Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Wishing Well Verses
We don't wish to offend but we have the lot,
There's nothing we need, not pans irons or pots,
To save you the shopping, sit back and rest,
A gift of currency is our request.
Arrive at our wedding, have a drink and a rest,
Because we will supply the wishing well chest.
Now that we've saved you the stress and the fuss,
Just come, have fun and celebrate with us.
More than kisses so far we’ve shared,
Our home has been made with love and care,
Most things we need we’ve already got,
And in our home we can’t fit a lot.
A wishing well we thought would be great,
(But only if you wish to participate),
A gift of money is placed in the well,
Then make a wish , but shhh don’t tell!
Once we've replaced the old with the new,
We can look back and say it was thanks to you.
And in return for your kindness, we're sure
That one day soon you will get what you wished for".
A wishing well will be on display at the reception
where we can receive your best wishes.
Because at first we lived in sin
We’ve got the sheets & the rubbish bin
A gift from you would be swell
But we’d prefer a donation to our wishing well!
If none of these are what you are after
Feel free to mix and match or write your own
In our house we have the things
that living together generally brings
Most household items we have already bought
and because of this reason we thought
A wishing well would be great
(Only if guests wish to participate)
A gift of money is placed in an envelope
So in the future we hope
To furnish our home to its very best
And remember it was due to our generous guests
We don't want to offend but we have it all,
all household goods and so much more.
To save you shopping, sit back & rest,
a gift of currency is our request.
Don't go overboard or rob any banks,
any little thing will make us smile with thanks.
We supply the wishing well,
no wrapping, an envelope, and who can tell.
Now that we have saved you all the fuss,
it would be appreciated if you would come
and celebrate with us
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
Friends, as you are aware we already have
most items needed to 'set up house'.
This is the reason for us choosing a wedding
wishing well. At the reception there will be a
wishing well in which we would love to receive
your greeting card and contribution.
This will be a great way for us to pool together
and buy ourselves something quite luxurious,
or to make our honeymoon even better.
To support us on our special day you may wish to
follow with tradition and bring a gift.
Or alternatively you may like to help us make our
honeymoon a little more special. For this reason
we have chosen a wedding wishing well. The
wishing well will be at the reception where we
can receive your best wishes and contribution.
They have their dishes and towels for two
They have pots and pans and oven mitts too
So what do you get for the Bride & Groom
Whose house is setup in every room?
Their house needs repairs and some upgrades too
But you can not register for carpet and glue.
A well that holds wishes is the way to go
So lets make it easy for all that know.
An envelope will be provided for those who have room,
To give a monetary wish to the Bride and Groom
A wishing well will be on display at the reception hall
To attach your wishes, for the couple, with love from all.
Soon you will hear our wedding bell,
As Friends and family wish us well.
Our household thoughts are not brand new,
We have twice the things we need for two.
Since we have our share of dishes and bedding,
We're having instead a wishing well wedding.
But more important we ask of you,
your prayers of love and blessings too!
This wishing well is here
today for family & friends.
Take an envelope, make a wish & please drop it in.
As it falls into the well your wish,
for the couple, will come true.
A token for the couple, to help them begin,
will be welcomed, too.
Please take the time to make a wish
before the day is through.
Now we are to be Mr & Mrs
We don't need a wedding list of dishes
we have two kettles, two toasters,
two microwaves
We require a house for which we have to save.
If you would like to give us a gift,
A cheque or vouchers would give us a lift
We like to think of it as our 'Wishing Well'
Which will be filled with your love, we can tell.
If you were thinking of giving a gift,
to help us on our way
A gift of cash towards our house,
would really make our day.
However, if you prefer to purchase a gift,
feel free to surprise us in your own way
We really would appreciate a little money of our own,
instead of a little gift for our new home!
We know you want to find something nice
But it's such a hassle to find the right price
So come and enjoy the day all sunny
We really would appreciate a little money
Option 14
Option 15
Option 16
To save you looking, shopping or buying.
Here is an idea, we hope you like trying.
Come to our wedding, to wish us both well.
And bring this small sack,
to throw in our wishing well.
Fill it with paper all colours will do,
gold is our favourite but silver will do.
Now that we have saved you, all of that fuss.
We hope you will come, and celebrate with us.
Our home is quite complete now,
we've been together long,
so please consider our request and do not take us wrong.
A delicate request it is, we hope you understand.
Please play along as it will give our married life a hand.
The tradition of the wishing well is one that's known by all.
Go to the well, toss in a coin and as the coin does fall,
Make a wish upon that coin and careful as you do.
Cause as the well's tradition goes your wishes will come true.
So on this special day of ours, the day that we'll be wed.
Don't hunt for special gifts but give money in it's stead.
And as you drop the envelope with money great and small,
Remember, make your wish as you watch your money fall
We've been together a few years now;
we have pots and pans and linen and towels;
we have glasses and toasters, really quite a few;
so instead of more gifts, we suggest this to you;
if it doesn't offend and it won't send you running;
what we would really appreciate is quite simply money;
we know choosing gifts can be such a pain;
and this way there is no chance of bringing the same."
What do you think?