©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 1
Value Objects In BACnet
David Fisher
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Humble Beginnings ...................................................................................................................... 3
Building Automation Needs More Datatypes ............................................................................. 4
The Behavior of Value Objects: Input or Output? ........................................................................... 5
Commandability .............................................................................................................................. 6
Intrinsic Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 6
Out_Of_Service ............................................................................................................................... 6
Reliability ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Status_Flags ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Status_Flags: OVERRIDDEN ............................................................................................................. 9
Modular Packages of Features for Value Objects ......................................................................... 10
Writable Out_Of_Service .......................................................................................................... 10
Reliability Detection .................................................................................................................. 11
Override Detection .................................................................................................................... 11
Commandability ........................................................................................................................ 11
Intrinsic Reporting ..................................................................................................................... 11
COV Reporting ........................................................................................................................... 11
Numeric Value Objects .................................................................................................................. 12
Dates, Times and DateTimes ......................................................................................................... 13
Date and Time Patterns ............................................................................................................. 13
Feature Packages for Date, Time, DateTime, Date Pattern, Time Pattern and DateTime Pattern
Objects ....................................................................................................................................... 14
String Value Objects ...................................................................................................................... 14
OctetString Value Objects ......................................................................................................... 14
BitString Value Objects .............................................................................................................. 15
CharacterString Objects............................................................................................................. 15
Feature Packages for OctetString, BitString and CharacterString Value Objects ...................... 16
Legal Stuff ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Contact the Author ........................................................................................................................ 16
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 3
Value Objects in BACnet 5-Mar-2016
David Fisher
BACnet provides a robust object-oriented mechanism for representing data and control
information. Generally speaking, a BACnet object is a network-facing collection of properties
each of which is an (identifier, name, value) tuple. Although a typical object has many
properties, a lot of the standard BACnet object types include a property called Present_Value
that represents the most important, or key value. For example, in an Analog_Input object type,
the Present_Value represents the value of some input that is being measured. As a
consequence, it is common to think about objects as if they were individual data points where
the Present_Value is the point itself. Of course, the other properties are useful, and in some
cases also critical, to the use and operation of the object. But sometimes it is convenient to
think about objects from a broader perspective.
Objects that represent sensed or measured values are typically called input objects in BACnet,
such as Analog_Inputs and Binary_Inputs. Objects that represent control outputs for relays, or
modulating actuators are typically called output objects in BACnet such as Analog_Outputs and
Binary_Outputs. But there are many kinds of points that are not specifically inputs or outputs, or
that don't necessarily represent physical connections, for example calculated values such as
Enthalpy. In BACnet these are more generically called values. Although they can be used to
actually represent physical input/output, often they are used when there is no obvious
The subject of this paper is to explore each of the BACnet value objects and to explain their
required and optional functionality.
Humble Beginnings
The original 1995 BACnet standard defined only two value objects: Binary_Value (BV) and
Analog_Value (AV). The BV Present_Value has an enumerated datatype that equates a zero or
"off" condition with the neutral value inactive, and a one or "on" condition with the value active.
The AV Present_Value has a datatype of REAL and can represent analog or a range of values that
typically change over time. Since 1995, many new value objects have been introduced into the
The first thing to realize about value objects is that we tend to switch back and forth between
the big picture view of the object (only its Present_Value) and a detailed view of the object that
looks at all of its properties. When we say the value of the object we usually mean the value of
its Present_Value property. The second thing to keep in mind is that the value has an associated
datatype, e.g. enumerated, REAL, unsigned etc.
The original BV and AV objects provide a means for representing only two kinds of values:
binary, or on-off values
analog, or a continuum of values within some range
In practical terms this meant that everything in BACnet that needed to use a value object had to
be represented by only these two datatypes. That turned out to be too limiting.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 4
Building Automation Needs More Datatypes
It is very common to have control signals, inputs and outputs that have more than only two
states. For example, I might have a fan that can be OFF, LOW SPEED and HIGH SPEED. That
would be three states. In the very early days of BACnet, implementers had to represent these
kinds of values as AV, with a fixed set of allowed values like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc. While workable,
this was not an optimum solution. In particular there is the problem of what each state is called.
Humans greatly prefer thinking in terms like OFF/LOW/HIGH rather than 1/2/3. The specific
correspondence between a state value and the name of that state has to be looked up in some
user manual and is disassociated from the object itself.
In BACnet, these kinds of values typically are represented by multi-state objects. Although the
1995 standard included Multi_State_Input (MSI) and Multi_State_Output (MSO) objects, it
didn't include a multi-state value object. This was added shortly after the original standard was
But for many years there was a serious limitation for value objects which could only provide
binary, REAL and unsigned multi-state value types. The 135-2008w Addendum changed this by
introducing so-called simple value objects. As a result, today there are 15 value object types
summarized in Table 1 below.
object type
datatype of Present_Value
Analog Value
Binary Value
Enumerated 0/1
BitString Value
CharacterString Value
Date Value
Date Pattern Value
Date with wildcarding
DateTime Value
DateTime Pattern Value
DateTime with wilcarding
Integer Value
Large Analog Value
Multi-state Value
Unsigned > 0
OctetString Value
Positive Integer Value
Time Value
Time Pattern Value
Time with wildcarding
Table 1 - Simple Value Object Types in BACnet
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 5
The Behavior of Value Objects: Input or Output?
The simplest kind of value object has a Present_Value property that can be read by BACnet
clients. This Present_Value is updated periodically by some process internal to the BACnet
device that contains the value object. The updating gets the value through some local procedure
and then retains this value typically in a "holding bucket" for subsequent easy access. However,
some implementations may forego this and proactively fetch the value any time it is required,
for example during a ReadProperty execution to read that Present_Value.
Figure 1 - An Input-like Value Object
We call this kind of value object behavior input-like because it is similar to the way that BACnet
input objects, like Analog Input, are specified to behave. It's called "input" because from the
object's perspective the value is an input to the object. More importantly, from a BACnet client's
perspective the Present_Value of that object provides input to the device and client. There is an
implied periodicity to the behavior because the process repeatedly does the "fetching" of the
input value and refreshes the Present_Value accordingly. If a BACnet client reads the
Present_Value repeatedly it should track changes in the measured or calculated input value,
regardless of how that value is derived.
It's also possible to use value objects in another way. In some circumstances, the device may
need to receive instructions or parameters from other BACnet client devices. For example, a
control loop may wish to provide a BACnet-visible setpoint parameter that is implemented as a
value object. In these cases, although the Present_Value may of course be read by the client,
usually the client writes to the Present_Value as a way of conveying a new setpoint or
adjustment. When a value object is implemented in this way, its behavior is said to be output-
like because it is similar to BACnet output objects such as Analog Output. It's called "output"
because from the object's perspective the value is something that the object uses or consumes
in order to produce some change in behavior, so the object is an output for the device.
Figure 2 - An Output-like Value Object
The distinction between input-like and output-like behavior is important because it changes how
we think about the application of a particular value object. Keep in mind that the object type
itself is not tied to the inputness or outputness as far as the behavior that is expected for value
objects. Also, in a given BACnet device and a given value object type, some instances of the
value object might be input-like and some might be output-like.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 6
One of the characteristics of BACnet's three main output objects (Analog Output, Binary Output
and Multi-state Output) is that they are required to be commandable. In this context,
commandability means that the Present_Value is required to be writable AND the Priority_Array
and Relinquish_Default properties must be present AND writes to Present_Value must follow
the rules of Clause 19.2. On the other hand, all of the value objects may be implemented as
either input-like or output-like, and when output-like are NOT required to be commandable.
However, they may be implemented as commandable at the implementer's discretion.
This means that the Priority_Array and Relinquish default properties of a value object might be
implemented, and if so must behave in the manner described in 19.2. The details of how
commandability is required to behave are discussed in another paper.
Intrinsic Reporting
Most of the value objects are allowed to support intrinsic reporting with or without fault
detection. Specifically, the Analog Value, Binary Value, CharacterString Value, Large Analog
Value, BitString Value, Integer Value, and Positive Integer Value objects may optionally
implement intrinsic reporting (alarming). The details and properties that control Intrinsic
Reporting apply equally to value object and other standard object types. These are discussed in
another paper.
Like straight input and output objects, value objects have a concept called out of service.
Normally a value object is "in service" meaning that it is operating as an input value or output
value as previously described above. In particular there is a periodic process that is measuring or
calculating the value that is reflected in Present_Value when it is read, or that is producing and
refreshing some physical output or value that is periodically grabbed from Present_Value and
used internally by other processes in the device. These periodic processes usually occur
continuously without interruption. However, there are situations when it is desirable to block or
interrupt these periodic processes.
As an example, consider a value object that represents a complex value like Enthalpy. This is a
calculation based on temperature and relative humidity. In some devices this might be
implemented as an input-like value object, say an Analog Value. The temperature and humidity
come from other sources the device knows about, perhaps as physical inputs. Some process
continuously acquires these values, does the appropriate calculations and saves the result in
In one scenario, let's say that one of the physical input sensors is broken or miscalibrated to the
extent that the Enthalpy calculation is compromised. There may be other processes or BACnet
clients that depend on this AV for a reasonable value. It might be desirable to temporarily
disable the periodic refreshing of Present_Value until such time as the sensor can be replaced or
repaired. In this case we can take the AV object "out of service" and replace its Present_Value
with a nominal temporary value.
Another scenario might be that we are trying to test or validate some procedure that refers to
the AV, and we want to simulate certain conditions or specific values to see how the procedure
performs. In those cases, again we would like to take the value object out of service and put test
values in Present_Value by writing to it.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 7
BACnet handles these kinds of examples with the Out_Of_Service property. When
Out_Of_Service is FALSE, the object is normal and "in service". When Out_Of_Service is TRUE
then the object behaves as described above and allows writing to Present_Value by BACnet
clients in order to replace the value.
It is important to note that the Out_Of_Service property is NOT required to be writable by
BACnet clients. In most cases it is up to the device implementer to decide if the concept of out
of service should be supported in the device or not. If not, then Out_Of_Service would not be
writable and in effect the object would therefore always be "in service." However, if the
implementer decides to support out of service, then the device would allow writes to
Out_Of_Service and if it is set to TRUE then the object's behavior would be affected.
In the context of input-like value objects, the internal operation would look like Figure 1 when
Out_Of_Service is FALSE, and instead would look like Figure 3 when Out_Of_Service is TRUE.
Figure 3 - An Input-like Value Object when Out_Of_Service is TRUE
BACnet does not make the distinction between implementations that halt the fetching process
as opposed to halting the internal update of Present_Value.
The concept of out of service also applies to output-like value objects, but the details are more
subtle. Figure 2 shows a somewhat naïve diagram of the internal operation of an output-like
value object. It is over-simplified because it does not show the downstream consumer of the
value and whether that consumption produces physicalities such as changing output signals or
actuation. In the context of output-like value objects the concept of out of service means to
block or interrupt that downstream consumer, so that any systemic effects or physical output
effects, remain static while Out_Of_Service is true. This allows programs that look at and use the
value object's Present_Value to be tested, without changing physicality. In order to understand
this idea, we have to think of the value object's components as separate from the internal
consumers and interface software.
Like many of the standard BACnet objects, Value objects have an optional property called
Reliability. This property, if present, indicates the "health" or reliability of the object as far as the
object and device can determine. This is an enumerated value that enumerates various possible
reasons for unreliability, or NO_FAULT_DETECTED. For objects that have a direct or indirect
connection to some physical input or output, often there is a combination of hardware and
software that can detect various conditions or faults. However, for value objects, there may not
always be an obvious purpose or method for determining reliability. In those cases, the
Reliability property is typically not implemented. When it is implemented it is the implementer's
choice to determine how to detect faults or reliability issues and reflect those as changes in the
Reliability property enumeration.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 8
Just because a given object supports the Reliability property, it doesn't mean that in all cases it's
desirable to react to changes in reliability though. For that reason, those implementations must
also support another property called Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit. When the
Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit is TRUE, the object does not even try to detect reliability changes.
However, when the value of Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit is FALSE then it is expected that
reliability will be evaluated accordingly.
The Reliability property interacts with Out_Of_Service. When Out_Of_Service is FALSE (the
object is "in-service"), there is a local process that evaluates reliability when
Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit is FALSE and saves the result periodically in the Reliability
property. When Out_Of_Service is TRUE (the object is "out of service") this periodic updating of
Reliability is blocked, similarly to the updating of Present_Value, AND the Reliability property
becomes writable by BACnet clients. The purpose of this mechanism is to allow testing of the
behavior of other processes in the device in response to changes of reliability by writing specific
reliability enumerations to Reliability. Keep in mind that this writing to Reliability by external
BACnet clients is only allowed when Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit is FALSE.
Regardless of the state of Out_Of_Service, changes to Reliability may be considered as fault
conditions that trigger event notification when intrinsic reporting is implemented.
All of the value objects are required to support a property called Status_Flags. This is a BitString
that reflects several conditions simultaneously in a compact datatype. There are four bits in the
Status_Flags BitString:
bit name
The IN_ALARM bit is TRUE (1) only when two conditions are met:
The Event_State property is implemented and present, and
The Event_State property does NOT have the value NORMAL
The second condition has a subtle additional side effect. If the FAULT bit is TRUE (1) then the
IN_ALARM bit will also have a value of TRUE (1). The reason for this is that faults always set the
Event_State to FAULT, which is NOT NORMAL.
The FAULT bit is TRUE (1) only when two conditions are met:
The Reliability property is implemented and present, and
The Reliability property does NOT have the value NO_FAULT_DETECTED
Again, the second condition has a subtle additional side effect. If the
Reliability_Evaluation_Inhibit is TRUE then Reliability will have a value of NO_FAULT_DETECTED
unless Out_Of_Service is also TRUE and some alternative value has been written to Reliability.
The OUT_OF_SERVICE bit is TRUE (1) only when the Out_Of_Service property is present AND has
a value of TRUE, otherwise OUT_OF_SERVICE is FALSE (0).
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 9
Status_Flags: OVERRIDDEN
In BACnet the term overridden has a special meaning that is often misunderstood. This is further
compounded by differences between input-like and output-like value objects' behaviors. The
short definition for overridden is that a BACnet object is in an "overridden condition" when the
physical input or output, or the process that derives the input-like value, or the process that
consumes the output-like value, is decoupled from the object in a manner that BACnet cannot
control, AND the object can detect that this decoupling is in effect.
Figure 4 - An Input-like Value Object that can detect Override
In the example above, we imagine some kind of measuring input that normally connects to a
sensor. However, in this case the input passes through a hand-off-auto (HOA) assembly. When
the rotary switch is in the "auto" position, the sensor connects directly to the input of the Device
on the left. The HOA also produces a binary signal that we call "overridden/auto" in Figure 4.
Our device is able to detect this signal. In this example when the switch is auto, that binary
signal is false, meaning that the main input is NOT overridden. However, if the switch is rotated
to the "hand" position, instead of passing through the sensor to the device input, it passes a
voltage controlled by a local adjustment knob.
The point of this example is to show that in this scenario, the BACnet device has no control over
the position of the HOA assembly. A human can rotate the switch to a position that overrides
the sensor producing a static value. The BACnet device doesn't have any choice, the input is set
to whatever the human wants when in the hand or off positions. But the device CAN detect that
the input has been overridden or not. In BACnet devices that do not have the additional inputs
for detecting override, they simply don't know and must always assume that the input is NOT
overridden. Generally, this same type of external override might be used for output-like value
objects also.
For value objects that represent inputs or outputs with some kind of physicality, the concept of
override is clear. To be "overridden" means that the BACnet side of the value object is unable to
affect the "real" side that produces an output or is unable to read the "real" input end device.
The external override is reflected in the OVERRIDDEN bit in Status_Flags.
Where it becomes more subtle is in situations where the physicality doesn't exist or is too
indirect to actually detect override. Typically, this can occur when the value comes from a
software process or goes to a software process.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 10
Figure 5 - A "soft decision" Override
In this example a variable speed drive has a local control loop to control drive speed. In its
BACnet implementation, the setpoint for the control loop is represented as an Analog Value
(AV) object. Normally whatever value is written to this AV Present_Value will be used by the
control loop as the setpoint. However, the VSD controller also has a local user interface (UI)
display that can be used to override the setpoint. When this happens, a software "switch" within
the controller is flipped to a "local" mode that causes the control loop to read its setpoint
instead from the UI rather than the Present_Value. BACnet clients can still read and write the
Present_Value but in this mode it has no effect on the control loop. In this example, the
software switch mode is reflected in the OVERRIDDEN bit in Status_Flags.
Modular Packages of Features for Value Objects
Like other standard BACnet object types, value objects provide implementers with a lot of
choices for functionality and features in the objects themselves. One way to think about this is
to imagine a base object that has zero or more groups of functionality (sub-classing) that may be
overlaid onto an instance of a given value object type. We say "instance" because BACnet does
not require all of the objects of a given type in a given device to have identical functionality. For
example, a device that has four Analog Value objects might treat two of them as input-like and
two as output-like. Perhaps only one of the outputs implements commandability, and only one
input implements intrinsic reporting. These packages of optional functionality are:
Writable Out_Of_Service
Reliability Detection
Override Detection
Intrinsic Reporting
COV Reporting
Writable Out_Of_Service
This package means that an implementer has decided to support a writable Out_Of_Service
property and the corresponding logic in the behavior of the object, Reliability and Status_Flags.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 11
Reliability Detection
This package means that the implementer has decided to support the detection of reliability,
the Reliability property, and the corresponding logic in the behavior of the object, Reliability and
Override Detection
This package means that the implementer has decided to support the detection of override,
and/or has the hardware inputs needed to detect external override and has implemented the
logic needed to reflect this status in the Status_Flags property.
This package means that the implementer has decided to implement output-like value objects
and has included the logic necessary to implement the behavior of the Priority_Array and
Relinquish_Default properties, and Present_Value.
Intrinsic Reporting
This package means that the implementer has decided to implement intrinsic reporting
features, accordingly to the input or output likeness of the object. This includes not only a
collection of properties for managing event detection and reporting, but also support for
Notification Class objects and EventNotification services.
COV Reporting
This package means that the implementer has decided to implement change-of-value reporting
features, accordingly to the input or output-likeness of the object. This includes not only a
collection of properties for managing change detection and reporting, but also support for
Notification Class objects, SubscribeCOV and COVNotification services.
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 12
Numeric Value Objects
As a group it is helpful to think of Analog Value, Integer Value, Large Analog Value and Positive
Integer Value objects as simply numeric value objects. They have nearly identical behavior but
differ from each other mostly in the datatype of their Present_Value properties. All of the
numeric value objects represent the same concept: a range of values between some minimum
and maximum that can represent input-like or output-like behavior.
Why do we need different datatypes? Mostly this is a matter of precision. If we have some
value, such as a temperature, we may choose to implement the conversion of a sensor's reading
into whole degrees (72, 73, 74 degrees etc.) or into floating point (REAL) numbers (74.3 degrees
etc.) Depending on the accuracy of the sensor and measurement hardware, we may not be able
to achieve more than a specific amount of precision. For example, we may only be able to be
accurate to a tenth of a degree, but not a hundredth of a degree. If we are counting pulses from
a kilowatt-hour meter and converting them into kilowatt-hours, we may have limited precision
depending on the magnitude of the converted number. For example, REAL numbers, although
they can convey a huge range of magnitude (from 10
to 10
) their precision is limited to
between 6 and 9 digits depending on the number. Usually this is more than enough, but there
are scenarios where a REAL isn't precise enough and we need instead to use a DOUBLE. Integer
values can represent positive and negative numbers, but sometimes we want to explicitly
restrict a value to only zero or positive values.
In BACnet the implementer can choose which datatype is most appropriate for each application
and match that need to an appropriate value object.
Don't confuse the BACnet client-visible representation of a number value with the internal
storage for that number! It is common and perfectly allowed in BACnet to store numbers
internally say as 16 bit words but convert them to REAL when they are read as object properties.
You could even have an output-like Analog Value that stores the Present_Values internally as
bytes. If you write to that Present_Value with 43.52 it might get stored internally as 43 instead.
When read back, you would read a 43.00 and that's OK in BACnet.
The object type of a value object determines the datatype that it can accept and return for its
Present_Value. Analog Value uses datatype REAL. Large Analog Value uses datatype DOUBLE.
Integer Value uses datatype Integer. Positive Integer Value uses datatype Unsigned.
object type PV datatype
Analog Value REAL
Large Analog Value DOUBLE
Integer Value Integer
Positive Integer Value Unsigned
All of the numeric value objects have some properties in common. The Min_Pres_Value and
Max_Pres_Value properties represent the minimum and maximum values respectively that
Present_Value can return based on the scaling and conversion in effect for that object. The
Low_Limit and High_Limit properties represent a range of values that are normal for the object
and values outside that range may cause event notifications when intrinsic reporting is
implemented and enabled for the object. For output-like numeric value objects, the
Relinquish_Default is the default value to use when Present_Value has not been commanded
yet, or all slots of its Priority_Array are NULL. The Resolution property indicates the minimum
resolution for step changes in Present_Value. This group of properties all share the same
5-Mar-2016 Value Objects in BACnet
©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 13
datatype as the Present_Value. The Deadband property used in intrinsic reporting, and the
COV_Increment property used in Change Of Value reporting, would also share this datatype.
The exception are Integer and Positive Integer value objects where Deadband and
COV_Increment are always Unsigned.
Dates, Times and DateTimes
There are many scenarios in building automation where we need to convey date and time
values. For example, scheduling activities for certain dates, or changing a value or setpoint
throughout the day at certain times. Sometimes we need both a date and a time. For these
purposes, BACnet provides value objects that can take on Date, Time or combined DateTime
In BACnet, a Date is composed of four parts:
the year from 1900 to 2154
the month of the year from 1=January to 12=December
the day of the month from 1 to 31
the day of the week from 1=Monday to 7=Sunday
Yes, BACnet intentionally has a "Y2154" problem. The common thinking is that if one is still using
BACnet 138 years from now, it would be a good time to switch to something new whether you
need to or not. Generally speaking, these four-part dates are called specific dates.
In BACnet, a Time is composed of four parts:
the hour from 00 to 23
the minute from 00 to 59
the second from 00 to 59
the hundredths of a second from 00 to 99
These four-part times are called specific times.
A DateTime is simply a Date and a Time packaged together. This can also be called a specific
BACnet provides three value objects who's Present_Value can represent these kinds of values:
Date Value, Time Value and DateTime Value. It's important to note that these object types may
only be used for "specific" values.
Date and Time Patterns
Sometimes it's useful to be able to have components of Dates or Times that are unspecified. This
is particularly useful in Schedules. An unspecified value is also sometimes called "Any". For
example, the first day of every month in 2016 might be a Date whose components are
(2016,Any,1,Any). The "top of the hour" might be a Time whose components are (Any,00,00,00).
Dates, Times and DateTimes that contain unspecified components are called Date Patterns,
Time Patterns and DateTime Patterns because they specify patterns of periodic repetition.
In addition to being able to use unspecified components, Date Patterns and DateTime Patterns
may also make use of what are called special date values.
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©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 14
In the encoding of Dates, including Dates that are part of DateTimes, the value 0xFF (255) is
used to indicate that a particular component of the Date is unspecified. For the Month
component of any Date, the special value 13 means odd numbered months, and the special
value 14 means even numbered months. For the Day of Month component of any Date, the
special value 32 means the last day of the month regardless of the number of actual days in the
month. The special value of 33 means odd numbered days of the month and the special value 34
means even numbered days of the month. Taken together any Date, or DateTime, that contains
either unspecified components and/or special date values is considered to be a Date Pattern
and any Time containing unspecified components is considered to be a Time Pattern.
Date Value, Time Value and DateTime Value objects are required to only use specific values and
may not contain patterns, i.e. unspecified or special date value components.
Date Pattern Value, Time Pattern Value and DateTime Pattern Value objects may contain
Feature Packages for Date, Time, DateTime, Date Pattern, Time Pattern and
DateTime Pattern Objects
None of these objects may support Intrinsic Reporting or COV Reporting.
String Value Objects
The numeric, date, time and datetime values have a common characteristic: they are all scalar
values. However, there are many circumstances when we need to represent more than one
discrete number. For example, names of things require a sequence, or string, of letters,
numbers and symbols. The card number of an access control card requires a string of numbers.
Representing a group of binary statuses might require a string of bits, etc. In BACnet there are
datatypes for representing characterstring, octetstring and bitstring data. Although properties
of BACnet objects may use these datatypes, there are also many use cases for value objects that
can represent these datatypes as well.
OctetString Value Objects
Perhaps the simplest of the string value objects is called octetstring. It is used to represent a
sequence of octet values. A very common concept in all computer-based devices is the grouping
together of eight binary bits into a single entity known as a byte. This term hasn't always meant
a group of eight bits, although it is rare today to see it used otherwise. Within the community of
international communications standards, rather than relying on made-up words that have no
basis in any language, the term byte has been replaced with the term octet from the Latin root
oct meaning "eight." If we accept the fact that byte nearly always means eight bits, then
conceptually, byte and octet represent the same idea.
A single octet can therefore represent values in the decimal range 0 to 255. The odd looking
value 255 comes from the fact that with eight binary bits, the largest number that can be
represented would be eight "ones" in a row 11111111
which is the value (2
-1) or 255
An octetstring contains some sequence of octet values that are treated together as a group.
Technically, BACnet Date, Time and DateTime datatypes are octetstrings whose four and eight
octets are always interpreted in a specific manner.
An OctetString value has a Present_Value whose datatype is an octetstring.
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BitString Value Objects
A bitstring value object is used to represent a sequence of single bit true/false values that are
always taken together as a group. A BitString value has a Present_Value whose datatype is a
bitstring. In much the same way that Multi-state values have both numeric state values and a
characterstring "name" for each state, BitString values can have a name for each bit. The
Bit_Text property of BitString Value objects is an array of characterstrings each representing the
name for the corresponding bit. The relationship between the bits and the Bit_Text array entries
may seem a bit counter-intuitive and deserves further explanation.
In BACnet, bitstring bits are "backwards" from the way that programmers usually think of them.
Consider the decimal value 13
which in binary would be 1101
. The "bottom-most" or right
hand bit represents 2
or the value 1. The "top-most" or left hand bit represents 2
or the value
8. When programmers think of these bits they usually use the power of 2 to number the bits, so
the right hand bit is "bit 0" and in this example the left hand bit is "bit 3". However, in BACnet
bitstrings are organized so that bit 0 is the "bottom-most" but appears "first" in the stream of
bits in the string. Another way of thinking about this is that in BACnet bit 0 is the left hand bit
and occupies the most significant bit within an octet:
bit # 0 1 2 3
As a practical matter, bitstrings are always conveyed on the wire in a sequence of octets. One
way to think about this is to imagine that the bitstring is layed out from left to right with the left-
most bit representing bit 0. This bit is also "shifted" to be the most significant bit of the first
octet (the hexadecimal 0x80 bit of the octet value). When the bitstring length is not an even
multiple of 8 bits, the right-most (last) octet contains U unused bits in the least significant bit
positions of the octet, where U=(8-(bitstring length in bits)) modulo 8. The encoding of bitstring
values conveys the number of unused bits U as well as the bitstring itself.
The "bit #" is important because it has a relationship to the Bit_Text array property. The name
for bit #N is contained in the Bit_Text[1+N] array slot. In the example above, suppose that bit 0
has the name AAA, bit 1 has the name BBB, bit 2 has the name CCC and bit 3 has the name DDD.
The Bit_Text array would look like this:
Bit_Text[0] 4
Bit_Text[1] "AAA"
Bit_Text[2] "BBB"
Bit_Text[3] "CCC"
Bit_Text[4] "DDD"
CharacterString Objects
A characterstring value object is used to represent a string of text composed from letters, digits,
symbols etc. The text is stored in a sequence of octets where generally speaking each octet
represents a code for a particular character symbol. The original 1995 BACnet standard
proposed that characterstrings could contain symbols from one of several possible character
sets defined by national and international standards. The most common of these was the so
called "ANSI" character set from ANSI x3.64 which is a superset of the venerable ASCII character
encoding. Another option was so-called "Unicode" or ISO10646 and various others. In
Addendum k to 135-2008 this was changed to allow the most common character set to be UTF-
8. The UTF-8 encoding allows single octet representation of many popular letters and symbols,
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©2016, David Fisher, used by permission 16
but also allows multi-octet encoding to accommodate Asian symbols, mathematical symbols and
many other less common symbols (even ancient Sanskrit and Klingon!).
The key point is that BACnet characterstrings can represent even the most obscure kinds of text
and symbology. In practice of course mostly common human language text will be used. But the
single difference between characterstrings and octetstrings is that characterstrings use the first
octet as a code to represent the type of character set that is used in the string that follows.
Overwhelmingly today, this octet is always zero (meaning UTF-8 characterstring). It's worth
noting that several of the older character sets used 2 or 4 octets per symbol to encode
Feature Packages for OctetString, BitString and CharacterString Value Objects
None of these objects support COV Reporting.
OctetString value objects do not support Intrinsic Reporting.
BitString and CharacterString value objects optionally support Intrinsic Reporting. In this case
the objects include Alarm_Values and Fault_Value properties that define specific bitstrings or
characterstrings that represent "Alarms" or "Faults."
Legal Stuff
This paper represents the authors opinions only and does not necessarily represent the views of
the authors employer, SSPC-135, ASHRAE or any other organization. While the author believes
all information is factual, it is provided as-is without any guarantees of suitability for a particular
purpose. The name BACnet and its logo are registered trademarks of ASHRAE Inc.
Contact the Author
David Fisher
president, PolarSoft
Inc. +1-412-683-2018 voice
368 44
Street dfisher@polarsoft.com
Pittsburgh PA 15201-1761 USA