Discipline Essays
Essay – Disrupting Class
(Talking or other disruptions)
Name: __________________
Due: ____________________
Please complete the following essay in complete sentences on separate sheets of paper and staple
them behind this page. Discuss your answers with your parents, and have one of them sign below.
Parent’s signature: _________________
**Please note: This essay is meant to help you reflect on how disrupting class affects you and those
around you. Use this time to reevaluate your actions and determine to behave appropriately
in the future.
1. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) explaining why disrupting class is harmful to you,
your classmates and your teacher.
2. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) giving a plan of action for how you will avoid being
disruptive in the future.
Essay – Diligence in Class
(Not completing work or lack of effort)
Name: ___________________
Due: ____________________
Please complete the following essay in complete sentences on separate sheets of paper and staple
them behind this page. Discuss your answers with your parents, and have one of them sign below.
Parent’s signature: __________________
**Use this time to reevaluate your actions and determine to put forth better effort in the future.
1. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) explaining why you have not been giving your best
2. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) discussing why working hard is beneficial for you.
3. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) giving a specific plan of action for how you will be
more diligent in the future.
Essay - Friendship
Name: __________________
Due: ___________________
Please complete the following essay in complete sentences on separate sheets of paper and staple
them behind this page. Discuss your answers with your parents, and have one of them sign below.
Parent’s signature: _______________
**Please note: This essay is about you and how you can be a better friend. It is not about the mistakes
your friend has made. We are each responsible for our own actions and should not push blame on
other people, especially our friends. As you complete this essay, try not to worry about your friend’s
mistakes. Instead, focus on how you can be better, and let your friend worry about what he or she
needs to change.
1. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) describing the ways in which you have failed to be
a good friend in the past.
2. Write a paragraph (at least five sentences) detailing specific ways you can be a better friend in
the future.
3. List at least ten good character traits of your friend. Think about why you are friends with him
or her in the first place.
Write a letter to your friend (at least eight sentences) on a different sheet of paper telling him or her
what you learned while doing this essay and how you want to treat him or her in the future.
Pre-written Essay: Talking without permission
Unwarranted talking in class is a selfish act for many reasons. If it is a time of instruction, talking is a
disruption to others and a distraction to the teacher. When I talk, I rob my classmates of the
opportunity to receive instruction unhindered. Unauthorized talking is disrespectful to the teacher
who has spent time preparing the lesson. Talking also causes me to miss valuable instruction and
often makes the teacher repeat the material. If I talk during a time allowed for individual work, I
create a distraction and disrupt the thought process of others. I cannot be focused on my own work if
I am talking. Talking without permission is inconsiderate and implies that I am more important than
everyone else in the room. Therefore, I will not talk in class without permission.
Pre-written Essay: Being unkind to fellow students
I must always be kind, loving, and considerate to others. While it is easy to make fun of someone, this
is not being kind and loving. Loving one another is what it means to be part of the human race, and
when I put someone else down, I am forsaking this high calling. While this is not easy to live out, I
should try every day to be more loving. Even when someone is unkind or mean to me, I should still
love them as I, having compassion one of another. When I am kind to others and love and forgive
them I show true humanity and become a better person each time.
Pre-written Essay: Silliness or distracting other students
When I am in class I should not distract others by silliness or other means. Class time is a time to learn
and receive instruction. When I am acting silly, I not only keep myself from learning, but also distract
other students who are trying to learn. I am a disruption to the class and a distraction to the teacher.
By being silly, I’m robbing classmates of the opportunity to receive instruction unhindered.
Distractions also cause one to miss valuable instruction and often necessitate repeated material. If I
am distracting during a time allowed for individual work, I’m interrupting the thought processes of
others. Neither my classmates nor I can be focused on our own work if I am being silly. Distracting
others is inconsiderate and implies that I am more important than everyone else in the room.
Therefore, I will strive to not be silly in class or be a distraction to others.
Pre-written Essay: Working during class work times
I will use my class time to work on tasks I am given. I must take notes and pay attention to those
presenting or teaching and not read a book, write notes, or work on something else. To disregard a
teacher’s instructions is disobedience, and if I chose to continue to not apply myself to completing
assignments, I am disobeying and will receive a detention. When I am in class, I am to work diligently
for and am applying myself wholeheartedly to my education. If I am reading a book, writing notes, or
working on something else, I am not diligently learning. Therefore, I must work hard in class to
complete the work I am given.
Pre-written Essay: Talking during a fire drill
While talking during a fire drill may not seem like a big deal, it is actually an important matter of
safety. In the event of an emergency, students need to be quiet and act orderly in order to be able to
hear important instructions from teachers or administration. If I am being disruptive and loud, I could
actually prevent myself and others from hearing important instructions about how to get to safety.
While the teacher is taking roll, we must stand quietly and answer quickly in case a student is missing
in the building. In the event of an emergency, the teacher needs to locate any missing students
extremely quickly in order to make sure everyone is safely out of the building. The purpose of fire
drills is to practice and prepare so that everyone is prepared in the event of a true emergency.
Therefore, I must follow all emergency procedures at all time, including staying under control and
quiet to ensure the safety of myself and others. In the future, I must have self-control and keep in
mind the true purpose of fire drills.
Welcome to Mt Tabor’s Spanish Immersion Language Arts & Social Studies
We have an exciting year ahead of us! In order to make our class time more enjoyable and
educational for each of you, I’d like to explain some of my procedures and expectations.
Supplies: To be brought to class
1. Textbook (covered or with name clearly labeled)
Textbooks or Novels (Titles and grade level on Back of this Memo)
(Note on Mini Board in class every class period to see what is needed for the day)
2. Spanish Notebook (Diario de Escritura –White )
3. Interactive Student Notebook for Social Studies (Cornell Notebook -Orange with Black trim)
4. One Binder (1.5 to 2 inches) with dividers for two classes
5. Two folders one for Spanish, One for Social Studies containing blank paper
6. Student planner ALWAYS
7. Pencil, pen (black or blue) and GREEN pen No other pens of other colors please.
8. You will also occasionally need other materials. I will let you know in advance when these are
When any of these supplies are missing, you will receive an unprepared on Class Dojo for
monitoring. After the 3
, 4
, and 5
unprepared, you will be required to complete an assignment
in a teacher’s room during advisory. The 6
unprepared will result in a detention. This starts over
each quarter. If it is a writing instrument you need, the student that lends you a writing
instrument will receive Kindness Dojo points and a brand new writing instrument of their
Do your best on each assignment. In Spanish doing your homework correctly is vital for your
success in mastering the language in writing, speaking, listening and reading. In Social Studies this
is the year you will learn about a period in time you will be exposed to only once throughout your
academic schooling. Therefore, the following procedures will apply:
1. Complete every assignment to the best of your ability. Never leave questions blank or activity
not completed. Consult your notes or ask someone for help if you are confused. In Google
Classroom you will always have me available to help via a private message or if it benefits the
whole class in the public message board or chat.
2. In Google Classroom you will always have me available to help via a private message or if it
benefits the whole class in the public message board or chat.
3. Come in Advisory.
4. Save your work digitally in Google Classroom.
5. Borrow an IPAD and return promptly to be able to access your Textbooks Books online if
6. All your resources are online with the passwords and websites given to you this past week.
7. Paper versions of all assignments are also available in box (Orange 7
grade) (Pink 6th
8. Only use a translator when necessary. When you do not know the word in Spanish, you
should describe using other words this is called circumlocution. Write E
next to the word in
English to indicate you could not find the word.
9. You may (and should) ask another student or parent for help about how
to say the word or
words. They may give you hints, guide you through the context, or check your assignment to
help you understand what is being asked. I will provide models on Google Classroom and
tutorials on recording your responses also. However, if you copy another person’s homework
or allow someone to give you the work assigned without trying on your own, you are cheating
60-70% of your homework grade will be based on how much effort you put into each assignment
or activity to be completed. If you do not follow these directions, you may be required to redo
your homework.
Each student will keep a notebook of notes for Spanish and Social Studies. These will provide all
needed passcodes, to access material online for help including their own recordings and class
presentation access. They can review each lesson by going on Google Classroom. If Internet is
unavailable they will have their notebooks and folders with the paper version of the presentations
and all needed that should be used when completing homework and studying. These notes will be
collected and graded the day of each test, checked in Green on Google Classroom as done also.
Late Work
With the exception of unplanned absences, all work must be turned in on time. When a
homework assignment is not completed on time, it must be turned in the following day to receive
any partial credit that is available. A student must staple a late pass pre-printed note on the
assignment with the reason. Habitually turning in work late is not acceptable.
1. If you are late because you were needed by a teacher or staff member, you must bring a pass
from that teacher/staff member in order to be excused.
2. When you enter the classroom late (with or without a pass), enter so as not to distract the
rest of the class. Silently enter the room, hand the teacher your pass, and join the rest of the
class in our activity.
3. Three unexcused tardies in any quarter will result in a detention.
When you are absent, you are responsible to make up all the work you missed.
1. Check the absent folder/and assigned buddy to see what you missed.
2. Copy the notes you missed from a friend.
3. Make up any homework assignments you missed as soon as possible.
4. Make up any tests/quizzes you missed.
*Note: If an assignment was due the day you were absent, it must be turned in the first day you
Grading – points system (Percentages are estimates that may vary depending on the number of
Tests: 100 points each (around 45%)
Quizzes: 20 points each (around 24%)
Homework: 5 points each (around 20%)
Class work: 2-5 points each (around 6%)
Notes: 10 points each (around 5%)
Spanish is an incredible subject in which we study not just the language but the culture to become
bilingual global citizens. I love teaching the Spanish Language and Social Studies in Spanish and hope
to help you will enjoy it as well. The key to success in learning a language is to do your very best on
each activity, assignment and practice everyday speaking, listening, writing and reading in Spanish. If
you are struggling at any time, please come see me. The language is a building process, and I don’t
want anyone to get behind. Let’s have a great year and honor being bilingual in today’s society.
Please feel free to contact me at any time.
School number: 503-916-5646 ext. 70745
STUDENTS: I have read these classroom procedures and understand that I am responsible for
following them.
Signature ________________
PARENTS: I have read and am aware of these classroom procedures.
Signature ________________
Thank you.
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Student Photographs and Media:
There are opportunities throughout the school year in our classroom for your child’s photograph or
recordings of their performance to be taken. These may include fieldtrips, classroom activities, and
other general activities. In a secure website (ClassDojo and Google Classroom), which is password
protected, will these videos or photographs be available for your child’s and parent view; never will
their full name appear. Our Spanish Immersion classroom enjoys using these photographs to see
learning happening and to eventually save digitally for future classes and students. However, some
parents do not want their children identified for various reasons.
If you prefer that your child’s photograph or voice recording not be used please indicate in the
bottom of this memo.
Name of Student /and Parent
Discipline Plan for Room 205
Classroom Rules
1. Communicate with others only when given permission.
2. Stay in your seat unless given permission.
3. Participate in all classroom activities.
4. Be respectful and kind to others.
If You Choose to Break a Rule
Students who choose to communicate with others or get out of their seat without permission will be given a warning.
Any student who receives three warnings in one day will be given a writing assignment.
Students who choose to distract others or not participate in class activities, including reading, working on other
materials or writing notes, will be given a writing assignment. No warnings will be given.
Students who choose to be unkind to another student in any way will be given a writing assignment. No warnings will
be given.
Continued or flagrant violations will result in a detention.
If You Earn a Writing Assignment
Writing assignments are due at the beginning of class the following day and must contain a parent/guardian’s
If the assignment is not turned in at the beginning of class the next day with a parent/guardian’s signature, the
student will be required to work on the assignment during advisory in a teacher’s room. The assignment may also be
If the complete assignment is still not turned in at the beginning of class the next day with a parent/guardian’s
signature, the student will receive a detention.
Positive notes home
Free seating days
Student of the month
An orderly, safe, and productive learning environment
STUDENTS: I have read this classroom discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in Room 205.
Signature ___________________
PARENTS: My child has discussed this discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it.
Signature ___________________
TEACHER: I will strive to be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan for Room 205.
Signature ___________________
This discipline plan is modeled after a sample found in The First Days of School
by Harry and Rosemary Wong, p. 160.