TX - Immediately afterwards, I forced myself to shut out the reality of what had
happened. I had taken care of my “problem.
As time went on after the abortion, I felt and experienced…
Amy, NC - It manifested in anger and depression, so I covered it up with drugs, alcohol, and
promiscuity, leading to another abortion. I was on a path of self-destruction, having damaging
relationships and feeling lost. I felt like trash, so in turn I acted like trash
Ashley, LA - I became angry and filled with shame. SHAME= fear of exposure. My world began
to revolve around this word.
Bridget, MI - The aftermath of my choice included an inability to trust. I suffered from anxiety,
and I struggled to connect and be fully present with those closest to me. I was angry and
operated out of fear. That anger and fear bled onto my relationship with my children and my
husband. I know that it has ultimately contributed to the downfall of my marriage.
Cecilia, FL - My life spiraled into a life of self-hatred, drugs, alcohol and relationships. I ended up
having three more abortions...Each time I felt like my life was being sucked out of me. I felt
dead inside, empty.
Chelsea, MD I became more and more detached from my feelings. My capacity for deep
connection in my relationships was stifled, I found myself in the same destructive patterns over
and over, I felt alone, like no one knew who I really was, and I began drinking heavily. I adopted
an increasingly nihilistic outlook on life and had suicidal thoughts often.
Cheryl, PA - I did not get the relief I expected afterward the numbness and detachment I felt
never left, it just became stronger, along with anger and hatred, and I became hardened. I
couldn’t love and couldn’t relate to my children or anyone. I couldn’t figure out why I was
changing and why my life was so painful.
Cindy, LA - My heart and my life changed that day. I began to stuff the pain of abortion. My own
worth and value began to diminish. Within a year, I was diagnosed with breast disease and
went into a deep depression using drugs and alcohol to bury the pain of the abortion. I left
college and began a destructive lifestyle of promiscuity, drugs, alcohol, bulimia, thoughts of
suicide, and continued abortions.
Denise, FL - I became depressed and wanted to die myself. I chose to stuff those feelings and
deny my grief. I spent 35 years not talking about my first baby. I married, had four beautiful
children, and never dealt with it.
Elaine, NY - I was deeply depressed, angry, and guilty! I was secretive about my sinful decision. I
was afraid of judgment. I disconnected myself from friends and family and spent a lot of my
time alone with my thoughts.
Emily, PA - The shame, guilt, and pain I felt left me suicidal…I found myself turning to opiates to
numb the pain. My boyfriend at the time took advantage of my brokenness and he would
physically and emotionally abuse me. I felt so degraded and worthless that I allowed the abuse
to continue. It felt like I deserved it all.
Jackie, IN - I have always felt I would have been a more intimate wife and loving mother if there
just wasn't that shame cloud I kept trying to ignore and hide from. I was lonely, missing my
God, and very depressed for many years.
Kay Lyn, VA - Seeing an ultrasound of my next pregnancy, I was unprepared to see the truth.
Instead of being a joyous occasion, hearing the sonographer say, “Oh, look your baby’s waving
at you”, The reality of what I had allowed to take place was staring at me on the screen. A
precious baby, not a blob. I wanted to bolt, run away from myself. Toxic shame ensued -
depression, nightmares, anxiety. At my lowest, I prayed to die.
Kelly, VA - That day changed me and led me down an even worse path of destruction including
drugs, abusive relationships, eating disorders, and more abortions.
Laura, IA - I struggled for the next 20 years. I found myself in unhealthy relationships. I didn’t
feel I deserved to be happy. I experienced guilt, shame, anger, difficulty having healthy
relationships and a divorce.
Lisa, IN - After the abortion, I spun out of control. I started to drink more...the abortion
impacted our marriage and our parenting. We spent many years at odds with each other and
blaming each other for everything imaginable. It caused our family life to lack unity.
Lynne, NC - I became an angry, militant advocate for abortion. But over a year later, the guilt
and horror over what I had done, and resulting the depression, drug abuse, and self-loathing,
started consuming my life. I became driven by those emotions, and they motivated many of my
life choices.
Melissa, NC - The hardest thing I would ever do is to live without my son or daughter every day
of my life, because I had an abortion. The physical and emotional pain was more than I could
Nichole, VA - My life escalated into a state of drunkenness and promiscuity. I just kept living on
the edge, just waiting for something to eventually take me out of this world. Deep down inside I
just did not feel worthy.
Nichole, NC - As time went on after the abortion I felt and experienced tremendous shame and
regret over what I had done that I suppressed with drugs, alcohol, and sought out love in all the
wrong places.
Nicola, WA - I suffered with crippling depression, guilt, and suicidal thoughts. I continued my
empty lifestyle. I was dead inside.
Maureen, IL - The after-effects of abortion, like depression and anxiety, plagued me for 20
Robin, NC - For almost 16 years of my life lived in silence with the pain, guilt and shame of that
abortion. I had relationship issues and felt like I desired to be punished. I set out to punish
myself by not letting myself be happy and building walls around my heart for fear that others
would get too close.
Saundra, TX- I started binge eating, and I had terrifying nightmares. I closed myself off from all
relationships. My self-esteem was at its lowest. I avoided babies… couldn’t even bear to look at
them...Promiscuity, partying, and working obsessively were all the ways I tried to hide the pain.
Serena, IN - I would struggle in my marriage, with being close to my children, and with
reproductive problems, which almost took my life, and a complete hysterectomy by 29. I would
turn to drugs and alcohol to numb my pain.
Stephanie, PR - I had so much anger because of the emptiness of not having my baby. I had so
much guilt and depression that it drove me to try to commit suicide. I thought the pregnancy
would leave me without a job, but it was the post-abortion trauma that did not allowed me to
continue working.
Debbie, TN - The joys of motherhood were shattered as the guilt and shame came rushing to
the surface. The overwhelming accusations--"This is the punishment you deserve"--tormented
my mind.
Virginia, TX - I struggled with guilt, depression, and relationship problems. Despite being
successful, I felt worthless. No amount of accomplishment could erase the guilt. Raising my
three children, I often wondered about my aborted child. Mother’s Days were particularly
I found help and forgiveness through…
Adriana, MO - By confessing my sin and receiving healing, I am finally free from the shame and
guilt of my abortion, and my goal is to help other women and men to do the same.
Amy, NC - God used abortion recovery ministry to mend my broken heart and I give Him all the
glory for my transformed life!
Bridget, MI - I found help, hope and forgiveness when a family friend who also happened to be
a psychiatrist gave me a copy of a wonderful book called Save One. She also encouraged me to
attend a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat.
Cecilia, FL - I went through a healing program and was finally able to forgive myself and be free
from the guilt and shame, and that is why I am silent no more!
Chelsea, MD - It is through programs like Forgiven and Set Free and other pro-life abortion
recovery groups that I am forgiven, and that is why I am silent no more.
Cheryl, PA - Then Rachel’s Vineyard brought me the closure I needed to forgive myself. Today, I
can love and feel joy and I am alive for the first time.
Deb, IN - I accepted Christ’s forgiveness on December 7,1993. The “Forgiven and Set Free” Bible
study helped me to see that God knows everything He loves me, and I’m forgiven!
Denise, FL - I volunteered at a pregnancy center where the truth of my past was revealed,
addressed, and I found healing in the bible study Forgiven and Set Free.
Elaine, NY - I found help and forgiveness through a Catholic Charismatic community, and I was
spiritually enriched through prayer meetings...Later, I attended a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat,
which helped me even more to forgive myself and have closure.
Emily, PA - By the grace of God, she recommended to my mother that she take me on a
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. During the weekend of my retreat, I was touched by God’s loving
embrace, His Mercy and forgiveness. I was finally able to grieve the loss of my child and entrust
his soul to Jesus.
Jackie, IN - That weekend was the beginning of my journey out that huge shame cloud and back
to God and His sweet grace. And now through healing programs, I am starting to be able to
face the world with my 50-year-old secret.
Kelly, VA - After 10 years of healing through many ministries, including Surrendering the Secret,
I have found forgiveness, healing, and hope.
Kendra, MD - After taking a post abortion healing Bible study at my church, Beauty for Ashes, I
learned that God could forgive me, even for abortion.
Laura, IA - It was in this recovery program that I was free to express my thoughts, fears and
begin to grieve deeply the child I would never hold this side of heaven due to my “freedom to
Lisa, IN - I also healed as I worked through Forgiven and Set Free at our local pregnancy center-
and later as women at the pregnancy center mentored me. I led Forgiven and Set Free Bible
studies for many years and found more healing even as I was leading.
Lynne, NC - When I became pregnant a second time six years later, God gently showed me what
I had done years before when I had aborted my little one, and a three decades-long healing
process began.
Mary, MO - I finally accepted that Jesus took that sin to the cross, along with all my other sins,
and I am forgiven. I am so thankful for Jesus and His mercy, paying the price for my sins
Nichole, NC - Another friend posted an image of a hotline number to call if you regret an
abortion from the movie Unplanned. Through the service, I was linked up with a post abortive
recovery in my area called SaveOne.
Nicola, WA - I eventually found Project Rachel. A counselor worked with me about forgiveness
through Jesus.
Robin, NC - I finally searched for a way to heal and found a post abortive Bible study as well as
attended a deeper still retreat. I found forgiveness, healing and freedom in Christ
Saundra, TX - After 20 years of carrying the pain of abortion, I shared my story with my current
husband… He told me that God would forgive me. That opened the door for me to go through
the post abortion healing study, Forgiven and Set Free.
Serena, IN - My first retreat was Forgiven and Set free and God did a beautiful thing by allowing
me to actually mourn the loss of my daughter.
Stephanie, PR - I found help and went through a program called Forgiven and Set Free and was
able to receive God’s forgiveness and Grace.
Debbie, TN - Not long after, I attended a weekend women’s retreat, and God met me there in a
truly powerful way. As the leaders were praying over me, I began to weep. It was as if 15 years
of poison that had been bottled up inside was pouring out of me.
Virginia, TX - I eventually attended a healing study called Surrendering the Secret. I worked
through the grief that I had suppressed for three decades.