Tornado Documentation
Release 6.3.3
The Tornado Authors
Aug 11, 2023
1 Quick links 3
2 Hello, world 5
3 Threads and WSGI 7
4 asyncio Integration 9
5 Installation 11
6 Documentation 13
6.1 User’s guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
6.2 Web framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.3 HTTP servers and clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.4 Asynchronous networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
6.5 Coroutines and concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
6.6 Integration with other services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.7 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6.8 Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
6.9 Release notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
7 Discussion and support 247
Python Module Index 249
Index 251
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By
using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long
polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user.
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Current version: 6.3.3 (download from PyPI, release notes)
Source (GitHub)
Mailing lists: discussion and announcements
Stack Overflow
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
4 Chapter 1. Quick links
Here is a simple “Hello, world” example web app for Tornado:
import asyncio
import tornado
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Hello, world")
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
async def main():
app = make_app()
await asyncio.Event().wait()
if __name__ == "__main__":
This example does not use any of Tornados asynchronous features; for that see this simple chat room.
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6 Chapter 2. Hello, world
Tornado is different from most Python web frameworks. It is not based on WSGI, and it is typically run with only one
thread per process. See the User’s guide for more on Tornados approach to asynchronous programming.
While some support of WSGI is available in the tornado.wsgi module, it is not a focus of development and most
applications should be written to use Tornado’s own interfaces (such as tornado.web) directly instead of using WSGI.
In general, Tornado code is not thread-safe. The only method in Tornado that is safe to call from other threads is
IOLoop.add_callback. You can also use IOLoop.run_in_executor to asynchronously run a blocking function on
another thread, but note that the function passed to run_in_executor should avoid referencing any Tornado objects.
run_in_executor is the recommended way to interact with blocking code.
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
8 Chapter 3. Threads and WSGI
Tornado is integrated with the standard library asyncio module and shares the same event loop (by default since
Tornado 5.0). In general, libraries designed for use with asyncio can be mixed freely with Tornado.
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
10 Chapter 4. asyncio Integration
pip install tornado
Tornado is listed in PyPI and can be installed with pip. Note that the source distribution includes demo applications
that are not present when Tornado is installed in this way, so you may wish to download a copy of the source tarball or
clone the git repository as well.
Prerequisites: Tornado 6.3 requires Python 3.8 or newer. The following optional packages may be useful:
pycurl is used by the optional tornado.curl_httpclient. Libcurl version 7.22 or higher is required.
pycares is an alternative non-blocking DNS resolver that can be used when threads are not appropriate.
Platforms: Tornado is designed for Unix-like platforms, with best performance and scalability on systems supporting
epoll (Linux), kqueue (BSD/macOS), or /dev/poll (Solaris).
Tornado will also run on Windows, although this configuration is not officially supported or recommended for pro-
duction use. Some features are missing on Windows (including multi-process mode) and scalability is limited (Even
though Tornado is built on asyncio, which supports Windows, Tornado does not use the APIs that are necessary for
scalable networking on Windows).
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
12 Chapter 5. Installation
This documentation is also available in PDF and Epub formats.
6.1 User’s guide
6.1.1 Introduction
Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed. By
using non-blocking network I/O, Tornado can scale to tens of thousands of open connections, making it ideal for long
polling, WebSockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user.
Tornado can be roughly divided into three major components:
A web framework (including RequestHandler which is subclassed to create web applications, and various
supporting classes).
Client- and server-side implementions of HTTP (HTTPServer and AsyncHTTPClient).
An asynchronous networking library including the classes IOLoop and IOStream, which serve as the building
blocks for the HTTP components and can also be used to implement other protocols.
The Tornado web framework and HTTP server together offer a full-stack alternative to WSGI. While it is possible
to use the Tornado HTTP server as a container for other WSGI frameworks (WSGIContainer), this combination has
limitations and to take full advantage of Tornado you will need to use Tornados web framework and HTTP server
6.1.2 Asynchronous and non-Blocking I/O
Real-time web features require a long-lived mostly-idle connection per user. In a traditional synchronous web server,
this implies devoting one thread to each user, which can be very expensive.
To minimize the cost of concurrent connections, Tornado uses a single-threaded event loop. This means that all appli-
cation code should aim to be asynchronous and non-blocking because only one operation can be active at a time.
The terms asynchronous and non-blocking are closely related and are often used interchangeably, but they are not quite
the same thing.
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
A function blocks when it waits for something to happen before returning. A function may block for many reasons:
network I/O, disk I/O, mutexes, etc. In fact, every function blocks, at least a little bit, while it is running and using
the CPU (for an extreme example that demonstrates why CPU blocking must be taken as seriously as other kinds of
blocking, consider password hashing functions like bcrypt, which by design use hundreds of milliseconds of CPU time,
far more than a typical network or disk access).
A function can be blocking in some respects and non-blocking in others. In the context of Tornado we generally talk
about blocking in the context of network I/O, although all kinds of blocking are to be minimized.
An asynchronous function returns before it is finished, and generally causes some work to happen in the background
before triggering some future action in the application (as opposed to normal synchronous functions, which do every-
thing they are going to do before returning). There are many styles of asynchronous interfaces:
Callback argument
Return a placeholder (Future, Promise, Deferred)
Deliver to a queue
Callback registry (e.g. POSIX signals)
Regardless of which type of interface is used, asynchronous functions by definition interact differently with their callers;
there is no free way to make a synchronous function asynchronous in a way that is transparent to its callers (systems
like gevent use lightweight threads to offer performance comparable to asynchronous systems, but they do not actually
make things asynchronous).
Asynchronous operations in Tornado generally return placeholder objects (Futures), with the exception of some low-
level components like the IOLoop that use callbacks. Futures are usually transformed into their result with the await
or yield keywords.
Here is a sample synchronous function:
from tornado.httpclient import HTTPClient
def synchronous_fetch(url):
http_client = HTTPClient()
response = http_client.fetch(url)
return response.body
And here is the same function rewritten asynchronously as a native coroutine:
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
async def asynchronous_fetch(url):
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = await http_client.fetch(url)
return response.body
Or for compatibility with older versions of Python, using the tornado.gen module:
14 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient
from tornado import gen
def async_fetch_gen(url):
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = yield http_client.fetch(url)
raise gen.Return(response.body)
Coroutines are a little magical, but what they do internally is something like this:
from tornado.concurrent import Future
def async_fetch_manual(url):
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
my_future = Future()
fetch_future = http_client.fetch(url)
def on_fetch(f):
return my_future
Notice that the coroutine returns its Future before the fetch is done. This is what makes coroutines asynchronous.
Anything you can do with coroutines you can also do by passing callback objects around, but coroutines provide an
important simplification by letting you organize your code in the same way you would if it were synchronous. This is
especially important for error handling, since try/except blocks work as you would expect in coroutines while this is
difficult to achieve with callbacks. Coroutines will be discussed in depth in the next section of this guide.
6.1.3 Coroutines
Coroutines are the recommended way to write asynchronous code in Tornado. Coroutines use the Python await
keyword to suspend and resume execution instead of a chain of callbacks (cooperative lightweight threads as seen in
frameworks like gevent are sometimes called coroutines as well, but in Tornado all coroutines use explicit context
switches and are called as asynchronous functions).
Coroutines are almost as simple as synchronous code, but without the expense of a thread. They also make concurrency
easier to reason about by reducing the number of places where a context switch can happen.
async def fetch_coroutine(url):
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = await http_client.fetch(url)
return response.body
6.1. User’s guide 15
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Native vs decorated coroutines
Python 3.5 introduced the async and await keywords (functions using these keywords are also called “native corou-
tines”). For compatibility with older versions of Python, you can use “decorated” or “yield-based” coroutines using
the tornado.gen.coroutine decorator.
Native coroutines are the recommended form whenever possible. Only use decorated coroutines when compatibility
with older versions of Python is required. Examples in the Tornado documentation will generally use the native form.
Translation between the two forms is generally straightforward:
# Decorated: # Native:
# Normal function declaration
# with decorator # "async def" keywords
def a(): async def a():
# "yield" all async funcs # "await" all async funcs
b = yield c() b = await c()
# "return" and "yield"
# cannot be mixed in
# Python 2, so raise a
# special exception. # Return normally
raise gen.Return(b) return b
Other differences between the two forms of coroutine are outlined below.
Native coroutines:
are generally faster.
can use async for and async with statements which make some patterns much simpler.
do not run at all unless you await or yield them. Decorated coroutines can start running “in the back-
ground” as soon as they are called. Note that for both kinds of coroutines it is important to use await or
yield so that any exceptions have somewhere to go.
Decorated coroutines:
have additional integration with the concurrent.futures package, allowing the result of executor.
submit to be yielded directly. For native coroutines, use IOLoop.run_in_executor instead.
support some shorthand for waiting on multiple objects by yielding a list or dict. Use tornado.gen.multi
to do this in native coroutines.
can support integration with other packages including Twisted via a registry of conversion functions. To
access this functionality in native coroutines, use tornado.gen.convert_yielded .
always return a Future object. Native coroutines return an awaitable object that is not a Future. In
Tornado the two are mostly interchangeable.
16 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
How it works
This section explains the operation of decorated coroutines. Native coroutines are conceptually similar, but a little more
complicated because of the extra integration with the Python runtime.
A function containing yield is a generator. All generators are asynchronous; when called they return a generator
object instead of running to completion. The @gen.coroutine decorator communicates with the generator via the
yield expressions, and with the coroutine’s caller by returning a Future.
Here is a simplified version of the coroutine decorator’s inner loop:
# Simplified inner loop of tornado.gen.Runner
def run(self):
# send(x) makes the current yield return x.
# It returns when the next yield is reached
future = self.gen.send(
def callback(f): = f.result()
The decorator receives a Future from the generator, waits (without blocking) for that Future to complete, then “un-
wraps” the Future and sends the result back into the generator as the result of the yield expression. Most asyn-
chronous code never touches the Future class directly except to immediately pass the Future returned by an asyn-
chronous function to a yield expression.
How to call a coroutine
Coroutines do not raise exceptions in the normal way: any exception they raise will be trapped in the awaitable object
until it is yielded. This means it is important to call coroutines in the right way, or you may have errors that go unnoticed:
async def divide(x, y):
return x / y
def bad_call():
# This should raise a ZeroDivisionError, but it won't because
# the coroutine is called incorrectly.
divide(1, 0)
In nearly all cases, any function that calls a coroutine must be a coroutine itself, and use the await or yield keyword
in the call. When you are overriding a method defined in a superclass, consult the documentation to see if coroutines
are allowed (the documentation should say that the method “may be a coroutine” or “may return a Future”):
async def good_call():
# await will unwrap the object returned by divide() and raise
# the exception.
await divide(1, 0)
Sometimes you may want to “fire and forget” a coroutine without waiting for its result. In this case it is recommended
to use IOLoop.spawn_callback , which makes the IOLoop responsible for the call. If it fails, the IOLoop will log a
stack trace:
# The IOLoop will catch the exception and print a stack trace in
# the logs. Note that this doesn't look like a normal call, since
(continues on next page)
6.1. User’s guide 17
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
# we pass the function object to be called by the IOLoop.
IOLoop.current().spawn_callback(divide, 1, 0)
Using IOLoop.spawn_callback in this way is recommended for functions using @gen.coroutine, but it is required
for functions using async def (otherwise the coroutine runner will not start).
Finally, at the top level of a program, if the IOLoop is not yet running, you can start the IOLoop, run the coroutine,
and then stop the IOLoop with the IOLoop.run_sync method. This is often used to start the main function of a
batch-oriented program:
# run_sync() doesn't take arguments, so we must wrap the
# call in a lambda.
IOLoop.current().run_sync(lambda: divide(1, 0))
Coroutine patterns
Calling blocking functions
The simplest way to call a blocking function from a coroutine is to use IOLoop.run_in_executor, which returns
Futures that are compatible with coroutines:
async def call_blocking():
await IOLoop.current().run_in_executor(None, blocking_func, args)
The multi function accepts lists and dicts whose values are Futures, and waits for all of those Futures in parallel:
from tornado.gen import multi
async def parallel_fetch(url1, url2):
resp1, resp2 = await multi([http_client.fetch(url1),
async def parallel_fetch_many(urls):
responses = await multi ([http_client.fetch(url) for url in urls])
# responses is a list of HTTPResponses in the same order
async def parallel_fetch_dict(urls):
responses = await multi({url: http_client.fetch(url)
for url in urls})
# responses is a dict {url: HTTPResponse}
In decorated coroutines, it is possible to yield the list or dict directly:
def parallel_fetch_decorated(url1, url2):
resp1, resp2 = yield [http_client.fetch(url1),
18 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Sometimes it is useful to save a Future instead of yielding it immediately, so you can start another operation before
from tornado.gen import convert_yielded
async def get(self):
# convert_yielded() starts the native coroutine in the background.
# This is equivalent to asyncio.ensure_future() (both work in Tornado).
fetch_future = convert_yielded(self.fetch_next_chunk())
while True:
chunk = await fetch_future
if chunk is None: break
fetch_future = convert_yielded(self.fetch_next_chunk())
await self.flush()
This is a little easier to do with decorated coroutines, because they start immediately when called:
def get(self):
fetch_future = self.fetch_next_chunk()
while True:
chunk = yield fetch_future
if chunk is None: break
fetch_future = self.fetch_next_chunk()
yield self.flush()
In native coroutines, async for can be used. In older versions of Python, looping is tricky with coroutines since there
is no way to yield on every iteration of a for or while loop and capture the result of the yield. Instead, you’ll need
to separate the loop condition from accessing the results, as in this example from Motor:
import motor
db = motor.MotorClient().test
def loop_example(collection):
cursor = db.collection.find()
while (yield cursor.fetch_next):
doc = cursor.next_object()
6.1. User’s guide 19
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Running in the background
As an alternative to PeriodicCallback, a coroutine can contain a while True: loop and use tornado.gen.sleep:
async def minute_loop():
while True:
await do_something()
await gen.sleep(60)
# Coroutines that loop forever are generally started with
# spawn_callback().
Sometimes a more complicated loop may be desirable. For example, the previous loop runs every 60+N seconds, where
N is the running time of do_something(). To run exactly every 60 seconds, use the interleaving pattern from above:
async def minute_loop2():
while True:
nxt = gen.sleep(60) # Start the clock.
await do_something() # Run while the clock is ticking.
await nxt # Wait for the timer to run out.
6.1.4 Queue example - a concurrent web spider
Tornados tornado.queues module (and the very similar Queue classes in asyncio) implements an asynchronous
producer / consumer pattern for coroutines, analogous to the pattern implemented for threads by the Python standard
library’s queue module.
A coroutine that yields Queue.get pauses until there is an item in the queue. If the queue has a maximum size set, a
coroutine that yields Queue.put pauses until there is room for another item.
A Queue maintains a count of unfinished tasks, which begins at zero. put increments the count; task_done decrements
In the web-spider example here, the queue begins containing only base_url. When a worker fetches a page it parses
the links and puts new ones in the queue, then calls task_done to decrement the counter once. Eventually, a worker
fetches a page whose URLs have all been seen before, and there is also no work left in the queue. Thus that worker’s
call to task_done decrements the counter to zero. The main coroutine, which is waiting for join, is unpaused and
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import time
from datetime import timedelta
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urldefrag
from tornado import gen, httpclient, queues
base_url = ""
concurrency = 10
(continues on next page)
20 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
async def get_links_from_url(url):
"""Download the page at `url` and parse it for links.
Returned links have had the fragment after `#` removed, and have been made
absolute so, e.g. the URL 'gen.html#tornado.gen.coroutine' becomes
response = await httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(url)
print("fetched %s" % url)
html = response.body.decode(errors="ignore")
return [urljoin(url, remove_fragment(new_url)) for new_url in get_links(html)]
def remove_fragment(url):
pure_url, frag = urldefrag(url)
return pure_url
def get_links(html):
class URLSeeker(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
self.urls = []
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
href = dict(attrs).get("href")
if href and tag == "a":
url_seeker = URLSeeker()
return url_seeker.urls
async def main():
q = queues.Queue()
start = time.time()
fetching, fetched, dead = set(), set(), set()
async def fetch_url(current_url):
if current_url in fetching:
print("fetching %s" % current_url)
urls = await get_links_from_url(current_url)
for new_url in urls:
# Only follow links beneath the base URL
(continues on next page)
6.1. User’s guide 21
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(continued from previous page)
if new_url.startswith(base_url):
await q.put(new_url)
async def worker():
async for url in q:
if url is None:
await fetch_url(url)
except Exception as e:
print("Exception: %s %s" % (e, url))
await q.put(base_url)
# Start workers, then wait for the work queue to be empty.
workers = gen.multi([worker() for _ in range(concurrency)])
await q.join(timeout=timedelta(seconds=300))
assert fetching == (fetched | dead)
print("Done in %d seconds, fetched %s URLs." % (time.time() - start, len(fetched)))
print("Unable to fetch %s URLs." % len(dead))
# Signal all the workers to exit.
for _ in range(concurrency):
await q.put(None)
await workers
if __name__ == "__main__":
6.1.5 Structure of a Tornado web application
A Tornado web application generally consists of one or more RequestHandler subclasses, an Application object
which routes incoming requests to handlers, and a main() function to start the server.
A minimal “hello world” example looks something like this:
import asyncio
import tornado
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Hello, world")
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
(continues on next page)
22 Chapter 6. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)
async def main():
app = make_app()
shutdown_event = asyncio.Event()
await shutdown_event.wait()
if __name__ == "__main__":
The main coroutine
Beginning with Tornado 6.2 and Python 3.10, the recommended pattern for starting a Tornado application is to create a
main coroutine to be run with (In older versions, it was common to do initialization in a regular function
and then start the event loop with IOLoop.current().start(). However, this pattern produces deprecation warnings
starting in Python 3.10 and will break in some future version of Python.)
When the main function returns, the program exits, so most of the time for a web server main should run forever.
Waiting on an asyncio.Event whose set() method is never called is a convenient way to make an asynchronus
function run forever. (and if you wish to have main exit early as a part of a graceful shutdown procedure, you can call
shutdown_event.set() to make it exit).
The Application object
The Application object is responsible for global configuration, including the routing table that maps requests to
The routing table is a list of URLSpec objects (or tuples), each of which contains (at least) a regular expression and a
handler class. Order matters; the first matching rule is used. If the regular expression contains capturing groups, these
groups are the path arguments and will be passed to the handler’s HTTP method. If a dictionary is passed as the third ele-
ment of the URLSpec, it supplies the initialization arguments which will be passed to RequestHandler.initialize.
Finally, the URLSpec may have a name, which will allow it to be used with RequestHandler.reverse_url.
For example, in this fragment the root URL / is mapped to MainHandler and URLs of the form /story/ followed by
a number are mapped to StoryHandler. That number is passed (as a string) to StoryHandler.get.
class MainHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write('<a href="%s">link to story 1</a>' %
self.reverse_url("story", "1"))
class StoryHandler(RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, db):
self.db = db
def get(self, story_id):
self.write("this is story %s" % story_id)
app = Application([
url(r"/", MainHandler),
url(r"/story/([0-9]+)", StoryHandler, dict(db=db), name="story")
6.1. User’s guide 23
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The Application constructor takes many keyword arguments that can be used to customize the behavior of the ap-
plication and enable optional features; see Application.settings for the complete list.
Subclassing RequestHandler
Most of the work of a Tornado web application is done in subclasses of RequestHandler. The main entry point for
a handler subclass is a method named after the HTTP method being handled: get(), post(), etc. Each handler may
define one or more of these methods to handle different HTTP actions. As described above, these methods will be
called with arguments corresponding to the capturing groups of the routing rule that matched.
Within a handler, call methods such as RequestHandler.render or RequestHandler.write to produce a response.
render() loads a Template by name and renders it with the given arguments. write() is used for non-template-based
output; it accepts strings, bytes, and dictionaries (dicts will be encoded as JSON).
Many methods in RequestHandler are designed to be overridden in subclasses and be used throughout the application.
It is common to define a BaseHandler class that overrides methods such as write_error and get_current_user
and then subclass your own BaseHandler instead of RequestHandler for all your specific handlers.
Handling request input
The request handler can access the object representing the current request with self.request. See the class definition
for HTTPServerRequest for a complete list of attributes.
Request data in the formats used by HTML forms will be parsed for you and is made available in methods like
get_query_argument and get_body_argument.
class MyFormHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write('<html><body><form action="/myform" method="POST">'
'<input type="text" name="message">'
'<input type="submit" value="Submit">'
def post(self):
self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
self.write("You wrote " + self.get_body_argument("message"))
Since the HTML form encoding is ambiguous as to whether an argument is a single value or a list with one element,
RequestHandler has distinct methods to allow the application to indicate whether or not it expects a list. For lists,
use get_query_arguments and get_body_arguments instead of their singular counterparts.
Files uploaded via a form are available in self.request.files, which maps names (the name of the HTML
<input type="file"> element) to a list of files. Each file is a dictionary of the form {"filename":...,
"content_type":..., "body":...}. The files object is only present if the files were uploaded with a form
wrapper (i.e. a multipart/form-data Content-Type); if this format was not used the raw uploaded data is available
in self.request.body. By default uploaded files are fully buffered in memory; if you need to handle files that are
too large to comfortably keep in memory see the stream_request_body class decorator.
In the demos directory, shows both methods of receiving file uploads.
Due to the quirks of the HTML form encoding (e.g. the ambiguity around singular versus plural arguments), Tornado
does not attempt to unify form arguments with other types of input. In particular, we do not parse JSON request bodies.
Applications that wish to use JSON instead of form-encoding may override prepare to parse their requests:
24 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
def prepare(self):
if self.request.headers.get("Content-Type", "").startswith("application/json"):
self.json_args = json.loads(self.request.body)
self.json_args = None
Overriding RequestHandler methods
In addition to get()/post()/etc, certain other methods in RequestHandler are designed to be overridden by sub-
classes when necessary. On every request, the following sequence of calls takes place:
1. A new RequestHandler object is created on each request.
2. initialize() is called with the initialization arguments from the Application configuration. initialize
should typically just save the arguments passed into member variables; it may not produce any output or call
methods like send_error.
3. prepare() is called. This is most useful in a base class shared by all of your handler subclasses, as prepare is
called no matter which HTTP method is used. prepare may produce output; if it calls finish (or redirect,
etc), processing stops here.
4. One of the HTTP methods is called: get(), post(), put(), etc. If the URL regular expression contains cap-
turing groups, they are passed as arguments to this method.
5. When the request is finished, on_finish() is called. This is generally after get() or another HTTP method
All methods designed to be overridden are noted as such in the RequestHandler documentation. Some of the most
commonly overridden methods include:
write_error - outputs HTML for use on error pages.
on_connection_close - called when the client disconnects; applications may choose to detect this case and
halt further processing. Note that there is no guarantee that a closed connection can be detected promptly.
get_current_user - see User authentication.
get_user_locale - returns Locale object to use for the current user.
set_default_headers - may be used to set additional headers on the response (such as a custom Server
Error Handling
If a handler raises an exception, Tornado will call RequestHandler.write_error to generate an error page.
tornado.web.HTTPError can be used to generate a specified status code; all other exceptions return a 500 status.
The default error page includes a stack trace in debug mode and a one-line description of the error (e.g. “500: Internal
Server Error”) otherwise. To produce a custom error page, override RequestHandler.write_error (probably in a
base class shared by all your handlers). This method may produce output normally via methods such as write and
render. If the error was caused by an exception, an exc_info triple will be passed as a keyword argument (note
that this exception is not guaranteed to be the current exception in sys.exc_info, so write_error must use e.g.
traceback.format_exception instead of traceback.format_exc).
It is also possible to generate an error page from regular handler methods instead of write_error by calling
set_status, writing a response, and returning. The special exception tornado.web.Finish may be raised to ter-
minate the handler without calling write_error in situations where simply returning is not convenient.
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For 404 errors, use the default_handler_class Application setting. This handler should override prepare
instead of a more specific method like get() so it works with any HTTP method. It should produce its error
page as described above: either by raising a HTTPError(404) and overriding write_error, or calling self.
set_status(404) and producing the response directly in prepare().
There are two main ways you can redirect requests in Tornado: RequestHandler.redirect and with the
You can use self.redirect() within a RequestHandler method to redirect users elsewhere. There is also an
optional parameter permanent which you can use to indicate that the redirection is considered permanent. The de-
fault value of permanent is False, which generates a 302 Found HTTP response code and is appropriate for things
like redirecting users after successful POST requests. If permanent is True, the 301 Moved Permanently HTTP
response code is used, which is useful for e.g. redirecting to a canonical URL for a page in an SEO-friendly manner.
RedirectHandler lets you configure redirects directly in your Application routing table. For example, to configure
a single static redirect:
app = tornado.web.Application([
url(r"/app", tornado.web.RedirectHandler,
RedirectHandler also supports regular expression substitutions. The following rule redirects all requests beginning
with /pictures/ to the prefix /photos/ instead:
app = tornado.web.Application([
url(r"/photos/(.*)", MyPhotoHandler),
url(r"/pictures/(.*)", tornado.web.RedirectHandler,
Unlike RequestHandler.redirect, RedirectHandler uses permanent redirects by default. This is because the
routing table does not change at runtime and is presumed to be permanent, while redirects found in handlers are
likely to be the result of other logic that may change. To send a temporary redirect with a RedirectHandler, add
permanent=False to the RedirectHandler initialization arguments.
Asynchronous handlers
Certain handler methods (including prepare() and the HTTP verb methods get()/post()/etc) may be overridden
as coroutines to make the handler asynchronous.
For example, here is a simple handler using a coroutine:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
async def get(self):
http = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
response = await http.fetch("")
json = tornado.escape.json_decode(response.body)
self.write("Fetched " + str(len(json["entries"])) + " entries "
"from the FriendFeed API")
26 Chapter 6. Documentation
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For a more advanced asynchronous example, take a look at the chat example application, which implements an AJAX
chat room using long polling. Users of long polling may want to override on_connection_close() to clean up after
the client closes the connection (but see that method’s docstring for caveats).
6.1.6 Templates and UI
Tornado includes a simple, fast, and flexible templating language. This section describes that language as well as related
issues such as internationalization.
Tornado can also be used with any other Python template language, although there is no provision for integrating these
systems into RequestHandler.render. Simply render the template to a string and pass it to RequestHandler.
Configuring templates
By default, Tornado looks for template files in the same directory as the .py files that refer to them. To put your tem-
plate files in a different directory, use the template_path Application setting (or override RequestHandler.
get_template_path if you have different template paths for different handlers).
To load templates from a non-filesystem location, subclass tornado.template.BaseLoader and pass an instance as
the template_loader application setting.
Compiled templates are cached by default; to turn off this caching and reload templates so changes to the underlying
files are always visible, use the application settings compiled_template_cache=False or debug=True.
Template syntax
A Tornado template is just HTML (or any other text-based format) with Python control sequences and expressions
embedded within the markup:
<title>{{ title }}</title>
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ escape(item) }}</li>
{% end %}
If you saved this template as “template.html” and put it in the same directory as your Python file, you could render this
template with:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
items = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
self.render("template.html", title="My title", items=items)
Tornado templates support control statements and expressions. Control statements are surrounded by {% and %}, e.g.
{% if len(items) > 2 %}. Expressions are surrounded by {{ and }}, e.g. {{ items[0] }}.
6.1. User’s guide 27
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Control statements more or less map exactly to Python statements. We support if, for, while, and try, all of which
are terminated with {% end %}. We also support template inheritance using the extends and block statements,
which are described in detail in the documentation for the tornado.template .
Expressions can be any Python expression, including function calls. Template code is executed in a namespace that
includes the following objects and functions. (Note that this list applies to templates rendered using RequestHandler.
render and render_string. If youre using the tornado.template module directly outside of a RequestHandler
many of these entries are not present).
escape: alias for tornado.escape.xhtml_escape
xhtml_escape: alias for tornado.escape.xhtml_escape
url_escape: alias for tornado.escape.url_escape
json_encode: alias for tornado.escape.json_encode
squeeze: alias for tornado.escape.squeeze
linkify: alias for tornado.escape.linkify
datetime: the Python datetime module
handler: the current RequestHandler object
request: alias for handler.request
current_user: alias for handler.current_user
locale: alias for handler.locale
_: alias for handler.locale.translate
static_url: alias for handler.static_url
xsrf_form_html: alias for handler.xsrf_form_html
reverse_url: alias for Application.reverse_url
All entries from the ui_methods and ui_modules Application settings
Any keyword arguments passed to render or render_string
When you are building a real application, you are going to want to use all of the features of Tornado templates, espe-
cially template inheritance. Read all about those features in the tornado.template section (some features, including
UIModules are implemented in the tornado.web module)
Under the hood, Tornado templates are translated directly to Python. The expressions you include in your template are
copied verbatim into a Python function representing your template. We dont try to prevent anything in the template
language; we created it explicitly to provide the flexibility that other, stricter templating systems prevent. Consequently,
if you write random stuff inside of your template expressions, you will get random Python errors when you execute the
All template output is escaped by default, using the tornado.escape.xhtml_escape function. This behavior can be
changed globally by passing autoescape=None to the Application or tornado.template.Loader constructors,
for a template file with the {% autoescape None %} directive, or for a single expression by replacing {{ ... }}
with {% raw ...%}. Additionally, in each of these places the name of an alternative escaping function may be used
instead of None.
Note that while Tornados automatic escaping is helpful in avoiding XSS vulnerabilities, it is not sufficient in all cases.
Expressions that appear in certain locations, such as in JavaScript or CSS, may need additional escaping. Addition-
ally, either care must be taken to always use double quotes and xhtml_escape in HTML attributes that may contain
untrusted content, or a separate escaping function must be used for attributes (see e.g. this blog post).
28 Chapter 6. Documentation
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The locale of the current user (whether they are logged in or not) is always available as self.locale in the request
handler and as locale in templates. The name of the locale (e.g., en_US) is available as, and you can
translate strings with the Locale.translate method. Templates also have the global function call _() available for
string translation. The translate function has two forms:
_("Translate this string")
which translates the string directly based on the current locale, and:
_("A person liked this", "%(num)d people liked this",
len(people)) % {"num": len(people)}
which translates a string that can be singular or plural based on the value of the third argument. In the example above, a
translation of the first string will be returned if len(people) is 1, or a translation of the second string will be returned
The most common pattern for translations is to use Python named placeholders for variables (the %(num)d in the
example above) since placeholders can move around on translation.
Here is a properly internationalized template:
<title>FriendFeed - {{ _("Sign in") }}</title>
<form action="{{ request.path }}" method="post">
<div>{{ _("Username") }} <input type="text" name="username"/></div>
<div>{{ _("Password") }} <input type="password" name="password"/></div>
<div><input type="submit" value="{{ _("Sign in") }}"/></div>
{% module xsrf_form_html() %}
By default, we detect the user’s locale using the Accept-Language header sent by the user’s browser. We choose
en_US if we can’t find an appropriate Accept-Language value. If you let user’s set their locale as a preference, you
can override this default locale selection by overriding RequestHandler.get_user_locale:
class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get_current_user(self):
user_id = self.get_signed_cookie("user")
if not user_id: return None
return self.backend.get_user_by_id(user_id)
def get_user_locale(self):
if "locale" not in self.current_user.prefs:
# Use the Accept-Language header
return None
return self.current_user.prefs["locale"]
If get_user_locale returns None, we fall back on the Accept-Language header.
The tornado.locale module supports loading translations in two formats: the .mo format used by gettext
6.1. User’s guide 29
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and related tools, and a simple .csv format. An application will generally call either tornado.locale.
load_translations or tornado.locale.load_gettext_translations once at startup; see those methods for
more details on the supported formats.
You can get the list of supported locales in your application with tornado.locale.get_supported_locales().
The user’s locale is chosen to be the closest match based on the supported locales. For example, if the user’s locale is
es_GT, and the es locale is supported, self.locale will be es for that request. We fall back on en_US if no close
match can be found.
UI modules
Tornado supports UI modules to make it easy to support standard, reusable UI widgets across your application. UI
modules are like special function calls to render components of your page, and they can come packaged with their own
CSS and JavaScript.
For example, if you are implementing a blog, and you want to have blog entries appear on both the blog home page and
on each blog entry page, you can make an Entry module to render them on both pages. First, create a Python module
for your UI modules, e.g.
class Entry(tornado.web.UIModule):
def render(self, entry, show_comments=False):
return self.render_string(
"module-entry.html", entry=entry, show_comments=show_comments)
Tell Tornado to use using the ui_modules setting in your application:
from . import uimodules
class HomeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
entries = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM entries ORDER BY date DESC")
self.render("home.html", entries=entries)
class EntryHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self, entry_id):
entry = self.db.get("SELECT * FROM entries WHERE id = %s", entry_id)
if not entry: raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404)
self.render("entry.html", entry=entry)
settings = {
"ui_modules": uimodules,
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", HomeHandler),
(r"/entry/([0-9]+)", EntryHandler),
], **settings)
Within a template, you can call a module with the {% module %} statement. For example, you could call the Entry
module from both home.html:
{% for entry in entries %}
{% module Entry(entry) %}
{% end %}
and entry.html:
30 Chapter 6. Documentation
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{% module Entry(entry, show_comments=True) %}
Modules can include custom CSS and JavaScript functions by overriding the embedded_css, embedded_javascript,
javascript_files, or css_files methods:
class Entry(tornado.web.UIModule):
def embedded_css(self):
return ".entry { margin-bottom: 1em; }"
def render(self, entry, show_comments=False):
return self.render_string(
"module-entry.html", show_comments=show_comments)
Module CSS and JavaScript will be included once no matter how many times a module is used on a page. CSS is
always included in the <head> of the page, and JavaScript is always included just before the </body> tag at the end of
the page.
When additional Python code is not required, a template file itself may be used as a module. For example, the preceding
example could be rewritten to put the following in module-entry.html:
{{ set_resources(embedded_css=".entry { margin-bottom: 1em; }") }}
<!-- more template html... -->
This revised template module would be invoked with:
{% module Template("module-entry.html", show_comments=True) %}
The set_resources function is only available in templates invoked via {% module Template(...) %}. Unlike
the {% include ... %} directive, template modules have a distinct namespace from their containing template - they
can only see the global template namespace and their own keyword arguments.
6.1.7 Authentication and security
Cookies and signed cookies
You can set cookies in the user’s browser with the set_cookie method:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
if not self.get_cookie("mycookie"):
self.set_cookie("mycookie", "myvalue")
self.write("Your cookie was not set yet!")
self.write("Your cookie was set!")
Cookies are not secure and can easily be modified by clients. If you need to set cookies to, e.g., identify the cur-
rently logged in user, you need to sign your cookies to prevent forgery. Tornado supports signed cookies with the
set_signed_cookie and get_signed_cookie methods. To use these methods, you need to specify a secret key
named cookie_secret when you create your application. You can pass in application settings as keyword arguments
to your application:
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
6.1. User’s guide 31
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Signed cookies contain the encoded value of the cookie in addition to a timestamp and an HMAC signature. If the
cookie is old or if the signature doesn’t match, get_signed_cookie will return None just as if the cookie isn’t set.
The secure version of the example above:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
if not self.get_signed_cookie("mycookie"):
self.set_signed_cookie("mycookie", "myvalue")
self.write("Your cookie was not set yet!")
self.write("Your cookie was set!")
Tornados signed cookies guarantee integrity but not confidentiality. That is, the cookie cannot be modified but its
contents can be seen by the user. The cookie_secret is a symmetric key and must be kept secret anyone who
obtains the value of this key could produce their own signed cookies.
By default, Tornados signed cookies expire after 30 days. To change this, use the expires_days keyword argument
to set_signed_cookie and the max_age_days argument to get_signed_cookie. These two values are passed
separately so that you may e.g. have a cookie that is valid for 30 days for most purposes, but for certain sensitive
actions (such as changing billing information) you use a smaller max_age_days when reading the cookie.
Tornado also supports multiple signing keys to enable signing key rotation. cookie_secret then must be a dict with
integer key versions as keys and the corresponding secrets as values. The currently used signing key must then be set
as key_version application setting but all other keys in the dict are allowed for cookie signature validation, if the
correct key version is set in the cookie. To implement cookie updates, the current signing key version can be queried
via get_signed_cookie_key_version.
User authentication
The currently authenticated user is available in every request handler as self.current_user, and in every template
as current_user. By default, current_user is None.
To implement user authentication in your application, you need to override the get_current_user() method in your
request handlers to determine the current user based on, e.g., the value of a cookie. Here is an example that lets users
log into the application simply by specifying a nickname, which is then saved in a cookie:
class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get_current_user(self):
return self.get_signed_cookie("user")
class MainHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
if not self.current_user:
name = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(self.current_user)
self.write("Hello, " + name)
class LoginHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
self.write('<html><body><form action="/login" method="post">'
'Name: <input type="text" name="name">'
'<input type="submit" value="Sign in">'
(continues on next page)
32 Chapter 6. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)
def post(self):
self.set_signed_cookie("user", self.get_argument("name"))
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
(r"/login", LoginHandler),
You can require that the user be logged in using the Python decorator tornado.web.authenticated . If a request
goes to a method with this decorator, and the user is not logged in, they will be redirected to login_url (another
application setting). The example above could be rewritten:
class MainHandler(BaseHandler):
def get(self):
name = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(self.current_user)
self.write("Hello, " + name)
settings = {
"login_url": "/login",
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
(r"/login", LoginHandler),
], **settings)
If you decorate post() methods with the authenticated decorator, and the user is not logged in, the server will send
a 403 response. The @authenticated decorator is simply shorthand for if not self.current_user: self.
redirect() and may not be appropriate for non-browser-based login schemes.
Check out the Tornado Blog example application for a complete example that uses authentication (and stores user data
in a PostgreSQL database).
Third party authentication
The tornado.auth module implements the authentication and authorization protocols for a number of the most pop-
ular sites on the web, including Google/Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, and FriendFeed. The module includes methods to
log users in via these sites and, where applicable, methods to authorize access to the service so you can, e.g., download
a user’s address book or publish a Twitter message on their behalf.
Here is an example handler that uses Google for authentication, saving the Google credentials in a cookie for later
class GoogleOAuth2LoginHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
if self.get_argument('code', False):
user = await self.get_authenticated_user(
(continues on next page)
6.1. User’s guide 33
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(continued from previous page)
# Save the user with e.g. set_signed_cookie
await self.authorize_redirect(
scope=['profile', 'email'],
extra_params={'approval_prompt': 'auto'})
See the tornado.auth module documentation for more details.
Cross-site request forgery protection
Cross-site request forgery, or XSRF, is a common problem for personalized web applications.
The generally accepted solution to prevent XSRF is to cookie every user with an unpredictable value and include that
value as an additional argument with every form submission on your site. If the cookie and the value in the form
submission do not match, then the request is likely forged.
Tornado comes with built-in XSRF protection. To include it in your site, include the application setting xsrf_cookies:
settings = {
"login_url": "/login",
"xsrf_cookies": True,
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
(r"/login", LoginHandler),
], **settings)
If xsrf_cookies is set, the Tornado web application will set the _xsrf cookie for all users and reject all POST, PUT,
and DELETE requests that do not contain a correct _xsrf value. If you turn this setting on, you need to instrument
all forms that submit via POST to contain this field. You can do this with the special UIModule xsrf_form_html(),
available in all templates:
<form action="/new_message" method="post">
{% module xsrf_form_html() %}
<input type="text" name="message"/>
<input type="submit" value="Post"/>
If you submit AJAX POST requests, you will also need to instrument your JavaScript to include the _xsrf value with
each request. This is the jQuery function we use at FriendFeed for AJAX POST requests that automatically adds the
_xsrf value to all requests:
function getCookie(name) {
var r = document.cookie.match("\\b" + name + "=([^;]*)\\b");
return r ? r[1] : undefined;
jQuery.postJSON = function(url, args, callback) {
args._xsrf = getCookie("_xsrf");
(continues on next page)
34 Chapter 6. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)
$.ajax({url: url, data: $.param(args), dataType: "text", type: "POST",
success: function(response) {
callback(eval("(" + response + ")"));
For PUT and DELETE requests (as well as POST requests that do not use form-encoded arguments), the XSRF token may
also be passed via an HTTP header named X-XSRFToken. The XSRF cookie is normally set when xsrf_form_html
is used, but in a pure-JavaScript application that does not use any regular forms you may need to access self.
xsrf_token manually (just reading the property is enough to set the cookie as a side effect).
If you need to customize XSRF behavior on a per-handler basis, you can override RequestHandler.
check_xsrf_cookie(). For example, if you have an API whose authentication does not use cookies, you may want
to disable XSRF protection by making check_xsrf_cookie() do nothing. However, if you support both cookie
and non-cookie-based authentication, it is important that XSRF protection be used whenever the current request is
authenticated with a cookie.
DNS Rebinding
DNS rebinding is an attack that can bypass the same-origin policy and allow external sites to access resources on
private networks. This attack involves a DNS name (with a short TTL) that alternates between returning an IP address
controlled by the attacker and one controlled by the victim (often a guessable private IP address such as or
Applications that use TLS are not vulnerable to this attack (because the browser will display certificate mismatch
warnings that block automated access to the target site).
Applications that cannot use TLS and rely on network-level access controls (for example, assuming that a server on can only be accessed by the local machine) should guard against DNS rebinding by validating the Host
HTTP header. This means passing a restrictive hostname pattern to either a HostMatches router or the first argument
of Application.add_handlers:
# BAD: uses a default host pattern of r'.*'
app = Application([('/foo', FooHandler)])
# GOOD: only matches localhost or its ip address.
app = Application()
[('/foo', FooHandler)])
# GOOD: same as previous example using tornado.routing.
app = Application([
[('/foo', FooHandler)]),
In addition, the default_host argument to Application and the DefaultHostMatches router must not be used in
applications that may be vulnerable to DNS rebinding, because it has a similar effect to a wildcard host pattern.
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6.1.8 Running and deploying
Since Tornado supplies its own HTTPServer, running and deploying it is a little different from other Python web
frameworks. Instead of configuring a WSGI container to find your application, you write a main() function that starts
the server:
import asyncio
async def main():
app = make_app()
await asyncio.Event().wait()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Configure your operating system or process manager to run this program to start the server. Please note that it may be
necessary to increase the number of open files per process (to avoid “Too many open files”-Error). To raise this limit
(setting it to 50000 for example) you can use the ulimit command, modify /etc/security/limits.conf or set
minfds in your supervisord config.
Processes and ports
Due to the Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock), it is necessary to run multiple Python processes to take full advantage
of multi-CPU machines. Typically it is best to run one process per CPU.
The simplest way to do this is to add reuse_port=True to your listen() calls and then simply run multiple copies
of your application.
Tornado also has the ability to start multiple processes from a single parent process (note that this does not work on
Windows). This requires some alterations to application startup.
def main():
sockets = bind_sockets(8888)
async def post_fork_main():
server = TCPServer()
await asyncio.Event().wait()
This is another way to start multiple processes and have them all share the same port, although it has some limitations.
First, each child process will have its own IOLoop, so it is important that nothing touches the global IOLoop instance
(even indirectly) before the fork. Second, it is difficult to do zero-downtime updates in this model. Finally, since all the
processes share the same port it is more difficult to monitor them individually.
For more sophisticated deployments, it is recommended to start the processes independently, and have each one listen
on a different port. The “process groups” feature of supervisord is one good way to arrange this. When each process
uses a different port, an external load balancer such as HAProxy or nginx is usually needed to present a single address
to outside visitors.
36 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Running behind a load balancer
When running behind a load balancer like nginx, it is recommended to pass xheaders=True to the HTTPServer
constructor. This will tell Tornado to use headers like X-Real-IP to get the user’s IP address instead of attributing all
traffic to the balancer’s IP address.
This is a barebones nginx config file that is structurally similar to the one we use at FriendFeed. It assumes nginx and
the Tornado servers are running on the same machine, and the four Tornado servers are running on ports 8000 - 8003:
user nginx;
worker_processes 1;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
pid /var/run/;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
use epoll;
http {
# Enumerate all the Tornado servers here
upstream frontends {
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
keepalive_timeout 65;
proxy_read_timeout 200;
sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
gzip on;
gzip_min_length 1000;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_types text/plain text/html text/css text/xml
application/x-javascript application/xml
application/atom+xml text/javascript;
# Only retry if there was a communication error, not a timeout
# on the Tornado server (to avoid propagating "queries of death"
# to all frontends)
proxy_next_upstream error;
server {
listen 80;
(continues on next page)
6.1. User’s guide 37
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
# Allow file uploads
client_max_body_size 50M;
location ^~ /static/ {
root /var/www;
if ($query_string) {
expires max;
location = /favicon.ico {
rewrite (.*) /static/favicon.ico;
location = /robots.txt {
rewrite (.*) /static/robots.txt;
location / {
proxy_pass_header Server;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Scheme $scheme;
proxy_pass http://frontends;
Static files and aggressive file caching
You can serve static files from Tornado by specifying the static_path setting in your application:
settings = {
"static_path": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static"),
"login_url": "/login",
"xsrf_cookies": True,
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
(r"/login", LoginHandler),
(r"/(apple-touch-icon\.png)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler,
], **settings)
This setting will automatically make all requests that start with /static/ serve from that static directory, e.g. http:/
/localhost:8888/static/foo.png will serve the file foo.png from the specified static directory. We also au-
tomatically serve /robots.txt and /favicon.ico from the static directory (even though they don’t start with the
/static/ prefix).
In the above settings, we have explicitly configured Tornado to serve apple-touch-icon.png from the root with the
StaticFileHandler, though it is physically in the static file directory. (The capturing group in that regular expression
is necessary to tell StaticFileHandler the requested filename; recall that capturing groups are passed to handlers
38 Chapter 6. Documentation
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as method arguments.) You could do the same thing to serve e.g. sitemap.xml from the site root. Of course, you can
also avoid faking a root apple-touch-icon.png by using the appropriate <link /> tag in your HTML.
To improve performance, it is generally a good idea for browsers to cache static resources aggressively so browsers
won’t send unnecessary If-Modified-Since or Etag requests that might block the rendering of the page. Tornado
supports this out of the box with static content versioning.
To use this feature, use the static_url method in your templates rather than typing the URL of the static file directly
in your HTML:
<title>FriendFeed - {{ _("Home") }}</title>
<div><img src="{{ static_url("images/logo.png") }}"/></div>
The static_url() function will translate that relative path to a URI that looks like /static/images/logo.png?
v=aae54. The v argument is a hash of the content in logo.png, and its presence makes the Tornado server send cache
headers to the user’s browser that will make the browser cache the content indefinitely.
Since the v argument is based on the content of the file, if you update a file and restart your server, it will start sending a
new v value, so the user’s browser will automatically fetch the new file. If the file’s contents don’t change, the browser
will continue to use a locally cached copy without ever checking for updates on the server, significantly improving
rendering performance.
In production, you probably want to serve static files from a more optimized static file server like nginx. You can con-
figure almost any web server to recognize the version tags used by static_url() and set caching headers accordingly.
Here is the relevant portion of the nginx configuration we use at FriendFeed:
location /static/ {
root /var/friendfeed/static;
if ($query_string) {
expires max;
Debug mode and automatic reloading
If you pass debug=True to the Application constructor, the app will be run in debug/development mode. In this
mode, several features intended for convenience while developing will be enabled (each of which is also available as
an individual flag; if both are specified the individual flag takes precedence):
autoreload=True: The app will watch for changes to its source files and reload itself when anything changes.
This reduces the need to manually restart the server during development. However, certain failures (such as
syntax errors at import time) can still take the server down in a way that debug mode cannot currently recover
compiled_template_cache=False: Templates will not be cached.
static_hash_cache=False: Static file hashes (used by the static_url function) will not be cached.
serve_traceback=True: When an exception in a RequestHandler is not caught, an error page including a
stack trace will be generated.
6.1. User’s guide 39
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Autoreload mode is not compatible with the multi-process mode of HTTPServer. You must not give HTTPServer.
start an argument other than 1 (or call tornado.process.fork_processes) if you are using autoreload mode.
The automatic reloading feature of debug mode is available as a standalone module in tornado.autoreload . The
two can be used in combination to provide extra robustness against syntax errors: set autoreload=True within the
app to detect changes while it is running, and start it with python -m tornado.autoreload to catch
any syntax errors or other errors at startup.
Reloading loses any Python interpreter command-line arguments (e.g. -u) because it re-executes Python using sys.
executable and sys.argv. Additionally, modifying these variables will cause reloading to behave incorrectly.
On some platforms (including Windows and Mac OSX prior to 10.6), the process cannot be updated “in-place”, so
when a code change is detected the old server exits and a new one starts. This has been known to confuse some IDEs.
6.2 Web framework
6.2.1 tornado.web RequestHandler and Application classes
tornado.web provides a simple web framework with asynchronous features that allow it to scale to large numbers of
open connections, making it ideal for long polling.
Here is a simple “Hello, world” example app:
import asyncio
import tornado
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.write("Hello, world")
async def main():
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/", MainHandler),
await asyncio.Event().wait()
if __name__ == "__main__":
See the User’s guide for additional information.
Thread-safety notes
In general, methods on RequestHandler and elsewhere in Tornado are not thread-safe. In particular, methods such
as write(), finish(), and flush() must only be called from the main thread. If you use multiple threads it is
important to use IOLoop.add_callback to transfer control back to the main thread before finishing the request, or to
limit your use of other threads to IOLoop.run_in_executor and ensure that your callbacks running in the executor
do not refer to Tornado objects.
40 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Request handlers
class tornado.web.RequestHandler(...)
Base class for HTTP request handlers.
Subclasses must define at least one of the methods defined in the “Entry points” section below.
Applications should not construct RequestHandler objects directly and subclasses should not override
__init__ (override initialize instead).
Entry points
RequestHandler.initialize() None
Hook for subclass initialization. Called for each request.
A dictionary passed as the third argument of a URLSpec will be supplied as keyword arguments to
class ProfileHandler(RequestHandler):
def initialize(self, database):
self.database = database
def get(self, username):
app = Application([
(r'/user/(.*)', ProfileHandler, dict(database=database)),
RequestHandler.prepare() Optional[Awaitable[None]]
Called at the beginning of a request before get/post/etc.
Override this method to perform common initialization regardless of the request method.
Asynchronous support: Use async def or decorate this method with gen.coroutine to make it asynchronous.
If this method returns an Awaitable execution will not proceed until the Awaitable is done.
New in version 3.1: Asynchronous support.
RequestHandler.on_finish() None
Called after the end of a request.
Override this method to perform cleanup, logging, etc. This method is a counterpart to prepare. on_finish
may not produce any output, as it is called after the response has been sent to the client.
Implement any of the following methods (collectively known as the HTTP verb methods) to handle the corresponding
HTTP method. These methods can be made asynchronous with the async def keyword or gen.coroutine decorator.
The arguments to these methods come from the URLSpec: Any capturing groups in the regular expression become
arguments to the HTTP verb methods (keyword arguments if the group is named, positional arguments if it’s unnamed).
To support a method not on this list, override the class variable SUPPORTED_METHODS:
class WebDAVHandler(RequestHandler):
(continues on next page)
6.2. Web framework 41
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(continued from previous page)
def propfind(self):
RequestHandler.get(*args: str, **kwargs: str) None
RequestHandler.head(*args: str, **kwargs: str) None*args: str, **kwargs: str) None
RequestHandler.delete(*args: str, **kwargs: str) None
RequestHandler.patch(*args: str, **kwargs: str) None
RequestHandler.put(*args: str, **kwargs: str) None
RequestHandler.options(*args: str, **kwargs: str) None
The argument methods provide support for HTML form-style arguments. These methods are available in both singular
and plural forms because HTML forms are ambiguous and do not distinguish between a singular argument and a list
containing one entry. If you wish to use other formats for arguments (for example, JSON), parse self.request.body
def prepare(self):
if self.request.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-json':
self.args = json_decode(self.request.body)
# Access self.args directly instead of using self.get_argument.
RequestHandler.get_argument(name: str, default: str, strip: bool = True) str
RequestHandler.get_argument(name: str, default: _ArgDefaultMarker = _ARG_DEFAULT, strip: bool = True)
RequestHandler.get_argument(name: str, default: None, strip: bool = True) Optional[str]
Returns the value of the argument with the given name.
If default is not provided, the argument is considered to be required, and we raise a MissingArgumentError if
it is missing.
If the argument appears in the request more than once, we return the last value.
This method searches both the query and body arguments.
RequestHandler.get_arguments(name: str, strip: bool = True) List[str]
Returns a list of the arguments with the given name.
If the argument is not present, returns an empty list.
This method searches both the query and body arguments.
RequestHandler.get_query_argument(name: str, default: Union[None, str, RAISE] = RAISE, strip: bool =
True) Optional[str]
Returns the value of the argument with the given name from the request query string.
If default is not provided, the argument is considered to be required, and we raise a MissingArgumentError if
it is missing.
42 Chapter 6. Documentation
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If the argument appears in the url more than once, we return the last value.
New in version 3.2.
RequestHandler.get_query_arguments(name: str, strip: bool = True) List[str]
Returns a list of the query arguments with the given name.
If the argument is not present, returns an empty list.
New in version 3.2.
RequestHandler.get_body_argument(name: str, default: Union[None, str, RAISE] = RAISE, strip: bool =
True) Optional[str]
Returns the value of the argument with the given name from the request body.
If default is not provided, the argument is considered to be required, and we raise a MissingArgumentError if
it is missing.
If the argument appears in the url more than once, we return the last value.
New in version 3.2.
RequestHandler.get_body_arguments(name: str, strip: bool = True) List[str]
Returns a list of the body arguments with the given name.
If the argument is not present, returns an empty list.
New in version 3.2.
RequestHandler.decode_argument(value: bytes, name: Optional[str] = None) str
Decodes an argument from the request.
The argument has been percent-decoded and is now a byte string. By default, this method decodes the argument
as utf-8 and returns a unicode string, but this may be overridden in subclasses.
This method is used as a filter for both get_argument() and for values extracted from the url and passed to
The name of the argument is provided if known, but may be None (e.g. for unnamed groups in the url regex).
The tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest object containing additional request parameters including e.g.
headers and body data.
The path_args and path_kwargs attributes contain the positional and keyword arguments that are passed to
the HTTP verb methods. These attributes are set before those methods are called, so the values are available
during prepare.
RequestHandler.data_received(chunk: bytes) Optional[Awaitable[None]]
Implement this method to handle streamed request data.
Requires the stream_request_body decorator.
May be a coroutine for flow control.
6.2. Web framework 43
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RequestHandler.set_status(status_code: int, reason: Optional[str] = None) None
Sets the status code for our response.
status_code (int) Response status code.
reason (str) Human-readable reason phrase describing the status code. If None, it will
be filled in from http.client.responses or “Unknown”.
Changed in version 5.0: No longer validates that the response code is in http.client.responses.
RequestHandler.set_header(name: str, value: Union[bytes, str, int, Integral, datetime]) None
Sets the given response header name and value.
All header values are converted to strings (datetime objects are formatted according to the HTTP specification
for the Date header).
RequestHandler.add_header(name: str, value: Union[bytes, str, int, Integral, datetime]) None
Adds the given response header and value.
Unlike set_header, add_header may be called multiple times to return multiple values for the same header.
RequestHandler.clear_header(name: str) None
Clears an outgoing header, undoing a previous set_header call.
Note that this method does not apply to multi-valued headers set by add_header.
RequestHandler.set_default_headers() None
Override this to set HTTP headers at the beginning of the request.
For example, this is the place to set a custom Server header. Note that setting such headers in the normal flow
of request processing may not do what you want, since headers may be reset during error handling.
RequestHandler.write(chunk: Union[str, bytes, dict]) None
Writes the given chunk to the output buffer.
To write the output to the network, use the flush() method below.
If the given chunk is a dictionary, we write it as JSON and set the Content-Type of the response to be
application/json. (if you want to send JSON as a different Content-Type, call set_header after call-
ing write()).
Note that lists are not converted to JSON because of a potential cross-site security vulnerability. All JSON output
should be wrapped in a dictionary. More details at
RequestHandler.flush(include_footers: bool = False) Future[None]
Flushes the current output buffer to the network.
Changed in version 4.0: Now returns a Future if no callback is given.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed.
RequestHandler.finish(chunk: Optional[Union[str, bytes, dict]] = None) Future[None]
Finishes this response, ending the HTTP request.
Passing a chunk to finish() is equivalent to passing that chunk to write() and then calling finish() with
no arguments.
44 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Returns a Future which may optionally be awaited to track the sending of the response to the client. This Future
resolves when all the response data has been sent, and raises an error if the connection is closed before all data
can be sent.
Changed in version 5.1: Now returns a Future instead of None.
RequestHandler.render(template_name: str, **kwargs: Any) Future[None]
Renders the template with the given arguments as the response.
render() calls finish(), so no other output methods can be called after it.
Returns a Future with the same semantics as the one returned by finish . Awaiting this Future is optional.
Changed in version 5.1: Now returns a Future instead of None.
RequestHandler.render_string(template_name: str, **kwargs: Any) bytes
Generate the given template with the given arguments.
We return the generated byte string (in utf8). To generate and write a template as a response, use render() above.
RequestHandler.get_template_namespace() Dict[str, Any]
Returns a dictionary to be used as the default template namespace.
May be overridden by subclasses to add or modify values.
The results of this method will be combined with additional defaults in the tornado.template module and
keyword arguments to render or render_string.
RequestHandler.redirect(url: str, permanent: bool = False, status: Optional[int] = None) None
Sends a redirect to the given (optionally relative) URL.
If the status argument is specified, that value is used as the HTTP status code; otherwise either 301 (permanent)
or 302 (temporary) is chosen based on the permanent argument. The default is 302 (temporary).
RequestHandler.send_error(status_code: int = 500, **kwargs: Any) None
Sends the given HTTP error code to the browser.
If flush() has already been called, it is not possible to send an error, so this method will simply terminate the
response. If output has been written but not yet flushed, it will be discarded and replaced with the error page.
Override write_error() to customize the error page that is returned. Additional keyword arguments are passed
through to write_error.
RequestHandler.write_error(status_code: int, **kwargs: Any) None
Override to implement custom error pages.
write_error may call write, render, set_header, etc to produce output as usual.
If this error was caused by an uncaught exception (including HTTPError), an exc_info triple will be available
as kwargs["exc_info"]. Note that this exception may not be the “current” exception for purposes of methods
like sys.exc_info() or traceback.format_exc.
RequestHandler.clear() None
Resets all headers and content for this response.
RequestHandler.render_linked_js(js_files: Iterable[str]) str
Default method used to render the final js links for the rendered webpage.
Override this method in a sub-classed controller to change the output.
6.2. Web framework 45
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RequestHandler.render_embed_js(js_embed: Iterable[bytes]) bytes
Default method used to render the final embedded js for the rendered webpage.
Override this method in a sub-classed controller to change the output.
RequestHandler.render_linked_css(css_files: Iterable[str]) str
Default method used to render the final css links for the rendered webpage.
Override this method in a sub-classed controller to change the output.
RequestHandler.render_embed_css(css_embed: Iterable[bytes]) bytes
Default method used to render the final embedded css for the rendered webpage.
Override this method in a sub-classed controller to change the output.
An alias for self.request.cookies.
RequestHandler.get_cookie(name: str, default: Optional[str] = None) Optional[str]
Returns the value of the request cookie with the given name.
If the named cookie is not present, returns default.
This method only returns cookies that were present in the request. It does not see the outgoing cookies set by
set_cookie in this handler.
RequestHandler.set_cookie(name: str, value: Union[str, bytes], domain: Optional[str] = None, expires:
Optional[Union[float, Tuple, datetime]] = None, path: str = '/', expires_days:
Optional[float] = None, *, max_age: Optional[int] = None, httponly: bool = False,
secure: bool = False, samesite: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) None
Sets an outgoing cookie name/value with the given options.
Newly-set cookies are not immediately visible via get_cookie; they are not present until the next request.
Most arguments are passed directly to http.cookies.Morsel directly. See
en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie for more information.
expires may be a numeric timestamp as returned by time.time, a time tuple as returned by time.gmtime, or
a datetime.datetime object. expires_days is provided as a convenience to set an expiration time in days
from today (if both are set, expires is used).
Deprecated since version 6.3: Keyword arguments are currently accepted case-insensitively. In Tornado 7.0 this
will be changed to only accept lowercase arguments.
RequestHandler.clear_cookie(name: str, **kwargs: Any) None
Deletes the cookie with the given name.
This method accepts the same arguments as set_cookie, except for expires and max_age. Clearing a cookie
requires the same domain and path arguments as when it was set. In some cases the samesite and secure
arguments are also required to match. Other arguments are ignored.
Similar to set_cookie, the effect of this method will not be seen until the following request.
Changed in version 6.3: Now accepts all keyword arguments that set_cookie does. The samesite and secure
flags have recently become required for clearing samesite="none" cookies.
46 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies(**kwargs: Any) None
Attempt to delete all the cookies the user sent with this request.
See clear_cookie for more information on keyword arguments. Due to limitations of the cookie protocol, it
is impossible to determine on the server side which values are necessary for the domain, path, samesite, or
secure arguments, this method can only be successful if you consistently use the same values for these arguments
when setting cookies.
Similar to set_cookie, the effect of this method will not be seen until the following request.
Changed in version 3.2: Added the path and domain parameters.
Changed in version 6.3: Now accepts all keyword arguments that set_cookie does.
Deprecated since version 6.3: The increasingly complex rules governing cookies have made it impossible for a
clear_all_cookies method to work reliably since all we know about cookies are their names. Applications
should generally use clear_cookie one at a time instead.
RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie(name: str, value: Optional[str] = None, max_age_days: float = 31,
min_version: Optional[int] = None) Optional[bytes]
Returns the given signed cookie if it validates, or None.
The decoded cookie value is returned as a byte string (unlike get_cookie).
Similar to get_cookie, this method only returns cookies that were present in the request. It does not see outgoing
cookies set by set_signed_cookie in this handler.
Changed in version 3.2.1:
Added the min_version argument. Introduced cookie version 2; both versions 1 and 2 are accepted
by default.
Changed in version 6.3: Renamed from get_secure_cookie to get_signed_cookie to avoid confusion with
other uses of “secure” in cookie attributes and prefixes. The old name remains as an alias.
RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie_key_version(name: str, value: Optional[str] = None) Optional[int]
Returns the signing key version of the secure cookie.
The version is returned as int.
Changed in version 6.3: Renamed from get_secure_cookie_key_version to
set_signed_cookie_key_version to avoid confusion with other uses of “secure” in cookie attributes
and prefixes. The old name remains as an alias.
RequestHandler.set_signed_cookie(name: str, value: Union[str, bytes], expires_days: Optional[float] = 30,
version: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) None
Signs and timestamps a cookie so it cannot be forged.
You must specify the cookie_secret setting in your Application to use this method. It should be a long, random
sequence of bytes to be used as the HMAC secret for the signature.
To read a cookie set with this method, use get_signed_cookie().
Note that the expires_days parameter sets the lifetime of the cookie in the browser, but is independent of the
max_age_days parameter to get_signed_cookie. A value of None limits the lifetime to the current browser
Secure cookies may contain arbitrary byte values, not just unicode strings (unlike regular cookies)
Similar to set_cookie, the effect of this method will not be seen until the following request.
Changed in version 3.2.1: Added the version argument. Introduced cookie version 2 and made it the default.
6.2. Web framework 47
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Changed in version 6.3: Renamed from set_secure_cookie to set_signed_cookie to avoid confusion with
other uses of “secure” in cookie attributes and prefixes. The old name remains as an alias.
Deprecated alias for get_signed_cookie.
Deprecated since version 6.3.
Deprecated alias for get_signed_cookie_key_version.
Deprecated since version 6.3.
Deprecated alias for set_signed_cookie.
Deprecated since version 6.3.
RequestHandler.create_signed_value(name: str, value: Union[str, bytes], version: Optional[int] = None)
Signs and timestamps a string so it cannot be forged.
Normally used via set_signed_cookie, but provided as a separate method for non-cookie uses. To decode a value
not stored as a cookie use the optional value argument to get_signed_cookie.
Changed in version 3.2.1: Added the version argument. Introduced cookie version 2 and made it the default.
The oldest signed value version supported by this version of Tornado.
Signed values older than this version cannot be decoded.
New in version 3.2.1.
The newest signed value version supported by this version of Tornado.
Signed values newer than this version cannot be decoded.
New in version 3.2.1.
The signed value version produced by RequestHandler.create_signed_value.
May be overridden by passing a version keyword argument.
New in version 3.2.1.
The oldest signed value accepted by RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie.
May be overridden by passing a min_version keyword argument.
New in version 3.2.1.
48 Chapter 6. Documentation
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The Application object serving this request
RequestHandler.check_etag_header() bool
Checks the Etag header against requests’s If-None-Match.
Returns True if the request’s Etag matches and a 304 should be returned. For example:
if self.check_etag_header():
This method is called automatically when the request is finished, but may be called earlier for applications that
override compute_etag and want to do an early check for If-None-Match before completing the request. The
Etag header should be set (perhaps with set_etag_header) before calling this method.
RequestHandler.check_xsrf_cookie() None
Verifies that the _xsrf cookie matches the _xsrf argument.
To prevent cross-site request forgery, we set an _xsrf cookie and include the same value as a non-cookie field
with all POST requests. If the two do not match, we reject the form submission as a potential forgery.
The _xsrf value may be set as either a form field named _xsrf or in a custom HTTP header named
X-XSRFToken or X-CSRFToken (the latter is accepted for compatibility with Django).
Changed in version 3.2.2: Added support for cookie version 2. Both versions 1 and 2 are supported.
RequestHandler.compute_etag() Optional[str]
Computes the etag header to be used for this request.
By default uses a hash of the content written so far.
May be overridden to provide custom etag implementations, or may return None to disable tornado’s default etag
RequestHandler.create_template_loader(template_path: str) BaseLoader
Returns a new template loader for the given path.
May be overridden by subclasses. By default returns a directory-based loader on the given path, using the
autoescape and template_whitespace application settings. If a template_loader application setting is
supplied, uses that instead.
The authenticated user for this request.
This is set in one of two ways:
A subclass may override get_current_user(), which will be called automatically the first time self.
current_user is accessed. get_current_user() will only be called once per request, and is cached for
future access:
def get_current_user(self):
user_cookie = self.get_signed_cookie("user")
if user_cookie:
(continues on next page)
6.2. Web framework 49
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
return json.loads(user_cookie)
return None
It may be set as a normal variable, typically from an overridden prepare():
def prepare(self):
user_id_cookie = self.get_signed_cookie("user_id")
if user_id_cookie:
self.current_user = yield load_user(user_id_cookie)
Note that prepare() may be a coroutine while get_current_user() may not, so the latter form is necessary
if loading the user requires asynchronous operations.
The user object may be any type of the application’s choosing.
RequestHandler.detach() IOStream
Take control of the underlying stream.
Returns the underlying IOStream object and stops all further HTTP processing. Intended for implementing
protocols like websockets that tunnel over an HTTP handshake.
This method is only supported when HTTP/1.1 is used.
New in version 5.1.
RequestHandler.get_browser_locale(default: str = 'en_US') Locale
Determines the user’s locale from Accept-Language header.
RequestHandler.get_current_user() Any
Override to determine the current user from, e.g., a cookie.
This method may not be a coroutine.
RequestHandler.get_login_url() str
Override to customize the login URL based on the request.
By default, we use the login_url application setting.
RequestHandler.get_status() int
Returns the status code for our response.
RequestHandler.get_template_path() Optional[str]
Override to customize template path for each handler.
By default, we use the template_path application setting. Return None to load templates relative to the calling
RequestHandler.get_user_locale() Optional[Locale]
Override to determine the locale from the authenticated user.
If None is returned, we fall back to get_browser_locale().
This method should return a tornado.locale.Locale object, most likely obtained via a call like tornado.
50 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The locale for the current session.
Determined by either get_user_locale, which you can override to set the locale based on, e.g., a user prefer-
ence stored in a database, or get_browser_locale, which uses the Accept-Language header.
RequestHandler.log_exception(typ: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], tb:
Optional[TracebackType]) None
Override to customize logging of uncaught exceptions.
By default logs instances of HTTPError as warnings without stack traces (on the tornado.general logger),
and all other exceptions as errors with stack traces (on the tornado.application logger).
New in version 3.1.
RequestHandler.on_connection_close() None
Called in async handlers if the client closed the connection.
Override this to clean up resources associated with long-lived connections. Note that this method is called only if
the connection was closed during asynchronous processing; if you need to do cleanup after every request override
on_finish instead.
Proxies may keep a connection open for a time (perhaps indefinitely) after the client has gone away, so this
method may not be called promptly after the end user closes their connection.
RequestHandler.require_setting(name: str, feature: str = 'this feature') None
Raises an exception if the given app setting is not defined.
RequestHandler.reverse_url(name: str, *args: Any) str
Alias for Application.reverse_url.
RequestHandler.set_etag_header() None
Sets the response’s Etag header using self.compute_etag().
Note: no header will be set if compute_etag() returns None.
This method is called automatically when the request is finished.
An alias for self.application.settings.
RequestHandler.static_url(path: str, include_host: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs: Any) str
Returns a static URL for the given relative static file path.
This method requires you set the static_path setting in your application (which specifies the root directory of
your static files).
This method returns a versioned url (by default appending ?v=<signature>), which allows the static files to be
cached indefinitely. This can be disabled by passing include_version=False (in the default implementation;
other static file implementations are not required to support this, but they may support other options).
By default this method returns URLs relative to the current host, but if include_host is true the URL returned
will be absolute. If this handler has an include_host attribute, that value will be used as the default for all
static_url calls that do not pass include_host as a keyword argument.
RequestHandler.xsrf_form_html() str
An HTML <input/> element to be included with all POST forms.
It defines the _xsrf input value, which we check on all POST requests to prevent cross-site request forgery.
If you have set the xsrf_cookies application setting, you must include this HTML within all of your HTML
6.2. Web framework 51
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In a template, this method should be called with {% module xsrf_form_html() %}
See check_xsrf_cookie() above for more information.
The XSRF-prevention token for the current user/session.
To prevent cross-site request forgery, we set an ‘_xsrf’ cookie and include the same ‘_xsrf’ value as an argument
with all POST requests. If the two do not match, we reject the form submission as a potential forgery.
This property is of type bytes, but it contains only ASCII characters. If a character string is required, there is
no need to base64-encode it; just decode the byte string as UTF-8.
Changed in version 3.2.2: The xsrf token will now be have a random mask applied in every request, which makes
it safe to include the token in pages that are compressed. See for more information on
the issue fixed by this change. Old (version 1) cookies will be converted to version 2 when this method is called
unless the xsrf_cookie_version Application setting is set to 1.
Changed in version 4.3: The xsrf_cookie_kwargs Application setting may be used to sup-
ply additional cookie options (which will be passed directly to set_cookie). For example,
xsrf_cookie_kwargs=dict(httponly=True, secure=True) will set the secure and httponly
flags on the _xsrf cookie.
Application configuration
class tornado.web.Application(handlers: Optional[List[Union[Rule, Tuple]]] = None, default_host:
Optional[str] = None, transforms: Optional[List[Type[OutputTransform]]] =
None, **settings)
A collection of request handlers that make up a web application.
Instances of this class are callable and can be passed directly to HTTPServer to serve the application:
application = web.Application([
(r"/", MainPageHandler),
http_server = httpserver.HTTPServer(application)
The constructor for this class takes in a list of Rule objects or tuples of values corresponding to the arguments of
Rule constructor: (matcher, target, [target_kwargs], [name]), the values in square brackets being
optional. The default matcher is PathMatches, so (regexp, target) tuples can also be used instead of
(PathMatches(regexp), target).
A common routing target is a RequestHandler subclass, but you can also use lists of rules as a target, which
create a nested routing configuration:
application = web.Application([
(HostMatches(""), [
(r"/", MainPageHandler),
(r"/feed", FeedHandler),
In addition to this you can use nested Router instances, HTTPMessageDelegate subclasses and callables as
routing targets (see routing module docs for more information).
52 Chapter 6. Documentation
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When we receive requests, we iterate over the list in order and instantiate an instance of the first request class
whose regexp matches the request path. The request class can be specified as either a class object or a (fully-
qualified) name.
A dictionary may be passed as the third element (target_kwargs) of the tuple, which will be used as keyword ar-
guments to the handler’s constructor and initialize method. This pattern is used for the StaticFileHandler
in this example (note that a StaticFileHandler can be installed automatically with the static_path setting de-
scribed below):
application = web.Application([
(r"/static/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "/var/www"}),
We support virtual hosts with the add_handlers method, which takes in a host regular expression as the first
application.add_handlers(r"www\.myhost\.com", [
(r"/article/([0-9]+)", ArticleHandler),
If there’s no match for the current request’s host, then default_host parameter value is matched against host
regular expressions.
Warning: Applications that do not use TLS may be vulnerable to DNS rebinding attacks. This attack is
especially relevant to applications that only listen on or other private networks. Appropriate host
patterns must be used (instead of the default of r'.*') to prevent this risk. The default_host argument
must not be used in applications that may be vulnerable to DNS rebinding.
You can serve static files by sending the static_path setting as a keyword argument. We will serve those
files from the /static/ URI (this is configurable with the static_url_prefix setting), and we will serve
/favicon.ico and /robots.txt from the same directory. A custom subclass of StaticFileHandler can
be specified with the static_handler_class setting.
Changed in version 4.5: Integration with the new tornado.routing module.
Additional keyword arguments passed to the constructor are saved in the settings dictionary, and are
often referred to in documentation as “application settings”. Settings are used to customize various aspects
of Tornado (although in some cases richer customization is possible by overriding methods in a subclass
of RequestHandler). Some applications also like to use the settings dictionary as a way to make
application-specific settings available to handlers without using global variables. Settings used in Tornado
are described below.
General settings:
autoreload: If True, the server process will restart when any source files change, as described in
Debug mode and automatic reloading. This option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality
was controlled by the debug setting.
debug: Shorthand for several debug mode settings, described in Debug mode and automatic reload-
ing. Setting debug=True is equivalent to autoreload=True, compiled_template_cache=False,
static_hash_cache=False, serve_traceback=True.
default_handler_class and default_handler_args: This handler will be used if no other
match is found; use this to implement custom 404 pages (new in Tornado 3.2).
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compress_response: If True, responses in textual formats will be compressed automatically. New
in Tornado 4.0.
gzip: Deprecated alias for compress_response since Tornado 4.0.
log_function: This function will be called at the end of every request to log the result (with one
argument, the RequestHandler object). The default implementation writes to the logging modules
root logger. May also be customized by overriding Application.log_request.
serve_traceback: If True, the default error page will include the traceback of the error. This option
is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by the debug setting.
ui_modules and ui_methods: May be set to a mapping of UIModule or UI methods to be made
available to templates. May be set to a module, dictionary, or a list of modules and/or dicts. See UI
modules for more details.
websocket_ping_interval: If set to a number, all websockets will be pinged every n seconds. This
can help keep the connection alive through certain proxy servers which close idle connections, and it
can detect if the websocket has failed without being properly closed.
websocket_ping_timeout: If the ping interval is set, and the server doesnt receive a ‘pong’ in this
many seconds, it will close the websocket. The default is three times the ping interval, with a minimum
of 30 seconds. Ignored if the ping interval is not set.
Authentication and security settings:
cookie_secret: Used by RequestHandler.get_signed_cookie and set_signed_cookie to
sign cookies.
key_version: Used by requestHandler set_signed_cookie to sign cookies with a specific key
when cookie_secret is a key dictionary.
login_url: The authenticated decorator will redirect to this url if the user is not logged in. Can
be further customized by overriding RequestHandler.get_login_url
xsrf_cookies: If True, Cross-site request forgery protection will be enabled.
xsrf_cookie_version: Controls the version of new XSRF cookies produced by this server. Should
generally be left at the default (which will always be the highest supported version), but may be set to
a lower value temporarily during version transitions. New in Tornado 3.2.2, which introduced XSRF
cookie version 2.
xsrf_cookie_kwargs: May be set to a dictionary of additional arguments to be passed to
RequestHandler.set_cookie for the XSRF cookie.
xsrf_cookie_name: Controls the name used for the XSRF cookie (default _xsrf). The intended
use is to take advantage of cookie prefixes. Note that cookie prefixes interact with other cookie
flags, so they must be combined with xsrf_cookie_kwargs, such as {"xsrf_cookie_name":
"__Host-xsrf", "xsrf_cookie_kwargs": {"secure": True}}
twitter_consumer_key, twitter_consumer_secret, friendfeed_consumer_key,
friendfeed_consumer_secret, google_consumer_key, google_consumer_secret,
facebook_api_key, facebook_secret: Used in the tornado.auth module to authenticate
to various APIs.
Template settings:
autoescape: Controls automatic escaping for templates. May be set to None to disable escaping, or
to the name of a function that all output should be passed through. Defaults to "xhtml_escape". Can
be changed on a per-template basis with the {% autoescape %} directive.
54 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
compiled_template_cache: Default is True; if False templates will be recompiled on every re-
quest. This option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by the debug
template_path: Directory containing template files. Can be further customized by overriding
template_loader: Assign to an instance of tornado.template.BaseLoader to customize tem-
plate loading. If this setting is used the template_path and autoescape settings are ignored. Can
be further customized by overriding RequestHandler.create_template_loader.
template_whitespace: Controls handling of whitespace in templates; see tornado.template.
filter_whitespace for allowed values. New in Tornado 4.3.
Static file settings:
static_hash_cache: Default is True; if False static urls will be recomputed on every request. This
option is new in Tornado 3.2; previously this functionality was controlled by the debug setting.
static_path: Directory from which static files will be served.
static_url_prefix: Url prefix for static files, defaults to "/static/".
static_handler_class, static_handler_args: May be set to use a different handler for static
files instead of the default tornado.web.StaticFileHandler. static_handler_args, if set,
should be a dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the handler’s initialize method.
Application.listen(port: int, address: Optional[str] = None, *, family: AddressFamily =
AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC, backlog: int = 128, flags: Optional[int] = None, reuse_port:
bool = False, **kwargs: Any) HTTPServer
Starts an HTTP server for this application on the given port.
This is a convenience alias for creating an HTTPServer object and calling its listen method. Keyword arguments
not supported by HTTPServer.listen are passed to the HTTPServer constructor. For advanced uses (e.g.
multi-process mode), do not use this method; create an HTTPServer and call its TCPServer.bind /TCPServer.
start methods directly.
Note that after calling this method you still need to call IOLoop.current().start() (or run within asyncio.
run) to start the server.
Returns the HTTPServer object.
Changed in version 4.3: Now returns the HTTPServer object.
Changed in version 6.2: Added support for new keyword arguments in TCPServer.listen, including
Application.add_handlers(handlers: List[Union[Rule, Tuple]])
Appends the given handlers to our handler list.
Host patterns are processed sequentially in the order they were added. All matching patterns will be considered.
Application.get_handler_delegate(request: HTTPServerRequest, target_class: Type[RequestHandler],
target_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, path_args:
Optional[List[bytes]] = None, path_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, bytes]] =
None) _HandlerDelegate
Returns HTTPMessageDelegate that can serve a request for application and RequestHandler subclass.
request (httputil.HTTPServerRequest) current HTTP request.
target_class (RequestHandler) a RequestHandler class.
6.2. Web framework 55
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target_kwargs (dict) keyword arguments for target_class constructor.
path_args (list) positional arguments for target_class HTTP method that will be
executed while handling a request (get, post or any other).
path_kwargs (dict) keyword arguments for target_class HTTP method.
Application.reverse_url(name: str, *args: Any) str
Returns a URL path for handler named name
The handler must be added to the application as a named URLSpec.
Args will be substituted for capturing groups in the URLSpec regex. They will be converted to strings if necessary,
encoded as utf8, and url-escaped.
Application.log_request(handler: RequestHandler) None
Writes a completed HTTP request to the logs.
By default writes to the python root logger. To change this behavior either subclass Application and override this
method, or pass a function in the application settings dictionary as log_function.
class tornado.web.URLSpec(pattern: Union[str, Pattern], handler: Any, kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] =
None, name: Optional[str] = None)
Specifies mappings between URLs and handlers.
pattern: Regular expression to be matched. Any capturing groups in the regex will be passed in to the
handler’s get/post/etc methods as arguments (by keyword if named, by position if unnamed. Named and
unnamed capturing groups may not be mixed in the same rule).
handler: RequestHandler subclass to be invoked.
kwargs (optional): A dictionary of additional arguments to be passed to the handler’s constructor.
name (optional): A name for this handler. Used by reverse_url.
The URLSpec class is also available under the name tornado.web.url.
tornado.web.authenticated(method: Callable[[...], Optional[Awaitable[None]]]) Callable[[...],
Decorate methods with this to require that the user be logged in.
If the user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the configured login url.
If you configure a login url with a query parameter, Tornado will assume you know what youre doing and use it
as-is. If not, it will add a next parameter so the login page knows where to send you once youre logged in.
tornado.web.addslash(method: Callable[[...], Optional[Awaitable[None]]]) Callable[[...],
Use this decorator to add a missing trailing slash to the request path.
For example, a request to /foo would redirect to /foo/ with this decorator. Your request handler mapping
should use a regular expression like r'/foo/?' in conjunction with using the decorator.
tornado.web.removeslash(method: Callable[[...], Optional[Awaitable[None]]]) Callable[[...],
56 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Use this decorator to remove trailing slashes from the request path.
For example, a request to /foo/ would redirect to /foo with this decorator. Your request handler mapping
should use a regular expression like r'/foo/*' in conjunction with using the decorator.
tornado.web.stream_request_body(cls: Type[_RequestHandlerType]) Type[_RequestHandlerType]
Apply to RequestHandler subclasses to enable streaming body support.
This decorator implies the following changes:
HTTPServerRequest.body is undefined, and body arguments will not be included in RequestHandler.
RequestHandler.prepare is called when the request headers have been read instead of after the entire
body has been read.
The subclass must define a method data_received(self, data):, which will be called zero or more
times as data is available. Note that if the request has an empty body, data_received may not be called.
prepare and data_received may return Futures (such as via @gen.coroutine, in which case the next
method will not be called until those futures have completed.
The regular HTTP method (post, put, etc) will be called after the entire body has been read.
See the file receiver demo for example usage.
Everything else
exception tornado.web.HTTPError(status_code: int = 500, log_message: Optional[str] = None, *args: Any,
**kwargs: Any)
An exception that will turn into an HTTP error response.
Raising an HTTPError is a convenient alternative to calling RequestHandler.send_error since it automati-
cally ends the current function.
To customize the response sent with an HTTPError, override RequestHandler.write_error.
status_code (int) HTTP status code. Must be listed in httplib.responses unless
the reason keyword argument is given.
log_message (str) Message to be written to the log for this error (will not be shown to
the user unless the Application is in debug mode). May contain %s-style placeholders,
which will be filled in with remaining positional parameters.
reason (str) Keyword-only argument. The HTTP “reason” phrase to pass in the status
line along with status_code. Normally determined automatically from status_code, but
can be used to use a non-standard numeric code.
exception tornado.web.Finish
An exception that ends the request without producing an error response.
When Finish is raised in a RequestHandler, the request will end (calling RequestHandler.finish if it
hasn’t already been called), but the error-handling methods (including RequestHandler.write_error) will
not be called.
If Finish() was created with no arguments, the pending response will be sent as-is. If Finish() was given an
argument, that argument will be passed to RequestHandler.finish().
6.2. Web framework 57
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This can be a more convenient way to implement custom error pages than overriding write_error (especially
in library code):
if self.current_user is None:
self.set_header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="something"')
raise Finish()
Changed in version 4.3: Arguments passed to Finish() will be passed on to RequestHandler.finish .
exception tornado.web.MissingArgumentError(arg_name: str)
Exception raised by RequestHandler.get_argument.
This is a subclass of HTTPError, so if it is uncaught a 400 response code will be used instead of 500 (and a stack
trace will not be logged).
New in version 3.1.
class tornado.web.UIModule(handler: RequestHandler)
A re-usable, modular UI unit on a page.
UI modules often execute additional queries, and they can include additional CSS and JavaScript that will be
included in the output page, which is automatically inserted on page render.
Subclasses of UIModule must override the render method.
render(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) str
Override in subclasses to return this module’s output.
embedded_javascript() Optional[str]
Override to return a JavaScript string to be embedded in the page.
javascript_files() Optional[Iterable[str]]
Override to return a list of JavaScript files needed by this module.
If the return values are relative paths, they will be passed to RequestHandler.static_url; otherwise
they will be used as-is.
embedded_css() Optional[str]
Override to return a CSS string that will be embedded in the page.
css_files() Optional[Iterable[str]]
Override to returns a list of CSS files required by this module.
If the return values are relative paths, they will be passed to RequestHandler.static_url; otherwise
they will be used as-is.
html_head() Optional[str]
Override to return an HTML string that will be put in the <head/> element.
html_body() Optional[str]
Override to return an HTML string that will be put at the end of the <body/> element.
render_string(path: str, **kwargs: Any) bytes
Renders a template and returns it as a string.
class tornado.web.ErrorHandler(application: Application, request: HTTPServerRequest, **kwargs: Any)
Generates an error response with status_code for all requests.
58 Chapter 6. Documentation
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class tornado.web.FallbackHandler(application: Application, request: HTTPServerRequest, **kwargs:
A RequestHandler that wraps another HTTP server callback.
The fallback is a callable object that accepts an HTTPServerRequest, such as an Application or tornado.
wsgi.WSGIContainer. This is most useful to use both Tornado RequestHandlers and WSGI in the same
server. Typical usage:
wsgi_app = tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer(
application = tornado.web.Application([
(r"/foo", FooHandler),
(r".*", FallbackHandler, dict(fallback=wsgi_app),
class tornado.web.RedirectHandler(application: Application, request: HTTPServerRequest, **kwargs:
Redirects the client to the given URL for all GET requests.
You should provide the keyword argument url to the handler, e.g.:
application = web.Application([
(r"/oldpath", web.RedirectHandler, {"url": "/newpath"}),
RedirectHandler supports regular expression substitutions. E.g., to swap the first and second parts of a path
while preserving the remainder:
application = web.Application([
(r"/(.*?)/(.*?)/(.*)", web.RedirectHandler, {"url": "/{1}/{0}/{2}"}),
The final URL is formatted with str.format and the substrings that match the capturing groups. In the above
example, a request to “/a/b/c” would be formatted like:
str.format("/{1}/{0}/{2}", "a", "b", "c") # -> "/b/a/c"
Use Python’s format string syntax to customize how values are substituted.
Changed in version 4.5: Added support for substitutions into the destination URL.
Changed in version 5.0: If any query arguments are present, they will be copied to the destination URL.
class tornado.web.StaticFileHandler(application: Application, request: HTTPServerRequest, **kwargs:
A simple handler that can serve static content from a directory.
A StaticFileHandler is configured automatically if you pass the static_path keyword argument to
Application. This handler can be customized with the static_url_prefix, static_handler_class, and
static_handler_args settings.
To map an additional path to this handler for a static data directory you would add a line to your application like:
application = web.Application([
(r"/content/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "/var/www"}),
6.2. Web framework 59
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The handler constructor requires a path argument, which specifies the local root directory of the content to be
Note that a capture group in the regex is required to parse the value for the path argument to the get() method
(different than the constructor argument above); see URLSpec for details.
To serve a file like index.html automatically when a directory is requested, set
static_handler_args=dict(default_filename="index.html") in your application settings, or
add default_filename as an initializer argument for your StaticFileHandler.
To maximize the effectiveness of browser caching, this class supports versioned urls (by default using the argu-
ment ?v=). If a version is given, we instruct the browser to cache this file indefinitely. make_static_url (also
available as RequestHandler.static_url) can be used to construct a versioned url.
This handler is intended primarily for use in development and light-duty file serving; for heavy traffic it will
be more efficient to use a dedicated static file server (such as nginx or Apache). We support the HTTP
Accept-Ranges mechanism to return partial content (because some browsers require this functionality to be
present to seek in HTML5 audio or video).
Subclassing notes
This class is designed to be extensible by subclassing, but because of the way static urls are generated with
class methods rather than instance methods, the inheritance patterns are somewhat unusual. Be sure to use the
@classmethod decorator when overriding a class method. Instance methods may use the attributes self.path
self.absolute_path, and self.modified.
Subclasses should only override methods discussed in this section; overriding other methods is error-prone.
Overriding StaticFileHandler.get is particularly problematic due to the tight coupling with compute_etag
and other methods.
To change the way static urls are generated (e.g. to match the behavior of another server or CDN), override
make_static_url, parse_url_path , get_cache_time, and/or get_version.
To replace all interaction with the filesystem (e.g. to serve static content from a database),
override get_content, get_content_size, get_modified_time, get_absolute_path, and
Changed in version 3.1: Many of the methods for subclasses were added in Tornado 3.1.
compute_etag() Optional[str]
Sets the Etag header based on static url version.
This allows efficient If-None-Match checks against cached versions, and sends the correct Etag for a
partial response (i.e. the same Etag as the full file).
New in version 3.1.
set_headers() None
Sets the content and caching headers on the response.
New in version 3.1.
should_return_304() bool
Returns True if the headers indicate that we should return 304.
New in version 3.1.
classmethod get_absolute_path(root: str, path: str) str
Returns the absolute location of path relative to root.
root is the path configured for this StaticFileHandler (in most cases the static_path Application
60 Chapter 6. Documentation
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This class method may be overridden in subclasses. By default it returns a filesystem path, but other strings
may be used as long as they are unique and understood by the subclass’s overridden get_content.
New in version 3.1.
validate_absolute_path(root: str, absolute_path: str) Optional[str]
Validate and return the absolute path.
root is the configured path for the StaticFileHandler, and path is the result of get_absolute_path
This is an instance method called during request processing, so it may raise HTTPError or use methods
like RequestHandler.redirect (return None after redirecting to halt further processing). This is where
404 errors for missing files are generated.
This method may modify the path before returning it, but note that any such modifications will not be
understood by make_static_url.
In instance methods, this method’s result is available as self.absolute_path.
New in version 3.1.
classmethod get_content(abspath: str, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None)
Generator[bytes, None, None]
Retrieve the content of the requested resource which is located at the given absolute path.
This class method may be overridden by subclasses. Note that its signature is different from other overrid-
able class methods (no settings argument); this is deliberate to ensure that abspath is able to stand on
its own as a cache key.
This method should either return a byte string or an iterator of byte strings. The latter is preferred for large
files as it helps reduce memory fragmentation.
New in version 3.1.
classmethod get_content_version(abspath: str) str
Returns a version string for the resource at the given path.
This class method may be overridden by subclasses. The default implementation is a SHA-512 hash of the
files contents.
New in version 3.1.
get_content_size() int
Retrieve the total size of the resource at the given path.
This method may be overridden by subclasses.
New in version 3.1.
Changed in version 4.0: This method is now always called, instead of only when partial results are requested.
get_modified_time() Optional[datetime]
Returns the time that self.absolute_path was last modified.
May be overridden in subclasses. Should return a datetime object or None.
New in version 3.1.
get_content_type() str
Returns the Content-Type header to be used for this request.
New in version 3.1.
6.2. Web framework 61
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set_extra_headers(path: str) None
For subclass to add extra headers to the response
get_cache_time(path: str, modified: Optional[datetime], mime_type: str) int
Override to customize cache control behavior.
Return a positive number of seconds to make the result cacheable for that amount of time or 0 to mark
resource as cacheable for an unspecified amount of time (subject to browser heuristics).
By default returns cache expiry of 10 years for resources requested with v argument.
classmethod make_static_url(settings: Dict[str, Any], path: str, include_version: bool = True) str
Constructs a versioned url for the given path.
This method may be overridden in subclasses (but note that it is a class method rather than an instance
method). Subclasses are only required to implement the signature make_static_url(cls, settings,
path); other keyword arguments may be passed through static_url but are not standard.
settings is the Application.settings dictionary. path is the static path being requested. The url
returned should be relative to the current host.
include_version determines whether the generated URL should include the query string containing the
version hash of the file corresponding to the given path.
parse_url_path(url_path: str) str
Converts a static URL path into a filesystem path.
url_path is the path component of the URL with static_url_prefix removed. The return value should
be filesystem path relative to static_path.
This is the inverse of make_static_url.
classmethod get_version(settings: Dict[str, Any], path: str) Optional[str]
Generate the version string to be used in static URLs.
settings is the Application.settings dictionary and path is the relative location of the requested
asset on the filesystem. The returned value should be a string, or None if no version could be determined.
Changed in version 3.1: This method was previously recommended for subclasses to override;
get_content_version is now preferred as it allows the base class to handle caching of the result.
6.2.2 tornado.template Flexible output generation
A simple template system that compiles templates to Python code.
Basic usage looks like:
t = template.Template("<html>{{ myvalue }}</html>")
Loader is a class that loads templates from a root directory and caches the compiled templates:
loader = template.Loader("/home/btaylor")
We compile all templates to raw Python. Error-reporting is currently. . . uh, interesting. Syntax for the templates:
62 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
### base.html
<title>{% block title %}Default title{% end %}</title>
{% for student in students %}
{% block student %}
<li>{{ escape( }}</li>
{% end %}
{% end %}
### bold.html
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}A bolder title{% end %}
{% block student %}
<li><span style="bold">{{ escape( }}</span></li>
{% end %}
Unlike most other template systems, we do not put any restrictions on the expressions you can include in your statements.
if and for blocks get translated exactly into Python, so you can do complex expressions like:
{% for student in [p for p in people if p.student and p.age > 23] %}
<li>{{ escape( }}</li>
{% end %}
Translating directly to Python means you can apply functions to expressions easily, like the escape() function in
the examples above. You can pass functions in to your template just like any other variable (In a RequestHandler,
override RequestHandler.get_template_namespace):
### Python code
def add(x, y):
return x + y
### The template
{{ add(1, 2) }}
We provide the functions escape(), url_escape(), json_encode(), and squeeze() to all templates by default.
Typical applications do not create Template or Loader instances by hand, but instead use the render and
render_string methods of tornado.web.RequestHandler, which load templates automatically based on the
template_path Application setting.
Variable names beginning with _tt_ are reserved by the template system and should not be used by application code.
6.2. Web framework 63
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Syntax Reference
Template expressions are surrounded by double curly braces: {{ ... }}. The contents may be any python expression,
which will be escaped according to the current autoescape setting and inserted into the output. Other template directives
use {% %}.
To comment out a section so that it is omitted from the output, surround it with {# ... #}.
To include a literal {{, {%, or {# in the output, escape them as {{!, {%!, and {#!, respectively.
{% apply *function* %}...{% end %}
Applies a function to the output of all template code between apply and end:
{% apply linkify %}{{name}} said: {{message}}{% end %}
Note that as an implementation detail apply blocks are implemented as nested functions and thus may interact
strangely with variables set via {% set %}, or the use of {% break %} or {% continue %} within loops.
{% autoescape *function* %}
Sets the autoescape mode for the current file. This does not affect other files, even those referenced by {%
include %}. Note that autoescaping can also be configured globally, at the Application or Loader.:
{% autoescape xhtml_escape %}
{% autoescape None %}
{% block *name* %}...{% end %}
Indicates a named, replaceable block for use with {% extends %}. Blocks in the parent template will be replaced
with the contents of the same-named block in a child template.:
<!-- base.html -->
<title>{% block title %}Default title{% end %}</title>
<!-- mypage.html -->
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}My page title{% end %}
{% comment ... %}
A comment which will be removed from the template output. Note that there is no {% end %} tag; the comment
goes from the word comment to the closing %} tag.
{% extends *filename* %}
Inherit from another template. Templates that use extends should contain one or more block tags to replace
content from the parent template. Anything in the child template not contained in a block tag will be ignored.
For an example, see the {% block %} tag.
{% for *var* in *expr* %}...{% end %}
Same as the python for statement. {% break %} and {% continue %} may be used inside the loop.
{% from *x* import *y* %}
Same as the python import statement.
{% if *condition* %}...{% elif *condition* %}...{% else %}...{% end %}
Conditional statement - outputs the first section whose condition is true. (The elif and else sections are
{% import *module* %}
Same as the python import statement.
{% include *filename* %}
Includes another template file. The included file can see all the local variables as if it were copied directly to
64 Chapter 6. Documentation
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the point of the include directive (the {% autoescape %} directive is an exception). Alternately, {% module
Template(filename, **kwargs) %} may be used to include another template with an isolated namespace.
{% module *expr* %}
Renders a UIModule. The output of the UIModule is not escaped:
{% module Template("foo.html", arg=42) %}
UIModules are a feature of the tornado.web.RequestHandler class (and specifically its render method)
and will not work when the template system is used on its own in other contexts.
{% raw *expr* %}
Outputs the result of the given expression without autoescaping.
{% set *x* = *y* %}
Sets a local variable.
{% try %}...{% except %}...{% else %}...{% finally %}...{% end %}
Same as the python try statement.
{% while *condition* %}... {% end %}
Same as the python while statement. {% break %} and {% continue %} may be used inside the loop.
{% whitespace *mode* %}
Sets the whitespace mode for the remainder of the current file (or until the next {% whitespace %} directive).
See filter_whitespace for available options. New in Tornado 4.3.
Class reference
class tornado.template.Template(template_string, name='<string>', loader=None,
compress_whitespace=None, autoescape='xhtml_escape',
A compiled template.
We compile into Python from the given template_string. You can generate the template from variables with
Construct a Template.
template_string (str) the contents of the template file.
name (str) the filename from which the template was loaded (used for error message).
loader (tornado.template.BaseLoader) the BaseLoader responsible for this tem-
plate, used to resolve {% include %} and {% extend %} directives.
compress_whitespace (bool) Deprecated since Tornado 4.3. Equivalent to
whitespace="single" if true and whitespace="all" if false.
autoescape (str) The name of a function in the template namespace, or None to disable
escaping by default.
whitespace (str) A string specifying treatment of whitespace; see filter_whitespace
for options.
Changed in version 4.3: Added whitespace parameter; deprecated compress_whitespace.
generate(**kwargs: Any) bytes
Generate this template with the given arguments.
6.2. Web framework 65
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class tornado.template.BaseLoader(autoescape: str = 'xhtml_escape', namespace: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
= None, whitespace: Optional[str] = None)
Base class for template loaders.
You must use a template loader to use template constructs like {% extends %} and {% include %}. The
loader caches all templates after they are loaded the first time.
Construct a template loader.
autoescape (str) The name of a function in the template namespace, such as
“xhtml_escape”, or None to disable autoescaping by default.
namespace (dict) A dictionary to be added to the default template namespace, or None.
whitespace (str) A string specifying default behavior for whitespace in templates; see
filter_whitespace for options. Default is “single” for files ending in “.html” and “.js”
and “all” for other files.
Changed in version 4.3: Added whitespace parameter.
reset() None
Resets the cache of compiled templates.
resolve_path(name: str, parent_path: Optional[str] = None) str
Converts a possibly-relative path to absolute (used internally).
load(name: str, parent_path: Optional[str] = None) Template
Loads a template.
class tornado.template.Loader(root_directory: str, **kwargs: Any)
A template loader that loads from a single root directory.
class tornado.template.DictLoader(dict: Dict[str, str], **kwargs: Any)
A template loader that loads from a dictionary.
exception tornado.template.ParseError(message: str, filename: Optional[str] = None, lineno: int = 0)
Raised for template syntax errors.
ParseError instances have filename and lineno attributes indicating the position of the error.
Changed in version 4.3: Added filename and lineno attributes.
tornado.template.filter_whitespace(mode: str, text: str) str
Transform whitespace in text according to mode.
Available modes are:
all: Return all whitespace unmodified.
single: Collapse consecutive whitespace with a single whitespace character, preserving newlines.
oneline: Collapse all runs of whitespace into a single space character, removing all newlines in the pro-
New in version 4.3.
66 Chapter 6. Documentation
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6.2.3 tornado.routing Basic routing implementation
Flexible routing implementation.
Tornado routes HTTP requests to appropriate handlers using Router class implementations. The tornado.web.
Application class is a Router implementation and may be used directly, or the classes in this module may be used for
additional flexibility. The RuleRouter class can match on more criteria than Application, or the Router interface
can be subclassed for maximum customization.
Router interface extends HTTPServerConnectionDelegate to provide additional routing capabilities. This also
means that any Router implementation can be used directly as a request_callback for HTTPServer constructor.
Router subclass must implement a find_handler method to provide a suitable HTTPMessageDelegate instance to
handle the request:
class CustomRouter(Router):
def find_handler(self, request, **kwargs):
# some routing logic providing a suitable HTTPMessageDelegate instance
return MessageDelegate(request.connection)
class MessageDelegate(HTTPMessageDelegate):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def finish(self):
ResponseStartLine("HTTP/1.1", 200, "OK"),
HTTPHeaders({"Content-Length": "2"}),
router = CustomRouter()
server = HTTPServer(router)
The main responsibility of Router implementation is to provide a mapping from a request to HTTPMessageDelegate
instance that will handle this request. In the example above we can see that routing is possible even without instantiating
an Application.
For routing to RequestHandler implementations we need an Application instance. get_handler_delegate
provides a convenient way to create HTTPMessageDelegate for a given request and RequestHandler.
Here is a simple example of how we can we route to RequestHandler subclasses by HTTP method:
resources = {}
class GetResource(RequestHandler):
def get(self, path):
if path not in resources:
raise HTTPError(404)
class PostResource(RequestHandler):
def post(self, path):
resources[path] = self.request.body
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
class HTTPMethodRouter(Router):
def __init__(self, app): = app
def find_handler(self, request, **kwargs):
handler = GetResource if request.method == "GET" else PostResource
return, handler, path_args=[request.path])
router = HTTPMethodRouter(Application())
server = HTTPServer(router)
ReversibleRouter interface adds the ability to distinguish between the routes and reverse them to the original urls
using route’s name and additional arguments. Application is itself an implementation of ReversibleRouter class.
RuleRouter and ReversibleRuleRouter are implementations of Router and ReversibleRouter interfaces and
can be used for creating rule-based routing configurations.
Rules are instances of Rule class. They contain a Matcher, which provides the logic for determining whether the rule
is a match for a particular request and a target, which can be one of the following.
1) An instance of HTTPServerConnectionDelegate:
router = RuleRouter([
Rule(PathMatches("/handler"), ConnectionDelegate()),
# ... more rules
class ConnectionDelegate(HTTPServerConnectionDelegate):
def start_request(self, server_conn, request_conn):
return MessageDelegate(request_conn)
2) A callable accepting a single argument of HTTPServerRequest type:
router = RuleRouter([
Rule(PathMatches("/callable"), request_callable)
def request_callable(request):
request.write(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nOK")
3) Another Router instance:
router = RuleRouter([
Rule(PathMatches("/router.*"), CustomRouter())
Of course a nested RuleRouter or a Application is allowed:
router = RuleRouter([
Rule(HostMatches(""), RuleRouter([
Rule(PathMatches("/app1/.*"), Application([(r"/app1/handler", Handler)])),
(continues on next page)
68 Chapter 6. Documentation
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(continued from previous page)
server = HTTPServer(router)
In the example below RuleRouter is used to route between applications:
app1 = Application([
(r"/app1/handler", Handler1),
# other handlers ...
app2 = Application([
(r"/app2/handler", Handler2),
# other handlers ...
router = RuleRouter([
Rule(PathMatches("/app1.*"), app1),
Rule(PathMatches("/app2.*"), app2)
server = HTTPServer(router)
For more information on application-level routing see docs for Application.
New in version 4.5.
class tornado.routing.Router
Abstract router interface.
find_handler(request: HTTPServerRequest, **kwargs: Any) Optional[HTTPMessageDelegate]
Must be implemented to return an appropriate instance of HTTPMessageDelegate that can serve the re-
quest. Routing implementations may pass additional kwargs to extend the routing logic.
request (httputil.HTTPServerRequest) current HTTP request.
kwargs additional keyword arguments passed by routing implementation.
an instance of HTTPMessageDelegate that will be used to process the request.
class tornado.routing.ReversibleRouter
Abstract router interface for routers that can handle named routes and support reversing them to original urls.
reverse_url(name: str, *args: Any) Optional[str]
Returns url string for a given route name and arguments or None if no match is found.
name (str) route name.
args url parameters.
parametrized url string for a given route name (or None).
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class tornado.routing.RuleRouter(rules: Optional[List[Union[Rule, List[Any], Tuple[Union[str, Matcher],
Any], Tuple[Union[str, Matcher], Any, Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[Union[str,
Matcher], Any, Dict[str, Any], str]]]] = None)
Rule-based router implementation.
Constructs a router from an ordered list of rules:
Rule(PathMatches("/handler"), Target),
# ... more rules
You can also omit explicit Rule constructor and use tuples of arguments:
(PathMatches("/handler"), Target),
PathMatches is a default matcher, so the example above can be simplified:
("/handler", Target),
In the examples above, Target can be a nested Router instance, an instance of
HTTPServerConnectionDelegate or an old-style callable, accepting a request argument.
rules a list of Rule instances or tuples of Rule constructor arguments.
add_rules(rules: List[Union[Rule, List[Any], Tuple[Union[str, Matcher], Any], Tuple[Union[str, Matcher],
Any, Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[Union[str, Matcher], Any, Dict[str, Any], str]]]) None
Appends new rules to the router.
rules a list of Rule instances (or tuples of arguments, which are passed to Rule constructor).
process_rule(rule: Rule) Rule
Override this method for additional preprocessing of each rule.
rule (Rule) a rule to be processed.
the same or modified Rule instance.
get_target_delegate(target: Any, request: HTTPServerRequest, **target_params: Any)
Returns an instance of HTTPMessageDelegate for a Rules target. This method is called by
find_handler and can be extended to provide additional target types.
target a Rules target.
request (httputil.HTTPServerRequest) current request.
target_params additional parameters that can be useful for HTTPMessageDelegate
70 Chapter 6. Documentation
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class tornado.routing.ReversibleRuleRouter(rules: Optional[List[Union[Rule, List[Any],
Tuple[Union[str, Matcher], Any], Tuple[Union[str,
Matcher], Any, Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[Union[str, Matcher],
Any, Dict[str, Any], str]]]] = None)
A rule-based router that implements reverse_url method.
Each rule added to this router may have a name attribute that can be used to reconstruct an original uri. The
actual reconstruction takes place in a rules matcher (see Matcher.reverse).
class tornado.routing.Rule(matcher: Matcher, target: Any, target_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None)
A routing rule.
Constructs a Rule instance.
matcher (Matcher) a Matcher instance used for determining whether the rule should be
considered a match for a specific request.
target a Rule’s target (typically a RequestHandler or
HTTPServerConnectionDelegate subclass or even a nested Router, depending on
routing implementation).
target_kwargs (dict) a dict of parameters that can be useful at the moment of target
instantiation (for example, status_code for a RequestHandler subclass). They end up in
target_params['target_kwargs'] of RuleRouter.get_target_delegate method.
name (str) the name of the rule that can be used to find it in ReversibleRouter.
reverse_url implementation.
class tornado.routing.Matcher
Represents a matcher for request features.
match(request: HTTPServerRequest) Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
Matches current instance against the request.
request (httputil.HTTPServerRequest) current HTTP request
a dict of parameters to be passed to the target handler (for example, handler_kwargs,
path_args, path_kwargs can be passed for proper RequestHandler instantiation). An
empty dict is a valid (and common) return value to indicate a match when the argument-
passing features are not used. None must be returned to indicate that there is no match.
reverse(*args: Any) Optional[str]
Reconstructs full url from matcher instance and additional arguments.
class tornado.routing.AnyMatches
Matches any request.
class tornado.routing.HostMatches(host_pattern: Union[str, Pattern])
Matches requests from hosts specified by host_pattern regex.
class tornado.routing.DefaultHostMatches(application: Any, host_pattern: Pattern)
Matches requests from host that is equal to applications default_host. Always returns no match if X-Real-Ip
header is present.
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class tornado.routing.PathMatches(path_pattern: Union[str, Pattern])
Matches requests with paths specified by path_pattern regex.
class tornado.routing.URLSpec(pattern: Union[str, Pattern], handler: Any, kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
= None, name: Optional[str] = None)
Specifies mappings between URLs and handlers.
pattern: Regular expression to be matched. Any capturing groups in the regex will be passed in to the
handler’s get/post/etc methods as arguments (by keyword if named, by position if unnamed. Named and
unnamed capturing groups may not be mixed in the same rule).
handler: RequestHandler subclass to be invoked.
kwargs (optional): A dictionary of additional arguments to be passed to the handler’s constructor.
name (optional): A name for this handler. Used by reverse_url.
6.2.4 tornado.escape Escaping and string manipulation
Escaping/unescaping methods for HTML, JSON, URLs, and others.
Also includes a few other miscellaneous string manipulation functions that have crept in over time.
Escaping functions
tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(value: Union[str, bytes]) str
Escapes a string so it is valid within HTML or XML.
Escapes the characters <, >, ", ', and &. When used in attribute values the escaped strings must be enclosed in
Changed in version 3.2: Added the single quote to the list of escaped characters.
tornado.escape.xhtml_unescape(value: Union[str, bytes]) str
Un-escapes an XML-escaped string.
tornado.escape.url_escape(value: Union[str, bytes], plus: bool = True) str
Returns a URL-encoded version of the given value.
If plus is true (the default), spaces will be represented as “+” instead of “%20”. This is appropriate for query
strings but not for the path component of a URL. Note that this default is the reverse of Python’s urllib module.
New in version 3.1: The plus argument
tornado.escape.url_unescape(value: Union[str, bytes], encoding: None, plus: bool = True) bytes
tornado.escape.url_unescape(value: Union[str, bytes], encoding: str = 'utf-8', plus: bool = True) str
Decodes the given value from a URL.
The argument may be either a byte or unicode string.
If encoding is None, the result will be a byte string. Otherwise, the result is a unicode string in the specified
If plus is true (the default), plus signs will be interpreted as spaces (literal plus signs must be represented as
“%2B”). This is appropriate for query strings and form-encoded values but not for the path component of a URL.
Note that this default is the reverse of Python’s urllib module.
New in version 3.1: The plus argument
72 Chapter 6. Documentation
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tornado.escape.json_encode(value: Any) str
JSON-encodes the given Python object.
tornado.escape.json_decode(value: Union[str, bytes]) Any
Returns Python objects for the given JSON string.
Supports both str and bytes inputs.
Byte/unicode conversions
tornado.escape.utf8(value: bytes) bytes
tornado.escape.utf8(value: str) bytes
tornado.escape.utf8(value: None) None
Converts a string argument to a byte string.
If the argument is already a byte string or None, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise it must be a unicode string
and is encoded as utf8.
tornado.escape.to_unicode(value: str) str
tornado.escape.to_unicode(value: bytes) str
tornado.escape.to_unicode(value: None) None
Converts a string argument to a unicode string.
If the argument is already a unicode string or None, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise it must be a byte string
and is decoded as utf8.
Converts a byte or unicode string into type str. These functions were used to help transition from Python 2 to
Python 3 but are now deprecated aliases for to_unicode.
tornado.escape.recursive_unicode(obj: Any) Any
Walks a simple data structure, converting byte strings to unicode.
Supports lists, tuples, and dictionaries.
Miscellaneous functions
tornado.escape.linkify(text: Union[str, bytes], shorten: bool = False, extra_params: Union[str,
Callable[[str], str]] = '', require_protocol: bool = False, permitted_protocols:
List[str] = ['http', 'https']) str
Converts plain text into HTML with links.
For example: linkify("Hello!") would return Hello <a href="http://"></a>!
shorten: Long urls will be shortened for display.
extra_params: Extra text to include in the link tag, or a callable taking the link as an argument and return-
ing the extra text e.g. linkify(text, extra_params='rel="nofollow" class="external"'), or:
6.2. Web framework 73
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
def extra_params_cb(url):
if url.startswith(""):
return 'class="internal"'
return 'class="external" rel="nofollow"'
linkify(text, extra_params=extra_params_cb)
require_protocol: Only linkify urls which include a protocol. If this is False, urls such as will also be linkified.
permitted_protocols: List (or set) of protocols which should be linkified, e.g. linkify(text,
permitted_protocols=["http", "ftp", "mailto"]). It is very unsafe to include protocols such
as javascript.
tornado.escape.squeeze(value: str) str
Replace all sequences of whitespace chars with a single space.
6.2.5 tornado.locale Internationalization support
Translation methods for generating localized strings.
To load a locale and generate a translated string:
user_locale = tornado.locale.get("es_LA")
print(user_locale.translate("Sign out"))
tornado.locale.get() returns the closest matching locale, not necessarily the specific locale you requested. You
can support pluralization with additional arguments to translate(), e.g.:
people = [...]
message = user_locale.translate(
"%(list)s is online", "%(list)s are online", len(people))
print(message % {"list": user_locale.list(people)})
The first string is chosen if len(people) == 1, otherwise the second string is chosen.
Applications should call one of load_translations (which uses a simple CSV format) or
load_gettext_translations (which uses the .mo format supported by gettext and related tools). If nei-
ther method is called, the Locale.translate method will simply return the original string.
tornado.locale.get(*locale_codes: str) Locale
Returns the closest match for the given locale codes.
We iterate over all given locale codes in order. If we have a tight or a loose match for the code (e.g., “en” for
“en_US”), we return the locale. Otherwise we move to the next code in the list.
By default we return en_US if no translations are found for any of the specified locales. You can change the
default locale with set_default_locale().
tornado.locale.set_default_locale(code: str) None
Sets the default locale.
The default locale is assumed to be the language used for all strings in the system. The translations loaded from
disk are mappings from the default locale to the destination locale. Consequently, you don’t need to create a
translation file for the default locale.
74 Chapter 6. Documentation
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tornado.locale.load_translations(directory: str, encoding: Optional[str] = None) None
Loads translations from CSV files in a directory.
Translations are strings with optional Python-style named placeholders (e.g., My name is %(name)s) and their
associated translations.
The directory should have translation files of the form LOCALE.csv, e.g. es_GT.csv. The CSV files should
have two or three columns: string, translation, and an optional plural indicator. Plural indicators should be
one of “plural” or “singular”. A given string can have both singular and plural forms. For example %(name)s
liked this may have a different verb conjugation depending on whether %(name)s is one name or a list of
names. There should be two rows in the CSV file for that string, one with plural indicator “singular”, and one
“plural”. For strings with no verbs that would change on translation, simply use “unknown” or the empty string
(or don’t include the column at all).
The file is read using the csv module in the default “excel” dialect. In this format there should not be spaces
after the commas.
If no encoding parameter is given, the encoding will be detected automatically (among UTF-8 and UTF-16) if
the file contains a byte-order marker (BOM), defaulting to UTF-8 if no BOM is present.
Example translation es_LA.csv:
"I love you","Te amo"
"%(name)s liked this","A %(name)s les gustó esto","plural"
"%(name)s liked this","A %(name)s le gustó esto","singular"
Changed in version 4.3: Added encoding parameter. Added support for BOM-based encoding detection, UTF-
16, and UTF-8-with-BOM.
tornado.locale.load_gettext_translations(directory: str, domain: str) None
Loads translations from gettexts locale tree
Locale tree is similar to system’s /usr/share/locale, like:
Three steps are required to have your app translated:
1. Generate POT translation file:
xgettext --language=Python --keyword=_:1,2 -d mydomain file2.html etc
2. Merge against existing POT file:
msgmerge old.po mydomain.po > new.po
3. Compile:
msgfmt mydomain.po -o {directory}/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
tornado.locale.get_supported_locales() Iterable[str]
Returns a list of all the supported locale codes.
class tornado.locale.Locale(code: str)
Object representing a locale.
After calling one of load_translations or load_gettext_translations , call get or get_closest to get
a Locale object.
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classmethod get_closest(*locale_codes: str) Locale
Returns the closest match for the given locale code.
classmethod get(code: str) Locale
Returns the Locale for the given locale code.
If it is not supported, we raise an exception.
translate(message: str, plural_message: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[int] = None) str
Returns the translation for the given message for this locale.
If plural_message is given, you must also provide count. We return plural_message when count
!= 1, and we return the singular form for the given message when count == 1.
format_date(date: Union[int, float, datetime], gmt_offset: int = 0, relative: bool = True, shorter: bool =
False, full_format: bool = False) str
Formats the given date (which should be GMT).
By default, we return a relative time (e.g., “2 minutes ago”). You can return an absolute date string with
You can force a full format date (“July 10, 1980”) with full_format=True.
This method is primarily intended for dates in the past. For dates in the future, we fall back to full format.
format_day(date: datetime, gmt_offset: int = 0, dow: bool = True) bool
Formats the given date as a day of week.
Example: “Monday, January 22”. You can remove the day of week with dow=False.
list(parts: Any) str
Returns a comma-separated list for the given list of parts.
The format is, e.g., A, B and C”, A and B” or just A for lists of size 1.
friendly_number(value: int) str
Returns a comma-separated number for the given integer.
class tornado.locale.CSVLocale(code: str, translations: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]])
Locale implementation using tornado’s CSV translation format.
class tornado.locale.GettextLocale(code: str, translations: NullTranslations)
Locale implementation using the gettext module.
pgettext(context: str, message: str, plural_message: Optional[str] = None, count: Optional[int] = None)
Allows to set context for translation, accepts plural forms.
Usage example:
pgettext("law", "right")
pgettext("good", "right")
Plural message example:
pgettext("organization", "club", "clubs", len(clubs))
pgettext("stick", "club", "clubs", len(clubs))
To generate POT file with context, add following options to step 1 of load_gettext_translations
76 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
xgettext [basic options] --keyword=pgettext:1c,2 --keyword=pgettext:1c,2,3
New in version 4.2.
6.2.6 tornado.websocket Bidirectional communication to the browser
Implementation of the WebSocket protocol.
WebSockets allow for bidirectional communication between the browser and server. WebSockets are supported in the
current versions of all major browsers.
This module implements the final version of the WebSocket protocol as defined in RFC 6455.
Changed in version 4.0: Removed support for the draft 76 protocol version.
class tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler(application: Application, request: HTTPServerRequest,
**kwargs: Any)
Subclass this class to create a basic WebSocket handler.
Override on_message to handle incoming messages, and use write_message to send messages to the client.
You can also override open and on_close to handle opened and closed connections.
Custom upgrade response headers can be sent by overriding set_default_headers or prepare.
See for details on the JavaScript interface. The protocol is specified at
Here is an example WebSocket handler that echos back all received messages back to the client:
class EchoWebSocket(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
def open(self):
print("WebSocket opened")
def on_message(self, message):
self.write_message(u"You said: " + message)
def on_close(self):
print("WebSocket closed")
WebSockets are not standard HTTP connections. The “handshake” is HTTP, but after the handshake, the protocol
is message-based. Consequently, most of the Tornado HTTP facilities are not available in handlers of this type.
The only communication methods available to you are write_message(), ping(), and close(). Likewise,
your request handler class should implement open() method rather than get() or post().
If you map the handler above to /websocket in your application, you can invoke it in JavaScript with:
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888/websocket");
ws.onopen = function() {
ws.send("Hello, world");
ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
This script pops up an alert box that says “You said: Hello, world”.
Web browsers allow any site to open a websocket connection to any other, instead of using the same-origin policy
that governs other network access from JavaScript. This can be surprising and is a potential security hole, so
6.2. Web framework 77
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since Tornado 4.0 WebSocketHandler requires applications that wish to receive cross-origin websockets to opt
in by overriding the check_origin method (see that method’s docs for details). Failure to do so is the most
likely cause of 403 errors when making a websocket connection.
When using a secure websocket connection (wss://) with a self-signed certificate, the connection from a
browser may fail because it wants to show the “accept this certificate” dialog but has nowhere to show it. You
must first visit a regular HTML page using the same certificate to accept it before the websocket connection will
If the application setting websocket_ping_interval has a non-zero value, a ping will be sent periodically,
and the connection will be closed if a response is not received before the websocket_ping_timeout.
Messages larger than the websocket_max_message_size application setting (default 10MiB) will not be ac-
Changed in version 4.5: Added websocket_ping_interval, websocket_ping_timeout, and
Event handlers*args: str, **kwargs: str) Optional[Awaitable[None]]
Invoked when a new WebSocket is opened.
The arguments to open are extracted from the tornado.web.URLSpec regular expression, just like the argu-
ments to tornado.web.RequestHandler.get.
open may be a coroutine. on_message will not be called until open has returned.
Changed in version 5.1: open may be a coroutine.
WebSocketHandler.on_message(message: Union[str, bytes]) Optional[Awaitable[None]]
Handle incoming messages on the WebSocket
This method must be overridden.
Changed in version 4.5: on_message can be a coroutine.
WebSocketHandler.on_close() None
Invoked when the WebSocket is closed.
If the connection was closed cleanly and a status code or reason phrase was supplied, these values will be available
as the attributes self.close_code and self.close_reason.
Changed in version 4.0: Added close_code and close_reason attributes.
WebSocketHandler.select_subprotocol(subprotocols: List[str]) Optional[str]
Override to implement subprotocol negotiation.
subprotocols is a list of strings identifying the subprotocols proposed by the client. This method may be
overridden to return one of those strings to select it, or None to not select a subprotocol.
Failure to select a subprotocol does not automatically abort the connection, although clients may close the con-
nection if none of their proposed subprotocols was selected.
The list may be empty, in which case this method must return None. This method is always called exactly once
even if no subprotocols were proposed so that the handler can be advised of this fact.
Changed in version 5.1: Previously, this method was called with a list containing an empty string instead of an
empty list if no subprotocols were proposed by the client.
78 Chapter 6. Documentation
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The subprotocol returned by select_subprotocol.
New in version 5.1.
WebSocketHandler.on_ping(data: bytes) None
Invoked when the a ping frame is received.
WebSocketHandler.write_message(message: Union[bytes, str, Dict[str, Any]], binary: bool = False)
Sends the given message to the client of this Web Socket.
The message may be either a string or a dict (which will be encoded as json). If the binary argument is false,
the message will be sent as utf8; in binary mode any byte string is allowed.
If the connection is already closed, raises WebSocketClosedError. Returns a Future which can be used for
flow control.
Changed in version 3.2: WebSocketClosedError was added (previously a closed connection would raise an
Changed in version 4.3: Returns a Future which can be used for flow control.
Changed in version 5.0: Consistently raises WebSocketClosedError. Previously could sometimes raise
WebSocketHandler.close(code: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None) None
Closes this Web Socket.
Once the close handshake is successful the socket will be closed.
code may be a numeric status code, taken from the values defined in RFC 6455 section 7.4.1. reason may be a
textual message about why the connection is closing. These values are made available to the client, but are not
otherwise interpreted by the websocket protocol.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the code and reason arguments.
WebSocketHandler.check_origin(origin: str) bool
Override to enable support for allowing alternate origins.
The origin argument is the value of the Origin HTTP header, the url responsible for initiating this request.
This method is not called for clients that do not send this header; such requests are always allowed (because all
browsers that implement WebSockets support this header, and non-browser clients do not have the same cross-site
security concerns).
Should return True to accept the request or False to reject it. By default, rejects all requests with an origin on
a host other than this one.
This is a security protection against cross site scripting attacks on browsers, since WebSockets are allowed to
bypass the usual same-origin policies and don’t use CORS headers.
6.2. Web framework 79
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Warning: This is an important security measure; don’t disable it without understanding the security im-
plications. In particular, if your authentication is cookie-based, you must either restrict the origins allowed
by check_origin() or implement your own XSRF-like protection for websocket connections. See these
articles for more.
To accept all cross-origin traffic (which was the default prior to Tornado 4.0), simply override this method to
always return True:
def check_origin(self, origin):
return True
To allow connections from any subdomain of your site, you might do something like:
def check_origin(self, origin):
parsed_origin = urllib.parse.urlparse(origin)
return parsed_origin.netloc.endswith("")
New in version 4.0.
WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options() Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
Override to return compression options for the connection.
If this method returns None (the default), compression will be disabled. If it returns a dict (even an empty one),
it will be enabled. The contents of the dict may be used to control the following compression options:
compression_level specifies the compression level.
mem_level specifies the amount of memory used for the internal compression state.
These parameters are documented in details here:
New in version 4.1.
Changed in version 4.5: Added compression_level and mem_level.
WebSocketHandler.set_nodelay(value: bool) None
Set the no-delay flag for this stream.
By default, small messages may be delayed and/or combined to minimize the number of packets sent. This can
sometimes cause 200-500ms delays due to the interaction between Nagles algorithm and TCP delayed ACKs.
To reduce this delay (at the expense of possibly increasing bandwidth usage), call self.set_nodelay(True)
once the websocket connection is established.
See BaseIOStream.set_nodelay for additional details.
New in version 3.1.
80 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Other Union[str, bytes] = b'') None
Send ping frame to the remote end.
The data argument allows a small amount of data (up to 125 bytes) to be sent as a part of the ping message. Note
that not all websocket implementations expose this data to applications.
Consider using the websocket_ping_interval application setting instead of sending pings manually.
Changed in version 5.1: The data argument is now optional.
WebSocketHandler.on_pong(data: bytes) None
Invoked when the response to a ping frame is received.
exception tornado.websocket.WebSocketClosedError
Raised by operations on a closed connection.
New in version 3.2.
Client-side support
tornado.websocket.websocket_connect(url: Union[str, HTTPRequest], callback:
Optional[Callable[[Future[WebSocketClientConnection]], None]] =
None, connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None,
on_message_callback: Optional[Callable[[Union[None, str, bytes]],
None]] = None, compression_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] =
None, ping_interval: Optional[float] = None, ping_timeout:
Optional[float] = None, max_message_size: int = 10485760,
subprotocols: Optional[List[str]] = None, resolver:
Optional[Resolver] = None)
Client-side websocket support.
Takes a url and returns a Future whose result is a WebSocketClientConnection.
compression_options is interpreted in the same way as the return value of WebSocketHandler.
The connection supports two styles of operation. In the coroutine style, the application typically calls
read_message in a loop:
conn = yield websocket_connect(url)
while True:
msg = yield conn.read_message()
if msg is None: break
# Do something with msg
In the callback style, pass an on_message_callback to websocket_connect. In both styles, a message of
None indicates that the connection has been closed.
subprotocols may be a list of strings specifying proposed subprotocols. The selected protocol may be found
on the selected_subprotocol attribute of the connection object when the connection is complete.
Changed in version 3.2: Also accepts HTTPRequest objects in place of urls.
Changed in version 4.1: Added compression_options and on_message_callback.
6.2. Web framework 81
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Changed in version 4.5: Added the ping_interval, ping_timeout, and max_message_size arguments,
which have the same meaning as in WebSocketHandler.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Changed in version 5.1: Added the subprotocols argument.
Changed in version 6.3: Added the resolver argument.
class tornado.websocket.WebSocketClientConnection(request: HTTPRequest, on_message_callback:
Optional[Callable[[Union[None, str, bytes]],
None]] = None, compression_options:
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ping_interval:
Optional[float] = None, ping_timeout:
Optional[float] = None, max_message_size: int =
10485760, subprotocols: Optional[List[str]] = [],
resolver: Optional[Resolver] = None)
WebSocket client connection.
This class should not be instantiated directly; use the websocket_connect function instead.
close(code: Optional[int] = None, reason: Optional[str] = None) None
Closes the websocket connection.
code and reason are documented under WebSocketHandler.close.
New in version 3.2.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the code and reason arguments.
write_message(message: Union[str, bytes, Dict[str, Any]], binary: bool = False) Future[None]
Sends a message to the WebSocket server.
If the stream is closed, raises WebSocketClosedError. Returns a Future which can be used for flow
Changed in version 5.0: Exception raised on a closed stream changed from StreamClosedError to
read_message(callback: Optional[Callable[[Future[Union[None, str, bytes]]], None]] = None)
Awaitable[Union[None, str, bytes]]
Reads a message from the WebSocket server.
If on_message_callback was specified at WebSocket initialization, this function will never return messages
Returns a future whose result is the message, or None if the connection is closed. If a callback argument is
given it will be called with the future when it is ready.
ping(data: bytes = b'') None
Send ping frame to the remote end.
The data argument allows a small amount of data (up to 125 bytes) to be sent as a part of the ping message.
Note that not all websocket implementations expose this data to applications.
Consider using the ping_interval argument to websocket_connect instead of sending pings manually.
New in version 5.1.
property selected_subprotocol: Optional[str]
The subprotocol selected by the server.
New in version 5.1.
82 Chapter 6. Documentation
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6.3 HTTP servers and clients
6.3.1 tornado.httpserver Non-blocking HTTP server
A non-blocking, single-threaded HTTP server.
Typical applications have little direct interaction with the HTTPServer class except to start a server at the beginning of
the process (and even that is often done indirectly via tornado.web.Application.listen).
Changed in version 4.0: The HTTPRequest class that used to live in this module has been moved to tornado.
httputil.HTTPServerRequest. The old name remains as an alias.
HTTP Server
class tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(request_callback: Union[httputil.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate,
Callable[[httputil.HTTPServerRequest], None]], no_keep_alive: bool
= False, xheaders: bool = False, ssl_options: Union[Dict[str, Any],
ssl.SSLContext] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None,
decompress_request: bool = False, chunk_size: Optional[int] =
None, max_header_size: Optional[int] = None,
idle_connection_timeout: Optional[float] = None, body_timeout:
Optional[float] = None, max_body_size: Optional[int] = None,
max_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, trusted_downstream:
Optional[List[str]] = None)
A non-blocking, single-threaded HTTP server.
A server is defined by a subclass of HTTPServerConnectionDelegate, or, for backwards compatibility,
a callback that takes an HTTPServerRequest as an argument. The delegate is usually a tornado.web.
HTTPServer supports keep-alive connections by default (automatically for HTTP/1.1, or for HTTP/1.0 when
the client requests Connection: keep-alive).
If xheaders is True, we support the X-Real-Ip/X-Forwarded-For and X-Scheme/X-Forwarded-Proto
headers, which override the remote IP and URI scheme/protocol for all requests. These headers are useful when
running Tornado behind a reverse proxy or load balancer. The protocol argument can also be set to https if
Tornado is run behind an SSL-decoding proxy that does not set one of the supported xheaders.
By default, when parsing the X-Forwarded-For header, Tornado will select the last (i.e., the closest) address on
the list of hosts as the remote host IP address. To select the next server in the chain, a list of trusted downstream
hosts may be passed as the trusted_downstream argument. These hosts will be skipped when parsing the
X-Forwarded-For header.
To make this server serve SSL traffic, send the ssl_options keyword argument with an ssl.SSLContext
object. For compatibility with older versions of Python ssl_options may also be a dictionary of keyword
arguments for the ssl.wrap_socket method.:
ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.crt"),
os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.key"))
HTTPServer(application, ssl_options=ssl_ctx)
HTTPServer initialization follows one of three patterns (the initialization methods are defined on tornado.
1. listen: single-process:
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 83
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
async def main():
server = HTTPServer()
await asyncio.Event.wait()
In many cases, tornado.web.Application.listen can be used to avoid the need to explicitly create
the HTTPServer.
While this example does not create multiple processes on its own, when the reuse_port=True argument
is passed to listen() you can run the program multiple times to create a multi-process service.
2. add_sockets: multi-process:
sockets = bind_sockets(8888)
async def post_fork_main():
server = HTTPServer()
await asyncio.Event().wait()
The add_sockets interface is more complicated, but it can be used with tornado.process.
fork_processes to run a multi-process service with all worker processes forked from a single parent.
add_sockets can also be used in single-process servers if you want to create your listening sockets in
some way other than bind_sockets.
Note that when using this pattern, nothing that touches the event loop can be run before fork_processes.
3. bind/start: simple deprecated multi-process:
server = HTTPServer()
server.start(0) # Forks multiple sub-processes
This pattern is deprecated because it requires interfaces in the asyncio module that have been deprecated
since Python 3.10. Support for creating multiple processes in the start method will be removed in a future
version of Tornado.
Changed in version 4.0: Added decompress_request, chunk_size, max_header_size,
idle_connection_timeout, body_timeout, max_body_size arguments. Added support for
HTTPServerConnectionDelegate instances as request_callback.
Changed in version 4.1: HTTPServerConnectionDelegate.start_request is now called with two
arguments (server_conn, request_conn) (in accordance with the documentation) instead of one
Changed in version 4.2: HTTPServer is now a subclass of tornado.util.Configurable.
Changed in version 4.5: Added the trusted_downstream argument.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument has been removed.
The public interface of this class is mostly inherited from TCPServer and is documented under that class.
84 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
coroutine close_all_connections() None
Close all open connections and asynchronously wait for them to finish.
This method is used in combination with stop to support clean shutdowns (especially for
unittests). Typical usage would call stop() first to stop accepting new connections, then await
close_all_connections() to wait for existing connections to finish.
This method does not currently close open websocket connections.
Note that this method is a coroutine and must be called with await.
6.3.2 tornado.httpclient Asynchronous HTTP client
Blocking and non-blocking HTTP client interfaces.
This module defines a common interface shared by two implementations, simple_httpclient and
curl_httpclient. Applications may either instantiate their chosen implementation class directly or use the
AsyncHTTPClient class from this module, which selects an implementation that can be overridden with the
AsyncHTTPClient.configure method.
The default implementation is simple_httpclient, and this is expected to be suitable for most users needs. However,
some applications may wish to switch to curl_httpclient for reasons such as the following:
curl_httpclient has some features not found in simple_httpclient, including support for HTTP proxies
and the ability to use a specified network interface.
curl_httpclient is more likely to be compatible with sites that are not-quite-compliant with the HTTP spec,
or sites that use little-exercised features of HTTP.
curl_httpclient is faster.
Note that if you are using curl_httpclient, it is highly recommended that you use a recent version of libcurl and
pycurl. Currently the minimum supported version of libcurl is 7.22.0, and the minimum version of pycurl is 7.18.2.
It is highly recommended that your libcurl installation is built with asynchronous DNS resolver (threaded or c-ares),
otherwise you may encounter various problems with request timeouts (for more information, see
libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTCONNECTTIMEOUTMS and comments in
To select curl_httpclient, call AsyncHTTPClient.configure at startup:
HTTP client interfaces
class tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient(async_client_class: Optional[Type[AsyncHTTPClient]] = None,
**kwargs: Any)
A blocking HTTP client.
This interface is provided to make it easier to share code between synchronous and asynchronous applications.
Applications that are running an IOLoop must use AsyncHTTPClient instead.
Typical usage looks like this:
http_client = httpclient.HTTPClient()
response = http_client.fetch("")
except httpclient.HTTPError as e:
(continues on next page)
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 85
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
# HTTPError is raised for non-200 responses; the response
# can be found in e.response.
print("Error: " + str(e))
except Exception as e:
# Other errors are possible, such as IOError.
print("Error: " + str(e))
Changed in version 5.0: Due to limitations in asyncio, it is no longer possible to use the synchronous
HTTPClient while an IOLoop is running. Use AsyncHTTPClient instead.
close() None
Closes the HTTPClient, freeing any resources used.
fetch(request: Union[HTTPRequest, str], **kwargs: Any) HTTPResponse
Executes a request, returning an HTTPResponse .
The request may be either a string URL or an HTTPRequest object. If it is a string, we construct an
HTTPRequest using any additional kwargs: HTTPRequest(request, **kwargs)
If an error occurs during the fetch, we raise an HTTPError unless the raise_error keyword argument is
set to False.
class tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient(force_instance: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)
An non-blocking HTTP client.
Example usage:
async def f():
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = await http_client.fetch("")
except Exception as e:
print("Error: %s" % e)
The constructor for this class is magic in several respects: It actually creates an instance of an implementation-
specific subclass, and instances are reused as a kind of pseudo-singleton (one per IOLoop). The keyword argu-
ment force_instance=True can be used to suppress this singleton behavior. Unless force_instance=True
is used, no arguments should be passed to the AsyncHTTPClient constructor. The implementation subclass as
well as arguments to its constructor can be set with the static method configure()
All AsyncHTTPClient implementations support a defaults keyword argument, which can be used to set de-
fault values for HTTPRequest attributes. For example:
None, defaults=dict(user_agent="MyUserAgent"))
# or with force_instance:
client = AsyncHTTPClient(force_instance=True,
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
close() None
Destroys this HTTP client, freeing any file descriptors used.
86 Chapter 6. Documentation
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This method is not needed in normal use due to the way that AsyncHTTPClient objects are transpar-
ently reused. close() is generally only necessary when either the IOLoop is also being closed, or the
force_instance=True argument was used when creating the AsyncHTTPClient.
No other methods may be called on the AsyncHTTPClient after close().
fetch(request: Union[str, HTTPRequest], raise_error: bool = True, **kwargs: Any)
Executes a request, asynchronously returning an HTTPResponse .
The request may be either a string URL or an HTTPRequest object. If it is a string, we construct an
HTTPRequest using any additional kwargs: HTTPRequest(request, **kwargs)
This method returns a Future whose result is an HTTPResponse. By default, the Future will raise an
HTTPError if the request returned a non-200 response code (other errors may also be raised if the server
could not be contacted). Instead, if raise_error is set to False, the response will always be returned
regardless of the response code.
If a callback is given, it will be invoked with the HTTPResponse. In the callback interface, HTTPError
is not automatically raised. Instead, you must check the responses error attribute or call its rethrow
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
The raise_error=False argument only affects the HTTPError raised when a non-200 response code is
used, instead of suppressing all errors.
classmethod configure(impl: Union[None, str, Type[Configurable]], **kwargs: Any) None
Configures the AsyncHTTPClient subclass to use.
AsyncHTTPClient() actually creates an instance of a subclass. This method may be called with
either a class object or the fully-qualified name of such a class (or None to use the default,
If additional keyword arguments are given, they will be passed to the constructor of each subclass instance
created. The keyword argument max_clients determines the maximum number of simultaneous fetch()
operations that can execute in parallel on each IOLoop. Additional arguments may be supported depending
on the implementation class in use.
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 87
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Request objects
class tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest(url: str, method: str = 'GET', headers: Optional[Union[Dict[str,
str], HTTPHeaders]] = None, body: Optional[Union[bytes, str]] =
None, auth_username: Optional[str] = None, auth_password:
Optional[str] = None, auth_mode: Optional[str] = None,
connect_timeout: Optional[float] = None, request_timeout:
Optional[float] = None, if_modified_since: Optional[Union[float,
datetime]] = None, follow_redirects: Optional[bool] = None,
max_redirects: Optional[int] = None, user_agent: Optional[str] =
None, use_gzip: Optional[bool] = None, network_interface:
Optional[str] = None, streaming_callback:
Optional[Callable[[bytes], None]] = None, header_callback:
Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, prepare_curl_callback:
Optional[Callable[[Any], None]] = None, proxy_host: Optional[str]
= None, proxy_port: Optional[int] = None, proxy_username:
Optional[str] = None, proxy_password: Optional[str] = None,
proxy_auth_mode: Optional[str] = None,
allow_nonstandard_methods: Optional[bool] = None,
validate_cert: Optional[bool] = None, ca_certs: Optional[str] =
None, allow_ipv6: Optional[bool] = None, client_key: Optional[str]
= None, client_cert: Optional[str] = None, body_producer:
Optional[Callable[[Callable[[bytes], None]], Future[None]]] =
None, expect_100_continue: bool = False, decompress_response:
Optional[bool] = None, ssl_options: Optional[Union[Dict[str,
Any], SSLContext]] = None)
HTTP client request object.
All parameters except url are optional.
url (str) URL to fetch
method (str) HTTP method, e.g. “GET” or “POST”
headers (HTTPHeaders or dict) Additional HTTP headers to pass on the request
body (str or bytes) HTTP request body as a string (byte or unicode; if unicode the utf-8
encoding will be used)
body_producer ( Callable used for lazy/asynchronous
request bodies. It is called with one argument, a write function, and should return a Future.
It should call the write function with new data as it becomes available. The write function re-
turns a Future which can be used for flow control. Only one of body and body_producer
may be specified. body_producer is not supported on curl_httpclient. When using
body_producer it is recommended to pass a Content-Length in the headers as other-
wise chunked encoding will be used, and many servers do not support chunked encoding on
requests. New in Tornado 4.0
auth_username (str) Username for HTTP authentication
auth_password (str) Password for HTTP authentication
auth_mode (str) Authentication mode; default is “basic”. Allowed values
are implementation-defined; curl_httpclient supports “basic” and “digest”;
simple_httpclient only supports “basic”
88 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
connect_timeout (float) Timeout for initial connection in seconds, default 20 seconds
(0 means no timeout)
request_timeout (float) Timeout for entire request in seconds, default 20 seconds (0
means no timeout)
if_modified_since (datetime or float) Timestamp for If-Modified-Since header
follow_redirects (bool) Should redirects be followed automatically or return the 3xx
response? Default True.
max_redirects (int) Limit for follow_redirects, default 5.
user_agent (str) String to send as User-Agent header
decompress_response (bool) Request a compressed response from the server and de-
compress it after downloading. Default is True. New in Tornado 4.0.
use_gzip (bool) Deprecated alias for decompress_response since Tornado 4.0.
network_interface (str) Network interface or source IP to use for request. See
curl_httpclient note below.
streaming_callback ( If set, streaming_callback
will be run with each chunk of data as it is received, and HTTPResponse.body and
HTTPResponse.buffer will be empty in the final response.
header_callback ( If set, header_callback will be
run with each header line as it is received (including the first line, e.g. HTTP/1.0 200 OK\
r\n, and a final line containing only \r\n. All lines include the trailing newline characters).
HTTPResponse.headers will be empty in the final response. This is most useful in con-
junction with streaming_callback, because its the only way to get access to header data
while the request is in progress.
prepare_curl_callback ( If set, will be called with a
pycurl.Curl object to allow the application to make additional setopt calls.
proxy_host (str) HTTP proxy hostname. To use proxies, proxy_host and proxy_port
must be set; proxy_username, proxy_pass and proxy_auth_mode are optional. Proxies
are currently only supported with curl_httpclient.
proxy_port (int) HTTP proxy port
proxy_username (str) HTTP proxy username
proxy_password (str) HTTP proxy password
proxy_auth_mode (str) HTTP proxy Authentication mode; default is “basic”. supports
“basic” and “digest”
allow_nonstandard_methods (bool) Allow unknown values for method argument?
Default is False.
validate_cert (bool) For HTTPS requests, validate the servers certificate? Default is
ca_certs (str) filename of CA certificates in PEM format, or None to use defaults. See
note below when used with curl_httpclient.
client_key (str) Filename for client SSL key, if any. See note below when used with
client_cert (str) Filename for client SSL certificate, if any. See note below when used
with curl_httpclient.
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 89
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
ssl_options (ssl.SSLContext) ssl.SSLContext object for use in
simple_httpclient (unsupported by curl_httpclient). Overrides validate_cert,
ca_certs, client_key, and client_cert.
allow_ipv6 (bool) Use IPv6 when available? Default is True.
expect_100_continue (bool) – If true, send the Expect: 100-continue header
and wait for a continue response before sending the request body. Only supported with
Note: When using curl_httpclient certain options may be inherited by subsequent fetches because pycurl
does not allow them to be cleanly reset. This applies to the ca_certs, client_key, client_cert, and
network_interface arguments. If you use these options, you should pass them on every request (you dont
have to always use the same values, but its not possible to mix requests that specify these options with ones that
use the defaults).
New in version 3.1: The auth_mode argument.
New in version 4.0: The body_producer and expect_100_continue arguments.
New in version 4.2: The ssl_options argument.
New in version 4.5: The proxy_auth_mode argument.
Response objects
class tornado.httpclient.HTTPResponse(request: HTTPRequest, code: int, headers:
Optional[HTTPHeaders] = None, buffer: Optional[BytesIO] =
None, effective_url: Optional[str] = None, error:
Optional[BaseException] = None, request_time: Optional[float] =
None, time_info: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, reason:
Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[float] = None)
HTTP Response object.
request: HTTPRequest object
code: numeric HTTP status code, e.g. 200 or 404
reason: human-readable reason phrase describing the status code
headers: tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders object
effective_url: final location of the resource after following any redirects
buffer: cStringIO object for response body
body: response body as bytes (created on demand from self.buffer)
error: Exception object, if any
request_time: seconds from request start to finish. Includes all network operations from DNS resolution
to receiving the last byte of data. Does not include time spent in the queue (due to the max_clients
option). If redirects were followed, only includes the final request.
start_time: Time at which the HTTP operation started, based on time.time (not the monotonic clock
used by IOLoop.time). May be None if the request timed out while in the queue.
90 Chapter 6. Documentation
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time_info: dictionary of diagnostic timing information from the request. Available data are subject
to change, but currently uses timings available from,
plus queue, which is the delay (if any) introduced by waiting for a slot under AsyncHTTPClients
max_clients setting.
New in version 5.1: Added the start_time attribute.
Changed in version 5.1: The request_time attribute previously included time spent in the queue for
simple_httpclient, but not in curl_httpclient. Now queueing time is excluded in both implementa-
tions. request_time is now more accurate for curl_httpclient because it uses a monotonic clock when
rethrow() None
If there was an error on the request, raise an HTTPError.
exception tornado.httpclient.HTTPClientError(code: int, message: Optional[str] = None, response:
Optional[HTTPResponse] = None)
Exception thrown for an unsuccessful HTTP request.
code - HTTP error integer error code, e.g. 404. Error code 599 is used when no HTTP response was
received, e.g. for a timeout.
response - HTTPResponse object, if any.
Note that if follow_redirects is False, redirects become HTTPErrors, and you can look at error.response.
headers['Location'] to see the destination of the redirect.
Changed in version 5.1: Renamed from HTTPError to HTTPClientError to avoid collisions with tornado.
web.HTTPError. The name tornado.httpclient.HTTPError remains as an alias.
exception tornado.httpclient.HTTPError
Alias for HTTPClientError.
Command-line interface
This module provides a simple command-line interface to fetch a url using Tornado’s HTTP client. Example usage:
# Fetch the url and print its body
python -m tornado.httpclient
# Just print the headers
python -m tornado.httpclient --print_headers --print_body=false
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 91
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.simple_httpclient.SimpleAsyncHTTPClient(force_instance: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)
Non-blocking HTTP client with no external dependencies.
This class implements an HTTP 1.1 client on top of Tornado’s IOStreams. Some features found in the curl-based
AsyncHTTPClient are not yet supported. In particular, proxies are not supported, connections are not reused,
and callers cannot select the network interface to be used.
This implementation supports the following arguments, which can be passed to configure() to control the
global singleton, or to the constructor when force_instance=True.
max_clients is the number of concurrent requests that can be in progress; when this limit is reached additional
requests will be queued. Note that time spent waiting in this queue still counts against the request_timeout.
defaults is a dict of parameters that will be used as defaults on all HTTPRequest objects submitted to this
hostname_mapping is a dictionary mapping hostnames to IP addresses. It can be used to make local DNS
changes when modifying system-wide settings like /etc/hosts is not possible or desirable (e.g. in unittests).
resolver is similar, but using the Resolver interface instead of a simple mapping.
max_buffer_size (default 100MB) is the number of bytes that can be read into memory at once.
max_body_size (defaults to max_buffer_size) is the largest response body that the client will accept. With-
out a streaming_callback, the smaller of these two limits applies; with a streaming_callback only
max_body_size does.
Changed in version 4.2: Added the max_body_size argument.
class tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient(max_clients=10, defaults=None)
libcurl-based HTTP client.
This implementation supports the following arguments, which can be passed to configure() to control the
global singleton, or to the constructor when force_instance=True.
max_clients is the number of concurrent requests that can be in progress; when this limit is reached additional
requests will be queued.
defaults is a dict of parameters that will be used as defaults on all HTTPRequest objects submitted to this
Example Code
A simple webspider shows how to fetch URLs concurrently.
The file uploader demo uses either HTTP POST or HTTP PUT to upload files to a server.
6.3.3 tornado.httputil Manipulate HTTP headers and URLs
HTTP utility code shared by clients and servers.
This module also defines the HTTPServerRequest class which is exposed via tornado.web.RequestHandler.
class tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders(__arg: Mapping[str, List[str]])
class tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders(__arg: Mapping[str, str])
class tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders(*args: Tuple[str, str])
92 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders(**kwargs: str)
A dictionary that maintains Http-Header-Case for all keys.
Supports multiple values per key via a pair of new methods, add() and get_list(). The regular dictionary
interface returns a single value per key, with multiple values joined by a comma.
>>> h = HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "text/html"})
>>> list(h.keys())
>>> h["Content-Type"]
>>> h.add("Set-Cookie", "A=B")
>>> h.add("Set-Cookie", "C=D")
>>> h["set-cookie"]
>>> h.get_list("set-cookie")
['A=B', 'C=D']
>>> for (k,v) in sorted(h.get_all()):
... print('%s: %s' % (k,v))
Content-Type: text/html
Set-Cookie: A=B
Set-Cookie: C=D
add(name: str, value: str) None
Adds a new value for the given key.
get_list(name: str) List[str]
Returns all values for the given header as a list.
get_all() Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]
Returns an iterable of all (name, value) pairs.
If a header has multiple values, multiple pairs will be returned with the same name.
parse_line(line: str) None
Updates the dictionary with a single header line.
>>> h = HTTPHeaders()
>>> h.parse_line("Content-Type: text/html")
>>> h.get('content-type')
classmethod parse(headers: str) HTTPHeaders
Returns a dictionary from HTTP header text.
>>> h = HTTPHeaders.parse("Content-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 42\r\n")
>>> sorted(h.items())
[('Content-Length', '42'), ('Content-Type', 'text/html')]
Changed in version 5.1: Raises HTTPInputError on malformed headers instead of a mix of KeyError,
and ValueError.
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 93
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest(method: Optional[str] = None, uri: Optional[str] = None,
version: str = 'HTTP/1.0', headers: Optional[HTTPHeaders]
= None, body: Optional[bytes] = None, host: Optional[str] =
None, files: Optional[Dict[str, List[HTTPFile]]] = None,
connection: Optional[HTTPConnection] = None, start_line:
Optional[RequestStartLine] = None, server_connection:
Optional[object] = None)
A single HTTP request.
All attributes are type str unless otherwise noted.
HTTP request method, e.g. “GET” or “POST”
The requested uri.
The path portion of uri
The query portion of uri
HTTP version specified in request, e.g. “HTTP/1.1”
HTTPHeaders dictionary-like object for request headers. Acts like a case-insensitive dictionary with addi-
tional methods for repeated headers.
Request body, if present, as a byte string.
Clients IP address as a string. If HTTPServer.xheaders is set, will pass along the real IP address provided
by a load balancer in the X-Real-Ip or X-Forwarded-For header.
Changed in version 3.1: The list format of X-Forwarded-For is now supported.
The protocol used, either “http” or “https”. If HTTPServer.xheaders is set, will pass along the protocol
used by a load balancer if reported via an X-Scheme header.
The requested hostname, usually taken from the Host header.
GET/POST arguments are available in the arguments property, which maps arguments names to lists of
values (to support multiple values for individual names). Names are of type str, while arguments are byte
strings. Note that this is different from RequestHandler.get_argument, which returns argument values
as unicode strings.
Same format as arguments, but contains only arguments extracted from the query string.
New in version 3.2.
94 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Same format as arguments, but contains only arguments extracted from the request body.
New in version 3.2.
File uploads are available in the files property, which maps file names to lists of HTTPFile.
An HTTP request is attached to a single HTTP connection, which can be accessed through the “connec-
tion” attribute. Since connections are typically kept open in HTTP/1.1, multiple requests can be handled
sequentially on a single connection.
Changed in version 4.0: Moved from tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest.
property cookies: Dict[str, Morsel]
A dictionary of http.cookies.Morsel objects.
full_url() str
Reconstructs the full URL for this request.
request_time() float
Returns the amount of time it took for this request to execute.
get_ssl_certificate(binary_form: bool = False) Union[None, Dict, bytes]
Returns the client’s SSL certificate, if any.
To use client certificates, the HTTPServers ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode field must be set, e.g.:
ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain("foo.crt", "foo.key")
ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
server = HTTPServer(app, ssl_options=ssl_ctx)
By default, the return value is a dictionary (or None, if no client certificate is present). If binary_form is
true, a DER-encoded form of the certificate is returned instead. See SSLSocket.getpeercert() in the standard
library for more details.
exception tornado.httputil.HTTPInputError
Exception class for malformed HTTP requests or responses from remote sources.
New in version 4.0.
exception tornado.httputil.HTTPOutputError
Exception class for errors in HTTP output.
New in version 4.0.
class tornado.httputil.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate
Implement this interface to handle requests from HTTPServer.
New in version 4.0.
start_request(server_conn: object, request_conn: HTTPConnection) HTTPMessageDelegate
This method is called by the server when a new request has started.
server_conn is an opaque object representing the long-lived (e.g. tcp-level) connection.
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 95
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request_conn is a HTTPConnection object for a single request/response exchange.
This method should return a HTTPMessageDelegate.
on_close(server_conn: object) None
This method is called when a connection has been closed.
server_conn is a server connection that has previously been passed to start_request.
class tornado.httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate
Implement this interface to handle an HTTP request or response.
New in version 4.0.
headers_received(start_line: Union[RequestStartLine, ResponseStartLine], headers: HTTPHeaders)
Called when the HTTP headers have been received and parsed.
start_line a RequestStartLine or ResponseStartLine depending on whether this
is a client or server message.
headers a HTTPHeaders instance.
Some HTTPConnection methods can only be called during headers_received.
May return a Future; if it does the body will not be read until it is done.
data_received(chunk: bytes) Optional[Awaitable[None]]
Called when a chunk of data has been received.
May return a Future for flow control.
finish() None
Called after the last chunk of data has been received.
on_connection_close() None
Called if the connection is closed without finishing the request.
If headers_received is called, either finish or on_connection_close will be called, but not both.
class tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection
Applications use this interface to write their responses.
New in version 4.0.
write_headers(start_line: Union[RequestStartLine, ResponseStartLine], headers: HTTPHeaders, chunk:
Optional[bytes] = None) Future[None]
Write an HTTP header block.
start_line a RequestStartLine or ResponseStartLine.
headers a HTTPHeaders instance.
chunk the first (optional) chunk of data. This is an optimization so that small responses
can be written in the same call as their headers.
The version field of start_line is ignored.
Returns a future for flow control.
96 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed.
write(chunk: bytes) Future[None]
Writes a chunk of body data.
Returns a future for flow control.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed.
finish() None
Indicates that the last body data has been written.
tornado.httputil.url_concat(url: str, args: Union[None, Dict[str, str], List[Tuple[str, str]], Tuple[Tuple[str,
str], ...]]) str
Concatenate url and arguments regardless of whether url has existing query parameters.
args may be either a dictionary or a list of key-value pairs (the latter allows for multiple values with the same
>>> url_concat("", dict(c="d"))
>>> url_concat("", dict(c="d"))
>>> url_concat("", [("c", "d"), ("c", "d2")])
class tornado.httputil.HTTPFile
Represents a file uploaded via a form.
For backwards compatibility, its instance attributes are also accessible as dictionary keys.
tornado.httputil.parse_body_arguments(content_type: str, body: bytes, arguments: Dict[str, List[bytes]],
files: Dict[str, List[HTTPFile]], headers: Optional[HTTPHeaders]
= None) None
Parses a form request body.
Supports application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data. The content_type param-
eter should be a string and body should be a byte string. The arguments and files parameters are dictionaries
that will be updated with the parsed contents.
tornado.httputil.parse_multipart_form_data(boundary: bytes, data: bytes, arguments: Dict[str,
List[bytes]], files: Dict[str, List[HTTPFile]]) None
Parses a multipart/form-data body.
The boundary and data parameters are both byte strings. The dictionaries given in the arguments and files
parameters will be updated with the contents of the body.
Changed in version 5.1: Now recognizes non-ASCII filenames in RFC 2231/5987 (filename*=) format.
tornado.httputil.format_timestamp(ts: Union[int, float, tuple, struct_time, datetime]) str
Formats a timestamp in the format used by HTTP.
The argument may be a numeric timestamp as returned by time.time, a time tuple as returned by time.gmtime,
or a datetime.datetime object.
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 97
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
>>> format_timestamp(1359312200)
'Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:43:20 GMT'
class tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine(method, path, version)
RequestStartLine(method, path, version)
Create new instance of RequestStartLine(method, path, version)
Alias for field number 0
Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 2
tornado.httputil.parse_request_start_line(line: str) RequestStartLine
Returns a (method, path, version) tuple for an HTTP 1.x request line.
The response is a collections.namedtuple.
>>> parse_request_start_line("GET /foo HTTP/1.1")
RequestStartLine(method='GET', path='/foo', version='HTTP/1.1')
class tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine(version, code, reason)
ResponseStartLine(version, code, reason)
Create new instance of ResponseStartLine(version, code, reason)
Alias for field number 1
Alias for field number 2
Alias for field number 0
tornado.httputil.parse_response_start_line(line: str) ResponseStartLine
Returns a (version, code, reason) tuple for an HTTP 1.x response line.
The response is a collections.namedtuple.
>>> parse_response_start_line("HTTP/1.1 200 OK")
ResponseStartLine(version='HTTP/1.1', code=200, reason='OK')
tornado.httputil.encode_username_password(username: Union[str, bytes], password: Union[str, bytes])
Encodes a username/password pair in the format used by HTTP auth.
The return value is a byte string in the form username:password.
New in version 5.1.
98 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.httputil.split_host_and_port(netloc: str) Tuple[str, Optional[int]]
Returns (host, port) tuple from netloc.
Returned port will be None if not present.
New in version 4.1.
tornado.httputil.qs_to_qsl(qs: Dict[str, List]) Iterable[Tuple[str, AnyStr]]
Generator converting a result of parse_qs back to name-value pairs.
New in version 5.0.
tornado.httputil.parse_cookie(cookie: str) Dict[str, str]
Parse a Cookie HTTP header into a dict of name/value pairs.
This function attempts to mimic browser cookie parsing behavior; it specifically does not follow any of the
cookie-related RFCs (because browsers don’t either).
The algorithm used is identical to that used by Django version 1.9.10.
New in version 4.4.2.
6.3.4 tornado.http1connection HTTP/1.x client/server implementation
Client and server implementations of HTTP/1.x.
New in version 4.0.
class tornado.http1connection.HTTP1ConnectionParameters(no_keep_alive: bool = False, chunk_size:
Optional[int] = None, max_header_size:
Optional[int] = None, header_timeout:
Optional[float] = None, max_body_size:
Optional[int] = None, body_timeout:
Optional[float] = None, decompress: bool
= False)
Parameters for HTTP1Connection and HTTP1ServerConnection.
no_keep_alive (bool) If true, always close the connection after one request.
chunk_size (int) how much data to read into memory at once
max_header_size (int) maximum amount of data for HTTP headers
header_timeout (float) how long to wait for all headers (seconds)
max_body_size (int) maximum amount of data for body
body_timeout (float) how long to wait while reading body (seconds)
decompress (bool) if true, decode incoming Content-Encoding: gzip
class tornado.http1connection.HTTP1Connection(stream: IOStream, is_client: bool, params:
Optional[HTTP1ConnectionParameters] = None,
context: Optional[object] = None)
Implements the HTTP/1.x protocol.
This class can be on its own for clients, or via HTTP1ServerConnection for servers.
stream an IOStream
6.3. HTTP servers and clients 99
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
is_client (bool) client or server
params a HTTP1ConnectionParameters instance or None
context an opaque application-defined object that can be accessed as connection.
read_response(delegate: HTTPMessageDelegate) Awaitable[bool]
Read a single HTTP response.
Typical client-mode usage is to write a request using write_headers, write, and finish , and then call
delegate a HTTPMessageDelegate
Returns a Future that resolves to a bool after the full response has been read. The result is true if the
stream is still open.
set_close_callback(callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]]) None
Sets a callback that will be run when the connection is closed.
Note that this callback is slightly different from HTTPMessageDelegate.on_connection_close: The
HTTPMessageDelegate method is called when the connection is closed while receiving a message. This
callback is used when there is not an active delegate (for example, on the server side this callback is used
if the client closes the connection after sending its request but before receiving all the response.
detach() IOStream
Take control of the underlying stream.
Returns the underlying IOStream object and stops all further HTTP processing. May only be called during
HTTPMessageDelegate.headers_received. Intended for implementing protocols like websockets that
tunnel over an HTTP handshake.
set_body_timeout(timeout: float) None
Sets the body timeout for a single request.
Overrides the value from HTTP1ConnectionParameters.
set_max_body_size(max_body_size: int) None
Sets the body size limit for a single request.
Overrides the value from HTTP1ConnectionParameters.
write_headers(start_line: Union[RequestStartLine, ResponseStartLine], headers: HTTPHeaders, chunk:
Optional[bytes] = None) Future[None]
Implements HTTPConnection.write_headers.
write(chunk: bytes) Future[None]
Implements HTTPConnection.write.
For backwards compatibility it is allowed but deprecated to skip write_headers and instead call write()
with a pre-encoded header block.
finish() None
Implements HTTPConnection.finish .
class tornado.http1connection.HTTP1ServerConnection(stream: IOStream, params:
Optional[HTTP1ConnectionParameters] =
None, context: Optional[object] = None)
An HTTP/1.x server.
100 Chapter 6. Documentation
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stream an IOStream
params a HTTP1ConnectionParameters or None
context an opaque application-defined object that is accessible as connection.context
coroutine close() None
Closes the connection.
Returns a Future that resolves after the serving loop has exited.
start_serving(delegate: HTTPServerConnectionDelegate) None
Starts serving requests on this connection.
delegate a HTTPServerConnectionDelegate
tornado.http1connection.parse_int(s: str) int
Parse a non-negative integer from a string.
tornado.http1connection.parse_hex_int(s: str) int
Parse a non-negative hexadecimal integer from a string.
6.4 Asynchronous networking
6.4.1 tornado.ioloop Main event loop
An I/O event loop for non-blocking sockets.
In Tornado 6.0, IOLoop is a wrapper around the asyncio event loop, with a slightly different interface. The IOLoop
interface is now provided primarily for backwards compatibility; new code should generally use the asyncio event loop
interface directly. The IOLoop.current class method provides the IOLoop instance corresponding to the running
asyncio event loop.
IOLoop objects
class tornado.ioloop.IOLoop(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
An I/O event loop.
As of Tornado 6.0, IOLoop is a wrapper around the asyncio event loop.
Example usage for a simple TCP server:
import asyncio
import errno
import functools
import socket
import tornado
from tornado.iostream import IOStream
async def handle_connection(connection, address):
stream = IOStream(connection)
(continues on next page)
6.4. Asynchronous networking 101
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
message = await stream.read_until_close()
print("message from client:", message.decode().strip())
def connection_ready(sock, fd, events):
while True:
connection, address = sock.accept()
except BlockingIOError:
io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()
io_loop.spawn_callback(handle_connection, connection, address)
async def main():
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind(("", 8888))
io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()
callback = functools.partial(connection_ready, sock)
io_loop.add_handler(sock.fileno(), callback, io_loop.READ)
await asyncio.Event().wait()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Most applications should not attempt to construct an IOLoop directly, and instead initialize the asyncio event
loop and use IOLoop.current(). In some cases, such as in test frameworks when initializing an IOLoop to be
run in a secondary thread, it may be appropriate to construct an IOLoop with IOLoop(make_current=False).
In general, an IOLoop cannot survive a fork or be shared across processes in any way. When multiple processes
are being used, each process should create its own IOLoop, which also implies that any objects which depend on
the IOLoop (such as AsyncHTTPClient) must also be created in the child processes. As a guideline, anything
that starts processes (including the tornado.process and multiprocessing modules) should do so as early
as possible, ideally the first thing the application does after loading its configuration, and before any calls to
IOLoop.start or
Changed in version 4.2: Added the make_current keyword argument to the IOLoop constructor.
Changed in version 5.0: Uses the asyncio event loop by default. The IOLoop.configure method cannot be
used on Python 3 except to redundantly specify the asyncio event loop.
Changed in version 6.3: make_current=True is now the default when creating an IOLoop - previously the
default was to make the event loop current if there wasn’t already a current one.
102 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Running an IOLoop
static IOLoop.current() IOLoop
static IOLoop.current(instance: bool = True) Optional[IOLoop]
Returns the current thread’s IOLoop.
If an IOLoop is currently running or has been marked as current by make_current, returns that instance. If
there is no current IOLoop and instance is true, creates one.
Changed in version 4.1: Added instance argument to control the fallback to IOLoop.instance().
Changed in version 5.0: On Python 3, control of the current IOLoop is delegated to asyncio, with this and
other methods as pass-through accessors. The instance argument now controls whether an IOLoop is created
automatically when there is none, instead of whether we fall back to IOLoop.instance() (which is now an
alias for this method). instance=False is deprecated, since even if we do not create an IOLoop, this method
may initialize the asyncio loop.
Deprecated since version 6.2: It is deprecated to call IOLoop.current() when no asyncio event loop is
IOLoop.make_current() None
Makes this the IOLoop for the current thread.
An IOLoop automatically becomes current for its thread when it is started, but it is sometimes useful to call
make_current explicitly before starting the IOLoop, so that code run at startup time can find the right instance.
Changed in version 4.1: An IOLoop created while there is no current IOLoop will automatically become current.
Changed in version 5.0: This method also sets the current asyncio event loop.
Deprecated since version 6.2: Setting and clearing the current event loop through Tornado is deprecated. Use
asyncio.set_event_loop instead if you need this.
static IOLoop.clear_current() None
Clears the IOLoop for the current thread.
Intended primarily for use by test frameworks in between tests.
Changed in version 5.0: This method also clears the current asyncio event loop.
Deprecated since version 6.2.
IOLoop.start() None
Starts the I/O loop.
The loop will run until one of the callbacks calls stop(), which will make the loop stop after the current event
iteration completes.
IOLoop.stop() None
Stop the I/O loop.
If the event loop is not currently running, the next call to start() will return immediately.
Note that even after stop has been called, the IOLoop is not completely stopped until IOLoop.start has also
returned. Some work that was scheduled before the call to stop may still be run before the IOLoop shuts down.
IOLoop.run_sync(func: Callable, timeout: Optional[float] = None) Any
Starts the IOLoop, runs the given function, and stops the loop.
The function must return either an awaitable object or None. If the function returns an awaitable object, the
IOLoop will run until the awaitable is resolved (and run_sync() will return the awaitables result). If it raises
an exception, the IOLoop will stop and the exception will be re-raised to the caller.
6.4. Asynchronous networking 103
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The keyword-only argument timeout may be used to set a maximum duration for the function. If the timeout
expires, a asyncio.TimeoutError is raised.
This method is useful to allow asynchronous calls in a main() function:
async def main():
# do stuff...
if __name__ == '__main__':
Changed in version 4.3: Returning a non-None, non-awaitable value is now an error.
Changed in version 5.0: If a timeout occurs, the func coroutine will be cancelled.
Changed in version 6.2: tornado.util.TimeoutError is now an alias to asyncio.TimeoutError.
IOLoop.close(all_fds: bool = False) None
Closes the IOLoop, freeing any resources used.
If all_fds is true, all file descriptors registered on the IOLoop will be closed (not just the ones created by the
IOLoop itself).
Many applications will only use a single IOLoop that runs for the entire lifetime of the process. In that case
closing the IOLoop is not necessary since everything will be cleaned up when the process exits. IOLoop.close
is provided mainly for scenarios such as unit tests, which create and destroy a large number of IOLoops.
An IOLoop must be completely stopped before it can be closed. This means that IOLoop.stop() must be called
and IOLoop.start() must be allowed to return before attempting to call IOLoop.close(). Therefore the call
to close will usually appear just after the call to start rather than near the call to stop.
Changed in version 3.1: If the IOLoop implementation supports non-integer objects for “file descriptors”, those
objects will have their close method when all_fds is true.
static IOLoop.instance() IOLoop
Deprecated alias for IOLoop.current().
Changed in version 5.0: Previously, this method returned a global singleton IOLoop, in contrast with the per-
thread IOLoop returned by current(). In nearly all cases the two were the same (when they differed, it was
generally used from non-Tornado threads to communicate back to the main thread’s IOLoop). This distinction is
not present in asyncio, so in order to facilitate integration with that package instance() was changed to be an
alias to current(). Applications using the cross-thread communications aspect of instance() should instead
set their own global variable to point to the IOLoop they want to use.
Deprecated since version 5.0.
IOLoop.install() None
Deprecated alias for make_current().
Changed in version 5.0: Previously, this method would set this IOLoop as the global singleton used by IOLoop.
instance(). Now that instance() is an alias for current(), install() is an alias for make_current().
Deprecated since version 5.0.
static IOLoop.clear_instance() None
Deprecated alias for clear_current().
Changed in version 5.0: Previously, this method would clear the IOLoop used as the global singleton by
IOLoop.instance(). Now that instance() is an alias for current(), clear_instance() is an alias for
Deprecated since version 5.0.
104 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
I/O events
IOLoop.add_handler(fd: int, handler: Callable[[int, int], None], events: int) None
IOLoop.add_handler(fd: _S, handler: Callable[[_S, int], None], events: int) None
Registers the given handler to receive the given events for fd .
The fd argument may either be an integer file descriptor or a file-like object with a fileno() and close()
The events argument is a bitwise or of the constants IOLoop.READ, IOLoop.WRITE, and IOLoop.ERROR.
When an event occurs, handler(fd, events) will be run.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the ability to pass file-like objects in addition to raw file descriptors.
IOLoop.update_handler(fd: Union[int, _Selectable], events: int) None
Changes the events we listen for fd.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the ability to pass file-like objects in addition to raw file descriptors.
IOLoop.remove_handler(fd: Union[int, _Selectable]) None
Stop listening for events on fd.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the ability to pass file-like objects in addition to raw file descriptors.
Callbacks and timeouts
IOLoop.add_callback(callback: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None
Calls the given callback on the next I/O loop iteration.
It is safe to call this method from any thread at any time, except from a signal handler. Note that this is the only
method in IOLoop that makes this thread-safety guarantee; all other interaction with the IOLoop must be done
from that IOLoops thread. add_callback() may be used to transfer control from other threads to the IOLoops
To add a callback from a signal handler, see add_callback_from_signal.
IOLoop.add_callback_from_signal(callback: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None
Calls the given callback on the next I/O loop iteration.
Safe for use from a Python signal handler; should not be used otherwise.
IOLoop.add_future(future: Union[Future[_T], concurrent.futures.Future[_T]], callback: Callable[[Future[_T]],
None]) None
Schedules a callback on the IOLoop when the given Future is finished.
The callback is invoked with one argument, the Future.
This method only accepts Future objects and not other awaitables (unlike most of Tornado where the two are
IOLoop.add_timeout(deadline: Union[float, timedelta], callback: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Runs the callback at the time deadline from the I/O loop.
Returns an opaque handle that may be passed to remove_timeout to cancel.
deadline may be a number denoting a time (on the same scale as IOLoop.time, normally time.time), or a
datetime.timedelta object for a deadline relative to the current time. Since Tornado 4.0, call_later is a
more convenient alternative for the relative case since it does not require a timedelta object.
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Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Note that it is not safe to call add_timeout from other threads. Instead, you must use add_callback to transfer
control to the IOLoops thread, and then call add_timeout from there.
Subclasses of IOLoop must implement either add_timeout or call_at; the default implementations of each
will call the other. call_at is usually easier to implement, but subclasses that wish to maintain compatibility
with Tornado versions prior to 4.0 must use add_timeout instead.
Changed in version 4.0: Now passes through *args and **kwargs to the callback.
IOLoop.call_at(when: float, callback: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) object
Runs the callback at the absolute time designated by when.
when must be a number using the same reference point as IOLoop.time.
Returns an opaque handle that may be passed to remove_timeout to cancel. Note that unlike the asyncio
method of the same name, the returned object does not have a cancel() method.
See add_timeout for comments on thread-safety and subclassing.
New in version 4.0.
IOLoop.call_later(delay: float, callback: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) object
Runs the callback after delay seconds have passed.
Returns an opaque handle that may be passed to remove_timeout to cancel. Note that unlike the asyncio
method of the same name, the returned object does not have a cancel() method.
See add_timeout for comments on thread-safety and subclassing.
New in version 4.0.
IOLoop.remove_timeout(timeout: object) None
Cancels a pending timeout.
The argument is a handle as returned by add_timeout. It is safe to call remove_timeout even if the callback
has already been run.
IOLoop.spawn_callback(callback: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) None
Calls the given callback on the next IOLoop iteration.
As of Tornado 6.0, this method is equivalent to add_callback.
New in version 4.0.
IOLoop.run_in_executor(executor: Optional[Executor], func: Callable[[...], _T], *args: Any) Awaitable[_T]
Runs a function in a concurrent.futures.Executor. If executor is None, the IO loop’s default executor
will be used.
Use functools.partial to pass keyword arguments to func.
New in version 5.0.
IOLoop.set_default_executor(executor: Executor) None
Sets the default executor to use with run_in_executor().
New in version 5.0.
IOLoop.time() float
Returns the current time according to the IOLoops clock.
The return value is a floating-point number relative to an unspecified time in the past.
Historically, the IOLoop could be customized to use e.g. time.monotonic instead of time.time, but this is
not currently supported and so this method is equivalent to time.time.
106 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(callback: Callable[[], Optional[Awaitable]], callback_time:
Union[timedelta, float], jitter: float = 0)
Schedules the given callback to be called periodically.
The callback is called every callback_time milliseconds when callback_time is a float. Note that the timeout
is given in milliseconds, while most other time-related functions in Tornado use seconds. callback_time may
alternatively be given as a datetime.timedelta object.
If jitter is specified, each callback time will be randomly selected within a window of jitter *
callback_time milliseconds. Jitter can be used to reduce alignment of events with similar periods. A jit-
ter of 0.1 means allowing a 10% variation in callback time. The window is centered on callback_time so the
total number of calls within a given interval should not be significantly affected by adding jitter.
If the callback runs for longer than callback_time milliseconds, subsequent invocations will be skipped to get
back on schedule.
start must be called after the PeriodicCallback is created.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Changed in version 5.1: The jitter argument is added.
Changed in version 6.2: If the callback argument is a coroutine, and a callback runs for longer than
callback_time, subsequent invocations will be skipped. Previously this was only true for regular functions,
not coroutines, which were “fire-and-forget” for PeriodicCallback .
The callback_time argument now accepts datetime.timedelta objects, in addition to the previous numeric
start() None
Starts the timer.
stop() None
Stops the timer.
is_running() bool
Returns True if this PeriodicCallback has been started.
New in version 4.1.
6.4.2 tornado.iostream Convenient wrappers for non-blocking sockets
Utility classes to write to and read from non-blocking files and sockets.
BaseIOStream: Generic interface for reading and writing.
IOStream: Implementation of BaseIOStream using non-blocking sockets.
SSLIOStream: SSL-aware version of IOStream.
PipeIOStream: Pipe-based IOStream implementation.
6.4. Asynchronous networking 107
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Base class
class tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream(max_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, read_chunk_size:
Optional[int] = None, max_write_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None)
A utility class to write to and read from a non-blocking file or socket.
We support a non-blocking write() and a family of read_*() methods. When the operation completes, the
Awaitable will resolve with the data read (or None for write()). All outstanding Awaitables will resolve
with a StreamClosedError when the stream is closed; BaseIOStream.set_close_callback can also be
used to be notified of a closed stream.
When a stream is closed due to an error, the IOStream’s error attribute contains the exception object.
Subclasses must implement fileno, close_fd, write_to_fd , read_from_fd , and optionally
BaseIOStream constructor.
max_buffer_size Maximum amount of incoming data to buffer; defaults to 100MB.
read_chunk_size Amount of data to read at one time from the underlying transport;
defaults to 64KB.
max_write_buffer_size Amount of outgoing data to buffer; defaults to unlimited.
Changed in version 4.0: Add the max_write_buffer_size parameter. Changed default read_chunk_size to
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Main interface
BaseIOStream.write(data: Union[bytes, memoryview]) Future[None]
Asynchronously write the given data to this stream.
This method returns a Future that resolves (with a result of None) when the write has been completed.
The data argument may be of type bytes or memoryview.
Changed in version 4.0: Now returns a Future if no callback is given.
Changed in version 4.5: Added support for memoryview arguments.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
BaseIOStream.read_bytes(num_bytes: int, partial: bool = False) Awaitable[bytes]
Asynchronously read a number of bytes.
If partial is true, data is returned as soon as we have any bytes to return (but never more than num_bytes)
Changed in version 4.0: Added the partial argument. The callback argument is now optional and a Future
will be returned if it is omitted.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback and streaming_callback arguments have been removed. Use the
returned Future (and partial=True for streaming_callback) instead.
108 Chapter 6. Documentation
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BaseIOStream.read_into(buf: bytearray, partial: bool = False) Awaitable[int]
Asynchronously read a number of bytes.
buf must be a writable buffer into which data will be read.
If partial is true, the callback is run as soon as any bytes have been read. Otherwise, it is run when the buf
has been entirely filled with read data.
New in version 5.0.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
BaseIOStream.read_until(delimiter: bytes, max_bytes: Optional[int] = None) Awaitable[bytes]
Asynchronously read until we have found the given delimiter.
The result includes all the data read including the delimiter.
If max_bytes is not None, the connection will be closed if more than max_bytes bytes have been read and the
delimiter is not found.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the max_bytes argument. The callback argument is now optional and a
Future will be returned if it is omitted.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
BaseIOStream.read_until_regex(regex: bytes, max_bytes: Optional[int] = None) Awaitable[bytes]
Asynchronously read until we have matched the given regex.
The result includes the data that matches the regex and anything that came before it.
If max_bytes is not None, the connection will be closed if more than max_bytes bytes have been read and the
regex is not satisfied.
Changed in version 4.0: Added the max_bytes argument. The callback argument is now optional and a
Future will be returned if it is omitted.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
BaseIOStream.read_until_close() Awaitable[bytes]
Asynchronously reads all data from the socket until it is closed.
This will buffer all available data until max_buffer_size is reached. If flow control or cancellation are desired,
use a loop with read_bytes(partial=True) instead.
Changed in version 4.0: The callback argument is now optional and a Future will be returned if it is omitted.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback and streaming_callback arguments have been removed. Use the
returned Future (and read_bytes with partial=True for streaming_callback) instead.
BaseIOStream.close(exc_info: Union[None, bool, BaseException, Tuple[Optional[Type[BaseException]],
Optional[BaseException], Optional[TracebackType]]] = False) None
Close this stream.
If exc_info is true, set the error attribute to the current exception from sys.exc_info (or if exc_info is a
tuple, use that instead of sys.exc_info).
BaseIOStream.set_close_callback(callback: Optional[Callable[[], None]]) None
Call the given callback when the stream is closed.
This mostly is not necessary for applications that use the Future interface; all outstanding Futures will resolve
with a StreamClosedError when the stream is closed. However, it is still useful as a way to signal that the
stream has been closed while no other read or write is in progress.
Unlike other callback-based interfaces, set_close_callback was not removed in Tornado 6.0.
6.4. Asynchronous networking 109
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BaseIOStream.closed() bool
Returns True if the stream has been closed.
BaseIOStream.reading() bool
Returns True if we are currently reading from the stream.
BaseIOStream.writing() bool
Returns True if we are currently writing to the stream.
BaseIOStream.set_nodelay(value: bool) None
Sets the no-delay flag for this stream.
By default, data written to TCP streams may be held for a time to make the most efficient use of bandwidth
(according to Nagles algorithm). The no-delay flag requests that data be written as soon as possible, even if
doing so would consume additional bandwidth.
This flag is currently defined only for TCP-based IOStreams.
New in version 3.1.
Methods for subclasses
BaseIOStream.fileno() Union[int, _Selectable]
Returns the file descriptor for this stream.
BaseIOStream.close_fd() None
Closes the file underlying this stream.
close_fd is called by BaseIOStream and should not be called elsewhere; other users should call close instead.
BaseIOStream.write_to_fd(data: memoryview) int
Attempts to write data to the underlying file.
Returns the number of bytes written.
BaseIOStream.read_from_fd(buf: Union[bytearray, memoryview]) Optional[int]
Attempts to read from the underlying file.
Reads up to len(buf) bytes, storing them in the buffer. Returns the number of bytes read. Returns None if there
was nothing to read (the socket returned EWOULDBLOCK or equivalent), and zero on EOF.
Changed in version 5.0: Interface redesigned to take a buffer and return a number of bytes instead of a freshly-
allocated object.
BaseIOStream.get_fd_error() Optional[Exception]
Returns information about any error on the underlying file.
This method is called after the IOLoop has signaled an error on the file descriptor, and should return an Exception
(such as socket.error with additional information, or None if no such information is available.
110 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.iostream.IOStream(socket: socket, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Socket-based IOStream implementation.
This class supports the read and write methods from BaseIOStream plus a connect method.
The socket parameter may either be connected or unconnected. For server operations the socket is the result
of calling socket.accept. For client operations the socket is created with socket.socket, and may either be
connected before passing it to the IOStream or connected with IOStream.connect.
A very simple (and broken) HTTP client using this class:
import socket
import tornado
async def main():
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
stream = tornado.iostream.IOStream(s)
await stream.connect(("", 80))
await stream.write(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n")
header_data = await stream.read_until(b"\r\n\r\n")
headers = {}
for line in header_data.split(b"\r\n"):
parts = line.split(b":")
if len(parts) == 2:
headers[parts[0].strip()] = parts[1].strip()
body_data = await stream.read_bytes(int(headers[b"Content-Length"]))
if __name__ == '__main__':
connect(address: Any, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None) Future[_IOStreamType]
Connects the socket to a remote address without blocking.
May only be called if the socket passed to the constructor was not previously connected. The address
parameter is in the same format as for socket.connect for the type of socket passed to the IOStream con-
structor, e.g. an (ip, port) tuple. Hostnames are accepted here, but will be resolved synchronously and
block the IOLoop. If you have a hostname instead of an IP address, the TCPClient class is recommended
instead of calling this method directly. TCPClient will do asynchronous DNS resolution and handle both
IPv4 and IPv6.
If callback is specified, it will be called with no arguments when the connection is completed; if not this
method returns a Future (whose result after a successful connection will be the stream itself).
In SSL mode, the server_hostname parameter will be used for certificate validation (unless disabled in
the ssl_options) and SNI (if supported; requires Python 2.7.9+).
Note that it is safe to call IOStream.write while the connection is pending, in which case the data will be
written as soon as the connection is ready. Calling IOStream read methods before the socket is connected
works on some platforms but is non-portable.
Changed in version 4.0: If no callback is given, returns a Future.
Changed in version 4.2: SSL certificates are validated by default; pass
ssl_options=dict(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) or a suitably-configured ssl.SSLContext to
6.4. Asynchronous networking 111
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
the SSLIOStream constructor to disable.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
start_tls(server_side: bool, ssl_options: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], SSLContext]] = None,
server_hostname: Optional[str] = None) Awaitable[SSLIOStream]
Convert this IOStream to an SSLIOStream .
This enables protocols that begin in clear-text mode and switch to SSL after some initial negotiation (such
as the STARTTLS extension to SMTP and IMAP).
This method cannot be used if there are outstanding reads or writes on the stream, or if there is any data in
the IOStream’s buffer (data in the operating system’s socket buffer is allowed). This means it must generally
be used immediately after reading or writing the last clear-text data. It can also be used immediately after
connecting, before any reads or writes.
The ssl_options argument may be either an ssl.SSLContext object or a dictionary of keyword argu-
ments for the ssl.wrap_socket function. The server_hostname argument will be used for certificate
validation unless disabled in the ssl_options.
This method returns a Future whose result is the new SSLIOStream. After this method has been called,
any other operation on the original stream is undefined.
If a close callback is defined on this stream, it will be transferred to the new stream.
New in version 4.0.
Changed in version 4.2: SSL certificates are validated by default; pass
ssl_options=dict(cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE) or a suitably-configured ssl.SSLContext to
class tornado.iostream.SSLIOStream(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
A utility class to write to and read from a non-blocking SSL socket.
If the socket passed to the constructor is already connected, it should be wrapped with:
ssl.wrap_socket(sock, do_handshake_on_connect=False, **kwargs)
before constructing the SSLIOStream. Unconnected sockets will be wrapped when IOStream.connect is
The ssl_options keyword argument may either be an ssl.SSLContext object or a dictionary of keywords
arguments for ssl.wrap_socket
wait_for_handshake() Future[SSLIOStream]
Wait for the initial SSL handshake to complete.
If a callback is given, it will be called with no arguments once the handshake is complete; otherwise this
method returns a Future which will resolve to the stream itself after the handshake is complete.
Once the handshake is complete, information such as the peer’s certificate and NPN/ALPN selections may
be accessed on self.socket.
This method is intended for use on server-side streams or after using IOStream.start_tls; it should not
be used with IOStream.connect (which already waits for the handshake to complete). It may only be
called once per stream.
New in version 4.2.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned Future instead.
112 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.iostream.PipeIOStream(fd: int, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Pipe-based IOStream implementation.
The constructor takes an integer file descriptor (such as one returned by os.pipe) rather than an open file object.
Pipes are generally one-way, so a PipeIOStream can be used for reading or writing but not both.
PipeIOStream is only available on Unix-based platforms.
exception tornado.iostream.StreamBufferFullError
Exception raised by IOStream methods when the buffer is full.
exception tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError(real_error: Optional[BaseException] = None)
Exception raised by IOStream methods when the stream is closed.
Note that the close callback is scheduled to run after other callbacks on the stream (to allow for buffered data to
be processed), so you may see this error before you see the close callback.
The real_error attribute contains the underlying error that caused the stream to close (if any).
Changed in version 4.3: Added the real_error attribute.
exception tornado.iostream.UnsatisfiableReadError
Exception raised when a read cannot be satisfied.
Raised by read_until and read_until_regex with a max_bytes argument.
6.4.3 tornado.netutil Miscellaneous network utilities
Miscellaneous network utility code.
tornado.netutil.bind_sockets(port: int, address: Optional[str] = None, family: AddressFamily =
AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC, backlog: int = 128, flags: Optional[int] = None,
reuse_port: bool = False) List[socket]
Creates listening sockets bound to the given port and address.
Returns a list of socket objects (multiple sockets are returned if the given address maps to multiple IP addresses,
which is most common for mixed IPv4 and IPv6 use).
Address may be either an IP address or hostname. If its a hostname, the server will listen on all IP addresses
associated with the name. Address may be an empty string or None to listen on all available interfaces. Family
may be set to either socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 to restrict to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, otherwise
both will be used if available.
The backlog argument has the same meaning as for socket.listen().
flags is a bitmask of AI_* flags to getaddrinfo, like socket.AI_PASSIVE | socket.AI_NUMERICHOST.
reuse_port option sets SO_REUSEPORT option for every socket in the list. If your platform doesn’t support this
option ValueError will be raised.
tornado.netutil.bind_unix_socket(file: str, mode: int = 384, backlog: int = 128) socket
Creates a listening unix socket.
If a socket with the given name already exists, it will be deleted. If any other file with that name exists, an
exception will be raised.
Returns a socket object (not a list of socket objects like bind_sockets)
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tornado.netutil.add_accept_handler(sock: socket, callback: Callable[[socket, Any], None]) Callable[[],
Adds an IOLoop event handler to accept new connections on sock.
When a connection is accepted, callback(connection, address) will be run (connection is a socket ob-
ject, and address is the address of the other end of the connection). Note that this signature is different from
the callback(fd, events) signature used for IOLoop handlers.
A callable is returned which, when called, will remove the IOLoop event handler and stop processing further
incoming connections.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Changed in version 5.0: A callable is returned (None was returned before).
tornado.netutil.is_valid_ip(ip: str) bool
Returns True if the given string is a well-formed IP address.
Supports IPv4 and IPv6.
class tornado.netutil.Resolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Configurable asynchronous DNS resolver interface.
By default, a blocking implementation is used (which simply calls socket.getaddrinfo). An alternative
implementation can be chosen with the Resolver.configure class method:
The implementations of this interface included with Tornado are
tornado.netutil.DefaultExecutorResolver (deprecated)
tornado.netutil.BlockingResolver (deprecated)
tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver (deprecated)
tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedResolver (deprecated)
tornado.platform.caresresolver.CaresResolver (deprecated)
Changed in version 5.0: The default implementation has changed from BlockingResolver to
Changed in version 6.2: The default implementation has changed from DefaultExecutorResolver to
resolve(host: str, port: int, family: AddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC)
Awaitable[List[Tuple[int, Any]]]
Resolves an address.
The host argument is a string which may be a hostname or a literal IP address.
Returns a Future whose result is a list of (family, address) pairs, where address is a tuple suitable to pass
to socket.connect (i.e. a (host, port) pair for IPv4; additional fields may be present for IPv6). If a
callback is passed, it will be run with the result as an argument when it is complete.
IOError if the address cannot be resolved.
114 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Changed in version 4.4: Standardized all implementations to raise IOError.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
close() None
Closes the Resolver, freeing any resources used.
New in version 3.1.
class tornado.netutil.DefaultExecutorResolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Resolver implementation using IOLoop.run_in_executor.
New in version 5.0.
Deprecated since version 6.2: Use DefaultLoopResolver instead.
class tornado.netutil.DefaultLoopResolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Resolver implementation using asyncio.loop.getaddrinfo.
class tornado.netutil.ExecutorResolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Resolver implementation using a concurrent.futures.Executor.
Use this instead of ThreadedResolver when you require additional control over the executor being used.
The executor will be shut down when the resolver is closed unless close_resolver=False; use this if you want
to reuse the same executor elsewhere.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Deprecated since version 5.0: The default Resolver now uses asyncio.loop.getaddrinfo; use that instead
of this class.
class tornado.netutil.BlockingResolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Default Resolver implementation, using socket.getaddrinfo.
The IOLoop will be blocked during the resolution, although the callback will not be run until the next IOLoop
Deprecated since version 5.0: The default Resolver now uses IOLoop.run_in_executor; use that instead of
this class.
class tornado.netutil.ThreadedResolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Multithreaded non-blocking Resolver implementation.
Requires the concurrent.futures package to be installed (available in the standard library since Python 3.2,
installable with pip install futures in older versions).
The thread pool size can be configured with:
Changed in version 3.1: All ThreadedResolvers share a single thread pool, whose size is set by the first one
to be created.
Deprecated since version 5.0: The default Resolver now uses IOLoop.run_in_executor; use that instead of
this class.
class tornado.netutil.OverrideResolver(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Wraps a resolver with a mapping of overrides.
This can be used to make local DNS changes (e.g. for testing) without modifying system-wide settings.
The mapping can be in three formats:
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# Hostname to host or ip
"": "",
# Host+port to host+port
("", 443): ("localhost", 1443),
# Host+port+address family to host+port
("", 443, socket.AF_INET6): ("::1", 1443),
Changed in version 5.0: Added support for host-port-family triplets.
tornado.netutil.ssl_options_to_context(ssl_options: Union[Dict[str, Any], SSLContext], server_side:
Optional[bool] = None) SSLContext
Try to convert an ssl_options dictionary to an SSLContext object.
The ssl_options dictionary contains keywords to be passed to ssl.wrap_socket. In Python 2.7.9+, ssl.
SSLContext objects can be used instead. This function converts the dict form to its SSLContext equivalent,
and may be used when a component which accepts both forms needs to upgrade to the SSLContext version to
use features like SNI or NPN.
Changed in version 6.2: Added server_side argument. Omitting this argument will result in a DeprecationWarn-
ing on Python 3.10.
tornado.netutil.ssl_wrap_socket(socket: socket, ssl_options: Union[Dict[str, Any], SSLContext],
server_hostname: Optional[str] = None, server_side: Optional[bool] =
None, **kwargs: Any) SSLSocket
Returns an ssl.SSLSocket wrapping the given socket.
ssl_options may be either an ssl.SSLContext object or a dictionary (as accepted by
ssl_options_to_context). Additional keyword arguments are passed to wrap_socket (either the
SSLContext method or the ssl module function as appropriate).
Changed in version 6.2: Added server_side argument. Omitting this argument will result in a DeprecationWarn-
ing on Python 3.10.
6.4.4 tornado.tcpclient IOStream connection factory
A non-blocking TCP connection factory.
class tornado.tcpclient.TCPClient(resolver: Optional[Resolver] = None)
A non-blocking TCP connection factory.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
coroutine connect(host: str, port: int, af: AddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC, ssl_options:
Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], SSLContext]] = None, max_buffer_size: Optional[int]
= None, source_ip: Optional[str] = None, source_port: Optional[int] = None, timeout:
Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) IOStream
Connect to the given host and port.
Asynchronously returns an IOStream (or SSLIOStream if ssl_options is not None).
Using the source_ip kwarg, one can specify the source IP address to use when establishing the connection.
In case the user needs to resolve and use a specific interface, it has to be handled outside of Tornado as this
depends very much on the platform.
116 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Raises TimeoutError if the input future does not complete before timeout, which may be specified in
any form allowed by IOLoop.add_timeout (i.e. a datetime.timedelta or an absolute time relative to
Similarly, when the user requires a certain source port, it can be specified using the source_port arg.
Changed in version 4.5: Added the source_ip and source_port arguments.
Changed in version 5.0: Added the timeout argument.
6.4.5 tornado.tcpserver Basic IOStream-based TCP server
A non-blocking, single-threaded TCP server.
class tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer(ssl_options: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], SSLContext]] = None,
max_buffer_size: Optional[int] = None, read_chunk_size: Optional[int]
= None)
A non-blocking, single-threaded TCP server.
To use TCPServer, define a subclass which overrides the handle_stream method. For example, a simple echo
server could be defined like this:
from tornado.tcpserver import TCPServer
from tornado.iostream import StreamClosedError
class EchoServer(TCPServer):
async def handle_stream(self, stream, address):
while True:
data = await stream.read_until(b"\n") await
except StreamClosedError:
To make this server serve SSL traffic, send the ssl_options keyword argument with an ssl.SSLContext
object. For compatibility with older versions of Python ssl_options may also be a dictionary of keyword
arguments for the ssl.wrap_socket method.:
ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH)
ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.crt"),
os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.key"))
TCPServer initialization follows one of three patterns:
1. listen: single-process:
async def main():
server = TCPServer()
await asyncio.Event.wait()
While this example does not create multiple processes on its own, when the reuse_port=True argument
is passed to listen() you can run the program multiple times to create a multi-process service.
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2. add_sockets: multi-process:
sockets = bind_sockets(8888)
async def post_fork_main():
server = TCPServer()
await asyncio.Event().wait()
The add_sockets interface is more complicated, but it can be used with tornado.process.
fork_processes to run a multi-process service with all worker processes forked from a single parent.
add_sockets can also be used in single-process servers if you want to create your listening sockets in
some way other than bind_sockets.
Note that when using this pattern, nothing that touches the event loop can be run before fork_processes.
3. bind/start: simple deprecated multi-process:
server = TCPServer()
server.start(0) # Forks multiple sub-processes
This pattern is deprecated because it requires interfaces in the asyncio module that have been deprecated
since Python 3.10. Support for creating multiple processes in the start method will be removed in a future
version of Tornado.
New in version 3.1: The max_buffer_size argument.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument has been removed.
listen(port: int, address: Optional[str] = None, family: AddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
backlog: int = 128, flags: Optional[int] = None, reuse_port: bool = False) None
Starts accepting connections on the given port.
This method may be called more than once to listen on multiple ports. listen takes effect immediately; it
is not necessary to call TCPServer.start afterwards. It is, however, necessary to start the event loop if it
is not already running.
All arguments have the same meaning as in tornado.netutil.bind_sockets.
Changed in version 6.2: Added family, backlog, flags, and reuse_port arguments to match tornado.
add_sockets(sockets: Iterable[socket]) None
Makes this server start accepting connections on the given sockets.
The sockets parameter is a list of socket objects such as those returned by bind_sockets. add_sockets
is typically used in combination with that method and tornado.process.fork_processes to provide
greater control over the initialization of a multi-process server.
add_socket(socket: socket) None
Singular version of add_sockets. Takes a single socket object.
bind(port: int, address: Optional[str] = None, family: AddressFamily = AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC,
backlog: int = 128, flags: Optional[int] = None, reuse_port: bool = False) None
Binds this server to the given port on the given address.
118 Chapter 6. Documentation
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To start the server, call start. If you want to run this server in a single process, you can call listen as a
shortcut to the sequence of bind and start calls.
Address may be either an IP address or hostname. If it’s a hostname, the server will listen on all IP addresses
associated with the name. Address may be an empty string or None to listen on all available interfaces.
Family may be set to either socket.AF_INET or socket.AF_INET6 to restrict to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses,
otherwise both will be used if available.
The backlog argument has the same meaning as for socket.listen. The reuse_port argument has the
same meaning as for bind_sockets.
This method may be called multiple times prior to start to listen on multiple ports or interfaces.
Changed in version 4.4: Added the reuse_port argument.
Changed in version 6.2: Added the flags argument to match bind_sockets.
Deprecated since version 6.2: Use either listen() or add_sockets() instead of bind() and start().
start(num_processes: Optional[int] = 1, max_restarts: Optional[int] = None) None
Starts this server in the IOLoop.
By default, we run the server in this process and do not fork any additional child process.
If num_processes is None or <= 0, we detect the number of cores available on this machine and fork
that number of child processes. If num_processes is given and > 1, we fork that specific number of sub-
Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory between any server code.
Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreload module (or the autoreload=True
option to tornado.web.Application which defaults to True when debug=True). When using multiple
processes, no IOLoops can be created or referenced until after the call to TCPServer.start(n).
Values of num_processes other than 1 are not supported on Windows.
The max_restarts argument is passed to fork_processes.
Changed in version 6.0: Added max_restarts argument.
Deprecated since version 6.2: Use either listen() or add_sockets() instead of bind() and start().
stop() None
Stops listening for new connections.
Requests currently in progress may still continue after the server is stopped.
handle_stream(stream: IOStream, address: tuple) Optional[Awaitable[None]]
Override to handle a new IOStream from an incoming connection.
This method may be a coroutine; if so any exceptions it raises asynchronously will be logged. Accepting
of incoming connections will not be blocked by this coroutine.
If this TCPServer is configured for SSL, handle_stream may be called before the SSL handshake has
completed. Use SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake if you need to verify the client’s certificate or use
Changed in version 4.2: Added the option for this method to be a coroutine.
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6.5 Coroutines and concurrency
6.5.1 tornado.gen Generator-based coroutines
tornado.gen implements generator-based coroutines.
Note: The “decorator and generator” approach in this module is a precursor to native coroutines (using async def
and await) which were introduced in Python 3.5. Applications that do not require compatibility with older versions of
Python should use native coroutines instead. Some parts of this module are still useful with native coroutines, notably
multi, sleep, WaitIterator, and with_timeout. Some of these functions have counterparts in the asyncio
module which may be used as well, although the two may not necessarily be 100% compatible.
Coroutines provide an easier way to work in an asynchronous environment than chaining callbacks. Code using corou-
tines is technically asynchronous, but it is written as a single generator instead of a collection of separate functions.
For example, here’s a coroutine-based handler:
class GenAsyncHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = yield http_client.fetch("")
Asynchronous functions in Tornado return an Awaitable or Future; yielding this object returns its result.
You can also yield a list or dict of other yieldable objects, which will be started at the same time and run in parallel; a
list or dict of results will be returned when they are all finished:
def get(self):
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response1, response2 = yield [http_client.fetch(url1),
response_dict = yield dict(response3=http_client.fetch(url3),
response3 = response_dict['response3']
response4 = response_dict['response4']
If tornado.platform.twisted is imported, it is also possible to yield Twisted’s Deferred objects. See the
convert_yielded function to extend this mechanism.
Changed in version 3.2: Dict support added.
Changed in version 4.1: Support added for yielding asyncio Futures and Twisted Deferreds via singledispatch.
120 Chapter 6. Documentation
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tornado.gen.coroutine(func: Callable[[...], Generator[Any, Any, _T]]) Callable[[...], Future[_T]]
tornado.gen.coroutine(func: Callable[[...], _T]) Callable[[...], Future[_T]]
Decorator for asynchronous generators.
For compatibility with older versions of Python, coroutines may also “return” by raising the special exception
Functions with this decorator return a Future.
Warning: When exceptions occur inside a coroutine, the exception information will be stored in the Future
object. You must examine the result of the Future object, or the exception may go unnoticed by your code.
This means yielding the function if called from another coroutine, using something like IOLoop.run_sync
for top-level calls, or passing the Future to IOLoop.add_future.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
exception tornado.gen.Return(value: Optional[Any] = None)
Special exception to return a value from a coroutine.
If this exception is raised, its value argument is used as the result of the coroutine:
def fetch_json(url):
response = yield AsyncHTTPClient().fetch(url)
raise gen.Return(json_decode(response.body))
In Python 3.3, this exception is no longer necessary: the return statement can be used directly to return a value
(previously yield and return with a value could not be combined in the same function).
By analogy with the return statement, the value argument is optional, but it is never necessary to raise gen.
Return(). The return statement can be used with no arguments instead.
Utility functions
tornado.gen.with_timeout(timeout: Union[float, datetime.timedelta], future: Yieldable, quiet_exceptions:
Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]] = ())
Wraps a Future (or other yieldable object) in a timeout.
Raises tornado.util.TimeoutError if the input future does not complete before timeout, which may be
specified in any form allowed by IOLoop.add_timeout (i.e. a datetime.timedelta or an absolute time
relative to IOLoop.time )
If the wrapped Future fails after it has timed out, the exception will be logged unless it is either of a type
contained in quiet_exceptions (which may be an exception type or a sequence of types), or an asyncio.
The wrapped Future is not canceled when the timeout expires, permitting it to be reused. asyncio.wait_for
is similar to this function but it does cancel the wrapped Future on timeout.
New in version 4.0.
Changed in version 4.1: Added the quiet_exceptions argument and the logging of unhandled exceptions.
Changed in version 4.4: Added support for yieldable objects other than Future.
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 121
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Changed in version 6.0.3: asyncio.CancelledError is now always considered “quiet”.
Changed in version 6.2: tornado.util.TimeoutError is now an alias to asyncio.TimeoutError.
tornado.gen.sleep(duration: float) Future[None]
Return a Future that resolves after the given number of seconds.
When used with yield in a coroutine, this is a non-blocking analogue to time.sleep (which should not be
used in coroutines because it is blocking):
yield gen.sleep(0.5)
Note that calling this function on its own does nothing; you must wait on the Future it returns (usually by
yielding it).
New in version 4.1.
class tornado.gen.WaitIterator(*args: Future, **kwargs: Future)
Provides an iterator to yield the results of awaitables as they finish.
Yielding a set of awaitables like this:
results = yield [awaitable1, awaitable2]
pauses the coroutine until both awaitable1 and awaitable2 return, and then restarts the coroutine with the
results of both awaitables. If either awaitable raises an exception, the expression will raise that exception and all
the results will be lost.
If you need to get the result of each awaitable as soon as possible, or if you need the result of some awaitables
even if others produce errors, you can use WaitIterator:
wait_iterator = gen.WaitIterator(awaitable1, awaitable2)
while not wait_iterator.done():
result = yield
except Exception as e:
print("Error {} from {}".format(e, wait_iterator.current_future))
print("Result {} received from {} at {}".format(
result, wait_iterator.current_future,
Because results are returned as soon as they are available the output from the iterator will not be in the same order
as the input arguments. If you need to know which future produced the current result, you can use the attributes
WaitIterator.current_future, or WaitIterator.current_index to get the index of the awaitable from
the input list. (if keyword arguments were used in the construction of the WaitIterator, current_index will
use the corresponding keyword).
On Python 3.5, WaitIterator implements the async iterator protocol, so it can be used with the async for
statement (note that in this version the entire iteration is aborted if any value raises an exception, while the
previous example can continue past individual errors):
async for result in gen.WaitIterator(future1, future2):
print("Result {} received from {} at {}".format(
result, wait_iterator.current_future,
New in version 4.1.
Changed in version 4.3: Added async for support in Python 3.5.
122 Chapter 6. Documentation
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done() bool
Returns True if this iterator has no more results.
next() Future
Returns a Future that will yield the next available result.
Note that this Future will not be the same object as any of the inputs.
tornado.gen.multi(Union[List[Yieldable], Dict[Any, Yieldable]], quiet_exceptions: Union[Type[Exception],
Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]] = ())
Runs multiple asynchronous operations in parallel.
children may either be a list or a dict whose values are yieldable objects. multi() returns a new yieldable
object that resolves to a parallel structure containing their results. If children is a list, the result is a list of
results in the same order; if it is a dict, the result is a dict with the same keys.
That is, results = yield multi(list_of_futures) is equivalent to:
results = []
for future in list_of_futures:
results.append(yield future)
If any children raise exceptions, multi() will raise the first one. All others will be logged, unless they are of
types contained in the quiet_exceptions argument.
In a yield-based coroutine, it is not normally necessary to call this function directly, since the coroutine runner
will do it automatically when a list or dict is yielded. However, it is necessary in await-based coroutines, or to
pass the quiet_exceptions argument.
This function is available under the names multi() and Multi() for historical reasons.
Cancelling a Future returned by multi() does not cancel its children. asyncio.gather is similar to multi(),
but it does cancel its children.
Changed in version 4.2: If multiple yieldables fail, any exceptions after the first (which is raised) will be logged.
Added the quiet_exceptions argument to suppress this logging for selected exception types.
Changed in version 4.3: Replaced the class Multi and the function multi_future with a unified function
multi. Added support for yieldables other than YieldPoint and Future.
tornado.gen.multi_future(Union[List[Yieldable], Dict[Any, Yieldable]], quiet_exceptions:
Union[Type[Exception], Tuple[Type[Exception], ...]] = ())
Wait for multiple asynchronous futures in parallel.
Since Tornado 6.0, this function is exactly the same as multi.
New in version 4.0.
Changed in version 4.2: If multiple Futures fail, any exceptions after the first (which is raised) will be logged.
Added the quiet_exceptions argument to suppress this logging for selected exception types.
Deprecated since version 4.3: Use multi instead.
tornado.gen.convert_yielded(yielded: Union[None, Awaitable, List[Awaitable], Dict[Any, Awaitable],
Future]) Future
Convert a yielded object into a Future.
The default implementation accepts lists, dictionaries, and Futures. This has the side effect of starting any corou-
tines that did not start themselves, similar to asyncio.ensure_future.
If the singledispatch library is available, this function may be extended to support additional types. For
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 123
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def _(asyncio_future):
return tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future)
New in version 4.1.
tornado.gen.maybe_future(x: Any) Future
Converts x into a Future.
If x is already a Future, it is simply returned; otherwise it is wrapped in a new Future. This is suitable for use
as result = yield gen.maybe_future(f()) when you don’t know whether f() returns a Future or not.
Deprecated since version 4.3: This function only handles Futures, not other yieldable objects. Instead of
maybe_future, check for the non-future result types you expect (often just None), and yield anything unknown.
tornado.gen.is_coroutine_function(func: Any) bool
Return whether func is a coroutine function, i.e. a function wrapped with coroutine.
New in version 4.5.
A special object which may be yielded to allow the IOLoop to run for one iteration.
This is not needed in normal use but it can be helpful in long-running coroutines that are likely to yield Futures
that are ready instantly.
Usage: yield gen.moment
In native coroutines, the equivalent of yield gen.moment is await asyncio.sleep(0).
New in version 4.0.
Deprecated since version 4.5: yield None (or yield with no argument) is now equivalent to yield gen.
6.5.2 tornado.locks Synchronization primitives
New in version 4.2.
Coordinate coroutines with synchronization primitives analogous to those the standard library provides to threads.
These classes are very similar to those provided in the standard library’s asyncio package.
Warning: Note that these primitives are not actually thread-safe and cannot be used in place of those from the
standard library’s threading module–they are meant to coordinate Tornado coroutines in a single-threaded app,
not to protect shared objects in a multithreaded app.
124 Chapter 6. Documentation
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class tornado.locks.Condition
A condition allows one or more coroutines to wait until notified.
Like a standard threading.Condition, but does not need an underlying lock that is acquired and released.
With a Condition, coroutines can wait to be notified by other coroutines:
import asyncio
from tornado import gen
from tornado.locks import Condition
condition = Condition()
async def waiter():
print("I'll wait right here")
await condition.wait()
print("I'm done waiting")
async def notifier():
print("About to notify")
print("Done notifying")
async def runner():
# Wait for waiter() and notifier() in parallel
await gen.multi([waiter(), notifier()])
I'll wait right here
About to notify
Done notifying
I'm done waiting
wait takes an optional timeout argument, which is either an absolute timestamp:
io_loop = IOLoop.current()
# Wait up to 1 second for a notification.
await condition.wait(timeout=io_loop.time() + 1)
. . . or a datetime.timedelta for a timeout relative to the current time:
# Wait up to 1 second.
await condition.wait(timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=1))
The method returns False if there’s no notification before the deadline.
Changed in version 5.0: Previously, waiters could be notified synchronously from within notify. Now, the
notification will always be received on the next iteration of the IOLoop.
wait(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[bool]
Wait for notify.
Returns a Future that resolves True if the condition is notified, or False after a timeout.
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 125
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notify(n: int = 1) None
Wake n waiters.
notify_all() None
Wake all waiters.
class tornado.locks.Event
An event blocks coroutines until its internal flag is set to True.
Similar to threading.Event.
A coroutine can wait for an event to be set. Once it is set, calls to yield event.wait() will not block unless
the event has been cleared:
import asyncio
from tornado import gen
from tornado.locks import Event
event = Event()
async def waiter():
print("Waiting for event")
await event.wait()
print("Not waiting this time")
await event.wait()
async def setter():
print("About to set the event")
async def runner():
await gen.multi([waiter(), setter()])
Waiting for event
About to set the event
Not waiting this time
is_set() bool
Return True if the internal flag is true.
set() None
Set the internal flag to True. All waiters are awakened.
Calling wait once the flag is set will not block.
clear() None
Reset the internal flag to False.
Calls to wait will block until set is called.
126 Chapter 6. Documentation
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wait(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[None]
Block until the internal flag is true.
Returns an awaitable, which raises tornado.util.TimeoutError after a timeout.
class tornado.locks.Semaphore(value: int = 1)
A lock that can be acquired a fixed number of times before blocking.
A Semaphore manages a counter representing the number of release calls minus the number of acquire calls,
plus an initial value. The acquire method blocks if necessary until it can return without making the counter
Semaphores limit access to a shared resource. To allow access for two workers at a time:
import asyncio
from tornado import gen
from tornado.locks import Semaphore
sem = Semaphore(2)
async def worker(worker_id):
await sem.acquire()
print("Worker %d is working" % worker_id)
await use_some_resource()
print("Worker %d is done" % worker_id)
async def runner():
# Join all workers.
await gen.multi([worker(i) for i in range(3)])
Worker 0 is working
Worker 1 is working
Worker 0 is done
Worker 2 is working
Worker 1 is done
Worker 2 is done
Workers 0 and 1 are allowed to run concurrently, but worker 2 waits until the semaphore has been released once,
by worker 0.
The semaphore can be used as an async context manager:
async def worker(worker_id):
async with sem:
print("Worker %d is working" % worker_id)
await use_some_resource()
(continues on next page)
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 127
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(continued from previous page)
# Now the semaphore has been released.
print("Worker %d is done" % worker_id)
For compatibility with older versions of Python, acquire is a context manager, so worker could also be written
def worker(worker_id):
with (yield sem.acquire()):
print("Worker %d is working" % worker_id)
yield use_some_resource()
# Now the semaphore has been released.
print("Worker %d is done" % worker_id)
Changed in version 4.3: Added async with support in Python 3.5.
release() None
Increment the counter and wake one waiter.
acquire(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[_ReleasingContextManager]
Decrement the counter. Returns an awaitable.
Block if the counter is zero and wait for a release. The awaitable raises TimeoutError after the deadline.
class tornado.locks.BoundedSemaphore(value: int = 1)
A semaphore that prevents release() being called too many times.
If release would increment the semaphore’s value past the initial value, it raises ValueError. Semaphores are
mostly used to guard resources with limited capacity, so a semaphore released too many times is a sign of a bug.
release() None
Increment the counter and wake one waiter.
acquire(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[_ReleasingContextManager]
Decrement the counter. Returns an awaitable.
Block if the counter is zero and wait for a release. The awaitable raises TimeoutError after the deadline.
class tornado.locks.Lock
A lock for coroutines.
A Lock begins unlocked, and acquire locks it immediately. While it is locked, a coroutine that yields acquire
waits until another coroutine calls release.
Releasing an unlocked lock raises RuntimeError.
A Lock can be used as an async context manager with the async with statement:
128 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
>>> from tornado import locks
>>> lock = locks.Lock()
>>> async def f():
... async with lock:
... # Do something holding the lock.
... pass
... # Now the lock is released.
For compatibility with older versions of Python, the acquire method asynchronously returns a regular context
>>> async def f2():
... with (yield lock.acquire()):
... # Do something holding the lock.
... pass
... # Now the lock is released.
Changed in version 4.3: Added async with support in Python 3.5.
acquire(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[_ReleasingContextManager]
Attempt to lock. Returns an awaitable.
Returns an awaitable, which raises tornado.util.TimeoutError after a timeout.
release() None
The first coroutine in line waiting for acquire gets the lock.
If not locked, raise a RuntimeError.
6.5.3 tornado.queues Queues for coroutines
New in version 4.2. Asynchronous queues for coroutines. These classes are very similar to those provided in the
standard library’s asyncio package.
Warning: Unlike the standard library’s queue module, the classes defined here are not thread-safe. To use these
queues from another thread, use IOLoop.add_callback to transfer control to the IOLoop thread before calling
any queue methods.
class tornado.queues.Queue(maxsize: int = 0)
Coordinate producer and consumer coroutines.
If maxsize is 0 (the default) the queue size is unbounded.
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 129
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
import asyncio
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.queues import Queue
q = Queue(maxsize=2)
async def consumer():
async for item in q:
print('Doing work on %s' % item)
await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
async def producer():
for item in range(5):
await q.put(item)
print('Put %s' % item)
async def main():
# Start consumer without waiting (since it never finishes).
await producer() # Wait for producer to put all tasks.
await q.join() # Wait for consumer to finish all tasks.
Put 0
Put 1
Doing work on 0
Put 2
Doing work on 1
Put 3
Doing work on 2
Put 4
Doing work on 3
Doing work on 4
In versions of Python without native coroutines (before 3.5), consumer() could be written as:
def consumer():
while True:
item = yield q.get()
print('Doing work on %s' % item)
yield gen.sleep(0.01)
Changed in version 4.3: Added async for support in Python 3.5.
130 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
property maxsize: int
Number of items allowed in the queue.
qsize() int
Number of items in the queue.
put(item: _T, timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Future[None]
Put an item into the queue, perhaps waiting until there is room.
Returns a Future, which raises tornado.util.TimeoutError after a timeout.
timeout may be a number denoting a time (on the same scale as tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.time, nor-
mally time.time), or a datetime.timedelta object for a deadline relative to the current time.
put_nowait(item: _T) None
Put an item into the queue without blocking.
If no free slot is immediately available, raise QueueFull.
get(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[_T]
Remove and return an item from the queue.
Returns an awaitable which resolves once an item is available, or raises tornado.util.TimeoutError
after a timeout.
timeout may be a number denoting a time (on the same scale as tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.time, nor-
mally time.time), or a datetime.timedelta object for a deadline relative to the current time.
Note: The timeout argument of this method differs from that of the standard library’s queue.Queue.get.
That method interprets numeric values as relative timeouts; this one interprets them as absolute deadlines
and requires timedelta objects for relative timeouts (consistent with other timeouts in Tornado).
get_nowait() _T
Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking.
Return an item if one is immediately available, else raise QueueEmpty.
task_done() None
Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete.
Used by queue consumers. For each get used to fetch a task, a subsequent call to task_done tells the
queue that the processing on the task is complete.
If a join is blocking, it resumes when all items have been processed; that is, when every put is matched
by a task_done.
Raises ValueError if called more times than put.
join(timeout: Optional[Union[float, timedelta]] = None) Awaitable[None]
Block until all items in the queue are processed.
Returns an awaitable, which raises tornado.util.TimeoutError after a timeout.
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 131
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class tornado.queues.PriorityQueue(maxsize: int = 0)
A Queue that retrieves entries in priority order, lowest first.
Entries are typically tuples like (priority number, data).
import asyncio
from tornado.queues import PriorityQueue
async def main():
q = PriorityQueue()
q.put((1, 'medium-priority item'))
q.put((0, 'high-priority item'))
q.put((10, 'low-priority item'))
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
(0, 'high-priority item')
(1, 'medium-priority item')
(10, 'low-priority item')
class tornado.queues.LifoQueue(maxsize: int = 0)
A Queue that retrieves the most recently put items first.
import asyncio
from tornado.queues import LifoQueue
async def main():
q = LifoQueue()
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
print(await q.get())
132 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
exception tornado.queues.QueueEmpty
Raised by Queue.get_nowait when the queue has no items.
exception tornado.queues.QueueFull
Raised by Queue.put_nowait when a queue is at its maximum size.
6.5.4 tornado.process Utilities for multiple processes
Utilities for working with multiple processes, including both forking the server into multiple processes and managing
exception tornado.process.CalledProcessError
An alias for subprocess.CalledProcessError.
tornado.process.cpu_count() int
Returns the number of processors on this machine.
tornado.process.fork_processes(num_processes: Optional[int], max_restarts: Optional[int] = None) int
Starts multiple worker processes.
If num_processes is None or <= 0, we detect the number of cores available on this machine and fork that
number of child processes. If num_processes is given and > 0, we fork that specific number of sub-processes.
Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory between any server code.
Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreload module (or the autoreload=True option
to tornado.web.Application which defaults to True when debug=True). When using multiple processes,
no IOLoops can be created or referenced until after the call to fork_processes .
In each child process, fork_processes returns its task id, a number between 0 and num_processes. Processes
that exit abnormally (due to a signal or non-zero exit status) are restarted with the same id (up to max_restarts
times). In the parent process, fork_processes calls sys.exit(0) after all child processes have exited nor-
max_restarts defaults to 100.
Availability: Unix
tornado.process.task_id() Optional[int]
Returns the current task id, if any.
Returns None if this process was not created by fork_processes.
class tornado.process.Subprocess(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Wraps subprocess.Popen with IOStream support.
The constructor is the same as subprocess.Popen with the following additions:
stdin, stdout, and stderr may have the value tornado.process.Subprocess.STREAM, which will
make the corresponding attribute of the resulting Subprocess a PipeIOStream. If this option is used, the
caller is responsible for closing the streams when done with them.
6.5. Coroutines and concurrency 133
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The Subprocess.STREAM option and the set_exit_callback and wait_for_exit methods do not work on
Windows. There is therefore no reason to use this class instead of subprocess.Popen on that platform.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
set_exit_callback(callback: Callable[[int], None]) None
Runs callback when this process exits.
The callback takes one argument, the return code of the process.
This method uses a SIGCHLD handler, which is a global setting and may conflict if you have other libraries
trying to handle the same signal. If you are using more than one IOLoop it may be necessary to call
Subprocess.initialize first to designate one IOLoop to run the signal handlers.
In many cases a close callback on the stdout or stderr streams can be used as an alternative to an exit callback
if the signal handler is causing a problem.
Availability: Unix
wait_for_exit(raise_error: bool = True) Future[int]
Returns a Future which resolves when the process exits.
ret = yield proc.wait_for_exit()
This is a coroutine-friendly alternative to set_exit_callback (and a replacement for the blocking
By default, raises subprocess.CalledProcessError if the process has a non-zero exit status. Use
wait_for_exit(raise_error=False) to suppress this behavior and return the exit status without rais-
New in version 4.2.
Availability: Unix
classmethod initialize() None
Initializes the SIGCHLD handler.
The signal handler is run on an IOLoop to avoid locking issues. Note that the IOLoop used for signal
handling need not be the same one used by individual Subprocess objects (as long as the IOLoops are each
running in separate threads).
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Availability: Unix
classmethod uninitialize() None
Removes the SIGCHLD handler.
134 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.6 Integration with other services
6.6.1 tornado.auth Third-party login with OpenID and OAuth
This module contains implementations of various third-party authentication schemes.
All the classes in this file are class mixins designed to be used with the tornado.web.RequestHandler class. They
are used in two ways:
On a login handler, use methods such as authenticate_redirect(), authorize_redirect(), and
get_authenticated_user() to establish the user’s identity and store authentication tokens to your database
and/or cookies.
In non-login handlers, use methods such as facebook_request() or twitter_request() to use the authen-
tication tokens to make requests to the respective services.
They all take slightly different arguments due to the fact all these services implement authentication and authorization
slightly differently. See the individual service classes below for complete documentation.
Example usage for Google OAuth:
class GoogleOAuth2LoginHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
if self.get_argument('code', False):
user = await self.get_authenticated_user(
# Save the user with e.g. set_signed_cookie
scope=['profile', 'email'],
extra_params={'approval_prompt': 'auto'})
Common protocols
These classes implement the OpenID and OAuth standards. They will generally need to be subclassed to use them with
any particular site. The degree of customization required will vary, but in most cases overriding the class attributes
(which are named beginning with underscores for historical reasons) should be sufficient.
class tornado.auth.OpenIdMixin
Abstract implementation of OpenID and Attribute Exchange.
Class attributes:
_OPENID_ENDPOINT: the identity providers URI.
authenticate_redirect(callback_uri: Optional[str] = None, ax_attrs: List[str] = ['name', 'email',
'language', 'username']) None
Redirects to the authentication URL for this service.
After authentication, the service will redirect back to the given callback URI with additional parameters
including openid.mode.
6.6. Integration with other services 135
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
We request the given attributes for the authenticated user by default (name, email, language, and username).
If you don’t need all those attributes for your app, you can request fewer with the ax_attrs keyword argument.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed and this method no longer returns an await-
able object. It is now an ordinary synchronous function.
coroutine get_authenticated_user(http_client: Optional[AsyncHTTPClient] = None) Dict[str,
Fetches the authenticated user data upon redirect.
This method should be called by the handler that receives the redirect from the
authenticate_redirect() method (which is often the same as the one that calls it; in that
case you would call get_authenticated_user if the openid.mode parameter is present and
authenticate_redirect if it is not).
The result of this method will generally be used to set a cookie.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
get_auth_http_client() AsyncHTTPClient
Returns the AsyncHTTPClient instance to be used for auth requests.
May be overridden by subclasses to use an HTTP client other than the default.
class tornado.auth.OAuthMixin
Abstract implementation of OAuth 1.0 and 1.0a.
See TwitterMixin below for an example implementation.
Class attributes:
_OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL: The service’s OAuth authorization url.
_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL: The service’s OAuth access token url.
_OAUTH_VERSION: May be either “1.0” or “1.0a”.
_OAUTH_NO_CALLBACKS: Set this to True if the service requires advance registration of callbacks.
Subclasses must also override the _oauth_get_user_future and _oauth_consumer_token methods.
async authorize_redirect(callback_uri: Optional[str] = None, extra_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
= None, http_client: Optional[AsyncHTTPClient] = None) None
Redirects the user to obtain OAuth authorization for this service.
The callback_uri may be omitted if you have previously registered a callback URI with the third-party
service. For some services, you must use a previously-registered callback URI and cannot specify a callback
via this method.
This method sets a cookie called _oauth_request_token which is subsequently used (and cleared) in
get_authenticated_user for security purposes.
This method is asynchronous and must be called with await or yield (This is different from other
auth*_redirect methods defined in this module). It calls RequestHandler.finish for you so you
should not write any other response after it returns.
Changed in version 3.1: Now returns a Future and takes an optional callback, for compatibility with gen.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
136 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
async get_authenticated_user(http_client: Optional[AsyncHTTPClient] = None) Dict[str, Any]
Gets the OAuth authorized user and access token.
This method should be called from the handler for your OAuth callback URL to complete the registra-
tion process. We run the callback with the authenticated user dictionary. This dictionary will contain an
access_key which can be used to make authorized requests to this service on behalf of the user. The
dictionary will also contain other fields such as name, depending on the service used.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
_oauth_consumer_token() Dict[str, Any]
Subclasses must override this to return their OAuth consumer keys.
The return value should be a dict with keys key and secret.
async _oauth_get_user_future(access_token: Dict[str, Any]) Dict[str, Any]
Subclasses must override this to get basic information about the user.
Should be a coroutine whose result is a dictionary containing information about the user, which may have
been retrieved by using access_token to make a request to the service.
The access token will be added to the returned dictionary to make the result of get_authenticated_user.
Changed in version 5.1: Subclasses may also define this method with async def.
Changed in version 6.0: A synchronous fallback to _oauth_get_user was removed.
get_auth_http_client() AsyncHTTPClient
Returns the AsyncHTTPClient instance to be used for auth requests.
May be overridden by subclasses to use an HTTP client other than the default.
class tornado.auth.OAuth2Mixin
Abstract implementation of OAuth 2.0.
See FacebookGraphMixin or GoogleOAuth2Mixin below for example implementations.
Class attributes:
_OAUTH_AUTHORIZE_URL: The service’s authorization url.
_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL: The service’s access token url.
authorize_redirect(redirect_uri: Optional[str] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret:
Optional[str] = None, extra_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, scope:
Optional[List[str]] = None, response_type: str = 'code') None
Redirects the user to obtain OAuth authorization for this service.
Some providers require that you register a redirect URL with your application instead of passing one via
this method. You should call this method to log the user in, and then call get_authenticated_user in
the handler for your redirect URL to complete the authorization process.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument and returned awaitable were removed; this is now an
ordinary synchronous function.
coroutine oauth2_request(url: str, access_token: Optional[str] = None, post_args: Optional[Dict[str,
Any]] = None, **args: Any) Any
Fetches the given URL auth an OAuth2 access token.
If the request is a POST, post_args should be provided. Query string arguments should be given as
keyword arguments.
Example usage:
6.6. Integration with other services 137
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
new_entry = await self.oauth2_request(
post_args={"message": "I am posting from my Tornado application!"},
if not new_entry:
# Call failed; perhaps missing permission?
self.finish("Posted a message!")
New in version 4.3.
get_auth_http_client() AsyncHTTPClient
Returns the AsyncHTTPClient instance to be used for auth requests.
May be overridden by subclasses to use an HTTP client other than the default.
New in version 4.3.
class tornado.auth.GoogleOAuth2Mixin
Google authentication using OAuth2.
In order to use, register your application with Google and copy the relevant parameters to your application set-
Go to the Google Dev Console at
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
Click CREATE CREDENTIALS and click OAuth client ID.
Under Application type, select Web application.
Name OAuth 2.0 client and click Create.
Copy the “Client secret” and “Client ID” to the application settings as {"google_oauth": {"key":
New in version 3.2.
get_google_oauth_settings() Dict[str, str]
Return the Google OAuth 2.0 credentials that you created with [Google Cloud Platform](https://console. The dict format is:
"key": "your_client_id", "secret": "your_client_secret"
138 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
If your credentials are stored differently (e.g. in a db) you can override this method for custom provision.
coroutine get_authenticated_user(redirect_uri: str, code: str, client_id: Optional[str] = None,
client_secret: Optional[str] = None) Dict[str, Any]
Handles the login for the Google user, returning an access token.
The result is a dictionary containing an access_token field ([among others](https:// Unlike other
get_authenticated_user methods in this package, this method does not return any additional infor-
mation about the user. The returned access token can be used with OAuth2Mixin.oauth2_request to
request additional information (perhaps from
Example usage:
class GoogleOAuth2LoginHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
if self.get_argument('code', False):
access = await self.get_authenticated_user(
user = await self.oauth2_request(
# Save the user and access token with
# e.g. set_signed_cookie.
scope=['profile', 'email'],
extra_params={'approval_prompt': 'auto'})
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
class tornado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin
Facebook authentication using the new Graph API and OAuth2.
coroutine get_authenticated_user(redirect_uri: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, code: str,
extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)
Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
Handles the login for the Facebook user, returning a user object.
Example usage:
class FacebookGraphLoginHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
if self.get_argument("code", False):
user = await self.get_authenticated_user(
(continues on next page)
6.6. Integration with other services 139
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
# Save the user with e.g. set_signed_cookie
extra_params={"scope": "read_stream,offline_access"})
This method returns a dictionary which may contain the following fields:
access_token, a string which may be passed to facebook_request
session_expires, an integer encoded as a string representing the time until the access token expires
in seconds. This field should be used like int(user['session_expires']); in a future version of
Tornado it will change from a string to an integer.
id, name, first_name, last_name, locale, picture, link, plus any fields named in the
extra_fields argument. These fields are copied from the Facebook graph API user object
Changed in version 4.5: The session_expires field was updated to support changes made to the Face-
book API in March 2017.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
coroutine facebook_request(path: str, access_token: Optional[str] = None, post_args:
Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, **args: Any) Any
Fetches the given relative API path, e.g., “/btaylor/picture”
If the request is a POST, post_args should be provided. Query string arguments should be given as
keyword arguments.
An introduction to the Facebook Graph API can be found at
Many methods require an OAuth access token which you can obtain through authorize_redirect and
get_authenticated_user. The user returned through that process includes an access_token attribute
that can be used to make authenticated requests via this method.
Example usage:
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
new_entry = await self.facebook_request(
post_args={"message": "I am posting from my Tornado application!"},
if not new_entry:
# Call failed; perhaps missing permission?
self.finish("Posted a message!")
The given path is relative to self._FACEBOOK_BASE_URL, by default”.
140 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
This method is a wrapper around OAuth2Mixin.oauth2_request; the only difference is that this method
takes a relative path, while oauth2_request takes a complete url.
Changed in version 3.1: Added the ability to override self._FACEBOOK_BASE_URL.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
class tornado.auth.TwitterMixin
Twitter OAuth authentication.
To authenticate with Twitter, register your application with Twitter at Then copy
your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret to the application settings twitter_consumer_key and
twitter_consumer_secret. Use this mixin on the handler for the URL you registered as your applications
callback URL.
When your application is set up, you can use this mixin like this to authenticate the user with Twitter and get
access to their stream:
class TwitterLoginHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
if self.get_argument("oauth_token", None):
user = await self.get_authenticated_user()
# Save the user using e.g. set_signed_cookie()
await self.authorize_redirect()
The user object returned by get_authenticated_user includes the attributes username, name,
access_token, and all of the custom Twitter user attributes described at
coroutine authenticate_redirect(callback_uri: Optional[str] = None) None
Just like authorize_redirect, but auto-redirects if authorized.
This is generally the right interface to use if you are using Twitter for single-sign on.
Changed in version 3.1: Now returns a Future and takes an optional callback, for compatibility with gen.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
coroutine twitter_request(path: str, access_token: Dict[str, Any], post_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
= None, **args: Any) Any
Fetches the given API path, e.g., statuses/user_timeline/btaylor
The path should not include the format or API version number. (we automatically use JSON format and
API version 1).
If the request is a POST, post_args should be provided. Query string arguments should be given as
keyword arguments.
All the Twitter methods are documented at
Many methods require an OAuth access token which you can obtain through authorize_redirect and
get_authenticated_user. The user returned through that process includes an ‘access_token attribute
that can be used to make authenticated requests via this method. Example usage:
6.6. Integration with other services 141
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
async def get(self):
new_entry = await self.twitter_request(
post_args={"status": "Testing Tornado Web Server"},
if not new_entry:
# Call failed; perhaps missing permission?
await self.authorize_redirect()
self.finish("Posted a message!")
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed. Use the returned awaitable object instead.
6.6.2 tornado.wsgi Interoperability with other Python frameworks and servers
WSGI support for the Tornado web framework.
WSGI is the Python standard for web servers, and allows for interoperability between Tornado and other Python web
frameworks and servers.
This module provides WSGI support via the WSGIContainer class, which makes it possible to run applications using
other WSGI frameworks on the Tornado HTTP server. The reverse is not supported; the Tornado Application and
RequestHandler classes are designed for use with the Tornado HTTPServer and cannot be used in a generic WSGI
class tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer(wsgi_application: WSGIAppType, executor: Optional[Executor] = None)
Makes a WSGI-compatible application runnable on Tornados HTTP server.
Warning: WSGI is a synchronous interface, while Tornados concurrency model is based on single-threaded
asynchronous execution. Many of Tornados distinguishing features are not available in WSGI mode, includ-
ing efficient long-polling and websockets. The primary purpose of WSGIContainer is to support both WSGI
applications and native Tornado RequestHandlers in a single process. WSGI-only applications are likely
to be better off with a dedicated WSGI server such as gunicorn or uwsgi.
Wrap a WSGI application in a WSGIContainer to make it implement the Tornado HTTPServer
request_callback interface. The WSGIContainer object can then be passed to classes from the tornado.
routing module, tornado.web.FallbackHandler, or to HTTPServer directly.
This class is intended to let other frameworks (Django, Flask, etc) run on the Tornado HTTP server and I/O loop.
Realistic usage will be more complicated, but the simplest possible example uses a hand-written WSGI applica-
tion with HTTPServer:
def simple_app(environ, start_response):
status = "200 OK"
response_headers = [("Content-type", "text/plain")]
start_response(status, response_headers)
return [b"Hello world!\n"]
async def main():
(continues on next page)
142 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
container = tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer(simple_app)
http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(container)
await asyncio.Event().wait()
The recommended pattern is to use the tornado.routing module to set up routing rules between your WSGI
application and, typically, a tornado.web.Application. Alternatively, tornado.web.Application can be
used as the top-level router and tornado.web.FallbackHandler can embed a WSGIContainer within it.
If the executor argument is provided, the WSGI application will be executed on that executor. This must be an
instance of concurrent.futures.Executor, typically a ThreadPoolExecutor (ProcessPoolExecutor is
not supported). If no executor is given, the application will run on the event loop thread in Tornado 6.3; this
will change to use an internal thread pool by default in Tornado 7.0.
Warning: By default, the WSGI application is executed on the event loop’s thread. This limits the server
to one request at a time (per process), making it less scalable than most other WSGI servers. It is therefore
highly recommended that you pass a ThreadPoolExecutor when constructing the WSGIContainer, after
verifying that your application is thread-safe. The default will change to use a ThreadPoolExecutor in
Tornado 7.0.
New in version 6.3: The executor parameter.
Deprecated since version 6.3: The default behavior of running the WSGI application on the event loop thread is
deprecated and will change in Tornado 7.0 to use a thread pool by default.
environ(request: HTTPServerRequest) Dict[str, Any]
Converts a tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest to a WSGI environment.
Changed in version 6.3: No longer a static method.
6.6.3 tornado.platform.caresresolver Asynchronous DNS Resolver using C-
This module contains a DNS resolver using the c-ares library (and its wrapper pycares).
class tornado.platform.caresresolver.CaresResolver
Name resolver based on the c-ares library.
This is a non-blocking and non-threaded resolver. It may not produce the same results as the system resolver, but
can be used for non-blocking resolution when threads cannot be used.
c-ares fails to resolve some names when family is AF_UNSPEC, so it is only recommended for use in AF_INET
(i.e. IPv4). This is the default for tornado.simple_httpclient, but other libraries may default to AF_UNSPEC.
Deprecated since version 6.2: This class is deprecated and will be removed in Tornado 7.0. Use the default
thread-based resolver instead.
6.6. Integration with other services 143
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.6.4 tornado.platform.twisted Bridges between Twisted and Tornado
Deprecated since version 6.0: This module is no longer recommended for new code. Instead of using direct integration
between Tornado and Twisted, new applications should rely on the integration with asyncio provided by both packages.
Importing this module has the side effect of registering Twisted’s Deferred class with Tornado’s @gen.coroutine
so that Deferred objects can be used with yield in coroutines using this decorator (importing this module has no
effect on native coroutines using async def).
Install AsyncioSelectorReactor as the default Twisted reactor.
Deprecated since version 5.1: This function is provided for backwards compatibility; code that does not require
compatibility with older versions of Tornado should use twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.install()
Changed in version 6.0.3: In Tornado 5.x and before, this function installed a reactor based on the Tornado
IOLoop. When that reactor implementation was removed in Tornado 6.0.0, this function was removed as well.
It was restored in Tornado 6.0.3 using the asyncio reactor instead.
Twisted DNS resolver
class tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedResolver
Twisted-based asynchronous resolver.
This is a non-blocking and non-threaded resolver. It is recommended only when threads cannot be used, since
it has limitations compared to the standard getaddrinfo-based Resolver and DefaultExecutorResolver.
Specifically, it returns at most one result, and arguments other than host and family are ignored. It may fail to
resolve when family is not socket.AF_UNSPEC.
Requires Twisted 12.1 or newer.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
Deprecated since version 6.2: This class is deprecated and will be removed in Tornado 7.0. Use the default
thread-based resolver instead.
6.6.5 tornado.platform.asyncio Bridge between asyncio and Tornado
Bridges between the asyncio module and Tornado IOLoop.
New in version 3.2.
This module integrates Tornado with the asyncio module introduced in Python 3.4. This makes it possible to combine
the two libraries on the same event loop.
Deprecated since version 5.0: While the code in this module is still used, it is now enabled automatically when asyncio
is available, so applications should no longer need to refer to this module directly.
Note: Tornado is designed to use a selector-based event loop. On Windows, where a proactor-based event loop has been
the default since Python 3.8, a selector event loop is emulated by running select on a separate thread. Configuring
asyncio to use a selector event loop may improve performance of Tornado (but may reduce performance of other
asyncio-based libraries in the same process).
144 Chapter 6. Documentation
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class tornado.platform.asyncio.AsyncIOMainLoop(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
AsyncIOMainLoop creates an IOLoop that corresponds to the current asyncio event loop (i.e. the one returned
by asyncio.get_event_loop()).
Deprecated since version 5.0: Now used automatically when appropriate; it is no longer necessary to refer to this
class directly.
Changed in version 5.0: Closing an AsyncIOMainLoop now closes the underlying asyncio loop.
class tornado.platform.asyncio.AsyncIOLoop(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
AsyncIOLoop is an IOLoop that runs on an asyncio event loop. This class follows the usual Tornado semantics
for creating new IOLoops; these loops are not necessarily related to the asyncio default event loop.
Each AsyncIOLoop creates a new asyncio.EventLoop; this object can be accessed with the asyncio_loop
Changed in version 6.2: Support explicit asyncio_loop argument for specifying the asyncio loop to attach to,
rather than always creating a new one with the default policy.
Changed in version 5.0: When an AsyncIOLoop becomes the current IOLoop, it also sets the current asyncio
event loop.
Deprecated since version 5.0: Now used automatically when appropriate; it is no longer necessary to refer to this
class directly.
tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future(asyncio_future: Future) Future
Convert an asyncio.Future to a tornado.concurrent.Future.
New in version 4.1.
Deprecated since version 5.0: Tornado Futures have been merged with asyncio.Future, so this method is
now a no-op.
tornado.platform.asyncio.to_asyncio_future(tornado_future: Future) Future
Convert a Tornado yieldable object to an asyncio.Future.
New in version 4.1.
Changed in version 4.3: Now accepts any yieldable object, not just tornado.concurrent.Future.
Deprecated since version 5.0: Tornado Futures have been merged with asyncio.Future, so this method is
now equivalent to tornado.gen.convert_yielded .
class tornado.platform.asyncio.AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy
Event loop policy that allows loop creation on any thread.
The default asyncio event loop policy only automatically creates event loops in the main threads. Other threads
must create event loops explicitly or asyncio.get_event_loop (and therefore IOLoop.current) will fail.
Installing this policy allows event loops to be created automatically on any thread, matching the behavior of
Tornado versions prior to 5.0 (or 5.0 on Python 2).
New in version 5.0.
Deprecated since version 6.2: AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy affects the implicit creation of an event
loop, which is deprecated in Python 3.10 and will be removed in a future version of Python. At that
time AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy will no longer be useful. If you are relying on it, use asyncio.
new_event_loop or explicitly in any non-main threads that need event loops.
6.6. Integration with other services 145
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class tornado.platform.asyncio.AddThreadSelectorEventLoop(real_loop: AbstractEventLoop)
Wrap an event loop to add implementations of the add_reader method family.
Instances of this class start a second thread to run a selector. This thread is completely hidden from the user; all
callbacks are run on the wrapped event loop’s thread.
This class is used automatically by Tornado; applications should not need to refer to it directly.
It is safe to wrap any event loop with this class, although it only makes sense for event loops that do not implement
the add_reader family of methods themselves (i.e. WindowsProactorEventLoop)
Closing the AddThreadSelectorEventLoop also closes the wrapped event loop.
6.7 Utilities
6.7.1 tornado.autoreload Automatically detect code changes in development
Automatically restart the server when a source file is modified.
Most applications should not access this module directly. Instead, pass the keyword argument autoreload=True to
the tornado.web.Application constructor (or debug=True, which enables this setting and several others). This
will enable autoreload mode as well as checking for changes to templates and static resources. Note that restarting is
a destructive operation and any requests in progress will be aborted when the process restarts. (If you want to disable
autoreload while using other debug-mode features, pass both debug=True and autoreload=False).
This module can also be used as a command-line wrapper around scripts such as unit test runners. See the main method
for details.
The command-line wrapper and Application debug modes can be used together. This combination is encouraged as
the wrapper catches syntax errors and other import-time failures, while debug mode catches changes once the server
has started.
This module will not work correctly when HTTPServers multi-process mode is used.
Reloading loses any Python interpreter command-line arguments (e.g. -u) because it re-executes Python using sys.
executable and sys.argv. Additionally, modifying these variables will cause reloading to behave incorrectly.
tornado.autoreload.start(check_time: int = 500) None
Begins watching source files for changes.
Changed in version 5.0: The io_loop argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed.
tornado.autoreload.wait() None
Wait for a watched file to change, then restart the process.
Intended to be used at the end of scripts like unit test runners, to run the tests again after any source file changes
(but see also the command-line interface in main) str) None
Add a file to the watch list.
All imported modules are watched by default.
tornado.autoreload.add_reload_hook(fn: Callable[[], None]) None
Add a function to be called before reloading the process.
Note that for open file and socket handles it is generally preferable to set the FD_CLOEXEC flag (using fcntl or
os.set_inheritable) instead of using a reload hook to close them.
146 Chapter 6. Documentation
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tornado.autoreload.main() None
Command-line wrapper to re-run a script whenever its source changes.
Scripts may be specified by filename or module name:
python -m tornado.autoreload -m tornado.test.runtests
python -m tornado.autoreload tornado/test/
Running a script with this wrapper is similar to calling tornado.autoreload.wait at the end of the script,
but this wrapper can catch import-time problems like syntax errors that would otherwise prevent the script from
reaching its call to wait.
6.7.2 tornado.concurrent Work with Future objects
Utilities for working with Future objects.
Tornado previously provided its own Future class, but now uses asyncio.Future. This module contains
utility functions for working with asyncio.Future in a way that is backwards-compatible with Tornado’s
old Future implementation.
While this module is an important part of Tornados internal implementation, applications rarely need to
interact with it directly.
class tornado.concurrent.Future
tornado.concurrent.Future is an alias for asyncio.Future.
In Tornado, the main way in which applications interact with Future objects is by awaiting or yielding
them in coroutines, instead of calling methods on the Future objects themselves. For more information on the
available methods, see the asyncio.Future docs.
Changed in version 5.0: Tornado’s implementation of Future has been replaced by the version from asyncio
when available.
Future objects can only be created while there is a current IOLoop
The timing of callbacks scheduled with Future.add_done_callback has changed.
Cancellation is now partially supported (only on Python 3)
The exc_info and set_exc_info methods are no longer available on Python 3.
tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) Callable
Decorator to run a synchronous method asynchronously on an executor.
Returns a future.
The executor to be used is determined by the executor attributes of self. To use a different attribute name,
pass a keyword argument to the decorator:
def foo(self):
This decorator should not be confused with the similarly-named IOLoop.run_in_executor. In general, us-
ing run_in_executor when calling a blocking method is recommended instead of using this decorator when
defining a method. If compatibility with older versions of Tornado is required, consider defining an executor and
using executor.submit() at the call site.
Changed in version 4.2: Added keyword arguments to use alternative attributes.
6.7. Utilities 147
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Changed in version 5.0: Always uses the current IOLoop instead of self.io_loop.
Changed in version 5.1: Returns a Future compatible with await instead of a concurrent.futures.Future.
Deprecated since version 5.1: The callback argument is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. The decorator
itself is discouraged in new code but will not be removed in 6.0.
Changed in version 6.0: The callback argument was removed.
tornado.concurrent.chain_future(a: Future[_T], b: Future[_T]) None
Chain two futures together so that when one completes, so does the other.
The result (success or failure) of a will be copied to b, unless b has already been completed or cancelled by the
time a finishes.
Changed in version 5.0: Now accepts both Tornado/asyncio Future objects and concurrent.futures.
tornado.concurrent.future_set_result_unless_cancelled(future: Union[futures.Future[_T],
Future[_T]], value: _T) None
Set the given value as the Futures result, if not cancelled.
Avoids asyncio.InvalidStateError when calling set_result() on a cancelled asyncio.Future.
New in version 5.0.
tornado.concurrent.future_set_exception_unless_cancelled(future: Union[futures.Future[_T],
Future[_T]], exc: BaseException)
Set the given exc as the Futures exception.
If the Future is already canceled, logs the exception instead. If this logging is not desired, the caller should
explicitly check the state of the Future and call Future.set_exception instead of this wrapper.
Avoids asyncio.InvalidStateError when calling set_exception() on a cancelled asyncio.Future.
New in version 6.0.
tornado.concurrent.future_set_exc_info(future: Union[futures.Future[_T], Future[_T]], exc_info:
Tuple[Optional[type], Optional[BaseException],
Optional[TracebackType]]) None
Set the given exc_info as the Futures exception.
Understands both asyncio.Future and the extensions in older versions of Tornado to enable better tracebacks
on Python 2.
New in version 5.0.
Changed in version 6.0: If the future is already cancelled, this function is a no-op. (previously asyncio.
InvalidStateError would be raised)
tornado.concurrent.future_add_done_callback(future: futures.Future[_T], callback:
Callable[[futures.Future[_T]], None]) None
tornado.concurrent.future_add_done_callback(future: Future[_T], callback: Callable[[Future[_T]],
None]) None
Arrange to call callback when future is complete.
callback is invoked with one argument, the future.
If future is already done, callback is invoked immediately. This may differ from the behavior of Future.
add_done_callback, which makes no such guarantee.
New in version 5.0.
148 Chapter 6. Documentation
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6.7.3 tornado.log Logging support
Logging support for Tornado.
Tornado uses three logger streams:
tornado.access: Per-request logging for Tornado’s HTTP servers (and potentially other servers in the future)
tornado.application: Logging of errors from application code (i.e. uncaught exceptions from callbacks)
tornado.general: General-purpose logging, including any errors or warnings from Tornado itself.
These streams may be configured independently using the standard library’s logging module. For example, you may
wish to send tornado.access logs to a separate file for analysis.
class tornado.log.LogFormatter(fmt: str = '%(color)s[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s
%(module)s:%(lineno)d]%(end_color)s %(message)s', datefmt: str =
'%y%m%d %H:%M:%S', style: str = '%', color: bool = True, colors:
Dict[int, int] = {10: 4, 20: 2, 30: 3, 40: 1, 50: 5})
Log formatter used in Tornado.
Key features of this formatter are:
Color support when logging to a terminal that supports it.
Timestamps on every log line.
Robust against str/bytes encoding problems.
This formatter is enabled automatically by tornado.options.parse_command_line or tornado.options.
parse_config_file (unless --logging=none is used).
Color support on Windows versions that do not support ANSI color codes is enabled by use of the colorama
library. Applications that wish to use this must first initialize colorama with a call to colorama.init. See the
colorama documentation for details.
Changed in version 4.5: Added support for colorama. Changed the constructor signature to be compatible with
color (bool) Enables color support.
fmt (str) Log message format. It will be applied to the attributes dict of log records.
The text between %(color)s and %(end_color)s will be colored depending on the level
if color support is on.
colors (dict) color mappings from logging level to terminal color code
datefmt (str) Datetime format. Used for formatting (asctime) placeholder in
Changed in version 3.2: Added fmt and datefmt arguments.
tornado.log.enable_pretty_logging(options: Optional[Any] = None, logger: Optional[Logger] = None)
Turns on formatted logging output as configured.
This is called automatically by tornado.options.parse_command_line and tornado.options.
6.7. Utilities 149
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tornado.log.define_logging_options(options: Optional[Any] = None) None
Add logging-related flags to options.
These options are present automatically on the default options instance; this method is only necessary if you have
created your own OptionParser.
New in version 4.2: This function existed in prior versions but was broken and undocumented until 4.2.
6.7.4 tornado.options Command-line parsing
A command line parsing module that lets modules define their own options.
This module is inspired by Google’s gflags. The primary difference with libraries such as argparse is that a global
registry is used so that options may be defined in any module (it also enables tornado.log by default). The rest of
Tornado does not depend on this module, so feel free to use argparse or other configuration libraries if you prefer
Options must be defined with tornado.options.define before use, generally at the top level of a module. The
options are then accessible as attributes of tornado.options.options:
# myapp/
from tornado.options import define, options
define("mysql_host", default="", help="Main user DB")
define("memcache_hosts", default="", multiple=True,
help="Main user memcache servers")
def connect():
db = database.Connection(options.mysql_host)
# myapp/
from tornado.options import define, options
define("port", default=8080, help="port to listen on")
def start_server():
app = make_app()
The main() method of your application does not need to be aware of all of the options used throughout your program;
they are all automatically loaded when the modules are loaded. However, all modules that define options must have
been imported before the command line is parsed.
Your main() method can parse the command line or parse a config file with either parse_command_line or
import myapp.db, myapp.server
import tornado
if __name__ == '__main__':
# or
150 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Note: When using multiple parse_* functions, pass final=False to all but the last one, or side effects may occur
twice (in particular, this can result in log messages being doubled).
tornado.options.options is a singleton instance of OptionParser, and the top-level functions in this module
(define, parse_command_line, etc) simply call methods on it. You may create additional OptionParser instances
to define isolated sets of options, such as for subcommands.
Note: By default, several options are defined that will configure the standard logging module when
parse_command_line or parse_config_file are called. If you want Tornado to leave the logging configuration
alone so you can manage it yourself, either pass --logging=none on the command line or do the following to disable
it in code:
from tornado.options import options, parse_command_line
options.logging = None
Note: parse_command_line or parse_config_file function should called after logging configuration and user-
defined command line flags using the callback option definition, or these configurations will not take effect.
Changed in version 4.3: Dashes and underscores are fully interchangeable in option names; options can be defined, set,
and read with any mix of the two. Dashes are typical for command-line usage while config files require underscores.
Global functions
tornado.options.define(name: str, default: Optional[Any] = None, type: Optional[type] = None, help:
Optional[str] = None, metavar: Optional[str] = None, multiple: bool = False, group:
Optional[str] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[Any], None]] = None) None
Defines an option in the global namespace.
See OptionParser.define.
Global options object. All defined options are available as attributes on this object.
tornado.options.parse_command_line(args: Optional[List[str]] = None, final: bool = True) List[str]
Parses global options from the command line.
See OptionParser.parse_command_line.
tornado.options.parse_config_file(path: str, final: bool = True) None
Parses global options from a config file.
See OptionParser.parse_config_file.
Prints all the command line options to stderr (or another file).
See OptionParser.print_help.
tornado.options.add_parse_callback(callback: Callable[[], None]) None
Adds a parse callback, to be invoked when option parsing is done.
See OptionParser.add_parse_callback
6.7. Utilities 151
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
exception tornado.options.Error
Exception raised by errors in the options module.
OptionParser class
class tornado.options.OptionParser
A collection of options, a dictionary with object-like access.
Normally accessed via static functions in the tornado.options module, which reference a global instance.
OptionParser.define(name: str, default: Optional[Any] = None, type: Optional[type] = None, help:
Optional[str] = None, metavar: Optional[str] = None, multiple: bool = False, group:
Optional[str] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[Any], None]] = None) None
Defines a new command line option.
type can be any of str, int, float, bool, datetime, or timedelta. If no type is given but a default is,
type is the type of default. Otherwise, type defaults to str.
If multiple is True, the option value is a list of type instead of an instance of type.
help and metavar are used to construct the automatically generated command line help string. The help message
is formatted like:
--name=METAVAR help string
group is used to group the defined options in logical groups. By default, command line options are grouped by
the file in which they are defined.
Command line option names must be unique globally.
If a callback is given, it will be run with the new value whenever the option is changed. This can be used to
combine command-line and file-based options:
define("config", type=str, help="path to config file",
callback=lambda path: parse_config_file(path, final=False))
With this definition, options in the file specified by --config will override options set earlier on the command
line, but can be overridden by later flags.
OptionParser.parse_command_line(args: Optional[List[str]] = None, final: bool = True) List[str]
Parses all options given on the command line (defaults to sys.argv).
Options look like --option=value and are parsed according to their type. For boolean options, --option is
equivalent to --option=true
If the option has multiple=True, comma-separated values are accepted. For multi-value integer options, the
syntax x:y is also accepted and equivalent to range(x, y).
Note that args[0] is ignored since it is the program name in sys.argv.
We return a list of all arguments that are not parsed as options.
If final is False, parse callbacks will not be run. This is useful for applications that wish to combine configu-
rations from multiple sources.
OptionParser.parse_config_file(path: str, final: bool = True) None
Parses and loads the config file at the given path.
The config file contains Python code that will be executed (so it is not safe to use untrusted config files). Anything
in the global namespace that matches a defined option will be used to set that option’s value.
152 Chapter 6. Documentation
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Options may either be the specified type for the option or strings (in which case they will be parsed the same way
as in parse_command_line)
Example (using the options defined in the top-level docs of this module):
port = 80
mysql_host = ''
# Both lists and comma-separated strings are allowed for
# multiple=True.
memcache_hosts = ['',
memcache_hosts = ','
If final is False, parse callbacks will not be run. This is useful for applications that wish to combine configu-
rations from multiple sources.
Note: tornado.options is primarily a command-line library. Config file support is provided for applications
that wish to use it, but applications that prefer config files may wish to look at other libraries instead.
Changed in version 4.1: Config files are now always interpreted as utf-8 instead of the system default encoding.
Changed in version 4.4: The special variable __file__ is available inside config files, specifying the absolute
path to the config file itself.
Changed in version 5.1: Added the ability to set options via strings in config files.
OptionParser.print_help(file: Optional[TextIO] = None) None
Prints all the command line options to stderr (or another file).
OptionParser.add_parse_callback(callback: Callable[[], None]) None
Adds a parse callback, to be invoked when option parsing is done.
OptionParser.mockable() _Mockable
Returns a wrapper around self that is compatible with mock.patch.
The mock.patch function (included in the standard library unittest.mock package since Python 3.3, or in the
third-party mock package for older versions of Python) is incompatible with objects like options that override
__getattr__ and __setattr__. This function returns an object that can be used with mock.patch.object
to modify option values:
with mock.patch.object(options.mockable(), 'name', value):
assert == value
OptionParser.items() Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]
An iterable of (name, value) pairs.
New in version 3.1.
OptionParser.as_dict() Dict[str, Any]
The names and values of all options.
New in version 3.1.
OptionParser.groups() Set[str]
The set of option-groups created by define.
New in version 3.1.
6.7. Utilities 153
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
OptionParser.group_dict(group: str) Dict[str, Any]
The names and values of options in a group.
Useful for copying options into Application settings:
from tornado.options import define, parse_command_line, options
define('template_path', group='application')
define('static_path', group='application')
application = Application(
handlers, **options.group_dict('application'))
New in version 3.1.
6.7.5 tornado.testing Unit testing support for asynchronous code
Support classes for automated testing.
AsyncTestCase and AsyncHTTPTestCase: Subclasses of unittest.TestCase with additional support for testing
asynchronous (IOLoop-based) code.
ExpectLog: Make test logs less spammy.
main(): A simple test runner (wrapper around unittest.main()) with support for the tornado.autoreload module
to rerun the tests when code changes.
Asynchronous test cases
class tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase(methodName: str = 'runTest')
TestCase subclass for testing IOLoop-based asynchronous code.
The unittest framework is synchronous, so the test must be complete by the time the test method returns. This
means that asynchronous code cannot be used in quite the same way as usual and must be adapted to fit. To write
your tests with coroutines, decorate your test methods with tornado.testing.gen_test instead of tornado.
This class also provides the (deprecated) stop() and wait() methods for a more manual style of testing. The
test method itself must call self.wait(), and asynchronous callbacks should call self.stop() to signal com-
By default, a new IOLoop is constructed for each test and is available as self.io_loop. If the code being
tested requires a reused global IOLoop, subclasses should override get_new_ioloop to return it, although this
is deprecated as of Tornado 6.3.
The IOLoops start and stop methods should not be called directly. Instead, use self.stop and self.wait.
Arguments passed to self.stop are returned from self.wait. It is possible to have multiple wait/stop cycles
in the same test.
# This test uses coroutine style.
class MyTestCase(AsyncTestCase):
(continues on next page)
154 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
def test_http_fetch(self):
client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = yield client.fetch("")
# Test contents of response
self.assertIn("FriendFeed", response.body)
# This test uses argument passing between self.stop and self.wait.
class MyTestCase2(AsyncTestCase):
def test_http_fetch(self):
client = AsyncHTTPClient()
client.fetch("", self.stop)
response = self.wait()
# Test contents of response
self.assertIn("FriendFeed", response.body)
get_new_ioloop() IOLoop
Returns the IOLoop to use for this test.
By default, a new IOLoop is created for each test. Subclasses may override this method to return IOLoop.
current() if it is not appropriate to use a new IOLoop in each tests (for example, if there are global
singletons using the default IOLoop) or if a per-test event loop is being provided by another system (such
as pytest-asyncio).
Deprecated since version 6.3: This method will be removed in Tornado 7.0.
stop(_arg: Optional[Any] = None, **kwargs: Any) None
Stops the IOLoop, causing one pending (or future) call to wait() to return.
Keyword arguments or a single positional argument passed to stop() are saved and will be returned by
Deprecated since version 5.1: stop and wait are deprecated; use @gen_test instead.
wait(condition: Optional[Callable[[...], bool]] = None, timeout: Optional[float] = None) Any
Runs the IOLoop until stop is called or timeout has passed.
In the event of a timeout, an exception will be thrown. The default timeout is 5 seconds; it may be overridden
with a timeout keyword argument or globally with the ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT environment variable.
If condition is not None, the IOLoop will be restarted after stop() until condition() returns True.
Changed in version 3.1: Added the ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT environment variable.
Deprecated since version 5.1: stop and wait are deprecated; use @gen_test instead.
class tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase(methodName: str = 'runTest')
A test case that starts up an HTTP server.
Subclasses must override get_app(), which returns the tornado.web.Application (or other HTTPServer
callback) to be tested. Tests will typically use the provided self.http_client to fetch URLs from this server.
Example, assuming the “Hello, world” example from the user guide is in
import hello
class TestHelloApp(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
def get_app(self):
return hello.make_app()
(continues on next page)
6.7. Utilities 155
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
def test_homepage(self):
response = self.fetch('/')
self.assertEqual(response.code, 200)
self.assertEqual(response.body, 'Hello, world')
That call to self.fetch() is equivalent to
self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url('/'), self.stop)
response = self.wait()
which illustrates how AsyncTestCase can turn an asynchronous operation, like http_client.fetch(), into a
synchronous operation. If you need to do other asynchronous operations in tests, you’ll probably need to use
stop() and wait() yourself.
get_app() Application
Should be overridden by subclasses to return a tornado.web.Application or other HTTPServer call-
fetch(path: str, raise_error: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) HTTPResponse
Convenience method to synchronously fetch a URL.
The given path will be appended to the local server’s host and port. Any additional keyword arguments will
be passed directly to AsyncHTTPClient.fetch (and so could be used to pass method="POST", body=".
..", etc).
If the path begins with http:// or https://, it will be treated as a full URL and will be fetched as-is.
If raise_error is True, a tornado.httpclient.HTTPError will be raised if the response code is
not 200. This is the same behavior as the raise_error argument to AsyncHTTPClient.fetch, but
the default is False here (it’s True in AsyncHTTPClient) because tests often need to deal with non-200
response codes.
Changed in version 5.0: Added support for absolute URLs.
Changed in version 5.1: Added the raise_error argument.
Deprecated since version 5.1: This method currently turns any exception into an HTTPResponse with status
code 599. In Tornado 6.0, errors other than tornado.httpclient.HTTPError will be passed through,
and raise_error=False will only suppress errors that would be raised due to non-200 response codes.
get_httpserver_options() Dict[str, Any]
May be overridden by subclasses to return additional keyword arguments for the server.
get_http_port() int
Returns the port used by the server.
A new port is chosen for each test.
get_url(path: str) str
Returns an absolute url for the given path on the test server.
class tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPSTestCase(methodName: str = 'runTest')
A test case that starts an HTTPS server.
Interface is generally the same as AsyncHTTPTestCase.
156 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
get_ssl_options() Dict[str, Any]
May be overridden by subclasses to select SSL options.
By default includes a self-signed testing certificate.
tornado.testing.gen_test(*, timeout: Optional[float] = None) Callable[[Callable[[...], Union[Generator,
Coroutine]]], Callable[[...], None]]
tornado.testing.gen_test(func: Callable[[...], Union[Generator, Coroutine]]) Callable[[...], None]
Testing equivalent of @gen.coroutine, to be applied to test methods.
@gen.coroutine cannot be used on tests because the IOLoop is not already running. @gen_test should be
applied to test methods on subclasses of AsyncTestCase .
class MyTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
def test_something(self):
response = yield self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url('/'))
By default, @gen_test times out after 5 seconds. The timeout may be overridden globally with the
ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT environment variable, or for each test with the timeout keyword argument:
class MyTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase):
def test_something_slow(self):
response = yield self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url('/'))
Note that @gen_test is incompatible with AsyncTestCase.stop, AsyncTestCase.wait, and
AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch. Use yield self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url()) as shown
above instead.
New in version 3.1: The timeout argument and ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT environment variable.
Changed in version 4.0: The wrapper now passes along *args, **kwargs so it can be used on functions with
Controlling log output
class tornado.testing.ExpectLog(logger: Union[Logger, str], regex: str, required: bool = True, level:
Optional[int] = None)
Context manager to capture and suppress expected log output.
Useful to make tests of error conditions less noisy, while still leaving unexpected log entries visible. Not thread
The attribute logged_stack is set to True if any exception stack trace was logged.
with ExpectLog('tornado.application', "Uncaught exception"):
error_response = self.fetch("/some_page")
Changed in version 4.3: Added the logged_stack attribute.
Constructs an ExpectLog context manager.
6.7. Utilities 157
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
logger Logger object (or name of logger) to watch. Pass an empty string to watch the root
regex Regular expression to match. Any log entries on the specified logger that match this
regex will be suppressed.
required If true, an exception will be raised if the end of the with statement is reached
without matching any log entries.
level A constant from the logging module indicating the expected log level. If this
parameter is provided, only log messages at this level will be considered to match. Addi-
tionally, the supplied logger will have its level adjusted if necessary (for the duration of the
ExpectLog to enable the expected message.
Changed in version 6.1: Added the level parameter.
Deprecated since version 6.3: In Tornado 7.0, only WARNING and higher logging levels will be matched by default.
To match INFO and lower levels, the level argument must be used. This is changing to minimize differences
between tornado.testing.main (which enables INFO logs by default) and most other test runners (including
those in IDEs) which have INFO logs disabled by default.
Test runner
tornado.testing.main(**kwargs: Any) None
A simple test runner.
This test runner is essentially equivalent to unittest.main from the standard library, but adds support for
Tornado-style option parsing and log formatting. It is not necessary to use this main function to run tests using
AsyncTestCase; these tests are self-contained and can run with any test runner.
The easiest way to run a test is via the command line:
python -m tornado.testing tornado.test.web_test
See the standard library unittest module for ways in which tests can be specified.
Projects with many tests may wish to define a test script like tornado/test/ This script should
define a method all() which returns a test suite and then call tornado.testing.main(). Note that even when
a test script is used, the all() test suite may be overridden by naming a single test on the command line:
# Runs all tests
python -m tornado.test.runtests
# Runs one test
python -m tornado.test.runtests tornado.test.web_test
Additional keyword arguments passed through to unittest.main(). For example, use tornado.testing.
main(verbosity=2) to show many test details as they are run. See
unittest.main for full argument list.
Changed in version 5.0: This function produces no output of its own; only that produced by the unittest module
(previously it would add a PASS or FAIL log message).
158 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Helper functions
tornado.testing.bind_unused_port(reuse_port: bool = False, address: str = '') Tuple[socket, int]
Binds a server socket to an available port on localhost.
Returns a tuple (socket, port).
Changed in version 4.4: Always binds to without resolving the name localhost.
Changed in version 6.2: Added optional address argument to override the default “”.
tornado.testing.get_async_test_timeout() float
Get the global timeout setting for async tests.
Returns a float, the timeout in seconds.
New in version 3.1.
6.7.6 tornado.util General-purpose utilities
Miscellaneous utility functions and classes.
This module is used internally by Tornado. It is not necessarily expected that the functions and classes defined here
will be useful to other applications, but they are documented here in case they are.
The one public-facing part of this module is the Configurable class and its configure method, which becomes a
part of the interface of its subclasses, including AsyncHTTPClient, IOLoop, and Resolver.
class tornado.util.TimeoutError
Exception raised by gen.with_timeout and IOLoop.run_sync .
Changed in version 5.0: Unified tornado.gen.TimeoutError and tornado.ioloop.TimeoutError as
tornado.util.TimeoutError. Both former names remain as aliases.
Changed in version 6.2: tornado.util.TimeoutError is an alias to asyncio.TimeoutError
class tornado.util.ObjectDict
Makes a dictionary behave like an object, with attribute-style access.
class tornado.util.GzipDecompressor
Streaming gzip decompressor.
The interface is like that of zlib.decompressobj (without some of the optional arguments, but it understands
gzip headers and checksums.
decompress(value: bytes, max_length: int = 0) bytes
Decompress a chunk, returning newly-available data.
Some data may be buffered for later processing; flush must be called when there is no more input data to
ensure that all data was processed.
If max_length is given, some input data may be left over in unconsumed_tail; you must retrieve this
value and pass it back to a future call to decompress if it is not empty.
property unconsumed_tail: bytes
Returns the unconsumed portion left over
flush() bytes
Return any remaining buffered data not yet returned by decompress.
Also checks for errors such as truncated input. No other methods may be called on this object after flush.
6.7. Utilities 159
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.util.import_object(name: str) Any
Imports an object by name.
import_object('x') is equivalent to import x. import_object('x.y.z') is equivalent to from x.y
import z.
>>> import tornado.escape
>>> import_object('tornado.escape') is tornado.escape
>>> import_object('tornado.escape.utf8') is tornado.escape.utf8
>>> import_object('tornado') is tornado
>>> import_object('tornado.missing_module')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: No module named missing_module
tornado.util.errno_from_exception(e: BaseException) Optional[int]
Provides the errno from an Exception object.
There are cases that the errno attribute was not set so we pull the errno out of the args but if someone instantiates
an Exception without any args you will get a tuple error. So this function abstracts all that behavior to give you
a safe way to get the errno.
tornado.util.re_unescape(s: str) str
Unescape a string escaped by re.escape.
May raise ValueError for regular expressions which could not have been produced by re.escape (for example,
strings containing \d cannot be unescaped).
New in version 4.4.
class tornado.util.Configurable(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Base class for configurable interfaces.
A configurable interface is an (abstract) class whose constructor acts as a factory function for one of its imple-
mentation subclasses. The implementation subclass as well as optional keyword arguments to its initializer can
be set globally at runtime with configure.
By using the constructor as the factory method, the interface looks like a normal class, isinstance works as
usual, etc. This pattern is most useful when the choice of implementation is likely to be a global decision (e.g.
when epoll is available, always use it instead of select), or when a previously-monolithic class has been split
into specialized subclasses.
Configurable subclasses must define the class methods configurable_base and configurable_default,
and use the instance method initialize instead of __init__.
Changed in version 5.0: It is now possible for configuration to be specified at multiple levels of a class hierarchy.
classmethod configurable_base() Type[Configurable]
Returns the base class of a configurable hierarchy.
This will normally return the class in which it is defined. (which is not necessarily the same as the cls
classmethod parameter).
classmethod configurable_default() Type[Configurable]
Returns the implementation class to be used if none is configured.
160 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
initialize() None
Initialize a Configurable subclass instance.
Configurable classes should use initialize instead of __init__.
Changed in version 4.2: Now accepts positional arguments in addition to keyword arguments.
classmethod configure(impl: Union[None, str, Type[Configurable]], **kwargs: Any) None
Sets the class to use when the base class is instantiated.
Keyword arguments will be saved and added to the arguments passed to the constructor. This can be used
to set global defaults for some parameters.
classmethod configured_class() Type[Configurable]
Returns the currently configured class.
class tornado.util.ArgReplacer(func: Callable, name: str)
Replaces one value in an args, kwargs pair.
Inspects the function signature to find an argument by name whether it is passed by position or keyword. For use
in decorators and similar wrappers.
get_old_value(args: Sequence[Any], kwargs: Dict[str, Any], default: Optional[Any] = None) Any
Returns the old value of the named argument without replacing it.
Returns default if the argument is not present.
replace(new_value: Any, args: Sequence[Any], kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) Tuple[Any, Sequence[Any],
Dict[str, Any]]
Replace the named argument in args, kwargs with new_value.
Returns (old_value, args, kwargs). The returned args and kwargs objects may not be the same as
the input objects, or the input objects may be mutated.
If the named argument was not found, new_value will be added to kwargs and None will be returned as
tornado.util.timedelta_to_seconds(td: datetime.timedelta) float
Equivalent to td.total_seconds() (introduced in Python 2.7).
6.8 Frequently Asked Questions
Why isnt this example with time.sleep() running in parallel?
My code is asynchronous. Why is it not running in parallel in two browser tabs?
6.8. Frequently Asked Questions 161
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.8.1 Why isn’t this example with time.sleep() running in parallel?
Many people’s first foray into Tornado’s concurrency looks something like this:
class BadExampleHandler(RequestHandler):
def get(self):
for i in range(5):
Fetch this handler twice at the same time and you’ll see that the second five-second countdown doesnt start until the
first one has completely finished. The reason for this is that time.sleep is a blocking function: it doesnt allow control
to return to the IOLoop so that other handlers can be run.
Of course, time.sleep is really just a placeholder in these examples, the point is to show what happens when some-
thing in a handler gets slow. No matter what the real code is doing, to achieve concurrency blocking code must be
replaced with non-blocking equivalents. This means one of three things:
1. Find a coroutine-friendly equivalent. For time.sleep, use tornado.gen.sleep (or asyncio.sleep) instead:
class CoroutineSleepHandler(RequestHandler):
async def get(self):
for i in range(5):
await gen.sleep(1)
When this option is available, it is usually the best approach. See the Tornado wiki for links to asynchronous
libraries that may be useful.
2. Find a callback-based equivalent. Similar to the first option, callback-based libraries are available for many tasks,
although they are slightly more complicated to use than a library designed for coroutines. Adapt the callback-
based function into a future:
class CoroutineTimeoutHandler(RequestHandler):
async def get(self):
io_loop = IOLoop.current()
for i in range(5):
f = tornado.concurrent.Future()
result = await f
Again, the Tornado wiki can be useful to find suitable libraries.
3. Run the blocking code on another thread. When asynchronous libraries are not available, concurrent.
futures.ThreadPoolExecutor can be used to run any blocking code on another thread. This is a universal
solution that can be used for any blocking function whether an asynchronous counterpart exists or not:
class ThreadPoolHandler(RequestHandler):
async def get(self):
for i in range(5):
await IOLoop.current().run_in_executor(None, time.sleep, 1)
See the Asynchronous I/O chapter of the Tornado user’s guide for more on blocking and asynchronous functions.
162 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.8.2 My code is asynchronous. Why is it not running in parallel in two browser
Even when a handler is asynchronous and non-blocking, it can be surprisingly tricky to verify this. Browsers will
recognize that you are trying to load the same page in two different tabs and delay the second request until the first has
finished. To work around this and see that the server is in fact working in parallel, do one of two things:
Add something to your urls to make them unique. Instead of http://localhost:8888 in both tabs, load
http://localhost:8888/?x=1 in one and http://localhost:8888/?x=2 in the other.
Use two different browsers. For example, Firefox will be able to load a url even while that same url is being
loaded in a Chrome tab.
6.9 Release notes
6.9.1 What’s new in Tornado 6.3.3
Aug 11, 2023
Security improvements
The Content-Length header and chunked Transfer-Encoding sizes are now parsed more strictly (according
to the relevant RFCs) to avoid potential request-smuggling vulnerabilities when deployed behind certain proxies.
6.9.2 What’s new in Tornado 6.3.2
May 13, 2023
Security improvements
Fixed an open redirect vulnerability in StaticFileHandler under certain configurations.
6.9.3 What’s new in Tornado 6.3.1
Apr 21, 2023
RequestHandler.set_cookie once again accepts capitalized keyword arguments for backwards compatibility.
This is deprecated and in Tornado 7.0 only lowercase arguments will be accepted.
6.9. Release notes 163
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.4 What’s new in Tornado 6.3.0
Apr 17, 2023
The new Application setting xsrf_cookie_name can now be used to take advantage of the __Host
cookie prefix for improved security. To use it, add {"xsrf_cookie_name": "__Host-xsrf",
"xsrf_cookie_kwargs": {"secure": True}} to your Application settings. Note that this feature cur-
rently only works when HTTPS is used.
WSGIContainer now supports running the application in a ThreadPoolExecutor so the event loop is no longer
AsyncTestCase and AsyncHTTPTestCase, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2, are no longer deprecated.
WebSockets are now much faster at receiving large messages split into many fragments.
General changes
Python 3.7 is no longer supported; the minimum supported Python version is 3.8. Python 3.12 is now supported.
To avoid spurious deprecation warnings, users of Python 3.10 should upgrade to at least version 3.10.9, and users
of Python 3.11 should upgrade to at least version 3.11.1.
Tornado submodules are now imported automatically on demand. This means it is now possible to use a single
import tornado statement and refer to objects in submodules such as tornado.web.RequestHandler.
Deprecation notices
In Tornado 7.0, tornado.testing.ExpectLog will match WARNING and above regardless of the current logging
configuration, unless the level argument is used.
RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie is now a deprecated alias for RequestHandler.
get_signed_cookie. RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie is now a deprecated alias for
RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies is deprecated. No direct replacement is provided; RequestHandler.
clear_cookie should be used on individual cookies.
Calling the IOLoop constructor without a make_current argument, which was deprecated in Tornado 6.2, is
no longer deprecated.
AsyncTestCase and AsyncHTTPTestCase, which were deprecated in Tornado 6.2, are no longer deprecated.
AsyncTestCase.get_new_ioloop is deprecated.
164 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
New method GoogleOAuth2Mixin.get_google_oauth_settings can now be overridden to get credentials
from a source other than the Application settings.
contextvars now work properly when a @gen.coroutine calls a native coroutine.
parse_config_file now recognizes single comma-separated strings (in addition to lists of strings) for options
with multiple=True.
New Application setting xsrf_cookie_name can be used to change the name of the XSRF cookie. This is
most useful to take advantage of the __Host- cookie prefix.
RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie and RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie (and related methods
and attributes) have been renamed to get_signed_cookie and set_signed_cookie. This makes it more
explicit what kind of security is provided, and avoids confusion with the Secure cookie attribute and __Secure-
cookie prefix. The old names remain supported as deprecated aliases.
RequestHandler.clear_cookie now accepts all keyword arguments accepted by set_cookie. In some cases
clearing a cookie requires certain arguments to be passed the same way in which it was set.
RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies now accepts additional keyword arguments for the same reason as
clear_cookie. However, since the requirements for additional arguments mean that it cannot reliably clear all
cookies, this method is now deprecated.
It is now much faster (no longer quadratic) to receive large messages that have been split into many fragments.
websocket_connect now accepts a resolver parameter.
WSGIContainer now accepts an executor parameter which can be used to run the WSGI application on a
thread pool.
6.9. Release notes 165
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.5 What’s new in Tornado 6.2.0
Jul 3, 2022
Deprecation notice
April 2023 update: Python 3.12 reversed some of the changes described below. In Tornado 6.3, AsyncTestCase,
AsyncHTTPTestCase, and the behavior of the IOLoop constructor related to the make_current parameter are
no longer deprecated.
Python 3.10 has begun the process of significant changes to the APIs for managing the event loop. Calls to
methods such as asyncio.get_event_loop may now raise DeprecationWarning if no event loop is running.
This has significant impact on the patterns for initializing applications, and in particular invalidates patterns
that have long been the norm in Tornados documentation and actual usage. In the future (with some as-yet-
unspecified future version of Python), the old APIs will be removed. The new recommended pattern is to start
the event loop with More detailed migration guides will be coming in the future.
The IOLoop constructor is deprecated unless the make_current=False argument is used. Use IOLoop.
current when the loop is already running instead.
AsyncTestCase (and AsyncHTTPTestCase) are deprecated. Use unittest.
IsolatedAsyncioTestCase instead.
Multi-process TCPServer.bind /TCPServer.start is deprecated. See TCPServer docs for supported
AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy is deprecated. This class controls the creation of the “current” event loop
so it will be removed when that concept is no longer supported.
IOLoop.make_current and IOLoop.clear_current are deprecated. In the future the concept of a
“current” event loop as distinct from one that is currently running will be removed.
TwistedResolver and CaresResolver are deprecated and will be removed in Tornado 7.0.
General changes
The minimum supported Python version is now 3.7.
Wheels are now published with the Python stable ABI (abi3) for compatibility across versions of Python.
SSL certificate verification and hostname checks are now enabled by default in more places (primarily in client-
side usage of SSLIOStream).
Various improvements to type hints throughout the package.
CI has moved from Travis and Appveyor to Github Actions.
Fixed a bug in which WaitIterator.current_index could be incorrect.
tornado.gen.TimeoutError is now an alias for asyncio.TimeoutError.
166 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
max_body_size may now be set to zero to disallow a non-empty body.
Content-Encoding: gzip is now recognized case-insensitively.
curl_httpclient now supports non-ASCII (ISO-8859-1) header values, same as simple_httpclient.
PeriodicCallback now understands coroutines and will not start multiple copies if a previous invocation runs
too long.
PeriodicCallback now accepts datetime.timedelta objects in addition to numbers of milliseconds.
Avoid logging “Event loop is closed” during shutdown-related race conditions.
Tornado no longer calls logging.basicConfig when starting an IOLoop; this has been unnecessary since
Python 3.2 added a logger of last resort.
The IOLoop constructor now accepts an asyncio_loop keyword argument to initialize with a specfied asyncio
event loop.
It is now possible to construct an IOLoop on one thread (with make_current=False) and start it on a different
SSLIOStream now supports reading more than 2GB at a time.
IOStream.write now supports typed memoryview objects.
load_gettext_translations no longer logs errors when language directories exist but do not contain the
expected file.
is_valid_ip no longer raises exceptions when the input is too long.
The default resolver now uses the same methods (and thread pool) as asyncio.
6.9. Release notes 167
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
TCPServer.listen now supports more arguments to pass through to netutil.bind_sockets.
bind_unused_port now takes an optional address argument.
Wrapped test methods now include the __wrapped__ attribute.
When using a custom StaticFileHandler subclass, the reset() method is now called on this subclass instead
of the base class.
Improved handling of the Accept-Language header.
Application.listen now supports more arguments to pass through to netutil.bind_sockets.
WebSocketClientConnection.write_message now accepts dict arguments for consistency with
WebSocketClientConnection.write_message now raises an exception as documented if the connection is
already closed.
6.9.6 What’s new in Tornado 6.1.0
Oct 30, 2020
Deprecation notice
This is the last release of Tornado to support Python 3.5. Future versions will require Python 3.6 or newer.
General changes
Windows support has been improved. Tornado is now compatible with the proactor event loop (which became
the default in Python 3.8) by automatically falling back to running a selector in a second thread. This means that it
is no longer necessary to explicitly configure a selector event loop, although doing so may improve performance.
This does not change the fact that Tornado is significantly less scalable on Windows than on other platforms.
Binary wheels are now provided for Windows, MacOS, and Linux (amd64 and arm64).
168 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
coroutine now has better support for the Python 3.7+ contextvars module. In particular, the ContextVar.
reset method is now supported.
HEAD requests to handlers that used chunked encoding no longer produce malformed output.
Certain kinds of malformed gzip data no longer cause an infinite loop.
Setting decompress_response=False now works correctly with curl_httpclient.
Mixing requests with and without proxies works correctly in curl_httpclient (assuming the version of pycurl
is recent enough).
A default User-Agent of Tornado/$VERSION is now used if the user_agent parameter is not specified.
After a 303 redirect, tornado.simple_httpclient always uses GET. Previously this would use GET if the
original request was a POST and would otherwise reuse the original request method. For curl_httpclient,
the behavior depends on the version of libcurl (with the most recent versions using GET after 303 regardless
of the original method).
Setting request_timeout and/or connect_timeout to zero is now supported to disable the timeout.
Header parsing is now faster.
parse_body_arguments now accepts incompletely-escaped non-ASCII inputs.
ssl.CertificateError during the SSL handshake is now handled correctly.
Reads that are resolved while the stream is closing are now handled correctly.
When colored logging is enabled, logging.CRITICAL messages are now recognized and colored magenta.
6.9. Release notes 169
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
EADDRNOTAVAIL is now ignored when binding to localhost with IPv6. This error is common in docker.
AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy now also configures a selector event loop for these threads (the proactor event
loop only works on the main thread)
The set_close_exec function has been removed.
ExpectLog now has a level argument to ensure that the given log level is enabled.
RedirectHandler.get now accepts keyword arguments.
When sending 304 responses, more headers (including Allow) are now preserved.
reverse_url correctly handles escaped characters in the regex route.
Default Etag headers are now generated with SHA-512 instead of MD5.
The ping_interval timer is now stopped when the connection is closed.
websocket_connect now raises an error when it encounters a redirect instead of hanging.
6.9.7 What’s new in Tornado 6.0.4
Mar 3, 2020
General changes
Binary wheels are now available for Python 3.8 on Windows. Note that it is still necessary to use asyncio.
set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) for this platform/version.
170 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue in IOStream (introduced in 6.0.0) that resulted in StreamClosedError being incorrectly raised
if a stream is closed mid-read but there is enough buffered data to satisfy the read.
AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy now always uses the selector event loop on Windows.
6.9.8 What’s new in Tornado 6.0.3
Jun 22, 2019
Bug fixes
gen.with_timeout always treats asyncio.CancelledError as a quiet_exception (this improves com-
patibility with Python 3.8, which changed CancelledError to a BaseException).
IOStream now checks for closed streams earlier, avoiding spurious logged errors in some situations (mainly with
6.9.9 What’s new in Tornado 6.0.2
Mar 23, 2019
Bug fixes
WebSocketHandler.set_nodelay works again.
Accessing HTTPResponse.body now returns an empty byte string instead of raising ValueError for error
responses that dont have a body (it returned None in this case in Tornado 5).
6.9.10 What’s new in Tornado 6.0.1
Mar 3, 2019
Bug fixes
Fixed issues with type annotations that caused errors while importing Tornado on Python 3.5.2.
6.9.11 What’s new in Tornado 6.0
Mar 1, 2019
Backwards-incompatible changes
Python 2.7 and 3.4 are no longer supported; the minimum supported Python version is 3.5.2.
APIs deprecated in Tornado 5.1 have been removed. This includes the tornado.stack_context module and
most callback arguments throughout the package. All removed APIs emitted DeprecationWarning when
used in Tornado 5.1, so running your application with the -Wd Python command-line flag or the environment
variable PYTHONWARNINGS=d should tell you whether your application is ready to move to Tornado 6.0.
6.9. Release notes 171
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
.WebSocketHandler.get is now a coroutine and must be called accordingly in any subclasses that override
this method (but note that overriding get is not recommended; either prepare or open should be used instead).
General changes
Tornado now includes type annotations compatible with mypy. These annotations will be used when type-
checking your application with mypy, and may be usable in editors and other tools.
Tornado now uses native coroutines internally, improving performance.
All callback arguments in this package have been removed. Use the coroutine interfaces instead.
The OAuthMixin._oauth_get_user method has been removed. Override _oauth_get_user_future in-
The callback argument to run_on_executor has been removed.
return_future has been removed.
Some older portions of this module have been removed. This includes engine, YieldPoint, Callback, Wait,
WaitAll, MultiYieldPoint, and Task.
Functions decorated with @gen.coroutine no longer accept callback arguments.
The behavior of raise_error=False has changed. Now only suppresses the errors raised due to completed
responses with non-200 status codes (previously it suppressed all errors).
The callback argument to AsyncHTTPClient.fetch has been removed.
HTTPServerRequest.write has been removed. Use the methods of request.connection instead.
Unrecognized Content-Encoding values now log warnings only for content types that we would otherwise
attempt to parse.
172 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
IOLoop.set_blocking_signal_threshold, IOLoop.set_blocking_log_threshold, IOLoop.
log_stack, and IOLoop.handle_callback_exception have been removed.
Improved performance of IOLoop.add_callback.
All callback arguments in this module have been removed except for BaseIOStream.set_close_callback .
streaming_callback arguments to BaseIOStream.read_bytes and BaseIOStream.read_until_close
have been removed.
Eliminated unnecessary logging of “Errno 0”.
Log files opened by this module are now explicitly set to UTF-8 encoding.
The results of getaddrinfo are now sorted by address family to avoid partial failures and deadlocks.
TornadoReactor and TwistedIOLoop have been removed.
The default HTTP client now supports the network_interface request argument to specify the source IP for
the connection.
If a server returns a 3xx response code without a Location header, the response is raised or returned directly
instead of trying and failing to follow the redirect.
When following redirects, methods other than POST will no longer be transformed into GET requests. 301 (per-
manent) redirects are now treated the same way as 302 (temporary) and 303 (see other) redirects in this respect.
Following redirects now works with body_producer.
The tornado.stack_context module has been removed.
6.9. Release notes 173
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
TCPServer.start now supports a max_restarts argument (same as fork_processes).
AsyncHTTPTestCase now drops all references to the Application during tearDown, allowing its memory to
be reclaimed sooner.
AsyncTestCase now cancels all pending coroutines in tearDown, in an effort to reduce warnings from the
python runtime about coroutines that were not awaited. Note that this may cause asyncio.CancelledError to
be logged in other places. Coroutines that expect to be running at test shutdown may need to catch this exception.
The asynchronous decorator has been removed.
The callback argument to RequestHandler.flush has been removed.
StaticFileHandler now supports large negative values for the Range header and returns an appropriate error
for end > start.
It is now possible to set expires_days in xsrf_cookie_kwargs.
Pings and other messages sent while the connection is closing are now silently dropped instead of logging ex-
Errors raised by open() are now caught correctly when this method is a coroutine.
WSGIApplication and WSGIAdapter have been removed.
6.9.12 What’s new in Tornado 5.1.1
Sep 16, 2018
Bug fixes
Fixed an case in which the Future returned by RequestHandler.finish could fail to resolve.
The TwitterMixin.authenticate_redirect method works again.
Improved error handling in the tornado.auth module, fixing hanging requests when a network or other error
174 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.13 What’s new in Tornado 5.1
July 12, 2018
Deprecation notice
Tornado 6.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.4. The minimum supported Python version will be 3.5.2.
The tornado.stack_context module is deprecated and will be removed in Tornado 6.0. The reason for this
is that it is not feasible to provide this modules semantics in the presence of async def native coroutines.
ExceptionStackContext is mainly obsolete thanks to coroutines. StackContext lacks a direct replacement
although the new contextvars package (in the Python standard library beginning in Python 3.7) may be an
Callback-oriented code often relies on ExceptionStackContext to handle errors and prevent leaked connec-
tions. In order to avoid the risk of silently introducing subtle leaks (and to consolidate all of Tornado’s interfaces
behind the coroutine pattern), callback arguments throughout the package are deprecated and will be removed
in version 6.0. All functions that had a callback argument removed now return a Future which should be used
Where possible, deprecation warnings are emitted when any of these deprecated interfaces is used. However,
Python does not display deprecation warnings by default. To prepare your application for Tornado 6.0, run
Python with the -Wd argument or set the environment variable PYTHONWARNINGS to d. If your application runs
on Python 3 without deprecation warnings, it should be able to move to Tornado 6.0 without disruption.
OAuthMixin._oauth_get_user_future may now be a native coroutine.
All callback arguments in this package are deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. Use the coroutine interfaces
The OAuthMixin._oauth_get_user method is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. Override
_oauth_get_user_future instead.
The command-line autoreload wrapper is now preserved if an internal autoreload fires.
The command-line wrapper no longer starts duplicated processes on windows when combined with internal
run_on_executor now returns Future objects that are compatible with await.
The callback argument to run_on_executor is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
return_future is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
6.9. Release notes 175
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Some older portions of this module are deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. This includes engine,
YieldPoint, Callback, Wait, WaitAll, MultiYieldPoint, and Task.
Functions decorated with @gen.coroutine will no longer accept callback arguments in 6.0.
The behavior of raise_error=False is changing in 6.0. Currently it suppresses all errors; in 6.0 it will only
suppress the errors raised due to completed responses with non-200 status codes.
The callback argument to AsyncHTTPClient.fetch is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
tornado.httpclient.HTTPError has been renamed to HTTPClientError to avoid ambiguity in code that
also has to deal with tornado.web.HTTPError. The old name remains as an alias.
tornado.curl_httpclient now supports non-ASCII characters in username and password arguments.
.HTTPResponse.request_time now behaves consistently across simple_httpclient and
curl_httpclient, excluding time spent in the max_clients queue in both cases (previously this time
was included in simple_httpclient but excluded in curl_httpclient). In both cases the time is now
computed using a monotonic clock where available.
HTTPResponse now has a start_time attribute recording a wall-clock (time.time) timestamp at which the
request started (after leaving the max_clients queue if applicable).
parse_multipart_form_data now recognizes non-ASCII filenames in RFC 2231/5987 (filename*=) for-
HTTPServerRequest.write is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. Use the methods of request.
connection instead.
Malformed HTTP headers are now logged less noisily.
PeriodicCallback now supports a jitter argument to randomly vary the timeout.
IOLoop.set_blocking_signal_threshold, IOLoop.set_blocking_log_threshold, IOLoop.
log_stack, and IOLoop.handle_callback_exception are deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
Fixed a KeyError in IOLoop.close when IOLoop objects are being opened and closed in multiple threads.
176 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
All callback arguments in this module are deprecated except for BaseIOStream.set_close_callback .
They will be removed in 6.0.
streaming_callback arguments to BaseIOStream.read_bytes and BaseIOStream.read_until_close
are deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
Improved compatibility with GNU Hurd.
tornado.options.parse_config_file now allows setting options to strings (which will be parsed the same
way as tornado.options.parse_command_line) in addition to the specified type for the option.
TornadoReactor and TwistedIOLoop are deprecated and will be removed in 6.0. Instead, Tornado will always
use the asyncio event loop and twisted can be configured to do so as well.
The tornado.stack_context module is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch now takes a raise_error argument. This argument has the same semantics as
AsyncHTTPClient.fetch, but defaults to false because tests often need to deal with non-200 responses (and
for backwards-compatibility).
The AsyncTestCase.stop and AsyncTestCase.wait methods are deprecated.
New method RequestHandler.detach can be used from methods that are not decorated with @asynchronous
(the decorator was required to use self.request.connection.detach().
RequestHandler.finish and RequestHandler.render now return Futures that can be used to wait for
the last part of the response to be sent to the client.
FallbackHandler now calls on_finish for the benefit of subclasses that may have overridden it.
The asynchronous decorator is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
The callback argument to RequestHandler.flush is deprecated and will be removed in 6.0.
6.9. Release notes 177
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
When compression is enabled, memory limits now apply to the post-decompression size of the data, protecting
against DoS attacks.
websocket_connect now supports subprotocols.
WebSocketHandler and WebSocketClientConnection now have selected_subprotocol attributes to see
the subprotocol in use.
The WebSocketHandler.select_subprotocol method is now called with an empty list instead of a list con-
taining an empty string if no subprotocols were requested by the client. may now be a coroutine.
The data argument to is now optional.
Client-side websocket connections no longer buffer more than one message in memory at a time.
Exception logging now uses RequestHandler.log_exception.
WSGIApplication and WSGIAdapter are deprecated and will be removed in Tornado 6.0.
6.9.14 What’s new in Tornado 5.0.2
Apr 7, 2018
Bug fixes
Fixed a memory leak when IOLoop objects are created and destroyed.
If AsyncTestCase.get_new_ioloop returns a reference to a preexisting event loop (typically when it has been
overridden to return IOLoop.current()), the test’s tearDown method will not close this loop.
Fixed a confusing error message when the synchronous HTTPClient fails to initialize because an event loop is
already running.
PeriodicCallback no longer executes twice in a row due to backwards clock adjustments.
6.9.15 What’s new in Tornado 5.0.1
Mar 18, 2018
Bug fix
This release restores support for versions of Python 3.4 prior to 3.4.4. This is important for compatibility with
Debian Jessie which has 3.4.2 as its version of Python 3.
178 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.16 What’s new in Tornado 5.0
Mar 5, 2018
The focus of this release is improving integration with asyncio. On Python 3, the IOLoop is always a wrapper
around the asyncio event loop, and asyncio.Future and asyncio.Task are used instead of their Tornado
counterparts. This means that libraries based on asyncio can be mixed relatively seamlessly with those using
Tornado. While care has been taken to minimize the disruption from this change, code changes may be required
for compatibility with Tornado 5.0, as detailed in the following section.
Tornado 5.0 supports Python 2.7.9+ and 3.4+. Python 2.7 and 3.4 are deprecated and support for them will be
removed in Tornado 6.0, which will require Python 3.5+.
Backwards-compatibility notes
Python 3.3 is no longer supported.
Versions of Python 2.7 that predate the ssl module update are no longer supported. (The ssl module was
updated in version 2.7.9, although in some distributions the updates are present in builds with a lower version
number. Tornado requires ssl.SSLContext, ssl.create_default_context, and ssl.match_hostname)
Versions of Python 3.5 prior to 3.5.2 are no longer supported due to a change in the async iterator protocol in
that version.
The trollius project (asyncio backported to Python 2) is no longer supported.
tornado.concurrent.Future is now an alias for asyncio.Future when running on Python 3. This results
in a number of minor behavioral changes:
Future objects can only be created while there is a current IOLoop
The timing of callbacks scheduled with Future.add_done_callback has changed. tornado.
concurrent.future_add_done_callback can be used to make the behavior more like older versions
of Tornado (but not identical). Some of these changes are also present in the Python 2 version of tornado.
concurrent.Future to minimize the difference between Python 2 and 3.
Cancellation is now partially supported, via asyncio.Future.cancel. A canceled Future can no
longer have its result set. Applications that handle Future objects directly may want to use tornado.
concurrent.future_set_result_unless_cancelled. In native coroutines, cancellation will cause
an exception to be raised in the coroutine.
The exc_info and set_exc_info methods are no longer present. Use tornado.concurrent.
future_set_exc_info to replace the latter, and raise the exception with result to replace the former.
io_loop arguments to many Tornado functions have been removed. Use IOLoop.current() instead of passing
IOLoop objects explicitly.
On Python 3, IOLoop is always a wrapper around the asyncio event loop. IOLoop.configure is effectively
removed on Python 3 (for compatibility, it may be called to redundantly specify the asyncio-backed IOLoop)
IOLoop.instance is now a deprecated alias for IOLoop.current. Applications that need the cross-thread
communication behavior facilitated by IOLoop.instance should use their own global variable instead.
6.9. Release notes 179
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Other notes
The futures (concurrent.futures backport) package is now required on Python 2.7.
The certifi and backports.ssl-match-hostname packages are no longer required on Python 2.7.
Python 3.6 or higher is recommended, because it features more efficient garbage collection of asyncio.Future
GoogleOAuth2Mixin now uses a newer set of URLs.
On Python 3, uses __main__.__spec to more reliably reconstruct the original command line and avoid modi-
The io_loop argument to tornado.autoreload.start has been removed.
tornado.concurrent.Future is now an alias for asyncio.Future when running on Python 3. See
“Backwards-compatibility notes” for more.
Setting the result of a Future no longer blocks while callbacks are being run. Instead, the callbacks are scheduled
on the next IOLoop iteration.
The deprecated alias tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture has been removed.
tornado.concurrent.chain_future now works with all three kinds of Futures (Tornado, asyncio, and
The io_loop argument to tornado.concurrent.run_on_executor has been removed.
New functions future_set_result_unless_cancelled, future_set_exc_info, and
future_add_done_callback help mask the difference between asyncio.Future and Tornados previ-
ous Future implementation.
Improved debug logging on Python 3.
The time_info response attribute now includes appconnect in addition to other measurements.
Closing a CurlAsyncHTTPClient now breaks circular references that could delay garbage collection.
The io_loop argument to the CurlAsyncHTTPClient constructor has been removed.
180 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.gen.TimeoutError is now an alias for tornado.util.TimeoutError.
Leak detection for Futures created by this module now attributes them to their proper caller instead of the
coroutine machinery.
Several circular references that could delay garbage collection have been broken up.
On Python 3, asyncio.Task is used instead of the Tornado coroutine runner. This improves compatibility with
some asyncio libraries and adds support for cancellation.
The io_loop arguments to YieldFuture and with_timeout have been removed.
The io_loop argument to all AsyncHTTPClient constructors has been removed.
It is now possible for a client to reuse a connection after sending a chunked request.
If a client sends a malformed request, the server now responds with a 400 error instead of simply closing the
Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers are no longer sent with 1xx or 204 responses (this was
already true of 304 responses).
When closing a connection to a HTTP/1.1 client, the Connection: close header is sent with the response.
The io_loop argument to the HTTPServer constructor has been removed.
If more than one X-Scheme or X-Forwarded-Proto header is present, only the last is used.
The string representation of HTTPServerRequest objects (which are sometimes used in log messages) no longer
includes the request headers.
New function qs_to_qsl converts the result of urllib.parse.parse_qs to name-value pairs.
tornado.ioloop.TimeoutError is now an alias for tornado.util.TimeoutError.
IOLoop.instance is now a deprecated alias for IOLoop.current.
IOLoop.install and IOLoop.clear_instance are deprecated.
The IOLoop.initialized method has been removed.
On Python 3, the asyncio-backed IOLoop is always used and alternative IOLoop implementations cannot be
configured. IOLoop.current and related methods pass through to asyncio.get_event_loop.
run_sync cancels its argument on a timeout. This results in better stack traces (and avoids log messages about
leaks) in native coroutines.
6.9. Release notes 181
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
New methods IOLoop.run_in_executor and IOLoop.set_default_executor make it easier to run func-
tions in other threads from native coroutines (since concurrent.futures.Future does not support await).
PollIOLoop (the default on Python 2) attempts to detect misuse of IOLoop instances across os.fork.
The io_loop argument to PeriodicCallback has been removed.
It is now possible to create a PeriodicCallback in one thread and start it in another without passing an explicit
event loop.
The IOLoop.set_blocking_signal_threshold and IOLoop.set_blocking_log_threshold methods
are deprecated because they are not implemented for the asyncio event loop`. Use the PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG=1
environment variable instead.
IOLoop.clear_current now works if it is called before any current loop is established.
The io_loop argument to the IOStream constructor has been removed.
New method BaseIOStream.read_into provides a minimal-copy alternative to BaseIOStream.
BaseIOStream.write is now much more efficient for very large amounts of data.
Fixed some cases in which IOStream.error could be inaccurate.
Writing a memoryview can no longer result in “BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized”.
As a side effect of the Future changes, waiters are always notified asynchronously with respect to Condition.
The default Resolver now uses IOLoop.run_in_executor. ExecutorResolver, BlockingResolver, and
ThreadedResolver are deprecated.
The io_loop arguments to add_accept_handler, ExecutorResolver, and ThreadedResolver have been
add_accept_handler returns a callable which can be used to remove all handlers that were added.
OverrideResolver now accepts per-family overrides.
Duplicate option names are now detected properly whether they use hyphens or underscores.
182 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
AsyncIOLoop and AsyncIOMainLoop are now used automatically when appropriate; referencing them explicitly
is no longer recommended.
Starting an IOLoop or making it current now also sets the asyncio event loop for the current thread. Closing
an IOLoop closes the corresponding asyncio event loop.
to_tornado_future and to_asyncio_future are deprecated since they are now no-ops.
AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy can now be used to easily allow the creation of event loops on any thread (similar
to Tornado’s prior policy).
The io_loop argument to CaresResolver has been removed.
The io_loop arguments to TornadoReactor, TwistedResolver, and tornado.platform.twisted.
install have been removed.
The io_loop argument to the Subprocess constructor and Subprocess.initialize has been removed.
A default 404 response is now generated if no delegate is found for a request.
The io_loop argument to SimpleAsyncHTTPClient has been removed.
TLS is now configured according to ssl.create_default_context by default.
The io_loop argument to the TCPClient constructor has been removed.
TCPClient.connect has a new timeout argument.
6.9. Release notes 183
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The io_loop argument to the TCPServer constructor has been removed.
TCPServer no longer logs EBADF errors during shutdown.
The deprecated tornado.testing.get_unused_port and tornado.testing.LogTrapTestCase have
been removed.
AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch now supports absolute URLs.
AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch now connects to instead of localhost to be more robust against
faulty ipv6 configurations.
tornado.util.TimeoutError replaces tornado.gen.TimeoutError and tornado.ioloop.
Configurable now supports configuration at multiple levels of an inheritance hierarchy.
RequestHandler.set_status no longer requires that the given status code appear in http.client.
It is no longer allowed to send a body with 1xx or 204 responses.
Exception handling now breaks up reference cycles that could delay garbage collection.
RedirectHandler now copies any query arguments from the request to the redirect location.
If both If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since headers are present in a request to StaticFileHandler,
the latter is now ignored.
The C accelerator now operates on multiple bytes at a time to improve performance.
Requests with invalid websocket headers now get a response with status code 400 instead of a closed connection.
WebSocketHandler.write_message now raises WebSocketClosedError if the connection closes while the
write is in progress.
The io_loop argument to websocket_connect has been removed.
184 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.17 What’s new in Tornado 4.5.3
Jan 6, 2018
Improved debug logging on Python 3.
Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers are no longer sent with 1xx or 204 responses (this was
already true of 304 responses).
Reading chunked requests no longer leaves the connection in a broken state.
Writing a memoryview can no longer result in “BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized”.
Duplicate option names are now detected properly whether they use hyphens or underscores.
AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch now uses instead of localhost, improving compatibility with sys-
tems that have partially-working ipv6 stacks.
It is no longer allowed to send a body with 1xx or 204 responses.
Requests with invalid websocket headers now get a response with status code 400 instead of a closed connection.
6.9.18 What’s new in Tornado 4.5.2
Aug 27, 2017
Bug Fixes
Tornado now sets the FD_CLOEXEC flag on all file descriptors it creates. This prevents hanging client connections
and resource leaks when the tornado.autoreload module (or Application(debug=True)) is used.
6.9. Release notes 185
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.19 What’s new in Tornado 4.5.1
Apr 20, 2017
Improved detection of libraries for colorized logging.
url_concat once again treats None as equivalent to an empty sequence.
6.9.20 What’s new in Tornado 4.5
Apr 16, 2017
Backwards-compatibility warning
The tornado.websocket module now imposes a limit on the size of incoming messages, which defaults to
New module
tornado.routing provides a more flexible routing system than the one built in to Application.
General changes
Reduced the number of circular references, reducing memory usage and improving performance.
The tornado.auth module has been updated for compatibility with a change to Facebook’s access_token end-
point. This includes both the changes initially released in Tornado 4.4.3 and an additional change to support the
`session_expires field in the new format. The session_expires field is currently a string; it should be
accessed as int(user['session_expires']) because it will change from a string to an int in Tornado 5.0.
Autoreload is now compatible with the asyncio event loop.
Autoreload no longer attempts to close the IOLoop and all registered file descriptors before restarting; it relies
on the CLOEXEC flag being set instead.
186 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Suppressed some “‘NoneType’ object not callback” messages that could be logged at shutdown.
yield None is now equivalent to yield gen.moment. moment is deprecated. This improves compatibility
with asyncio.
Fixed an issue in which a generator object could be garbage collected prematurely (most often when weak refer-
ences are used.
New function is_coroutine_function identifies functions wrapped by coroutine or engine.
The Transfer-Encoding header is now parsed case-insensitively.
SimpleAsyncHTTPClient now follows 308 redirects.
CurlAsyncHTTPClient will no longer accept protocols other than http and https. To override this, set
pycurl.PROTOCOLS and pycurl.REDIR_PROTOCOLS in a prepare_curl_callback.
CurlAsyncHTTPClient now supports digest authentication for proxies (in addition to basic auth) via the new
proxy_auth_mode argument.
The minimum supported version of libcurl is now 7.22.0.
HTTPServer now accepts the keyword argument trusted_downstream which controls the parsing of
X-Forwarded-For headers. This header may be a list or set of IP addresses of trusted proxies which will
be skipped in the X-Forwarded-For list.
The no_keep_alive argument works again.
url_concat correctly handles fragments and existing query arguments.
6.9. Release notes 187
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Fixed 100% CPU usage after a callback returns an empty list or dict.
IOLoop.add_callback now uses a lockless implementation which makes it safe for use from __del__ meth-
ods. This improves performance of calls to add_callback from the IOLoop thread, and slightly decreases it
for calls from other threads.
memoryview objects are now permitted as arguments to write.
The internal memory buffers used by IOStream now use bytearray instead of a list of bytes, improving
Futures returned by write are no longer orphaned if a second call to write occurs before the previous one is
Colored log output is now supported on Windows if the colorama library is installed and the application calls
colorama.init() at startup.
The signature of the LogFormatter constructor has been changed to make it compatible with logging.
Worked around an issue that caused “LookupError: unknown encoding: latin1” errors on Solaris.
Subprocess no longer causes “subprocess still running” warnings on Python 3.6.
Improved error handling in cpu_count.
TCPClient now supports a source_ip and source_port argument.
Improved error handling for environments where IPv6 support is incomplete.
188 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
TCPServer.handle_stream implementations may now be native coroutines.
Stopping a TCPServer twice no longer raises an exception.
RedirectHandler now supports substituting parts of the matched URL into the redirect location using str.
format syntax.
New methods RequestHandler.render_linked_js, RequestHandler.render_embed_js,
RequestHandler.render_linked_css, and RequestHandler.render_embed_css can be overridden to
customize the output of UIModule .
WebSocketHandler.on_message implementations may now be coroutines. New messages will not be pro-
cessed until the previous on_message coroutine has finished.
The websocket_ping_interval and websocket_ping_timeout application settings can now be used to
enable a periodic ping of the websocket connection, allowing dropped connections to be detected and closed.
The new websocket_max_message_size setting defaults to 10MiB. The connection will be closed if messages
larger than this are received.
Headers set by RequestHandler.prepare or RequestHandler.set_default_headers are now sent as a
part of the websocket handshake.
Return values from WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options may now include the keys
compression_level and mem_level to set gzip parameters. The default compression level is now 6
instead of 9.
A new file upload demo is available in the file_upload directory.
A new TCPClient and TCPServer demo is available in the tcpecho directory.
Minor updates have been made to several existing demos, including updates to more recent versions of jquery.
The following people contributed commits to this release:
A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
Aaron Opfer
Akihiro Yamazaki
Andreas Røsdal
Andrew Rabert
6.9. Release notes 189
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Andrew Sumin
Antoine Pietri
Antoine Pitrou
Artur Stawiarski
Ben Darnell
Brian Mego
Doug Vargas
Eugene Dubovoy
Iver Jordal
James Maier
Jeff Hunter
Mark Henderson
Michael V. DePalatis
Min RK
Mircea Ulinic
Ping Yang
Riccardo Magliocchetti
Samuel Chen
Samuel Dion-Girardeau
Scott Meisburger
Shawn Ding
Thomas Kluyver
Vadim Semenov
190 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.21 What’s new in Tornado 4.4.3
Mar 30, 2017
Bug fixes
The tornado.auth module has been updated for compatibility with a change to Facebook’s access_token end-
6.9.22 What’s new in Tornado 4.4.2
Oct 1, 2016
Security fixes
A difference in cookie parsing between Tornado and web browsers (especially when combined with Google
Analytics) could allow an attacker to set arbitrary cookies and bypass XSRF protection. The cookie parser has
been rewritten to fix this attack.
Backwards-compatibility notes
Cookies containing certain special characters (in particular semicolon and square brackets) are now parsed dif-
If the cookie header contains a combination of valid and invalid cookies, the valid ones will be returned (older
versions of Tornado would reject the entire header for a single invalid cookie).
6.9.23 What’s new in Tornado 4.4.1
Jul 23, 2016
Fixed a regression in Tornado 4.4 which caused URL regexes containing backslash escapes outside capturing
groups to be rejected.
6.9.24 What’s new in Tornado 4.4
Jul 15, 2016
Tornado now requires Python 2.7 or 3.3+; versions 2.6 and 3.2 are no longer supported. Pypy3 is still supported
even though its latest release is mainly based on Python 3.2.
The monotonic package is now supported as an alternative to Monotime for monotonic clock support on Python
6.9. Release notes 191
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Failures in _curl_setup_request no longer cause the max_clients pool to be exhausted.
Non-ascii header values are now handled correctly.
with_timeout now accepts any yieldable object (except YieldPoint), not just tornado.concurrent.
The errors raised by timeouts now indicate what state the request was in; the error message is no longer simply
“599 Timeout”.
Calling repr on a tornado.httpclient.HTTPError no longer raises an error.
Int-like enums (including http.HTTPStatus) can now be used as status codes.
Responses with status code 204 No Content no longer emit a Content-Length: 0 header.
Improved performance when there are large numbers of active timeouts.
All included Resolver implementations raise IOError (or a subclass) for any resolution failure.
Options can now be modified with subscript syntax in addition to attribute syntax.
The special variable __file__ is now available inside config files.
HTTP/1.0 (not 1.1) responses without a Content-Length header now work correctly.
192 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
TCPServer.bind now accepts a reuse_port argument.
Test sockets now always use instead of localhost. This avoids conflicts when the automatically-
assigned port is available on IPv4 but not IPv6, or in unusual network configurations when localhost has
multiple IP addresses.
image/svg+xml is now on the list of compressible mime types.
Fixed an error on Python 3 when compression is used with multiple Vary headers.
WebSocketHandler.__init__ now uses super, which improves support for multiple inheritance.
6.9.25 What’s new in Tornado 4.3
Nov 6, 2015
The new async/await keywords in Python 3.5 are supported. In most cases, async def can be used in place
of the @gen.coroutine decorator. Inside a function defined with async def, use await instead of yield to
wait on an asynchronous operation. Coroutines defined with async/await will be faster than those defined with
@gen.coroutine and yield, but do not support some features including Callback/Wait or the ability to yield
a Twisted Deferred. See the users’ guide for more.
The async/await keywords are also available when compiling with Cython in older versions of Python.
Deprecation notice
This will be the last release of Tornado to support Python 2.6 or 3.2. Note that PyPy3 will continue to be supported
even though it implements a mix of Python 3.2 and 3.3 features.
6.9. Release notes 193
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Tornado has several new dependencies: ordereddict on Python 2.6, singledispatch on all Python ver-
sions prior to 3.4 (This was an optional dependency in prior versions of Tornado, and is now mandatory), and
backports_abc>=0.4 on all versions prior to 3.5. These dependencies will be installed automatically when
installing with pip or install. These dependencies will not be required when running on Google
App Engine.
Binary wheels are provided for Python 3.5 on Windows (32 and 64 bit).
New method OAuth2Mixin.oauth2_request can be used to make authenticated requests with an access token.
Now compatible with callbacks that have been compiled with Cython.
Fixed an issue with the autoreload command-line wrapper in which imports would be incorrectly interpreted as
Fixed parsing of multi-line headers.
allow_nonstandard_methods=True now bypasses body sanity checks, in the same way as in
The PATCH method now allows a body without allow_nonstandard_methods=True.
WaitIterator now supports the async for statement on Python 3.5.
@gen.coroutine can be applied to functions compiled with Cython. On python versions prior to 3.5, the
backports_abc package must be installed for this functionality.
Multi and multi_future are deprecated and replaced by a unified function multi.
tornado.httpclient.HTTPError is now copyable with the copy module.
194 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Requests containing both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding will be treated as an error.
HTTPHeaders can now be pickled and unpickled.
IOLoop(make_current=True) now works as intended instead of raising an exception.
The Twisted and asyncio IOLoop implementations now clear current() when they exit, like the standard
IOLoop.add_callback is faster in the single-threaded case.
IOLoop.add_callback no longer raises an error when called on a closed IOLoop, but the callback will not be
Coroutine-style usage of IOStream now converts most errors into StreamClosedError, which has the effect
of reducing log noise from exceptions that are outside the application’s control (especially SSL errors).
StreamClosedError now has a real_error attribute which indicates why the stream was closed. It is the
same as the error attribute of IOStream but may be more easily accessible than the IOStream itself.
Improved error handling in read_until_close.
Logging is less noisy when an SSL server is port scanned.
EINTR is now handled on all reads.
tornado.locale.load_translations now accepts encodings other than UTF-8. UTF-16 and UTF-8 will
be detected automatically if a BOM is present; for other encodings load_translations has an encoding
Lock and Semaphore now support the async with statement on Python 3.5.
6.9. Release notes 195
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
A new time-based log rotation mode is available with --log_rotate_mode=time, --log-rotate-when, and
bind_sockets now supports SO_REUSEPORT with the reuse_port=True argument.
Dashes and underscores are now fully interchangeable in option names.
Queue now supports the async for statement on Python 3.5.
When following redirects, streaming_callback and header_callback will no longer be run on the redirect
responses (only the final non-redirect).
Responses containing both Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding will be treated as an error.
tornado.template.ParseError now includes the filename in addition to line number.
Whitespace handling has become more configurable. The Loader constructor now has a whitespace argument,
there is a new template_whitespace Application setting, and there is a new {% whitespace %} template
directive. All of these options take a mode name defined in the tornado.template.filter_whitespace
function. The default mode is single, which is the same behavior as prior versions of Tornado.
Non-ASCII filenames are now supported.
ExpectLog objects now have a boolean logged_stack attribute to make it easier to test whether an exception
stack trace was logged.
196 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The hard limit of 4000 bytes per outgoing header has been removed.
StaticFileHandler returns the correct Content-Type for files with .gz, .bz2, and .xz extensions.
Responses smaller than 1000 bytes will no longer be compressed.
The default gzip compression level is now 6 (was 9).
Fixed a regression in Tornado 4.2.1 that broke StaticFileHandler with a path of /.
tornado.web.HTTPError is now copyable with the copy module.
The exception Finish now accepts an argument which will be passed to the method RequestHandler.finish.
New Application setting xsrf_cookie_kwargs can be used to set additional attributes such as secure or
httponly on the XSRF cookie.
Application.listen now returns the HTTPServer it created.
Fixed handling of continuation frames when compression is enabled.
6.9.26 What’s new in Tornado 4.2.1
Jul 17, 2015
Security fix
This release fixes a path traversal vulnerability in StaticFileHandler, in which files whose names started with
the static_path directory but were not actually in that directory could be accessed.
6.9.27 What’s new in Tornado 4.2
May 26, 2015
Backwards-compatibility notes
SSLIOStream.connect and IOStream.start_tls now validate certificates by default.
Certificate validation will now use the system CA root certificates instead of certifi when possible (i.e. Python
2.7.9+ or 3.4+). This includes IOStream and simple_httpclient, but not curl_httpclient.
The default SSL configuration has become stricter, using ssl.create_default_context where available on
the client side. (On the server side, applications are encouraged to migrate from the ssl_options dict-based
API to pass an ssl.SSLContext instead).
The deprecated classes in the tornado.auth module, GoogleMixin, FacebookMixin, and FriendFeedMixin
have been removed.
6.9. Release notes 197
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
New modules: tornado.locks and tornado.queues
These modules provide classes for coordinating coroutines, merged from Toro.
To port your code from Toros queues to Tornado 4.2, import Queue, PriorityQueue, or LifoQueue from tornado.
queues instead of from toro.
Use Queue instead of Toro’s JoinableQueue. In Tornado the methods join and task_done are available on all
queues, not on a special JoinableQueue.
Tornado queues raise exceptions specific to Tornado instead of reusing exceptions from the Python standard li-
brary. Therefore instead of catching the standard queue.Empty exception from Queue.get_nowait, catch the
special tornado.queues.QueueEmpty exception, and instead of catching the standard queue.Full from Queue.
get_nowait, catch tornado.queues.QueueFull.
To port from Toro’s locks to Tornado 4.2, import Condition, Event, Semaphore , BoundedSemaphore, or Lock
from tornado.locks instead of from toro.
Toros Semaphore.wait allowed a coroutine to wait for the semaphore to be unlocked without acquiring it. This
encouraged unorthodox patterns; in Tornado, just use acquire.
Toros Event.wait raised a Timeout exception after a timeout. In Tornado, Event.wait raises tornado.gen.
Toros Condition.wait also raised Timeout, but in Tornado, the Future returned by Condition.wait resolves to
False after a timeout:
def await_notification():
if not (yield condition.wait(timeout=timedelta(seconds=1))):
print('timed out')
print('condition is true')
In lock and queue methods, wherever Toro accepted deadline as a keyword argument, Tornado names the argument
timeout instead.
Toros AsyncResult is not merged into Tornado, nor its exceptions NotReady and AlreadySet. Use a Future
instead. If you wrote code like this:
from tornado import gen
import toro
result = toro.AsyncResult()
def setter():
def getter():
value = yield result.get()
print(value) # Prints "1".
Then the Tornado equivalent is:
198 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
from tornado import gen
from tornado.concurrent import Future
result = Future()
def setter():
def getter():
value = yield result
print(value) # Prints "1".
Improved compatibility with Windows.
Fixed a bug in Python 3 if a module was imported during a reload check.
run_on_executor now accepts arguments to control which attributes it uses to find the IOLoop and executor.
Fixed a bug that would cause the client to stop processing requests if an exception occurred in certain places
while there is a queue.
xhtml_escape now supports numeric character references in hex format (&#x20;)
WaitIterator no longer uses weak references, which fixes several garbage-collection-related bugs.
tornado.gen.Multi and tornado.gen.multi_future (which are used when yielding a list or dict in a
coroutine) now log any exceptions after the first if more than one Future fails (previously they would be
logged when the Future was garbage-collected, but this is more reliable). Both have a new keyword argu-
ment quiet_exceptions to suppress logging of certain exception types; to use this argument you must call
Multi or multi_future directly instead of simply yielding a list.
multi_future now works when given multiple copies of the same Future.
On Python 3, catching an exception in a coroutine no longer leads to leaks via Exception.__context__.
6.9. Release notes 199
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The raise_error argument now works correctly with the synchronous HTTPClient.
The synchronous HTTPClient no longer interferes with IOLoop.current().
HTTPServer is now a subclass of tornado.util.Configurable.
HTTPHeaders can now be copied with copy.copy and copy.deepcopy.
The IOLoop constructor now has a make_current keyword argument to control whether the new IOLoop be-
comes IOLoop.current().
Third-party implementations of IOLoop should accept **kwargs in their IOLoop.initialize methods and
pass them to the superclass implementation.
PeriodicCallback is now more efficient when the clock jumps forward by a large amount.
SSLIOStream.connect and IOStream.start_tls now validate certificates by default.
New method SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake allows server-side applications to wait for the handshake to
complete in order to verify client certificates or use NPN/ALPN.
The Future returned by SSLIOStream.connect now resolves after the handshake is complete instead of as
soon as the TCP connection is established.
Reduced logging of SSL errors.
BaseIOStream.read_until_close now works correctly when a streaming_callback is given but
callback is None (i.e. when it returns a Future)
New method GettextLocale.pgettext allows additional context to be supplied for gettext translations.
200 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
define_logging_options now works correctly when given a non-default options object.
New method Subprocess.wait_for_exit is a coroutine-friendly version of Subprocess.
Improved performance on Python 3 by reusing a single ssl.SSLContext.
New constructor argument max_body_size controls the maximum response size the client is willing to accept.
It may be bigger than max_buffer_size if streaming_callback is used.
TCPServer.handle_stream may be a coroutine (so that any exceptions it raises will be logged).
import_object now supports unicode strings on Python 2.
Configurable.initialize now supports positional arguments.
Key versioning support for cookie signing. cookie_secret application setting can now contain a dict of valid
keys with version as key. The current signing key then must be specified via key_version setting.
Parsing of the If-None-Match header now follows the RFC and supports weak validators.
Passing secure=False or httponly=False to RequestHandler.set_cookie now works as expected (pre-
viously only the presence of the argument was considered and its value was ignored).
RequestHandler.get_arguments now requires that its strip argument be of type bool. This helps prevent
errors caused by the slightly dissimilar interfaces between the singular and plural methods.
Errors raised in _handle_request_exception are now logged more reliably.
RequestHandler.redirect now works correctly when called from a handler whose path begins with two
Passing messages containing % characters to tornado.web.HTTPError no longer causes broken error messages.
6.9. Release notes 201
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The on_close method will no longer be called more than once.
When the other side closes a connection, we now echo the received close code back instead of sending an empty
close frame.
6.9.28 What’s new in Tornado 4.1
Feb 7, 2015
If a Future contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the Future),
a stack trace will be logged when the Future is garbage-collected.
New class tornado.gen.WaitIterator provides a way to iterate over Futures in the order they resolve.
The tornado.websocket module now supports compression via the “permessage-deflate” extension.
Override WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options to enable on the server side, and use the
compression_options keyword argument to websocket_connect on the client side.
When the appropriate packages are installed, it is possible to yield asyncio.Future or Twisted Defered objects
in Tornado coroutines.
Backwards-compatibility notes
HTTPServer now calls start_request with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible,
affecting any application which implemented HTTPServerConnectionDelegate by following the example of
Application instead of the documented method signatures.
If a Future contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the Future),
a stack trace will be logged when the Future is garbage-collected.
Future now catches and logs exceptions in its callbacks.
tornado.curl_httpclient now supports request bodies for PATCH and custom methods.
tornado.curl_httpclient now supports resubmitting bodies after following redirects for methods other than
curl_httpclient now runs the streaming and header callbacks on the IOLoop.
tornado.curl_httpclient now uses its own logger for debug output so it can be filtered more easily.
202 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
New class tornado.gen.WaitIterator provides a way to iterate over Futures in the order they resolve.
When the singledispatch library is available (standard on Python 3.4, available via pip install
singledispatch on older versions), the convert_yielded function can be used to make other kinds of objects
yieldable in coroutines.
New function tornado.gen.sleep is a coroutine-friendly analogue to time.sleep.
gen.engine now correctly captures the stack context for its callbacks.
tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest accepts a new argument raise_error=False to suppress the default
behavior of raising an error for non-200 response codes.
HTTPServer now calls start_request with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible,
afffecting any application which implemented HTTPServerConnectionDelegate by following the example of
Application instead of the documented method signatures.
HTTPServer now tolerates extra newlines which are sometimes inserted between requests on keep-alive connec-
HTTPServer can now use keep-alive connections after a request with a chunked body.
HTTPServer now always reports HTTP/1.1 instead of echoing the request version.
New function tornado.httputil.split_host_and_port for parsing the netloc portion of URLs.
The context argument to HTTPServerRequest is now optional, and if a context is supplied the remote_ip
attribute is also optional.
HTTPServerRequest.body is now always a byte string (previously the default empty body would be a unicode
string on python 3).
Header parsing now works correctly when newline-like unicode characters are present.
Header parsing again supports both CRLF and bare LF line separators.
Malformed multipart/form-data bodies will always be logged quietly instead of raising an unhandled ex-
ception; previously the behavior was inconsistent depending on the exact error.
6.9. Release notes 203
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The kqueue and select IOLoop implementations now report writeability correctly, fixing flow control in
When a new IOLoop is created, it automatically becomes “current” for the thread if there is not already a current
New method PeriodicCallback.is_running can be used to see whether the PeriodicCallback has been
IOStream.start_tls now uses the server_hostname parameter for certificate validation.
SSLIOStream will no longer consume 100% CPU after certain error conditions.
SSLIOStream no longer logs EBADF errors during the handshake as they can result from nmap scans in certain
parse_config_file now always decodes the config file as utf8 on Python 3.
tornado.options.define more accurately finds the module defining the option.
It is now possible to yield asyncio.Future objects in coroutines when the singledispatch library is available
and tornado.platform.asyncio has been imported.
New methods tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future and to_asyncio_future convert be-
tween the two libraries Future classes.
It is now possible to yield Deferred objects in coroutines when the singledispatch library is available and
tornado.platform.twisted has been imported.
TCPClient will no longer raise an exception due to an ill-timed timeout.
204 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
TCPServer no longer ignores its read_chunk_size argument.
AsyncTestCase has better support for multiple exceptions. Previously it would silently swallow all but the last;
now it raises the first and logs all the rest.
AsyncTestCase now cleans up Subprocess state on tearDown when necessary.
The asynchronous decorator now understands concurrent.futures.Future in addition to tornado.
StaticFileHandler no longer logs a stack trace if the connection is closed while sending the file.
RequestHandler.send_error now supports a reason keyword argument, similar to tornado.web.
RequestHandler.locale now has a property setter.
Application.add_handlers hostname matching now works correctly with IPv6 literals.
Redirects for the Application default_host setting now match the request protocol instead of redirecting
Malformed _xsrf cookies are now ignored instead of causing uncaught exceptions.
Application.start_request now has the same signature as HTTPServerConnectionDelegate.
The tornado.websocket module now supports compression via the “permessage-deflate” extension.
Override WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options to enable on the server side, and use the
compression_options keyword argument to websocket_connect on the client side.
WebSocketHandler no longer logs stack traces when the connection is closed. now accepts *args, **kw for consistency with RequestHandler.get and related
The Sec-WebSocket-Version header now includes all supported versions.
websocket_connect now has a on_message_callback keyword argument for callback-style use without
6.9. Release notes 205
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.29 What’s new in Tornado 4.0.2
Sept 10, 2014
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause a timeout to fire after being cancelled.
AsyncTestCase once again passes along arguments to test methods, making it compatible with extensions such
as Noses test generators.
StaticFileHandler can again compress its responses when gzip is enabled.
simple_httpclient passes its max_buffer_size argument to the underlying stream.
Fixed a reference cycle that can lead to increased memory consumption.
add_accept_handler will now limit the number of times it will call accept per IOLoop iteration, addressing
a potential starvation issue.
Improved error handling in IOStream.connect (primarily for FreeBSD systems)
6.9.30 What’s new in Tornado 4.0.1
Aug 12, 2014
The build will now fall back to pure-python mode if the C extension fails to build for any reason (previously it
would fall back for some errors but not others).
IOLoop.call_at and IOLoop.call_later now always return a timeout handle for use with IOLoop.
If any callback of a PeriodicCallback or IOStream returns a Future, any error raised in that future will now
be logged (similar to the behavior of IOLoop.add_callback ).
Fixed an exception in client-side websocket connections when the connection is closed.
simple_httpclient once again correctly handles 204 status codes with no content-length header.
Fixed a regression in simple_httpclient that would result in timeouts for certain kinds of errors.
6.9.31 What’s new in Tornado 4.0
July 15, 2014
The tornado.web.stream_request_body decorator allows large files to be uploaded with limited memory
Coroutines are now faster and are used extensively throughout Tornado itself. More methods now return
Futures, including most IOStream methods and RequestHandler.flush.
Many user-overridden methods are now allowed to return a Future for flow control.
206 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
HTTP-related code is now shared between the tornado.httpserver, tornado.simple_httpclient and
tornado.wsgi modules, making support for features such as chunked and gzip encoding more consistent.
HTTPServer now uses new delegate interfaces defined in tornado.httputil in addition to its old single-
callback interface.
New module tornado.tcpclient creates TCP connections with non-blocking DNS, SSL handshaking, and
support for IPv6.
Backwards-compatibility notes
tornado.concurrent.Future is no longer thread-safe; use concurrent.futures.Future when thread-
safety is needed.
Tornado now depends on the certifi package instead of bundling its own copy of the Mozilla CA list. This will
be installed automatically when using pip or easy_install.
This version includes the changes to the secure cookie format first introduced in version 3.2.1, and the xsrf token
change in version 3.2.2. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, see those versions release notes.
WebSocket connections from other origin sites are now rejected by default. To accept cross-origin websocket
connections, override the new method WebSocketHandler.check_origin.
WebSocketHandler no longer supports the old draft 76 protocol (this mainly affects Safari 5.x browsers).
Applications should use non-websocket workarounds for these browsers.
Authors of alternative IOLoop implementations should see the changes to IOLoop.add_handler in this release.
The RequestHandler.async_callback and WebSocketHandler.async_callback wrapper functions have
been removed; they have been obsolete for a long time due to stack contexts (and more recently coroutines).
curl_httpclient now requires a minimum of libcurl version 7.21.1 and pycurl 7.18.2.
Support for RequestHandler.get_error_html has been removed; override RequestHandler.
write_error instead.
Other notes
The git repository has moved to All old links should be redirected to
the new location.
An announcement mailing list is now available.
All Tornado modules are now importable on Google App Engine (although the App Engine environment does
not allow the system calls used by IOLoop so many modules are still unusable).
Fixed a bug in .FacebookMixin on Python 3.
When using the Future interface, exceptions are more reliably delivered to the caller.
6.9. Release notes 207
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.concurrent.Future is now always thread-unsafe (previously it would be thread-safe if the
concurrent.futures package was available). This improves performance and provides more consistent se-
mantics. The parts of Tornado that accept Futures will accept both Tornado’s thread-unsafe Futures and the
thread-safe concurrent.futures.Future.
tornado.concurrent.Future now includes all the functionality of the old TracebackFuture class.
TracebackFuture is now simply an alias for Future.
curl_httpclient now passes along the HTTP “reason” string in response.reason.
Performance of coroutines has been improved.
Coroutines no longer generate StackContexts by default, but they will be created on demand when needed.
The internals of the tornado.gen module have been rewritten to improve performance when using Futures,
at the expense of some performance degradation for the older YieldPoint interfaces.
New function with_timeout wraps a Future and raises an exception if it doesn’t complete in a given amount
of time.
New object moment can be yielded to allow the IOLoop to run for one iteration before resuming.
Task is now a function returning a Future instead of a YieldPoint subclass. This change should be transparent
to application code, but allows Task to take advantage of the newly-optimized Future handling.
New module contains the HTTP implementation shared by tornado.httpserver and tornado.
The command-line HTTP client (python -m tornado.httpclient $URL) now works on Python 3.
Fixed a memory leak in AsyncHTTPClient shutdown that affected applications that created many HTTP clients
and IOLoops.
New client request parameter decompress_response replaces the existing use_gzip parameter; both names
are accepted.
208 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest has moved to tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest.
HTTP implementation has been unified with tornado.simple_httpclient in tornado.http1connection.
Now supports Transfer-Encoding: chunked for request bodies.
Now supports Content-Encoding: gzip for request bodies if decompress_request=True is passed to the
HTTPServer constructor.
The connection attribute of HTTPServerRequest is now documented for public use; applications are expected
to write their responses via the HTTPConnection interface.
The HTTPServerRequest.write and HTTPServerRequest.finish methods are now deprecated.
(RequestHandler.write and RequestHandler.finish are not deprecated; this only applies to the
methods on HTTPServerRequest)
HTTPServer now supports HTTPServerConnectionDelegate in addition to the old request_callback in-
terface. The delegate interface supports streaming of request bodies.
HTTPServer now detects the error of an application sending a Content-Length error that is inconsistent with
the actual content.
New constructor arguments max_header_size and max_body_size allow separate limits to be set for different
parts of the request. max_body_size is applied even in streaming mode.
New constructor argument chunk_size can be used to limit the amount of data read into memory at one time
per request.
New constructor arguments idle_connection_timeout and body_timeout allow time limits to be placed on
the reading of requests.
Form-encoded message bodies are now parsed for all HTTP methods, not just POST, PUT, and PATCH.
HTTPServerRequest was moved to this module from tornado.httpserver.
New base classes HTTPConnection, HTTPServerConnectionDelegate, and HTTPMessageDelegate define
the interaction between applications and the HTTP implementation.
IOLoop.add_handler and related methods now accept file-like objects in addition to raw file descriptors. Pass-
ing the objects is recommended (when possible) to avoid a garbage-collection-related problem in unit tests.
New method IOLoop.clear_instance makes it possible to uninstall the singleton instance.
Timeout scheduling is now more robust against slow callbacks.
IOLoop.add_timeout is now a bit more efficient.
When a function run by the IOLoop returns a Future and that Future has an exception, the IOLoop will log
the exception.
New method IOLoop.spawn_callback simplifies the process of launching a fire-and-forget callback that is
separated from the caller’s stack context.
New methods IOLoop.call_later and IOLoop.call_at simplify the specification of relative or absolute
timeouts (as opposed to add_timeout, which used the type of its argument).
6.9. Release notes 209
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The callback argument to most IOStream methods is now optional. When called without a callback the method
will return a Future for use with coroutines.
New method IOStream.start_tls converts an IOStream to an SSLIOStream.
No longer gets confused when an IOError or OSError without an errno attribute is raised.
BaseIOStream.read_bytes now accepts a partial keyword argument, which can be used to return before
the full amount has been read. This is a more coroutine-friendly alternative to streaming_callback.
BaseIOStream.read_until and read_until_regex now acept a max_bytes keyword argument which will
cause the request to fail if it cannot be satisfied from the given number of bytes.
IOStream no longer reads from the socket into memory if it does not need data to satisfy a pending read. As a
side effect, the close callback will not be run immediately if the other side closes the connection while there is
unconsumed data in the buffer.
The default chunk_size has been increased to 64KB (from 4KB)
The IOStream constructor takes a new keyword argument max_write_buffer_size (defaults to unlimited).
Calls to BaseIOStream.write will raise StreamBufferFullError if the amount of unsent buffered data
exceeds this limit.
ETIMEDOUT errors are no longer logged. If you need to distinguish timeouts from other forms of closed connec-
tions, examine stream.error from a close callback.
When bind_sockets chooses a port automatically, it will now use the same port for IPv4 and IPv6.
TLS compression is now disabled by default on Python 3.3 and higher (it is not possible to change this option in
older versions).
It is now possible to disable the default logging configuration by setting options.logging to None instead of
the string "none".
Now works on Python 2.6.
Now works with Trollius version 0.3.
210 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
TwistedIOLoop now works on Python 3.3+ (with Twisted 14.0.0+).
simple_httpclient has better support for IPv6, which is now enabled by default.
Improved default cipher suite selection (Python 2.7+).
HTTP implementation has been unified with tornado.httpserver in tornado.http1connection
Streaming request bodies are now supported via the body_producer keyword argument to tornado.
The expect_100_continue keyword argument to tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest allows the use of the
HTTP Expect: 100-continue feature.
simple_httpclient now raises the original exception (e.g. an IOError) in more cases, instead of converting
everything to HTTPError.
The stack context system now has less performance overhead when no stack contexts are active.
New module which creates TCP connections and IOStreams, including name resolution, connecting, and SSL
AsyncTestCase now attempts to detect test methods that are generators but were not run with @gen_test or
any similar decorator (this would previously result in the test silently being skipped).
Better stack traces are now displayed when a test times out.
The @gen_test decorator now passes along *args, **kwargs so it can be used on functions with arguments.
Fixed the test suite when unittest2 is installed on Python 3.
It is now possible to support streaming request bodies with the stream_request_body decorator and the new
RequestHandler.data_received method.
RequestHandler.flush now returns a Future if no callback is given.
New exception Finish may be raised to finish a request without triggering error handling.
When gzip support is enabled, all text/* mime types will be compressed, not just those on a whitelist.
Application now implements the HTTPMessageDelegate interface.
HEAD requests in StaticFileHandler no longer read the entire file.
6.9. Release notes 211
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
StaticFileHandler now streams response bodies to the client.
New setting compress_response replaces the existing gzip setting; both names are accepted.
XSRF cookies that were not generated by this module (i.e. strings without any particular formatting) are once
again accepted (as long as the cookie and body/header match). This pattern was common for testing and non-
browser clients but was broken by the changes in Tornado 3.2.2.
WebSocket connections from other origin sites are now rejected by default. Browsers do not use the same-
origin policy for WebSocket connections as they do for most other browser-initiated communications. This can
be surprising and a security risk, so we disallow these connections on the server side by default. To accept
cross-origin websocket connections, override the new method WebSocketHandler.check_origin.
WebSocketHandler.close and WebSocketClientConnection.close now support code and reason argu-
ments to send a status code and message to the other side of the connection when closing. Both classes also have
close_code and close_reason attributes to receive these values when the other side closes.
The C speedup module now builds correctly with MSVC, and can support messages larger than 2GB on 64-bit
The fallback mechanism for detecting a missing C compiler now works correctly on Mac OS X.
Arguments to are now decoded in the same way as arguments to RequestHandler.
get and similar methods.
It is now allowed to override prepare in a WebSocketHandler, and this method may generate HTTP responses
(error pages) in the usual way. The HTTP response methods are still not allowed once the WebSocket handshake
has completed.
New class WSGIAdapter supports running a Tornado Application on a WSGI server in a way that is
more compatible with Tornado’s non-WSGI HTTPServer. WSGIApplication is deprecated in favor of using
WSGIAdapter with a regular Application.
WSGIAdapter now supports gzipped output.
6.9.32 What’s new in Tornado 3.2.2
June 3, 2014
Security fixes
The XSRF token is now encoded with a random mask on each request. This makes it safe to include in compressed
pages without being vulnerable to the BREACH attack. This applies to most applications that use both the
xsrf_cookies and gzip options (or have gzip applied by a proxy).
212 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Backwards-compatibility notes
If Tornado 3.2.2 is run at the same time as older versions on the same domain, there is some potential for issues
with the differing cookie versions. The Application setting xsrf_cookie_version=1 can be used for a
transitional period to generate the older cookie format on newer servers.
Other changes
tornado.platform.asyncio is now compatible with trollius version 0.3.
6.9.33 What’s new in Tornado 3.2.1
May 5, 2014
Security fixes
The signed-value format used by RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie and RequestHandler.
get_secure_cookie has changed to be more secure. This is a disruptive change. The secure_cookie
functions take new version parameters to support transitions between cookie formats.
The new cookie format fixes a vulnerability that may be present in applications that use multiple cookies where
the name of one cookie is a prefix of the name of another.
To minimize disruption, cookies in the older format will be accepted by default until they expire. Applications that
may be vulnerable can reject all cookies in the older format by passing min_version=2 to RequestHandler.
Thanks to Joost Pol of Certified Secure for reporting this issue.
Backwards-compatibility notes
Signed cookies issued by RequestHandler.set_secure_cookie in Tornado 3.2.1 cannot be read by older
releases. If you need to run 3.2.1 in parallel with older releases, you can pass version=1 to RequestHandler.
set_secure_cookie to issue cookies that are backwards-compatible (but have a known weakness, so this option
should only be used for a transitional period).
Other changes
The C extension used to speed up the websocket module now compiles correctly on Windows with MSVC and
64-bit mode. The fallback to the pure-Python alternative now works correctly on Mac OS X machines with no
C compiler installed.
6.9. Release notes 213
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.34 What’s new in Tornado 3.2
Jan 14, 2014
Tornado now depends on the backports.ssl_match_hostname when running on Python 2. This will be installed
automatically when using pip or easy_install
Tornado now includes an optional C extension module, which greatly improves performance of websockets. This
extension will be built automatically if a C compiler is found at install time.
New modules
The tornado.platform.asyncio module provides integration with the asyncio module introduced in Python
3.4 (also available for Python 3.3 with pip install asyncio).
Added GoogleOAuth2Mixin support authentication to Google services with OAuth 2 instead of OpenID and
OAuth 1.
FacebookGraphMixin has been updated to use the current Facebook login URL, which saves a redirect.
TracebackFuture now accepts a timeout keyword argument (although it is still incorrect to use a non-zero
timeout in non-blocking code).
tornado.curl_httpclient now works on Python 3 with the soon-to-be-released pycurl 7.19.3, which will
officially support Python 3 for the first time. Note that there are some unofficial Python 3 ports of pycurl (Ubuntu
has included one for its past several releases); these are not supported for use with Tornado.
xhtml_escape now escapes apostrophes as well.
tornado.escape.utf8, to_unicode, and native_str now raise TypeError instead of AssertionError
when given an invalid value.
214 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Coroutines may now yield dicts in addition to lists to wait for multiple tasks in parallel.
Improved performance of tornado.gen when yielding a Future that is already done.
tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest now uses property setters so that setting attributes after construction
applies the same conversions as __init__ (e.g. converting the body attribute to bytes).
Malformed x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies will now log a warning and continue instead of causing
the request to fail (similar to the existing handling of malformed multipart/form-data bodies. This is done
mainly because some libraries send this content type by default even when the data is not form-encoded.
Fix some error messages for unix sockets (and other non-IP sockets)
IOLoop now uses IOLoop.handle_callback_exception consistently for error logging.
IOLoop now frees callback objects earlier, reducing memory usage while idle.
IOLoop will no longer call logging.basicConfig if there is a handler defined for the root logger or for the
tornado or tornado.application loggers (previously it only looked at the root logger).
IOStream now recognizes ECONNABORTED error codes in more places (which was mainly an issue on Windows).
IOStream now frees memory earlier if a connection is closed while there is data in the write buffer.
PipeIOStream now handles EAGAIN error codes correctly.
SSLIOStream now initiates the SSL handshake automatically without waiting for the application to try and read
or write to the connection.
Swallow a spurious exception from set_nodelay when a connection has been reset.
Locale.format_date no longer forces the use of absolute dates in Russian.
6.9. Release notes 215
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Fix an error from tornado.log.enable_pretty_logging when sys.stderr does not have an isatty
tornado.log.LogFormatter now accepts keyword arguments fmt and datefmt.
is_valid_ip (and therefore HTTPRequest.remote_ip) now rejects empty strings.
Synchronously using ThreadedResolver at import time to resolve a unicode hostname no longer deadlocks.
TwistedResolver now has better error handling.
Subprocess no longer leaks file descriptors if subprocess.Popen fails.
simple_httpclient now applies the connect_timeout to requests that are queued and have not yet started.
On Python 2.6, simple_httpclient now uses TLSv1 instead of SSLv3.
simple_httpclient now enforces the connect timeout during DNS resolution.
The embedded ca-certificates.crt file has been updated with the current Mozilla CA list.
StaticFileHandler no longer fails if the client requests a Range that is larger than the entire file (Facebook
has a crawler that does this).
RequestHandler.on_connection_close now works correctly on subsequent requests of a keep-alive con-
New application setting default_handler_class can be used to easily set up custom 404 pages.
New application settings autoreload, compiled_template_cache, static_hash_cache, and
serve_traceback can be used to control individual aspects of debug mode.
New methods RequestHandler.get_query_argument and RequestHandler.get_body_argument and
new attributes HTTPRequest.query_arguments and HTTPRequest.body_arguments allow access to argu-
ments without intermingling those from the query string with those from the request body.
RequestHandler.decode_argument and related methods now raise an HTTPError(400) instead of
UnicodeDecodeError when the argument could not be decoded.
RequestHandler.clear_all_cookies now accepts domain and path arguments, just like clear_cookie.
It is now possible to specify handlers by name when using the tornado.web.URLSpec class.
216 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Application now accepts 4-tuples to specify the name parameter (which previously required constructing a
tornado.web.URLSpec object instead of a tuple).
Fixed an incorrect error message when handler methods return a value other than None or a Future.
Exceptions will no longer be logged twice when using both @asynchronous and @gen.coroutine
WebSocketHandler.write_message now raises WebSocketClosedError instead of AttributeError
when the connection has been closed.
websocket_connect now accepts preconstructed HTTPRequest objects.
Fix a bug with WebSocketHandler when used with some proxies that unconditionally modify the Connection
websocket_connect now returns an error immediately for refused connections instead of waiting for the time-
WebSocketClientConnection now has a close method.
WSGIContainer now calls the iterables close() method even if an error is raised, in compliance with the spec.
6.9.35 What’s new in Tornado 3.1.1
Sep 1, 2013
StaticFileHandler no longer fails if the client requests a Range that is larger than the entire file (Facebook
has a crawler that does this).
RequestHandler.on_connection_close now works correctly on subsequent requests of a keep-alive con-
6.9.36 What’s new in Tornado 3.1
Jun 15, 2013
Multiple modules
Many reference cycles have been broken up throughout the package, allowing for more efficient garbage collection
on CPython.
Silenced some log messages when connections are opened and immediately closed (i.e. port scans), or other
situations related to closed connections.
Various small speedups: HTTPHeaders case normalization, UIModule proxy objects, precompile some regexes.
6.9. Release notes 217
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
OAuthMixin always sends oauth_version=1.0 in its request as required by the spec.
FacebookGraphMixin now uses self._FACEBOOK_BASE_URL in facebook_request to allow the base url to
be overridden.
The authenticate_redirect and authorize_redirect methods in the tornado.auth mixin classes all
now return Futures. These methods are asynchronous in OAuthMixin and derived classes, although they do not
take a callback. The Future these methods return must be yielded if they are called from a function decorated
with gen.coroutine (but not gen.engine).
TwitterMixin now uses /account/verify_credentials to get information about the logged-in user, which
is more robust against changing screen names.
The demos directory (in the source distribution) has a new twitter demo using TwitterMixin.
url_escape and url_unescape have a new plus argument (defaulting to True for consistency with the
previous behavior) which specifies whether they work like urllib.parse.unquote or urllib.parse.
Fixed a potential memory leak with long chains of tornado.gen coroutines.
tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest takes a new argument auth_mode, which can be either basic or
digest. Digest authentication is only supported with tornado.curl_httpclient.
tornado.curl_httpclient no longer goes into an infinite loop when pycurl returns a negative timeout.
curl_httpclient now supports the PATCH and OPTIONS methods without the use of
Worked around a class of bugs in libcurl that would result in errors from IOLoop.update_handler in various
scenarios including digest authentication and socks proxies.
The TCP_NODELAY flag is now set when appropriate in simple_httpclient.
simple_httpclient no longer logs exceptions, since those exceptions are made available to the caller as
218 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer handles malformed HTTP headers more gracefully.
HTTPServer now supports lists of IPs in X-Forwarded-For (it chooses the last, i.e. nearest one).
Memory is now reclaimed promptly on CPython when an HTTP request fails because it exceeded the maximum
upload size.
The TCP_NODELAY flag is now set when appropriate in HTTPServer.
The HTTPServer no_keep_alive option is now respected with HTTP 1.0 connections that explicitly pass
Connection: keep-alive.
The Connection: keep-alive check for HTTP 1.0 connections is now case-insensitive.
The str and repr of tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest no longer include the request body, reducing log
spam on errors (and potential exposure/retention of private data).
The cache used in HTTPHeaders will no longer grow without bound.
Some IOLoop implementations (such as pyzmq) accept objects other than integer file descriptors; these objects
will now have their .close() method called when the IOLoop` is closed with ``all_fds=True.
The stub handles left behind by IOLoop.remove_timeout will now get cleaned up instead of waiting to expire.
Fixed a bug in BaseIOStream.read_until_close that would sometimes cause data to be passed to the final
callback instead of the streaming callback.
The IOStream close callback is now run more reliably if there is an exception in _try_inline_read.
New method BaseIOStream.set_nodelay can be used to set the TCP_NODELAY flag.
Fixed a case where errors in SSLIOStream.connect (and SimpleAsyncHTTPClient) were not being reported
Locale.format_date now works on Python 3.
6.9. Release notes 219
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The default Resolver implementation now works on Solaris.
Resolver now has a close method.
Fixed a potential CPU DoS when tornado.netutil.ssl_match_hostname is used on certificates with an
abusive wildcard pattern.
All instances of ThreadedResolver now share a single thread pool, whose size is set by the first one to be
created (or the static Resolver.configure method).
ExecutorResolver is now documented for public use.
bind_sockets now works in configurations with incomplete IPv6 support.
tornado.options.define with multiple=True now works on Python 3.
tornado.options.options and other OptionParser instances support some new dict-like methods:
items(), iteration over keys, and (read-only) access to options with square braket syntax. OptionParser.
group_dict returns all options with a given group name, and OptionParser.as_dict returns all options.
tornado.process.Subprocess no longer leaks file descriptors into the child process, which fixes a problem
in which the child could not detect that the parent process had closed its stdin pipe.
Subprocess.set_exit_callback now works for subprocesses created without an explicit io_loop parame-
tornado.stack_context has been rewritten and is now much faster.
New function run_with_stack_context facilitates the use of stack contexts with coroutines.
The constructors of TCPServer and HTTPServer now take a max_buffer_size keyword argument.
Some internal names used by the template system have been changed; now all “reserved” names in templates
start with _tt_.
220 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase.wait now raises the correct exception when it has been modified by
tornado.testing.gen_test can now be called as @gen_test(timeout=60) to give some tests a longer
timeout than others.
The environment variable ASYNC_TEST_TIMEOUT can now be set to override the default timeout for
AsyncTestCase.wait and gen_test.
bind_unused_port now passes None instead of 0 as the port to getaddrinfo, which works better with some
unusual network configurations.
tornado.util.import_object now works with top-level module names that do not contain a dot.
tornado.util.import_object now consistently raises ImportError instead of AttributeError when it
The handlers list passed to the tornado.web.Application constructor and add_handlers methods can
now contain lists in addition to tuples and URLSpec objects.
tornado.web.StaticFileHandler now works on Windows when the client passes an If-Modified-Since
timestamp before 1970.
New method RequestHandler.log_exception can be overridden to customize the logging behavior when
an exception is uncaught. Most apps that currently override _handle_request_exception can now use a
combination of RequestHandler.log_exception and write_error.
RequestHandler.get_argument now raises MissingArgumentError (a subclass of tornado.web.
HTTPError, which is what it raised previously) if the argument cannot be found.
Application.reverse_url now uses url_escape with plus=False, i.e. spaces are encoded as %20 instead
of +.
Arguments extracted from the url path are now decoded with url_unescape with plus=False, so plus signs
are left as-is instead of being turned into spaces.
RequestHandler.send_error will now only be called once per request, even if multiple exceptions are caught
by the stack context.
The tornado.web.asynchronous decorator is no longer necessary for methods that return a Future (i.e. those
that use the gen.coroutine or return_future decorators)
RequestHandler.prepare may now be asynchronous if it returns a Future. The tornado.web.
asynchronous decorator is not used with prepare; one of the Future-related decorators should be used in-
RequestHandler.current_user may now be assigned to normally.
RequestHandler.redirect no longer silently strips control characters and whitespace. It is now an error to
pass control characters, newlines or tabs.
StaticFileHandler has been reorganized internally and now has additional extension points that can be over-
ridden in subclasses.
6.9. Release notes 221
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
StaticFileHandler now supports HTTP Range requests. StaticFileHandler is still not suitable for files
too large to comfortably fit in memory, but Range support is necessary in some browsers to enable seeking of
HTML5 audio and video.
StaticFileHandler now uses longer hashes by default, and uses the same hashes for Etag as it does for
versioned urls.
StaticFileHandler.make_static_url and RequestHandler.static_url now have an additional key-
word argument include_version to suppress the url versioning.
StaticFileHandler now reads its file in chunks, which will reduce memory fragmentation.
Fixed a problem with the Date header and cookie expiration dates when the system locale is set to a non-english
WebSocketHandler now catches StreamClosedError and runs on_close immediately instead of logging a
stack trace.
New method WebSocketHandler.set_nodelay can be used to set the TCP_NODELAY flag.
Fixed an exception in WSGIContainer when the connection is closed while output is being written.
6.9.37 What’s new in Tornado 3.0.2
Jun 2, 2013
tornado.auth.TwitterMixin now defaults to version 1.1 of the Twitter API, instead of version 1.0 which is
being discontinued on June 11. It also now uses HTTPS when talking to Twitter.
Fixed a potential memory leak with a long chain of gen.coroutine or gen.engine functions.
6.9.38 What’s new in Tornado 3.0.1
Apr 8, 2013
The interface of tornado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin is now consistent with its documentation and the rest
of the module. The get_authenticated_user and facebook_request methods return a Future and the
callback argument is optional.
The tornado.testing.gen_test decorator will no longer be recognized as a (broken) test by nose.
Work around a bug in Ubuntu 13.04 betas involving an incomplete backport of the ssl.match_hostname func-
tornado.websocket.websocket_connect now fails cleanly when it attempts to connect to a non-websocket
tornado.testing.LogTrapTestCase once again works with byte strings on Python 2.
The request attribute of tornado.httpclient.HTTPResponse is now always an HTTPRequest, never a
222 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Exceptions raised by the tornado.gen module now have better messages when tuples are used as callback keys.
6.9.39 What’s new in Tornado 3.0
Mar 29, 2013
The callback argument to many asynchronous methods is now optional, and these methods return a Future.
The tornado.gen module now understands Futures, and these methods can be used directly without a gen.
Task wrapper.
New function IOLoop.current returns the IOLoop that is running on the current thread (as opposed to IOLoop.
instance, which returns a specific thread’s (usually the main thread’s) IOLoop.
New class tornado.netutil.Resolver provides an asynchronous interface to DNS resolution. The
default implementation is still blocking, but non-blocking implementations are available using one of
three optional dependencies: ThreadedResolver using the concurrent.futures thread pool, tornado.
platform.caresresolver.CaresResolver using the pycares library, or tornado.platform.twisted.
TwistedResolver using twisted
Tornado’s logging is now less noisy, and it no longer goes directly to the root logger, allowing for finer-grained
New class tornado.process.Subprocess wraps subprocess.Popen with PipeIOStream access to the
child’s file descriptors.
IOLoop now has a static configure method like the one on AsyncHTTPClient, which can be used to select an
IOLoop implementation other than the default.
IOLoop can now optionally use a monotonic clock if available (see below for more details).
Backwards-incompatible changes
Python 2.5 is no longer supported. Python 3 is now supported in a single codebase instead of using 2to3
The tornado.database module has been removed. It is now available as a separate package, torndb
Functions that take an io_loop parameter now default to IOLoop.current() instead of IOLoop.instance().
Empty HTTP request arguments are no longer ignored. This applies to HTTPRequest.arguments and
RequestHandler.get_argument[s] in WSGI and non-WSGI modes.
On Python 3, tornado.escape.json_encode no longer accepts byte strings.
On Python 3, the get_authenticated_user methods in tornado.auth now return character strings instead
of byte strings.
tornado.netutil.TCPServer has moved to its own module, tornado.tcpserver.
The Tornado test suite now requires unittest2 when run on Python 2.6.
tornado.options.options is no longer a subclass of dict; attribute-style access is now required.
6.9. Release notes 223
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Detailed changes by module
Multiple modules
Tornado no longer logs to the root logger. Details on the new logging scheme can be found under the tornado.
log module. Note that in some cases this will require that you add an explicit logging configuration in order to see
any output (perhaps just calling logging.basicConfig()), although both IOLoop.start() and tornado.
options.parse_command_line will do this for you.
On python 3.2+, methods that take an ssl_options argument (on SSLIOStream, TCPServer, and
HTTPServer) now accept either a dictionary of options or an ssl.SSLContext object.
New optional dependency on concurrent.futures to provide better support for working with threads.
concurrent.futures is in the standard library for Python 3.2+, and can be installed on older versions with
pip install futures.
tornado.autoreload is now more reliable when there are errors at import time.
Calling tornado.autoreload.start (or creating an Application with debug=True) twice on the same
IOLoop now does nothing (instead of creating multiple periodic callbacks). Starting autoreload on more than
one IOLoop in the same process now logs a warning.
Scripts run by autoreload no longer inherit __future__ imports used by Tornado.
On Python 3, the get_authenticated_user method family now returns character strings instead of byte
Asynchronous methods defined in tornado.auth now return a Future, and their callback argument is op-
tional. The Future interface is preferred as it offers better error handling (the previous interface just logged a
warning and returned None).
The tornado.auth mixin classes now define a method get_auth_http_client, which can be overridden to
use a non-default AsyncHTTPClient instance (e.g. to use a different IOLoop)
Subclasses of OAuthMixin are encouraged to override OAuthMixin._oauth_get_user_future instead of
_oauth_get_user, although both methods are still supported.
New module tornado.concurrent contains code to support working with concurrent.futures, or to em-
ulate future-based interface when that module is not available.
224 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Preliminary support for tornado.curl_httpclient on Python 3. The latest official release of pycurl only
supports Python 2, but Ubuntu has a port available in 12.10 (apt-get install python3-pycurl). This
port currently has bugs that prevent it from handling arbitrary binary data but it should work for textual (utf8)
Fix a crash with libcurl 7.29.0 if a curl object is created and closed without being used.
On Python 3, json_encode no longer accepts byte strings. This mirrors the behavior of the underlying json
module. Python 2 behavior is unchanged but should be faster.
New decorator @gen.coroutine is available as an alternative to @gen.engine. It automatically returns
a Future, and within the function instead of calling a callback you return a value with raise gen.
Return(value) (or simply return value in Python 3.3).
Generators may now yield Future objects.
Callbacks produced by gen.Callback and gen.Task are now automatically stack-context-wrapped, to mini-
mize the risk of context leaks when used with asynchronous functions that don’t do their own wrapping.
Fixed a memory leak involving generators, RequestHandler.flush , and clients closing connections while
output is being written.
Yielding a large list no longer has quadratic performance.
AsyncHTTPClient.fetch now returns a Future and its callback argument is optional. When the future inter-
face is used, any error will be raised automatically, as if HTTPResponse.rethrow was called.
AsyncHTTPClient.configure and all AsyncHTTPClient constructors now take a defaults keyword argu-
ment. This argument should be a dictionary, and its values will be used in place of corresponding attributes of
HTTPRequest that are not set.
All unset attributes of tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest are now None. The default values of some
attributes (connect_timeout, request_timeout, follow_redirects, max_redirects, use_gzip,
proxy_password, allow_nonstandard_methods, and validate_cert have been moved from
HTTPRequest to the client implementations.
The max_clients argument to AsyncHTTPClient is now a keyword-only argument.
Keyword arguments to AsyncHTTPClient.configure are no longer used when instantiating an implementation
subclass directly.
Secondary AsyncHTTPClient callbacks (streaming_callback, header_callback, and
prepare_curl_callback) now respect StackContext.
6.9. Release notes 225
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
HTTPServer no longer logs an error when it is unable to read a second request from an HTTP 1.1 keep-alive
HTTPServer now takes a protocol keyword argument which can be set to https if the server is behind an
SSL-decoding proxy that does not set any supported X-headers.
tornado.httpserver.HTTPConnection now has a set_close_callback method that should be used in-
stead of reaching into its stream attribute.
Empty HTTP request arguments are no longer ignored. This applies to HTTPRequest.arguments and
RequestHandler.get_argument[s] in WSGI and non-WSGI modes.
New function IOLoop.current returns the IOLoop that is running on the current thread (as opposed to IOLoop.
instance, which returns a specific thread’s (usually the main thread’s) IOLoop).
New method IOLoop.add_future to run a callback on the IOLoop when an asynchronous Future finishes.
IOLoop now has a static configure method like the one on AsyncHTTPClient, which can be used to select an
IOLoop implementation other than the default.
The IOLoop poller implementations (select, epoll, kqueue) are now available as distinct subclasses of
IOLoop. Instantiating IOLoop will continue to automatically choose the best available implementation.
The IOLoop constructor has a new keyword argument time_func, which can be used to set the time function
used when scheduling callbacks. This is most useful with the time.monotonic function, introduced in Python
3.3 and backported to older versions via the monotime module. Using a monotonic clock here avoids problems
when the system clock is changed.
New function IOLoop.time returns the current time according to the IOLoop. To use the new monotonic clock
functionality, all calls to IOLoop.add_timeout must be either pass a datetime.timedelta or a time relative
to IOLoop.time, not time.time. (time.time will continue to work only as long as the IOLoop’s time_func
argument is not used).
New convenience method IOLoop.run_sync can be used to start an IOLoop just long enough to run a single
New method IOLoop.add_callback_from_signal is safe to use in a signal handler (the regular
add_callback method may deadlock).
IOLoop now uses signal.set_wakeup_fd where available (Python 2.6+ on Unix) to avoid a race condition
that could result in Python signal handlers being delayed.
Method IOLoop.running() has been removed.
IOLoop has been refactored to better support subclassing.
IOLoop.add_callback and add_callback_from_signal now take *args, **kwargs to pass along to the
226 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
IOStream.connect now has an optional server_hostname argument which will be used for SSL certificate
validation when applicable. Additionally, when supported (on Python 3.2+), this hostname will be sent via SNI
(and this is supported by tornado.simple_httpclient)
Much of IOStream has been refactored into a separate class BaseIOStream.
New class tornado.iostream.PipeIOStream provides the IOStream interface on pipe file descriptors.
IOStream now raises a new exception tornado.iostream.StreamClosedError when you attempt to read
or write after the stream has been closed (by either side).
IOStream now simply closes the connection when it gets an ECONNRESET error, rather than logging it as an
IOStream.error no longer picks up unrelated exceptions.
BaseIOStream.close now has an exc_info argument (similar to the one used in the logging module) that
can be used to set the stream’s error attribute when closing it.
BaseIOStream.read_until_close now works correctly when it is called while there is buffered data.
Fixed a major performance regression when run on PyPy (introduced in Tornado 2.3).
New module containing enable_pretty_logging and LogFormatter, moved from the options module.
LogFormatter now handles non-ascii data in messages and tracebacks better.
New class tornado.netutil.Resolver provides an asynchronous interface to DNS resolution. The
default implementation is still blocking, but non-blocking implementations are available using one of
three optional dependencies: ThreadedResolver using the concurrent.futures thread pool, tornado.
platform.caresresolver.CaresResolver using the pycares library, or tornado.platform.twisted.
TwistedResolver using twisted
New function tornado.netutil.is_valid_ip returns true if a given string is a valid IP (v4 or v6) address.
tornado.netutil.bind_sockets has a new flags argument that can be used to pass additional flags to
tornado.netutil.bind_sockets no longer sets AI_ADDRCONFIG; this will cause it to bind to both ipv4 and
ipv6 more often than before.
tornado.netutil.bind_sockets now works when Python was compiled with --disable-ipv6 but IPv6
DNS resolution is available on the system.
tornado.netutil.TCPServer has moved to its own module, tornado.tcpserver.
6.9. Release notes 227
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The class underlying the functions in tornado.options is now public (tornado.options.OptionParser).
This can be used to create multiple independent option sets, such as for subcommands.
tornado.options.parse_config_file now configures logging automatically by default, in the same way
that parse_command_line does.
New function tornado.options.add_parse_callback schedules a callback to be run after the command
line or config file has been parsed. The keyword argument final=False can be used on either parsing function
to suppress these callbacks.
tornado.options.define now takes a callback argument. This callback will be run with the new value
whenever the option is changed. This is especially useful for options that set other options, such as by reading
from a config file.
tornado.options.parse_command_line --help output now goes to stderr rather than stdout.
tornado.options.options is no longer a subclass of dict; attribute-style access is now required.
tornado.options.options (and OptionParser instances generally) now have a mockable() method that
returns a wrapper object compatible with mock.patch.
Function tornado.options.enable_pretty_logging has been moved to the tornado.log module.
New module containing an asynchronous implementation of the Resolver interface, using the pycares library.
New class tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedIOLoop allows Tornado code to be run on the Twisted re-
actor (as opposed to the existing TornadoReactor, which bridges the gap in the other direction).
New class tornado.platform.twisted.TwistedResolver is an asynchronous implementation of the
Resolver interface.
New class tornado.process.Subprocess wraps subprocess.Popen with PipeIOStream access to the
child’s file descriptors.
SimpleAsyncHTTPClient now takes a resolver keyword argument (which may be passed to either the con-
structor or configure), to allow it to use the new non-blocking tornado.netutil.Resolver.
When following redirects, SimpleAsyncHTTPClient now treats a 302 response code the same as a 303.
This is contrary to the HTTP spec but consistent with all browsers and other major HTTP clients (including
The behavior of header_callback with SimpleAsyncHTTPClient has changed and is now the same as that of
CurlAsyncHTTPClient. The header callback now receives the first line of the response (e.g. HTTP/1.0 200
OK) and the final empty line.
228 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.simple_httpclient now accepts responses with a 304 status code that include a Content-Length
Fixed a bug in which SimpleAsyncHTTPClient callbacks were being run in the client’s stack_context.
stack_context.wrap now runs the wrapped callback in a more consistent environment by recreating contexts
even if they already exist on the stack.
Fixed a bug in which stack contexts could leak from one callback chain to another.
Yield statements inside a with statement can cause stack contexts to become inconsistent; an exception will now
be raised when this case is detected.
Errors while rendering templates no longer log the generated code, since the enhanced stack traces (from version
2.1) should make this unnecessary.
The {% apply %} directive now works properly with functions that return both unicode strings and byte strings
(previously only byte strings were supported).
Code in templates is no longer affected by Tornados __future__ imports (which previously included
absolute_import and division).
New function tornado.testing.bind_unused_port both chooses a port and binds a socket to it, so there is
no risk of another process using the same port. get_unused_port is now deprecated.
New decorator tornado.testing.gen_test can be used to allow for yielding tornado.gen objects in tests,
as an alternative to the stop and wait methods of AsyncTestCase.
tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase and friends now extend unittest2.TestCase when it is available (and
continue to use the standard unittest module when unittest2 is not available)
tornado.testing.ExpectLog can be used as a finer-grained alternative to tornado.testing.
The command-line interface to tornado.testing.main now supports additional arguments from the underly-
ing unittest module: verbose, quiet, failfast, catch, buffer.
The deprecated --autoreload option of tornado.testing.main has been removed. Use python -m
tornado.autoreload as a prefix command instead.
The --httpclient option of tornado.testing.main has been moved to tornado.test.runtests so as
not to pollute the application option namespace. The tornado.options module’s new callback support now
makes it easy to add options from a wrapper script instead of putting all possible options in tornado.testing.
AsyncHTTPTestCase no longer calls AsyncHTTPClient.close for tests that use the singleton IOLoop.
LogTrapTestCase no longer fails when run in unknown logging configurations. This allows tests to be run
under nose, which does its own log buffering (LogTrapTestCase doesn’t do anything useful in this case, but at
least it doesn’t break things any more).
6.9. Release notes 229
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.util.b (which was only intended for internal use) is gone.
RequestHandler.set_header now overwrites previous header values case-insensitively.
tornado.web.RequestHandler has new attributes path_args and path_kwargs, which contain the posi-
tional and keyword arguments that are passed to the get/post/etc method. These attributes are set before those
methods are called, so they are available during prepare()
tornado.web.ErrorHandler no longer requires XSRF tokens on POST requests, so posts to an unknown url
will always return 404 instead of complaining about XSRF tokens.
Several methods related to HTTP status codes now take a reason keyword argument to specify an alternate
“reason” string (i.e. the “Not Found” in “HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found”). It is now possible to set status codes other
than those defined in the spec, as long as a reason string is given.
The Date HTTP header is now set by default on all responses.
Etag/If-None-Match requests now work with StaticFileHandler.
StaticFileHandler no longer sets Cache-Control: public unnecessarily.
When gzip is enabled in a tornado.web.Application, appropriate Vary: Accept-Encoding headers are
now sent.
It is no longer necessary to pass all handlers for a host in a single Application.add_handlers call. Now the
request will be matched against the handlers for any host_pattern that includes the requests Host header.
Client-side WebSocket support is now available: tornado.websocket.websocket_connect
WebSocketHandler has new methods ping and on_pong to send pings to the browser (not supported on the
draft76 protocol)
6.9.40 What’s new in Tornado 2.4.1
Nov 24, 2012
Bug fixes
Fixed a memory leak in tornado.stack_context that was especially likely with long-running @gen.engine
tornado.auth.TwitterMixin now works on Python 3.
Fixed a bug in which IOStream.read_until_close with a streaming callback would sometimes pass the last
chunk of data to the final callback instead of the streaming callback.
230 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
6.9.41 What’s new in Tornado 2.4
Sep 4, 2012
Fixed Python 3 bugs in tornado.auth , tornado.locale, and tornado.wsgi.
HTTP clients
Removed max_simultaneous_connections argument from tornado.httpclient (both implementations).
This argument hasn’t been useful for some time (if you were using it you probably want max_clients instead)
tornado.simple_httpclient now accepts and ignores HTTP 1xx status responses.
tornado.ioloop and tornado.iostream
Fixed a bug introduced in 2.3 that would cause IOStream close callbacks to not run if there were pending reads.
Improved error handling in SSLIOStream and SSL-enabled TCPServer.
SSLIOStream.get_ssl_certificate now has a binary_form argument which is passed to SSLSocket.
SSLIOStream.write can now be called while the connection is in progress, same as non-SSL IOStream (but
be careful not to send sensitive data until the connection has completed and the certificate has been verified).
IOLoop.add_handler cannot be called more than once with the same file descriptor. This was always true for
epoll, but now the other implementations enforce it too.
On Windows, TCPServer uses SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSER instead of SO_REUSEADDR.
{% break %} and {% continue %} can now be used looping constructs in templates.
It is no longer an error for an if/else/for/etc block in a template to have an empty body.
New class tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPSTestCase is like AsyncHTTPTestCase. but enables SSL for the
testing server (by default using a self-signed testing certificate).
tornado.testing.main now accepts additional keyword arguments and forwards them to unittest.main.
6.9. Release notes 231
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
New method RequestHandler.get_template_namespace can be overridden to add additional variables
without modifying keyword arguments to render_string.
RequestHandler.add_header now works with WSGIApplication.
RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie now handles a potential error case.
RequestHandler.__init__ now calls super().__init__ to ensure that all constructors are called when
multiple inheritance is used.
Docs have been updated with a description of all available Application settings
Other modules
OAuthMixin now accepts "oob" as a callback_uri.
OpenIdMixin now also returns the claimed_id field for the user.
tornado.platform.twisted shutdown sequence is now more compatible.
The logging configuration used in tornado.options is now more tolerant of non-ascii byte strings.
6.9.42 What’s new in Tornado 2.3
May 31, 2012
HTTP clients
tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient now supports the same constructor keyword arguments as
The max_clients keyword argument to AsyncHTTPClient.configure now works.
tornado.simple_httpclient now supports the OPTIONS and PATCH HTTP methods.
tornado.simple_httpclient is better about closing its sockets instead of leaving them for garbage collection.
tornado.simple_httpclient correctly verifies SSL certificates for URLs containing IPv6 literals (This bug
affected Python 2.5 and 2.6).
tornado.simple_httpclient no longer includes basic auth credentials in the Host header when those cre-
dentials are extracted from the URL.
tornado.simple_httpclient no longer modifies the caller-supplied header dictionary, which caused prob-
lems when following redirects.
tornado.curl_httpclient now supports client SSL certificates (using the same client_cert and
client_key arguments as tornado.simple_httpclient)
232 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
HTTP Server
HTTPServer now works correctly with paths starting with //
HTTPHeaders.copy (inherited from dict.copy) now works correctly.
HTTPConnection.address is now always the socket address, even for non-IP sockets. HTTPRequest.
remote_ip is still always an IP-style address (fake data is used for non-IP sockets)
Extra data at the end of multipart form bodies is now ignored, which fixes a compatibility problem with an iOS
HTTP client library.
IOLoop and IOStream
IOStream now has an error attribute that can be used to determine why a socket was closed.
tornado.iostream.IOStream.read_until and read_until_regex are much faster with large input.
IOStream.write performs better when given very large strings.
IOLoop.instance() is now thread-safe.
tornado.options options with multiple=True that are set more than once now overwrite rather than append.
This makes it possible to override values set in parse_config_file with parse_command_line.
tornado.options --help output is now prettier.
tornado.options.options now supports attribute assignment.
Template files containing non-ASCII (utf8) characters now work on Python 3 regardless of the locale environment
Templates now support else clauses in try/except/finally/else blocks.
tornado.web.RequestHandler now supports the PATCH HTTP method. Note that this means any existing
methods named patch in RequestHandler subclasses will need to be renamed.
tornado.web.addslash and removeslash decorators now send permanent redirects (301) instead of tempo-
rary (302).
RequestHandler.flush now invokes its callback whether there was any data to flush or not.
Repeated calls to RequestHandler.set_cookie with the same name now overwrite the previous cookie instead
of producing additional copies.
tornado.web.OutputTransform.transform_first_chunk now takes and returns a status code in addition
to the headers and chunk. This is a backwards-incompatible change to an interface that was never technically
private, but was not included in the documentation and does not appear to have been used outside Tornado itself.
Fixed a bug on python versions before 2.6.5 when tornado.web.URLSpec regexes are constructed from unicode
strings and keyword arguments are extracted.
6.9. Release notes 233
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
The reverse_url function in the template namespace now comes from the RequestHandler rather than the
Application. (Unless overridden, RequestHandler.reverse_url is just an alias for the Application
The Etag header is now returned on 304 responses to an If-None-Match request, improving compatibility with
some caches.
tornado.web will no longer produce responses with status code 304 that also have entity headers such as
Other modules
tornado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin no longer sends post_args redundantly in the url.
The extra_params argument to tornado.escape.linkify may now be a callable, to allow parameters to be
chosen separately for each link.
tornado.gen no longer leaks StackContexts when a @gen.engine wrapped function is called repeatedly.
tornado.locale.get_supported_locales no longer takes a meaningless cls argument.
StackContext instances now have a deactivation callback that can be used to prevent further propagation.
tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase.wait now resets its timeout on each call.
tornado.wsgi.WSGIApplication now parses arguments correctly on Python 3.
Exception handling on Python 3 has been improved; previously some exceptions such as UnicodeDecodeError
would generate TypeErrors
6.9.43 What’s new in Tornado 2.2.1
Apr 23, 2012
Security fixes
tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_header now properly sanitizes input values to protect against header
injection, response splitting, etc. (it has always attempted to do this, but the check was incorrect). Note that
redirects, the most likely source of such bugs, are protected by a separate check in RequestHandler.redirect.
Bug fixes
Colored logging configuration in tornado.options is compatible with Python 3.2.3 (and 3.3).
6.9.44 What’s new in Tornado 2.2
Jan 30, 2012
Updated and expanded WebSocket support.
Improved compatibility in the Twisted/Tornado bridge.
Template errors now generate better stack traces.
234 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Better exception handling in tornado.gen.
Security fixes
tornado.simple_httpclient now disables SSLv2 in all cases. Previously SSLv2 would be allowed if the
Python interpreter was linked against a pre-1.0 version of OpenSSL.
Backwards-incompatible changes
tornado.process.fork_processes now raises SystemExit if all child processes exit cleanly rather than
returning None. The old behavior was surprising and inconsistent with most of the documented examples of this
function (which did not check the return value).
On Python 2.6, tornado.simple_httpclient only supports SSLv3. This is because Python 2.6 does not
expose a way to support both SSLv3 and TLSv1 without also supporting the insecure SSLv2.
tornado.websocket no longer supports the older “draft 76” version of the websocket protocol by default, al-
though this version can be enabled by overriding tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler.allow_draft76.
SimpleAsyncHTTPClient no longer hangs on HEAD requests, responses with no content, or empty POST/PUT
response bodies.
SimpleAsyncHTTPClient now supports 303 and 307 redirect codes.
tornado.curl_httpclient now accepts non-integer timeouts.
tornado.curl_httpclient now supports basic authentication with an empty password.
HTTPServer with xheaders=True will no longer accept X-Real-IP headers that don’t look like valid IP ad-
HTTPServer now treats the Connection request header as case-insensitive.
tornado.ioloop and tornado.iostream
IOStream.write now works correctly when given an empty string.
IOStream.read_until (and read_until_regex) now perform better when there is a lot of buffered data,
which improves performance of SimpleAsyncHTTPClient when downloading files with lots of chunks.
SSLIOStream now works correctly when ssl_version is set to a value other than SSLv23.
Idle IOLoops no longer wake up several times a second.
tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback no longer triggers duplicate callbacks when stopped and started repeat-
6.9. Release notes 235
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Exceptions in template code will now show better stack traces that reference lines from the original template file.
{# and #} can now be used for comments (and unlike the old {% comment %} directive, these can wrap other
template directives).
Template directives may now span multiple lines.
Now behaves better when given malformed Cookie headers
RequestHandler.redirect now has a status argument to send status codes other than 301 and 302.
New method RequestHandler.on_finish may be overridden for post-request processing (as a counterpart to
StaticFileHandler now outputs Content-Length and Etag headers on HEAD requests.
StaticFileHandler now has overridable get_version and parse_url_path methods for use in subclasses.
RequestHandler.static_url now takes an include_host parameter (in addition to the old support for the
RequestHandler.include_host attribute).
Updated to support the latest version of the protocol, as finalized in RFC 6455.
Many bugs were fixed in all supported protocol versions.
tornado.websocket no longer supports the older “draft 76” version of the websocket protocol by default, al-
though this version can be enabled by overriding tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler.allow_draft76.
WebSocketHandler.write_message now accepts a binary argument to send binary messages.
Subprotocols (i.e. the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header) are now supported; see the WebSocketHandler.
select_subprotocol method for details.
.WebSocketHandler.get_websocket_scheme can be used to select the appropriate url scheme (ws:// or
wss://) in cases where HTTPRequest.protocol is not set correctly.
Other modules
tornado.auth.TwitterMixin.authenticate_redirect now takes a callback_uri parameter.
tornado.auth.TwitterMixin.twitter_request now accepts both URLs and partial paths (complete URLs
are useful for the search API which follows different patterns).
Exception handling in tornado.gen has been improved. It is now possible to catch exceptions thrown by a
tornado.netutil.bind_sockets now works when getaddrinfo returns duplicate addresses.
tornado.platform.twisted compatibility has been significantly improved. Twisted version 11.1.0 is now
supported in addition to 11.0.0.
tornado.process.fork_processes correctly reseeds the random module even when os.urandom is not
236 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
tornado.testing.main supports a new flag --exception_on_interrupt, which can be set to false to make
Ctrl-C kill the process more reliably (at the expense of stack traces when it does so).
tornado.version_info is now a four-tuple so official releases can be distinguished from development
6.9.45 What’s new in Tornado 2.1.1
Oct 4, 2011
Bug fixes
Fixed handling of closed connections with the epoll (i.e. Linux) IOLoop. Previously, closed connec-
tions could be shut down too early, which most often manifested as “Stream is closed” exceptions in
Fixed a case in which chunked responses could be closed prematurely, leading to truncated output.
IOStream.connect now reports errors more consistently via logging and the close callback (this affects e.g.
connections to localhost on FreeBSD).
IOStream.read_bytes again accepts both int and long arguments.
PeriodicCallback no longer runs repeatedly when IOLoop iterations complete faster than the resolution of
time.time() (mainly a problem on Windows).
Backwards-compatibility note
Listening for IOLoop.ERROR alone is no longer sufficient for detecting closed connections on an otherwise un-
used socket. IOLoop.ERROR must always be used in combination with READ or WRITE.
6.9.46 What’s new in Tornado 2.1
Sep 20, 2011
Backwards-incompatible changes
Support for secure cookies written by pre-1.0 releases of Tornado has been removed. The RequestHandler.
get_secure_cookie method no longer takes an include_name parameter.
The debug application setting now causes stack traces to be displayed in the browser on uncaught exceptions.
Since this may leak sensitive information, debug mode is not recommended for public-facing servers.
6.9. Release notes 237
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Security fixes
Diginotar has been removed from the default CA certificates file used by SimpleAsyncHTTPClient.
New modules
tornado.gen: A generator-based interface to simplify writing asynchronous functions.
tornado.netutil: Parts of tornado.httpserver have been extracted into a new module for use with non-
HTTP protocols.
tornado.platform.twisted : A bridge between the Tornado IOLoop and the Twisted Reactor, allowing code
written for Twisted to be run on Tornado.
tornado.process: Multi-process mode has been improved, and can now restart crashed child processes. A
new entry point has been added at tornado.process.fork_processes, although tornado.httpserver.
HTTPServer.start is still supported.
tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error replaces get_error_html as the preferred way to generate
custom error pages (get_error_html is still supported, but deprecated)
In tornado.web.Application, handlers may be specified by (fully-qualified) name instead of importing and
passing the class object itself.
It is now possible to use a custom subclass of StaticFileHandler with the static_handler_class appli-
cation setting, and this subclass can override the behavior of the static_url method.
StaticFileHandler subclasses can now override get_cache_time to customize cache control behavior.
tornado.web.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie now has a max_age_days parameter to allow appli-
cations to override the default one-month expiration.
set_cookie now accepts a max_age keyword argument to set the max-age cookie attribute (note underscore
vs dash)
tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_default_headers may be overridden to set headers in a way that does
not get reset during error handling.
RequestHandler.add_header can now be used to set a header that can appear multiple times in the response.
RequestHandler.flush can now take a callback for flow control.
The application/json content type can now be gzipped.
The cookie-signing functions are now accessible as static functions tornado.web.create_signed_value and
238 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
To facilitate some advanced multi-process scenarios, HTTPServer has a new method add_sockets, and socket-
opening code is available separately as tornado.netutil.bind_sockets.
The cookies property is now available on tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest (it is also available in its old
location as a property of RequestHandler)
tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer.bind now takes a backlog argument with the same meaning as socket.
HTTPServer can now be run on a unix socket as well as TCP.
Fixed exception at startup when socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG is not available, as on Windows XP
IOLoop and IOStream
IOStream performance has been improved, especially for small synchronous requests.
New methods tornado.iostream.IOStream.read_until_close and tornado.iostream.IOStream.
IOStream.read_bytes and IOStream.read_until_close now take a streaming_callback argument to
return data as it is received rather than all at once.
IOLoop.add_timeout now accepts datetime.timedelta objects in addition to absolute timestamps.
PeriodicCallback now sticks to the specified period instead of creeping later due to accumulated errors.
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop and tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient now have close() methods that should
be used in applications that create and destroy many of these objects.
IOLoop.install can now be used to use a custom subclass of IOLoop as the singleton without monkey-
IOStream should now always call the close callback instead of the connect callback on a connection error.
The IOStream close callback will no longer be called while there are pending read callbacks that can be satisfied
with buffered data.
Now supports client SSL certificates with the client_key and client_cert parameters to tornado.
Now takes a maximum buffer size, to allow reading files larger than 100MB
Now works with HTTP 1.0 servers that don’t send a Content-Length header
The allow_nonstandard_methods flag on HTTP client requests now permits methods other than POST and
PUT to contain bodies.
Fixed file descriptor leaks and multiple callback invocations in SimpleAsyncHTTPClient
No longer consumes extra connection resources when following redirects.
Now works with buggy web servers that separate headers with \n instead of \r\n\r\n.
Now sets response.request_time correctly.
Connect timeouts now work correctly.
6.9. Release notes 239
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
Other modules
tornado.auth.OpenIdMixin now uses the correct realm when the callback URI is on a different domain.
tornado.autoreload has a new command-line interface which can be used to wrap any script. This replaces
the --autoreload argument to tornado.testing.main and is more robust against syntax errors. can be used to watch files other than the sources of imported modules.
tornado.database.Connection has new variants of execute and executemany that return the number of
rows affected instead of the last inserted row id.
tornado.locale.load_translations now accepts any properly-formatted locale name, not just those in the
predefined LOCALE_NAMES list.
tornado.options.define now takes a group parameter to group options in --help output.
Template loaders now take a namespace constructor argument to add entries to the template namespace.
tornado.websocket now supports the latest (“hybi-10”) version of the protocol (the old version, “hixie-76” is
still supported; the correct version is detected automatically).
tornado.websocket now works on Python 3
Bug fixes
Windows support has been improved. Windows is still not an officially supported platform, but the test suite now
passes and tornado.autoreload works.
Uploading files whose names contain special characters will now work.
Cookie values containing special characters are now properly quoted and unquoted.
Multi-line headers are now supported.
Repeated Content-Length headers (which may be added by certain proxies) are now supported in HTTPServer.
Unicode string literals now work in template expressions.
The template {% module %} directive now works even if applications use a template variable named modules.
Requests with “Expect: 100-continue” now work on python 3
6.9.47 What’s new in Tornado 2.0
Jun 21, 2011
Major changes:
* Template output is automatically escaped by default; see backwards
compatibility note below.
* The default AsyncHTTPClient implementation is now simple_httpclient.
* Python 3.2 is now supported.
Backwards compatibility:
* Template autoescaping is enabled by default. Applications upgrading from
a previous release of Tornado must either disable autoescaping or adapt
their templates to work with it. For most applications, the simplest
way to do this is to pass autoescape=None to the Application constructor.
(continues on next page)
240 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
Note that this affects certain built-in methods, e.g. xsrf_form_html
and linkify, which must now be called with {% raw %} instead of {}
* Applications that wish to continue using curl_httpclient instead of
simple_httpclient may do so by calling
at the beginning of the process. Users of Python 2.5 will probably want
to use curl_httpclient as simple_httpclient only supports ssl on Python 2.6+.
* Python 3 compatibility involved many changes throughout the codebase,
so users are encouraged to test their applications more thoroughly than
usual when upgrading to this release.
Other changes in this release:
* Templates support several new directives:
- {% autoescape ...%} to control escaping behavior
- {% raw ... %} for unescaped output
- {% module ... %} for calling UIModules
* {% module Template(path, **kwargs) %} may now be used to call another
template with an independent namespace
* All IOStream callbacks are now run directly on the IOLoop via add_callback.
* HTTPServer now supports IPv6 where available. To disable, pass
family=socket.AF_INET to HTTPServer.bind().
* HTTPClient now supports IPv6, configurable via allow_ipv6=bool on the
HTTPRequest. allow_ipv6 defaults to false on simple_httpclient and true
on curl_httpclient.
* RequestHandlers can use an encoding other than utf-8 for query parameters
by overriding decode_argument()
* Performance improvements, especially for applications that use a lot of
IOLoop timeouts
* HTTP OPTIONS method no longer requires an XSRF token.
* JSON output (RequestHandler.write(dict)) now sets Content-Type to
* Etag computation can now be customized or disabled by overriding
* USE_SIMPLE_HTTPCLIENT environment variable is no longer supported.
Use AsyncHTTPClient.configure instead.
6.9.48 What’s new in Tornado 1.2.1
Mar 3, 2011
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.2.1, available from
This release contains only two small changes relative to version 1.2:
* FacebookGraphMixin has been updated to work with a recent change to the
Facebook API.
* Running " install" will no longer attempt to automatically
install pycurl. This wasn't working well on platforms where the best way
to install pycurl is via something like apt-get instead of easy_install.
(continues on next page)
6.9. Release notes 241
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
This is an important upgrade if you are using FacebookGraphMixin, but
otherwise it can be safely ignored.
6.9.49 What’s new in Tornado 1.2
Feb 20, 2011
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.2, available from
Backwards compatibility notes:
* This release includes the backwards-incompatible security change from
version 1.1.1. Users upgrading from 1.1 or earlier should read the
release notes from that release:
* StackContexts that do something other than catch exceptions may need to
be modified to be reentrant.
* When XSRF tokens are used, the token must also be present on PUT and
DELETE requests (anything but GET and HEAD)
New features:
* A new HTTP client implementation is available in the module
tornado.simple_httpclient. This HTTP client does not depend on pycurl.
It has not yet been tested extensively in production, but is intended
to eventually replace the pycurl-based HTTP client in a future release of
Tornado. To transparently replace tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient with
this new implementation, you can set the environment variable
USE_SIMPLE_HTTPCLIENT=1 (note that the next release of Tornado will
likely include a different way to select HTTP client implementations)
* Request logging is now done by the Application rather than the
RequestHandler. Logging behavior may be customized by either overriding
Application.log_request in a subclass or by passing log_function
as an Application setting
* Application.listen(port): Convenience method as an alternative to
explicitly creating an HTTPServer
* tornado.escape.linkify(): Wrap urls in <a> tags
* RequestHandler.create_signed_value(): Create signatures like the
secure_cookie methods without setting cookies.
* tornado.testing.get_unused_port(): Returns a port selected in the same
way as inAsyncHTTPTestCase
* AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch(): Convenience method for synchronous fetches
* IOLoop.set_blocking_signal_threshold(): Set a callback to be run when
the IOLoop is blocked.
* IOStream.connect(): Asynchronously connect a client socket
* AsyncHTTPClient.handle_callback_exception(): May be overridden
in subclass for custom error handling
* httpclient.HTTPRequest has two new keyword arguments, validate_cert and
ca_certs. Setting validate_cert=False will disable all certificate checks
when fetching https urls. ca_certs may be set to a filename containing
(continues on next page)
242 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
trusted certificate authorities (defaults will be used if this is
* HTTPRequest.get_ssl_certificate(): Returns the client's SSL certificate
(if client certificates were requested in the server's ssl_options
* StaticFileHandler can be configured to return a default file (e.g.
index.html) when a directory is requested
* Template directives of the form "{% from x import y %}" are now
supported (in addition to the existing support for "{% import x
* FacebookGraphMixin.get_authenticated_user now accepts a new
parameter 'extra_fields' which may be used to request additional
information about the user
Bug fixes:
* auth: Fixed KeyError with Facebook offline_access
* auth: Uses request.uri instead of request.path as the default redirect
so that parameters are preserved.
* escape: xhtml_escape() now returns a unicode string, not
utf8-encoded bytes
* ioloop: Callbacks added with add_callback are now run in the order they
were added
* ioloop: PeriodicCallback.stop can now be called from inside the callback.
* iostream: Fixed several bugs in SSLIOStream
* iostream: Detect when the other side has closed the connection even with
the select()-based IOLoop
* iostream: read_bytes(0) now works as expected
* iostream: Fixed bug when writing large amounts of data on windows
* iostream: Fixed infinite loop that could occur with unhandled exceptions
* httpclient: Fix bugs when some requests use proxies and others don't
* httpserver: HTTPRequest.protocol is now set correctly when using the
built-in SSL support
* httpserver: When using multiple processes, the standard library's
random number generator is re-seeded in each child process
* httpserver: With xheaders enabled, X-Forwarded-Proto is supported as an
alternative to X-Scheme
* httpserver: Fixed bugs in multipart/form-data parsing
* locale: format_date() now behaves sanely with dates in the future
* locale: Updates to the language list
* stack_context: Fixed bug with contexts leaking through reused IOStreams
* stack_context: Simplified semantics and improved performance
* web: The order of css_files from UIModules is now preserved
* web: Fixed error with default_host redirect
* web: StaticFileHandler works when os.path.sep != '/' (i.e. on Windows)
* web: Fixed a caching-related bug in StaticFileHandler when a file's
timestamp has changed but its contents have not.
* web: Fixed bugs with HEAD requests and e.g. Etag headers
* web: Fix bugs when different handlers have different static_paths
* web: @removeslash will no longer cause a redirect loop when applied to the
root path
* websocket: Now works over SSL
* websocket: Improved compatibility with proxies
(continues on next page)
6.9. Release notes 243
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
Many thanks to everyone who contributed patches, bug reports, and feedback
that went into this release!
6.9.50 What’s new in Tornado 1.1.1
Feb 8, 2011
Tornado 1.1.1 is a BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE security update that fixes an
XSRF vulnerability. It is available at
This is a backwards-incompatible change. Applications that previously
relied on a blanket exception for XMLHTTPRequest may need to be modified
to explicitly include the XSRF token when making ajax requests.
The tornado chat demo application demonstrates one way of adding this
token (specifically the function postJSON in demos/chat/static/chat.js).
More information about this change and its justification can be found at
6.9.51 What’s new in Tornado 1.1
Sep 7, 2010
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.1, available from
Changes in this release:
* RequestHandler.async_callback and related functions in other classes
are no longer needed in most cases (although it's harmless to continue
using them). Uncaught exceptions will now cause the request to be closed
even in a callback. If you're curious how this works, see the new
tornado.stack_context module.
* The new tornado.testing module contains support for unit testing
asynchronous IOLoop-based code.
* AsyncHTTPClient has been rewritten (the new implementation was
available as AsyncHTTPClient2 in Tornado 1.0; both names are
supported for backwards compatibility).
* The tornado.auth module has had a number of updates, including support
for OAuth 2.0 and the Facebook Graph API, and upgrading Twitter and
Google support to OAuth 1.0a.
* The websocket module is back and supports the latest version (76) of the
websocket protocol. Note that this module's interface is different
from the websocket module that appeared in pre-1.0 versions of Tornado.
(continues on next page)
244 Chapter 6. Documentation
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
* New method RequestHandler.initialize() can be overridden in subclasses
to simplify handling arguments from URLSpecs. The sequence of methods
called during initialization is documented at
* get_argument() and related methods now work on PUT requests in addition
to POST.
* The httpclient module now supports HTTP proxies.
* When HTTPServer is run in SSL mode, the SSL handshake is now non-blocking.
* Many smaller bug fixes and documentation updates
Backwards-compatibility notes:
* While most users of Tornado should not have to deal with the stack_context
module directly, users of worker thread pools and similar constructs may
need to use stack_context.wrap and/or NullContext to avoid memory leaks.
* The new AsyncHTTPClient still works with libcurl version 7.16.x, but it
performs better when both libcurl and pycurl are at least version 7.18.2.
* OAuth transactions started under previous versions of the auth module
cannot be completed under the new module. This applies only to the
initial authorization process; once an authorized token is issued that
token works with either version.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed patches, bug reports, and feedback
that went into this release!
6.9.52 What’s new in Tornado 1.0.1
Aug 13, 2010
This release fixes a bug with RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie, which would
in some circumstances allow an attacker to tamper with data stored in the
6.9.53 What’s new in Tornado 1.0
July 22, 2010
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.0, available
There have been many changes since version 0.2; here are some of
the highlights:
New features:
* Improved support for running other WSGI applications in a
Tornado server (tested with Django and CherryPy)
* Improved performance on Mac OS X and BSD (kqueue-based IOLoop),
(continues on next page)
6.9. Release notes 245
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
(continued from previous page)
and experimental support for win32
* Rewritten AsyncHTTPClient available as
tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient2 (this will become the
default in a future release)
* Support for standard .mo files in addition to .csv in the locale
* Pre-forking support for running multiple Tornado processes at
once (see HTTPServer.start())
* SSL and gzip support in HTTPServer
* reverse_url() function refers to urls from the Application
config by name from templates and RequestHandlers
* RequestHandler.on_connection_close() callback is called when the
client has closed the connection (subject to limitations of the
underlying network stack, any proxies, etc)
* Static files can now be served somewhere other than /static/ via
the static_url_prefix application setting
* URL regexes can now use named groups ("(?P<name>)") to pass
arguments to get()/post() via keyword instead of position
* HTTP header dictionary-like objects now support multiple values
for the same header via the get_all() and add() methods.
* Several new options in the httpclient module, including
prepare_curl_callback and header_callback
* Improved logging configuration in tornado.options.
* UIModule.html_body() can be used to return html to be inserted
at the end of the document body.
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* RequestHandler.get_error_html() now receives the exception
object as a keyword argument if the error was caused by an
uncaught exception.
* Secure cookies are now more secure, but incompatible with
cookies set by Tornado 0.2. To read cookies set by older
versions of Tornado, pass include_name=False to
* Parameters passed to RequestHandler.get/post() by extraction
from the path now have %-escapes decoded, for consistency with
the processing that was already done with other query
Many thanks to everyone who contributed patches, bug reports, and
feedback that went into this release!
246 Chapter 6. Documentation
You can discuss Tornado on the Tornado developer mailing list, and report bugs on the GitHub issue tracker. Links to
additional resources can be found on the Tornado wiki. New releases are announced on the announcements mailing
Tornado is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
This web site and all documentation is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0.
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
248 Chapter 7. Discussion and support
tornado.auth, 135
tornado.autoreload, 146
tornado.concurrent, 147
tornado.curl_httpclient, 92
tornado.escape, 72
tornado.gen, 120
tornado.http1connection, 99
tornado.httpclient, 85
tornado.httpserver, 83
tornado.httputil, 92
tornado.ioloop, 101
tornado.iostream, 107
tornado.locale, 74
tornado.locks, 124
tornado.log, 149
tornado.netutil, 113
tornado.options, 150
tornado.platform.asyncio, 144
tornado.platform.caresresolver, 143
tornado.platform.twisted, 144
tornado.process, 133
tornado.queues, 129
tornado.routing, 67
tornado.simple_httpclient, 92
tornado.tcpclient, 116
tornado.tcpserver, 117
tornado.template, 62
tornado.testing, 154
tornado.util, 159
tornado.web, 40
tornado.websocket, 77
tornado.wsgi, 142
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
250 Python Module Index
_oauth_consumer_token() (tornado.auth.OAuthMixin
method), 137
_oauth_get_user_future() (tor-
nado.auth.OAuthMixin method), 137
acquire() (tornado.locks.BoundedSemaphore method),
acquire() (tornado.locks.Lock method), 129
acquire() (tornado.locks.Semaphore method), 128
add() (tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders method), 93
add_accept_handler() (in module tornado.netutil),
add_callback() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 105
add_callback_from_signal() (tor-
nado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 105
add_future() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 105
add_handler() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 105
add_handlers() (tornado.web.Application method), 55
add_header() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
add_parse_callback() (in module tornado.options),
add_parse_callback() (tor-
nado.options.OptionParser method), 153
add_reload_hook() (in module tornado.autoreload),
add_rules() (tornado.routing.RuleRouter method), 70
add_socket() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer method),
add_sockets() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer method),
add_timeout() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 105
addslash() (in module tornado.web), 56
AddThreadSelectorEventLoop (class in tor-
nado.platform.asyncio), 145
AnyMatches (class in tornado.routing), 71
AnyThreadEventLoopPolicy (class in tor-
nado.platform.asyncio), 145
Application (class in tornado.web), 52
application (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute),
ArgReplacer (class in tornado.util), 161
arguments (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest at-
tribute), 94
as_dict() (tornado.options.OptionParser method), 153
AsyncHTTPClient (class in tornado.httpclient), 86
AsyncHTTPSTestCase (class in tornado.testing), 156
AsyncHTTPTestCase (class in tornado.testing), 155
AsyncIOLoop (class in tornado.platform.asyncio), 145
AsyncIOMainLoop (class in tornado.platform.asyncio),
AsyncTestCase (class in tornado.testing), 154
authenticate_redirect() (tor-
nado.auth.OpenIdMixin method), 135
authenticate_redirect() (tor-
nado.auth.TwitterMixin method), 141
authenticated() (in module tornado.web), 56
authorize_redirect() (tornado.auth.OAuth2Mixin
method), 137
authorize_redirect() (tornado.auth.OAuthMixin
method), 136
BaseIOStream (class in tornado.iostream), 108
BaseLoader (class in tornado.template), 65
bind() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer method), 118
bind_sockets() (in module tornado.netutil), 113
bind_unix_socket() (in module tornado.netutil), 113
bind_unused_port() (in module tornado.testing), 159
BlockingResolver (class in tornado.netutil), 115
body (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute), 94
body_arguments (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest
attribute), 94
BoundedSemaphore (class in tornado.locks), 128
call_at() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 106
call_later() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 106
CalledProcessError, 133
CaresResolver (class in tor-
nado.platform.caresresolver), 143
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
chain_future() (in module tornado.concurrent), 148
check_etag_header() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 49
check_origin() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 79
check_xsrf_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 49
clear() (tornado.locks.Event method), 126
clear() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 45
clear_all_cookies() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 46
clear_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 46
clear_current() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop static
method), 103
clear_header() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 44
clear_instance() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop static
method), 104
close() (tornado.http1connection.HTTP1ServerConnection
method), 101
close() (tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient method),
close() (tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient method), 86
close() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 104
close() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method), 109
close() (tornado.netutil.Resolver method), 115
close() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketClientConnection
method), 82
close() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 79
close_all_connections() (tor-
nado.httpserver.HTTPServer method), 84
close_fd() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method),
closed() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method),
code (tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine attribute), 98
compute_etag() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 49
compute_etag() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 60
Condition (class in tornado.locks), 125
Configurable (class in tornado.util), 160
configurable_base() (tornado.util.Configurable class
method), 160
configurable_default() (tornado.util.Configurable
class method), 160
configure() (tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient
class method), 87
configure() (tornado.util.Configurable class method),
configured_class() (tornado.util.Configurable class
method), 161
connect() (tornado.iostream.IOStream method), 111
connect() (tornado.tcpclient.TCPClient method), 116
connection (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest at-
tribute), 95
convert_yielded() (in module tornado.gen), 123
cookies (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest prop-
erty), 95
cookies (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute), 46
coroutine() (in module tornado.gen), 121
cpu_count() (in module tornado.process), 133
create_signed_value() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 48
create_template_loader() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 49
css_files() (tornado.web.UIModule method), 58
CSVLocale (class in tornado.locale), 76
CurlAsyncHTTPClient (class in tor-
nado.curl_httpclient), 92
current() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop static method), 103
current_user (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute),
data_received() (tor-
nado.httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate method),
data_received() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 43
decode_argument() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 43
decompress() (tornado.util.GzipDecompressor
method), 159
nado.web), 48
nado.web), 48
DefaultExecutorResolver (class in tornado.netutil),
DefaultHostMatches (class in tornado.routing), 71
DefaultLoopResolver (class in tornado.netutil), 115
define() (in module tornado.options), 151
define() (tornado.options.OptionParser method), 152
define_logging_options() (in module tornado.log),
delete() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
detach() (tornado.http1connection.HTTP1Connection
method), 100
detach() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 50
DictLoader (class in tornado.template), 66
done() (tornado.gen.WaitIterator method), 122
embedded_css() (tornado.web.UIModule method), 58
252 Index
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
embedded_javascript() (tornado.web.UIModule
method), 58
enable_pretty_logging() (in module tornado.log),
encode_username_password() (in module tor-
nado.httputil), 98
environ() (tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer method), 143
errno_from_exception() (in module tornado.util),
Error, 152
ErrorHandler (class in tornado.web), 58
Event (class in tornado.locks), 126
ExecutorResolver (class in tornado.netutil), 115
ExpectLog (class in tornado.testing), 157
facebook_request() (tor-
nado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin method),
FacebookGraphMixin (class in tornado.auth), 139
FallbackHandler (class in tornado.web), 58
fetch() (tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient method),
fetch() (tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient method), 86
fetch() (tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase method),
fileno() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method),
files (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute),
filter_whitespace() (in module tornado.template),
find_handler() (tornado.routing.Router method), 69
Finish, 57
finish() (tornado.http1connection.HTTP1Connection
method), 100
finish() (tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection method),
finish() (tornado.httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate
method), 96
finish() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 44
flush() (tornado.util.GzipDecompressor method), 159
flush() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 44
fork_processes() (in module tornado.process), 133
format_date() (tornado.locale.Locale method), 76
format_day() (tornado.locale.Locale method), 76
format_timestamp() (in module tornado.httputil), 97
friendly_number() (tornado.locale.Locale method),
full_url() (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest
method), 95
Future (class in tornado.concurrent), 147
future_add_done_callback() (in module tor-
nado.concurrent), 148
future_set_exc_info() (in module tor-
nado.concurrent), 148
future_set_exception_unless_cancelled() (in
module tornado.concurrent), 148
future_set_result_unless_cancelled() (in mod-
ule tornado.concurrent), 148
gen_test() (in module tornado.testing), 157
generate() (tornado.template.Template method), 65
get() (in module tornado.locale), 74
get() (tornado.locale.Locale class method), 76
get() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
get() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
get_absolute_path() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
class method), 60
get_all() (tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders method), 93
get_app() (tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase
method), 156
get_argument() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 42
get_arguments() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 42
get_async_test_timeout() (in module tor-
nado.testing), 159
get_auth_http_client() (tornado.auth.OAuth2Mixin
method), 138
get_auth_http_client() (tornado.auth.OAuthMixin
method), 137
get_auth_http_client() (tornado.auth.OpenIdMixin
method), 136
get_authenticated_user() (tor-
nado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin method),
get_authenticated_user() (tor-
nado.auth.GoogleOAuth2Mixin method),
get_authenticated_user() (tor-
nado.auth.OAuthMixin method), 136
get_authenticated_user() (tor-
nado.auth.OpenIdMixin method), 136
get_body_argument() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 43
get_body_arguments() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 43
get_browser_locale() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 50
get_cache_time() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 62
get_closest() (tornado.locale.Locale class method),
get_compression_options() (tor-
nado.websocket.WebSocketHandler method),
Index 253
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
get_content() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler class
method), 61
get_content_size() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 61
get_content_type() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 61
get_content_version() (tor-
nado.web.StaticFileHandler class method),
get_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
get_current_user() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 50
get_fd_error() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 110
get_google_oauth_settings() (tor-
nado.auth.GoogleOAuth2Mixin method),
get_handler_delegate() (tornado.web.Application
method), 55
get_http_port() (tor-
nado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase method),
get_httpserver_options() (tor-
nado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase method),
get_list() (tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders method),
get_login_url() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 50
get_modified_time() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 61
get_new_ioloop() (tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase
method), 155
get_nowait() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
get_old_value() (tornado.util.ArgReplacer method),
get_query_argument() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 42
get_query_arguments() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 43
get_secure_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 48
get_secure_cookie_key_version() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 48
get_signed_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 47
get_signed_cookie_key_version() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 47
get_ssl_certificate() (tor-
nado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest method),
get_ssl_options() (tor-
nado.testing.AsyncHTTPSTestCase method),
get_status() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
get_supported_locales() (in module tor-
nado.locale), 75
get_target_delegate() (tornado.routing.RuleRouter
method), 70
get_template_namespace() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 45
get_template_path() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 50
get_url() (tornado.testing.AsyncHTTPTestCase
method), 156
get_user_locale() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 50
get_version() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler class
method), 62
GettextLocale (class in tornado.locale), 76
GoogleOAuth2Mixin (class in tornado.auth), 138
group_dict() (tornado.options.OptionParser method),
groups() (tornado.options.OptionParser method), 153
GzipDecompressor (class in tornado.util), 159
handle_stream() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer
method), 119
head() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
headers (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest at-
tribute), 94
headers_received() (tor-
nado.httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate method),
host (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute), 94
HostMatches (class in tornado.routing), 71
html_body() (tornado.web.UIModule method), 58
html_head() (tornado.web.UIModule method), 58
HTTP1Connection (class in tornado.http1connection),
HTTP1ConnectionParameters (class in tor-
nado.http1connection), 99
HTTP1ServerConnection (class in tor-
nado.http1connection), 100
HTTPClient (class in tornado.httpclient), 85
HTTPClientError, 91
HTTPConnection (class in tornado.httputil), 96
HTTPError, 57, 91
HTTPFile (class in tornado.httputil), 97
HTTPHeaders (class in tornado.httputil), 92
HTTPInputError, 95
HTTPMessageDelegate (class in tornado.httputil), 96
HTTPOutputError, 95
HTTPRequest (class in tornado.httpclient), 88
HTTPResponse (class in tornado.httpclient), 90
254 Index
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
HTTPServer (class in tornado.httpserver), 83
HTTPServerConnectionDelegate (class in tor-
nado.httputil), 95
HTTPServerRequest (class in tornado.httputil), 93
import_object() (in module tornado.util), 159
initialize() (tornado.process.Subprocess class
method), 134
initialize() (tornado.util.Configurable method), 160
initialize() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
install() (in module tornado.platform.twisted), 144
install() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 104
instance() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop static method), 104
IOLoop (class in tornado.ioloop), 101
IOStream (class in tornado.iostream), 111
is_coroutine_function() (in module tornado.gen),
is_running() (tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback
method), 107
is_set() (tornado.locks.Event method), 126
is_valid_ip() (in module tornado.netutil), 114
items() (tornado.options.OptionParser method), 153
javascript_files() (tornado.web.UIModule
method), 58
join() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
json_decode() (in module tornado.escape), 73
json_encode() (in module tornado.escape), 73
LifoQueue (class in tornado.queues), 132
linkify() (in module tornado.escape), 73
list() (tornado.locale.Locale method), 76
listen() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer method), 118
listen() (tornado.web.Application method), 55
load() (tornado.template.BaseLoader method), 66
load_gettext_translations() (in module tor-
nado.locale), 75
load_translations() (in module tornado.locale), 74
Loader (class in tornado.template), 66
Locale (class in tornado.locale), 75
locale (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute), 50
Lock (class in tornado.locks), 128
log_exception() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 51
log_request() (tornado.web.Application method), 56
LogFormatter (class in tornado.log), 149
main() (in module tornado.autoreload), 146
main() (in module tornado.testing), 158
make_current() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 103
make_static_url() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
class method), 62
match() (tornado.routing.Matcher method), 71
Matcher (class in tornado.routing), 71
tornado.web), 48
maxsize (tornado.queues.Queue property), 130
maybe_future() (in module tornado.gen), 124
method (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute),
method (tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine attribute), 98
tornado.web), 48
MissingArgumentError, 58
mockable() (tornado.options.OptionParser method),
tornado.auth, 135
tornado.autoreload, 146
tornado.concurrent, 147
tornado.curl_httpclient, 92
tornado.escape, 72
tornado.gen, 120
tornado.http1connection, 99
tornado.httpclient, 85
tornado.httpserver, 83
tornado.httputil, 92
tornado.ioloop, 101
tornado.iostream, 107
tornado.locale, 74
tornado.locks, 124
tornado.log, 149
tornado.netutil, 113
tornado.options, 150
tornado.platform.asyncio, 144
tornado.platform.caresresolver, 143
tornado.platform.twisted, 144
tornado.process, 133
tornado.queues, 129
tornado.routing, 67
tornado.simple_httpclient, 92
tornado.tcpclient, 116
tornado.tcpserver, 117
tornado.template, 62
tornado.testing, 154
tornado.util, 159
tornado.web, 40
tornado.websocket, 77
tornado.wsgi, 142
moment (in module tornado.gen), 124
multi() (in module tornado.gen), 123
multi_future() (in module tornado.gen), 123
Index 255
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
native_str() (in module tornado.escape), 73
next() (tornado.gen.WaitIterator method), 123
notify() (tornado.locks.Condition method), 126
notify_all() (tornado.locks.Condition method), 126
oauth2_request() (tornado.auth.OAuth2Mixin
method), 137
OAuth2Mixin (class in tornado.auth), 137
OAuthMixin (class in tornado.auth), 136
ObjectDict (class in tornado.util), 159
on_close() (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerConnectionDelegate
method), 96
on_close() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 78
on_connection_close() (tor-
nado.httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate method),
on_connection_close() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 51
on_finish() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 41
on_message() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 78
on_ping() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 79
on_pong() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 81
open() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler method),
OpenIdMixin (class in tornado.auth), 135
OptionParser (class in tornado.options), 152
options (in module tornado.options), 151
options() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
OverrideResolver (class in tornado.netutil), 115
parse() (tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders class method),
parse_body_arguments() (in module tor-
nado.httputil), 97
parse_command_line() (in module tornado.options),
parse_command_line() (tor-
nado.options.OptionParser method), 152
parse_config_file() (in module tornado.options),
parse_config_file() (tornado.options.OptionParser
method), 152
parse_cookie() (in module tornado.httputil), 99
parse_hex_int() (in module tornado.http1connection),
parse_int() (in module tornado.http1connection), 101
parse_line() (tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders method),
parse_multipart_form_data() (in module tor-
nado.httputil), 97
parse_request_start_line() (in module tor-
nado.httputil), 98
parse_response_start_line() (in module tor-
nado.httputil), 98
parse_url_path() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 62
ParseError, 66
patch() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
path (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute), 94
path (tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine attribute), 98
path_args (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute), 43
path_kwargs (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute),
PathMatches (class in tornado.routing), 71
PeriodicCallback (class in tornado.ioloop), 106
pgettext() (tornado.locale.GettextLocale method), 76
ping() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketClientConnection
method), 82
ping() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler method),
PipeIOStream (class in tornado.iostream), 112
post() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
prepare() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 41
print_help() (in module tornado.options), 151
print_help() (tornado.options.OptionParser method),
PriorityQueue (class in tornado.queues), 132
process_rule() (tornado.routing.RuleRouter method),
protocol (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest at-
tribute), 94
put() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
put() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 42
put_nowait() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
qs_to_qsl() (in module tornado.httputil), 99
qsize() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
query (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute),
query_arguments (tor-
nado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute),
Queue (class in tornado.queues), 129
QueueEmpty, 133
QueueFull, 133
re_unescape() (in module tornado.util), 160
256 Index
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
read_bytes() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 108
read_from_fd() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 110
read_into() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method),
read_message() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketClientConnection
method), 82
read_response() (tor-
method), 100
read_until() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 109
read_until_close() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 109
read_until_regex() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 109
reading() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method),
reason (tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine attribute),
recursive_unicode() (in module tornado.escape), 73
redirect() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 45
RedirectHandler (class in tornado.web), 59
release() (tornado.locks.BoundedSemaphore method),
release() (tornado.locks.Lock method), 129
release() (tornado.locks.Semaphore method), 128
remote_ip (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest at-
tribute), 94
remove_handler() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method),
remove_timeout() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method),
removeslash() (in module tornado.web), 56
render() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 45
render() (tornado.web.UIModule method), 58
render_embed_css() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 46
render_embed_js() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 45
render_linked_css() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 46
render_linked_js() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 45
render_string() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 45
render_string() (tornado.web.UIModule method), 58
replace() (tornado.util.ArgReplacer method), 161
request (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute), 43
request_time() (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest
method), 95
RequestHandler (class in tornado.web), 41
RequestStartLine (class in tornado.httputil), 98
require_setting() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 51
reset() (tornado.template.BaseLoader method), 66
resolve() (tornado.netutil.Resolver method), 114
resolve_path() (tornado.template.BaseLoader
method), 66
Resolver (class in tornado.netutil), 114
ResponseStartLine (class in tornado.httputil), 98
rethrow() (tornado.httpclient.HTTPResponse method),
Return, 121
reverse() (tornado.routing.Matcher method), 71
reverse_url() (tornado.routing.ReversibleRouter
method), 69
reverse_url() (tornado.web.Application method), 56
reverse_url() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
ReversibleRouter (class in tornado.routing), 69
ReversibleRuleRouter (class in tornado.routing), 70
Router (class in tornado.routing), 69
Rule (class in tornado.routing), 71
RuleRouter (class in tornado.routing), 69
run_in_executor() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method),
run_on_executor() (in module tornado.concurrent),
run_sync() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 103
select_subprotocol() (tor-
nado.websocket.WebSocketHandler method),
selected_subprotocol (tor-
property), 82
selected_subprotocol (tor-
nado.websocket.WebSocketHandler attribute),
Semaphore (class in tornado.locks), 127
send_error() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
set() (tornado.locks.Event method), 126
set_body_timeout() (tor-
method), 100
set_close_callback() (tor-
method), 100
set_close_callback() (tor-
nado.iostream.BaseIOStream method), 109
set_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
set_default_executor() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop
method), 106
Index 257
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
set_default_headers() (tor-
nado.web.RequestHandler method), 44
set_default_locale() (in module tornado.locale), 74
set_etag_header() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 51
set_exit_callback() (tornado.process.Subprocess
method), 134
set_extra_headers() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 61
set_header() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
set_headers() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 60
set_max_body_size() (tor-
method), 100
set_nodelay() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 110
set_nodelay() (tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler
method), 80
set_secure_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 48
set_signed_cookie() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 47
set_status() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
settings (tornado.web.Application attribute), 53
settings (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute), 51
should_return_304() (tornado.web.StaticFileHandler
method), 60
SimpleAsyncHTTPClient (class in tor-
nado.simple_httpclient), 92
sleep() (in module tornado.gen), 122
spawn_callback() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method),
split_host_and_port() (in module tornado.httputil),
squeeze() (in module tornado.escape), 74
ssl_options_to_context() (in module tor-
nado.netutil), 116
ssl_wrap_socket() (in module tornado.netutil), 116
SSLIOStream (class in tornado.iostream), 112
start() (in module tornado.autoreload), 146
start() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 103
start() (tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback method), 107
start() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer method), 119
start_request() (tor-
method), 95
start_serving() (tor-
method), 101
start_tls() (tornado.iostream.IOStream method), 112
static_url() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
StaticFileHandler (class in tornado.web), 59
stop() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 103
stop() (tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback method), 107
stop() (tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer method), 119
stop() (tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase method), 155
stream_request_body() (in module tornado.web), 57
StreamBufferFullError, 113
StreamClosedError, 113
Subprocess (class in tornado.process), 133
task_done() (tornado.queues.Queue method), 131
task_id() (in module tornado.process), 133
TCPClient (class in tornado.tcpclient), 116
TCPServer (class in tornado.tcpserver), 117
Template (class in tornado.template), 65
ThreadedResolver (class in tornado.netutil), 115
time() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method), 106
timedelta_to_seconds() (in module tornado.util),
TimeoutError (class in tornado.util), 159
to_asyncio_future() (in module tor-
nado.platform.asyncio), 145
to_basestring() (in module tornado.escape), 73
to_tornado_future() (in module tor-
nado.platform.asyncio), 145
to_unicode() (in module tornado.escape), 73
module, 135
module, 146
module, 147
module, 92
module, 72
module, 120
module, 99
module, 85
module, 83
module, 92
module, 101
module, 107
module, 74
258 Index
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
module, 124
module, 149
module, 113
module, 150
module, 144
module, 143
module, 144
module, 133
module, 129
module, 67
module, 92
module, 116
module, 117
module, 62
module, 154
module, 159
module, 40
module, 77
module, 142
translate() (tornado.locale.Locale method), 76
TwistedResolver (class in tornado.platform.twisted),
twitter_request() (tornado.auth.TwitterMixin
method), 141
TwitterMixin (class in tornado.auth), 141
UIModule (class in tornado.web), 58
unconsumed_tail (tornado.util.GzipDecompressor
property), 159
uninitialize() (tornado.process.Subprocess class
method), 134
UnsatisfiableReadError, 113
update_handler() (tornado.ioloop.IOLoop method),
uri (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest attribute), 94
url_concat() (in module tornado.httputil), 97
url_escape() (in module tornado.escape), 72
url_unescape() (in module tornado.escape), 72
URLSpec (class in tornado.routing), 72
URLSpec (class in tornado.web), 56
utf8() (in module tornado.escape), 73
validate_absolute_path() (tor-
nado.web.StaticFileHandler method), 61
version (tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest at-
tribute), 94
version (tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine attribute), 98
version (tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine attribute),
wait() (in module tornado.autoreload), 146
wait() (tornado.locks.Condition method), 125
wait() (tornado.locks.Event method), 126
wait() (tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase method), 155
wait_for_exit() (tornado.process.Subprocess
method), 134
wait_for_handshake() (tor-
nado.iostream.SSLIOStream method), 112
WaitIterator (class in tornado.gen), 122
watch() (in module tornado.autoreload), 146
websocket_connect() (in module tornado.websocket),
WebSocketClientConnection (class in tor-
nado.websocket), 82
WebSocketClosedError, 81
WebSocketHandler (class in tornado.websocket), 77
with_timeout() (in module tornado.gen), 121
write() (tornado.http1connection.HTTP1Connection
method), 100
write() (tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection method), 97
write() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method), 108
write() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method), 44
write_error() (tornado.web.RequestHandler method),
write_headers() (tor-
method), 100
write_headers() (tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection
method), 96
write_message() (tor-
method), 82
write_message() (tor-
nado.websocket.WebSocketHandler method),
Index 259
Tornado Documentation, Release 6.3.3
write_to_fd() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream
method), 110
writing() (tornado.iostream.BaseIOStream method),
WSGIContainer (class in tornado.wsgi), 142
xhtml_escape() (in module tornado.escape), 72
xhtml_unescape() (in module tornado.escape), 72
xsrf_form_html() (tornado.web.RequestHandler
method), 51
xsrf_token (tornado.web.RequestHandler attribute), 52
260 Index